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A Thesis submitted to

The University of Birmingham

For the degree of



The University of Birmingham
September 2015
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e-theses repository

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Samir Ashour Abstract


Soft clay soils in railway track can be problematic as, unless they are treated, they can result

in increased deformation of track. This will inheritably mean lower track speed. A number of

techniques including stone columns are available for improving strength of weak soils.

The use of stone columns, for improving both bearing capacity and settlement is well

rehearsed for static loading; little is understood about their response, when subjected to cyclic

loading. This study is focused on investigating the behaviour of stone columns when

subjected to cyclic loading as in railway tracks based on a laboratory scale investigation.

A series of monotonic and cyclic loading conditions were undertaken on two laboratory

models undrained triaxial (diameter 100 mm, and 200 mm height) and large scale model

(diameter 300 mm, and 300 mm height). Tests were conducted on both soft soils (no column)

and soil/ stone column composite. All tests were performed on normally consolidated

specimens of soft clay (undrained shear strength of ≈ 12 kPa) and for treated soils they were

reinforced with 28 mm diameter stone columns. Three cyclic stress (50, 60 and 70 kPa) on

subgrade level and three loading frequencies (0.5, 1 and 3 Hz) simulating different train

speeds (35, 70 and 225 km/hr) were used to study the performance of both soft soils (with and

without column). The effect of both cyclic stresses and loading frequency on the permanent

deformation, soils stiffness and pore water pressure generation were investigated.

Generally, soft clay bed reinforced with stone column showed a significant improvement in

terms of load/deformation characteristics; in monotonic loading condition, there was

approximately 30% increase in failure load of soil with the stone column compared to that soil


Samir Ashour Abstract

It was found that threshold dynamic stress of soil for cyclic loading increased from 50 kPa for

soil only to 60 kPa for soil with stone column. This is equivalent to CSR of 0.7.

Changes in frequencies from 0.5 to 3 Hz did not significantly influence the permanent strain

of reinforced soil, but these changes do affect the stiffness. Stiffness of the soil with the stone

column was about 25% higher at 3.0 Hz compared to that at 0.5 Hz.

Stone columns also helped reduce pore water pressure build up under cyclic loading by

providing a drainage path. This resulted in an increase in cyclic stress ratio from 0.6 to 0.7. It

also decreases the permanent deformation by about 70% in most tests, when compared to

situation without stone column.

Samir Ashour Dedication


This thesis work is dedicated to my parents, who have always loved me unconditionally and

whose good examples have taught me to work hard for the things that I aspire to achieve.

Also to my brother who always has been there for me.

This work is also dedicated to my wife and children, who have been a constant source of

support and encouragement during the challenges of life. I am truly thankful for having you in

my life.

And above all

This thesis is dedicated to the sake of Allah, my Creator and my Master, My great teacher and

messenger, Mohammed (May Allah bless and grant him)

Samir Ashour Acknowledgments


I would like to acknowledge gratefully for the assistance received from supervisors Dr

Gurmel Ghataora and Professor Ian Jefferson for their constant supervision, guidance and

encouragement throughout the research.

I would also express my sincere thanks to Lap technicians Mr Sebastian Ballard and Mr Jim

White for their help and support.

I am very much grateful to Libyan Ministry of Higher Education for granting the scholarship

for this research.

Finally, I thank my family for their patience and understanding to make this piece work


Samir Ashour Table of Contents


ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. i
DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................ v
LIST OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................. xiv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... xiv
LIST OF ABBREVIATION ................................................................................................................. xv
CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................................................ 1
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research problem ............................................................................................................ 3

1.3 Research Aim and Objectives.......................................................................................... 4

1.4 Outline of Thesis ............................................................................................................. 5

2 CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................................... 6
2 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Introduction to Ground Improvement.............................................................................. 6

2.3 Stone Column Technique: Historical Development ........................................................ 8

2.4 Stone Column Construction Methods ............................................................................. 8

2.4.1 Vibro Equipment (Vibro-float) ....................................................................................... 9

2.4.2 Vibro Replacement (Wet Method) ................................................................................ 11
2.4.3 Vibro Displacement (Dry Method) ............................................................................... 13
2.4.4 Monitoring, Quality Control and Assessment of Stone Columns Performance ............ 15
2.4.5 Material Used for Stone Columns Constructions .......................................................... 16
2.5 Application and Limitation of Stone Column ............................................................... 18

2.5.1 Limitations .................................................................................................................... 19

Samir Ashour Table of Contents

2.6 Design Approaches of Stone Column ........................................................................... 19

2.6.1 Basic Design Parameters ............................................................................................... 20

2.6.2 Consolidation and Settlement ........................................................................................ 25
2.6.3 Bearing Capacity Prediction Methods ........................................................................... 35
2.7 Mechanism and Performance of Stone Columns .......................................................... 39

2.7.1 Stone Columns Investigation under Monotonic Loading Condition ............................. 39

2.7.2 Dynamic Loading Condition ......................................................................................... 47
2.8 Concluding Remarks ..................................................................................................... 55

3 CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................. 57
3. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 57
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 57

3.2 Materials ........................................................................................................................ 57

3.3 Physical Properties of the Model Stone Column and Surrounding Soil Material ......... 59

3.3.1 Index Properties............................................................................................................. 59

3.3.2 Particle Size Distribution .............................................................................................. 59
3.3.3 Specific Gravity............................................................................................................. 60
3.3.4 Dry Density/Moisture Content Relationship of Kaolin Clay and Crushed Aggregate .. 60
3.3.5 Shear Strength ............................................................................................................... 61
3.3.6 Compressibility Properties ............................................................................................ 65
3.4 Test Requirement and Apparatus Design ...................................................................... 69

