UFO Contact From Andromeda - Ext - Wendelle C. Stevens

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Prophecies of on Extraterrestrial Woman

Visitation by Extraterrestrial Human Beings

Zitha Rodriguez-Montiel Prof. R.N. Hernandez

Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens, USAF (Ret.)


[without full illustrations]

• They say they come from ANDROMEDA

• Home planet in ANDROMEDA is identified
• They walk our streets; and breathe our air
• Contacted is a scientist and tenured professor
• Secondary witnesses involved
• Mexican Government interferes
• Extended dialogue with the extraterrestrials
• Science and religious subjects discussed
• Visits and trips aboard the ET spacecraft
• ET technical equipment used by the professor
• Variety of spacecraft involved
• Attempted photo of one ET woman
• Professor disappears without a trace


Zitha Rodriguez Montiel and Prof. R. N. Hernandez

Translated from Spanish by Wendelle C. Stevens

Contributions by Wendelle C. Stevens Lt. Col. USAF (Ret.)

ISBN 0-934269-12-2

This is a limited first edition published exclusively for those few

individuals really interested in the facts in this remarkable and
extensive UFO contact case that began in Mexico city, Mexico, in
November of 1972 and continued right up to the witnesses
disappearance from his home in 1983 without a trace.

1 The Beginning
2 Our First Discussion
3 Lethal Belt Around the Planet
4 Our Ancestors Came From Space
5 Extraterrestrial Concepts of Energy
6 "Cell in Hibernation"
7 Reviewing the Past and Feelings
8 Prophecy
9 Prophecy Fulfilled
10 Extraterrestrial Danger
11 Why Not Help Us?
12 Spread The Word
13 Greater Dangers
14 A Suicidal Humanity
15 Another Witness
16 One More Witness
17 Changes Overcome Me
18 Early Visits To Earth
19 Our Explosive Atmosphere
20 Antimatter
21 The Extraterrestrial Photographed
22 Other Civilizations
23 We Are Destroying Our Own Planet
24 On Space Travel
25 Disseminate The Word
26 An Extraterrestrial Threat
27 ET View of Our Religion
28 Life and Death of Planets
29 Danger to Cities
30 Various Spacecraft Used
31 The Professor's Disappearance
Appendix I - Andromeda Ships
Appendix II - The Star Map
Appendix III - How I Came to write This Report
Appendix IV - Article Published
Appendix V - Another Similar Case [Sixto Paz Wells]
All rights, including that of translation into any other languages, is
specifically reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced
in any form, be stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted by any
method or means, electrical, mechanical, photographic, recording, or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright holders. All
rights are exclusively held by the copyright holders.

Originally Printed in the United States of America

Copyright 1988, this version, by Wendelle C. Stevens, P.O. Box

17206, Tucson, Arizona 85710, USAGE. and Zitha Rodriguez Montiel,
Zaranga 1046 D-402, Col. Pantitlan, Mexico, D.F. 08100, MEXICO

ISBN 0-934269-12-2

Privately published by UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES, P.O. Box 17206,

Tucson, Arizona 85710, USAGE.

This Manuscript was originally prepared in the Spanish language and

is Registered by the Secretaria de Educacion Publico, Direccion
General; del Derecho de Autor, Number 20470, under the original
Control NO. 20470, No. de Registro 13616/95, Book 4, 401 dated 12
November 1985

I became interested in this case after Richard Haidar, had mentioned
it to me in a letter and sent me Zitha Rodriguez' address in Mexico
City. It was of particular interest to me at this time for a number of
very good reasons.
First, it involved direct extraterrestrial contact by beings who said
they come from another star system with a well known and highly
respected scientist, a tenured professor in his University who was
heavily into research on a number of scientific subjects of great
import to his country and the world. It would be like our Professor
Edward Condon of the University of Colorado, an admitted skeptic
concerning UFOs and the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation to
Earth, suddenly becoming a contactee experiencing repeated visits
by human beings who said and demonstrated to his satisfaction that
they indeed were superior beings traveling freely in space.

Second, these visitors said and demonstrated that they were indeed
carrying out a well conceived and self ordained plan of collecting
data and conducting studies and analyzes of our planet and it's
inhabitants. This is not a new situation at all, but the frequency and
depth of the studies being carried out is not generally known to
many beyond the true UFO researchers who follow the development
of many similar events like this. Actually, the professor involved in
this case rejected all such stories and had very little background in
the UFO phenomena in general, and UFO case accounts in
particular, yet he describes detail of his contacts that are very similar
to a great many others, completely unknown to him at the time this
was happening.

Third, the ET visitors in this case described a team research effort

designed to accomplish certain goals. This too has been reported in
a number of other cases. A side product, however, has been the
disemination of knowledge concerning realities and technologies
previously unknown to us. these ETs have reported future events not
yet known to us, and some of those events have come to pass as
predicted after the prediction was made and set down in writing.
This has happened in a number of other contact cases, notably the
one carried out in Switzerland by ET beings who told Eduard
Meier that they came from what we call the Pleiades,1 one
star cluster in the constellation Taurus in our skies.
Fourth, these ETs told their witness. Professor Hernandez, that they
came from what we call the Galaxy Andromeda , out of the question
in terms of linear travel, and certainly this impossibility was not lost
on Professor Hernandez, a very well educated man. If he were
just creating a story this would be a most unlikely prospect as a
setting, and certainly bound for ridicule. They further told him that
they were aware of other contacts similar to theirs being carried out
elsewhere on our planet by other space traveling beings, and they
even mentioned such contacts with one Eduard Meier in Switzerland.
This statement was made to Professor Hernandez before any word
of the Swiss contacts was reported outside of the local group around
Meier, and certainly was not available to Professor Hernandez
through any known media sources. A fact in the Meier case was that
those Pleiadian ETs had already told Meier that they maintained
contact with beings from the Galaxy Andromeda.2 In yet another
case we investigated, human-like extraterrestrial beings who told
their witness they came here from what we call Reticulum also
reported that they were in contact with superior beings from the
Galaxy Andromeda, and they cut back operations here when their
team visiting Earth was called away for some kind of meeting with
the Andromedans.3

Fifth, there are other reports of extraterrestrial visitors from Galaxy

Andromeda carrying out carefully conceived and well researched
plans concerning our own world. Some of these projects have
extended over many years of our time and several generations of
Earth men. One case, for example, involved the abduction of
young Jocelino de Mattos of Maringa, Brazil for
biogenetic experiments aboard an alien ET craft. His abductors
told the witness that they came from a galaxy that we
called Andromeda. They said that they were part of a research team
from their home planet working on a project that translated as "The
AGRIPO Experiment" involving cross-generational genetic
experiments. Jocelino's mother.
Rosa de Mattos, was picked up by some extraterrestrial beings some
twenty and thirty years before the abduction of Jocelino, and there is
strong evidence that Rosa was actually "prepared" for Jocelino' s
subsequent birth. This also could not have been known, to
Professor Hernandez, nor could the Mattos have known of
Hernandez' story since it was not yet reported outside of the
tiny group of most intimate associates of the professor until long
after the Maringa abductions.4

But what happened to the abductee and how this account came to
light is almost as astonishing as the story in itself. Now let me quote
directly from the 29 December 1987 letter from Zitha Rodriguez to
me as follows:

"I suggest you mention that this treats of the experience of

University Professor R.N. Hernandez, who from the beginning
refused to give it publicity for fear of and because his offspring work
for the Mexican government (and still do), for which he desired not
to expose himself to the public.

”I have read over once and then again your translation so exact and
so well done on your part and can no less than congratulate you for
the magnificent work you have accomplished. The Professor one
time had suggested to me the title CONTACTO CON ANDROMEDA,
but in reality later we thought better about it and decided that he
would not say anything about the title. Concerning whether anything
has been published on this case, I can tell you that only a small part
has been published In the manner of a synopsis, an article of three
pages titled 'Yo Viaje en un OVNI’ (I traveled in a UFO). it was
five pages originally but they only published three, a question of
space. I worked for the magazine OCULTO in 1979, which was
where it was published.

“In our numerous conversations, the professor and I decided on the

title, but to him it seemed that it should give emphasis to the most
important part which was that the message of LYA.
"In 1976 - 1979 I directed the magazine OVNI. I began to have in
my hands a great amount of testimony on UFO sightings. I still have
also treatments with another contactee who had long conversations
with beings from the planet MU of the system MIT, but that is
another history. Well, at the same time that I directed the magazine
I was writing a book on Earthquakes. A friend suggested I talk to s
certain person in the Institute Nacional de Energia Nuclear, el
Professor Carlos Graef, who was an experienced seismologist, and
that I should go and see him. I decided to interview him as
suggested. I went to his place cf work but never could see him.
One day, desperate to make contact, I finally gave my card to the
secretary, on which 1 appeared as Director of the magazine OVNI
(UFO). I went in to look for someone and when I came out I passed
Professor Hernandez. The professor immediately showed interest in
what I was doing, and how was my work. He had an important
responsibility at the Institute and was a high executive at the
University, traveling constantly to all the symposiums. on nuclear
energy around the world.

"I went into his office the first time without knowing exactly what
was going to happen. He looked at me fixedly as if wanting to know
the ultimate of my thoughts, he invited me to sit down and began to
question me... how it was that I came to interview him. He asked
me also if I was dedicated to the investigation of, or only
wrote about UFOs. I told him both. He asked me if I knew any
people who had seen UFOs, and 1 told him yes. He wanted to knew
if I knew anybody who had affirmed having traveled in a UFO, and
again I responded that I had.

"There was a long silence and then he asked me, 'Do you believe in
UFOs?' 'I have never seen one', I answered, 'but yes, I believe some
people who have affirmed having seen one. And moreover in those
who say they are acquainted with extraterrestrial beings.' 'But you
never have seen one - isn't that it?' He asked. 'Yes.' I answered.
"He took out a cigarette and lit it. He got up, walked around his
desk, struck the desk with his fist, and made me an unusual
confession. 'I have traveled in a ship and have had friendship with a
woman who said she came from the Galactic System we call
Andromeda. I at first did not believe it', said the Professor, 'not all of

"After a brief discussion, because he had much to do, he gave me an

appointment for a week later and we talked some more. Moreover,
he told me that he had kept a diary and he gave me part of it to
read. I suggested the possibility of writing a book and he told me
that that was impossible. He was sure that nobody would come to
believe it.

“Nevertheless I took some notes, against his desires, and

commenced to write the book, a little with what he told me and a
little more with what he had written, and a little more contaminated
by the enthusiasm that over flowed upon narrating his experiences
with LYA. 'If you will not tell this to anybody', he told me one time,
'my psyche is overexcited and I lose track of proportion between
reality and fiction... I myself do not know what is happening to me.'

"When the Professor saw the first part, the same that I sent to you,
Mr. Stevens, He cried, simply cried, not of cowardice, not of fear, but
of emotion, of pleasure, of happiness... because, according to him,
finally some one had captured his idea and his experience and
accepted it for what it was. He had not told anybody of this,
but several times he had insinuated to his friends the possibility of
the existence of this woman in the life of another friend... a fictitious
friend. But most did not want to discuss it and indicated disbelief.
For that he cried that day.

Finally he gave me many pages from which I extracted the most

important. The majority of them I obtained from his wife. She would
repent having delivered them but I already had written many things,
and for that also she gave them. Lamentably, the wife of the
Professor had read the copies that she delivered to me. She
succeeded in having the Professor committed to a psychiatric
sanatorium by order of Jose Lopez Portillo. I think that she was
jealous, that she did not believe there was an extraterrestrial
woman, but a terrestrial one, and moreover that there was nothing
for her to do but have him committed for treatment.

"One day he called me from Chihuahua though he did not know

exactly where he was and told me that it was imperative and
necessary to publish the book. I took the manuscript to Hugo Stiglitz
because he wanted to film it in 1967, but shortly after that his house
burned down, I believe that had no connection with the book,
because I took it to two publishing houses in Mexico, who did not-
have the money to print it, and nothing happened to them.

"I have looked incessantly for the Professor. I ran a want ad for a
CON ZITHA. it was very important and only he would understand it,
but I never received any response. I last saw the Professor in 1981.

'I have come to think that he may have been taken to the planet of
LYA, or that he continues living in a psychiatric sanatorium because
they consider him crazy and telling lies. But to me I was struck by
the impression that he always was a well balanced man. His house
in Tecamachalco, Mexico, was sold in 1982 and the new owner does
not know the Professor. I have one photograph, apparently the only
one there is. He had taken various, trying, unsuccessfully, to capture
LYA. In the first of them, nevertheless, one can see a human form of
energy that seems to be there, like a luminous phantasm. I
am sending it to you but please take good care of it for I have no
other like it, and it is possibly the only proof I have, though the
"experts" reject it saying it is no proof at all.

"I am also sending the case where the Professor knew a Thomas
Haskins cf Chicago, though I do not have his address. Tom was in
contact with an ET man from Andromeda. The Professor was more
worried about the threats that A had described to him that hovered
over humanity, and remained profoundly impacted by the existence
of life on other planets in other Galaxies. He was fascinated with his
encounters with that ET woman, in such a manner that when he
came to know Tom, he was disillusioned with him because he said
Tom had taken it (his experience) lightly as merely a circumstantial
event. And to the Professor the arrival of LYA had been too —
transcendental, too impressive.

"He told me that he did not want his name to appear in the book.
But 1 suggested to him that at least his initials and his second
surname be used, and he accepted.

"I worried much at first about the Professor. I put announcements in

various periodicals, including UFO REPORT (now defunct) in 1979,
asking if anyone knew the words INXTRIA or LYA, I placed an
announcement in the Fortean Times of England in 1980, and
received a letter response in which was told that in the book UFO
PROPHECY the name INXTRIA could be found as the name of
a planet or a planetary system. I obtained the book in 1983, and
there I saw that it actually spoke of beings who lived on the planet
mentioned. You can imagine, Wendelle, how I felt! Nevertheless, the
book did not speak of Andromeda nor of LYA.

All of this adds up to some very unique coincidences of a number

and similarity that defies the odds of it all being pure accident. We
are dealing with only the topmost tip of a very big iceberg, and so
our judgment of these events got to be in substantial error. We hope
that publication of these and related events will someday allow us a
little better view of what is really going on with our world.

Wendelle C. Stevens

[Translator's Note: In any translation of this kind there are two basic
stages to the conversion from one language to another. The first is
the transliteration of the words to convey the meaning or
the associated thought symbols. The second is the re-phrasing for
better continuity and flow in the new language, which also requires
a certain amount of interpretation on the part of the translator. This
necessarily introduces the translator's personality into the words
expressed at the expense of some of the original character and
personality of those words and the one expressing them. To avoid
this possible contamination as much as we can and to best preserve
the original character and personality, since a great part of this
report is dialogue. We have decided to omit the interpretation step
so as to leave the material as virgin as possible for other serious
researchers. This sometimes results in unusual form and expression.
but that is as it was when we started; and what is sometimes
unusual to us is often the normal form of expression to another. We
hope this is not too disturbing to the reader in seeking the real
context of the information thus given. We have also taken the liberty
of breaking some of the very long dialogues into chapters under
subject titling for quicker reference. Where no data is shown under
the chapter title, that is a continuation of the previous chapter.
Unbroken dialogues are not separated into paragraphs but are
continued just as they were heard by the witness or taken down in
shorthand by the author.)





These newest pages, extracted from a personal diary, are dedicated,
in the first instance to those thousands of persons who through the
years, have been ridiculed and reduced to shame, sustaining
mockery even from their own families, including also the loss of their
jobs, for the honesty and valor of their having the boldness to affirm
having seen an UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).

Likewise I desire to express recognition of those individuals who,

having had an experience with extraterrestrials, may prefer to
remain silent and carry this as a stigma the rest of their life.

I want to thank those, who, overcoming fear of their critics,

contribute proofs such as photographs, film documentaries of
landing traces, etc., all of which have not been properly understood
in this time — but which, without doubt, posterity will find it
necessary to understand of events occurring in this epoch.

A remembrance also for those whoso disappearances have been

attributed to beings from other planets.

But above all I dedicate the following pages to the memory of LYA,
that extraterrestrial woman - who perhaps may be found thousands
of light years from Earth - who brought to my life a poem of
interspacial knowledge... converting it to a symphony, whose notes it
is difficult for me to forget, perhaps even in death.

Without LYA this book would have not been possible. For her, a
remembrance to the woman who could be a dream but nevertheless
was a beautiful reality.
When I was a boy I questioned, at times when I observed the
beautiful nights in which was displayed to my infantile sight a sky full
of beautiful scintillating lights, if those diminutive stars were tiny
fairies that swarmed in space making it shine with their magic.

How distant it was to imagine that some of them may possess a

planetary system similar to ours much less that they could shelter
life identical to our own in some hidden place out in the vastness of
the universe. Is that why we unconsciously inherited the pride of
man of believing that he is the only intelligent living being in this
immense sea of space bodies? Is it true that we were always the
only beings traveling in space above the sphere called Earth?

In these later years some thing extraordinary would come to make

me change my opinion. It would come as an unexpected flash
making me modify all my habits and customs. The skeptic, in the
winter of his life, was about to have a rare experience.

It was through this surprise that life allowed me to know an

extraterrestrial woman. Her name? LYA. Her origin? A distant planet
called INXTRIA, a part of the Andromeda Galaxy. Her age? Almost a
millennium. She gave me sufficient proofs to leave no doubt of

I concluded, as a result of my discussions with her that other men,

of other systems of planets, also take part and share with us
terrestrials, the enormous sidereal ocean that surrounds us.

I knew then that to live is to encounter a routine of unexpected

happenings; to continually gather events to fill the pages of an
existential book of gold, transcribing day after day, with lines always
distinct. The rest of my life I will be leaving marks on roads of
maps never suspected by the human being.

Destiny imposes on us a route through which we adapt resignedly or

we do not exist in accordance with our internal possibilities.

But, was one mortal, privileged for having had the opportunity to
know a woman such as this, or is he sentenced to live before the
constant expectation of an uncertain future? I do not know. Nobody
knows. If I had not been foretold I would not have believed it.

Nevertheless I must admit that during this long period of sustained

talks between LYA and I; aboard a spaceship; was when I come to
know many things not only of my world — this great unknown even
for it’s own inhabitants — but of other planets, of other civilizations.

Some believe...others doubt, not only that there are intelligent

beings in our solar system besides us, but who exist beyond the
Milky Way.

But should I likewise doubt it when I have touched it — lived it?

And, should I be prohibited to partake of my experiences only
because I have been perhaps the only man in my country — if not
the world — to have lived this happening?

Nevertheless, despite the incredibility of my adventure with LYA, I

lived it intensely...not only with suspicion, with fear, with dread, with
uncertainty or with doubts, but with surprise, with fascination, and
with the emotion of an adolescent. I came, in the paroxysm of my
experiences, to ask myself — why me? Is it true that all this is
happening or only a fragment of some — insignificant passage?
Perhaps my subconscious is playing a joke on me? NO...it was
another thing whose parallelism could only be found in the word

There came an accumulation of questions in my mind during the

length of my conversations with her, however there also came
hundreds of answers, It was then that I let myself be conducted
through the splendid experience offered me and thus it was that the
time passed with its precious circumstantial charge.

After accepting the existence of beings on other planets, I was

relieved of the idea that we terrestrials are the only ones in such a
sidereal arena, if the dilemma was to believe or not believe also, the
solution was to dispossess myself of all pride, of chronic
skepticism which would lead me to doubt even what I saw.

Perhaps in the future they will come to accept the idea that today it
seems absurd to us but through the years to come it may seen more
logical — and then you and I can believe in the possibility of infinite
intergalactic life.

The facts and events that follow are truly expressed and form a part
of the circumstances as exotic as incredible which came to happen
on our planet from a time of the beginning to this date; facts at
times repudiated and ignored by science but which, unfortunately
for those who do not believe them...EXIST.

"I can assure you that flying saucers, given that they exist, are not
constructed by any power on Earth."

—President Harry Truman Press Conference, Washington, D.C. April

4, 1950
1 The Beginning
LYA, a woman of extraterrestrial origin, beautiful, intelligent and
noble, arrived at a most unexpected moment in my life. Nevertheless
this came to pass several years before I understood the magnitude
of her presence on our planet Earth.

I was able to count almost fifty years (of age) when I saw her for
the first time. I was already at that time a confirmed skeptic of all
that related to parapsychology, telekinesis, and incredible
phenomena such as spontaneous combustion, but above all I
believed it a waste of time to believe in the existence of
extraterrestrial beings. I shared the opinion of many scientists
concerning evolution. Also I had carried on long conversations with
astronomer colleagues who had assured me of never having seen
anything floating or flying in space that were not our satellites or
spacecraft sent into space by man (of Earth).

My mind was blank can this aspect. It began to fill as I matured and
I knew that as a university professor I could not give credit to that
which lately they have called pseudo science. I had not only
commented on this with my students concerning themes of
importance, but with my own colleagues as well. I felt
completely accomplished, absolutely satisfied with life. However
I knew that I was beginning to reach maturity because my thoughts
returned frequently to the past, but my present was really fulfilled. I
had the privilege of being counselor to the majority of my students.

Into this circumstantial arena she came, LYA appeared in my life so

suddenly that I had to let several years elapse to begin to describe
the presence and teachings ct her.

I felt at the time that the point of departure was not so far away and
that the end of my existence approached irresistibly like the goal of
the runner or like the set of the sun in the west.

I believed that my professional stage was finalizing without

imagining in the least that LYA would bring to to my existence
something for which to fight.

It came in the moment in which the love for things became indelible.
It came at the time when circumstances move one emotionally, the
age in which nothing is rejected and on the other hand, yes, all is

At this time I feel thankful with the world, with God, for all that
which has been granted me without my having merited it.

My parents had wrapped me in diapers soft as silk at birth and the

first air that I breathed had a pleasing scent of roses from the
enormous garden that surrounded the house. Now I have three
beautiful children and wife. What could I possibly desire? Thinking
on this I waited, with resignation, the winter of my life. The fruit of
my existence had filled my life of satisfactions. Each day that passed
teaching classes at. the university gave me the satisfaction of having
sown the seeds of knowledge, and that precisely this had been my
great opportunity. My walk through the wide roads of this world had
not been still.

As tenured professor of the University, and as investigator of nuclear

mathematical physics, I knew that I had arrived at the limits of my
professional life. I perceived the respect of my superiors. Years
before I had received a national prize in physics.

Thus... in these circumstances was when LYA came to me, and I

must admit that since then never left my mind nor my heart. I was
not a youth easily influenced. I was well rooted in my habits and
likewise as well in my opinions.

But, how did this all begin? Was there anything magic in the
encounter? Was it accidental or intentional? I never knew.
14 November 1977

Today, Tuesday, while I was at the University attend-attending a

conference on odontopediatrics, I saw her for the first time. I was
standing at the back of the room. There was a beautiful young
woman of slightly oriental characteristics, white skin and slender
body. Her hair was long and dark, and fell languidly over her
shoulders. She was dressed entirely in black, wearing tailored slacks
and blouse of the same material, which to me seemed like laminated
plastic. She had persistent light green eyes. It seemed like her eyes
were pointed directly at me and I could feel her gaze even in the
obscurity of the roar. There was an instant in which our
looks coincided and I felt a strange chill run over my whole body.

Despite my vain attempts to concentrate on the exposition of the

class, I could not. In my mind the figure of that young woman, as
enigmatic as fascinating, remained etched.

But when I again looked toward the group I noticed that she was no
longer there. I searched the room to see if I could find her seated in
some other place, but no, she was not there. I looked toward the
door and it occurred to me that this had been closed. At that time
I did not deem it important.

The first shadows of evening had already appeared when the

exposition ended. I went to the parking lot and got into my car. I
was experiencing a strange sensation of wellbeing and I
unconsciously turned on the radio to listen for the news, but it did
not work right. I could hear only heavy static. ''Perhaps the
antenna". I thought.

But, upon checking this I found it all right. I tried to synchronize the
apparatus without success. I could turn nothing on.

I was about to turn the radio off when I heard a new noise...more
new static and then silence. After that I began to clearly hear a
hollow, metallic voice, that slowly began to articulate words in
perfect Spanish.

Finally the voice spoke without interference and said in perfect

accent: You are connected to our frequency, earthman. You have
entered the primary phase and it will be easy in what follows which I
want to repeat...you are going to have news..."

I was disconcerted, but at that moment I did not relate the one
thing with the other. Later, some time after the voice had
disappeared I continued thinking and trying to discover the
significance of this.

His radio remained dead for a little more then a half hour. After the
same manner that the frequency had gone, I heard a melody. The
route to my house seemed long, but later I noticed with surprise
that I had been making big circles, as if, subconsciously, I did not
want to get to my destination.

I shook my head which had begun to feel heavy, trying to dismiss

these ideas.

At that time I did not [associate] the voice of the message with the
woman I had seen at the University. A little while later I was
comfortably seated in my favorite chair with a refreshment at hand,
reading, when I fell into a profound sleep.

18 December 1972

More than a month passed. I had almost forgotten the encounter

with the woman, as attractive as mysterious. Today I got up without
ever imagining that I would have another encounter with her. This
time it was in a place completely different. It happened in an open
air restaurant...along the avenida Insurgentes.

While I was breakfasting with Carlos, a friend and colleague for

years, I looked toward the entrance door and I saw her...yes, I saw
her. In the light of day her beauty stood out. In her were combined
characteristics as exotic as natural, but her personality was such that
characterized her, but upon seeing her I felt a mixture of tenderness,
of knowledge, of peace and internal tranquility.

She was accompanied by a man dressed in a uniform with an

insignia on the left side of his breast. It was a gold triangle inside of
which was a blue circle. The man was stylishly good looking also and
a little taller than her. LYA must measure more than 1.90 meters. He
almost touched the top of the door with his head.

Instinctively I got to my feet. The look of Carlos and the

ridiculousness of my reaction made me remember that I should not
be so impulsive.

"What happened?" asked Carlos.

"Pardon me, I thought it was another person whom I have not seen
in some time", I said lieing.

At five in the afternoon I had to teach a class, and I looked at my

watch. It was scarcely ten in the morning. I needed to know who
she was, but why such sudden interest renewed in a woman of
much beauty but of whom I knew absolutely nothing.

After we finished eating Carlos and I left for the

University. I decided along the way that I would begin to investigate

that beautiful woman.

I reviewed my listings .of students, but there was no new student

such as her, nor did I have knowledge of the presence of any person
as an auditor in my class.

Further, I decided that here I would begin to take a certain care to

only see her. Of one thing I was convinced...she was real; she was
not a vision created by my mind. She really existed.
It was not until the 12 of January when I had my third encounter.
The classroom was darkened. This was because I was projecting
slides to illustrate my lecture. While I was running the transparencies
she entered. At the moment I was stunned. Here again was that
woman, always dressed in black. She had entered at the moment I
was discussing the most important point. Perhaps my students had
not observed my disturbance in the obscurity of the room and also
because the transparencies were occupying their attention. I felt her
gaze, seeming that her eyes had their own light. She stared fixedly,
without blinking. But far from feeling nervousness, her gaze
infused an an indescribable calm and inner peace. I was trying to
calculate her age. I thought she might be thirty years old. That was
a little old to be my student, but considering that there are people
who study for two or more careers this detail could pass unnoticed.
When the class ended, I turned on the lights only to observe
that she had disappeared in the shadow of the doorway.

I opened a path through my students but when I finally could get

out she was no longer there.

I asked a youth who had been near the door if he had seen a
woman of her characteristics. He looked at me like one would
observe a bacterium under a microscope and glancing with sneer
answered negatively. During my 25 years as a professor never has
anything like this happened to me before. I felt grieved. I blamed
myself. I am fifty years old and I am acting like an adolescent in his
first passes as a conquistador.

I went back into the room, picked up my books and secured the
projector and transparencies and left. I still had to walk a good
distance before getting to my automobile. Meanwhile I walked

I got in my car and headed for my house.

Ever since then and without my suspecting it, someone

in some part of the Universe has been making plans to establish
some kind of friendship with me... but, was my imagination more
fantastic than I could have dreamed? And why a skeptic? Why me?

Thus began to knit in turn, for me the maze (of knowledge) that
filled my consciousness, of doubts, of illusion... but still it lacked the
most important part.
2 Our First Discussion
22 December 1974

Due to the intense work that we were engaged in at the laboratory

of the University, some colleagues and I had agreed to finalize all the
tests which would take us to the end still in time for vacation. This
was very important as we were working on a new vaccine.

The empty classrooms were cold and full of silence. The air felt
lighter and the gardens lie resting from their normal activity.

While analyzing a cell under the microscope, I imagined that the

solitude might inspire us to carry on our labor. While awaiting the
cellular reaction, I leaned my head against the window to feel the
weak rays of the sun that came through the glass. It was a cold day,
but absolutely clear...beautiful.

While looking toward the hallway, I saw her! Standing out beside a
door she looked directly toward where I was. She gave me the
impression that I had known her all my life. As I looked at her I felt
a relaxation such that it produced in me an incredible happiness.
Emotionally reinvigorated should be the word. And if I had sang and
danced it would not have seemed strange to me.

I experienced also an undefinable association between her and I,

still at a distance. Her presence seemed completely familiar to me. It
was as if some thing in my interior awaited her without having
advised me.

I turned my work over to a colleague and went down, a little to be

sure she was still there and another such impulse that I didn't know
what, which attracted me irresistibly toward that place.
At two or three meters I stopped. She smiled, but in her smile there
was no evil, nor any coquettness. It was a sweet look and therefore
a candid smile, like one who greets with pleasure the return of a

"Good day, professor.” She greeted me.

"Good day, senorita." Was my response.

I looked at her profoundly while she extended her hand.

"It may seen strange but to me you seem so familiar, so well known,
that I would judge that you and I have already had a pact at a level
of friendship." I told her.

"Professor, I have come to look for you. I have tried to make these
encounters, having come precisely to see you. The strangeness is
not that you have expected to see me, but that you would have the
occasion to see and hear afterward."

"You have come to find me?" I asked, full of surprise.

"Thus it is. My name is LYA and on the Earth, as well as in other

parts of the universe, my mission is to investigate all types of
intelligent life, it’s association with the planet, it’s adaptability, and
the biological-social prolongation in it's development."

"What are you trying to say? What other parts of the Universe?"

"I shall explain, professor. I am not of this planet. I come from one
that is thousands of light years from Earth. I am part of an
investigative group."

"How?" I asked, still without believing what I was hearing.

"Yes, I know that you do not believe now this that I tell you.
Members of the group to which I belong and I have tried to open
telepathic communication but we felt that this could have disturbed
you a little emotionally, for which we decided on direct
communication. You are an objective and analytical man. It will be
very difficult for us to overcome your skepticism. You yourself at
the and of all this will be able to analyze with empathy all that I
have said to you. We know that you do not believe all that you
receive through the bioelectric telepathic stimulus. You are an
honest receiver but our intentions would not change the results if we
did not speak to you directly."

"What is it that you are intending? To make me leave my way of life?

I have heard of persons who spend their life jumping from one
fantasy to another, but what you say surpasses the limits of
imagination," I said getting angry.

"So professor, I know that for you it is difficult to believe, but finally
you will accept our existence, which is not as brainbusting as the
existence of the human being on the earth, or, do you believe
perhaps that a being of this planet would be able to doubt your
existence still while I am looking at you?"

Momentarily I felt confused.

"Pardon...I must go to my work." I said in a manner of excuse.

"Look professor. Peer directly into my eyes and think of some thing
that interests you... or some thing that is not fixed in your cerebral
neurons, though being imaginative...to yourself."

"And that, why?"

"I can know what you think." She added.

I laughed incredulously.

"Try it." She insisted.

I could not lose anything. I closed my eyes and in my mind I began
to pronounce the Greek alphabet.

"Oh, no professor," she said, "the Greek Alphabet is too simple. think
of something else. Ask me a question. in your mind."

I mentally asked, "Is it true that you come from another planet?"

She answered me, "Yes."

I could have been surprised, or perhaps she could have made me

nervous. Nevertheless I felt profoundly relaxed and also
experimented with unusual mental concentration.

“If in truth you come from another planet, how is it that you speak
perfectly in Spanish?" I asked.

“On my world they take very little time to learn a language. We

dedicate ourselves to knowledge. It takes us very little time to know
a planet in all it's totality. "

"What do you want or what do they want of me?" I asked.

"Not only of you," she responded, "we hope that we will be given
the opportunity to explain all that has been discussed with us.
Because of our presence here on Earth, many are afraid, terrified.
They look on us as divine beings, celestials, but we nevertheless are
like you, with some variations. We love life. It seems to us an affront
to the same Universe that the intelligent beings live opting for the
mistaken line. They express themselves with violence and live in
ignorance. But the rescue of worlds such as yours is not permitted,
at least to us. Nor are we permitted to defend other people who live
in constant bellicosity and live in constant fear of other people
through extended frontier lines.

Your planet has no overseer. No part of the Earth carries this

distinction. That is what we study, we analyze the life, also of
planets like yours. We study the beings who possess a short life, like
you, for example, and also we study the human reaction faced with

"Why to you say planets like ours?" I inquired. "Because on planets

like ours death does not exist, or there are almost no deaths to
speak of."

"And for this you have come? perhaps you are representatives of a
new religion for which you are presenting? I must say I am feeling
little thanks thinking that I am the victim of some scheme."

"No, professor don't think that. In the same manner that you are
carrying out an investigation of cellular reaction to obtain, or to try
to obtain, a vaccine, in the same way we work to eradicate many
similar factors that could prejudice a great number of races which,
distributed throughout the universe, do not know or have lost the
capacity of knowledge concerning the eradication of antigens."

"How do you know what I am working on?" I asked in surprise.

"I know much about you. Ask and I will respond."

"How is it that there are races that do not die? How old are you?'’

