Case Reportg
Case Reportg
Case Reportg
Case report #3
Submitted to Dr Sisay Teklu
MDR 6812/02
Name: Marta Belachew Age: 28 Sex: female
Date of admission: 05/09/04 E.C Ward: C6, Obstetrics & Gynecology Bed no# 610/06
Chief complaint:
Vaginal bleeding of 8hrs duration
This is a 28 year old gravida II abortion II para 0 mother. The abortion was induced at 1 1/2 month of
amenorrhea. Her LNMP was 25/01/04 E.C which makes her EDD on 05/11/04 E.C. and gestational age
355/7 weeks. The cycle was regular coming every 4 weeks and she has not used contraception before her
She suspected she was pregnant after she missed one menstrual cycle. Without informing her husband or
consulting a health professional, she took an emergency morning-after-pill one month after her LNMP
because she didn’t think she was ready to raise the child. However, her menses did not return. She then
told her husband and family; who convinced her to keep the baby. She then went to St. Amanuel private
clinic where diagnosis of the pregnancy was confirmed by urine pregnancy test.
She started ANC follow up at St. Medhanealem Health center on 15th week of GA. General physical
examination and laboratory tests were done. She gave blood and urine sample. Her blood type was
determined to be O+. She was screened for RVI, VDRL and HBsAg and found negative for all three. She
was given TT vaccination and iron supplement because she had mild anemia. She was told everything
else was normal and that she should continue her follow up.
She went to the health center for her second ANC follow up at 24th week GA. History was taken, physical
examination was done and laboratory tests were ordered. She was told everything was normal and that
she should come after 4 weeks. She was given the second TT vaccination and continued her iron
supplement. She was told her child was healthy.
She continued her ANC follow up at 32th week GA. After history was taken, general physical exam was
done and blood and urine sample was taken for analysis, she was told that everything was normal and that
she should continue her follow up.
She does not remember exactly when quickening happened but guesses it to be in ‘Tir’ of 2004 E.C. She
claims fetal movements are kicking in type. They happened 20 times per day. Fetal kicks have not
decreased. She did not have loss of appetite. She used to have 5 meals a day. She eats a loaf of wheat
bread (150g) with milk or tea (100ml) for breakfast during her mornings. She ate four ‘kurt’ of ‘Tef
Injera’ (300g) with ‘Misir’(75g) or ‘Shiro’(75g) or ‘Ye’abesha gomen’(100g) or rarely, meat(75g) for
lunch and dinner. She usually took two extra meals consisting of a loaf of wheat bread (150g) or ‘Tef
Injera’ (300g) with ‘Misir’(50g). This amounts to an average total of 1894kcal/day. She claims to have
gained a total of 11 kg.
She experienced vaginal bleeding on 05/10/04 E.C early in the morning. The blood was bright red, with
no clots and amounted to one Arabian coffee cup. It was spontaneous and happened once so far. There
was no associated pain, pruritus, discharge or leakage of liquor. She immediately went to the health center
of her ANC where they took an ultrasound and referred her to Tikur Ambessa Specialized Hospital. She
was told the reason for her referral was an abnormal positioning of the fetus.
Pregnancy was unplanned but wanted and supported. Birth was planned to take place spontaneously &
vaginally at a health center and money for taxi transport and health expenses was prepared.
Gynecologic history:
The couple used condoms as contraception. The mother has never used hormonal contraceptives before
she was pregnant. She tried morning after pill at 2 weeks GA but it did not work. She has no history of
sexually transmitted diseases. She is sexually active. She started coitus by the age of 24. She has coitus at
an average of 3x/wk and she is monogamous. She had her last coitus 4 months ago (at 9 weeks GA.) The
mother had one abortion two years ago. It was induced and done by MVA at a health center. She claims
the reason for it was that it was an unplanned pregnancy and her financial inadequacy. She has no history
of circumcision.
Menstrual history:
She had menarche at the age of 12. The menses were regular. Duration of flow is 5 days. She uses 1 pad
per day during menses. The flow is dark, with no clots. She experiences mild discomfort associated with
flow of menses.
Family/personal history:
The patient was born and raised in Addis Ababa. She is the first child to her parents. She has a younger
sister who lives with the parents and is currently healthy. Her mother and father are currently healthy. The
patient is educated upto the level of 10th grade. She discontinued her education because she thought she
was unfit academically. She has no habit of smoking or illicit drug use. She does not drink alcohol. She is
a housewife supported by her husband with a monthly income of 1500br. The husband is a surveyor for a
road construction company. She lives with her husband in Gulele. Their house is located 100m away from
the nearest asphalt. Their house has 3 rooms with a separate kitchen and toilet. They have a clean water
supply. They have no car. There is no family history of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis,
allergies or mental disorders.
Review of systems:
Head: no headache, no head injury, no dizziness
Ears: no impaired hearing or discharge, no ringing in the ears
Eyes: no discharge, no redness, no blurred vision
Nose: no discharge, no stuffy nose, no runny nose, no sneezing
Mouth: no dental caries, no bleeding gums, no artificial dentures
Throat: no sore throat, no difficulty in swallowing, no hoarseness of voice
L/G: no mass in the neck, axillae, or groins. There is breast enlargement and tenderness associated with
the pregnancy. No discharge from the nipples. No heat or cold intolerance
Gastrointestinal: one episode of nausea and vomiting and one episode of heart burn. No diarrhea, no
constipation, no abdominal pain or, no change in stool color.