3.4.1 Scale Effect ................................................................................................................... 69

3.4.2 Geometrical Dimension of Column .............................................................................. 71
3.4.3 General Test Requirements ........................................................................................... 72
3.5 Sample Preparation ........................................................................................................ 73

3.6 Test Apparatus ............................................................................................................... 75

3.6.1 Cyclic Load Frame ........................................................................................................ 75

3.6.2 Instrumentation.............................................................................................................. 76
3.7 Test Variables ................................................................................................................ 76

Samir Ashour Table of Contents

3.7.1 Loading Frequency (f) ................................................................................................... 76

3.7.2 Amplitude and Dynamic Stress ..................................................................................... 78
3.8 Experimental Procedure ................................................................................................ 81

3.8.1 Clay Bed Preparation .................................................................................................... 81

3.8.2 Column Installation ....................................................................................................... 88
3.8.3 Loading Test .................................................................................................................. 90
3.8.4 Preloading Investigation ................................................................................................ 92
4 CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................................................. 96
4 MONOTONIC LOADING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ....................................................... 96
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 96

4.2 Model I (Triaxial) .......................................................................................................... 97

4.2.1 Saturation ...................................................................................................................... 97

4.2.2 Consolidation ................................................................................................................ 98
4.2.3 Stress - Strain Behaviour ............................................................................................... 99
4.2.4 Effect of Strain Rate .................................................................................................... 104
4.2.5 Effect of Column Density ........................................................................................... 113
4.3 Model II (Large Scale Test: Foundation Test) ............................................................ 117

4.3.1 Load - Displacement Relationship .............................................................................. 117

4.3.2 Change in Pore Water Pressure ................................................................................... 125
4.3.3 Post Testing Investigation ........................................................................................... 127
4.4 Concluding Remarks ................................................................................................... 129

5. CHAPTER 5................................................................................................................................ 131

5. CYCLIC LOADING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................... 131
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 131

5.2 Model I (Triaxial Tests) ............................................................................................... 132

5.2.1 Permanent Strain during Cyclic Loading .................................................................... 132

5.2.2 Cyclic Deformation ..................................................................................................... 140
5.2.3 Resilient Modulus ....................................................................................................... 142
5.2.4 Pore Water Pressure Response .................................................................................... 145
5.2.5 Deformation Pattern .................................................................................................... 148

Samir Ashour Table of Contents

5.3 Model II Test Results (Large Scale Test: Foundation)................................................ 150

5.3.1 Permanent Strain during Cyclic Loading .................................................................... 150

5.3.2 Pore Water Pressure Changes...................................................................................... 153
5.3.3 Soil stiffness ................................................................................................................ 154
5.4 Implication for Stone Column Performance ................................................................ 156

5.5 Concluding Remarks ................................................................................................... 157

5. CHAPTER 6................................................................................................................................ 159

6 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 159
6.1 General......................................................................................................................... 159

6.2 Monotonic Loading ..................................................................................................... 160

6.2.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 160

6.2.2 Effect of Strain Rate .................................................................................................... 160
6.2.3 Effect of Column Material Density ............................................................................. 161
6.3 Cyclic Loading ............................................................................................................ 161

6.3.1 Effect of Stress Level .................................................................................................. 161

6.3.2 Effect of Frequency ..................................................................................................... 162
6.4 Recommendations for Future Research Works ........................................................... 163

REFERENCE ...................................................................................................................................... 164

APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................................... 172
APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................................... 186
APPENDIX C ..................................................................................................................................... 190
APPENDIX D ..................................................................................................................................... 210
APPENDIX F ...................................................................................................................................... 231
APPENDIX G ..................................................................................................................................... 235

Samir Ashour List of Figures


Figure ‎2.1 Deep vibrator details (Moseley and Kirsch, 2004) ................................................. 11

Figure ‎2.2 Vibro-replacement method (Keller GmbH, 2005) .................................................. 12

Figure ‎2.3 Vibro-displacement (Keller GmbH, 2005) ............................................................. 13

Figure ‎2.4 Dry bottom feed (Keller GmbH, 2005) ................................................................... 14

Figure ‎2.5 Unit cell concept (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983) .................................................... 21

Figure ‎2.6 Stone Column arrangements in (a) Triangular (b) Square (Balaam & Booker, 1981)

.................................................................................................................................................. 22

Figure ‎2.7 Settlement estimation conditions ............................................................................ 25

Figure ‎2.8 Settlement diagram for stone column in uniform soft clay (Greenwood, 1970) .... 27

Figure ‎2.9 Improvement factor (Priebe, 1995) ......................................................................... 32

Figure ‎2.10 Load – settlement curves for stone column (Balaam et al., 1977) ........................ 34

Figure ‎2.11 Vesic’s cylindrical cavity expansion factors (Barksdale and Bachus 1983)......... 37

Figure ‎2.12 Failure mechanism of single stone column (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983) .......... 40

Figure ‎2.13 Photographs of sand columns beneath circular footing at beginning, middle and

end of foundation loading process: (a) TS-01, 150 mm; (b) TS-02, 250 mm ......................... 42

Figure ‎2.14 Effect of undrained shear strength of the surrounding soil on the ultimate bearing

capacity of the treated ground .................................................................................................. 45

Figure ‎2.15 Effect area replacement ratio on the ultimate bearing capacity of the treated

ground ....................................................................................................................................... 46

Figure ‎2.16 Classification of dynamic problems (Ishihara; 1996) ........................................... 49

Figure ‎2.17 Design chart for vibro replacement (Priebe; 1998) ............................................... 51