"The cellular degeneration brought as a consequence of decrepitude

or old age produces a constant anxiety in the human being. The fear
of dieing or to cease being is reflected in the fear that man has of
death. Many races have found the way to prolong life. This for you
would be a secret that has ceased being such in my world, in which
biological prolongation is no secret, but now universal knowledge.
About my age, I am young in relation to many of my racetype. I am
almost nine hundred years old...or nine centuries if you prefer it that
way. I will respond to many of your questions, but for now I
desire that you meditate on our discussion, that you not comment
on, not for now. I may surprise you that at times I am near to you,
very near, for now I want you to know that, when our conversation
is still telepathic you can sometimes produce it yourself. Our
communication will be as direct as you permit."

"And if I deny it?" I asked, still incredulous, though no less flattered

to be conversing with such a beautiful woman.

She looked at me a long time, reading perhaps each of my thoughts.

Then she said:

"Do not deny it professor, you are educated. The same as I, you try
to apply all the physiological knowledge that is at hand to know me
still more. You fear that I am playing a prank on you, and desire to
submit me to some study to understand my mind. I, professor,
could refuse to respond and nevertheless I have come to this, to
converse with you about your world, about the future of this
fabulous planet called Earth. I can tell you that not only we have
been visiting your Earth. There are many civilizations which have
done this, and almost all are in agreement that your world is a
privileged place. For now, professor, be a little calm, relax,
think...and above all guard our secret. In due time we can talk."

She extended her hand in goodbye. I wanted to take myself out of

all this. I felt fear. It seemed to me that I could be stopped at a
point from which I might be easily pushed. Am I the victim of a
joke? Who would be interested in playing such on me? Perhaps
someone who well knew my points of view concerning beings of
other worlds...but, are they reading my mind this way? Speaking
Greek also? This was still at the point of beginning... the rest, the
unknown, the surprising, the incredible would come with the
passage of the months, with the transpiring of years...and nobody
would leave off questioning me. Why me?

3 Lethal Belt Around the Planet

22 April 1975
I did not ask for it—nor did I even think about it, but nevertheless I
am traveling in the spaceship with LYA.

I had gone to participate in a conference on the theme of effective

neutralizers for anesthesia, that afternoon I felt particularly
exhausted. I had been speaking for almost two hours without

At the end of the lecture I still had, among my notes, several

unanswered questions.

Some students and I went out into the corridor, still talking a little as
we parted and went our separate ways.

As I headed for the parking lot. I scarcely imagined that LYA was
waiting for me in the car. She smiled candidly, my expression of
surprise must have seemed amusing.1

"Hello", she said in greeting.

"Are you in much of a hurry?”

"No, it is only that I want to rest", I said.

"Would you like to go on a mission as copilot?"

I introduced the key into the doorlock, still without answering. I

placed my papers and my portfolios in the rear seat and sat down. I
started the motor and turned to look at her.

"Today has been an especially tiring day. All morning at the

University, lunch at midday, and all afternoon in conference...
Couldn’t this be another day?" I asked almost pleading.

It was quiet for a moment and I turned to look toward the exit. In a
low voice she said:
"It is important. I can not assure you that you will have another
opportunity like this."

"And this mission, is it very far?" I asked.

"That depends very much on how your concepts of time and space
are developed.

"Very Well', I said as I locked the door...“if it is not too far, I accept."

How far it was I could not imagine since for her, time and distance
do not exist; nor had she considered whether it was too late or too
early to undertake some action. I never saw her look at a watch. Nor
did I know that neither space nor distance needed any hurry. LYA...
her people, her folk and perhaps beings of other worlds with the
same characteristics as her, do not know the limitations of this so-
called time, distance or space. For her, to exist is it, simply, without
the units of timetable or distance. LYA lived at entire liberty.2

Enroute, while I was stopped for a red light semiphore, she said to

"Close your eyes."

I obeyed. I felt her hand touch my forehead. At that instant the

muscles of my face relaxed, my head cleared, my mind concentrated
and my body little by little began to recover its vigor, all this at the
contact of her hand.

"There it is", she said signaling the light turned green, "Let us go."

"Toward where?" I asked

"Go toward the north, I will guide you."

After 2 hours and a half this way, we came to a trunk route between
Hidalgo and Queretaro. We stopped at a separated place where
there was an abundance of cactus. It was quite late. I looked at my
watch: 9:30 p.m. Now I began to feel anxiety about the prospect of
a possible assault. Again I was tired, or could it be
nervousness? Again the hand on my forehead. Once more the vigor
recuperated. All was silent.

"We are going to park here." She said indicating a place to one side
of the road.

"We're going to get out here?" I asked in surprise, "To leave the car
in this place could be dangerous for you and for me too." I said,
admitting ,my cowardice.

"We have to walk toward there." She said while her finger indicated
a place that could not be distinguished in the dark.

"But, LYA, this car is my major possession, and if it is stolen, how

will we return?"

"You don't have to worry. We have avoided anybody being able to

see your car from any angle."

I put my hand down on the car. She took my hand at the wrist and I
began to experience a genuine confidence, I let go of my fears, my
worries, even the most hidden, or those of distant times that live in
the most profound regions of my psyche. At that moment I felt an
indescribable happiness.

We began to walk.

"To where do we go?" I asked.

“We will fly around your world.” She responded.

I looked at her, trying to discover if this was some kind of a joke. Her
face had acquired an unusual seriousness for her.
"Now?" I asked, stuttering.

"Yes, now."

"Couldn't this wait?"

"What you will see today...can not wait, professor.”

It was unusual that I would go at the hand of LYA, always with me

behind her, bewildered more that it was dark, and opening my eyes
wider at each step. For her it was routine; for me everything was

A round object of more or less three meters diameter was some

meters in front of us. LYA took out an apparatus of metal that was
like a small box of cigarettes and pressed a button. At that moment
the door of that ship opened itself from below and we went through
into the interior by means of a small ladder. We sat down.
There were only two seats. She sat down before what would be
a computer console with bars of colors (illuminated as if they were in
operation). She touched a small lever with various buttons and
pressed one. The ladder retracted through the small port and the
opening closed. The ship silently rose into the air. In front of us a
"window" opened as if someone parted a veil, and there appeared in
front of my surprised eyes the lights of the cities. After that tiny
points and supposedly oceans. From that I deduced that we were
flying at a fantastic velocity.

The Earth withdrew more and more and thus I could contemplate
the night, the stars, and later dozens of satellites of all types orbiting
the Earth.3

Far beyond was a light of pale blue or lilac that marked the line that
divides night and day, and I understood that all is not completely
dark nor is all absolutely light on my world. I looked at LYA who,
absorbed, seemed to be looking likewise at me.
"This is a voyage of exploration", she said, "not precisely routing —
though to you it might seem so." She said, grinning.

"To me it seems like a trip out of the world beyond my

comprehension." Within me I thought, this is the single most
surprising trip in my life. In that instant I understood many things.
Looking at the planet, there came to my mind a succession of
strange ideas to my own understanding. The blue planet, as LYA had
one time called the Earth, had thousands of millions of years in
it's existence, but it is not easy for the human being to comprehend
why and fear what purpose it floats in the universe renewing one by
one those cycles of life implanted in the world. In this immensity I
asked several times, looking at the planer surrounded by objects
with antennas, Why? Why is man? Why is the Earth? Why
such pride, vanity, arrogance and hate? To understand life as I have
lived it plus the years that I propose to live it, I could contemplate
for only a moment.

"Look below." she suddenly said.

I looked and saw the planet in all it's magnitude, on the sunlit side
showing Asia.

Adjust the light refractor", she said "that is the blue limit. Can you
perceive anything?"

"Some satellites in orbit and..."

"Observe well and you will see some thing like a rosey halo, like a
belt that expands. At first sight you may not be able to notice it, but
with the refractor, yes. Have you noticed that the same refractor
takes on the inverse effect of the light, first violet, red, and
then blue. In the other manner one cannot detect the elements that
make up the belt. Our refractor computes an analysis of the
chemical components of that halo. Can you see it?” She said.

"Oh yes, I can see it."

"The button also activates the ultrasensor in a manner that if we
approach and enter the influence of the belt, you should be able to
hear even the sounds or the atoms in movement. Normally it is not
perceived by any sound. Moreover, the small blue button that is on
the band also functions as a sensor for detection of the metals
of which it is composed and the gases that unite the conjunction of
elements. Any mineral united with another produces some type of
gas whether it is perceptible or not. The murmur made by the atoms
when they graze one another, slight as it is, can be heard clearly
through the sensor. The friction of one atom with another produces
a tiny explosion."

"Why is that?"

"I will explain. In these latest years, the characteristics of the

atmosphere around the Earth has been modified to such a point that
those experts have been forced to examine different theories at
international level to try to interpret these changes, and to try to
discover comparative parameters with the objective of exploring its
origins. Almost all countries have suffered climactic changes. Rains
in torrents raise the rivers, flooding lakes and artificial water
reservoirs; meters of snow fall that not only cover the houses and
roads, but which chill the Earth, the air also, and the temperatures
rise and fall out of control. Very well, you are observing the principal
cause of this climactic reaction that provokes a thermic involvement
on the Earth. The manner is such that when it is cold it is sharp,
and when the sun's rays penetrate these gases, they are sharpened
and concentrated. Look well at the belt which surrounds the Earth.
All that is a product of many circumstances . One of them, the
nuclear chemical tests, has succeeded in neutralizing the ozone gas
protector from the solar rays. Due to this the atmosphere suffers
a severe ionization loss, which itself provokes the gasified molecules
to stimulation by the ultraviolet rays. The condensation of water
together with gases provokes alterations, produces cyclones,
hurricanes, etc. The snowfalls lash the cities as well as the small
towns, though they receive no frequent precipitation, it has not
manifested yet, but you will come to suffer very sharp climactic
changes on your Earth. Due to these phenomena it is very likely that
arid zones will change and that soon vegetation will abound in these
areas. This will also facilitate the solar rays, which now fall directly
on the Earth, to precipitate with greater intensity on zones such as
the north or south poles and provoke important thaws. This also, as
I have told you before, will generate inundations. Look, by the
middle of the 80s and still beyond into the 90s, will fall ever worse
rains and snows.“ We are now passing right over Kansk, a city in
Siberia. Open your refractor. Press the yellow button, it will give you
data on the climate. In these times the thermometer, in recent
years, has read -60 degrees Centigrade. Now it is only -40 degrees
C. also the climate is modifying, and some parts that were only ice
begin to bring forth vegetation. The solar rays, the same that
stimulate the changes on Earth, in the waters and in the air, also
modify the life of the flora and the fauna. At the root of this the
calamities proliferate, the organic action suffers stimulation in it's
molecules, and those organisms are going to develop themselves in
these places where all of these phenomena occur with greater
frequency. The solar rays are energy, an energy out of control
without the natural filtration of the ozone which reacts directly on all
types of molecules. At the same time they stimulate the production
of greater growth. The flies, bees, and insects of all kind are
suffering organic changes. Imagine the changes they suffer and
compare that with a ship that flies at great velocity in space, and I
can tell you that that is the velocity that not only the flora, but also
the fauna, and man as well, are suffering important changes at the
organic level, and consequently also at a mental level.'

"That belt, is it a danger to humanity?”

"Yes, it’s components are in general mineral solids that emerge as a

consequence of fusioned gases and which in time are
reencountering their true origin and they crystallize until they form
into new gases due to the alloying with other metals, which, by
attraction, continue adhering one by one making each time more
dense the belt, whose force is great and accordingly condenses even
more. This, beyond the softening of the filtering of the solar rays,
now condenses than. If, as is supposed, the nuclear tests continue,
the circle soon will be closed surrounding the Earth. It is already
contaminating your plants, accelerating the life of the animals as
well as that of man."

"The belt is the nuclear byproduct of Earth?"

"Yes, but in addition to the nuclear residues you also have inorganic
residues of other forms of breakdown, for example the
contamination of the cities. Remember that the more gases are
heated, the more they rise..."

“Is there any solution to this?" I asked truly worried.

This is a latent threat, still, when man decides not to carry out any
further nuclear tests, from that hour on it will take more than 40
years for this gaseous mineral belt to disperse. In the same manner,
the oldest of the satellites still will not lose their danger even after
2075. Of course in some manner the scientists of your planet
could discover some kind of antidote for that which you are thinking,
but this also will take plenty of time, of your time."

"How would you resolve this situation?"

"We posses a delicate system of recollecting the space waste. It is a

work that must be carried out continuously. If not it accumulates in
enormous quantities of residue material above us. I must clarify to
you that we on our planet do not produce this waste material, those
who travel in space, because we have discovered a way to neutralize
it. The belt that surrounds your planet has been converted to a
magnet that draws all kinds of bodies in space. These could be
gaseous or organic bodies as well as minerals. A time will come
when it will be practically impossible to eliminate. Only with a
powerful neutralizer can you reduce to a minimum the capacity or
"You do not use combustibles?"

"Our combustible does not contain elements like yours. We use

inertia for power and hydrogen for energy. ’

"The situation is better from here which is there below, (don’t you
think LYA?"


"Look", I said, indicating the American Continent "there below the

sun begins to appear. Such is life. Some times it is dark, other times
rain, and after that the sun comes out. I have confidence that
sometimes the sun illuminates the Earth like resplendid knowledge in
the minds of all these men who rule the destinies of the various

"We will arrive almost at dawn by your solar watch.” Said LYA...as if
wanting to pass my words unanswered.

"Yes.' I answered.

We descended abruptly. A lethal belt is the only thing we lack in this

hazardous world.

The automobile was exactly in the place where we had left it. LYA
said goodbye to me and, embarrassed to the last fibre of my being,
got in the car and headed for my house, the road on the return was
different, I did not feel tired. All the problems that before had
robbed tranquility from my life seemed miniscule compared to
that which I had observed.

That was when I decided to write this down, if not for my

generation, then for posterity, which, still unusual for me, had been
lived at the side of that beautiful woman of space...the enchanting
4 Our Ancestors Came From Space
"You are descended from a great race which destroyed itself.” LYA
told me in one of our many encounters.

She looked at the sky and indicated an indeterminate point in the


”I have told you before that, your ancestors were not born from this
planet. Many years ago they inhabited a very important world
situated beyond Sion, in this same Galaxy. Those men had almost
reached perfection. Their physical state was optimal, their emotional
state tranquil with a tendency toward the spiritual, sublime.
The scientists possessed a knowledge without limits and they were
profoundly aware of a great part of the secrets of the Universe, it
was then when filled with arrogance and anxious for power they set
out in pursuit of the Universe. They desired to set themselves above
the colonies on their frontiers. They became ambitious for triumph
and glory. That is how it began. When man entered into conflicts of
possession all became more difficult, and there is where the decline
began. In that epoch, which can only be measured through cycles of
arc in the universe, one folk developed friction with another and
your ancestors decided to intervene with all, and they
possessed powerful arms that could eliminate any system no
matter how great it was. Other folk came to the aid of those who
found themselves disadvantaged. Thus began one of the greatest
conflagrations in memory. The arms employed by them caused grave
damage to the human race and the descendents of those who
survived began to demonstrate important signs of mental dystrophy
and emotional and physical instability. It was then, as I have said
before, after conscientious analysis, their DNA had suffered
important mutations. The scientists who carried out these studies
comprehended the incapacity to make war without prejudicing their
own folk. As you know, the deoxyribonucleic acid carries in itself an
interesting register of the personality of the individual in question
himself which at birth carries fixed signs of personality. The question
was whether the DNA had been seriously affected and that nobody
leave the area in which there still prevailed important radioactive
clouds irradiating the race, your race, which would not survive for
many generations. The situation was thus when they finally solicited
the help of greater civilizations. But man was dying rapidly. Our own
comparisons desired not to expose themselves extensively to these
radiations. Finally aid came, but when these began to evacuate the
survivors, the knowledgeable, the scientists, and the great men of
profound intelligence had died. Those greater civilizations carrying
out the operation suggested that the human race as such would not
survive very long. They would have to restrain their destructive
impulses a great deal because, at a certain time in the future this
could throwback to all the negative aspects. I will explain. The
explosion to which you were exposed, stimulated the
degeneration of certain cells of cerebral neurons. Those men
were hysterical, insane, and violence predominated in them. It was
necessary to restrain these impulses. The greater civilizations made
a judgment and the men of advanced civilizations determined that
man had lost the privilege of knowledge and even of life, and that
those same scientists had completely destroyed the great
manuscripts of knowledge which had been acquired over thousands
of years and preserved for the superiority of the race and the
prolongation of its life. Over the passage of time man never gained
control between the good and the bad, and this was detected by the
advanced civilizations. It was in this manner that this same man lost
his place in the Universe. All this abyss of ambition, power,
etc., would remain seeded in the mind at least of those same ones
who would acquire the power of knowledge to overcome that which
for them was hidden. Because of that those races were injured by a
limitation of mind due to the dystrophy suffered by the DNA, for
which it will take years and many generations until you again,
through heredity and persistence rediscover the greater
knowledge of life which paradoxically you intend to come to
through the knowledge of death. Upon discovering the atom
you also discovered it's destruction, thus not the origin of life. This
was the sentence of man, selfdestruction, being a greater tendency
toward death than toward life. That was seeded in the DNA and as
such will persist for the centuries, time of your world. Some
descendants who preserved intact certain qualities overleaped much
in between in your world, such as artists, violinists, writers, priests,
and finally even the scientists. Thus it was how you again began to
open a breach in the fields of science. It was as if the internal DNA
"remembered" the glorious past with flashes of artificial light.
But this will resurge when some of the ramifications less affected ere
resurging as an effect of heritage."

"Then the race is in decline?" I asked.

"In effect, you have said it professor. There still are beings whose
pure nature was not such affected by it since they had not become
knowledgeable. This is what is referred to the Nordic race. The
black, the red and the yellow races have another origin."

"Am I perhaps descended from the Nordic race?" I asked really

surprised because my skin is not white, but more reddish.

"Your ancestors were of that race which arose in Europe and later
dispersed toward the Pyrennes and countries below, coming even to
the United States. Well then, another important factor would be the
arrival of great magnetic clouds that act as a stimulant upon the
mind of man. Remember that energy can stimulate, creating
fountains of light of memory, like sparks coming through the tunnel
of time. For this reason science has developed at this time. Bright
minds that have descended from pure races have been receiving, by
amplification of the DNA in genes, knowledge arriving from an
inconceivable beyond. These same men were attracted to it by
certain actual potencies and a new cycle has been
initiated, undoubtedly you have also inherited from. your
ancestors the irremediable tendency toward destruction. The
human being finally, after many centuries of surviving and by titanic
labors of reproduction confronted by climactic crises, has arrived at
the point from which he departed."

"Why did they leave or permit these races to subsist? Why did those
intelligent men offer to save a decadent-race?"

"That derives from on enormous voice of hidden origin that each one
of the races or great civilizations in the Universe know and must
respect, life is one of such values, the right to spring forth, to vibrate
in accord with the universal notes must be respected. As there does
not. exist one single being identical with another in your country, we
cannot as a community reject any one only because he is not apt.
We would be degrading our own civilization if we did but, lend help
to those who solicit it."

"But if the man is condemned to destroy himself, then why live?"

"Many...too many of your congenerationals ask the same, why live?

Though there also are too many who say to themselves, why not?
The watchword, amply promised to all the civilizations of the
Universe, the great objective, ...the challenge that is presented not
only to your species but to all the species disseminated
throughout the Galaxies, is the survival of your own species.
As such, with all your purity, you are renewed by means of one
descending from another. If this had been intended for your
ancestors and each one of those who lived as your ancestors had
understood it, the human race would have improved notably, but
that was not the case. The legacy to all the races is the
knowledge... the eternal discovery, as if to live in a box of surprises
among which you daily discover something fascinating. They
continue to search, unfruitfully, for the chemical changes to which
you were exposed in the origin of your existence to arrive again
perhaps at the destruction, always believing fictitious reasons for
it, a form of justification for your impetus to violence. To measure
the elapse of years ran has been complicating his life. I have a
vague idea of that which occurred to intervene in the chemical
change at the organic level of the life of man. Because you
understand me I can tell you finally, that I have come to believe that
man himself has inherited a monster inside of him, against which
he has to struggle all his life and at the same time coexist, sleep,
eat, love — if that is possible, reproduce himself, and finally die.
Though this monster does not exist in space-time in the cycle of
existence, death represents no barrier to it."

"Will this hypothetical monster finally overcome?"

"It has already overcome on various occasions and it is implanted

above in many human beings. This monster produces envy, doubts,
jealousy and hate. Whenever we have delivered our contribution to
life, your children, engendered within a hereditary imperfection will
acquire that monster in which is accumulated all kinds of more or
less negative tendencies. The race and your tremendous and titanic
force to survive militates against the fears, suspicions many times
unfounded of venalities of mind whose labyrinths are inexpungable,
has within itself a very longstanding charge, which is to populate the
world without discarding the responsibility to create a race within a
parameter of superliving such that it comes to be a model for other
species, demonstrating thus the capacity of engender not only to
make it, but to obtain the subsistence of the race."

"Nothing more than that?"

"No, man in himself is more complicated than that which he

apparently shows to the eyes of other civilizations. His mission for
the moment will be to continue the species until the same will be
aided by other greater civilizations with the objective of finding the
antidote — to call it such — to salvage and restore the
magnificence lost to the DNA. Because, though you may not believe
it, or it seems hair-brained to you, man belongs to a race in danger
of extinction."

"Will anyone come to save our humanity?"

"Yes, the greatest responsibility of the men of our greater
civilizations is that some community must be imposed. And the truth
is that they are confronted by the effects — already devastating —
of the antithesis of life. Against it exists nothing that you could do,
for which those of your folk must struggle to survive without
rupturing the harmony of equilibrium. When something has already
suffered permanent mutations it is more difficult to accomplish your
recuperation. Perhaps our greater civilizations can achieve this
completely after which you will see green fields and blue skies in
which you not only observe the survival of one man — or of all your
humanity — but it's complete emancipation."
5 Extraterrestrial Concepts of
LYA, the woman who claimed she came from a distant place, beyond
our star group, called INXTRIA (Mexican pronunciation) or
AENSTRIA, had ruptured the foundation of scientific skepticism
leaving it an embarrassment to an earthman, according to her
accounts to me.

That Thursday I had set down to write up all that I could remember
of my interview with LYA, in that garden of the City of Cuernavaca.
Soon the recollections vibrated in my mind,I and I began to write
that which LYA had told me:

"The scientists of your planet will discover, around 1990 or a little

before, new sources of energy coming from space.2 In the course of
recent years there has been lively interact in the energy which
surrounds some planets in greater quantity than others, because
not all celestial bodies vibrate with the same intensity of energy, but
it will be around the end of 1985 when they will become more
interested in the satellites of planets than the planets themselves.
Phobos and Deimos, moons of the planet Mars, contain an energy
greater than the terrestrial satellite (the Moon); this will make
the scientists of your planet come to execute some
erroneous changes which later they themselves will correct. Due
to the conformation of those bodies, attentive to the fact that their
characteristics are very strange, they will think that these bodies
were "seeded" artificially, or that a strange most powerful force had
brought them to that place through space.3 What happened in truth
was that a superior civilization initiated some thousands of years ago
a reconstruction of energy of the systems that surround the star
group...and I refer to that to which you pertain. This superior
civilization to which I refer can be found in a star group near your
own which we have called Pleons.4 Returning to the strange
characteristics of the satellites, I can inform you that some lost a
great part of their power when there occurred the collision in your
solar system.”5

"Collision?" I asked.

"All of the planets of your solar system took part in that collision."

"Ah yes, now I remember. You have told me something about that."

"Very well, when the interspacial patrols took notice of the anomaly
that existed in the energy of said bodies, they initiated an operation
really impressive for it's delicacy and immerse proportion, to
reimplant the satellites in their pieces. Some were surrounded
and "injected" with pure energy. Other planets had one satellite in
orbit. The Earth originally had no satellite. That was found in the
fourth place in the solar system. As a consequence of the collision
one day it lost it's motion and the planet experienced great
convulsions as well as continuous changes in polar magnetization,
for which the Earth began to disperse itself, and the orbit became
more dense (sic), The great extension (of land) on the Earth opened
up and formed into continents and islands.8 Other land was
inundated forever, the planet became very chaotic for the existence
of life, it was studied so intently that on some occasions they came
to discover reptiles on the surface and all others were covered by
enormous seas.9 Plankton were found on the tops of a mountain and
trees were broken off at their roots and lay on the bottom of the
ocean. the planet released great quantities of it's own energy in it's
uncertain orbit, for which the level of life was insecure. They
consecrated themselves to revitalizing the planet. After an urgent
interplanetary meeting in view of the possibility that the system
could be in grave danger of causing more and more collisions even
beyond that which you call the Pleiades10 a community of superiors
was invited to see what they could do about the desperate situation.
And with the help of projectors of condensed energy they slowly
saved the orbit. If this procedure had been carried cut with a certain
rapidity the planet could have succumbed to the violent shock of
energies, internally and externally. By this route they found, when
they discovered this, that it was necessary to place a rectifier
satellite in orbit, and they adopted the Moon. For that advanced
community this was easy, but for other communities still in
development, such as mine, this was astonishing. To register the
helpful procedures, and due to the existence of an important treaty
an external help that existed,11 it was necessary that all knowledges
that were a part of the operation be registered in the archives of the
Universe as precedents for those inhabitants of planets still behind in
measures of help such as this. To construct system's to this
level much aids other communities therefore even for the advanced
community this effort was relatively simple. Other communities
agreed that this was an authentic wonder. The interior civilizations
did not have the capacity to recognize the true value of such means.
But this also is because of their scarce comparative knowledges.
Because of this the scientists of your Earth will find that each one of
those satellites to which I refer - Phobos and Deimos — emit
different energies and that some [sic] orbit in different directions
from the others. This is a consequence of having orbited toward only
one point before the solar holocaust and that after, by the same
impact, caused the same body to orbit on a point diametrically
opposite. Though they could not correct the movement there it was
possible to conserve the same balance with the imposition of two
satellites that would neutralize its orbital sensitivity. Phobos and
Deimos were adapted as energizers."

"Are you telling me that some satellites are artificial the moon also?"

"Not only some satellites, in other stellar agroupations there are

truly extraordinary implants. For example they have succeeded in
reviving one star threatened with the end of life of two inhabited
planets that received it's heat and which, by the function of
photosynthesis, conducted. The life there is not like that of your
planet. It is not exactly a beautiful world like yours. But the star
despite it's time of life not being long has succeeded in retaining
there some specimens, and for such it's function is indispensable.12
The manner in which they made calculations and extracted great
quantities of energy that In turn was injected, was by methods
that perhaps to you would seen incredible. When they inject pure
energy, they use the same energy as the injector. It may surprise
you to know that one cubic decimeter of energy accumulated and
concentrated in accordance with the most advanced procedures,
could supply your sun with enough that it could function hundreds of
millions of years more."

"!!?? Is that possible?" I asked.

LYA did not pay much attention to my gesture of surprise and

continued speaking.

"The oxygen can also be concentrated to a level sufficient for one

planet, in which it is indispensable to realize experiences, where, in
the scarcity of oxygen, they construct transparent cupolas out of
solid titanium imbued with crystallized oxygen which is then placed
in a resupplier of oxygen. In this manner it can obtain for itself an
ample supply in a determined place. The superior civilizations
continually advance in their scientific plans so much that in actuality
it is not necessary to concentrate oxygen in cupolas like we do it,
but they transform all of the planet in accordance to it's needs. For
this I tell you that it is very important that you know the principal
energies of the molecule, at least you should understand — that in
space all is controlled to a level of energy by inertia.”

"What else have you seen in your crystal ball?" I asked sardonically
and amused.

"You are no longer as skeptical as at the beginning of our friendship,

and I have no crystal ball nor any other things. I, like many of my
cohabitants, do not possess a sphere of crystal, but know many
things about your planet because we have studied it consciously.13
You know that upon observing how you use the energy power in
your world we showed surprise and worry, because altogether,
such use of that same energy, due to the scarcity of appropriate
places to store it, is wasteful. Toward the end of 1986 it will be
possible for your scientists to obtain new forms of energy in their
laboratories, very rudimentary to be sure. All this comes to the
terrestrials, in their search for new supplies of alimentation, but that
is not exactly what impells them, more likely trying to place
themselves in the vanguard of knowledge to use this to their own
advantage. But all is in vain if they do not possess the true
knowledge of the energy that vibrates in every cell. For example, in
past years we studied the British who tried to unite the cells of
a chicken and yeast. In their turn the American scientists, not
desiring to remain behind, tried to fuse human cells with cells of the
tobacco plant. It was judged that you were doing this in the way of
experiments on the cancer process, nevertheless nobody could
achieve the fusion of one human cell with a vegetable cell precisely
because these are not in accord in energy... It is as if you tried to
make a new and powerful weapon that would operate utilizing a
fusion or combustion of gasoline and Plutonium, speaking in
terrestrial terms. Illogical and unnecessary? Thus it is. For that we
can also tell you that these cellular unions could be achieved if
they used a stabilizer of energy. The terrestrial scientists must take
into account the vibrational grade of energy. Carrots do not require
such an amount of energy for their propagation as human cells.
Nevertheless success will be attained and they will encounter a
protein that can reproduce itself with a minimum of care even in the
most rustic of laboratories. At first it will require a minimal of solar
energy, but later these scientists will be surprised of its unusual
volume each time it grows and this will be such that there will not
remain room for those scientists in said laboratories. It will be
a hopeful step for the hungry. It will be experimented with first in
the poor countries such as India and Nigeria, but unfortunately this
also will provoke dependency and the producing country could come
to be a manipulator."
"Who will discover it?"

"A group of scientists."

"Can you see through time?"

"Not necessarily." She responded. Perhaps we could discover

marvels in space and advance ourselves in time. The same occurs in
your world when you travel. If you travel toward the east you gain a
day and vice versa. We have discovered that if we align our ships
toward the east we run the risk of arriving at a civilization or two
before yours, one degree is perhaps sufficient to retard the process
of our cycle, or of that which you call time. If we advance toward
the north we can fall into the error of arriving beyond the year 2030.
The Universe is inscrutable, even for us, if we do not know enough
to conduct ourselves in accordance with natural law."
6 "Cell in Hibernation."
"You said you would tell me a secret." I said, remembering an earlier
visit, which at the end of the talk had left me profoundly intrigued.

"Yes, that is true. I shall talk to you of something which perhaps you
know of as electronic clonation one which in our world is
denominated as something that you could translate as 'cell in
hibernation'. You, and I refer to your scientists, advance in this field
but they still have not had enough time. The system of cloning was
initiated as a means of safeguarding those civilizations on their way
to extinction. The procedure to follow is to start out precisely to
extract living cells and hibernate then. In space there are many
races which, for different reasons, have not proliferated
normally. The Earth at one time was a paradise in which
lived civilizations extinct today. It was then when the communities of
superior civilizations decided to salvage some of them. When your
planet offered a certain security there began to arrive more and
more populations. The first were white (of Nordic type), and tall,
but they had to be placed in an optimum level of climate for their
survival. Some races developed better in desert climates and others
developed better in cold climates. Thus, there arrived whites, blacks,
coppers, yellows, etc."

"Was there already one race resident on the Earth?"

"Yes... the Egyptians who were found settled in what is now the Nile
River. Each folk has to arrive at being selfsufficient. it was then when
they began to train themselves to sow what they ate. Also they gave
classes on the quality of alimentation that each group should have to
be adequate for it's organic needs. Since all the races are distinct,
each one should know it's own metabolism. The Japanese and the
Chinese manifested genetic characteristics different from the black
races, whose organism is adaptable to almost any climate and any
alimentation. At first all went marvelously, but what was initiated
with success presented problems.

After several of years the implantation of the races was no longer

effective. later, the root of the proliferation of man had grown in
power and any invasion of any terrain represented war. The red and
the copper races were the first to arrive and also the inheritors of
the interplanetary knowledge. They had obtained such evolution,
moral and social, that they were not massacred and worthily
represented the man of Earth. The superior civilizations had
foreseen that he who loved war would end up dominating the
planet, and so it is. Once the Earth changed into a cosmopolitan
planet the social type of problems began. It was evident that
something was failing and that man was incapable of adapting
himself socially. Every time he presented a chaotic appearance. Each
one of the integral members of the race believed he had the
privilege of inheriting from his ancestors land conquered at the price
of blood. The greater men of your planet have died with the idea
that peace each time would be more utopic. Those men carried the
primary clones in hibernation, and they began to implant clones in
each group with the final result that each one of them would
succeed in awakening in the terrestrial human the consciousness of

"The clone, how did you discover that something like this existed?" I

"Each time some prominent, or important, or valiant one, of the

intergalactic community found himself in danger of dying It would
come to him and utilize one of his cells, then it would produce a new
being, eliminating all kinds of infirmities."

"To what end?"

"To retain his knowledge."

“Did he achieve this?"

"Now, yes, but at first a totally hybrid being was obtained, of which
they say hybrid because his cells will not serve as clones afterward.
Nevertheless the conscience of universal level elevated him to a
different stratus, without the instincts of aggression. He had almost
attained to optimum. individuality. Original clones (of the primitive
body) were jealously guarded by the scientists, who deposited these
in laboratories located in inaccessible places., for example in high
mountains. They froze those at low temperatures to the end that

several centuries might pass and they could then be converted back
into thinking beings. The means by which they are perfecting the
system of electronic donation overcomes many deficiencies. For
example, in actuality it is no longer necessary to deposit them in
frozen places. Today they program the clone of themselves
to survive an indeterminate number of cycles of time and this, in the
same manner as the memory is controlled together with the
objective. This achieved through an electronic-magnetic-energetic
stimulus, for which we tell you that it is important to know all of
this, when we comment on your understandings. Today, when
the community of superior races decide that some member
of whatever race merits the privilege of eternity.- they effect the
donation but at a very high level which at times not even I myself
comprehend, it is said that they have separated from matter and
only the memory persists in the being indescribably knowledgeable
who generates his own energy. They create a chemical-electrical
augmentation similar to that required in your gestation when the
determined being desires to be material.

"What does he need to be 'chosen'? To be like you?"