Central nervous system: no history of numbness, no paralysis, urine incontinence, seizures or speech
Physical examination:
General appearance:
The patient is lying in right lateral position. She is conscious. She does not appear sick looking. She is not
in cardiorespiratory distress. There is no gross dysmorphic feature.
Vital signs:
Blood pressure: 100/60 mmHg right arm in supine position
Pulse rate: 74/min right radial artery, full in volume and regular rhythm
RR: 18 breath/min normal
Temperature: 36.5⁰c
Weight: 69kg
Height: 174cm
Head: no scar, no scalp infections, no tenderness, normal hair distribution, clean
Ears: normal contour, normal position, no discharge, no mastoid tenderness
Eyes: pink conjunctivae, non-icteric sclerae, no discharge, no conjunctival inflammation, no lid lag, no
proptosis, no peri-orbital edema, no strabismus, no nystagmus,
Nose: no discharge, central septum, no visible polyps or deformity
Mouth: non offensive breath order, wet buccal mucosa, no mucosal ulcers, no cyanosis, fissures on the
lips, no active gum bleeding or ulcers, no dental carries or fillings, tongue is not fissured or
Throat: tonsils not enlarged, non-tender
No palpable lymph nodes. The breasts are engorged. They are soft. They are not tender there is no lump.
There is no discharge or inflammation over the nipple. Thyroid is not palpable.
Respiratory system:
Inspection: rate 18/min, no peripheral or central cyanosis or digital clubbing, chest moves symmetrically
with respiration, no gross deformities, no use of accessory muscles, flaring of ala nasi or grunting
Palpation: central trachea, no chest tenderness, symmetrical expansion, comparable tactile fremitus
Percussion: resonant over the lung fields, diaphragmatic excursion 3 cm bilaterally
Auscultation: bilateral good air entry, vesicular breath sounds heard over the lung fields, no crepitation,
no wheeze, no pleural friction rub
Arteries: the pulse is full and regular in rhythm
Inspection: no palmar pallor, no cyanosis, clubbing, Janeway lesion, splinter hemorrhage or Osler’s nodes
Precordium is quiet, no bulge, apical impulse is visible in 5th left intercostal space, 1 cm lateral to mid-
clavicular line
Palpation: PMI is palpable where apical impulse is visible. It is tapping, and localized. There are no
palpable heart sounds
Auscultation: S1 and S2 are well heard. No murmur or gallop. No pericardial friction rub.
Inspection: the abdomen is distended and symmetrical. There is no flank fullness. There are no distended
veins. The abdomen moves upwards with inspiration and down with expiration. Epigastric pulsations are
not visible. Inguinal, epigastric, umbilical and femoral sites are free of hernia. The umbilicus is inverted.
There is linea nigra and striae gravidarum. No surgical scar.
Percussion: abdomen is tympanic above the area of uterus, shifting dullness not checked due to patient
discomfort. Total vertical liver span is 9 cm along the mid-clavicular line.
There is no costo-vertebral angle tenderness
Inspection: Sexual maturity rating of 5/5. There is no visible vaginal discharge. There is no visible mass
at introitus. There is no swelling over the labia, no ulcer.
no rash, striae gravidarum and linea nigra present, no palmar pallor, no jaundice, warm skin
normal hair distribution, soft texture and strength
pink nail beds, no inflammation around nails, no clubbing
No asymmetry of limbs, no gross deformities, no joint swelling, redness or tenderness. No edema. No
limitation in movement.
General: conscious, rates 15/15 on Glasgow scale, oriented to place, time & person
Subjective Objective
Primipara Stable, conscious
Preterm 36 weeks gravid uterus
Hx of Induced abortion Longitudinal lie
Antepartum hemorrhage Cephalic presentation (ROT)
Unplanned, wanted, supported px Positive feta heart beat
Regular ANC follow up
Adequate weight gain
Urinary frequency
Hx of treated gastritis & pyelonephritis
Incomplete education
High risk due to APH
previous abortion,
low socioeconomic status (incomplete education)
Potential complications
APH placental insufficiency perinatal asphyxia, IUGR,
Preeclampsia eclampsia, DIC
Oligohydramnios cord prolapse, perinatal asphyxia, MAS
Preterm PROM prematurity
Surgical complications [of CS] anaesthesia, infection, dehiscence, TTN
DIC bleeding, thromboembolism, shock, renal failure,
couvelaire uterus PPH
primipara untested pelvis potential CPD, arrested labor, obstructed labor, uterine rupture
post-term pregnancy shoulder dystocia, placental insufficiency
fistula formation (rectovaginal & vesicovaginal)
perineal tear
induced abortion uterine scar uterine rupture, Asherman syndrome, ectopic pregnancy
low socioeconomic st. PROM, STI, puerperal sepsis, chorioamnionitis, preeclampsia
Differential diagnoses:
APH secondary to placenta previa
APH secondary to placental abruption
This patient has none of the above mentioned risk factors for placental abruption. However, it should be
noted that the primary cause of abruption is unknown and it is the most common cause of maternal
mortality due to APH. Even with the help of laboratory (hypofibrinogenemia) ultrasound (retroplacental
clot) It cannot be completely ruled out at this stage.
CBC with differential to rule out anemia due to concealed hemorrhage
to check for thrombocytopenia and rule out DIC
Transabdominal U/S to localize placenta or detect a retroplacental clot
Blood typing for possible transfusion & identifying Rh setup
Indirect coombs test to detect Rh alloimmunization from previous abortion
Urine analysis to detect proteinuria (preeclampsia)
to detect asymptomatic bacteruria