Figure ‎2.18 Cyclic loading sequences for railway embankment (Kempfert et al., 1990). ....... 53

Figure ‎3.1 Typical particle size distribution of Kaolin clay and crushed basalt ...................... 60

Samir Ashour List of Figures

Figure ‎3.2 Dry density-water content relationship for Kaolin clay .......................................... 61

Figure ‎3.3 Relationship between undrained shear strength and water content for Kaolin clay62

Figure ‎3.4 The undrained shear strength – liquidity index relationship ................................... 63

Figure ‎3.5 Typical stress-strain, direct shear box test (a) wet condition and (b) dry condition64

Figure ‎3.6 Shear stress verses normal stress at peak ................................................................ 65

Figure ‎3.7 Consolidation curve square root of time step 50 to 100 kPa................................... 67

Figure ‎3.8 Void ratio / pressure increment relationship ........................................................... 68

Figure ‎3.9 Cofficients of consolidation and compressibilty and stress relationship ................ 68

Figure 3.10 Model I consolidation process for 100 mm dia. Samples .................................... 74

Figure 3.11 Model II consolidation chamber for preparing 300 mm dia. Samples ................. 74

Figure ‎3.12 Testing equipment ................................................................................................. 75

Figure ‎3.13 Dynamic measurement of subgrade stress (Yoo and Selig, 1979)........................ 79

Figure ‎3.14 Dynamic stresses mesurments at subgrade level (under 300mm of ballast) ......... 80

Figure ‎3.15 Typical settlement /√time relationship for 100 mm dia. triaxial sample .............. 83

Figure ‎3.16 Settlement and total vertical stress relationship for 100 mm dia. triaxial sample. 84

Figure ‎3.17 Void ratio/ log σv relationship for 100 mm dia. triaxial sample ........................... 84

Figure ‎3.18 Typical settlement / time relationship for 300 mm specimens ............................. 86

Figure ‎3.19 Settlement and total vertical stress relationship for 300 mm specimes ................ 86

Figure ‎3.20 Variation of excess pore water pressure at PPT1, PPT2, and PPT 3 positions

during consolidation ................................................................................................................. 87

Figure ‎3.21 Sample preparation for Model I ............................................................................ 89

Figure ‎3.22 Sample prepartion for Model II ............................................................................ 89

Figure ‎3.23 Cyclic stress state .................................................................................................. 90

Figure ‎3.24 Large test set up .................................................................................................... 91

Samir Ashour List of Figures

Figure ‎3.25 Variation in water content before testing for both Models (I and II) .................... 93

Figure ‎3.26 Shear strength determinations in test bed (pilot stage) ......................................... 94

Figure ‎4.1 Consolidation characteristics .................................................................................. 99

Figure ‎4.2 Stress strain behaviour of soft soil (no column) and soil/stone column composite.

................................................................................................................................................ 101

Figure ‎4.3 Improvement ratio versus area replacement ratio ................................................. 101

Figure ‎4.4: Excess pore water pressure of soil (no column) and soil/ stone column composite.

................................................................................................................................................ 102

Figure ‎4.5 Shape of failure under static loading condition..................................................... 104

Figure ‎4.6 Typical stress-strain curves: (a) soil (no column); (b) soil/stone column composite

................................................................................................................................................ 106

Figure ‎4.7(b) Typical change in pore water presures-strain curves for soil/ stone column

composit ................................................................................................................................. 108

Figure ‎4.8 Normalised excess pore water pressure – strain rate relasionship ........................ 108

Figure ‎4.9 Soil modulus of both soils only and soil/ stone column composit ........................ 110

Figure ‎4.10 The subgrade modulus of reaction (𝑘𝑠) for both soils (with no column and soil/

stone column composit) at a) at settlement of 1.25 mm; b) at settlement of 6 mm; and c) at

settlement of 10 mm ............................................................................................................... 112

Figure ‎4.11 The stress-strain for different column densities .................................................. 114

Figure ‎4.12 Improvement ratio versus the relative density .................................................... 115

Figure ‎4.13 Change of pore pressure with column density .................................................... 115

Figure ‎4.14 normalised deviator stress against column density ............................................. 116

Figure ‎4.15 stress-strain relationship ...................................................................................... 118

Figure ‎4.16 Scatter plot of all the variables ............................................................................ 121

Samir Ashour List of Figures

Figure ‎4.17 Relationship between qratio and As in terms of ∅ ................................................. 123

Figure ‎4.18 Typical results for changes in pore water pressure for soil (no column) specimens

................................................................................................................................................ 126

Figure ‎4.19 Typical results for changes in pore water pressure for soil/stone column

specimens ............................................................................................................................... 126

Figure ‎4.20 Hand vane shear test results before and after testing .......................................... 127

Figure ‎4.21 Water content variation before and after testing ................................................. 128

Figure ‎4.22 Deformation pattern ............................................................................................ 129

Figure ‎5.1 Pemanent axial strain and number of cycles relationship: at 0.5Hz loading

frequency ................................................................................................................................ 133

Figure ‎5.2 Pemanent axial strain and number of cycles relationship: at 1 Hz loading frequency

................................................................................................................................................ 133

Figure ‎5.3 Pemanent axial strain and number of cycles relationship: at 3 Hz loading frequency

................................................................................................................................................ 134

Figure ‎5.4 Effect of loading application and cyclic stress leve at frequency of 1 Hz ............ 136

Figure ‎5.5 Effect of loading frequency and number of cycles under cyclic stress of 50 kPa. 137

Figure ‎5.6 Cyclic deformation during cyclic triaxial test: at 0.5 Hz loading frequency ........ 140