"Appropriately, no. We have ample knowledge about life. We can be

pure energy or organic material.1 The materialization is important for
those of us interested in studying the conglomeration of planets and
the proliferation of human beings of diverse races. Those civilizations
who obtain the knowledge of longevity, as you call the natural
prolongation of life, do not necessarily desire to be 'chosen' as you
call it, though in any case we desire to remain in the perspective of
an eternity." "How old are you, LYA?"

"The day I tell you my ace you will not believe it. I an 900 of your
years, and two cycles of arc of ours, old. Our scientists have
acquired the knowledge of longevity , and utilizing it rationally they
succeed in augmenting the possibility of integrating us to the Great
Community from where has emerged great personages."

"Why?" I asked. "Why?"

"The life on my planet is more fascinating than you can imagine.

Suppose that also on the Earth each one preferred the habitat to
which he is accustomed. I travel much, dream, continually of things
that I see, know an infinity of knowledge, and my life has scarcely
begun." "What purpose has life?" I asked.

"Life has the objective of overcoming the confusion when you are
manifesting the antithesis of the energetico-magnetic life, whether it
be you or I. But not in a struggle to death which in fact it is... what I
want to say is, not in a war as you are accustomed to on the Earth.
The struggle is inside, to create virtues and to correct defects. I told
you before, that life in itself as a principle is an electromagnetic state
of memory. Very well, when you are born in that memory you come
as a concentrated collection of knowledge which you later 'discover'
by inertia. To create a balanced aspect in your life is your true
struggle. You will have to raise one grade of intelligence to a grade
such that your memory will serve to prolong your survival. Because
in your world they survive... struggling against the feelings and the
qualities. Thus is initiated the true battle, within oneself.'

"The positivism, perhaps?"

“No, rather a calm emotional state, upon achieving this you will
realise interesting phenomena in yourself. One person who has
acquired the true tranquility emits a different flow of energy to that
which continually is restless within himself. Some allow this species
of monster that grows within than to dominate, some
succumb, some are destroyed, some overcome, some confront
and triumph. That is already programed in your memory forever,
then you will pass to a level above many. The energetic flow will
accomplish changes in you and in this manner will convert you into a
kind of jewel to be redeemed. But when your tendencies are of
leadership, authentic director of deeds, then you will be
redeemable. The communities of superior civilizations will appear
to you redeeming you according to your achievements. But look
now, let us change the theme a little because I want to show you
7 Reviewing the Past and Feelings
"I must advise you that what you are going to see now will have
peculiar characteristics. You will be able to remember it only if you
thus prefer it."

"Here", she said placing her hand ever something that seemed to
me like a tiny metal plate stuck to the wall. "This is what you desire
to know not only of me but of other persons as well. I will put my
hand above and you place yours below."

I did this and there suddenly appeared one scene on a screen of

some 43 x 50 centimeters. There was LYA, when she was a baby in
a room without furniture, many buttons on the wall and an
enormous screen. Her parents were found in a simple laboratory
with enormous windows in the roof, apparently as if they belonged
to a community of interplanetary investigators.

"They are my parents." said LYA. That is the moment in which they
solicited permission to engender a little girl child. The children
engendered must be desired. They solicit the help of the scientists to
induce a birth with all advantages for the new being."

"Through a clone?"

"No, no, no!" Assured LYA immediately. I Laughed. I saw much

earlier when the parents of LYA were young, "it is going back to the
past." She informed me.

"Yes, is it a movie?" I asked

"No, each one of my cells, and the same with yours, remember all
the past happenings of my life, and though the major archive is in
the brain, all of your lives are stored in detail in all of your being.
"Would you like to test it?" she asked.
"Can I ask intimate things?" I said looking at her

"Oh..." She smiled in a manner so candid and innocent that I

blushed. "Place your hand above, she said, "and I will not place
mine, in a manner that we can observe only what you desire."

I placed my hand and saw the face of my daughter Norma and of

Rodolfo, my elder son, looking at T.V. in his bedroom. I saw my wife
reposing in siesta and desired with all my soul that she could have
the 900 years of LYA and be as her, young and beautiful. LYA
looked at me understanding. After that she said:

"Is that all you want to know?"

At that moment I looked to my mother, already having passed on,

going and coming about her little house caring for her birds and
parrots on Coyoacan. While I had my hand on that delicate plaque,
all that came to my mind was converted into living images.

"LYA, what are those remembrances to you?” I asked while

nostalgically observing my mother.

"To me”, said LYA, "those memories are the truth of life. In my
community, memories are the living treasures of man, the emotional
structures of that which is suspended in your personality and the
columns is of your existence."

"And for you what are the memories?" She asked.

''For me?" I answered, "Well, at times the memories are not so

beautiful. If I continue with my hand on the place observing my
mother I will end up crying.”

"It is not a plate." She said. "It is an ultrasensor of intercellular

plasma energy. Those memories are energy active plasma. What
surprises me about you is the definition of your sentiments through
your memories. That tendency to yearn for the past and see your
mother originated in yourself and since now she is no longer here, it
must be brutal. Each time you succeed in controlling your emotions
you increase in soul strength."

"Don't you have feelings?"

"Feelings, yes, we know how to control the negative emotions and

we control and take advantage of the positives. Due to the lack of
emotional control your planet is in decline. On our. planet the only
thing that we possess is the knowledge. If we fight for possession
of territory we would be descending an animal level and after all,
when the existence of the beings here who have the promise of
higher life transpires, the bodies must stay here. The Earth, like all
other planets, remains in the same place. Perhaps with new
inhabitants the same country will not be the same but will be in
the same place. If we do not control our emotions, ego, envy, and
greed will cause us to retrogress at the cost of our emotional
equilibrium. This would be a great tragedy for the people of our

"There is no bad on your planet?"

"Bad, precisely no. There comes to exist what one accumulates such
as knowledge, without sharing it that provokes an imbalance but up
to now I have not witnessed anything like this; at least not on

8 Prophecies
"You said you had some prophesies for me."

"You like prophesies?”

"That is a characteristic of the people of your particular planet. They
desire to hear things of the future such as an advice of good
fortune. This desire is programmed in your mind because the
human being before used to be able to see farther into the future
than present man. A continuation of this, I can tell you, can
be accomplished only by retaining the equilibrium of
mutual affection and assistance."

"What are you trying to say?"

"That only in case you do not destroy yourselves completely can you

"How?" I asked, not understanding.

“Look, in your year 2015 you will be enabled to obtain energy from
sound. Sound could bring you energy of a power unsuspected, but
only of tuned vibrational sound. it must be a vibration like the chord
of a violin or a guitar, or a flute or a pipe. Vibrational music
can accomplish marvelous things.1 In our world music is revealed as
a treasure for the energization of whatever specimen of energy is
around. Beings from other worlds come to AENSTRIA to observe the
vibrational changes of sound and their extent. But there is
something that you would not imagine: The energy of sound serves
to preserve bodies or cadavers. Sound also can always be used to
control the climate when it is executed sufficiently fine and in one
vibratory wave so as not to provoke error. It also helps to heat an
habitation without irritating the inhabitants. This same can be an
invincible weapon because sound in a note sufficiently high
and sharp can provoke earthquakes."

"How interesting." I responded. "On the proposition or earthquakes,

what is the cause of those? Have you found the solution in the
movements of earth?"
"When the Earth opened and formed the continents, dispersing them
and creating what you call errant poles and which for us is a loss of
energy, the components of the Earth also were implicated in the
equilibrium of metals: mercury, iron, uranium, petroleum, etc., in
the same manner as minerals in the human organism. When
these are dispersed the Earth loses absorbance of that
natural energy. Some planets have discovered a quite simple formula
for avoiding great disasters and unnecessary loss of life. Enormous
needles of determined thickness whose components are all the
minerals known to you plus oxygen, hydrogen, riocero (sic), as well
as copper (which is a good conductor) and a substance that has it's
origin in the liberation of energy in the friction of minerals, and what
you yourselves do not know and what we call "txuin", were used to
neutralize the seismic activity. If you neutralize this you eliminate the
movement. Some inhabitants of other planets of the Galaxy from
which they come, have discovered a very simple formula for avoiding
great disasters and unnecessary casualties, Enormous movements of
rock and floods cause changes in riverbeds in many countries. The
manner in which they implant the above mentioned needles attracts
precisely the energy from the minerals in question and it's liberation
is minor. The needles of determined thickness and whose
components are described above, attract the energy that liberates
the earth a little before the earthquake and transforms it into some
form utilizable with the double purpose of reducing or minimising
the seismic activity and to condense a high quantity of the energy.
The waves are collected with the same system of attraction and
absorption through the needles disposed strategically in highly
telluric (sic) places. Some other planets have a system of congealing
the earth that is highly seismic to reduce its potential to a minimum
of five percent to zero through a system of absorption of energy.
The congealed earth does not experience too much movement, at
least that which suffers a sudden change of temperature. Or, other
planets where the radiating star is deficient, they artificially
create clouds which provoke neutralizing rays in the seismic zones
dosifying them gradually.”
I looked at her fixedly and asked:

“How many planets do you know?"

"I have lost count but I can tell you that it is more than... well, let us
say 3,000 to 4,000 investigated by the group or in the laboratories of
AENSTRIA. By this time there must be more, many more than that."

"At what basic velocity do you travel?"

"That depends on the energy of each ship. Ours can achieve

something like 300,000 of your kilometers per hour or more."

"That is too much, don't you think?"

"Other civilizations travel much faster."

"Do you like that work?"

She looked at me greatly surprised.

"Work? On our planet we are conditioned to investigate through the

knowledge of the stars, and our greatest love is for knowledge. The
watchword: TO KNOW. Our minds are endowed with receptivity for
knowledge and that is really the destiny of our community. Through
knowledge they obtain innumerable advances."

"Have you studied our system?"

"Yes, when your solar system was relatively new for us we saw and
counted 16 planets, but we supposed that you might have more
taking into account that one average star comes to retain in it's orbit
more or less 32 planets of which only the first ten to twelve receive
in accordance with their orbital phase, energy from the star,
sufficient to surround said body through it's own energy guide."

"What is the energy guide?"

"The energy that the star emits to drive it's planets."

"I don’t understand."

"You will understand when I tell you that energy attracts energy for
it's same characteristics, in the manner that as the sun emits it's
heat in one refractory step, it is returned to the same star; a kind of
interchange that at length serves to guide the planets. The star
possesses a strong attraction for the planets, without which these
would not derive their motion."

“Does our world resist the assaults of solar changes?"

"Yes, if the solar energy diminishes or increases, your world would

truly resist it. The rotation and the density of energy are important
factors for a planet. The temperature and the pressure determine
the lapse of it's existence. If these are altered it changes the life
on the planet in question.”

"Did you know our planet before it was populated?”

"When your world was conceived it already had cycles of arc by the
hundreds — remaining in it's orbit, but nevertheless at a certain time
of yours to this date we have been your cosmic connection. Your
ancestors knew perfectly well our existence. Some lived in superior
civilizations through a conception by means of a clone.”


"I already explained to you that the Hindu was a folk that
established itself on Earth in the beginnings of life (as we know it)
on the planet, those who readied an optimum level of consciousness
were extracted."

Did the ancient folk know about the atom?

"Yes, they had taken precautions not to use it arbitrarily.
Nevertheless there were people who used it indiscriminately, like in
your society today. Put your hand on the ultrasensor and you can
see, if you like, the arsenals of any of the powers of the world."

I placed my hand and effectively saw. with stupefaction, the deposits

of thermonuclear weapons.

"Those are the so-called ogives." LYA said to me. '‘If you condensed
all of that energy and extracted only one drop of it, you could place
in march the engine of one airplane for 100 years without it
descending to land. But you have controlled the atom arbitrarily and
indiscriminately so much that it is no wonder to the community
of advanced civilizations that man will terminate his days at the
mercy of an error.'

“You possess an atomic neutralizer, isn't that correct?"

'Yes, but... I know what you are thinking. You know that we are
prohibited using it against the weapons of the societies. You have
seen that we neutralized atomic collisions in the sea to save the
maritime flora and fauna. But this can not always be done. We do
this out of respect for life but not to steal the accumulation of
energy that that you possess. that is a respected point which the
major advanced civilizations guarantees to all societies and to all
planets, always and when they do not spill innocent blood, because
that also implies a fall back to the beginning of the stellar
community. But you asked me if the ancient societies knew how to
use the atom, didn't you?"

"Yes." I responded.

"Very well, the pyramids do not present to simple view what they
really are and why they were really constructed. Those form an
equilateral rhomboid. The rhombus divides the rhomboid in the
middle at ground level and the other half is underground. Many
things are connected to beings from other star groups. Do you know
why? Because this may show that on other planets also exists the
knowledge of the accumulation of energy. The knowledge set down
in one pyramidal body will show you the track or the
trajectory through which pass persons of other planets
disseminating the knowledge. The form of each one of them will
come to show the advance of their knowledges and the line of
the lineage of your civilization. For this you see different pyramidal
constructions the length of your planet. "

"In our last meeting you spoke to me about terrestrial regions in

which you still detect residues of the principle of the vortice. What is

"The force in the movement of the vortice can be compared to that

of cyclones, hurricanes., tornadoes, etc., though the origin is much
more complicated than it seems in these atmospheric manifestations
which have only a slight speed compared to the magnetic vortice. A
vortice is born in a form similar to a drain tube and it is named for
this primitive form. The whirlpools in the sea show us that they are
not only detected in the air but in the seas also. What happens is
that the vortice can form in the flux of certain minerals in the earth
as well as in the water. Many years ago the civilizations that
proceeded the great holocaust controlled these forces irresponsibly
through the concentration of stores of this energy that accumulated.
Imagine guarding in storage the force of some ten, twenty or thirty
hurricanes. Man discovered that he could do great things with this,
from provoking rain where precipitation was not frequent to places
his enemies had stored things susceptible to loss as a consequence
of a cyclone. Today also exists forms of attracting rains. This is only
a beginning. Well then, the force of this vortice would be sufficient
to divide a city in two or to submerge a village of fishermen. This
was. never foreseen in your eagerness to accumulate more and
more classes of energy. There are places where still can be found
generators of this force that can destroy all that is around it. All
energy moves through a constant reabsorber and reunites. Energy
also reproduces itself if it is not extracted from its original field, but if
the accumulation in an apparently secure place surpasses the level
of containment it will struggle to get out. Oxygen and hydrogen are
energy but only two of the many types of energy that there are.
Many forms of energy in space are contraproductive to the
atmosphere of your planet, and could produce an explosion of
incalculable reach.4 Every movement of wind helps to increase the
friction of the waves. The blow of wind is not material to that which
accelerates it's rotation. Each energy has it's own characteristics.
Well then, the greater energy always will be in the vortex,
in pyramidal form, and observe that the majority of the
more resistant constructions left to posterity by your ancestors have
this form. Who would imagine storing energy in a vortex inside of a
pyramidal vortex. They discovered accidentally that only a storage
container with that form could retain without serious consequences
the energy of the vortex.

"Then is the stereotype of the atom like energy?"

"The atom is energy, you are energy and ell the animals of your
world are energy... energy always will take the form of a vortex."
9 Prophecy Fulfilled
One of the more important prophesies that LYA revealed to me
seemed to me to be more than a prediction, a warning. My life had
been slipping from surprise to surprise since I had come to know
her. She had made me feel a fortunate human being, and
consequently, through her discussions, had awakened in me a
feeling of knowledge of such dimensions that I had come to believe
that LYA possessed much more of divinity than of woman.

On other occasions she had offered me proofs by predicting political

results which in their time occurred as predicted, ’the death of
Anwar Sadat, the attempted assassination of the president of the
United States (of Ronald Regan), the death of Brezhnev one year
before the event and the premature death of Andropov, as well
as the attempted assassination suffered by the Pope,
plus catastrophic floods, heavy snows, and severe
earthquakes, were all predicted with surprising accuracy.I

Over a lapse of five years LYA had predicted political events that
came to pass exactly as she said. For such, when she spoke of a
future imminent danger for humanity, when I still could not imagine
what it would be, I was afraid that it was something really serious.

"We will. be in the province, a few kilometers from the field. We will
meet them.” She told me days before our our meeting.

It was obvious that after having listened for more or loss ten years
to LYA I had come to know much of her, but also I had learned too
much about my own world. She, surprisingly, induced me to see all
of those events an observer, without involving myself, not even
emotionally in what happened. Now something was occurring
within me. I felt depressed and experienced an expectant anxiety. I
noticed in her words a certain formality unusual for her. I knew, and
later had the opportunity to verify, that when something strange
occurred in the life of anyone leaving consequences, I would imagine
from the moment that it began I believed in LYA and her
teachings which apart from her the happenings would stir up a
torrent of surprise.

We met one month of May, by a village near Michoacan. That

Thursday I arrived with noticeable anticipation. I was convinced that
LYA would take priority in my life and she knew it.

I experienced a certain agitation inside of me... What was that that

she had told me? Why had she made this appointment in such a
strange and isolated place?

While I arrived I had walked around the place a little. The sun
shined splendidly and the air was saturated with aromas emanated
by fruit trees planted around the small white cottages distributed
one by one along the side of the road there. The oxygen that I
breathed there seemed to nurture my spirit.

Suddenly she arrived... she was in front of me with that fresh smile
and all of the beauty that simply illuminated her... completely. She
was attired in her black pantsuit with the light blue buttons, seeming
like an image drawn from a science fiction movie.

I took out my cigarette case and selected one, lit it, and inhaled the
smoke profoundly... I felt indecisive, anxious to know that which she
would tell me and fearful at the same time about what she might

I was afraid also that those days were the last of our friendship...
and also I felt that my days were slowly coming to an end. All
passes, all transpires, all flows in the existence of man. LYA now not
only was my friend, my advisor, my informer, but had found such
submergence in my life that to extract her, pull her out, leave
off seeing her, was going to provoke a trauma in me.
The one moment that scarcely stretched to perceive the face of her
was overshadowed upon seeing a splendid butterfly that happily flew
by next to us.

Days before this she had commented to me that they would be

carrying out labors of a social type in a place near Morelia.

She took me by the hand... It was an enduring sensation that had

made me feel like a colleague. LYA had the particularity of living in
my memory even when her absences were prolonged.

Upon contact with her hand my anxieties went up in smoke,


"Do not fear. I know that you think that we may not come back
together to see each other, but there still will be more occasions...
depending on many things, but fundamentally on our

She had let go of my hand and we were walking slowly. She inserted
her hands in the lateral pockets of her jacket and I continued

"LYA-, I said suddenly, breaking the silence, "you met me here for
something which supposedly is very important... isn't that so?'

She turned on her heels and looking at me face to face said:

"Yes, Professor... you have been an inestimable friend during much

time of your cycle, though for me seeing each other and talking has
been relatively very little? I have enjoyed very beautiful instances at
your side, and I learned, I admired you for your existential
vibrations, and that terrestrials also know how to love intensely. We
know those changes of conduct that have operated in you for one
cycle of arc or another, and I can assure you that is for which your
race is experiencing a change, imperceptible to you, not only at an
organic level, but genetically, besides reasonably and habitually.
They move within boisterous confusion like I said to you and in
continual modification. Your mode of life, dress, your studies, your
work, your form of love, of being, to exist and to fight, are changing
in conference with those same events as is required. I can tell
you that man himself will allow himself to be carried by the currant
of a river whose speed is dizzying... Man could change the process
of his life, but he feels impotent to do it, and moreover to even try.
Today men of your world explore the past to find traces of
collusions, to feel through that the reality of a world or epoch
before, which he could compare with this present civilization.”

"LYA", I intervened, "In my world a very important scientific change

has taken place in these last years. During the length of our
friendship you have told me of really surprising things. I have
learned more about life than I have known during the whole time of
my existence before. You have spoken of your world. To me this
is inspirational... but I fear that you are seeing some negative
aspects of the planet Earth. I would like to ask you. Is it perhaps
that there would be still more and greater dangers awaiting
humanity? Is it that it is not enough that man has reached a certain
grade of beastial violence for which the life on this planet still will
see itself in greater dangers? Why then live, if the existence does
not offer any security to man?’’

"It is not the life... Professor, it is man himself who has not known
the cause of his destiny, political, social and economical.” she
lowered her gaze, and then she looked at me and I saw a strange
shine of resisted worry in her eyes. She touched her ring on her
right hand, precisely on her index finger.

We continued walking. The occasion began to collapse. The evening

set in an orange color, at the time when the Earth discharges the
incomparable smell of dried mud.

"Professor", she said breaking the silence in which we both were

submerged. "Look at how the sun sinks slowly in the west. You feel
upon seeing that a certain indifference because you know with a
certainty that it will return one time after another passing itself over
the horizon. It will continue it's path around the Galaxy, toward the
constellation that you call Hercules, but always dragging in it's orbit
planets attracted to it by it's powerful force of gravity. Life is not the
same. Each day that passes will not return. You know, in determined
moments of your life that you can squander days of your indolent
childhood, that you can profit by certain months of your youth trying
to use them in study, but then, when you approach maturity,
decrepitude, when by the inertia of that which you call time, the
body deteriorates, you know that each hour, that every minute that
transpires will not return, and you then avoid the loss of one single
instant, you have knowledge of the danger to which your world has
been exposed through the atomic generation in it's wide spectrum,
but you and the men of Earth ignore the fact that you still
must confront greater dangers that proceed from exterior space."4
"One time I told you", LYA said, "that your world will not find itself
prepared socially, nor economically, nor emotionally to confront the

"Yes." I said, remembering that occasion in which we profoundly

analyzed the personality of the human being. LYA had explained to
me in detail the special characteristics of the Earth humans.

"Remember", she said, “that speaking of the different characters

demonstrated by one living being, I told you of other civilizations.
You had asked me if there were beings more aggressive than the
Earth humans inhabiting this Universe. I mentioned that there was
and spoke about those who have been coming on various occasions
to your world."

"Yes, I remember that you told me that there exist races that are
dedicated to the domination of others without regard for the means
by which they accomplish this. ...I thought pensively about what I
wanted to say. — "Then LYA, I asked you if those races were a
danger to us and you told me that later, when you would be
more sure you would answer that."

"Yes, Professor, and now, not only I, but my community as well are
sure that these races are lying in wait and studying your humanity,
and they represent a real threat to you."1

"In what form?"

"In that they scorn mercy to your empiricism and the rickety form of
science that you possess. They have been coming to your world with
complete freedom and have captured living beings, children,
ancients, men, women, animals, fish, and they rob you of oxygen,
hydrogen and even absorb electric fluid of the supplies flowing
to your great cities. Humans who, unfortunately, disappear and do
not return any more have been kidnapped by them. Clearly, not all
these who are lost have been carried away by that race, but they
have have carried out innumerable captures.2 They also take
specimens in danger of extinction, to implant races or to extract
their DNA and clone all of the organism for later implantation or to
create new creatures, and also with human beings they have
achieved these implants. They have placed in danger a number of
times the peace of Earth... and..."

"Only that?" I asked somewhat relieved, thinking that the problem

was originating in the mind of LYA.

"No, not only that. in earlier years, this race, classified in our
archives as XHUMZ had been coming to your world where they
studied the ionosphere, the stratosphere, the atmosphere, the
grades and densities of the gasses existing In the air: but above all
they had placed in practice discoveries that at times have been
harmful to the planet, in an attempt to dominate the planet slowly
and silently."
"Will they come to attack us?" I asked "Their gift to the Earth is not
peacefulness. Over six thousand years ago they came to the Earth
for the first time. Their elevated stature soon made it appear
that they were above the terrestrials, but their knowledge surprised
them in such a manner that they submitted completely to those
beings, in that time they violated the women and took several
thousands of human beings for their service.3 Nevertheless they had
not demonstrated a power superior to the terrestrials, speaking of
those men of your actual civilization, of the technical capacity that
you now posses, they still had the material dematerializing ray and
the power of the control of gravity. They possessed flying ships that
were a marvel to the beings of Earth. All of the rulers listened to the
words of these powerful beings who come from the sky. Profiting
from this advantage, they took slaves for themselves,1 being treated
as Gods for that. Today they have become even more superior and
are powerful in notable ways. The xhumz lack sentiments and
experience no emotion at all. This is because their scientific
ancestors achieved, more than two thousand years ago,
the eradication of fear in their minds, for the purpose of which their
world would live in optimum. individual circumstances. The XHUMZ
nevertheless achieved the eradication of all sentiment. They
deprived themselves of love, of friendship, of benevolence, and
finally of all sentiments that could obstruct their power. This
was programmed for the civilizations that would follow. In your
world emotions of that type predominated. They observed how the
hypersensibility of the individual could be used to develop profound
hate, and how the absence of love many times induces not only the
suicide of one person, but the annihilation a whole race. They, the
XHUMZ, eradicated definitely from their race the conscience and all
respect for life. This being the case, the XHUMZ could be,
comparatively speaking, the antithesis of your world. They came to
Earth a long time ago, and after arriving proceeded to analyze
all types of life here. They knew perfectly well the vulnerable points
of man and discovered then that man had suffered genetic
alterations. After deliberations among themselves they determined
that if the Earth human was on the other hand already predestined
to disappear at the mercy of his own tendencies, the more
appropriate it would be to condition him to serve them, for which
they proceeded to appropriate him slowly at his own
voluntude. They succeeded, according to their own purposes, in
making the Earth a pilot planet, or auxiliary, destined for whatever
emergency that night arise. They would implant laws in your planes
itself that the inhabitants could not discard. Those who resisted
would be subjected to single annihilation. They conditioned the
Earth human to a mental level, slowly, without recourse to grave
confrontations of violence, utilizing products which, in combination
with the atmospheric gases produced mental modifications in the
race. They employed chemical elements in the air, in the waters and
in the earth itself. They cast derivatives of SMOUNR (a liquid that
can be produced in three states: gas, liquid and solid, according to
our studies), in the oceans and seas, the rivers, lakes, clouds, etc.
This promoted degenerative regressions in human life. In your world
there are still no scientists who could study this kind of weapon. In
this manner, depending of the grade of mental level presented by
the human being, they could, favored by the same violence that
propitiates this finality, provoke confrontations between the
continents. The different countries that proceed at the head
scientifically will find themselves suddenly before an unusual
violence inexplicably provoked there by they themselves,
escalated to a level beyond which it could not he returned. Then the
XHUMZ will attack. The humans of Earth will be too occupied in
belligerent confrontations with their neighbors to give much
attention to the dangers that will overcome them in space. For when
the human of Earth detects any anomaly, it will already be too late."

’’Is my planet left no alternative?" I asked pensively.

"If the scientists of your world can unite and analyze point by point
all that has been discovered in the laboratories, and advance from
there, not only sharing, but amplifying their knowledges, others,
other worlds, other galaxies; not just the XHUMZ, who are a
little more than one hundred light years from your planet, but some
far beyond your own Galaxy, will contemplate your world with
respect.5 This is the epoch in which they are aiming to come back to
this Solar system. They possess weapons unsuspected by your
people, possess a technology superior to yours, are more than three
thousand years in advance scientifically; you have a world degraded,
contaminated, and violent. Your beings, the humans of the Earth are
destructive, liberal, incredulous... You do not have sufficient
knowledge... not even the primordial which would be the unity of
the human race. For example you know how to effect the separation
of the atom, but you are scarcely in the beginning of your primary
phase of the capacity to unite them or provoke the antithesis which
would be the "implosion". They, the XHUMZ, do not possess atomic
arms. To annihilate the human beings they will then utilize
inclusively, the hydrogen that every body stores in its own nature.
They possess advanced technologies before which you would be
devastated. It will require the alien of all your whole planet to repel
one attack of the proportion which can be expected. The XHUMZ
have been dominating your world since the years from 1914, have
been proposing that you yourselves annihilate each other, and
perhaps when your world is desolated they will come and colonize
it.6 Thus they would increase even more the territory which they
11 Why Not Help Us?
"If you have known this for such a long time, why have you not told
the Earth humanity?" I asked, looking anxiously at LYA.

"Your world worries us. A technical ingenuity moves within it that

does not deserve to succumb to the hands of beings who have the
Earth at disadvantage. You ask why we have not done something.
This would be to take the Earth as a field of battle and forgetting
that after the attack was repelled your humanity would no longer
exist and your world would be a hybrid planet. All try to avoid this
knowing that if life on Earth comes to an end, it will be the end of a
planet beautiful and replete with diverse forms of life. What is
required is to prepare your scientists. We have spoken on an infinity
of occasions with prominent and key people in some countries. You
will be surprised if I tell you that we have had contacts with
ambassadors, with tenured professors, and with other people of
your civilization. They simply do not believe us. They would like to
see us as deformed beings, green, blue, with scales instead of skin,
with enormous amphibious eyes, but they do not know that all types
of human beings always present similar form. We have offered
irrefutable proofs, photographs, formulas, and we spoke of things
the Earth human could not know, I talked’ of the common man.
From the beginning, as with you, we have invited than to travel in
our ships and we have taken them to our greater ships and have
sometimes given them samples of metals that did not exist on

"What did you obtain with that?"

"Fundamentally that the terrestrials with whom. we have had

contact are considered demented. If perchance some proof is
offered this is misplaced or it is hidden when it represents a difficult
scientific challenge to explain in words of your world. Generally they
guard those proofs for which they have no explanation."

"LYA, please don't talk so simply because you have seen that the
human is incredulous by genetics. No; perhaps it would he too soon
to adventure judgments before you intend to do so,"

"The experience in the treatment with, your cogenerationals gives us

a certain authority to speak thus. Do not forget that we have studied
your world through that which in my planet is equivalent to your
terrestrial studies of Sociology-Archeology, Exobiology, Cosmobiology
and the fundamental origins of the living being. I have spoken to
you based on previous experiences. Listen, years ago, of your time,
we encountered a man who lived in a cabin in the Alpes. He lived
alone. For some time we had been talking with him, including
visiting with him in his cabin. Not only I but HENDER and and COST
also, two friends of mine. One day he decided to go down to the
Government House with an irrefutable proof of our presence. We
had given him a kind of sample, at his request, a metallic disc of an
element unknown on your world and called Kro-1367 by us. Upon
seeing this sample and hearing the story he told, they seized
and imprisoned him, investigated him, accused him of working for a
foreign intelligence and worse. He was judged to have presumably
managed somehow an incursion into some laboratory and robbed
mineral proofs.1 And after one year he was secluded in a hospital for
the mentally infirm. The nurses said that all of those nights
they heard him to say: ‘Believe me, the peace of the world is in
danger.1 But nobody believed him."

LYA looked at me intently.

"Has there been some convincing proofs that they have been aware
of the presence of extraterrestrial beings in my world?"

"Yes." LYA responded. "There is one. it occurred in Russia. An

extraterrestrial ship deviated and found itself very near Siberia. A
great turbulence of energy made it lose it's power of absorption of
energy. The commander in charge of the crew descended and left
very close to an alpine lodge, two mutant human beings who had
been rescued from a world destroyed by meteorites. After verifying
the scanty probability of survival of those beings, they decided to
leave them in that place. There were two. They were deposited in a
sphere of transparent material whose principal component was solid
oxygen, and after that the ship departed, the commander believed
that the cold climate of Russia would help the survival a little more.
He knew that he could do much more for them if they were taken to
their planet, but to energize the ship would take an
indeterminate lapse of time (which they did not seem to have).
That night some farmers were given a message and the picking up
of the mutants was finally carried out with the most absolute

"In what year was that?"

"In 1973."

"They both died?"

"Yes. Russia then knew that they were not alone and that sooner or
later they would be presented with superior proofs of this. The
component members of that group agreed to treat the case with the
utmost reserve. Still, several years later it was discovered here that a
ship was orbiting the Earth, which surprised the scientists because it
was not easily detectable with any ordinary radar. Until than there
had been nothing more than speculation on the existence of
interplanetary life, but from then on they organized greater forces to
investigate from where those strange beings might have come.

The United States has advanced much in the investigation of life in

space beyond that of the human being. They go at the head of
discoveries and analysis but have not had in their hands a living
extraterrestrial being like these of the Russians,2 who jealously
guard the movies and photos, analysis and documentation of
the affair of the mutant beings. Both countries know that they are
opening scarcely one portal on some thing that has more behind it
than they have imagined. But they do not take into account that the
parameters are weakly documented with which to compare one
circumstance with another. If one scientist does not have one point
over that which supports one theory, speaking comparatively with
respect to some object, this could not be classified adequately, and
very probably that proof would be lost, misplaced, or simply saved
for posterity."

"Then why do they do nothing?”


"The Russians, of course!"

"They did not know before they were confronted. They ignore the
naturalness of life in space, saying they are on the offensive,
thinking that all they encounter here, on your planet, is coming from
the same place. The offensive, of course,. is more focused on
neighboring countries than possible threats from space."

"You may be right, LYA", I said sadly, "the world has been disunited
from times immemorial."

"We are trying to instill the knowledge of worlds under threat such
as yours whenever we become aware of possible dangers. The
XHUMZ have prepared surprisingly well to enter into bellicose
conflicts with worlds more prepared than yours, but when the
inhabitants of one planet unite and repel the attack in simultaneous
form, they cannot resist for much time outside of their
ambient levels, and opt to leave that planet in peace."3

"And if not?"

"Will they come soon?" I asked.

"They are trying to dominate your world by the end of this century,
it all will begin to make a faint appearance by the end of the 1980s.
Nevertheless they believe that you would not be able to repel the

"Is that true? Are we at the mercy of those mercenaries of space?

Do we have no extraterrestrial allies, LYA?

"There is an important civilization which could charge themselves

with this but we could not decide for them."

"And you?"

"We are not an attack squadron.... We are what in your world is

called archeological or astronomical investigators. We are prepared
for attacks on our ships, but greater elements are required to protect
a world like yours.6 We could ask then to come to you through a
truce of pacification which you prepare that overcomes your frictions
and augments your capacity for knowledge. The human man can do
this. It Is an Important race. Moreover we could help those
extraterrestrials as you call us, to continue accumulating in you all
the time more new knowledges. From one time to this date has
been observed a scientific advance in the humanity, being that we
have accelerated the accumulation of knowledge through ideas for
mental implantation at a psychic vibrational level. In the same
manner as a receiver, such is the brain, to which we send signals. At
this time already you are proceeding toward knowledges of
antimatter and the discovery of new weapons. According to the
manner in which you receive the signals, whoever captures them
discovers the unusual ideas never before imagined by him. Like
medusas they emerge from the mind. At the same time is
granted the capacity of analysis and then absorption of
knowledge by inertia. Generally we do this with scientists
who represent potential countries or scientists who in some manner
have a form of rapid reception of these discoveries. For that, today,
the knowledge derived from other discoveries occurs with frequency
and a rare change in science has been noted. Your race is one
civilization on it's way to psychic mutation."

