Ai Mcqs
Ai Mcqs
Ai Mcqs
This set of Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)
focuses on “History – 1”.
1. In LISP, the function returns the list that results after the first element is
removed (the rest f the list), is
a) car
b) last
c) cons
d) cdr
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
2. Output segments of Artificial Intelligence programming contain(s)
a) Printed language and synthesized speech
b) Manipulation of physical object
c) Locomotion
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
3. LISP was created by:
a) John McCarthy
b) Marvin Minsky
c) Alan Turing
d) Allen Newell and Herbert Simon
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
4. Expert Ease was developed under the direction of:
a) John McCarthy
b) Donald Michie
c) Lofti Zadeh
d) Alan Turing
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
5. An Artificial Intelligence system developed by Terry A. Winograd to permit an
interactive dialogue about a domain he called blocks-world.
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
6. MLMenu, a natural language interface for the TI Explorer, is similar to:
a) Ethernet
b) NaturalLink
d) The Personal Consultant
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
7. Strong Artificial Intelligence is
a) the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer
b) a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to
reflect intelligence if it were generated by humans
c) the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
8. The traditional way to exit and LISP system is to enter
a) quit
b) exit
c) bye
d) ok
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
9. In which of the following situations might a blind search be acceptable?
a) real-life situation
b) complex game
c) small search space
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.
10. What is Artificial intelligence?
a) Putting your intelligence into Computer
b) Programming with your own intelligence
c) Making a Machine intelligent
d) Playing a Game
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Answer: c
Explanation: Because AI is to make things work automatically through machine
without using human effort. Machine will give the result with just giving input
from human. That means the system or machine will act as per the requirement.
11. Which search method takes less memory?
a) Depth-First Search
b) Breadth-First search
c) Optimal search
d) Linear Search
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Answer: a
Explanation: Depth-First Search takes less memory since only the nodes on the
current path are stored, but in Breadth First Search, all of the tree that has
generated must be stored.
12. A heuristic is a way of trying
a) To discover something or an idea embedded in a program
b) To search and measure how far a node in a search tree seems to be from a goal
c) To compare two nodes in a search tree to see if one is better than the other is
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: In a heuristic approach, we discover certain idea and use heuristic
functions to search for a goal and predicates to compare nodes.
13. How do you represent “All dogs have tails”?
a) ۷ x: dog(x) àhastail(x)
b) ۷ x: dog(x) àhastail(y)
c) ۷ x: dog(y) àhastail(x)
d) ۷ x: dog(x) àhasàtail(x)
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Answer: a
Explanation: We represent the statement in mathematical logic taking ‘x ‘as Dog
and which has tail. We cannot represent two variable x, y for the same object Dog
that has tail. The symbol “۷ “represent all.
14. Which is not a property of representation of knowledge?
a) Representational Verification
b) Representational Adequacy
c) Inferential Adequacy
d) Inferential Efficiency
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Answer: a
Explanation: There is nothing to go for Representational verification; the
verification comes under Representational adequacy.
Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers – History – 2
This set of Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers for Experienced people
focuses on “History of AI – 2”.
1. A series of Artificial Intelligence systems, developed by Pat Langley to explore
the role of heuristics in scientific discovery is ________
c) MIT
d) DU
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
2. A.M. turing developed a technique for determining whether a computer could or
could not demonstrate the artificial Intelligence, Presently, this technique is called
a) Turing Test
b) Algorithm
c) Boolean Algebra
d) Logarithm
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
3. A Personal Consultant knowledge base contain information in the form of:
a) parameters
b) contexts
c) production rules
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
4. Which approach to speech recognition avoids the problem caused by the
variation in speech patterns among different speakers?
a) Continuous speech recognition
b) Isolated word recognition
c) Connected word recognition
d) Speaker-dependent recognition
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
5. Which of the following, is a component of an expert system?
a) inference engine
b) knowledge base
c) user interface
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
6. A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is:
a) edge detection
b) binocular vision
c) model-based vision
d) robot vision
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Answer: c
Explanation: None.
7. DARPA, the agency that has funded a great deal of American Artificial
Intelligence research, is part of the Department of:
a) Defense
b) Energy
c) Education
d) Justice
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
8. Which of these schools was not among the early leaders in Artificial Intelligence
a) Dartmouth University
b) Harvard University
c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
d) Stanford University
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
9. A certain Professor at the Stanford University coined the word ‘artificial
intelligence’ in 1956 at a conference held at Dartmouth college. Can you name the
a) David Levy
b) John McCarthy
c) Joseph Weizenbaum
d) Hans Berliner
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
10. In LISP, the function (copy-list <list>)
a) returns a new list that is equal to <list> by copying the top-level element of
b) returns the length of <list>
c) returns t if <list> is empty
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
11. Who is the “father” of artificial intelligence?
a) Fisher Ada
b) John McCarthy
c) Allen Newell
d) Alan Turning
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Answer: a
Explanation: None.
12. In 1985, the famous chess player David Levy beat a world champion chess
program in four straight games by using orthodox moves that confused the
program. What was the name of the chess program?
a) Kaissa
c) Golf
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Answer: b
Explanation: None.