Figure ‎5.7 Cyclic deformation during cyclic triaxial test: at 1 Hz loading frequency ........... 140

Figure ‎5.8 Cyclic deformation during cyclic triaxial test: at 3 Hz loading frequency ........... 141

Figure ‎5.9 Variation of resilient modulus with number of cycles at loading frequncy of 0.5 Hz

................................................................................................................................................ 142

Figure ‎5.10 Variation of resilient modulus with number of cycles at loading frequncy of 1 Hz

................................................................................................................................................ 143

Samir Ashour List of Figures

Figure ‎5.11 Variation of resilient modulus with number of cycles at loading frequncy of 3 Hz

................................................................................................................................................ 143

Figure ‎5.12 Variation of resilient modulus with respect to dynamic stress and loading

frequency ................................................................................................................................ 144

Figure ‎5.13 Accumulation of excess pore water pressure at loading frequency of 0.5 Hz .... 145

Figure ‎5.14 Accumulation of excess pore water pressure at loading frequency of 1Hz ........ 145

Figure ‎5.15 Accumulation of excess pore water pressure at loading frequency of 3Hz ........ 146

Figure ‎5.16 Effect of cyclic stress on pore water pressure ..................................................... 147

Figure ‎5.17 Deformed shape for soil only specimes .............................................................. 149

Figure ‎5.18 Deformed shape for the soil/column specimen ................................................... 149

Figure ‎5.19 Permanent strain results/ number of cycles ......................................................... 151

Figure ‎5.20 Deformation pattern after cyclic loading ............................................................ 153

Figure ‎5.21 Pore water pressure measurment at the centre of the specime ............................ 153

Figure ‎5.22 Pore water pressure measurment at 50 mm from the centre of the specime ....... 154

Figure ‎5.23 Stifness results..................................................................................................... 156

Samir Ashour List of Tables


Table ‎2.1 Summary of stone column installation methods ........................................................ 9

Table ‎2.2 Equivalent unit cell diameter (adopted from Balaam & Booker, (1981)) ................ 21

Table ‎2.3 Methods of estimation of settlement ........................................................................ 26

Table ‎2.4 Comparison between predictions of tank’s settlement (Ellouze et al., 2010) .......... 33

Table ‎2.5 Estimation of ultimate bearing capacity (Bergado et al., 1991) ............................... 36

Table ‎3.1 Materials used in previous studies............................................................................ 58

Table ‎4.1 Test programme ........................................................................................................ 96

Table ‎4.2 Typical triaxial saturation data ................................................................................. 98

Table ‎4.3 Measured and calculated vertical stress obtained from different studies ............... 103

Table ‎4.4 Modulus of subgrade reaction ................................................................................ 111

Table ‎4.5 Published database ................................................................................................. 120

Table ‎4.6 Deviance, BIC, R-Squared and Adjusted R2 values .............................................. 122

Table ‎5.1 Summary varibles investigated using cyclic triaxial test ....................................... 132

Table ‎5.2 Material parameters (after Li and Selig (1996)) ..................................................... 139

Table ‎5.3 Model II test program ............................................................................................. 150

Samir Ashour List of Abbreviation


As Area replacement ratio

Cc Compression index

cg Constant dependent upon the pattern of stone columns

CSR Cyclic stress ratio

cu Undrained shear strength of the soil

cv Coefficient of consolidation

dc Column diameter

De Equivalent diameter

dg Average particle diameter of stone column material

E Deformation modulus of soil

e0 Initial void ratio

f Frequency

Fc and Fq Cavity expansion factors

Gc Elastic shear modulus of the clay

Gs Specific gravity

Gs Elastic shear modulus of the column material

h Depth of ballast

Ir Rigidity index

Kac Coefficient of active pressure of the column

KP Coefficient of the passive pressure of the column

Ks The modulus of subgrade reaction

Samir Ashour List of Abbreviation

L Column length

Lc Critical column length

L.L Liquid limit

LI Liquidity index

Mr Resilient modulus

mv Coefficient of compressibility

n Stress concentration factor

N Number of cycles

Nc Bearing capacity factor

p Mean stress

PC Subgrade pressure

Pm Applied stress on ballast

Pult Ultimate column load

q Deviator stress

S Spacing between the columns

Tv Time factor of 90% consolidation

u Pore water pressure

Δu Change in pore water pressure

w Water content

Δe Change in void ratio

σ3’ Effective confining pressure

σc Stress in the surrounding soil

σv Vertical stress

Samir Ashour List of Abbreviation

σr Lateral confining pressure

σs Stress in the stone column.

ϒc Unit weight of the clay

ϒs Unit weight of the column material

Stress ratios in the soil

μs Stress ratios stone column

φ Angle of internal friction

𝐶̅ Average shaft cohesion

εp Permanent strain

Samir Ashour Chapter 1: Introduction



1.1 Background

Soil improvement methods have received much attention over the last few decades, as a

result of shortage of good quality land for development, together with the need to develop

transport infrastructure in areas which were previously regarded as being unsuitable. These

often included soft soil deposits. In many instances, the proposed structures on improved/

stabilised soft soils are considered to be viable on economic grounds due to the high cost of

virgin land and the environmental need to site infrastructure away from developed areas.

Soft soil deposits are characterised as having low bearing capacity, and high compressibility

leading to potential instability and large settlement. Therefore, in order to reduce these

problems, either the structure or the underlying soils or both needs to be modified. Most often,

it is cheaper to undertake ground improvement than to modify the structure. Although in some

cases, this is a possible solution.