"Do we have no other recourse apart from knowledge?'

"No, the primordial is peace within yourselves." She contested


"The elements to employ?"

"The chemistry, gaseous, liquid or solid that neutralizes attacks

coming from space."

"Our risks?"

"The accumulation of energy in your own soil. That could be a

danger that you could die at the merry of such accumulation."

"The enemy would use that against us?"


"How could we avoid this?"

"One measure of emergency would be to congeal the nuclear arms

to a solid in chambers that are protected from intense heat. This
process must be done slowly, because the contrary would provoke
chemical reactions in the ground."

"Freeze them? to what degree?"

"To a little more than 1300 degrees below zero."

It was paradoxical... there in that lonely and rustic place surrounded
by trees, flowers, fruits and the chirps of birds, while in the distance
the mooing of cows was lost among the barking of dogs, in the
warmth of a night torn by the beauty and instantaneous
resplendence of the fireflies, LYA and I spoke of military strategies at
interspacial level. Questions of politics, economics, societies,
emotions, conduct and existentials were treated as plus points and
minus points in that place in which one could breathe the clean fresh
air. In that place simplicity and liberty reigned in that field. It
occurred to me at that moment that the planet already would not be
the same without the presence of the living beings. We spoke of the
human being surrounded by such a variety of flora and fauna, The
buzz of the flies, irritating before now boomed in that place,
beautiful within the concert of vibrant notes and marvelous chords of
the nature of that community of being... and a world without such
fields, an Earth without her flowers, the trees without their fruits,
woman without her pregnancy... Would it be like that?

"Look" said LYA signaling the splendor of the fauns almost covered
by the shadows. "I asked you to come here to note a comparison
between that which you have and that which you can lose. Perhaps
you will forget this meeting, but always remember this Earth, your
dreams, your liberty, your scientific world, your classrooms, the
language of the animals, the aroma of the vegetation and the
splendor of the existence which emerges from one point so small,
microscopic, how grande...
12 Spread The Word
We had walked a more or less long distance. I found my emotions
fluctuating in me. Time for me stopped one instant in which my
consciousness was full of all that. After that it seemed to me that my
own self had stopped there and I felt horror and terror upon
analyzing all, outside of being certain of that which LYA predicted.
I knew that she had never told me an untruth, I fervently desired
now that all was only a nightmare. Then my temples began to
palpitate. I thought that man himself represented a threat to his
own civilization, LYA touched me with her hand and almost
immediately my pulse returned to normal... however my mind
seemed submerged in a vortex of ideas, a circumstance which later
seemed similar to uniting one chaos within another.

We returned to the city in complete silence.

Almost upon arriving at Mexico City on the open highway I abruptly


Wouldn't it have been better if you had not told me this? Why me?
Why not be another who has less knowledge about energy and the
atom in a manner that he would not understand so well what you
have said? Would it not be better to die than to know all this?"

"Professor..." She said with infinite delicacy, "you are not the only
one who knows. Many more persons of your world have listened
than you imagine, no, Professor, it was not that we selected you that
first time for a morbid intention of making you suffer. It occurred to
us that you seemed tranquil and at peace with yourself, but above
all the indubitable key was your personality as a tenured Professor.
We knew that for ethical reasons if nothing else you would not share
this knowledge with your students, but in the end, after having
liberated yourself of your skepticism, you would be able to do some
thing, depending on whether you wanted to do it or not. Nobody
was going to obligate you. Professor, you know that your world is
most valuable, not only for you yourselves, but for our intergalactic
community as well. It is no gift to have been made a party to all of
this. It is an imperious necessity to rescue the terrestrial human
being as such, to extract him from this turbulent world in which he
lives and remove him from the latent dangers like those mentioned."

"I... I can do nothing." I stammered.

"Perhaps, Professor... Do not underestimate yourself, You are

human, but you have the same opportunity to do something as the
most modest of the inhabitants of your Earth, or as the most brilliant
if scientists it has."

"No, LYA... I will never speak of this. They would think I am an

alarmist or crazy. You know the planet better than I, and know that
they would classify me as demented. You, yes, they would believe

"Don't you want to attempt it yourself and speak to your world in

your own words? We have tried not only with the terrestrials of your
time, but with persons of years ago who have already passed-on
and we continue trying. Perhaps not today, but tomorrow someone
will believe it... Sometime we will succeed in moving the conscience
of the scientists of your world."

"And if nobody believes me?"

"They will not believe you. They will laugh at you.

They will accuse you of being a charlatan. But what do you believe is
preferable? Be silent, or speak though they treat you as demented?"

"In my position, LYA, I would prefer to be silent." I said without the

least conviction, but thinking about my children and my wife.
"Professor", she said warmly, "your humane characteristics have
matured to such a grade that a moment will come in which, knowing
the knowledge and overcoming your pride, you will weaken and
speak as though it would be an imperious necessity — you will feel it

"Wait", I said, 'They are not small, the dangers to those who see
themselves so exposed or the Earth, because they would feel in a
conflagration such as this that we would be completely alone in the
Universe, exposed to dangers that could not even be imagined by

"You are not alone, because there is life on other planets."

"No, LYA, I don't want to say that. Let me explain to you. it would be
like I believed that the Earth had no friendship with another similar
planet... that occasionally could offer help."

"The same atmosphere created around your planet could bring such
isolation, not only internally but externally as well."

"Yes, it is as if we had a fort replete with arms, hated the

neighboring nations, and boasted all the time, thinking that someone
would classify us as cowards if we did not do so."

"Yes... that occurs..." She said pensively.

13 Greater Dangers
"LYA, Do you know which would be the arms that put an end to

"At first I will tell you that the most dangerous weapon that you face
is the hate among your own selves. This slowly destroys the psyche
most brilliantly. Hate is the generator of much of the ills that actually
assault your society. But as you asked me about weapons of another
type I will try to explain something to satisfy your knowledge. To,
the inhabitants of INXTRIA, we worry profoundly about the chemical
threat, weapons that have been used without any provocation and
which scarcely leave a palpable trace on the Earth. Your two
great powers are selling chemical weapons with a profusion never
seen before. It is as if your own world was in great haste to
annihilate itself. Today in your universities and even your schools,
any student who is in possession of an adequate formula can use
chemical weapons to attack the nervous system of the human being
and could destroy the neurons of any living being, or simply
terminate the vegetable life of your whole civilization. Moreover, the
waters of the rivers can also be contaminated as a form of attack by
one civilization on another, and very few times can the origin be
detected. In time you will find that a still worse form of degeneration
in your own race is attacking the primordial particles of your own
DNA, and with a little luck will convert you into a race of mutants...
This happens with a certain frequency in your Universe. The
indiscriminate use of chemical agents produces cellular
degeneration already in your skin, in the bloodstream, or at
local levels also and provokes heart attacks and cerebral paralysis.
You are actually experimenting with gasses that totally paralyze the
nervous system of the whole living being, with gases or liquids that
are soluble in air or water. The chemical weapons for their
silence and for being difficult to detect will soon be the ones that are
used most frequently. They are used to sabotage, to imprison, to
corrupt, destroy, etc...

"Will this occur soon?'

"Professor", she said looking at me as a mind of substance, "I am

moved that you ask me if this will occur soon when I have told you
that, and you give the impression that your time being really
valuable, it has not been of sufficient importance to you... What
does soon signify to you? This is occurring in your world already. The
word pronto is already applicable today. You have already used
chemical agents in your second world war but today they are more...
as they say, stylized. The human being himself has absolutely no
idea of his high degree of bellicosity and toward where he is taking
this. He has no consciousness of his short-lived steps, and this,
thanks to his proposed annihilation, will be accelerated perhaps for
your own civilization, dying at the hands of your own brothers..."


"Because even when the human being possesses the capacity for
reflection he is always preponderantly on the offensive, disposed to
repel any aggression at whatever cost. The human being of your
world is full of fear, fear of living, of suffering, of dying there since

not only are bringing an end to those who have the misfortune of
coming in contact with them, but also to those who still are not
born. Not only the attacked will succumb, but also the attacker who
has contact with those weapons will die. For such the aggressor and
the victim are sentenced to suffer the same effects by those
who have developed the chemical weapons.
14 A Suicidal Humanity
"Is this the most deadly?" I asked LYA.

"The most dangerous and the most sadistic, because it will bring the
end of humanity slowly. It makes us sad to know that while the
Earth humans are attacking each other with chemical weapons,
another world, situated on the outside of your solar system, also is
planning to attack you with weapons and chemical reactions."

"In my world, could we impede the proliferation of these weapons?"

"You can not impede them if the Earth human will not give up his
hate. You can not induce the human being to his full consciousness,
nor teach him to live intensely the transitory cycle of existence that
you have reserved, nor can we teach him that he is not the owner of
any of that for which he fights, and that at least it would
be preferable to do something for his humanity, always in majority
ascendent. He has damaged his own humanity such and continues
to do so... The only thing that can settle his bellicosity is death."


"I am not here, Professor, to speak of the destruction of the Earth

human being, I am in your world to tell you that you should fight for
your opportunity to live.”

"LYA... I don't know if I admire you or love you... or to try to forget

you. But if you can fight for the peace of a world that is not even
yours, there must be an immensely valiant place in the depths of
your heart."

We had arrived at the city, and I left LYA at the entrance to the
highway, in an uninhabited park.
I returned alone... immensely alone in the profundities of a hostile
world, submerged in an ocean shared by other planets...in the
immensities of distances never measured before by man.. If we
persisted in thinking that the fact of having been born made us
owners of the Universe, until a more powerful civilization than
ours comes to conquer us. thanks to the false pride with which we
surround ourselves, ...we may deserve what we get!
15 Another Witness
I watched with desperation the passage of what might be my last
years. Time was passing too fast for me. At my age I had learned
which were the values of life. Every instant, every second, every
minute passed with such rapidity that I seriously doubted. that many
of the projects planned today could be completed tomorrow.

My relation with LYA, though having filled my mind with doubts,

nevertheless, had filled my existence with longing... A longing that,
for what I wanted to fulfill, would require some time.

After these many months I still doubted that my chats with LYA
should be brought to light. Today I see no obstacle for which they
should be hidden any more.

I asked LYA to give me proofs, something that was beyond the

knowledge of any scientist of Earth.

"You shall have it." She told me one day in which she saw my
anxiety reflected in my face. Nevertheless I asked her many times if
perhaps that proof could be provided some time.

One night LYA had informed me that she knew of another person
who had had an experience similar to that of mine. He was a man
who lived in Chicago. That was all she would tell me. I argued that I
didn't know if I would be able to go there, thinking of my work,
time certainly being saturated in the laboratory at the University.1

"You want a proof? I know that you will go. they will ask you to go."
She asserted this in a manner that left me with no doubt.

It would require much time for me to solicit permission to absent

myself from the laboratory, or to leave my work to anyone with
sufficient capacity to continue the labors I had initiated. Never the
less, my life, since knowing LYA was overfilled with surprises.

One month after our conversation, the Rector called me to his office
and gave me this notice:

"Doctor, we have selected you to represent us in the annual

conference on Social Dynamics that will take place in the City of

I would represent my country precisely in the place that LYA had

selected for a very special appointment.2

Inside of me I thought, 'This is an emotion I shall always enjoy... the

idea of knowing that that would occur filled me with joy. Who would
have thought that the Rector might have overheard of my
conversation with LYA?"

Something without precedent was happening in my life. It was as if

this was the axis of a magic circle.

I accepted the assignment to represent myself before the

international body in the name of my country... but at the same time
I accepted the right to meet another man, who, like myself, had had
a similar experience... of having known an extraterrestrial being.

A slight gas in my stomach provoked a nausea in me upon arriving in

Chicago. It was the sensation of something unknown that provoked
a nervous reaction in my stomach.

It snowed copiously, in such form, that, after my arrival the news

said the weather had left a new record for snow for that year. In the
center of the city the thermometer registered 22 degrees below

It was already night when I registered with the administration. The

heat inside was pleasurable, the climate conditioning functioned
marvelously well.

Once inside my room, absorbed, I pressed my face to the window,

abstractedly observing the slow fall of the big snowflakes... a
beautiful spectacle for me. I watched the going and coming of
people I did not know. Races mixed among themselves as if in a
swam in an urban area of impressive dimensions. People coming
from diverse parts of the world surrounded one another... so
close physically but all seemed indifferent to each other.3

I put on my overcoat and a scarf and decided to go out despite the

severity of the weather. The cold was intense and my face froze in a
moment. I walked rapidly to get warm. Soon I began to feel a part
of this world, people walking by my side without taking
notice, without speaking.

Signs in English, scintillated in the falling snow. Voices lost

themselves as murmurs in the winds that howled in the ears of
whoever did not wear protectors like I. Nobody seemed to advertise
that they were...in a human world, inexplicably. Like other places,
this city had also fallen into a routine of being, and made, almost by
inertia, all that was there, by custom, seem understood.

I stopped in front of a store. An interminable file of people with

packages in their arms flowed by. I watched them pass like
automatons... soon I began to make a comparison between what
must be the world of LYA and that which was of this planet which I
called my own, without belonging to me.4

Suddenly a question sprang into my mind: “How did our world come
to be as it is now, what was it that persuaded our humanity to
saturate themselves with innumerable superfluous things on the
alters of desire for commodities without feeling? Why invent
machines that transport man, robots that replace the laborer,
devices that isolate the conversations within the same family?"
I continued walking, and beyond, in a showcase, I saw a television
turned on. At the moment there appeared news about a disturbance
in Ireland, trouble in Iraq, Iran, genocides in Afghanistan, Syria,
Poland, etc.

It amazed me, These people that right now were walking together
with me, and who hurriedly came out of the store, and even myself,
seemed totally unaware of those news reports.

"How had we arrived at this limit of indifference before the pain and
the misadventure? Where had we lost the tie, and from where had
come the violence and the desire to kill? Is man extinguishing the
intelligence of man, in such a manner that now it rivals that of
the animals in beastiality? Just where have we lost the delicate
balance that determines the point of convergence of sentimental
feelings and of hate?"

I sunk my numbed hands into my pockets and continued my walk in

the snow.

Soon I remembered that upon arriving at my hotel they had advised

me not to go out after six in the evening, and that if I did it was at
my own risk.

I was not afraid. Suddenly, for my own security, I gave up having

any valor. The violence was a new form of manifestation of being, as
was the music of the tango in it's time, and the Beatles in the 60s. I
noticed, by the number of persons that passed me, that even
the danger of an attack had been adopted as some daily thing.

Where do they all go? That same man perhaps hoped that
something or someone would make a change. The hope of a
tomorrow was perhaps the only way which he could resist the
vicissitudes of life. I stepped on a corner, stood against a wall and
with great difficulty lit a cigarette. My hand shook. Would I be better
in the morning?
I thought about my meetings with LYA. I know that from then on I
would be noticeably sensibilized. My conversations with her had
worked a transcendental change in me. It was as if suddenly a veil
had been rent showing the nakedness of a latent

I knew that my life was divided into before and after LYA. And that
all that had occurred after my first encounter with her had produced
profound repercussions in my state of spirit, inexplicably I no longer
saw myself in this world as an individual being, egocentered...
no: now I placed within what I truly am, only the smallest, almost
infinitely small, cellular part of an organism called humanity.

To my mind came the possibility of being that organic part that had
been invaded by cancerous cells... Could it be true that the world is
on the point of succumbing?

I could not know. On this point LYA had been discrete. She had
advised me of various dangerous situations but she did not answer
when I asked her to tell me if we would survive into a future not
beyond the end of the world. I felt, nevertheless, something inside
of me, like an agitated sea at times, or like a sky at the beginning of
a tornado. I intuitively felt some thing that I could not decipher.

For the moment a change had come over me. Now I was more
receptive to things that previously I myself had repudiated. Now it
was different. My great longing was that all of humanity could
experience the same as I felt often I saw the stars or the Moon or
the great infinity.

I wanted to transplant in each one of those around me the concept

that LYA had projected concerning a world full of peace, where the
people that inhabited it would profoundly respect life, where the
most brilliant of scientists is no more than the most modest of it's
inhabitants, in a world whose principal quality is the value of
sentiments, of simplicity, of humility, of honesty... in short, that
range of virtues which on this planet have been put aside.5

I know that I am speaking of an utopia, but is it not the falsehood of

the manipulation of the atom, with all it’s virtues and defects, as well
as with the neutron, the neutrino, and the proton, to cite only come,
lurking in a world, that is becoming ever more violent.

I see through these things, trying to find the good in each one of
them, analyzing the situations at a world level, and I see with
sadness the great human errors that affect thousands of lives of
innocent human beings, whose only fault was to have been born
here on Earth.

"LYA", (I said inside of me), I want to shout to myself that I am

living only a nightmare. I can observe my movements and I am
aware that the ultimate fibre of my being moves through the urge to
live, why, ...why?"

"What is it that that you have done to me LYA? Why not instead of
sensibilizing me didn't you harden me to the end that I could adapt
to the crudeness of this world? Why not instead of coming to me,
didn't you make me come to you, to your world, to your galaxy?"

"LYA, you have come to me knowing all this accumulation of

uncertainty that I drag along my road. You have tried to open my
eyes by transforming that which blinded my mind. You have opened
a window into the unknown and I, the ignorant, the incredulous,
after looking out, doubted that there would be anything there
despite having seen with my own eyes. I don't know if it has hurt
me or benefited me. I do not know how much man himself does not
know, or whether to live will prejudice him or will benefit him. You
have involved me in the same vortice of feeling, coming to make me
love life, but I am left with one simple question: How to live it. I
don't know if as man I am now within a labyrinth or if the labyrinth
is immersed within me."
“LYA, after all you have given to my life, I am today in a dilemma.
Perhaps it would have been preferable to ignore all that you have
put before me, or perhaps I should have opted to remain in doubt of
the knowledge. I know that apart from you yourself, later,
exactly since that first circumstantial moment in which I met you, I
have not been the same. With frequency I consider myself common,
sensible. What have you done to me?"

I believed in the past that my life had been rich in knowledge, but
you with all you have told me have enriched the present and
belittled the past. All has now taken, on a strange shade to the eyes
of others but beautiful and fascinating in my view.6

Now I know that there exist as many galaxies as worlds in the

Universe, and that many of them are populated by intelligent beings.
LYA has told me so. That enormous plurality of worlds could be
equal or more beautiful than the Earth, the planet on which I am
now. But for me having been born here has been one great

What am I going to do with all this she has left us? Disseminate it or
save it for myself at the pain of losing my mind? Now as I try to see
through the eyes of my own world I do not know how it will come
out to the last fibre of each human being.

It all seems insensible, cold and nevertheless it is not, because the

life that has emerged from that is indescribable as a marvelous
fusion that springs forth from nothing and, for the same, in it's way,
this life of mine, is precipitated toward the same intangible point
from which it started... is that the destiny of man? What will happen
in the days to come?

"LYA.. .came back and take my hand. On doing this, inside of me will
vibrate the words: I love you.7 Because through this platonic love I
feel for you I have been able to love humanity intensely. I believe I
have now discovered your legacy; LOVE. It is the same love
that converts a hurricane to a light breeze and provides the rains
that wash all the stains from the soul. Love is what makes possible
the saturation of beings on the planet, the love that survives in the
tempests of an angry sea. LYA... I know that you are near by, but
the dimensions of this love frightens me. When you spoke of the
manifestation of matter as something much more than what we are
aware of in our world, you had good reason. I asked you at that
time... where did man come from? And your response was: 'The
being is ethereal, invisible, is strong, grand, and powerful, it is pure
energy in spiral vortice. As it has total polarity it can be sound in it's
antithesis, for it is then that it manifests as matter, taking on this
aspect as a garment. The ethereal being then can learn to laugh, to
cry, to shout, to feel, sing and love, but the finality of matter also is
known to destroy."

Yes, LYA has said to me through words of profound content that I

am a man more tailored in the interior than much of humanity,
implanted with something indescribable which is as fantastic as
incomprehensible ,8

"How did I come to love you? How bold of me to feel love for you!
Do I love you for yourself or for what you represent, or for
admiration, or for all these things together?"

I was surprised. I had withdrawn from this world by means of my

imagination. Within this city and it‘s inhabitants and it’s traffic was a
fictional world such as has been converted in each one of the great

Suddenly I returned to observing the people. Races mixed among

each other walked the wide avenues. I was only one point. in that
city, a miniscule drop of water in an ocean all the time becoming
more turbulent. Suddenly I noticed the insignificance of each
life... The dimension of matter was infinite, but the power of the
mind was immense... The only thing that was in accord with all of
this world was the contempt that man feels for himself.
The other day I looked In the telephone directory for a name:
Thomas Haskins. There were too many names like that. I closed the
directory. I had the time measured to attend the opening of the

Those first days it was impossible for me to visit Haskins.

That Saturday in the evening’ I had time. I asked the porter in the
hotel which road I should take to get to what seemed to me to be a
suburb of the city. The porter arched his eyebrows and told me not
to adventure in that place, and if I did, I should return before dark.

I boarded a taxi and set out.

Thomas Haskins himself opened the door when I rang the bell. After
a brief preamble he invited us to enter. His apartment was very

We talked a good deal. We had many things to discuss. For the first
time I described to someone else my experiences in full confidence
that that person would understand.

"Did you have this experience very long ago?" I asked.

"More or less ten years ago." He answered.

“And what did you think at that time?" I asked.

"That all was unreal. It seemed as if suddenly my own psyche had

me in a trap. Now I have become accustomed to it."

“But, did you believe from the first all that they told you?"

"Yes. I believed that something very exceptional had occurred in my


"Tom, was it a man or a woman?"


"His name?”


“Did he tell you where he came from?"

"He told me his planet was AINSTRIA.9 That was what it sounded
like, more or less."

"Have you ever thought of transmitting to anyone all of that


"This", he said indicating the color of his skin, "at times is an


The sepia color of his skin would not be any impediment to live, or
to breathe, or to sleep... Nevertheless I said nothing.

"Tell me Tom, did they invite you to travel in their ship?'

"Does this have some importance to you?" He said.

He looked at me at length, he drew in the smoke from his cigar and

exhaling with each word said:

"Yes, I have traveled in their ship but that I save as though it were a
dream. They took me out to observe the world, and I could see
through a sensor the passage of the comet Hally."

"Did HAMIL tell you anything about that?"

"About what?"

"About the comet."

"Ah yes", he said. He closed his eyes a moment as if evoking some
passage from his life and continued, "when I was little my mother
prohibited us going out whenever there was an eclipse or when it
was said that a comet was passing."

"Did you mention this to HAMIL?"

"Yes, and he told me that our ancestors thought that comets were a
powerful source of energy. They thought their passage through the
Universe was damaging to all they encountered, like they were
gigantic aspirators that absorbed many of the gasses they
confronted distributed throughout the Universe, These gases
frequently are highly dangerous to the life in space and many of
them feed themselves on energy. He said that a comet
absorbing energy and by the force of friction as well as the
enormous concentration of particles becomes saturated are some of
the gasses trail away to form the tail and. in this manner scatters the
flow so to speak, of these gasses already highly contaminated with
others. Such, upon being scattered in space, are attracted by planets
that are relatively near their path. Here they encounter
the gravitational force of the bodies. The velocity with which these
particles travel makes them arrive more rapidly than the others
which swarm in space. Those others which orbit in the Universe will
be thousands of years later in arriving while the particles of the
comet and sent at extraordinary velocity."

"Like they were launched from a catapult?"

"Oh no." Tom Said. "Such a comparison would be a coarse joke. We

can call it friction for it's accumulated deenergizing effect, and that
would be a more adequate term according to what HAMIL said."

"Does this present any danger for our planet?"

"Oh of course it does." Replied Tom. "The atmosphere of your planet

attracted all these disseminated particles and later they condense
into clouds. The rains carry that to the ground and then it is
absorbed into the lakes, streams, and seas, and primarily in the
harvest crops. The air also takes part in the distribution of these
particles. In time that contaminated air cones into contact with some
30 percent of the inhabitants of our planet."

"Isn't that pretty dangerous for our humanity?"

"Yes, that is what HAMIL told me. He also told me that space is
saturated with dangers and that we still do not know the extent of
that harm. He told me that if the scientists of Earth would unite to
bring exact knowledge together to expel all of this kind of particles
toward the outside, perhaps within twenty years we would be in a
position to do it one thus avoid greater contamination of the planet.

"What else did he tell you?"

“He told me that, my planet was beautiful... a planet full of life, he

said, and that it throbs in the field of the Universe as a chosen
planet, nevertheless having deteriorated to a level such that it no
longer offers security for life. Nor for a long time has it offered such
despite the advances of it's sciences."

There was silence. I continued reflecting on the position of Haskins.

He was a man of color, unemployed, and living immersed in all kinds
of racial, social and economical problems. The violence was clearly
advertised on the street where he lived. Groups were stationed
on the corners staring with offensive curiosity at whatever passer
seemed to there unknown.

It was obvious that Tom had been selected from hostile

surroundings, as one would pluck a rose from among poison ivy. He
convinced me, by his words, that he took this experience as
something rare in his life, but not transcendental.

“Have you done anything to publicise those experiences you lived

with HAMIL?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Yes, but for me it was difficult."

"Not even a printed article?"

"No, but look, he said taking out a small booklet of fifty pages, "This
booklet I was ordered to make. There was only one printing of 2,000

He had dedicated all of his savings to the edition. I knew that it had
taken a great effort to do this. Thomas Haskins was brilliant,
intelligent, noble, and above all at peace of mind with himself. He
seemed an exceptional man, drawn from an unhealthy environment,
but what impressed me greatly was his resignation before the
means in which he had to live. He believed that his friendship with
extraterrestrial beings was not going to improve his actual situation.
I understood completely what he had wanted to tell me, but the
revelations that pertained to us as terrestrials charged with looking
for an improvement in the world level must be directed
toward something more profound. At least that is how it seemed to

Reclining on the bed in my hotel, looking toward the ceiling, I

discovered what I did not see before. It occurred to me that before
me was opening a tiny breach in the wall of confusion. There would
be obstacles. If

Thomas Haskins had had the courage to publish a book by himself. I

also must do so. My conditions were different from those of his,
because I would have to consider that I would be delivering, through
the offering of my memories, my prestige as a tenured professor as
well. He was unemployed and his name was not well known. I held
a position of high responsibility at the University, and it was by
means of this position that the Rector had selected me as the
representative of my country. All that I was planning would change
what I would have to do. Was it worth the pain?
At that moment I wanted to declare myself the winner without
fighting. It cleared up in an instant, end in that same microsecond of
time also, it occurred to me that material values counted for nothing
before the truth. To me had 'seen brought the proposition of
bringing to light my conversations with LYA, but would it not
he sufficient to sign the inscriptions with the word PEACE for all who
would understand what I proposed?

NO; I felt, that is not the way.

The thorns that would come to me when the skepticism emerged

must be accepted. I myself had been an intransigent skeptic. I could
imagine the mockery, the doubt, and the sympathetic chuckles. I
could see myself than in a swamp and slowly sinking.

I returned to an exciting cay in the congress, still having the volume

by Haskins in my hands, but I had already arrived at a solution. I
would try LYA’s proof, and, though my prestige was at risk, I would
speak to whoever would listen to me about LYA and her presence in
our world... and her advice of an insecure tomorrow, the solution of
which could only be found among ourselves.
16 One More Witness
[The following notes are from November 1978 Diary pages.]

I traveled only four times in the ship of LYA, but she always met me
in places least imaginable to me.

I saw her today at the University. She came by that place as I was
parking my automobile. She greeted me with her hand at the level
of her eyes. I smiled. I invited her to get into my can I wanted to
talk to her.

"LYA how is it that you always find me in the most unexpected


"That is relatively easy Professor. I have already told you that your
radiant energy is different from the others, such is as different as the
lines in the hand of each individual."1

"Do you think that if I told anyone that I had had conversations with
an extraterrestrial woman they would believe me?"

“No...perhaps not. but listen Professor, this is precisely why it is that

many races from other civilizations can come to this planet in all
tranquility. If they save a person some proof they would not believe

"LYA, why do you not speak in public? Why not present yourselves
on television?"

'They would not believe it Professor. Our appearance is similar to

yours. The genetic scheme from which we are created has been
similar to yours, with the difference of a certain number of years.
Your DNA. degenerates and ceases to produce healthy cells, but
there is not much chemical difference between us except that we
have strict control of our organs. Our DNA instead of deterring the
advance of cells propitiates them and works to continue the age.2 I
have already explained this to you before because this occurred with
your ancestors. I had the opportunity to know of a man in
Switzerland. He lacked one arm. He was having contact with persons
from the Pleiades. I had access in a form that was mostly discrete.
We, at a level of advanced interplanetary civilizations help each
other and we share our knowledge and such on the level of
civilizations. We see with great pain that you do not participate
among yourselves in this. Very well, this man is called “Billy" and
he has had many encounters.3 The Pleiades civilization has delivered
samples to him. They have permitted him to photograph and film
their ships. He has ridden in the ships with several (extraterrestrial)
women. They gave him a sample of metal from which their ships are
made. It is a form of self-regenerating metal. It is like your cells, but
of a chemical-mineral configuration, Well, they permitted him to take
samples and to film them. He has taken many photographs. You
know that you can not film or take photographs of our ships if we do
not want it. Those of the Pleiades permitted it."4

"What happened then?"

"At first nobody believed him. Nevertheless when he offered to show

the sample of mineral they had given him it charged the events. He
was investigated. He was repeatedly questioned at great length.
They accused him of being, above all, the greatest fanatic to claim
he had samples of his lies, very well informed people and
some scientists doubted this.5 And likewise, as with him, they gave
samples to a very important Russian, who died after his
interrogations, or perhaps from the emotional impact on him to
know that he was being contacted by someone of extraterrestrial
origin.6 You are not the only one to be advised about the dangers
among yourselves. To him also they spoke about a race that
threatens your humanity, and which will be arriving around the end
of the 1990s, if not sooner. You will believe that they are a race like
us...but no. They could be of a different configuration. But they are
very destructive and cruel. When they arrive they will know about
your position, both defensively and offensively, because they to
not come in peace.7 Billy knows this and they, who come from the
Pleiades, know that one Swiss man could be better heard in the
world, and thus it was...though he was not listened to as he should
have been, I tell you Professor, that if any race comes to your world
it will come with all the powers it has accumulated over the time
of millenniums, and you will have no alternative but to accept their
presence.8 Billy knows this and not only him; there are more in the
world... but some have preferred to remain silent. Others are simply
spectators on

the threshold of such happenings. And you, perhaps can contribute

one grain of sand, but finally — it will be that they will doubt you as
they have Billy.9
Meier shot: super 8mm movies during this event as well.
Billy Meier 9 July 1975, 15:07, Fuchabuel Hofholden,
17 Changes Overcome Me
[The following notes are from Diary pages for March 1979.]

Absorbed in my thoughts I had not realized that all around me had

come to a stop. Escaping from my reality is when I can remember
what LYA had told me days before, I shiver not only to remember,
but to simply pronounce her name, to know that she, at some point
in this vast Universe has found the answer for her presence in
this world.

I looked toward the window and I noticed that it had become dark
outside. It was already late.

At this point in the infinite in which I had touched life clouds had
gathered and were forming immense cumulus masses that
undulated violently, sketching fantastic configurations in the blue
sky. I watched it rain and was moved by the fury with which the
drops of water lashed the window. LYA had given me an incalculable
inheritance: she had taught me to love my world with all and what I
encountered today revolted me.

But there was something very important about this. I had changed
too, not only at the emotional level, but at a psychic level as well...
Where was it that I got this? I had considered the conversations that
I had obtained with LYA and the slow but inexorable change in me a
great deal, which at times I did not myself comprehend.

My conduct had chanced, sensitizing me to a high degree, but this I

did not ask for, nor did I solicit any change. No, this did not come in
any rapid manner. It was slow, like sparks of metamorphosis. These
changes at first were spaced out until each time they came
more frequently.
My mind had expanded, and my power of concentration had become
sharpened. I could perceive any sound in great detail, and
surprisingly, could repeat such any time I desired, and analyze it
completely including it's musical derivations, if it had any. All for me
now had no beginning nor end, nor rise nor decline. It is as if each
point In my imagination suffers thousands and thousands of
changes. My thoughts separate into interesting concepts. All that
occurs to me is subjected to profound analysis by me.

I am sure that because of my encounters with LYA all in my life has

suffered a transformation. My mind has been modified. It is as if I
am living within a cortex where all has great reason for being. For
example, If I think on the word "mind", this same thought
stimulates my imagination, and my capacity to discern comes to
me immediately. Then I "see" a brain... thousands of concepts
recorded in it and a movement induced through the same thought
like energy in vortice which generates these stimulus. The same
word suffers a distortion far beyond my knowledge of it, far beyond
the explanation for this word found in a dictionary.

I had asked myself many times if in this manner the human being
could utilize a greater percentage of his capacity for concentration
and learning, surpassing the normal levels in any individual.

This situation, or mental state, is that which I had opted to call

"Power of infinite concentration" — for lack of any other concept —
and moreover. Still from previous knowledge concerning this
phenomenon, had brought really an indescribable change to my life.

For example, if I perceived a determined aroma, let us say of a

flower, to my mind would come innumerable ideas of landscapes
where such a flower could have originated. I would think of it's
origins, from the unicellular beginning of the seed to the single
representation of color and and previously registered in it's
respective seed. I would immediately know it's possibilities of
duration, then perceive a succession of ideas about how to plant and
grow them, in what parts of the world, resistance to climate, it's
industrialization, medicinal as well as for food, it's possibilities for
grafting and for sprouting. Finally it's formula and then it's
preservation. All this without reading about it in any other place. LYA
had explained to me how only one page could contain hundreds of
formulas according to their own characteristics. Well then, it is as if I
myself have been converted into a computerized being to an
undefined level.

