ScieTech LESSON 2
ScieTech LESSON 2
ScieTech LESSON 2
Maya civilization
- One of the most famous ancient civilizations that lasted for approximately 2,000
- They are known in the field of Astronomy
- Mayan’s have temples such as the Pyramid of Chichen Itza in Mexico
- The temple is situated at the location of the Sun during the spring and fall
- The Mayan’s is one of the ancient civilizations that considered advanced in their
- As evidence of it is their knowledge of predicting eclipse and using astrological
cycles in planting and harvesting
- The Mayan’s are using two complicated calendars
a. The Tzolkin (Divine Calendar)
Period of 260 days
Preeminent component for the Society
Determine the time for rituals
b. The Haab (Civil Calendar)
Period of 360 days
It is based on the cycle of the Sun
Used for agricultural, economic, and accounting activities
- They are also skilled in mathematics and created a number system based on the
numeral 20
- Mayan also developed the concept of Zero
Inca civilization
- One of the ancient civilizations in Mesoamerica
- They also made their own scientific advances in different ideas considering their
limitations as an old civilization
- The following were scientific ideas and tools that they developed:
1. Roads paved with stones
2. Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters
3. Irrigation system and technique for storing water for their crops
4. Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and planting
5. The first suspension bridge
6. Quipu, system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can
7. Inca textiles since cloth was one of the specially prized artistic achievements
1 2
3 4
5 6
Aztec civilization
- Aztec civilization has also made substantial contributions to science and
technology and to the society as a whole
- Some of their contributions are the following:
1. Mandatory education – the Aztec puts value on education; that is why their
children are mandated to get education regardless of their social class,
gender, or age. It is an early age of inclusive education
5. Aztec calendar – this enabled them to plan their activities, rituals and
planting season
6. Invention of the canoe – a light narrow boat used for traveling in water