A range of ground improvement methods can be used. They can be categorised as:

densification, consolidation, reinforcement, chemical stabilization, thermal stabilization, and

biotechnical stabilization. Sometimes it may be more efficient to use more than one type of


Stone columns are constructed by using the same equipment as vibro-compaction. They

are considered as a densification method and also can act as a vertical drain that can lead to

speedier the consolidation progress of the soil. It is also considered as a ground reinforcement

Samir Ashour Chapter 1: Introduction

technique due to the granular nature of the column material. Granular columns are installed

into the soft soil by means of compacting gravel or crushed rock into the cylindrical void

created by a vibrating poker. This technique has been used extensively over the last few

decades in many parts of the world. The design and construction techniques have been

improved to an extent that stone columns could be used in some cases as an alternative to the

traditional foundations such as piling (McCabe et al., 2009; Barksdale & Bachus, 1983;

Greenwood & Kirsch, 1984; Mitchell and Huber 1985; Priebe, 1995; Sivakumar et al., 2010).

Many full-scale, laboratory experimental and analytical investigations have been undertaken,

which have led to improvement of the stone column technique and methods of analysis,

providing better prediction for both bearing capacity and settlement (Bergado and Lam, 1987;

Greenwood, 1991). These studies demonstrate that the behaviour of the stone columns was

affected considerably by a number of parameters, including: column length to diameter ratio;

the area replacement ratio; column spacing; column and surrounding soil stiffness; the stress

ratio of both the column and surrounding soil; and the method of installation. Also they have

shown that columns can fail by bulging, bending, punching and shearing, depending on the

length of the column and the method of applying the loads on top of the column.

Despite of the fact that, the previous investigations have provided a wide understanding on

using stone columns to improve the properties of soft soils, these investigations were focused

the behaviour of stone columns under the application of static and monotonic loading and

there was very limited information on their behaviour when subjected to cyclic loading. The

key difference in this study and the previous ones is the mode of loading, where the applied

loads will vary with time. Thus this research will provide a better understanding of the

behaviour of stabilised stone columns under static and dynamic loading conditions. This

Samir Ashour Chapter 1: Introduction

includes evaluation of deformation under loading and mechanisms of stress transfer in both

treated and untreated soil.

1.2 Research problem

There is increasing need for higher performance track substructure systems (ballast, sub-

ballast and subgrade) in order to provide constant and uniform support for the sleepers and the

rail allowing them to cope with increased demand for high speed trains. Without any

upgrades, tracks built over soft ground can be problematic, leading to increase in maintenance

in order to maintain line and level (Raju, 2003).

Many researchers (Seed et al., 1955; Brown et al., 1975; Li and Selig, 1996; Miller et al.,

2000; Li-Zhong Wang et al., 2011) have studied the effect of cyclic loading on the

compressibility and strength characterisation of soft soil. They demonstrated that such soils

have high compressibility and low bearing capacity. Therefore, under cyclic stresses above

the threshold stress ratio (i.e. ratio between the dynamic stresses to the soils static strength,

which is typically between 0.4 and 0.65 depending on the soil type and conditions), it is

expected to have a high residual settlement resulting in a reduction in strength. Hence leading

to a reduction in track speed limit.

In order to overcome this problem, it is generally better (i.e cost-effective) to improve the

ground rather than import materials of suitable quality to replace poor soils. This has

additional environmental benefits. A number of treatment options including the construction

of vibro stone columns can be considered for improving subgrade soil (Raju, 2003; Fatahi et

al., 2012).

Vibro stone columns have been widely used to reinforce and stabilise railway tracks built on

soft soils to control the permanent deformation and the generation of excess pore pressure

Samir Ashour Chapter 1: Introduction

(Abdullah et al., 2009; Fatahi et al., 2012). However, studies on the dynamic performance of

stone columns are mostly limited to liquefaction mitigation potential in silty soils (Munfakh,

1984; Priebe, 1995; Munfakh, 2003; Rollins et al., 2009). Additionally, very limited research

has been carried out on the performance of stone columns subjected to repeated vertical

loading. Therefore, aspects such as identifying failure mechanisms and quantifying the

amount of settlement, especially at low replacement ratio (under 10%) require investigation.

For this study, vibro stone column were modelled in both triaxial tests and small scale tank

tests. Stone columns were constructed in soft soils (cu <15 kPa) and loaded to failure under

both monotonic and dynamic loading. The main objective of the testing program was to

examine the effect of loading rate, loading frequency, and cyclic stress ratio on the behaviour

of both soft soils and stone column reinforced soil. Thus, allowing for a better understanding

of the response of stone column under dynamic loading application can be achieved.

1.3 Research Aim and Objectives

This research aim is to assess the behaviour of stone column subjected to cyclic loading as a

precursor to their application as a railway subgrade improvement technique. This can be

approached by developing the appropriate loading frequency and dynamic stresses on both

treated and untreated soft soils in order to investigate the stiffness, permanent deformation

and pore water pressures. In order to achieve the above aim, the following objectives were set:

i. Develop a suitable physical, laboratory scale model

ii. Examine the effect of loading strain rate during the monotonic conditions on the

degree of improvement of soft ground;

iii. Examine the effect of relative density of the column material on column bearing


Samir Ashour Chapter 1: Introduction

iv. Investigate the effect of loading frequency on the behaviour of stone column;

v. Investigate the effect of dynamic stress level on the behaviour of stone column.

1.4 Outline of Thesis

Brief descriptions of the remaining chapters of this thesis are outlined below:

Chapter 2 provides a brief background of stone column foundations and reviews previous

research work relevant to the subject.

The properties of the materials used; the design and manufacture of testing apparatus and

instrumentation used in this laboratory base study; and the specimen preparation and general

procedures used for the model testing are presented in Chapter 3.