Now let us apply this to my personal life. For example, when I see a
man, whatever his ancestry might be, I perceive various
characteristics, his extraordinary ones - levels of vibrational
frequency, his origins, His blood-chemistry composition and other
questions. On the other hand there comes to my mind the origin of
the DNA and the gene from which he descended, and I can know if
he descended then from a mixed or a pure race, how
many generations have passed before him to his present state, from
that obtaining his hereditary character and from when as well as his
physical characteristics.

If I meet a man of the negro or Japanese race, (We consider both of

those pure races) upon taking his hand I can perceive his vibratory
waves more or less acutely — depending on the biological-chemical
combinations of his genetic make-up - and other traits which for
questions of reproduction have been modified.

I can compare him with others which have been mixed and with
various races that emit various frequencies. These two races have a
characteristic odor and their glands are different from those of the
white or copper races. I can perceive his spiritual state by means
of his stimulus and know then his tendencies and the nature of his

LYA told me one time:

"You will some day understand my form of being and of thought,
because you yourself will experience something much like what
occurs with me, and that what for me is normal for you is

For that, when I experience all the situations that I have narrated,
you will come to the conclusion that on the planet of LYA such
phenomena could also occur, and that it is very possible that she
possesses characteristics perhaps more sharp and elevated than that
which I experience. One time LYA had said to me:

"If you could listen... you would be delighted with the beautiful
sound of your Universe itself."

Little by little I began to understand the quality of her development

to that level of mental perception and me it seemed a formidable
portent, it convinced me one more time that the human race, a
valuable representative element of his existence, had lost this
marvelous ability in some lamentable form. For me, to
experience this was to reach the stars with my hands... But
what could I do with this in a world like ours? Could I do something
when I perceived that some human being suffered intensely with his
health? Could I avoid a continental level of confrontation? No... Then
I remembered that as a human being I could be, through this
sensitivity recently acquired, an easily vulnerable being.
18 Early Visits To Earth
LYA said to me:

"As you know, the atmospheric perturbations that frequently are

registered on your planet come from space. It is there where the
innumerable climactic changes are born. Nevertheless those are the
result of major phenomena - some natural, others artificial."

She paused a moment and then continued:

“Space offers an infinite accumulation of surprises. When we came

here for the first time,1 you were registering on your calendar the
year 1249, and the planet, absolutely, was very different from what
you find today. We crew members of the ship exhibited our surprise
at the simplicity of the people — utilizing rudimentary weapons
when we already possessed a technology that would have evoked
great surprise among those inhabitants of each one of the societies
that we encountered at that time in conflict."2

In the manner that you arrived before?" I asked without believing

that she had heard me.

"Yes, but my charge was not the same as it is now... Then we simply
studied and my first trip was only exploratory."

"And now — your trip is likewise to explore?"

"Not necessarily, but you will know later why. Now let me continue
explaining the atmospheric changes with relationship to the forms of
life existing between the years 1200 and 1350. During this lapse of
time we made various trips, at least one each twenty years. We
discovered that the climactic changes curiously influenced the
comportment of the Earth people. Your planet, Professor, belongs to
those inhabited ones of the group that you call the Milky Way,3 and it
is an extremely fickle body. There is a great diversity of climate
around this tiny world. This is because of modifications in your solar
system. Well, as a result of those changes being analyzed we
discovered some surprises in space. Cosmic clouds, or intermittently
radioactive clouds, as we call them, were encountered with unusual
frequency. They almost drove us away step by step. They are not
detectable by the human eye. Our sensors locate then and we evade
contact, we have special sensors for our space navigation. For us,
these clouds (because of the ability to detect and avoid them) are
not dangerous, and thus represent no threat. With the objective of
protecting ourselves we open a compartment door and expel a
neutralizing gas whose principal component is highly concentrated
oxygen. Nevertheless for you it is offensive. It would damage your
world. It would provoke change in radio waves,6 turbulence in the
air and in your electricity', and would generate problems by the
alteration of the energy wavelengths. But the most important
damage would be to your neurons."
19 Our Explosive Atmosphere
"Where do these clouds come from?" I asked.

“Their origins", she answered, "are diverse. These clouds also have
various chemical components — gaseous — and many times such
components are not the same due to the effect of fusion between
one gas and another. The least percentage of them is inoffensive,
but a greater part is highly dangerous. You, your scientists,
have chosen a bad time for your nuclear tests, because the liberated
energy of the atom attracts these clouds like a magnet, actually
surrounding the Earth and adhering to the stratosphere.1 Sometimes
they orbit forming transparent rings around the Earth.2 In the years
1220-1300 those clouds, not finding any point of support in the
stratosphere, were repelled by the enormous mantle of oxygen
encountered on your planet. In that manner a large part of the
gasses was repelled. With the passage of time the damage, though
detectable, left minimum residual effects. We found cosmic clouds
far beyond the system expelled in a certain way by spatial inertia,
but today the characteristics of the chemical and nuclear weapons is
such that it will be difficult, I must tell you, to disperse them from
the environs of the Earth? I must tell you something else; some
substances that make up these gasses are highly explosive!4 the
space satellites could contribute something to this, but really the
majority only detect some anomalies and many times these are not
appropriately interpreted by your scientists for lack of a point of
comparison. This phenomenon is unknown to your scientists. And
those gasses, highly dangerous and, as I told you, explosive, could
make your Earth vanish if anyone would expel a gas that
would stimulate the cosmic clouds. The slightest cover contains
heavy particles [whose special components are nitrogen, hydrogen,
and oxygen among others) as cell as lead emitted by the
contamination from sate countries. This is beginning to cover your
planet like a cupola. The unmoderated mixture will deprive the
neutralizing elements such as oxygen of beneficial effect.
Other clouds come from other places. Some only are converted into
light gasses as they travel through space, but others come to form
veritable communities of clouds of such form that visibility is not
possible through many kilometers of space. In the system from
where I come, there is a band of what you would call photons.
Also there is one in the Pleiades, and it is from there that we have
ties of scientific interchange with them. We denominate this
phenomenon as one of transformation. This is because an organism,
when it makes contact with with the photon (human beings, animals
and plants) suffers profound transformations. There is immediate
organic disintegration. Well then, like with the cells, those atoms
propagate and when the nebulosity becomes overcharged, it
explodes and expels these clouds throughout the Universe. They
travel slowly considering that there are no gasses to transport these
nebulas, and as they are very heavy their movement is slow. They
do not come very far but in space they reach enormous distances.
Some of these clouds have come in various ages to the Earth. The
photon was known in rudimentary form, without calculations of
propagation and distance and absolutely lacking of precautions,
because in these different epochs in which these clouds of gases
were present, the terrestrials were not prepared. Nor are you
prepared today, despite your advances in technology, because you
don't take much time to look up with the proper knowledge. You fill
your space with useless debris without thinking of the dangers that
also will come from the outside.”

"But what does that mean? How must we study?"

"You know that the terrestrian always has needed a comparative

point in determine the nature of some object or thing in question.
Frequently they detect chemical components through metaphysical
calculations, biologies, physics, etc. The origin of all this is precisely
in the contrary of the movement of the molecules and
it's development...the gas alone is the effect."
20 Antimatter
"Antimatter?" the Professor asked.

"You could give it that name for an approximation but it is not

exactly antimatter," LYA said, "because to exist as such antimatter
would have to possess a force equal to the matter but in a negative
manner of form which would have neither positive pole nor negative
pole. Only one culminating point of absorption of whatever of that
which the major chemical components possess and thus determines
it's force. But that which you call antimatter must be that which
absorbs the matter. Isn't that it? According to some theories of your
world you could think, that, taking into account that in space all
is "surprising", the matter would cease to "absorb" the antimatter
precisely with the intelligence that there exists more bodies, but that
is not the case. The non-existence (of parity) in space is matched in
the Universe. The nothing, as I told you. Is greater that the all as
you know. Now then, that is another concept that still is not known
on Earth."

Confused, 7 asked:

•How does one explain this?"

"In a simple manner. In space not only is there the all and the
nothing, the matter and the antimatter, but the field of energy that
between those two concepts. In your path matter can transform all
kinds of life, including destroy it. Antimatter would succeed in
imposing itself even against all the living elements, but this neutral
energy always overcomes, to impose itself even against the anti-
matter elements.1 In space all seems to move in the same vibratory
rhythm, though the enormous pulsars vibrate in a different manner
than the satellites, all having their own movement. Because of this,
when the band of photons came dangerously close to our system -
millenniums ago - our ancestors did not know how to avoid it's
noxious effects, and some worlds surrounded by it perished and with
them the capacity for life. Inhabited worlds were completely
desolated after the passage of the photons.2 That energy eliminated
all vestiges of life. For that reason, some civilizations were rescued
and reimplanted on other inhabitable worlds.3 But before this, for
the lack of knowledge, our ancestors asked many times, what had
happened. It was as if suddenly a planet with inhabitants
was converted into an absolutely hybrid planet. The band of photons
is one of the greatest threats that exists in the Universe, though this
is not as dangerous as other clouds in other galaxies. This only
absorbs energy from living cells."

"Does that seen little?" I asked in surprise.

"It is that there exist other classes of antigens. Some completely

absorb the systems (with stars and planets) though it is a
characteristic process, because later it vomits them and they come
to take their original form though the orbit can change. But other
planetary bodies dissolve in the collision with that which you call
antimatter.4 Other types of energy feed on the gasses which they
encounter sporadically in space, and others of light, though their
nature may be cold end dark."

"But... What are they?" I asked without understanding.

"They are antigens, whose transparency is such that they seem

inoffensive. It is an invisible force like with energy. You can feel it
but you can not see it. That characteristic is essential to that force.
And unfortunately, many systems, including your solar, are
headed toward a band of photons. Of course it will take many years
to get there, perhaps decades of years, but now is a good time to
prepare yourselves so that your sciences advance to benefit and not
prejudice you, to construct a protection for the beings who inhabit
the Earth. The Earth is a colony rich in genes of diverse forms...
the multitude of races shows that it is an exceptional colony for
reimplantation.5 There still are civilizations more or less pure. The
threat does not only hang over your planet, but all your solar system
is exposed. I have told you before that in space it seems like
the bodies move in harmony, but it is not exactly thus, some move
slowly and others complete their orbits more rapidly. Above all those
bodies whose mineral characteristics make then slighter, not in
weight but in conductivity, react differently with each other. It is as if
the travel of a planet is facilitated more when it has more of this so-
called electrical energy. That is an example only to illustrate what I
am trying to say.6 Well they, some travel several times their own
system or galaxy. Your planet, in doing this, has already entered the
influence of those photons on many occasions. It has not penetrated
than directly, but the influence was felt from millions of your
kilometers of distance away. Nevertheless, around your year 2024 or
25 you will feel this influence ever more strongly... but your
scientists will think that it is a new kind of energy coming from
space. The photon threatens from the gigantic depths of
the Universe. This and the magnetic band that surrounds your planet
presents the greater danger for the future of your humanity. In
earlier times, at least 14,000 years ago, your planet passed through
the girdle of photons.7 The disasters did not leave much hope,
though many of the reptiles did not suffer as greatly as before,
because the influence was light.8 And even so, the elements
were released; the Earth lost it's orbital coordination... but then the
Earth did not have the great number of human beings that it has

"What was it that happened?

"Well, I must tell you that many things occurred. You still had not
entered the photonic band, and already the oceans were agitated by
great turbulences and the terrestrial plates were moving.9 "The
animals suffered gigantically from molecular stimulation, and this
was scarcely the beginning. The scientists from other worlds knew
the approximate nature of this phenomenon and their technology
brought them to construct great subterranean caverns and
structures which at a determined time would be able to repel this
type of aggressive energy. One advanced civilization had come in
anticipation of the problem and they constructed an enormous
cupola on the bottom of the ocean.11 As you know hydrogen and
oxygen repel all kinds of radioactivity, and they knew this.12 But the
cupola did not have sufficient capacity for all the inhabitants, even
though there were not too many then. They made the selection and
took down these who now notwithstanding the conditions were in
agreement and believed as well that at least ten years in the depths
of the sea would be needed to survive and continue without
suffering the damage possible as a result of the influence of the
antigens (the least tiny error could provoke unforeseen damages).
Incredibly many people remained on the surface facing the dangers.
Others were able to descend and many more entered the deepest-of
the great caves than had been excavated in the Earth. Many
disappeared completely.13 The scientists of my planet, my father
among them, were desperate because they saw the Earth so
threatened and did not know how to explain the threat to the
terrestrials involved. The scientists of my planet came to the Earth to
help. Some descended to examine the cupola. They examined and
selected some animals. Due to the fact that the cupola could suffer
from overpopulation the majority of the mammals were subjected to
a prolonged glandular alteration. This treatment of the glands is
completely inoffensive with our procedures because they can be
restimulated when proliferation of the species is desired. If the
scientists of your world knew this they would not utilize so many
chemical compounds to avoid uncontrolled conception."

"Why didn’t they construct the cupola on the surface?”

"It the photon band should contain particles that consume oxygen
your humanity would not have much advantage and lacking this vital
element could be extinguished as a humanity. This would not be the
case in the depths of the sea because oxygen could be
extracted from the waters.

Professor Hernandez began to feel despondent over all these

previously unknown to him threats and the precariousness of human
life on Earth. He worried a good deal about the fate of Earth
humanity and wondered how other planets successfully survived
such things in their natural evolution.

It was about this time also that LYA told him of even worse
menaces, threats to his very survival, created by terrestrial man
himself, such as we are doing in a number of ways today with our
atomic, chemical and biological weapons of such efficiency that they
can wipe out all living things on this planet at the pleasure of the
aberrant humanity that lives here.

LYA told him of a terrible weapon created here on Earth in the past
by men living here, that still could wipe out all living things and even
the Earth itself.
An Anti-matter Weapon

[From notes from Professor Hernandez diary for November 1979]

Many civilizations have come to our planet in different epochs in

search of more powerful weapons.

LYA explained to me that beings from planets of higher knowledge

intend to save them by taking then out of reach of terrestrial man,
who day by day becomes more belligerent and aggressive.

This information was given to me today, though I assured her (LYA}

that it would be dangerous to give it publicity. Why tell it? The
nations will annihilate each other for the possession of such a

But before entering into personal reflections I will tell you now it was
that LYA brought, to my knowledge what I have called: The Diabolic

Today I am speaking of a most powerful weapon whose longevity

has extended back over the centuries. An ominous aggressive force
has been guarding In the marine depths, this weapon, since our
world has been studied for a long time by beings of other planets,
with the intent to evade knowledgeable examination of their

It was here that she told me, according to my memory:

"Six million years before your own time the continents were found to
form only one territory and the nations were relatively close to one
another. But then one night the sea swallowed an entire city which
you call Atlantis. The race who lived in the center of this great
continent were drowned when the land split in two. They had come
to be highly knowledgeable, but their ambition to know ever more
and more brought them to total ruin.
"There, in that large city, the great Atlantean scientists struggled to
reach martial supremacy. They wanted to control the galaxy, without
having the mental capacity to achieve it. The intended result was to
obtain absolute dominion over your world and of the whole system.

"Those, the Atlanteans, had come from the third planet of this solar
system which then was Maldek (today known as the asteroids). This
third planet was a refuge for beings coming from SION, whose
powerful sciences had made them invincible. Nevertheless those
scientists were divided by frictions among themselves and some,
also scientists, emigrated to Earth. The Earth then occupied the
fourth place in this

(solar) system. As colonists of the Earth they became undesirable

and intolerable to the inhabitants who had been established before,
to perversity and the domination they exercised through their
sophisticated arms and weapons with which they subjugated the
smaller nations. The Earth came to be an enormous receptor of
beings coming from other worlds, of which the diversity of creeds
and customs as well as the genetic differences was great.
The recently populated planet attracted many civilizations due to the
richness in minerals it contained. At that time there was only one
continent. Your planet was something like a great greenhouse
observed with great suspicion from the enormous planet Maldek.

"Once on the Earth those emigrant scientists explored the origin of

man utilizing animals in danger of extinction, causing terrible and
monstrous mutations between human and animal genes.

"They captured animals of other worlds for experimentation in fields

not only of genetics, but of clones; and the monsters they produced
in the laboratory were released more than once in circuses of
diversion confronting them with slaves and prisoners. Their
experiments encompassed great fields of study, even coming to
include tests of human resistance to poisonous gases which
provoked genetic imitations in the descendants of those humans,
causing thus themselves uncontrollable epidemics which isolated
entire nations.

[Is it possible that the European tabloid press had a clue when they
said that the current AIDS epidemic was the result of American
biological warfare experiments that got out of control?]

"The Maldekians became very worried. But the terrestrials were not
interested in applying restrictions imposed in accordance with cosmic
agreements, and they rebelled against the laws of Maldek, where
the respect for life was the first mandate to be considered.

"There were great astronomers, who knowing the exact movement

of each one of the bodies in your solar system, upon perfecting the
anti-matter weapon discovered a way to modify the orbits of each
one of them.

"The stars radiate energy in sufficient quantity to power ships at a

great distance. Nevertheless, despite what they had achieved, the
terrestrial Atlanteans were not satisfied with their accomplishments
and wanted to reach greater power on the planet: Earth than that
which had been achieved by the scientists of Maldek. They had at
their disposition many forms of acquiring dominion over science but
they did not know enough about something that disturbed then:
ANTIMATTER. Remember professor; that antimatter surrounds
matter, that there is more empty space in the galaxies than planets
which it surrounds, after which then the nothing is much
greater than that which itself exists. Moreover, the dead are
attracted enormously by it. It is frequently asked in the same way
that you ask today, where do the dead go?

"Over the years of profound study and experimentation on anxiously

trying to control the power of the magnetic vortex that produces life,
they succeeded in discovering the anti-magnetic origin of the same
"They suspected that a powerful energy produced life—but they
ignored the significance that it was that which sustained the nothing
in the galaxy.

"They wanted to dominate the psyche in the human being, and the
biological energy that moves man as well as the dynamics that
sustained the movement of the planets, the suns, and the stars.
They were ambitious to obtain the immense power to dominate and
subject the universe itself.

"Then it was when they came to perfect a weapon authorized only

to the great civilizations: A WEAPON THAT CONVERTED LIVING
BODIES INTO ANTIMATTER SPACE. This weapon annihilated all, and
absolutely all of a living being. You know that matter dies but the
energetic essence (bio-energetic psyche) survives. It is a powerful
mental energy that retains a great quantity of vitality and whose
memory persists through the centuries. This is the energy that
moves you and me and all others. The planets which possess life,
possess memory.

"Well, those lesser Atlanteans, the terrestrians so to speak, of the

time, upon creating this powerful weapon, were able with it to
annihilate also the energy that moves us, the same that you call

"But let us return to Maldek:

"Intergalactic law prohibited weapons such as this to civilizations or

scientists such as those, that demonstrated imprudence and
insensible rebellion. The law of mutual respect was lost among the
diversity of races and creeds that began to multiply on your world.
Since the Earth (and your solar system) is on the edge of this galaxy,
the terrestrials knew they were isolated from the greater civilizations
that exist in the of the galaxy, and for such knew that they were
secure from any inspection on the part, of those civilizations, at least
for a certain time.
"That weapon possessed an antinuclear reactor and antienergy and
was as well a molecular disintegrator, magnetic destabilizer, force
neutralizer and receptor of energy of any class. With it they could
control life and movement.

"The new weapon was called an antimatter device and it gave them
a power never possessed before. The difference between the anti-
matter weapon and the conventional arms of that time was abysmal.
The common arms then possessed could exterminate matter but not
the organic energy. But the new and sensational discovery as it
seemed to them — permitted them to destroy the psychic and
spiritual energy of the human being. This weapon could exterminate
both entities: the material and the spiritual."

"Pardon, LYA. I do not understand what you say with 'both entities',
I asked.

"Ah; you give the names spirit and matter to those psychic and
organic components of the human being. They both are entitles.
What you call spirit is indestructible by conventional death. Its
energy continues even after death. But this weapon absolutely
exterminated all of the vibrational or psychic being, whether it was
in motion or not. And once it was activated toward an objective it
would destroy it searching but the sound, being guided by the
respiration of people in the area or by the expiration of the
vegetation. It leveled entire cities and forests being the only
absorber of all its energy and could disintegrate them.

'‘This weapon alarmed the rest of the Maldekians who sought,

without result for ways to resist it. Its powerful force exterminated
all living cells no matter how small they were. It could change or
modify the course of any planet no matter how big it seemed, and
could provoke catastrophes in solar systems such as yours causing
collisions of the orbiting worlds by creating an antimagnetic vortex
'"The creation of this monstrous weapon worried the Maldekians so
much that they felt responsible for whatever might happen on the
Earth. They were decided by such to come to your planet to finally
try to dissuade those to abandon the project and return to the times
of peace. But it was already too late, the terrestrials having
advanced too much knowing that this gave them ample power
among great interplanetary scientists. The Maldekians repeatedly
confronted by the resistance of the terrestrials decided
by themselves to deactivate this weapon, though they knew
that they risked the stability of your world.

"Despite all, their intentions were in vain. The terrestrials decided to

shield this weapon beneath an enormous pyramid which they
guarded day and night. Upon seeing this the Maldekians declared
war, which lasted almost one year. It was a belligerent confrontation
as difficult as powerful between identical force structures.
Nevertheless the terrestrials had decided to use the weapon when
the time came.

"Once more, in the midst of that conflict, the scientists of Maldek

returned to negotiations to convince the Atlanteans to desist. in their
decision, but the later responded with more frequent bellicose
aggressions. They would not abandon that symbol of their new
power. The terrestrials were not prudent nor characterized by
respect for cosmic law, always having violated those of their own

"Upon refusing to deliver or to deactivate this weapon which nullified

cellular life and threatened technology, all bio-organic energy, and
the peace of the solar system, they reinforced anew the fraternal

"In the fury of battle the terrestrials lest terrain. Greater civilizations
of other solar systems came to aid the Maldekians. It was then when
the terrestrials decided to activate that powerful weapon focused to
make the planet Maldek lose its magnetic field to the end that it
would provoke collisions with its nearer planets (the nearest
being Mars).

"Upon losing its orbit the planet Maldek lost enormous amounts of
energy. The scientists discovered that such had been lost and one
night decided to destroy the powerful force that encouraged the
aggressiveness and the power of the terrestrials. A powerful my
projected from the Maldekian. laboratories fell upon that great city
(Atlantis) dividing the continent in two, and it was this that
opened that great portion of the Earth, and that fatal night
the entire city was drawn completely beneath the ocean.

"Other lesser cities had been alerted that a great inundation was
about to flood inhabited land, and some of those constructed, with
the help of the scientists of Maldek, enormous embarkations in
which they rescued those who desired to flee such danger.

"Upon dividing in two the enormous continent broke up and killed

also many innocents, sinking slowly into the sea that had surprised
the great city, and displacing the divided territories one toward the
east and the other toward the west, losing the magnetic pole of the
Earth. From then it is still errant.

"The Earth, your planet, changed its orbit and during much time
great inundations tell upon innocent nations ignorant of that conflict.

"Today the continents continue moving causing the emergence from

the waters of territories that were submerged in that night. Your
world is in continual movement since then.

"The planet Maldek continued losing orbital energy for some time,
until its inhabitants emigrated to otter worlds which gave them
asylum. Finally that planet entered on collision courses with Mars
and Jupiter, and even your own Earth. Its enormous aerolites fell like
a rain of stars on the adjacent planets. Some of that cosmic dust still
is found in the rings of Saturn...and others were
reaccomodating themselves in the region that today you call

‘'That weapon remains within a great pyramid on the bed of the sea
off the state of Florida between a string of islets you call BIMINI.”

I looked at her incredulously. She knew that I was not very sure to
admit and to digest that history'. I felt humiliated. Subtly I asked:

"Is it still in the ocean?"

"Yes, professor.” She responded. "And the stellar community is

worried now more than ever, because the sun's rays now aid than
provoke the activation of its force, which, though weak, still can
provoke magnetic changes on your world and molecular

"This antimatter weapon still manifests its terrible effects in

imprecise form but with sufficient frequency for the scientists of your
world to be attentive to what occurred in that place. It makes the
compasses, the communications, and the marine navigation suffer
alterations with considerable regularity. It STILL moves energies in
vortex when it. detects living energy in its surroundings, once
activated by solar force, and its antimolecular field is stimulated
when it detects any kind of apparatus moved by reaction. In fact it
moves with a sound. It still is manipulatable and highly dangerous
and for you there is no way to get to it on pain of exposure to its
force as destructive as it is powerful.”

"After so many years, is it still as deadly as you say?" I asked.

"Actually professor," she responded emphatically, "there are still

many stellar civilizations striving to obtain it and, though not
obtaining permission from the greater civilizations, travel to your
world, to study, to analyze, and to seek, to extract it, but neither
they nor yourselves, but only greater civilizations who have sufficient
knowledge and who totally control antienergy and antimatter can
deactivate it.”

"Can you do it LYA?"

"Of course, professor. Remember that pertains to a scientific and

exploration group, but it would be such as to expose your planet to
the emission of antimatter forces. We profoundly respect life, not
only material, but energetic as well. Our principles are based on care
for the species and the nurturing of them."

"Could we some day control his adequately?"

"Under your present circumstances, no. The scientists of your world,

with your science and your knowledge still do not understand
perfectly the control of the forces of hyperspace for navigation, nor
that you need enormous forces of energy to control your ships. The
exploration of space will cost you millions of hours still before you
understand the dangers of space. because of that, you could not
control it (.sufficiently) to bring it to the surface without your
people suffering terrible genetic effects. Upon bringing it to
the terrestrial surface cities situated hundreds of kilometers away
could disappear in an instant as has already happened in antiquity.

"The EXTRATERRESTRIAL SHIPS could do this, but the evacuation of

energy would be fatal to many of you. Only a very advanced
civilization could do it. Otherwise the magnetic field of your world
suffers notable modifications."

"These other civilizations of which you speak, do you know their


"Effectively professor. The antienergy emission is detectable by our

sensors. Many cosmic civilizations know its location. You will know
also, because very soon the scientists of your world will try to get to
where it is, but few or almost none know really what it is and what it
represents, much less detecting its origin. Many ships which pass
through this antimagnetic field, launched toward space, suffer
alterations in their navigation program, for which
accidents sometimes happen.

“Such ships with their energy force stimulate the anti-magnetic

power by their passage."

"LYA, is it really possible that the American scientists have already

detected this?"

"Of course, I already said before that some scientists are worried by
what occurs in that zone, but listen carefully, professor, your destiny
is being slowly changed I did not say that you are elected, but if you
are fortunate enough to know this, you should not release this
information due to what happens to a world without cosmic
supremacy. We believe that your world should know what exists
there, and we also believe that your society must become more
peaceful before having the exact knowledge of this weapon, to be
able to accept the idea of living in peace and never use it against
any civilization, but already there is not enough time. Beings of other
minor races, rebellious, imprudent, and ambitious, would take it at
any price. They know that if they leave it there, some day it could be
used against them or against others.

"Today the terrestrial generations are moving toward more

belligerent confrontations. On our world, as on many others, the
children are trained to the consciousness of the living being and
intelligent as such because they know that some day they will inherit
the planet, then later they try to develop optimum courses of quality
and higher intelligence. But the children of your planet live in
violence day after day. All of your marvelous apparatus of
communication show them wars between one and another country
without them knowing exactly why they fight. The continuity of
these events predispose them to aggressiveness. The parents
exercise no control over this because they don't know how to do it.
The best and the worst of these assurances are being given from the
bosom of the home...and those are the generations that will some
day guide the destiny of your planet. The level or superhuman
consciousness is unknown; the respect for life is discarded; love is
conditionally controlled, without knowing that this is the sentiment
that must improve as the beginning of respect for people; human
values do not as such, and even continue showing the child a
world without love, full of violence, of hate, of rancor, of ambition
and of ignorance. Your world is one of those produced by diverse
ideologies tarnishing this beautiful blue planet.

"Discordances of pride and power strive to show that peace is only

obtained by war, subtle as well as perverse circumstances in a
decadent world.

"You still have a place in the Galaxy, the civilizations that survive
acquire a place by right. If a society or civilization does not survive
as such, it has no right to possess this weapon nor any other.
Because it has demonstrated arbitrarily in the control of others it will
have no right to knowledge of this.

"Too many wars, professor, have filled the fields of battle with blood.
For what then would you possess such a weapon as this? It would
only serve you for the destruction of one another!

"The first universal lav is knowledge...after this one obtains


"If you prefer to guard this that I have told you in secret, then do it;
I am not obliging you to tell it, but it is important that your world
know... that they must revaluate their own attitude toward their own
planet. Your sciences, professor, have destroyed vast lands in honor
of nuclear experiment...you are destroying your own habitat...it
is giving birth to a new generation of aggressive irrationals. But you
yourselves are the only ones capable of changing this."

"No, LYA, I will not give this knowledge to the world. If sometime
someone should die because of my trying to withdraw this threat to
humanity I would feel that to live would be sterile. The world, my
world, is not prepared for this power.

"Toward the end of 1987, professor, you will encounter really

alarming signs that beings of other worlds intend to come to your
planet from different spacial coordinates. That weapon, as bait,
attracts extraterrestrials of diverse races and of distinct level, which
still has not encountered the method of developing one similar. If
someone decided to try to recover it, you would be exposed to its
immense disintegrational field or could go mad if this field is
weakening. Many animals in migration avoid by instinct passing
where this weapon is found, though I can tell you that in one night
entire flocks were literally "swallowed up" by the antienergy without
your being told.

"Life in apace is uncertain for the antienergy that surrounds it. The
worlds of superior intelligence survive. HUNDREDS of clouds of
antimatter swarm to the length of entire galaxies absorbing celestial
bodies in their passage. This I have already explained to you before,
that civilization which does not know these dangers succumbs
before them.

"For that, the knowledge of the great intergalactic scientists is

important since only they know the great mysteries enclosed in the
Universe. My father is a great scientist. We know through him the
most secure lines of intercosmic navigation.

"Well, this force its concentrated in a small receptacle fixed in some

place between those islands that I mentioned.

"There will come a time when you will work, on molecular and
antimolecular disintegration without utilizing the atomic level. It will
not be easy, but neither impossible since you possess the genetic
level for the investigation to develop it.

"You want the power of a planet without having discovered still the
secret of longevity to enjoy the gains that you actually have, for so
small is the ambition and much less the time that you live to see the
fruits of this science you contribute to, but continues to advance,
even if those who control all these forces are children today, those to
whom you have brought aggression and violence.

"The time that it would take to deactivate this weapon by the

scientists of the rest advanced countries of your world, would be
unpredictable, as would also be the effects that it could cause, but
someone or a group could begin to undertake the idea of the
deactivation, always with peaceful intent, on the contrary of which
your world would be converted into an arid planet, like many others
in the Universe, if for some reason they moved with imprudence.

“Also I must tell you that some scientists of your world are
experimenting with weapons of such sophistication that it will not
take long before they come to understand the nature of the
ANTIMATTER which the ocean guards.

"I say to you, professor, you who has studied high levels of nuclear
energy for your world, and what in our levels still is found in primary
phase, understand that it represents a grave threat to your world,
but also for ulterior civilizations."

"LYA, don't you think that it would have been preferable that you not
admit me to this?"

"I would not be loyal with you, professor, if I shut-up, without

advising you of problems that confront your civilization. This is the
most terrible legacy that you have received from the past, which
nevertheless you do not know. Another legacy that you have
received is genetic modification through which you have such a short
lifetimes. Your duty, professor, is to plant the seed of knowledge. If
you do this, perhaps — it will bear fruit? perhaps no. That depends
on the terrain in which you plant sow it.

"The peace of the planet must take priority, until the men of Earth
succeed in evolving to a scientific level, respectful of the forms of life
that surround them. I have shown you the tendency to decadence.
Each time, during one determined cycle, on your world, you reach a
level of knowledge or cosmic level in your moral formation within the

"LYA, could you show me the exact place where this weapon can be

"I will take you there, professor,... and we both will observe that
great pyramid from the bed of the ocean. You will probably be
surprised by its inoffensive appearance, but within that same is
found the weapon that is capable of exterminating your whole world.
You will observe also the ruins that it has made in its descent. The
ocean jealously guards its secret and the water in some manner
attenuates its effects, though not all and for that it remains being
highly dangerous to approach. The magnetic field of our ship repels
all antienergy force. Remember, professor, when your auto would not
start? Our negativizer of energy is powerful, but for us this weapon
is important.

"You will go with me, professor, I promise you. This is the maximum
proof offered by an inhabitant of INXTRIA to a man of Earth.

“Many will not believe you... That incredulous attitude of the people
of your world permits us to descend to your planet with total
security, though. we only make ourselves visible before those who
desire to see us.

"And I said to you, professor, that nobody is going to believe you,

but a few scientists will see answers to their questions in the lines
that you write. They will believe. Professor, though not all."


Since that day I have reflected much on what LYA said. I worry that
her words will continue coming true as has happened before, and if
that is it, will other races come to continue visiting our planet with
the intent to carry away this weapon? Then why orbit tracking
satellites and install enormous radars if we continue being a
civilization of minor knowledge to them? My intention is to never
publish this information. However I have consigned it to my diary so
as to not forget all that this extraterrestrial woman taught me.
21 The Extraterrestrial
[From notes in Prof. Hernandez' Diary for March of 1979]

After our lengthy and substantial conversations, LYA left in me a

change, a longing to begin to search into the vastness of the
Universe which surrounds us. I began to carry my photo camera
with me in my automobile. I wanted to have objective proof of her
existence, a photograph of her or her ship.

I asked her that day in March of 1979, if she would permit me to

photograph her. She looked at me, not into my eyes, but directly at
my forehead. Immediately in my eyes I felt a vacancy.

"Why?" She asked me delicately...sweetly.

"LYA, If perhaps some time I would want to give publicity to that

which we have talked about... if for some reason I would want to
transmit the message you have brought me, they are going to ask
for proofs..."