13. The explanation facility of an expert system may be used to:
a) construct a diagnostic model
b) expedite the debugging process
c) explain the system’s reasoning process
d) expedite the debugging process & explain the system’s reasoning process
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
14. A process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined is called:
a) diagnostic
b) descriptive
c) interpretive
d) iterative
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
15. Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include:
a) color and motion
b) depth and texture
c) height and weight
d) color and motion, depth and texture
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Answer: d
Explanation: None.
his set of Artificial Intelligence Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)
focuses on “Backward Chaining”.
1. Which algorithm will work backward from the goal to solve a problem?
a) Forward chaining
b) Backward chaining
c) Hill-climb algorithm
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Backward chaining algorithm will work backward from the goal and
it will chain the known facts that support the proof.
2. Which is mainly used for automated reasoning?
a) Backward chaining
b) Forward chaining
c) Logic programming
d) Parallel programming
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Answer: c
Explanation: Logic programming is mainly used to check the working process of
the system.
3. What will backward chaining algorithm will return?
a) Additional statements
b) Substitutes matching the query
c) Logical statement
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: It will contains the list of goals containing a single element and
returns the set of all substitutions satisfying the query.
4. How can be the goal is thought of in backward chaining algorithm?
a) Queue
b) List
c) Vector
d) Stack
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Answer: d
Explanation: The goals can be thought of as stack and if all of them us satisfied
means, then current branch of proof succeeds.
5. What are used in backward chaining algorithm?
a) Conjuncts
b) Substitution
c) Composition of substitution
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: None
6. Which algorithm are in more similar to backward chaining algorithm?
a) Depth-first search algorithm
b) Breadth-first search algorithm
c) Hill-climbing search algorithm
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is depth-first search algorithm because its space requirements are
linear in the size of the proof.
7. Which problem can frequently occur in backward chaining algorithm?
a) Repeated states
b) Incompleteness
c) Complexity
d) Both Repeated states & Incompleteness
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Answer: d
Explanation: If there is any loop in the chain means, It will lead to incompleteness
and repeated states.
8. How the logic programming can be constructed?
a) Variables
b) Expressing knowledge in a formal language
c) Graph
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Logic programming can be constructed by expressing knowledge in a
formal expression and the problem can be solved by running inference process.
9. What form of negation does the prolog allows?
a) Negation as failure
b) Proposition
c) Substitution
d) Negation as success
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Answer: a
Explanation: None
10. Which is omitted in prolog unification algorithm?
a) Variable check
b) Occur check
c) Proposition check
d) Both Occur & Proposition check
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Answer: b
Explanation: Occur check is omitted in prolog unification algorithm because of
unsound inferences.
Artificial Intelligence Questions and Answers – Planning and Acting in the Real
This set of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Problems focuses on “Planning and Acting
in the Real World”.
1. The process by which the brain orders actions needed to complete a specific task
is referred as,
a) Planning problem
b) Partial order planning
c) Total order planning
d) Both Planning problem & Partial order planning
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2. The famous spare tire problem or Scheduling classes for bunch of students or
Air cargo transport are the best example of
a) Planning problem
b) Partial Order planning problem
c) Total order planning
d) None of the mentioned
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3. To eliminate the inaccuracy problem in planning problem or partial order
planning problem we can use ___________________ data structure/s.
a) Stacks
b) Queue
c) BST (Binary Search Tree)
d) Planning Graphs
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4. Planning graphs consists of
a) a sequence of levels
b) a sequence of levels which corresponds to time steps in the plan
c) a sequence of actions which corresponds to the state of the system
d) none of the mentioned
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5. Planning graphs works only for prepositional planning problems.
a) True
b) False
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6. _____________ algorithms is used to extract the plan directly from the planning
graph, rather than using graph to provide heuristic.
b) A*
c) Graph-Plan
d) Greedy
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7. Planning problem can be described as a propositional logic.
a) True
b) False
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8. What is the other name of each plan resulted in partial order planning?
a) Polarization
b) Linearization
c) Solarization
d) None of the mentioned
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9. Planning problem combines the two major aspects of AI
a) Search & Logic
b) Logic & Knowledge Based Systems
c) FOL & Logic
d) Knowledge Based Systems
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10. __________ algorithm translates a planning problem in to prepositional
a) GraphPlan
b) SatPlan
c) Greedy
d) None of the mentioned
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11. ____________ planning allows the agent to take advice from the domain
designer in the form of decomposition rules.
a) GraphPlan
b) Hierarchical task network (HTN)
c) SatPlan
d) None of the mentioned
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12. Standard planning algorithms assumes environment to be
a) Deterministic
b) Fully observable
c) Single agent
d) Stochastic
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13. Conditional Plans allows the agent to sense the world during execution to
decide what branch of plan to follow.
a) True
b) False
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14. A re planning agent uses execution monitoring and splices in repairs as needed.
a) True
b) False
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15. Incorrect information results in unsatisfied preconditions for actions and plans
_____________ detects violations of the preconditions for successful completion
of the plan.
a) Conditional Plan
b) Conformant Planning
c) Execution monitoring
d) Both Conditional Plan & Execution monitoring
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