The monotonic testing programme and results of the effect of varying strain rate and column

density are described in Chapter 4. Results from current study are analysed and compared

with other research findings from both laboratory tests and field studies. In addition to this,

the failure mechanisms for a single stone column reinforced foundation in both models

(triaxial and large scale) are discussed.

Chapter 5 shows results and discussion of tests on stone columns, subjected to cyclic loading.

(i.e the effect of both frequency and cyclic stress level) in order to provide a further

understanding to the behaviour of stone columns.

Finally, both conclusions and recommendations are presented in Chapter 6.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review



2.1 Introduction

Vibro stone column method has been widely used to improve soft soils over the last four

decades. This chapter reviews and the design concepts, installation methods, failure

mechanisms, current practice, and relevant experimental procedures.

2.2 Introduction to Ground Improvement

Geotechnical engineers are often faced with the challenges of building on poor ground and

have to match the level of ground improvement with project requirements. Apart from

abandoning the project, Mitchell and Jardine, (2002) suggested four alternatives:

- replace poor ground with more suitable material;

- bypass the area of poor ground laterally by relocating the facility, or vertically by
using piles or deep foundations;

- redesign the structure to meet the ground limitations; or

- modify the natural condition of the poor ground to meet the project requirements.

The rising cost of land and increasing awareness of the impact that construction has on the

environment have been major contributors to the increasing use of ground improvement


Ground improvement techniques generally aim to modify some of the soil characteristics in

order to meet the requirements of a construction project. These improvements include

increasing the density and shear strength in order to: improve bearing capacity; reduce soil

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

compressibility; influence permeability in order to control ground water flow or to increase

the rate of consolidation; and improve the homogeneity of soil. Therefore, ground

improvement can be defined as “the controlled alteration of the state, nature or mass

behaviour of ground materials in order to achieve an intended satisfactory response to existing

or projected environmental and engineering actions” (Mitchell and Jardine, 2002).

A wide range of ground treatments are available. Different classifications are proposed

depending on: equipment used; required period of treatment (temporary or permanent), or the

purpose of use (Munfakh, 1997; Van Impe et al., 1997; Mitchell and Jardine, 2002; Munfakh,

2003). Munfakh (1997) divides ground improvement methods into the following categories:

 Densification methods include vibro-compaction; dynamic compaction; blasting;

and compaction grouting.

 Consolidation method: preloading and vertical drains.

 Reinforcement methods include mechanically stabilised backfill; soil nailing;

element wall; micro-piles; and stone columns.

 Chemical stabilization: permeation grouting; jet grouting; deep soil mixing; and
lime/ cement columns.

Vibro stone columns can be considered one of the most effective methods to improve

performance of the soft ground. stone columns have the advantages of accelerating

consolidation, increasing the bearing capacity of poor ground, and improving the slope

stability and mitigate liquefaction by providing a sufficient reinforcement and providing a

drainage path allowing the pore water pressure to dissipate. Therefore, they have been used in

a verity of applications, such as road and railway embankments, tanks and marine structures

(Unnikrishnan et al., 2002; Fatahi et al., 2012).

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.3 Stone Column Technique: Historical Development

In 1937 there was the first reported application of vibro compaction used to densify a loose

sand deposit under a building in Berlin by penetrating a vibrating poker to the ground

(Slocombe et al., 2000).

In the 1950’s this technique was adopted in the UK, however, its application was limited due

to the geological nature of the ground (soft soil; shear strength < 15 kPa). This led to the

development of vibro compaction technique to cover the treatment of fine grained and

cohesive soils by introducing a coarse granular backfill into a vertical void in soft ground

formed using a vibratory poker. This early method of stone column construction received

further improvement in Europe and the United State of America until it became a well-

established technique (Greenwood, 1975; Mitchell, 1981).

Over the last three decades this technique has been widely used for both compaction of

cohesion-less soils and for reinforcing soft soils with granular columns. The method has been

shown to be an effective and reliable ground improvement method, especially, in cases, where

high sensitivity to settlement is not critical. It has proven to be a good alternative to the

traditional deep foundation methods such as piles (Serridge, 2006; McCabe et al., 2009).

2.4 Stone Column Construction Methods

Soil type and condition are the key factors that govern the method of installation of stone

columns to ensure the required quality of improvement (McCabe et al., 2009). The commonly

applicable installation techniques for soft soils (and the equipment used) are discussed below.

A brief summary of the installation methods are shown in Table 2.1.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Table ‎2.1 Summary of stone column installation methods

cu L dc
Installation method Commentary
(kPa) (m) (mm)

- Suitable for very soft soil, and

deep treatments;

(wet top feed) 15 to 35 5-20 600-1200 - Applicable blow ground water

Section level

- Has an environmental issue.

- Suitable only for stable and stiff

(dry top feed) > 30 10 400-800

Section - Shallow and medium treatment


- Suitable for very soft soil;

- Applicable below ground water

(dry bottom feed) 15 to50 15 400-800

Section - Borehole stability is insured

- Clean stone, column diameter and

column length are assured.

cu: undrained shear strength of the soil;

L: column length;
dc: column diameter.

2.4.1 Vibro Equipment (Vibro-float)

Stone columns are constructed first by creating a vertical void in soft ground using a vibratory

poker (Figure 2.1). As the poker is slowly withdrawn, stone is inserted in the void in typical

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

stages of 300 to 500 mm thickness and then compacted by the vibrating poker for 30 to 60

seconds. This process is continued upward to form a column (Watts, 2000).