"Who will ask you that?"

"Well, perhaps the editor, perhaps the people who will read about

"Professor, when I came down to your world I needed to do it

suitably protected: not only for me, but also for you.1 I am
surrounded by an antimagnetic and antigravitational halo.2 Before,
decades of years ago, this halo could be seen by simple sight.
Because of this, many of the apparitions of my congenerates were
taken as divine. I have mentioned this to you before, but now
we have overcome this.3 To get myself around in your terrestrial
space I must be suitably equipped. My antimagnetic field many
times nullifies that which moves in your world with common energy.
The battery in your watch, for example exploded and was destroyed;
Your car at times will not start, will not crank as you say. Imagine
what could happen upon taking a photograph, the bulb will not
flash. It is useless."

"I had thought of this many times. Nevertheless I continued carrying

my camera. I never knew when she would return. I had full
conviction that it was going to be soon. And finally it occurred. Some
days later I came to see her very near Tlatelolco. I saw her in the
full light of day, in the fullness of her extraordinary beauty, which I
thought was certainly worth the effort of trying to take her
photograph. She, upon sensing my intention, took one step back
from me, of about a meter, because her body is highly aesthetic and
elastic. She advances or walks with great steps with surprising
ease. I followed actuating the camera shutter several times. She
stopped not very far away, but I could tell that she advanced a
meter or more with each step.

She looked at me and smiled, slightly moving her head in the


"It will not come out, Professor... and it is not that I have denied you
the opportunity to do this. I must descend to your world protected.
Without it, if I came close to you with the germs that are brought
from space, your people would die. You have no antibodies to
repel the germs of space. I have already spoken to you of this."

"Look into the camera, and I will carefully guard the picture in my

I fervently desired that someone or something would appear in the

photograph. I myself developed the coil of film In my house. This
would be no take. There appeared a being in oily the first
photograph. I analyzed it carefully. It was, though anthropomorphic,
a phantom, luminous, and in proportion greater than LYA herself. I
could not be deluding myself — it was her Nobody is going to
believe this, but myself, yes. I had photographed a luminous halo
that surrounded and protected her. My hands trembled. I developed
it carefully and studied it before drying and mounting it. I
marked the date on it and put it away in safekeeping. There ware no
images on the rest of the roll of film. It was the only image that
appeared and the rest of the film showed no trace.5

LYA knew that... that our cameras are really primitive ...one might
say archaic before their great advances, and only if they desire it can
they be photographed I really needed to have a proof. I remained
suspended between fear and intrigue. I wanted to demonstrate
to myself that she existed. I had jealously guarded for such a long
time the secret of our meetings and I was. it was driving me crazy. I
wanted to fill myself with equanimity. I knew that a change was
taking place in me, but I myself did not know what confronted me.
I tried to explain this to myself through science, but I must admit to
being afraid at times. The nights I waited stood out clearly,
imprisoned in my own subconscious. I was tied to something I did
not understand, which was and is some thing, something that could
be true or not entirely true. The photograph that I had taken was
a form of proof — though not absolute — of that which was real...
though it was only to convince me myself.
March 1979, near Tlatelolco

That was Zitha Rodrigues' originally intended summary report on

Professor Hernandez' UFO contacts with the extraterrestrial woman
who told him she came from a place in space that we call
Andromeda. That material came to me in lengthy narrative accounts
under dates which I at first assumed to be dates from the
Professor's diary, and in some cases they may be. For greater
clarity and convenience I broke those narrative accounts
into chapters by subject matter at suitable break points, where there
is no date shown at the head of any of those chapters, that chapter
is actually a continuation of the one preceding it, back on the last
date shown.

As I progressed, it became increasingly clear that the Galaxy

Andromeda being mentioned was more likely the Constellation
Andromeda in our own galaxy, and that we should be reading that
as the constellation Andromeda, because the star chart shown Prof.
Hernandez aboard LYA's spacecraft is clearly of stars in our own

While I was preparing the master pages for Zitha's report, I began
sending the raw copy to an American professor friend of mine, of
comparable stature with Prof. Hernandez, for review and comment.
His first reaction was that this report was probably not written by
any professor of the stature claimed for several reasons: First., the
language used was nor "professorial" in tone and style.

Second, some subjects discussed were apparently not fully

understood by the professor when he should have been familiar with

Third, the questions asked by the professor, and the answers

received, as reported in this narrative account, were not the most
important questions to be asked by a professor of a real
extraterrestrial visitor. Either there were more questions asked by
the professor, which were not reported in the pages received or he
has been mis-characterized in this account.

Fourth, in some cases it appears that the questions asked by the

professor were not clear, and the answers were not fully understood.
This would not be in character for a professor as described.

With this in mind, I wrote Zitha Rodriguez in Mexico City and asked
her to send me photocopies of the diary pages for study here, and
for inclusion in original form in this book as authentication
documents. I also asked for copies of the professor’s memoranda to
himself on these matters.

I asked her for a photo copy of the small Thomas Haskins booklet on
his experiences given Hernandez in Chicago after LYA had led
Hernandez to that other Earth contactee being used by her group up
to then.
I asked for the slide photo of LYA taken by Hernandez in March

I asked for photocopies of any sketches and diagrams that may have
been made by professor Fernandez while all this was going on.

I asked for documentation on professor Hernandez' dismissal from

his positions and jobs, medical reports, psychiatric evaluations,
separation from his family, incarceration in an institution, etc.

And I asked for more notes on dialogues that had taken place,
hoping by them to satisfy some of the American professor's criticism
of the narrative so far which would also be the criticism of other
readers in the future.

Zitha had told me that she possessed many hundreds of pages of

notes and written material on this case, and that she had
interviewed the professor many times, and sometimes for many
hours at these interview meetings.

When Zitha told me that Hernandez had given her some hundreds of
pages of diary notes, I did not make the connection that she would
have to give then back and did not keep them. Hernandez, of
course, wanted them back, and she returned them promptly after
reading them and making her own notes therefrom. Thus Zitha had
hundreds of pages of her notes taken from Hernandez material
and from the hours-long discussions she had taken down
in shorthand.

Here is where the second major problem came in, and the answer to
the American professor's criticism. Zitha was taking shorthand notes
on subjects she did not understand as well as the professor, and
then she tried to transcribe these notes hours or even days later
without that full understanding, and the transcriptions began to take
on her personality more than the professor's. This was the reason
for asking for original copies of professor Hernandez1 diary pages
and notes.

It now appears that those pages of very important documents might

not be available from Professor Hernandez' wife or family anymore,
and we may be left with only what Zitha was able to preserve in her
own notes.

Her letter on this is quite explanatory, and now of itself becomes a

document in this report. An original copy and translation shall follow
these pages.

But Zitha did come through with some more material transcribed
from her notes, a sketch of one of the ET exploratory spacecraft like
the one used by LYA to carry the professor away from this planet's
surface, and some more of the professor's discussions with LYA
about other life in our universe and her hone planet.

We have therefore decided to continue the chapter numbering,

dating, and compartmentation by subject, matter as before. Other
documents will be added as appendices following the numbered

This may be an unusual way to assemble a report, but this is exactly

the way this case has come together. We have decided to present it
this way for it's own authenticity and hope you approve.

Wendelle C. Stevens Publisher

Zitha Rodriguez' letter to Wendelle C. Stevens of Tucson, AZ.
Upon reading the surprising news that Zitha Rodriguez herself had
actually been invited to participate in one of the contacts when the
professor went to meet LYA, I immediately wrote back to Zitha and
asked for more information on how this remarkable turn of
circumstance came about. This was truly a unique turn of events
in this contact that we have seen in no other before this that I know

A few days later Zitha sent me a package of notes from her

shorthand records of the conversations that took place with respect
to this planned event and how the whole thing developed at the
time that it occurred.

She also added some contemporary commentary to further explain

how this all developed in the first place. I shall quote directly from
her summary to me titled "UNA INVITACION A CONOCER A LYA" as
shown on the following pages.

[From several notes made in November 1979.]

For many months (almost fourteen) Professor Hernandez and I had

been conversing at length about his experiences, in which the
principal protagonist was an extra-terrestial woman. I showed a
really genuine interest in his accounts. To me it seemed a fantastic
story, really incredible.

As director of the magazine I had access to many (UFO) cases, but

none as interesting as this one. I believed it though I had some
doubts. Within me, I felt that the professor was telling me no
untruth, and one reason why I say this is that it would be so illogical
since he desired no publicity, no fame, no money, nor any
other material benefit, as with others with whom I have dealt. This
inspired me to continue studying his case.

Sometimes I noticed that he would show tear when speaking of

some things concerning LYA. That was logical. He had received a
great emotional shock which I believe the true contactees can
understand, and what I say here.

Whoever has had an experience of this time suffers an emotional


At first, after that first encounter with LYA at the University, the
professor felt really surprised when she tried to communicate
telepathically with him. He felt that he had received certain
messages, though he could not be certain where they came from.
His research work advanced surprisingly, thanks to many of the
formulas that were seen to be improved with opinions that came
from him, without his comprehending how or why. He heard
formulas in his mind, but he did not at first relate that to the visits of
the strange extraterrestrial women.
We conversed at length about the possibility and the ideal means by
which the professor could send information to the great powers,
advising of his experiences with LYA. We knew that many crazies
had been sending letters of pacification to Russia and the United
States, but we did not how they were going to react to the
information that he had.

Sometimes he and I had questioned things that LYA had said, but he
never had doubts about the existence of this women and her
extraterrestrial origin. To insistence, he one day promised to take me
to meet her, but I thought it was only a promise to pacify me and
nothing else.

Nevertheless, he had asked LYA if I could come and meet her

personally. She told him yes, but that they did not show themselves
to the world because at international levels nobody would believe it,
and if they began to do so, they would try to capture them, and to
examine them and attempt to analyze their blood, organs and
circulation, but that they (she and her friends) were disposed to
know more terrestrial beings on a peaceful basis.

The professor did not tell me of any preparation, because, according

to him, he himself did not prepare, not even at a mental level,
although this was a form of communication with him.

We agreed that on the next occasion I would go with him to meet

LYA. I asked, where is the place? How would I go, I asked? I will
take you, he said.

At that time, October and November 1979, I had a great deal of

work at the publishing house, and I soon forgot my promise to him.

Up to now all was going well. During that lapse of time we only saw
each other two or three days due to his having to go to the Zone of
Silence to make a report.
When he returned, he said that he wanted to remind me of our
appointment with LYA. I felt a kind of curiosity. Finally I was going to
meet an extraterrestrial women.

I thought, that as a journalist, I might be able to convert this into a

contact. What should I do? Now I was on the level of the professor.
What would happen?

As the day approached for my possible encounter with LYA, I began

to feel a kind of uneasiness. Frequently in the evening, I would think
very deliberately about that. What was happening to me? Did I really
want to meet LYA out of curiosity, or only to "unmask" the
professor? I did not know, but I began to feel an unprecedented
fear. I felt very bad. I wanted to go, but I refused to take part in that

If a man of the valor and the integrity of the professor had

experienced changes in his personality, could I resist that?

The day arrived and the professor called me early to remind me of

the appointment. He was very sure the two of us would go together.
He was really quite sure that I would accompany him.

The night before, I had not been able to sleep. I was really terrified.
I never knew why, but toward morning I stuck my head out the
window and upon looking at the Moon and the stars, I felt my heart
beating with great force. I felt an undefined emotion. I was not
emotionally prepared for such an encounter. I began to think of
those who had disappeared and whose disappearances on many
occasions was attributed to the UFOs.

For that reason, when he called me to tell me that he was coming

for me at 5 o'clock, I refused, arguing that I had too much work.

The professor then said to me:

"I asked LYA if you could come with me to meet her personally,
because you want to see if what I have been telling you is true. She
answered me:"

"It is well, you may bring her, but I do not think she wants to come."

That surprised me a great deal. LYA knew that I would not come.
Had she provoked this psychological ill feeling? Was I not prepared
for such an encounter?

I had no answer to my questions.

The professor had told me that many people could contact them
(the ETs). Their advances do not damage us, and many times they
have placed their sciences at the service of whomever, like the
professor, become their friends. Their space travels do not endanger
us. Many of us, through some subconscious fear, refuse to accept
friendship with beings from other worlds and this fear impedes their
coming to have a coherent relationship.

I have interviewed other extraterrestrial contactees. Those who

really have had some kind of contact experienced a certain fear. That
depended on the nature of the contact, on whether it had been
involuntary or friendly, or if there had only been silent contact.

The professor had already had to confront the problem of a special

encounter, and above all had to struggle against himself to believe it.

I simply had to remember that I was afraid of the unknown and I

believe that fear is an obstacle by which we terrestrials do not come
to accept, as it should be, the presence of those beings.

When I told my elder brother about this, he reproached me as a

coward, and still today I regret not having gone. Nine years have
passed, and it seems that I can return to that time and feel the
same ill sensation, only by imagining that I could have been on a
space ship.
It is true that my action was incomprehensible, but if you had been
in my place what would you have done?
22 Other Civilizations
[From notes made early on in the contacts in 1974.]

Our Galaxy, that which you call Andromeda, moves toward your solar
system, a characteristic that other galaxies do not have. This
approach facilitates the proximity by which other civilizations travel
to your galaxy, above all in the following years. You will be surprised
to know that in the outskirts of our galaxy may be found thousands
of stars similar to those of your planetary system.1 There are
examples of systems that like yours engender life, though some of
diverse manifestations. Our world is in that which you call Beta
Andromeda,2 but due to the density of planetary mass, some of
them move like enormous anti-energy shields by which you can not
detect and identify exactly our radio waves.

Our galaxy approaches yours because it already is reaching greater

velocity in it's movement. Other galaxies are slower due to the
weight of their planetary systems. There are stars so dense (heavy)
that they themselves brake the gravitory movement of the whole
system, slowing the advance in their orbits.

Our radio waves continue to travel through space. Some times they
do not reach your system. Because of this you have not been able to
detect such radio waves, the same as with those emitted through a
universal mathematical interpretation code, which the more
advanced civilizations can identify adequately.

The voyage of these waves through space passes through

civilizations of elemental knowledge, rudimentary in
their investigations. You have advanced considerably professor. And
look, that could indicate than you are developing authentically, to
come to detect not only these radio waves, but great movements of
entire galaxies. Great civilizations are found on the opposite side of
your galaxy. They have on various occasions already come to your
world. They are like elder brothers to you, but their
technological advance is not as progressed as some other inhabited
planets. They are a thousand years in advance, scientifically, of
yourselves...but not as advanced as in other universes.

It taxes them two cycles of arc to come to your world.4

This is because they most pass through worlds in expansion, stars in

formation, rains of aerolites, as well as of highly civilized planets who
observe the passage of flotillas in peace and harmony and repel
those that can not be identified. Some civilizations travel in space
without taking into account all of these dangers. Our sensors inform
us about the proximity of inhabited worlds and alterations in space
by changes in the movements of the bodies. This allows us to detect
the slightest pebble, though we must trust it much. We have
traveled. through worlds in extinction.

Well then; let us speak of those civilizations that are on the opposite
side of your galaxy. They are not in accord with the system that you
carry, and the development and the application of your laws and
limitations worries them. They know perfectly well that other
civilizations visit you, and that they are different and can come from
distinct parts of not only your galaxy,5 but of others, and of other
systems also.

"And these waves of energy of which you speak, are they already
detected by my world?'

"Of course, and due to the complexity of the system of information,

they spend many years translating it. “The Russians who have
detected them know that the radio signals come from an intelligent
source because of the conformation of the emissions, but they are
late in identifying them. The Japanese also detected the radio
waves, but due to the linguistic structure of theirs it is a little more
difficult than with the Russians. According to the mass of the bodies,
they stimulate the advance of the radio waves toward energetic
states (stars) for which, upon being attracted by the sun, are
captured as well on your world. You yourselves have confirmed that
the increase of mass due to velocity is relative. Because of that, the
radio waves can only be captured weakly in some parts of the
universe and clearly in another part more distant. Also in this
are included enormous networks of energy that surround
the systems, through which no waves can pass.6 When the
waves are sufficient to complement a fissionable material they can
provoke a chain reaction. It develops that according to the states of
capture of energy that is found dispersed in the universe, capturing
the signal and the "retrofeed" by which it continues traveling
through the universe, is done in the same manner as the travel of
light until it encounters a rebound, though I tell you that light, as an
energetic element travels with more speed than radio waves. Many
times the ships that travel in the universe can capture them and
upon receiving them send replies, the same having to have the same
mathematic codifier as the origin. Many of our ships have a special
microsensor to receive these waves, measure their wavelength,
where they have traveled through space, from what civilization or
group they come, and in what part of the universe they are located.

"And those civilizations that are found on the other side of the Milky
Way (or our galaxy), are they also interested in us (the Earth)?" I

"Many civilizations who know your location are moved by curiosity to

know the advances of planets like yours, and with frequency they
investigate and collect knowledge through a universal participation
with other civilizations. But there exist other races who come in the
peace of authentic sentiment. Some time in the future we will speak
more on this theme.

"Why not now?"

She looked pensive as she responded: "I don't know if I have
23 We Are Destroying Our Own
[From notes made in November 1975.]

"We continually search the Universe, trying to perhaps encounter

something else..." is what LYA has told me many times. Day after
day a labyrinth of questions rise in my mind. I have asked her to tell
me why my limited capacity for discernment and little receptivity is
an obstacle so difficult to overcome. I know that contrary to her
desires she used words incomprehensible and terms that at times
I did not understand. Likewise, when she was forced to use
or employ simple terms in referring to her technical-scientific
subjects, the grandness of her knowledge was minimized. According
to my deductions, she spoke to me in words most accessible which
could serve to train me, which much facilitated things for me.

I began to become accustomed to my training by LYA, at whatever

moment in whatever place she wished. With her, today, when I saw
her at the UNAM (University of Mexico) walking toward the cafeteria,
there was absolutely nothing strange. I knew that she could
accomplish almost anything she desired, and I believe that up to
then she had become a part of my life. I stopped her when I caught
up with her.

"Hey...ey!" I exclaimed. "I have many questions to ask you." I said

without stopping to think of the necessity of protocol to greet her. I
acted spontaneously, without courteously greeting her. She nodded
her head affirmatively and looked at me expectantly. We walked
toward the outside in the direction of the parking lot.

"LYA, “ I said while we retired from that place, “Tell me about the
uncertain future which day after day I have come to comprehend
from all your conversations. Show me that which will come in a form
inevitably destructive to assault out planet."

"Listen Professor: the terrestrials demonstrate decadent tendencies,

nevertheless the majority live in a period of transition. That is to say,
of changes, of metamorphosis. The eclectic community simply
observes.1 Only you can resolve the internal affairs. It is the respect
of free will, of the liberty to act...It is a form of living, though that
could be disputed, that is respected. Nevertheless, you are gaining,
if that is what you want, and they demonstrate access to great
intergalactic knowledge. However, contrary to that which you hope
for your community, the terrestrials demonstrate clear tendencies to
decline. The decline of this civilization began some time ago.
As thinking beings you began to incur this in your own species, in
only one century, you have carried out sufficient nuclear tests that,
because of which, for the next two hundred years, your humanity
will be exposed to radioactive residues from explosions in different
parts of your planet. Unfortunately, this is one of the more important
reasons why you are losing your ozone layer. By the 1980s you
will have lost a total of 8.3% of the ozone layer that originally was
found at the beginning of this century. This will provoke the solar
rays to stimulate the molecules of all (living) organisms to their
maximum level.2 'this will also make many of the viruses that assault
the terrestrials reach their optimum resistance.3 Nevertheless this
will exercise a major stimulation of the cerebral neurons,
which contributes to the acceleration of the neurophysical changes
in the humanity of your world. The memory and the intelligence will
be the first cerebral zones to show sensible changes. This will
transform the character of each individual. according of course, to
the resistance of each one. The changes will sharpen, whether they
are positive or negative, but your own tendencies will always
become more acute. The grade of abnormal neuroses will rise
noticeably. As a consequence, your aggressiveness will increase, and
the percentage will rise day by day and month by month.
Characteristics will increase, and intelligence will be accentuated, but
also said stimulations will generate decadence in the individual as
such. Although it seems to you sometimes that this could benefit
humanity, it will prejudice him greatly in genetic order. He will
become susceptible to diseases for which there are no known

Respiratory ailments and neurological illnesses will be one form of

organic abnormality by the end of the 1980s. After that will come all
kinds of degenerative sicknesses. The births of genetically
malformed beings will accelerate. The human race suddenly will be
confronted by changes in genes, of DNA in mutation. Many species
of animals will have disappeared, others will show mutations, and
still others will have lost the characteristics of their race. This will
show you that, thanks to the indiscriminate use of nuclear tests and
the dangerous contaminants that poison the water and the air, the
race is suffering mutations. Some of the greatest tragedies of
humanity began because of circumstances that seemed ingenious
and inoffensive at the time. Because of that, upon analyzing the
effects over time, we must first observe the experience which gives
us a retrospective view of the past. Much of that which has been
done in the areas of science has resulted in death to humanity. The
accidents which have occurred in nuclear plants, and those which
will occur in the future, contribute still more to sensitive loss of the

"What? Have there been more nuclear accidents?" I asked in


"Yes, Professor. And for this also there are many reasons. In the first
place, you still are not capable of beneficial use of nuclear energy
without problems, threats, and dangers to your civilization. There
are risks. The movements of ground, such as landslides and
earthquakes, though slight, endanger the plants. This should make
man think, and know that his habitat is not adaptable to plants of of
this kind.6
"But...wait. The loss of ozone increases the temperature, or
diminishes it according to the case. This will easily affect the nuclear
plants. No Professor, you still are not capable for that. It also
influences the external movement of the planet, moreover the
pressures of gravitational change from that date began to increase,
which could also put the nuclear plants in danger, as well as other
important things. Someone needs to stop this, because the result in
the future will bring unacceptable damage to humanity. Man, despite
his advance, his intelligence, his desire to overcome the barriers of
his habitat beyond the atmospheric level which surrounds your
planet, opens a great highway towards his own destruction. It is
imperative to open a breach toward more knowledge, physical and
moral of the terrestrial being. He has degraded the water, a liquid of
optimum excellence, not only on your planet, but in all the Universe.
He has dirtied his planet, has destroyed hundreds of thousands of
living beings, animals, plants and rivers, lakes and oceans
contaminated by man, not to mention his absolute lack of respect
not only shown toward those others, but manifested toward himself.
There will come a time in which any energy of your world will have a
cost much less than that of water.7 Your world is slowly being
converted into a place inappropriate for life. We desire to sound an
alarm at once, exposing several reasons. Starvation is not a
sentence. it is only the result of world disorganization. You have not
dutifully capitalized the goods of the Earth. There is indignity,
ambition, pride and you manipulate entire populations blackmailing
them with grains and greens. It is time that you begin to enjoy a
true peace in your world. It is time to show the intergalactic
humanity that you also have the right to life and knowledge, but this
you must authentically earn. Listen Professor, if today you could take
a step backward and stop the nuclear advances in only those which
are employed in the use of risky chemical combinations, your
terrestrial community would have made an important change and
thus one step toward survival. The scientists argue that to stop
science is to stop the world, but that is not true. You can not feel
pride in a science that values only it's arsenals of deadly weapons.
The next decades will show the contrary. The terribleness of this is
that the tribute to the weapons that today are found distributed in
all countries is the death of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of
innocent persons, some of which never heard talk of the liberation of
the atom. This end finds no justification whatsoever, not the least
being that if science is to advance, you have to sacrifice the life of a
whole planet. and even prejudice the life of the solar system. The
chemical weapons produce degenerative illnesses not only in men
that come in contact with them, but in the water and the plants that
have been contaminated and poison other forms of life, as well as to
prejudice the human organism."

"In your world, is the scientific advance as dangerous as on this


"Well, not only on my world, but in other civilizations, they have

something like an important agreement on the advance of the
civilization through science, the principal importance always being
the preservation of life. The tests do not take into account the
proportion in which you make them, and if they treat of weapons,
they should be tested in their minimum proportion, though with our
procedures there is no need to test this and that. We utilize
enormous brains that indicate the combinations to us - such as can
make - the results as well as the potentiality and the damage that
could be provoked in different mediums - or different planets.

"We must not destroy, not even in areas that could have a high
probability of benefit to our community, if perhaps those weapons
could leave residues that might damage some small part of our
planet. By such we abstain from affecting a world only for the
benefit of a limited number of inhabitants. Our rules and regulations
are severe, but sufficiently secure as to not expose the security of
our world, or of others on which life is manifested.8 If we change
any of these rules we could see ourselves exposed to severe
judgment before the major community of those who associate with
us as allies, as copartners in investigations and co-partners in
knowledge acquired at large by our search of the Universe. But we
must, to obtain this interchange, show that we are highly
trustworthy and that we are not going to negatively utilize the
knowledge acquired. We must show that we are really an adult
community, controlling our emotions, as well as having a profound
respect for life, for beings of other planets, for organisms in
evolution, and finally for that which vibrates in some form of
existence. If we alter those rules we will be left out of partnership in
that intergalactic community of great knowledgeable beings who
help us so much.9
24 On Space Travel
"The Universe is an immense spiral." LYA told Prof. Hernandez. "The
galaxies in some parts are superposed one upon others. They form
parallel levels, They are controlled by agroupations, and even within
the same celestial groups, they repel each other due to their
own magnetic fields.1 It is like a right to have their own space and
their own movement, the absolute right of individuality. This also you
see among humans. Enormous networks of various energies
surround all of the planets. Hyperspace is still a great secret to your
community, nevertheless, once you have dominated the
hyperspace you will understand the why of the velocity of our
ships.2 In the next decade news will be disseminated about three of
the greatest nuclear accidents, space accidents and other similar
catastrophes. However, the accidents to space ships were due
especially to the lack of adequate systems of propulsion to reach
hyperspace. One of the most important space accidents will take
place in the middle of the 1980s!3 Your energy problems will
delay you more than fifteen years before you overcome
your danger."

"How do you travel in space?”

“Well, we reach hyperspace employing our own magnetic field as

well as utilizing energetic elements that have a great similarity to the
mineral gasses that surround the universe, though many times we
opted to make our travel through enormous energetic networks that
impel us toward hyperspace and which likewise, in questions
of energetic friction, helps to avoid being disintegrated in space.6 We
also employ energy such as hydrogen and oxygen when we descend
to your planet. We travel with our own magnetic field, which permits
us to move in any atmosphere like a small planet within it's system.
He are so enclosed to protect ourselves from characteristic viruses of
worlds adjacent to our own. We avoid space bacterias of
characteristics your humanity is unaware of. Nevertheless, the low
density of ozone in some parts more than in others reduces the
filtration of some germs which slowly descend and fall on fertile
fields of your world. When we have reached hyperspace we travel
by inertia through the normal networks with that which feeds our
ship. However I can tell you that other civilizations which have come
to your planet supply themselves with electricity through powerful
absorbers, which they then store in small receptacles. This is taken
in through long tubes and stored in millimetric boxes, other
universes utilize gasses of various origins over all energy that could
be taken from your world. However, not all the races that live in this
galaxy have come to dominate hyperspace. Reaching that level is
not easy. The most convenient is to utilize natural energy to avoid
friction and pressure within and without the ships, with which they
accelerate. At times (If not properly controlled) the metabolism of
living organisms which travel in then is destroyed whether they
are humans, animals or insects. The lower bacteria can resist high
pressures. If natural energy is not employed we can provoke
alterations in the energetic lines of force, and these could provoke a
much greater disaster in the interior of the ship. Very well, it is
important to know the better metal with which to construct a ship.
This must be made with elements which can not be repelled by this
universe. We use hydrogen and oxygen to construct our ships."5

"How can you achieve that?"

"Well, we achieve this by using it in solid form.

[The notes show that this dialogue took place in November of 1975.]
25 Disseminate The Word
[A further extract, from the dialogue that took place in November of
1979, according to the Professor's diary and memos to himself.)

"Listen Professor, “ continued LYA, "the knowledge is shared. The

cooperation between the advanced civilizations and mutual
investigations have made it possible for our race to advance in more
and more knowledge. For this, for all that has been lost when
ambition moves the great countries, we feel that it is time that the
terrestrial begins to look beyond himself."

"Why is it indispensable that all have access to this knowledge that

you have given me? Do you think for a moment that anyone would
really understand the message?"

"You and your congenerationals, like the other races distributed

throughout your world, pertain to the species we call ephemeras, as
to say that your time of life is very very short compared to races that
succeed in living thousands of years.1

The time of life of the human of your world is so short, and the
damage that is inherited through your decent is so great, that we
are worried. Really the damage left by past generations of
thousands of years to the present time is minimal, compared to that
which has been left you by only one hundred years of your
generation. In less than one hundred years your inhabitants have
produced much more damage than in all the previous epochs.2 This
is due to your acquiring the knowledge of destruction, and this you
view not only as a means of survival, but it also is seen as an
augmentation to ambitions and the desire for power. Those who
preceeded you did not have access to this knowledge, not in the
proportion that you have. We believe that you are not aware of the
transitory circumstances of your existence and the characteristics of
your race. There is much that is absurd in the processes of your
world, and it seems illogical to us that you permit this among
yourselves. Those powers that engage in bloody invasions,
mercenaries who kill only for the desire to do it, have killed to give
way to a civilization still more criminal than that of Gengis Khan or
Hitler...Why do you not understand that the time has come to reflect
upon the damage wrought to your planet? Look, for example, due to
the loss of the ozone, your climate in many parts of your world is
changing. In this also you have the injection of an orbital change of
14.5 degrees that your terrestrial axis has deviated. You are
beginning to lose your orbit,3 and for that the climate of your
countries has changed. But of this, though it is a really significant
signal, you have taken no account, immersed as you are in your own
hallucinations... in your desire to reach powers in proportion without

"We are like unconscious creatures on the universal plane?"

"Your changes are beginning to manifest themselves* There are

really notable men in your world, men that authentically desire to
live in peace, who respect it themselves and for others. But there is
still the greater imperative of the enormous interests, that, all
those options that might be indicative of emotional maturity, (she
looked at me)...dis-continue. There are races in the universe who
have great interest in your world, races that surely are intending a
great conflagration among yourselves that will allow them to take
possession of your world and its inhabitants. They inspire all kinds of
murderess feelings... in weak hearts and minds. The strong will try
to move toward a system of conscience and balance, of harmony
and respect. You are strong, Professor... though you still move in a
circle from which there is no easy escape. The future of your planet
is not alluring, Professor. There come times truly difficult, really
dramatic. Your world and it's destiny worries us intensely, but it is
precisely for this respect that we come to civilizations like yours. We
can not interfere. We can only suggest a change, if perhaps you
happen to be predisposed to it."
"What can we do to avoid the apocalyptic destiny that you predict
for my world?"

"In many cases you can make it. In the first place you must stop
your aggressive tendencies which today is a common thing or your
planet. Even small children already show characteristics of
aggression. The frustrations supplant the normal benefits in your

Parents do not demonstrate love to their children for fear that it will
be interpreted as a weakness... but that is no more than pride.
Nobleness has been lost In 60% of the cases. There is a false value
placed or. principles."

She moved her head slowly and said:

"An intelligent being such as the human of your world does not
deserve to terminate himself violently.”
26 An Extraterrestrial Threat
[Translated from notes made in 1975]

LYA never tried to evade my doubts. She was always a predisposed

to answer my questions. However I noted that she went to great
effort to try to explain with the greatest clarity all that I asked.

On this occasion I asked her something that in those nights was

confusing me.

"LYA, you have told me that there exist civilizations that are highly
scientific, and who still have a profound respect for life. You have
said that many civilizations have implemented rules to protect the
survival of other societies. Then how is it that there exist races
who intend to subject other societies?'

"I see that you have been worried since I informed you that another
race intended to subject you. But something that you still do not
know is that other worlds can not overpower whole planets without
the acquiescence or the approval of those who they intend to
subject. You have been conditioned for such subjection, and it
seems to be that you finally will accept then."

"How can you say that?" I asked without understanding.

"Listen carefully, professor, because this that I have to say to you

perhaps is one of the most important of all our meetings. I have told
you before that you are threatened by the possible invasion of a
civilization — and though you do not believe this, they have been
preparing you to accept the invasion through many intercessions. I
told you on one occasion that we are not among those designated to
proceed to time rescue of worlds like yours. But just so there is a
civilization that is interested in subjecting your world, there
is another that is interested in rescuing many of you who desire it. It
is such that in the ambient universe, free will is respected. Because
of that I can tell this that you are going to hear; perhaps you will not
understand it now, but there will be someone who upon reading
this will understand — perhaps in fear — that one of the great signs
is that they will bring an end to two thirds of the inhabitants of your
planet.1 They are highly intelligent, and have been slowly and
carefully, sufficient that you will accept the path of domination, the
metamorphosis of a submission.

Of course they must have an excuse before the community of

advanced civilizations, and have argued that the greatest hierarchies
of your world can not successfully govern it themselves,2 that you
are creating a technology out of control, a technology without basic
regulation. That the power of your armaments has been at the
expense of an indiscriminate waste of natural resources on the part
of each one of the most powerful countries on Earth, but the
arsenals achieved thus over the time of many years is a latent threat
of itself, not only for you, but also for he who believes that the
system may see itself in danger. Here I speak of the stellar system.

Because all of the universe is in harmony, your Sun, which to you is

always burning "something", does not burn anything. It is a body
adequate for offering energy for life. Well then, if perhaps a disaster
should occur on Earth, not only your solar system could be displaced
with force toward different orbits, but your star system could find
itself shaken, and many of it's planets would lose energy with the
movement that will alter their orbits. Since you have not observed
interstellar laws of mutual respect, and — as you are not integrated
within a group of interstellar scientists, they know you as beings of
ephemeral existence3 and a low level of development, limited mental
capacity, and even more, a high degree of aggressiveness.