The equipment used to form the stone column typically comprises a hollow cylindrical steel

pipe with diameter ranging between 300 mm and 450 mm, and length ranges from 2.00 to

3.50 meter. The vibrator body unit consists of two main parts: the upper part known as the

extension or follower tube as shown in Figure 2.1. The main function of the follower tube is

to allow deep penetration into the ground (Watts, 2000; Moseley and Kirsch, 2004).

The lower section of the vibrating unit contains an eccentric weight which is powered by a

motor at the top of an axial shaft (typical motor power capacity ranges between 50 to 150 kW

and operating frequency ranging from 10 to 30Hz). This eccentric weight typically ranges

between 15 and 40 kN depending on the level of improvement and the condition of the

ground. There is a vibratory force of 150 to 700 kN can be transmitted from the vibrator

casing to the surrounding soil. (Greenwood and Kirsch, 1984; Raju and Sondermann, 2005).

In order to improve the installation process with a high level of quality control, the equipment

was modified by including useful features such as bottom feed delivery system, and

computerised monitoring system that could transfer data from site (Slocombe et al., 2000).

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure ‎2.1 Deep vibrator details (Moseley and Kirsch, 2004)

2.4.2 Vibro Replacement (Wet Method) Wet top feed

This technique has been used successfully in soft soils (fines content over 20 %; and

undrained shear strength of soil, cu, in range of 15 to 35 kPa), it can also be used for deep

ground treatments below water level (Moseley and Kirsch, 2004; McCabe et al., 2009).

In order to increase the bearing capacity and the stiffness of soft soil, a 10 to 35 % of the soil

may need to be replaced with uniformly graded stone, column diameters ranging between 0.6

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

and 1.2 meter and column depths between 5 and 15 meters. In this method it is preferable to

build columns that extend to end bearing stratum (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983).

The installation sequence of this technique is illustrated in Figure 2.2. The vibrator is inserted

into the soil with the assistance of jetted water. Both the flow of flushing water and the

vibration can reduce soil resistance and allow the vibrator to penetrate the soil under its own

weight. Once the required depth is achieved, granular backfill is placed from the bottom of the

hole to the top where gravel falls against a continuous upward flow of water. As the gravel is

accumulated at the bottom of the column, the vibrator is withdrawn gradually in

approximately 0.50 meter intervals. A continuous water flow protects the bore from the

collapsing. As the vibrational energy is dissipated in radial waves through the backfill

materials into the surrounding soil and additional expansion of the column is prevented by the

passive resistance of the cohesive soil. (Greenwood and Kirsch, 1984; Watts, 2000).

However, due to environmental issues relating to disposal of flush arising, application of this

method is limited currently to developments where large bearing capacity is required

(McCabe et al., 2009).

Figure ‎2.2 Vibro-replacement method (Keller GmbH, 2005)

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.4.3 Vibro Displacement (Dry Method) Dry top feed

Dry top feed method is considered to be the simplest installation method, and most preferred

in the case of shallow to medium treatment depths of stable soils with undraind shear strength

larger than 30 kPa. This method is not applicable for treatment of soft clay soils due to the

fact that the borehole will collapse when the poker withdrawn due to lack of lateral support

(McKelvey, 2002; McCabe et al., 2009).

In this method, (Figure 2.3), once the required depth is reached the poker is lifted and the

granular backfill of material introduced from the ground surface into the hole. The vibro-float

is reinserted and stone in the column is compacted. Typical geometries of formed stone

columns are usually 400 to 800 mm diameter and 10 to 15 meters in length (Munfakh, 1984;

McKelvey, 2002).

Figure ‎2.3 Vibro-displacement (Keller GmbH, 2005)

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review Dry bottom feed

This method was introduced into the UK in the 1980’s and currently considered the most

commonly adopted installation method for stone column (McCabe et al., 2009). In terms of

application it is used in soils (cu ranges between 15 and 50 kPa), and unaffected by the

presence of ground water. During the backfill process the vibro-float remains inside the bore

providing more stability and preventing unwanted inclusion. The stone material is supplied

using a hopper to a pipe fixed to the side of the vibro-float shown in Figure 2.4. This can

allow the column to be constructed clean with the same back fill material. As with the top

feed method the stone is then compacted by repeated withdrawal and insertion of the poker

(McCabe et al., 2009). The average treatment depth achieved by this method is 15 meter

(Watts, 2000).

Figure ‎2.4 Dry bottom feed (Keller GmbH, 2005)

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2.4.4 Monitoring, Quality Control and Assessment of Stone Columns Performance

As a result of the variety of equipment and construction methodologies and due to the lack of

availability of a fixed procedure to design vibro replacement method, construction of the

stone column is controlled by recording a range of parameters, including penetration depth,

energy consumption of the vibrator, and air/water pressure (Moseley and Kirsch, 2004).

Continuous recording of parameters as a function of time can provide reliable data that can be

used to control stone column construction and help prevent problems. This includes the

possibility of having to alter the design of columns and ensures column uniformity over entire


In addition to the above, cone penetration test (CPT) and standard penetration test (SPT) are

generally used to confirm the achievement of a satisfactory level of vibro compaction (Bell,

2004; McCabe et al., 2009). However, it should be noted that, whilst the data collected during

column construction are for quality control, the penetration tests are used to ensure the degree

of improvement achieved post-construction.

In order to evaluate the compressibility of treated soil, it is better to conduct compaction tests

within at least one week of the compaction work to prevent the effect of ageing factor, which

influences the soil properties and causes an increase to its strength ranging from 50 to 100%.

This increase in strength occurs as a result of the reduction in water pressure, and also could

be due to the rearrangement of the physical and chemical bonding forces between the soil

particles within the column.