Real extremes do not exist among the great civilizations of this

Universe. There exists neither good nor bad, black nor white, hate
nor love, each one the anti-thesis of the other, but all is harmony. I
will have to tell you on another occasion, about the first disaster that
occurred on your world which modified to high degree your orbital
path, but that is one of the reasons for which they intend to nullify
your world, before the great civilizations...that and your elevated
level of violence. For that, they intend your subjugation, a
submission, perhaps in part to save your community, perhaps in part
to gain supremacy over your planet. Nevertheless, people of
civilizations like MU, Dales, SIAN,4 and others have been coming to
Earth to study the exact grade of bellicosity you represent, and if it
is now a threat to the interstellar community and their intentions,
they have made plans to evacuate some of your humanity who
desire to give an opportunity to your world that sees itself impeded,
before the terrestrial human tendencies. Their departure has been
considered at space level.5 The Earth human has achieved important
scientific advances, but he has not come to modify his
characteristics. Enormous controversies have sprung up over your
world, because many civilizations are interested in knowing where
they could take Earth humans. At the same time, the great
civilizations can do nothing if it is not in favor of you, or perhaps you
accept this submission, and in all manner cannot repel an attack like
this — which could overcome (you)."
27 ET View of Our Religion
[Translated from the professor's notes made in 1975.]

Continuing from the discussion of the extraterrestrial threat, LYA

began a discussion of our religions as seen from her point of view.

"This had generated religious changes, and with that, hundreds of

the dogmas which are manifested today on your planet. You have
distorted ancient facts which now could well bring to light of
comparative parameters that which I have told you, to the light of
an incipient science which could offer you a capable analysis of
many of our forms which to you seem extraterrestrial. Many of
your chronicles speak of angels, of beings who fly, etc. All of that,
nevertheless, is perfectly explainable today, but before, it was not
possible to do this. Each society, so to speak, interprets according to
it's idiosyncrasy, that which seems to them almost "divine".

"Hear me, LYA. I believe that I have accepted some of much that
you have told me, and this is, in truth, worrying me. I have verified
that much that you predicted, has come to pass. Sincerely I don't
want you to complete this... Is there any way to change the future?
Also, how can we come into contact with civilizations that could not
only help us, but orient us?"

"Well, professor, as in all of the societies, there exist in this universe,

civilizations that demonstrate various grades of knowledge. To arrive
at the greatest and highest teachings of the higher civilizations, you
must have a minimum knowledge of space law - and observe, above
all things, a complete and genuine respect for life itself, to modify
your laws to a regulation of acceptance, and of harmony. That would
benefit you. Your tendency toward the defensive has made you
highly dangerous beings."
"But then, how can we know who comes in peace and who no?"

"It so happens that those who could help you, can not approach
you, and still can not. You must grow in knowledge and augment
your receptive capacity, modify your habits..."

I already knew that she, LYA, had a solid basis for speaking thus.
Her experience was very great, but at times her words confused me,
and later not even I myself knew how to explain her. I sunk into
reflection, even after thinking scarcely a few seconds on what she
had said, and I asked:

"Well... and God? where is he? Does he exist in truth?"

She looked into space and sighed profoundly, perhaps in search of

adequate words to define the great portent of nature... to explain to
me in a detailed manner, who was or is God.

"Listen professor, in the chronicles of your world there appeared

beings who could fly, overcoming the attraction of gravity. In one of
these histories there appeared two civilizations simultaneously
visiting your planet. One overcame gravity in a manner different
from the other. The first flew from one place to another, and could
proceed with ease, wherever they wanted. Their magnetic field
permitted this, but that field was not visible to the others. The
others still did not possess the secret of negativizing of light in the
magnetic field, for which these shown and were visible. In time
many adopted this knowledge and began to utilize magnetic fields of
energy to repel the gravity of your world upon arriving and
descending to the surface of your planet. Those beings who floated
and shown with a radiance, much surprised many of those
inhabitants of almost five thousand Earth years ago, or between
three hundred and four hundred of our cycles back. Your surprise
increased when I told you of the capacity they had to displace
themselves to another place, and above all the ship in which the ETs
traveled, produced much fear in the inhabitants. The inhabitants at
that time knew of nothing similar. For them, all of this was "divine.

These then came to consider us Gods coming to Earth. But those

were like us, and we have nothing exceptional except our scientific
advances. Those who show decadence in their sentiments and their
acts, can lose many rights of interstellar level. We can not lie nor can
we destroy, for which many of us know and aid each other in space.
They came to your world with the intention of informing all who
would be able to understand of the inhabitants of Earth. But many
obstacles developed between the ETs and the Earth humans.

The humans did not comprehend that there were other inhabited
worlds like yours. They were controlled by one criteria unified under
one chief, in such a way that the chief imposed his ideas on all the
others and they accepted it or saw themselves obliged to do so. The
terrestrials only interpreted one cycle and one Earth, and they
believed that those extraterrestrial beings were Gods whose powers
were superior to all they had seen before then. Because of their
manner of dress, the terrestrials could not decide whether the ETs
were men or women or both. They deified them to the point of
fanaticism. There were such diverse, and so many, interpretations
that the humans formed separate groups, and there still exist
confrontations between entire societies over these ideas. Each city
adopted their own interpretation according to their own taste and
their own histories, after which they became mythified... and finally
they became so distorted, that even we could not understand what
had been recorded on the rocks.

Your scientific terminology has not reached those specific levels that
convey the greater knowledge, and for that you do not comprehend
absolutely all that I explain to you, and this derives toward uncertain
points, praising them to these "apparitions" which were taking forms
in ever increasing locales... to the end that they became identified
with the society in question. The subsequent generations did not
understand much of that and began to ask questions.. .and the
teachers of yesteryear were not showing the point exactly correct.1
Those who came from other worlds wanted to explain who God
exactly was, but before that, they needed to inform that they
themselves came from other worlds and were extraterrestrials, and
that others possessed the same genetic makeup (shape, DNA, etc.)
as yourselves. Their anthropomorphic form did not convince the
terrestrial inhabitants that they were human. They knew that they
had seen a being descend from the sky, and they would never admit
the contrary. The event was considered so extraordinary that it was
engraved on rocks for posterity,2 but they did this in accordance with
their knowledge and mentality. In those times the people of your
world did not exactly understand this extraterrestrial phenomena
and that explains, in part, much of the falsehood encountered in
your monoliths.

But if it was difficult then to make the inhabitants of your planet

understand our extraterrestrial origin, it is not easy now to make
them understand that many of those "apparitions" that they saw, did
not pertain directly to the nature of God. Those who came to your
world were only informants or investigators, who studied and
analyzed the future of your world and it's comportment.

The facts occurring were involving the terrestrials in a labyrinth that

more than historical, was mythical, disquieting those minds and
intruding upon the feelings. The people were afraid, and this made it
easy for them to be controlled by those outcomes of the kings,
chiefs, directors and leaders. Though in some manner the idea was
not lost, the message was diverted into obscurity, and being
changed in substance between one translation and another. Those
who did not understand, rejected it or relegated it for later analysis,
losing many times, thus, important information. This also influenced
the grade of knowledge of each society, because in some manner
this contributed to the ever greater retardation of the advance of
In truth, we never could understand why you did not understand the
message in the correct form, for at least that of the origin of the
civilizations that visited your planet. And today we fear that you will
yield to the same. We are all of us, you and all the other inhabitants
of the universe, the excellent creation of an infinite being...most
powerful. God exists, of course," LYA said in a most reverent way,
"and for us it is the most powerful, bioelectrical-magnetic force,
which controls all vibrational movement of a passive state, an active
state and vice versa."

"Then God is both life and death?"

"That which you call death is the vibrational state in repose.

Effectively, the great bioenergetic force of God creates and absorbs,
ebbs and flows. It is an inexhaustible source of knowledge, whose
power is only perceivable to you through matter, for which you know
it superficially and at times unjustly. In truth there exist hundreds of
forms of life, one of which is energy in it's most pure manifestation.
These bodies are uniquely energy-vibratory.3 To us they are invisible
entities or beings, bodies like magnets that attract structures of their
same species. They can conduct themselves throughout the whole
universe. And that scarcely would be the tiniest example of which
could serve as a concept to show you what God is."

"An invisible body can absorb another?"

"Not precisely. On that point there is no intent for dominion of one

entity over another. Those bodies attract those with which they
associate, but they don't annihilate them. They also possess a
powerful repellent force, and can transit incalculable spaces and can
be here now and on another world in form simultaneously. Yes,
actually their power is immense, but God is above all that, which you
can not comprehend.

God can not be understood through threats, nor through fears. God
has given life, and life has a force, a cycle, depending on the force
with which it has been created. Nobody in the universe has the right
to take it (life), except for his own survival.4 Even before some
injustice in the ultimate moment, you must not kill. All in space
carries a continuous state of harmony... to alter it costs much to
whoever tries.

God is above all living forms that swarm in the universe, and I can
tell you that matter, as you know, is the manifestation of the most
primitive of it's power. God is not ruled by time nor space. Time and
gravity are inseparable. If we measure something, and it has weight,
we can evaluate it's gravity, then we can know that it exists. God
exists though we can not measure it's knowledge, it's weight, nor it's

We also search the beginnings of our science thousands of cycles

after our own origin. We initiated our investigation of our genetic
conformation and it's formula from beginning to end, but the most
interesting was the DNA molecular system, as you would call it, and
to learn that we could reprogram all of an existence in a manner
such that this could produce a race of genius, which could
adequately receive universal information of an interstellar level.5

"I don't understand this well." I said sincerely.

"For example, your primitive DNA suffers no alterations, for which

the human can live through one cycle of regeneration, though it is
limited. There are NO changes in the love, nor hate, intervening to
reduce the energy. There is no reformation of your structure. You
can reprogram yourselves in a manner, according to your mental (or
intellectual) capacity, supposing that you have no limits, replacing
old concepts with new, or those knowledges can improve your
perceptions, both mental, visual, auditive, etc. This is the way you
want to really improve the genetic time of man through his DNA."

"And have you had success in these experiments on your planet."

"That was in the beginning when we inquired much into the
existence of the being as a living entity and, above all, the origin of
God. Today, for us, this is so old that it is genetico-scientific history.
On our planets they developed great changes and improved our
races, by reprogramming the genes without genetic deformation. It
has cost much, but today that is possible, and there still are
scientists who are occupied with this on other planets. The measure
of such knowledge expands and they strive to know more and more
and then they disseminate this to the greater races, always alert to
the maintaining of communication with the objective of
retransmitting the results obtained. Thus it was that they came to
know also new worlds, and as such they made the gift (of life) to
those which they found insufficient development and with resources
necessary for intelligent survival. The rule in interstellar society, is to
eradicate the degenerative instincts and raise man to a superior
level, each time better than before. Our mission comes to be that of
teachers, who also begin from zero like all of you, with the
difference that on your planet you can not duely obtain the
knowledge, because the scientists unfortunately die, and with each
generation some of the relative initial knowledge is lost..."
28 Life and Death of Planets
[Translated from notes made in November 1975]

The discussion mentioned in the previous chapter continues and

Professor Hernandez asks another question of the extraterrestrial
woman LYA.

"Do we die the same as on all the other planets?"

"No!" She said flatly. "All the inhabited planets live from a star which
supplies them with energy. The life depends upon the nearness or
farness of the solar ray's (travel). I shall explain: The solar energy
stimulates the molecules. but there always must exist a
vibratory level of conductivity. The majority of the planets near a star
in movement suffer from it, but some balance the movements
perfectly, avoiding much of the frictions of energy. Of course they
are not worlds like yours, but, nevertheless, with the help of other
technologies, including contributions from other civilizations,
they come to preserve life on those planets.

"Do you imagine, it is beautiful to think that in space the bodies

vibrate in the same manner as the atoms of our body?"

There are planets whose atmospheres are so delicate that they

completely lack density on their surface which, at simple sight,
appears to be swirls of sand dunes. Logically there could exist no life
as you know it, but I know there is some type of life, different. In
ordinary stars they detect from 40,000,000 to 1,000,000,000
degrees centigrade (sic). Others like the sun, which feeds your
world, generate 20,000,000 and in their center almost 60,000,000
(sic). The intensity of energy thus would reach any other planet
sufficiently near. Another planet, before Mercury, that approached it's
(the sun's) surface crystallized and was absorbed by the potent
energy of the sun of your system. We are all made of stellar
material. You will encounter the remains of rocks in every part of
this universe, which contain amino acids similar to those of your
organism. All, starting from the same (chemical) components that
you know: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, silicon, etc., are concentrated,
confined, and coordinated by the DNA."

"That is life, and it's complexity shows us the power of God. Observe
the development of your species, each one of those animals that live
on your world have some particularity... and that is programmed in
the DNA of each being. Each one reproduces according to it's
genus….without change, without alterations, until it comes to new
knowledge and takes a new step, if God concedes to those
civilizations a contribution of knowledge, to beings who can control
that without danger for the universe.

Returning to the theme of death, I can tell you that at one time the
Earth was much closer to the Sun. It then provoked an exuberant
flora and fauna that grew by gigantic steps. When the solar radiation
increased, man aged prematurely. Why? It happened that the dead
cells were accelerated in the process of putrefaction with the
molecular overstimulation, but the live organism worked intensely,
which produced a premature senility. On other worlds, where
adequate solar energy is available, and where it lives conveniently
removed from the nourishing star, the inhabitants reach ages that
would surprise you. The process of aging is slow (there) because
there is no molecular overstimulation.

The Moon of your world also causes an excessive expense of energy

by the human being. The Moon causes an excessive expense of

As a body in the process of extinction, it tries to available. In the

beginning the Earth had no satellite.
It was conditioned to this, for which through the absorption of a
little discharged energy, was provoked of great quantities of solar
energy to your world. The Moon serves as a sponge to compensate
for the overcharge, but it also is a powerful marking point for the
Earth, which had lost orbital force after the hecatomb that occurred
on your world. "
29 Danger to Cities
[Translated from notes made in November 1975]

Further continuing the discussion described in Chapters 27 and 28,

LYA describes a new danger for our great cities as a result of our
crowded populations and our lack of control of the industrial

"Nevertheless, the Earth human must take care of him self because
the heat will asphyxiate the great cities who have a large thermic
surface for the accumulation of noxious gases. This also is a danger.
The condensation of said gases could come in a moment. On other
worlds of equal terms of civilization to yours, they remove or they
neutralize all kinds of poisonous gases..."

"That's it LYA, one theme aggravates another, until it seems that you
want to wrap me in a halo of wisdom for intensive knowledge, as if
the time was about to terminate before I know it. How difficult it is
to understand all that you have invited me to meditate upon.”

That frequently was too much for me.... Many times I was left
without absorbing the flow of her wisdom teachings. LYA was the
teacher and I the smallest of her students... I also felt it hopeless to
try to correspond in her discussions... I wanted to show her that I
understood all that she said, but I did not want to seem false. She
knew to what measure I assimilated all that she said.

She could not allow falsehood and I must not fake my position.
30 Various Spacecraft Used
In the course of clearing up details for the publisher of this report,
Wendelle Stevens had written to Zitha inquiring about more details
on the Andromedan spacecraft, that may have been taken down in
the hundreds of pages of shorthand, during the discussions with
Professor Hernandez.

She had confessed to an ignorance of some of the more technical

elements of those discussions, and was more interested in the
dialogues she better understood. Those were the substance of the
first pages on transcribed shorthand notes she sent for examination,
and they make up the first 21 chapters of this report.

Zitha's description of how she selected the material she sent and her
problems in deciding what to deal with next, are very illuminating,
and are important in understanding how much the real story has
been downplayed in it's transmission to us for this report.

She offers her idea on the possible confusion of our Andromeda

Constellation only a few hundred lightyears distant with the
Andromeda Galaxy over 800,000 light-years distant, by conservative
estimates. After Stevens' inquiries she had checked with a local
astronomer who also agrees that the Andromedan planet INXTRIA
has to be in the Andromeda Constellation in our own galaxy. She
logically suggests that some confusion may have come in, due to the
professor's possible lack of astronomical knowledge, and an
unconscious association of the galaxy with the word Andromeda.

She goes on to describe exactly what her awareness of the Pleiadian

contacts in Switzerland was, and where her information came from
and when, and believes that the professor did not know even this
much, thus reducing the potential for feedback from the Swiss case.
And then she discovers some untranscribed dialogue on another
class of Andromedan ship of intermediate size and clear mention of
an even bigger mother-ship.

These new revelations coming at this time are of such importance

that this letter becomes a document of itself in this highly unusual
report, and so we shall translate it here in it's entirety for your

Perhaps the most astounding revelation of this letter is the

overwhelming inflow of information now flooding the professor. He is
being picked up more frequently and is being taken to various places
to witness things of such import so often, that he gives up setting
down the details in his diary — in fact he gives up even keeping a
diary of his activities, and now the information simply flows from his
recollections in such torrents that Zitha is no longer able to get it all
down, and so her shorthand notes, are unable to keep up with the
history. She ends up with long monographs on a given subject
expounded on by the professor, which then easily jumps to another
subject with no transition between them.

The professor's almost casual mention of the considerable variety of

special purpose spacecraft used is such a case. He has been in small
two person craft, five person ships and other small ones. Then he
has been taken to intermediate size craft (that would be considered
vary large by us) which carry many occupants plus some of the
smaller sized craft. He has also been taken out to a great mother-
ship of immense size, which carries a number of intermediate and
many smaller ships inside of it.

To stop and describe all of these phenomenal vehicles in detail,

simply entails too much time and energy, which he did not feel he
had to spare, and so he passes over much of this kind of information
in his discussions of other things, which he considered the more
important, such as the philosophical information and the messages
these extraterrestrials had for Earth humanity.
A point came where the professor no longer set anything down in
writing, and as he remembered something to be added to another
thing already described to Zitha, he would call her up and fill in the
additional details that might have been overlooked before. Thus the
shorthand notes became broken bits of information, disconnected
and sometimes scattered, such that their true relationship to the
whole was not always clear.

Here is Zitha's letter which partly begins to explain this situation. It

is a real tragedy that it was simply impossible to take down all the
information that was available through the professor before he
31 The Professor's Disappearance
Playing the Devil's Advocate, Wendelle Stevens wrote Zitha
Rodriguez in Mexico City and raised all the doubts other advisors had
mentioned to him concerning this very mysterious case.

There was the disappearance of the principal and probably only

witness to the actual contacts. There was the disappearance of most
of his hundreds of pages of notes and diary entries. There was the
apparent hostility of the Professor's wife, who indicated no will
ingress at all to cooperate or to again produce the professors' papers
returned to her by Zitha Rodriguez. There was the unwillingness to
allow any interviews with the professor's children who might have
been able to contribute something to the investigation, There was
the lack of professional colleagues and even personal friends
with whom the professor might have shared his confidence, because
he himself, after first attempts, had come to fear their reactions to
such a story.

This did not make for much tangible support for a case like this, and
Stevens expressed a desire to renew the investigation with better
resources and try to collect some real substantial evidence. He had
interested some backers in supporting such an effort to discover
more tangible evidence and had given Zitha Rodriguez a list of
things to try to set up for reinvestigation when he could bring a
team of researchers to Mexico City. Zitha was trying to do this as
best she could, facing great difficulty in trying to reopen the case.
Apparently some Mexican government investigators had entered the
scene and were trying to frustrate any other effort besides their

She learned that the professor's wife herself was under suspicion in
the disappearance of the professor, and that police detectives had
been unable to close the case for lack of a body.
The straightforwardness of Zitha's reply and the poignancy of her
interview with Sra. Rodriguez, are so revealing that we have decided
to publish that whole letter here for you to read for yourself.
As you can see, there is much unresolved in this case, and a great
deal of mystery still unexplained. Zitha and Stevens have themselves
become involved to the extent that they too have become a part of
this bizarre affair.

Let us hope that Sra. Hernandez can find professor Hernandez' last
written notes or papers, and that there is some clue in there to tell
us whether Hernandez expected to be picked up and taken away or
not. This might be instrumental in clearing Sra. Hernandez of the
suspicion she is under with the police.
If the police investigators have those papers in the ones they took
from the Hernandez house, and they refuse to release them, or
copies, back to Sra. Hernandez, we may never be able to clear her
of the heavy pall of unwarranted suspicion.

So now we learn that the professor did not disappear from the
institution as previously supposed, but that he was released and
went to his home in Cuautla, where he was now living apparently
separated from his wife, at least temporarily. He had given no
indication that he planned to leave, and said no goodbyes. He just
disappeared as though he had dropped from the face of the Earth,
and perhaps he has.
It seems to this publisher that the most fitting conclusion to this
report is in fact a letter to Wendelle Stevens, answering some of his
very challenging questions and candidly stating her deepest personal
convictions on the part of Zitha Rodriguez, the investigative
journalist who spent the most time of all people in the world on this
case, who befriended Professor Hernandez, when he needed a
knowledgeable listening ear, and who carried out extensive
interviews with him over years, taking down scores of notebooks full
of shorthand dialogue, commentary, and even dictated opinions,
statements and memoranda. She also became directly involved in
the case she was investigating, when the extraterrestrial woman
invited her to accompany the professor on one of the visits to the ET

Zitha is now finding all doors closed on this strange UFO contact
case. The federal investigators refuse to divulge the results of their
investigation. The family's private investigators will not release what
they know about the case.

And between the two investigation efforts, and their searches and
confiscation of notes, memoranda and papers left by Professor
Hernandez, little survives besides Zitha's stack of shorthand

This letter dated 11 August 1988 reveals Zitha's true inner feelings
about this case, and even a little about the real Zitha herself. There
is no doubt that Zitha is personally convinced of the reality and
validity of this Mexican UFO contact case. She had come to accept
some of the information communicated to the professor by his ET
contacts, and could understand his deteriorating sense of
hopelessness for this planet and its inhabitants. She is concerned
that the extraterrestrial woman may be right, and that we have gone
too far in our folly, and have made ourselves prey to other less
benevolent beings from the depths of space. She thinks our danger
is very real and that we must get this word out as soon as possible,
so that the public may be forewarned in the hope that we can do
something about the forecast situation.
That personal letter to a fellow researcher is very revealing in that it
expresses the individual honesty and good faith of a dedicated
person diligently seeking the truth herself. She is dismayed and
piqued at the audacity of anybody challenging the sincerity and
integrity of a most responsible and highly respected man, a veritable
pillar of truth in his country before he began to reveal his
experiences with the extraterrestrials.

And Zitha is in fact justified, because how can anybody judge the
realities of another without undertaking an in-depth on-site
investigation of all the facts in the case? We are far more inclined to
read the facts for ourselves than to accept the unsupported
pronouncements of anybody else, and we recommend this to all.

This then is the bizarre story of Prof. R.N. Hernandez of Mexico, who
disappeared without a trace in the middle of this investigation, and
who has not turned up anywhere since.
After considerable reflection upon what LYA had told me I began a
search for literature referring to the Unidentified Flying Objects. I
analyzed the data concerning such contacts worldwide with great
curiosity to see if anyone else, in the whole world, had suffered
an experience similar to mine. From then on I have been writing to
groups studying the extraterrestrials in the United States as much as
in Europe.

I understood that since those same groups had, perhaps

unconsciously, established guidelines for such things, they would
examine for themselves all kinds of sightings of ships of
extraterrestrial appearance. They spoke much about the credibility of
the extraterrestrial contacts and speculated concerning the truth or
falsehood of such cases, and this was influenced by many factors.

One of them they referred to as plasmaphysics. I did not knew much

about what that was but I immediately began to familiarize myself
with it and I discovered that it only referred to extraterrestrial ships
and balls of light whose characteristic was that of a form of stable
plasma. Such luminous phenomena had been reported as UFOs.
Luminous balls that later were recorded in the annals of laboratories
were created as masses of partly ionized air. The masses of air
completely ionized were forms of stable plasma.

What was curious, was that nobody was able to seriously offer a
rebuttal in turn to the question.

There were accounts that referred to extraterrestrial beings who

entered into contact with terrestrial people but, for some reason,
very few of those cases were worth taking into account. It gave me
the understanding that those studies were still in the sightings
phase. One of the rules on credibility of the contacts depended in
large part on the conditions under which the sighting was reported,
and always on whether there were two or more witnesses. However
after conscientiously analyzing a case one runs into opposition with
conformance to the established theories creating with this an
uncertainty on whether the witnesses were sober or not at the time
of seeing what they reported they saw.

After much thinking on this I became disillusioned. How could I say

that an extraterrestrial woman had invited me to travel in her ship
and that she had shown me how much damage man was doing to
his own self? How could I explain that humanity constituted a threat
to it's own self, and that this had been shown demonstrated to me
by a beautiful woman who lived on a world called INXTRIA or

If the scientists scarcely analyzed the light of those photographs and

movies that had been taken of what had appeared as mysterious
lights, and had not studied them under a microscope and in a
computer, how could they explain that the business was not much
more serious than a simple light in the sky?

Sometimes I was totally convinced that nobody would ever believe

me. I had read that when a UFO was totally identified as a form of
plasma the witness was considered truthful. If the scientists then
agreed with this, that was given absolute credit. But my experience
could not be investigated through any terrestrial parameter, Why?
With what analogues situation could I compare it? I knew it would
be very difficult, and above all for a professor such as I.

Considering this, what would be my next step?

I was of the opinion that my case concerning the experiences with

LYA was managed with the greatest love. Because to take the
opposite point of view not only is totally illogical but is absurd. In
some manner I had to give to knowledge all that LYA had said.
In vain I had looked for someone to offer me the light of an
adequate investigation and analysis of my case.

LYA had told me one time, almost at the beginning:

"The incredulity and skepticism shown by the terrestrials has been

our principal cover. We knew that we could come and live on the
Earth confidentially. Nobody would believe in our origin."

She knew that all that was said by a contactee would always be
placed in doubt. She had also told me:

"We have been speaking liberally with your co-terrestrials because

we are sure that nobody is going to believe the witnesses."

I reflected on the classification they would give me. Perhaps they

would call me a lunatic or crazy. Perhaps my students would say that
I was delirious, or my children would define my state as senile
hallucinations. In the majority of the cases they would simply call me
a fanatic.

LYA had given me many prophecies, which had come to pass with
the passage of time. For example she had informed me that:

"In the days to come, the world will be confronting many surprises.
After 1984 there will be intense political agitation that will bring very
significant changes in all the Communist countries. They will be
trying to find a solution to the problem of hunger and will seek allies
to undertake studies in search of a solution to the scarcity of
foodstuffs, but no country will have confidence in them. New
systems of espionage will be developed and they will increase their
spynets throughout the world for better communication and to favor
new strategies. New personalities will come to political power who
will seek in their turn the support of scientists in their eagerness to
combat the famine, also, because in the future the scarcity of grains
will make more nations dependent."
I thought that if I spoke out on the prophesies of LYA, would they
believe that I was a neophyte in predicting the questions of political
futures. Once more the uncertainty.. would they believe me? On the
other hand, wasn't it necessary that they believe me or that they
believe LYA!? I have meditated much on this. I would have to write
down all that she had told me. Whether anybody wanted to believe
me or not, it was within my capacity to try to convince them.

"Would you like to know something more?" LYA had asked me on

that occasion.

"Yes... Who will triumph at the end of a conflagration?"

"You refer to your planet? Well then... if the following conflict at a

world level obliges the powers to recruit allies, nobody will survive,
not even those tribes who inhabit the most interior parts of Africa.
The bacteriological weapons that are being developed today in
countries like Viet Nam and Afghanistan still do not show the real
panorama of their noxious spectrum. Their consequences in the long
run will become known later. Moreover, due to the high chemical
concentrations that will be utilized in a conflagration, the Earth will
become barren. Not a single root will survive.

And if perhaps some human being would come to save himself, it

will be for very little time, because the energy released through the
weapons and boobs will attract more energy from space. Thus once
the thick gasses are concentrated in the stratosphere, gaseous
clouds full of energy that circulate in space will be attracted by the
energy of their same kind or the affinity of their chemical
composition. Something that you do not know is that energy feeds
on energy. It is precisely for this that the atom is so dangerous;
because it feeds on energy. Very great are the dangers to which man
is exposed. If your humanity does not unite and combat these
radioactive rains that come from space, and belts of noxious gasses
that will adhere to the terrestrial atmosphere, nor also to neutralize
the enormous power of combustion of the artificial satellites that
surround the Earth, as well as to suspend the accumulation of
deadly weapons, even for themselves... they will be destroyed by
their own hands."

LYA sent me to ponder through complete reflection all that I had

heard.. which at times not even I myself could explain... the why of
the liberation of coherent atoms, neutrons, neutrinos, protons, etc. I
meditated profoundly on death... Of what significance was it FOR
MAN to live in the violence and to die for it??? Under these
circumstances.. .was it worth being born?

With the passage of time I felt totally impotent. I no longer listened

to the news. Desperation little by little overpowered me. I
continually thought about peace and how to gain it. Could one
University teacher change the mentality of the great powers? I was
trying to accumulate my will to resist falling into the state of mind
that was slowly sinking me into depression.

I vowed to myself that someone would come to have access to these

pages. I took heart in the illusion that man would understand. I said
to myself that man is the only rational being of his expression in the
world, and it inspired me to continue until I reached my colleagues
through the lofty expression obtained by writing. I promised that I
would do something for myself by my writing this...

I would continue to struggle because they must be made to know

what LYA had confided to me... It would cost a lot of work but it was
worth the effort because this was the least that I could do...
The Professor, true to his decision, decided to put his notes in order
and make them available for publication. The good Professor has
long since passed from the scene...at the hands of his own
compatriots the very ones he sought to save. Many of the
predictions given him by the mysterious extraterrestrial woman, LYA,
have come to pass or are coming true today. We are far worse off
now than we were ten years ago when he made his notes, which in
the end actually became his downfall and were the proximate cause
of the unfortunate end to a brilliant career.

Had it not been for his accidental meeting with Zitha Rodriguez, and
his sudden impulse to tell somebody, anybody who would not be
suspicious and could understand what he was talking about, you
would not be reading these lines.

We wish the good Professor were here now to see his profound
revelations finally made public. It may be too late to save
everything, but perhaps there is still time to do something for
ourselves and our world in his memory. If so, then his sacrifice will
not have been in vain.

A non-profit Foundation has been set up under the CENTRO

92-047, C.P. 08500, Mexico D.F., MEXICO, in memory of Prof. R. N.
Hernandez. The purpose of this foundation is to advance the study
of UFO phenomena worldwide, and to continually inform the public
on such events as they are reported, to foster the publication of
valid books on extraterrestrial contacts and related phenomena, and
to maintain a continuous exhibit of the Hernandez material, his diary,
contact notes and other writings on this extremely interesting case
and others like it, and to advance public interest in such matters.
Let us take our hats off to one very brave and courageous man. and
to observe a moment of silence in his honor.

(Voluntary contributions may be sent to C.I.D.E.E. above.)

Appendix I - Andromeda Ships
While we have no photographs of the extraterrestrial spacecraft from
Andromeda, we do have descriptions and sketches, some of which
we are reproducing here in this report.

Professor Hernandez describes LYA's ship as about three meters

diameter at first, and revised that to five meters diameter after
being up close to and inside of it. It is circular in shape and convex
on top, like a lens. It has a wide transparent, or at least transparent
from one direction, dome on top. There is a radiant band of
some different kind of material in the flange of the disc immediately
surrounding the cupola on top. The rest of the metal-looking flange
has a finish that looks very much like brushed stainless steel with a
kind of shimmering effect. The whole thing does reflect light
like metal.

The craft is completely surrounded by a violet-shaded halo, corona,

or glow, and it all radiates heat. The colored halo distorts all images
seen through it. The halo flows around the ship and blends then
with a rotating turbulence noticed underneath the craft and a
greenish light radiated from the center underneath the ship and
downward. Hernandez was told that the green light was a part of
the antigravitic field generated by the craft, and was a result of
energy conversion in the field.

A formula having no meaning to the analysts was jotted on the


We reproduce here both the professor's sketch and our erected line
drawing made from the same descriptions, notes and sketches.

Lacking a photograph of any of the Andromedan ships for

presentation here, we shall go to our files and look for some thing
Other extraterrestrial spacecraft from entirely different UFO cases we
have investigated have been photographed which look remarkably
like the Andromedan ships described and sketched here by the
witness. Whether this similarity is purely accidental or otherwise, we
do not know, for we do not have definitive knowledge of
the occupants of those other craft.

We can safely say, however, that these other photos offered here
have never been successfully disputed. These other UFO photo cases
are as follows:

Passiac, New Jersey, 29 July 1952, 16:30

St. George, Minnesota, 21 October 1965, 18:10

Yungay, Puru, March 1967, 17:30

Playa Sangrilla, Uruguay, 23 September 1968, 18:30

Bogota, Colombia, 20 May 1971, 12:30

Balcaroe, Argentina, 19 July 1974, 18:00

Appendix II - The Star Map
Aboard her spacecraft, LYA brought up an image of a star field on a
viewing screen to show Professor Hernandez where she was from.
He tried to remember the various brighter points of light and the
relative position of what LYA said was her home sun system with
respect to the rest of the stars seen in that starfield. She said
her home sun was a part of what we call Beta Andromeda.

Beta Andromeda is apparently the central body of a group of stars

within the Andromeda Constellation which are gravitationally
associated with each other and are moving in space together. LYA
has said that that group is moving toward our local system at this
time and is closing on us so that in sufficient time we may even
be neighbors for a while. This, she says, is one of the reasons for
their interest in us. Other space traveling races in that same group
of stars have indicated similar interests. The position of LYA's home
planet INXTRIA as seen and pointed out on the viewing screen is not
the position of the Andromeda Galaxy, M-31, also seen on our star
charts as a dim cloud of stars in the opposite side of the Andromeda
Constellation. The Andromeda Galaxy was not even shown in the
starfield seen in the viewing screen on board LYA's ship.

It has bean noted before, in other UFO contact cases as well, that by
the time a given ET civilization makes contact with us, they have
learned our languages, studied our sciences and technologies, and
have become familiar with our written form and documented

They usually are, or become, quite familiar with our astronomical

sciences and how far we have progressed in mapping and studying
our local universe. Thus they become quite familiar with our
published star charts and our groupings of stars for identification.
(See also a similar case evidencing thorough familiarity with
our astronomical knowledge in UFO CONTACT FROM RETICULUM.) If
we connect certain stars with lines to help us identify them, they, the
ETs, sometimes use the same kind of lines for the same reason, to
help us identify the stars indicated. A similar star chart was shown
one of the contactees in UFO ABDUCTION AT BOTUCATU.

Thus we see Cassiopeia in the same viewing screen star field to help
confirm the stars in Andromeda, and we see INXTRIA opposite Beta
Andromeda from Cassiopeia, in a section of dim stars, we do not
think LYA's home sun is even visible to us from here, nor would ours
be visible from there.

We shall first present, here, the simple star chart drawn by the
professor from what he observed from aboard LYA's spacecraft.

Then we will present the same area of sky from a conventional

astronomical star chart for comparison, carrying a translation of the
professor's comments forward to the star chart clipping.

Next we will offer a photograph of that port of the heavens with the
selected field of stars shown, probably much as they were seen in
the viewing screen aboard the ship, except the constellation lines
had been added.

Following that we will offer a comparative table of stars seen In the

Andromeda Constellation according to

Burnham's three volume astronomical reference guide. this will show

us distance/ magnitude of brightness, nass, class of star, etc., for
comparison. Our Sun is a "G" class star.

This may not allow us to see LYA’s home sun, but it will show us
exactly where it is in our sky.
Appendix III - How I Came to write
This Report
This unique amazing report has come into being by a rather unusual
series of circumstances. Zitha Rodriguez did not set out to write a
book about UFOs at all, although she was interested in the subject.
She did not know Prof. R.N. Hernandez, either professionally or
personally before this, and her meeting with him was
quite accidental — or was it?

She was working on another project not related to UFOs at all when
she encountered Prof. Hernandez for the first time. Even then she
had no idea that he would become the subject of her investigation
on one of the most profound UFO contactee cases in Mexico*

Zitha Rodriguez had never heard of Wendelle Stevens, and had no

reason to take interest in him if she had — until Richard Heiden,
with whom she had been corresponding in Spanish, mentioned that
Stevens had been involved in investigating a UFO case in Switzerland
that had some similarities to the one she had mentioned to him as
occurring in Mexico.

Heiden contacted Stevens to advise him of Zitha and her case, and
furnished Stevens an address in Mexico City.

Stevens wrote Zitha an introductory letter, and received a well

thought out reply from Zitha.

Zitha's reply laid some groundwork for what was to follow in weeks
to come, and so as to give the reader the same feelings of discovery
of a new and very profound UFO contactee case, we have decided to
include the bulk of that initial report to Stevens here for
your examination.
The letter was straight forward, frank and honest, as the lady
describes her own involvement in this Hernandez case and how that
came about. All subsequent communications have been just as
straight forward and direct.

We gladly share this communication with you.

Appendix IV - Article Published
You have read in Appendix III that Zitha Rodriguez was the author
of the first article published on the R.N. Hernandez UFO contact
case, a three page synopses titled "Yo Viaje en un OVNI", which she
regretted doing because she found it impossible to do justice to this
case in one article. That account, with title changed to
"Amigos Extraterrestres" was published in OCULTO, January 1980, a
magazine on unusual phenomena published in Mexico.

In the accompanying letter Zitha said she wrote the article on 4

November 1979 when she was working for magazine. What should
have been a 4 to 5 page account was edited down to the 3 pages
published for lack of space, and much narrative was lost. But
perhaps we should preface this presentation with a little more

When Prof. R.N. Hernandez (a pseudonym] first met LYA, she told
him her name was Elyense, and that she was not of this Earth, but
came from a world in Andromeda, a planet which she called
INXTRIA. Hernandez jokingly said... be would call her for the
princess in Galaxy Wars, a science fiction feature in Mexico.. .and he
used this name for her ever since.

Before seeing her spaceship and meeting others of her race of

human beings very much like us, from her group. Prof. Hernandez
asked for some proof that she was from beyond Earth as she
claimed. She then did some thing that made his gold watch undergo
an impossible change, the steel cog-wheels and parts inside the
watch were converted into formless white metal inside the watch
case while the gold parts remained entirely intact. This completely
defied the ordinary laws of physics as we understand them. Gold
melts at a far lower temperature than steel and is much softer and
more malleable.
Another time, Prof.. Hernandez took a color photograph of LYA that,
upon being developed revealed nothing but a possible energy field
where the image of LYA should have been.

During this time. Prof. Hernandez was the Director of INEN, The
Instituto Nacional de Energia Nuclear, there in Mexico.
The first page of Zitha Rodriguez article originally written by her 14
November 1979 and published in OCULTO at the beginning of 1980.
Appendix V - Another Similar Case
[Sixto Paz Wells]

Perhaps we can best put what has been happening to Professor

Hernandez in perspective if we quote from chapters III and IV of
"Los Guias Extraterrestres Y La Mission Rama" by Sixto Jose Paz
Wells of Lima Peru. This is another case of ET contact similar to that
of Prof. Hernandez, but in this case the contacts are still going on,
and they involve more than one contactee.

Sixto Jose is the second son of Sr. Jose Carlos Paz Garcia-
Corrochano, also of Lima, who is recognized as one of the world's
foremost leaders in the investigation and study of UFOs. Carlos Paz
Garcia, when he was 27 years old, and recovering from a motor
cycle accident that disfigured him for life, discovered for himself
a new concept of religion and man's relationship to Diety. He
became interested in the stars and participated in the formation of
the Asociacion Peruana de Astronomia”, and was their first

In this capacity Carlos Paz learned of the UFO reports being made at
that time (1952), and as they fit very well into his new concepts of
Diety and our relationship to it….and into his new interest.....
Astronomy, he soon became a focal point of contact, as a collector of
such reports, and rapidly became recognized as a senior expert on
the subject.

As the Astron Association was composed of scientists, all well

established in their fields, they did not want to accept the
introduction of studies or investigations that they could not seriously
support — and specifically they rejected the UFOs. For that reason,
upon not finding a favorable climate for the development of that
which, from the first reports, became his primary interest; to study
the possibility of intelligent beings coming from other worlds to visit
us, he separated himself from the Astronomy Association, and on 31
January 1955 founded the "Instituto Peruanode Relaciones
Interplanetarias (I.P.R.I.). Jose Carlos recognized not only the
possibility being demonstrated of the existence of real
extraterrestrial beings, but also the real possibility of imminent
contact with them.

Carlos Paz Garcia, his life changed by circumstances, became a

mature respectable man, and being guided by the idea of visitations
to Earth thought:

"If man should discover that he was not alone, that there is a
universe of possibilities, of existences both superior and inferior to
his own, with diverse and distinct processes; if perhaps he could
demonstrate this and come to believe the conditions that predispose
a contact with them, could it be realized?"

He withstood the jokes and the scorn - and even some threats, as
well as the intolerance by inquisitive minds that took refuge in
schemes and prejudice for fear of having to accept the fact that
each day was begun a new from zero, and that the dreams and
visions of the present are in truth the reality of the future. For
certainly we knew very little, but we could learn by searching, and
we must give ourselves the opportunity.

Sixto Jose Paz Wells grew up in that kind of receptive climate, which
did not train new ideas out of him, and he simply did not accept
impossibilities. He kept an open mind and he sought answers for

He questioned the dogmas of his own religion, and began to study

others, including several of the world's great religions. He studied
other belief systems including the Rosicrucians and the
Theosophists, finding more comfort in their more scientific approach
to man's relationship to the All, than in anything else he had
encountered so far.

Sixto Jose, after months of studying the ideas of the so-called New
Age Metaphysics, learned to meditate properly, and then began to
receive "automatic writing".

He had been studying important UFO contacts in his father's files,

and sought to get information from his "writer" on this exotic
phenomenon. His "writer" said that he was an extraterrestrial entity
and that he was communicating from his ship in space!

Sixto Jose took a couple of his closest friends and his mother in on
his secret and they watched him receive his communications - in a
different hand and at a different speed from his own normal writing.
The profoundness of the contacts and the content of the messages
increased, and the participants began to ask questions of the unseen
"writer". They got immediate answers, and of course the question of
a proof of what was said to be going on was sought.

Finally the "writer" consented to a small demonstration, to be strictly

limited to the participants alone and in the greatest confidence.
Nobody else was to know. The "writer" quickly wrote:

"Go to 60 kilometers south of Lima, on 7 February, but only those

who are here now, and at 9 at night you will see us and this will
confirm the contact as real and necessary."

The exact location for the contact was pictured in Sixto's mind. They
began making preparations to carry out this meeting, though at this
time not even Sixto was sure it would happen.

The place selected for the contact that would confirm the
communication was a declivity between ridges in a desert zone,
typical of the coast of Peru, where still could be seen the remains of
an irrigation canal when that region, in the past, received water from
the torrents of the Sierra, which with the climactic changes suffered,
has been totally extinguished.

'Near-by is a small town in an abandoned state called Papa Leon

XIII, a place which would serve us as a headquarters for our later
trips; and there lived one of the members of that first group, Juan
Acervo, a student in the "Programa de Arquitectura de la Universidad
Ricardo Palma of Lima". His mother would always help us with much
love and enthusiasm all the times we would come to her well cared
for field house, near the sea.

'The nights in the Peruvian desert are cold and silent, characteristics
which seemed to amplify our anxiety that grew with the slow
passage of the hours.

As we had arrived the day before, that indicated for the experience,
we took the night to advance as much as possible, trying to
penetrate the desert by the antique road that ascended the
mountains toward Santo Domingo de los Olleros, exploring for the
first time that zone. With our knapsacks on our backs we began our
walk. The air was fresh and we made good fortune, but our
inexperience in camping resulted in having overloaded our
knapsacks beyond what we could carry, for which the enthusiasm
soon gave way to exhaustion, which ended by making us fall over
the large stones of the dry wash of the old river. We remained in
that gully until morning, resting and sleeping a little.

With the first light of dawn we awoke and after eating something,
resumed our march. Farther on we saw a stopped truck, fishing tuna
that abounded there.("masser av tunfisk") We asked them if they
would give us a lift, to which the driver agreed. We advanced
considerably that morning with the help of that transport. When we
stopped, we bid goodbye to the truck driver who returned to Chilca.
We advanced up a creek bed where Mito, Charlie (Sixto's brother),
and Juan raised the tents, fighting the wind that commenced to blow
that morning. We went up to the top of a hill where we all sat down
to talk about the reason we were there and the importance of all of
us being able to come to confirm the demonstration...

From our place there, we could see the whole valley extended
before our eyes, but in the meantime, as the hours were passing,
the temperature continued rising and we used up the little water
that in our imprevision we had carried. There was nothing to give us
shade in that desert outcrop except the tents, but we could not
spend much time in them because they were hotter inside. We
decided we had to get some water, for which the four of us split up
taking our canteens with us. We had not walked a kilometer under
the implacable sun in that place, when we came upon a solitary tree
in the middle of the desert. We ran to it to rest ourselves in it's
shade and found that we had to share it's benefits with a hive of
wasps. We quickly removed ourselves from there, doing ourselves a
favor in the process, because some 50 meters farther on, we came
upon some vines of Italian grapes, with edible bunches. What was
this? Grapes in the middle of nowhere? Later we came to understand
that in season they accumulated a good quantity of water that came
down in the dry wash there, that we had been walking in farther
back. This was for us a miracle. We picked as much as we could
carry and took them back, feasting until we were full. About that
time the morning wind came up and broke down the tents, leaving
us without shelter for the night. With this our spirit for adventure
went down, which had already deteriorated considerably from the
excessive heat and the tiredness of the night before. We decided to
return with all our things to Papa Leon XIII and wait there in it's
surroundings for the supposed sighting.

We had no more than finished packing up our camp when,

surprisingly, a truck from the Army came by, going down the dry
wash in the direction of Chilca. We stopped it with signals and
accepted a lift. We got aboard with the soldiers who had been
shooting in the upper zones. From Chilca we went to Papa Leon to
the Juan Acervo's house and refreshed ourselves in preparation for
the night.
The nocturnal vigil began with a cold refreshment served lovingly by
Juan's mother, and we took the opportunity to discuss the situation.
The general idea was, "Don't wait for anything." Certainly the great
majority was sure of what would happen, or better said, "that
nothing would happen", but all of them were not concerned about
the group, since they had taken this trip as an outing, and at the
time, a hallucinant adventure.

Among all those present, I considered myself among the most

skeptical. I continued rejecting inside of me the ease with which all
this had been given. Contact with extraterrestrials through people as
simple as us, could not be a fact. It was easier for me to think that
all was responding to my own imagination, or perhaps to some
jokester entity.

When the hour indicated in the communication approached, our

spirits seemed to become irritated. Guillermo Duf , a college friend
who was present, came to me to communicate his impression of that
trip, saying that we were wasting time, because according to the
probabilities, nothing out of the ordinary would happen that night,
unless we confused ourselves with a star, some meteor, or even a
satellite, with the expected sighting of a UFO. And he said to me
that he sincerely thought that all was a product of some trick
perpetrated by me in combination with some other group. I
responded by trying to convince him until I was tired, that we must
wait since it already lacked so little we would all be out of doubt.

I heard talk among the group making reference to very ancient men
who in the past had also been selected by the then-called Gods or
Angels — that such appeared in various sacred books and legends —
that those selected were simple men, but with something in
common, which made them overleap the rest, and that we should
not wait to discover and to evaluate.

We lacked scarcely minutes to the hour fixed for the confirmation of

the messages. Anxiety in some had reached it's maximum, while in
others it was the pessimism that gained more and more ground.
Doubt also grew, and together with that a desire to hide then all that
was true. We were conscious of the limitations in groups as well as
personalities, which distanced us from the optimum conditions that
we supposed necessary for anything to happen, but there we were
in the middle of the desert in the full night of Saturday when we
could have been doing other things, passing the time well in a movie
or some party.

We were not much surprised when, from behind a hill — that did not
reach much more than 100 meters of height — there slowly
emerged a silver light that we at first took for the Moon It was
exactly 9 P.M. and the light finished coming from it's hiding place,
illuminating only the place where we were as if like day. It was
approaching the group slowly, allowing us to appreciate its
hamburger-shaped form. At both sides of that great metallic object,
orange, blue and yellow lights pulsed on and off on what seemed
like stabilizers, because little by little the ship was coming to a stop
scarcely 80 meters above us.

In the upper part of the discord apparatus, a half dozen windows

could be clearly distinguished. Some could even see silhouettes of
people in them.

The heat that radiated from the apparatus was tremendous. Among
us were some who could not believe what they were seeing and did
not stop rubbing their eyes, and more than one came to ask that
their arm be pinched to be sure that they were not dreaming this. It
was at that moment that Mito rushed over to me begging me almost
hysterically that I communicate with them and tell them to go away,
that all of us were terrified.

I also felt an uncontrollable fear, but this was not as much as the
disorder in which I found myself submerged due to having
succeeded in the unimaginable, as if to say, that which was not
within the frame of possibilities, I thought, now was. All had been

Contact truly existed and it had been just so simple.

The insistence of all that I communicate with the ship, decided me

to sit down and try to get into communication through pencil and
paper, in the accustomed manner, which was psychographically. The
answer did not have to wait despite my nervousness, and this is
what was said:

"We will not descend at this time because you do not control your
emotions. Make preparation, a time and a place..."

The message coincided with what had been received by the majority

Without taking our eyes from the ship, which continued the
interchange of lights - as if wanting to communicate their total
control of the situation, with our flashlights which had totally
discharges in minutes, losing energy - we opted to comment on
what we felt at time, and what we were seeing, to diminish the fear
and to assure ourselves of the sighting. The ship remained above us
for 15 minutes until it began to rotate upon it's axis and at great
velocity headed straight toward the ocean; where later they revealed
to us the existence of a submarine base, specifically in front of the
beaches of Leon Dormido and Puerto Veijo, kilometers 80 and 82 on
the Panamerican Highway South.

After we lost sight of it, several moments passed before we began to

react, appreciating in full the dimension and importance of what had

The return was triumphal for the others, who could not contain their
glee, but I felt emotional and exhausted by the tension that had
overcome me minutes before all that was seen, and after for the
confirmation so evident and so impressive.
All that mixture of fear and happiness made me think during the
return to the house. I felt overwhelmed by the responsibility that I
still did not understand, knowing that this irremediably released the
present and future happenings, for which I could not share in the
shouts of jubilation of some and the smiles of the rest.

The following day, at breakfast, we informed our parents of the

transcendence of the happenings. My father listened respectfully, but
we knew that in him there was a prejudice, already for us the first
disappointment, that he took this as a joke against his person and
also for the fact that he did not want to believe his own sons or
other young person, without the experience and knowledge
necessary, which he judged indispensable, could develop and
maintain any type of contact with those beings in which he believed,
and to which he had dedicated a great part of his life as an

There was then a delicate problem of our own love and pride; but
what my father and all the other serious investigators of the
phenomenon had not foreseen, was that independently of a
complete preparation or capacity for the contact, that, in the
ultimate instance it is supposedly at the will of the extraterrestrials,
who under a planned system of selection, determine whom they will
select, who fulfills the requirements that they consider indispensable
for the mission together with them.

For my father, not only was our contact little probable, but it was
taken as a fantasy, that to have reality would make him understand
that nothing had been valid of the long years of energy devoted
which at the first opportunity had been left aside. Doubt had been
sown inside him, but he did not think of the fact that without his
work preparing the road, the contact with us never could have come
to reality. Without wanting it, he had been the useful instrument and
had to continue being it, above all disinterest, which constitutes the
key to spiritual progress.
As the disinterest of my father persisted, we waited for the arrival of
the habitual hour to receive communications, more or less 9 P.M., to
consult the guides on what we could do to convince him. Their
answer was somewhat long for our intended question but at the
same time it denoted sincerity and said:

"you must not seek to convince anybody, least of all your parents.
The experiences and confirmations are given only to those that with
an open mind and with the humility necessary, present themselves
or arrive where you are, disposed to compromise within yourselves,
because you already believe in this and are at an evolving age, an
age of learning and such only await the call alone."

"Be conscious that you do not expect a faith weak in the labor of
development, less still in us or in our existence, to not have such
importance, since our presence is an evident and demonstrable

"You must try to meet people that, how to find the basic aspect, the
reason for our apparition over the planet and can understand it
without preconcepts. You need people young in spirit who believe
they can begin each day anew, from zero if necessary; people who
are disposed to undo all that went before and to reinseminate their
life, the priorities of existence and the true value of things; people
who know how to distinguish the reflections from the realities and
who living in the world, do not pertain to it nor share in it's
corruption. That not look for the quantity of people, but the quality
of the persons."

"As we toast your friendship, we know how to correspond, cheerfully

sharing our responsibility for developing the Mission of orientation of
your humanity as well as to assure you of our aid and support in
front of the difficulties that can be presented. Finally, we know that
the Mission will fall totally upon the human, because this is your
plane of evolution and you must evolve with it and be responsible
for it."
"Being true to you our brothers, to your time we allocate the means
of transport, because you will be removed from the face of the
Earth, but of course we will give you guidelines for preparation."

"With love, OXALC."

Despite the content of the message, we insisted to the guides on

asking for some kind of confirmation for our father, to which, with
much patience, they accepted to giving us a sighting. OXA indicated
the following Saturday, the 14th of February 1974, as the date for
the trip to Chilca, to where we must go with him, but without
anybody else.

Upon informing our father of what they had said, he mentioned the
great illusion that they represented to us, however after thinking
about it, he accepted the offer to go, but he told us that we ought to
go on ahead because, with the details they had given us about the
place, he would know how to get there before the time set.

Upon arriving at the accustomed place, we went up onto a ridgeline

where we could see a long stretch of the access road to that place.
The site was solitary desert, an adequate frame of reference for an
extraterrestrial contact. It was 6:45 p.m. when — as they had
assured us — they arrived. Seven people made up our small advance
group, and all of us noticed the apparition above our heads of two
ships of discord form, of at least 15 meters diameter each, with
orange and blue lights flashing.

Our watches marked the hour as exactly 7 P.M. when, in the

distance, on the dirt road, we saw the lights of an automobile. We
jumped with excitement upon seeing that all was being
accomplished exactly as we hoped for the occasion. Even more,
there was no end to our excitement when over our shoulders there
appeared a mother-ship or support craft — which act as ambulant
aerial bases — which was at least 150 meters long, with white lights
along the sides.
Our emotion was suddenly interrupted upon seeing that on the road
where my father was supposed to be coming we could now see the
lights of more than one auto. Fearing that all would be thrown to a
loss, Mito and I ran down the hill to confront the unexpected
intruders. We had not even come to the wash when we could see in
our surroundings, at least some 10 parked automobiles and a great
number of strange people who had gotten out of them to install
themselves comfortably in tents, and with tables and folding seats,
to await a spectacle. Others still had not finished setting up their
telescopes and cleaning their binoculars, as well as other

But who were all those inopportune curiosity seekers, and where
was our father. Suddenly, in the middle of the bellicose and
disordered crowd, he appeared. He looked completely happy, with a
complacent smile, which abruptly disappeared when he found
himself in front of us and saw the expression on our faces. Our looks
never could have been more demonstrative of our indignation at the
deception that we felt. He immediately lowered his head and as if
looking for an excuse, argued rapidly that not only had he not
believed in the contact, but that he had also permitted the invitation
of all the people of the I.P.R.I. for that excursion that he qualified —
underestimating it — as a simple trip. He was quickly taken up and
absorbed by the members of the Institute, like bees on honey, as
they surrounded him. We left my father, giving a last look at the

It certainly was incredible to see how the meeting was being

cheapened. There were already those around a table who had
grabbed space and taking pen in hand, in a state of trance, were
trying to establish contact of a mediumistic character. Others,
incapable of controlling their habits, which had followed them even
here, were celebrating the free night air, but instead of
disintoxicating themselves from the city and perhaps contemplating
the stars, preferred to drink their fill from cases of bottles of beer
that were stacked beside the tents, where others could be found in
full romance.

We did not know what to do. At the one hand we felt indignation,
but on the other we wanted to overcome the shame that we felt
weighing on us for our impotence in not being able to express our
frustration. All of this had made us forget that still above the
mountain could be found the three ships, and upon turning the sight
to see if they were still there, the two smaller ones descended
rapidly below the mountain toward the dry wash that opened into
the valley, passing so low above the people, that it produced a
general rush to escape, overturning tables and knocking many
bottles to the ground, and burying many people within the tents.

The ships made a right angle turn and ascended at great velocity
above the heads of all, and opening up in such a way that one went
toward the north and the other to the south. After that there
followed seconds of total silence, which was interrupted by a harsh
sounding noise, like a reactor, as well as a loud buzz. It was the
gigantic mother-ship which from it's stationary place was making
continuous changes in the color tones of it's lights, and which slowly
began changing it's position, being initially tilted toward the left. It
finally became horizontal and then turned on itself placing the point
in position and headed toward the southeast, slowly, but with
increasing speed, then passing a scarce 400 meters above the

Up to this moment, dozens of the people of I.P.R.I. had been

following the movements and found themselves astonished by the
strange spectacle of which they had been witnesses. My father did
not cease looking for us, but it was late and we had begun our
return back up the mountain.

Upon rejoining the rest of the young men of the contact group, we
tried to console ourselves over the uneasiness that lay over us. We
had made the mistake. It was not our father who had failed, but
ourselves, who had wanted to force things, imposing our truth,
demanding too much of the growing friendship with the guides.
Thus we began to assimilate our errors and to seek the approval of
them, which in essence was the experience that brought us closer to
the correct form. Without this justification, the errors had been a
sign along our road, since in committing errors, one realizes one
advances. It is not the same when one is immobile or remains
observing the disinvolvement of others. The danger is not found in
committing them, but in remaining too long in error, since the longer
one remains in error, the more difficult it will be to overcome such

The course many times seems confusing, full of mists like in a

blindness, and we have to immerse ourselves many times, until we
come to see the light of day, but if we remain in this condition, we
may lose ourselves irremediably. So much time we have tried to
progress in our search; the tests and the errors become ever more
demanding, because the falls are from ever greater heights. The
only thing that helps us to overcome them, is the humility to accept
them, recognize them, and the force of will to overcome and

We remained thus, alone, on the crest of the ridge, in the midst of

the overwhelming solitude of the desert, without any animating
capacity to receive any communication to clarify how much more we
had been mistaken...

... The messages we were receiving at this stage of the contacts

consisted of a good quantity of instructions, some history and some
predictions. They were of such interest that we began to file them in
a folder as an archive of communications. Some of the young men of
the group had the foresight to make copies of the more valuable of
the communications, thus preserving at least those when the file
was stolen. In this case there was more than one "receiver" of the
communications and so they were never all in one place, another
fortunate event that reduced the extent of the loss. In fact this
multichannel reception was one thing that characterized these
contacts and made them different from all others.

The first theme that they embraced, in partial form,

— perhaps because we had not given it at that time the importance

necessary, or perhaps we were not prepared to understand and
overcome such knowledge — was that of the "catastrophe" that
hung potentially over the Earth. Here is when many of us reflected
on whether fatalism and the collective subconscious, was what
created such thoughts, predisposing such disasters; but this
pessimistic version of the destiny of humanity matured in the
measure of time which secured the bonds with the Guides,
confirming the feel of their presence and the voice of warning
represented by the contacts.

It is now when we know that the great "Catastrophe", which they

describe, is something announced by an innumerable number of
revelations and prophecies in all of the religions and beliefs, and in
sum is synonymous with a great test, a final selection and at the
same time the step to a necessary and favorable purgatory change
to an era of peace and progress.

The "Catastrophe" is the commonly called "Judgment of the Nations"

of which Christianity makes reference in the Evangels and the
Apocalypse of Saint John.

According to the extraterrestrial civilizations that have been

observing us, since the appearance of man on the face of the Earth,
the planet is a plane of evolution, subject to a vicious circle, in which
has existed for millions of years, a multiplicity of civilizations which
reached as much or more development than the present one, and
which destroyed itself due to it's arrogance and egotism, which came
to produce in them a loss of spiritual values and in turn a cult of
slavery to material things through a science divorced from
humanism. The Guides have manifestly shown that man, once more,
in the present, finds himself confronting the possibility of advancing
or disappearing as such from the equation. And it is here that we
remember the message of hope when faced with the end of the
world, that it will bring our humanity to a sincere change. Do we not
have at present, a chance that the change will not be imposed, that
what could guarantee the evolution is the correct and voluntary use
of free will toward evolution, without force or threat, for the best
intentions that exist?

The extraterrestrial presence certainly is the final warning before a

series of happenings that could produce an acceleration of the
process of transit, in which the Earth finds itself, which, instead of
destroying itself - would bring it toward a transformation, at a cost
of a partial destruction of it's population and civilization, as a
purgation that stimulates a reorientation. All of this will occur,
according to what they have said, in an imprecise time soon, "so
close that you will not be able to stop it when you see it coming..."

The changes on the planet will obtain when this world enters a state
of transition toward the fourth dimension, and the circumstances
that hurry this change are possibly a comet or an asteroid striking
the Earth, producing changes in the electromagnetic field,
detonating the atomic material found activated in their storage, and
bringing destruction and contamination upon the same countries
that created them. The chain reaction may leave only one part of the
world survivable, and that could be the central zone of South

The vicious circle will finally be broken because the remnant of

humanity that remains, that previously had been extracted from the
face of the Earth, will be well trained and prepared to overcome the
adversities and the errors committed. Great mother-ships are placed
at the disposition of the terrestrial travelers, who in complete
families and in large numbers will receive help and support from
their superior brothers to preserve the human genus, selecting as
points of descent and embarkation, those places indicated from
ancient times, such as Nazca, for example.

It may not be then, as man fears, that all will be a product of a third
world war. Even today, neutral lands are free through arrangements,
that reduce the local control by the great powers that intervene in
covert or overt form. It is ever more probable that such could come
about through a computer signal, that all could be the product of an
unforeseen accident, due to the stress of political tension in the
hands of the military, provoked by the ones who mistakenly tell them
to use such energy. Certainly those events will come when the
environment has reached the maximum of degeneration and has lost
all moral values, which, without being prophets, we can see at
simple sight is not far away. Already the order is all egoism,
destabilization and destruction, which governs our civilization.

Actually the demographic explosion and it's consequent problems,

are interpreted by the extraterrestrial minds as a reply by the
Universe before the moment of evaluation that passes through the
Earth and becomes a springboard in evolution, for which many
beings with a potential for evolution, who belong to other planets
also in the third dimension, are now being sent to this one,
incarnating here to take advantage of the opportunity to transcend
(to the fourth dimension), embodying the test of man.

In this manner are released such persons as those who have no

identification with any epoch of the history of this world. When some
undertake such exercises in regressive reincarnation, there emerge
details of which one is completely unaware, to his knowledge. Many
then do not pertain to the cycle of incarnations of this planet, but all
learn the precise moment when it becomes favorable for one of
them to undertake the test of change and evolution.

But is it perhaps the help and protection promised by the ships of

space, that guarantee that later we will not relapse into our errors of
the past?
We do not have much assurance that man will come to attain a state
of consciousness that will allow him to evaluate and overcome the
experience of his whole past. This change of attitude toward life is
not acquired as easily, if we continue living in the anti-love state that
is egoism, since this is against our own nature. Man is a social being,
fulfilled in society through human relations ever more humane, by
which he partakes of and gives to it, accomplishing the execution of
the cosmic plan that exists over him, and in which he is assigned a
singular place in the harmonious disposition of the Universe. To deny
this is to deny our own essence.

Is it, perhaps, that by observing the example they set for us, we can
achieve such needed change? Perhaps with a good example before
us we may advance some, but, how long will it last? They will have
to go on their way, and with their departure will we return to our old
ways, as has already happened in other epochs? The only form of
assurance that man can overcome his debilities and assume his
great moment, is to help him and to make the knowledge accessible
to him. "Only the truth can set man free".

But fear and insecurity exist for those who hide in the corner.
Unequal riches and wars are due to the uncertainty and fears, that
are nothing more than ignorance and lack of identification with the
power of the will and the mental and spiritual essence of life. It is
this aspect which we have to go deeper into from now on, as the
reception of knowledge and perception of the truth, is a great part
of the feeling of the experience lived.

The messages that followed that of the Catastrophe, made us

permanently aware that we must prepare to disseminate what was
happening to us. All of this we received with great respect, despite
our not understanding anything of what they were telling us, not
even when they referred to that of "a preparation".

The trips and the meetings now in middle March, were by invitation
of the Guides, and for this there was a secluded place, already
discovered beforehand in the meeting with I.P.R.I. when we followed
the route of one of the ships that went to the north. This place we
called "the mine", for it's having served before as a quarry. It was
sufficiently hospitable, being between low hills that gave it some
isolation without being very far from the road. In this place we could
hear a strange and persistent hum with a peculiar clarity. We
consulted concerning this place and decided it would be propitious
for our work, and we always came to these experiences with
anticipation. Often we would see a ship pass by there at an altitude
of some 500 feet, flashing bright beacons of light, bombarding the
whole area with them, and discharging a thick fog of bluish color
with silver sparks. The communications recommended that we
should carry out our work of "instruction" in those irradiated and
positively charged places, which consisted of an acceleration of
vibrations and activation of our potential for extrasensorial
perception by means of certain exercises.

Upon finishing the exercises, the pressure in the nape of the neck
and forehead, showed us the intensity of it's realization. At the same
time we had to remove our coats for the intense heat we felt and
which lasted several days. Another detail of those trips was that we
returned from them glowing with a phosphorescence that, as was
said, soon disappeared and was gone by the following morning.

This place, located near kilometer 58 of the Panamerican Highway

South, and a few kilometers east, toward the mountains, would
serve during the following four months as an adequate site for the
practices of preparation, which required silence and solitude.

One by one the uncounted trips were causing us to disc over the
existence of a preconceived plan, in which nothing we had lived had
been of casual being, but was programmed by the cosmic

So that our egos would not inflate us with pride, we reminded each
other in a permanent way, that it was THEM who had made the
contact possible, and that before, during and after us, the contacts
had existed with hundreds of thousands of persons, looking for a
reaction similar of that produced in us.

It has been difficult during all those years to maintain an attitude of

humility to give us guidance and acceptance of the rules and
directions; not denying that more than once we had lost the trail,
above all when we had succumbed to pride and vanity. The secret
seemed to be in not losing sight of the goal to be achieved, as well
as our condition as simple conscious instruments, putting aside our
own interests and personal ambitions. We are like a tube, which by
itself is useless, except as a connection of one part to another
integrating all and allowing passage through it.

There is no merit in completing the assigned function without freely

accepting our road and the requirements it entails. For the additional
instruction which we have received up to this moment, in other
existences in other the opportunity of being conscious and being
able to use planes of evolution, we are reminded that we are here
because we have not been greater in other lives, since as we know,
we are the product of our past existences. But certainly we have
gained some merit to have been given our liberty to fortify our will
when confronted by the tests.

We were selected from among the commonest of the people,

reminding us that from the simplest are those called to a service that
disorients those considered most intelligent.

The dimension of human contacts like this is found to make man

rediscover his lost values, and above all his fellow beings, through
which the spirit of the Creator is made more accessible.

Each one must labor, with much force and sacrifice, for a place in
the MISSION OF SALVATION of the human races and the survival of
man on the face of the Earth.
[This Appendix was extracted from a 311 page book, LOS GUIAS
book, according to the express orders of the Guides, is never to be
sold, but is given freely to all who order it. We recommend a
donation to cover printing and postage so that the books may
continue to be given to all who seek this kind of information. This
version is printed in Spanish in Peru. Send your donation and mailing
address for the book to:


Lima, Peru.

The book is illustrated with some remarkable photographs taken

during the experiences described.

This appendix was added to this work because it tends to confirm a

lot of what Prof. Hernandez was being told, and the confirmation
comes from an entirely different group of contacting a different
group of Earth humans, in another country and place, who at the
time the two accounts were being set down in writing could not have
heard of each other nor the other's contacts taking place at the
same times. There are other similar contacts also taking place at this
time elsewhere on our planet, equally unrelated, but also discussing
the same or similar things. This ought to be something of interest to
a whole lot more people, because after all, it is us who are most
affected by the events.

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