Stone columns are primarily used to reduce settlement. Therefore, large-scale loading tests,

which can be carried out by loading a rigid plate on top of one or more columns are used to

assess the degree of improvement in terms of settlement. However, as this test is costly and

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

time-consuming, it cannot be used as a control of workmanship, so it is only used in case of

large projects (Greenwood and Kirsch, 1984; Greenwood, 1991).

Recently, geophysical methods including continuous surface wave have been used to assess

settlement improvement (Madun et al., 2012). Although there is no large database to validate

the data collected by geophysical investigation, this method has an advantage of covering

large areas and could be used for both short and long term investigations, which could make it

cost effective (Redgers et al., 2008; Madun, 2012; Madun et al., 2012).

2.4.5 Material Used for Stone Columns Constructions

The key parameter in stone column design is the angle of shearing resistance, which is a

function of several parameters such as degree of compaction, grading and material strength

(McKelvey and Sivakumar, 2000; Jefferson et al., 2010). Most of the design methods

developed for predicting the bearing capacity of soils improved by stone column

reinforcement (Hughes and Withers, 1974; Greenwood and Kirsch, 1984) are related to the

undrained shear strength of surrounding soil and the internal angle of friction of the stone

materials; a reduction of 10o in the internal angle of friction can reduce the bearing capacity

by 50% (McKelvey et al., 2002).

In general, 45o can considered to be the maximum friction angle, while in the UK 40o

considered to be the most typical value used in the design (Serridge, 2006). Therefore, it is

important that the stone aggregate within the column have sufficient shear resistance whereby

the particles are strong enough to withstand local stress concentrations which occur during

construction. In addition aggregate used must be durable in the long-term (Watts, 2000).

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

There are three main sources of aggregate, which can be used in stone column construction.

Until recently natural or primary stone aggregate was the main source. However, increasing

demands for sustainable construction has led to the use of recycled aggregate as a second

source (e.g. construction demolitions and recycled railway ballast) and when possible the

secondary aggregates (i.e. industrial processed products such as steel slag, rock waste, and

china clay waste) (Jefferson et al., 2010).

Stone columns were installed in closely spaced groups beneath pad and strip foundations to

provide bearing pressures of 100 kN/m2 (associated with the main portal frame structure) and

on a square grid pattern beneath ground-bearing floor slab areas to provide bearing pressures

in the range 30–50 kN/m2

Serridge (2005), provides a detailed case history of a project in Coatbridge, Scotland, where

recycled (crushed concrete) aggregate was used successfully for stone column construction.

Columns with diameter of 600 mm and varied in lengths from 2.5 to 6 meters were installed

in a square pattern beneath pad and strip foundations to provide bearing pressure of 100

kN/m2 (for the main frame structure) and 30 kN/m2 under floor slab areas. The average

deformation modulus of 48 MN/m2 was achieved when assessed using plate load tests. He

suggested that, this value was comparable with typical results if natural aggregate was used in

similar ground condition.

McKelvey et al. (2002) examined the shear strength of different recycled aggregates (i.e.

quarry waste, crushed concrete, and building debris). The performance of these materials

were compared with the performance of crushed rock primary aggregate, in terms of the

influence of dry and wet conditions and the effect of the fines content. They found that the

primary aggregate performed better than the other recycled aggregate in all test conditions.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

For example, in the dry condition, the angle of internal friction for the primary aggregate was

51o, whereas for the secondary aggregate was ranging from (46 o to 37o). These values were

decreased by about 6 % in the wet condition and by about 30 % when 20 % of Kaolin slurry

was add to the aggregate. This study indicated that the internal angle of friction of natural

aggregate had been influenced by all the tested conditions while the quarry waste showed

independency toward the slurry content and affected by the water content, where it showed

different trend in case of crushed concrete aggregate, where it was influenced by the slurry

content but not with the water content.

This could indicate that, regardless of the stone source used, the achievable quality of the

stone column is mostly dependent on the quality of aggregate adopted. The ICE (1987) and

BSI (2005) suggested that in order to achieve a good interlock between the stone particles and

to allow an adequate level of drainage through the column, the grading of aggregates should

range between 20 to 75 mm, also the percentage of fine content should not exceed 10 %.

2.5 Application and Limitation of Stone Column

Stone column technique has been used successfully in many projects around the world for

ground improvement purposes (e.g. reduce differential settlement, accelerate the

consolidation process; increase the bearing capacity and to mitigate liquefaction) in various

types of soil from coarse gravel to fine sand, silt and clay (Woodward, 2004). The same

benefits have been found when this technique was also applied to improve the characterisation

of soft marine clay, non-engineering fills and layered soils (McKelvey, 2002; Raju and

Sondermann, 2005; Han, 2015).

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.5.1 Limitations

Although stone columns have been installed successfully in soils with undrained shear

strengths ranging between 10 kPa and 50 kPa (Hu, 1995; McKelvey, 2002), they are not

suitable for soils with very low undrained shear strength and in soils with thick layers of peat.

This is due to insufficient lateral support that these materials provide and excessive settlement

that could occur due to the loss of water content during consolidation (Greenwood and Kirsch,

1984). Barksdale and Bachus (1983) suggest that stone columns can be more effective when

used for soil stabilisation rather than structural foundations. Most recommended treatment

depths are in the range of 6 to 15 m although columns have been constructed to a depth

greater than 30 m (Watts, 2000). Floating columns are not recommended to be used in weak

soils and therefore, a competent end bearing for stone columns is generally specified (Killeen

and McCabe, 2014).

2.6 Design Approaches of Stone Column

As the column and the surrounding soils work together and share the stresses subjected to

them, the bearing response of the soil/ column system is influenced by the properties of both

materials and their interaction between each other. In order to theoretically solve this complex

problem a certain level of idealisation (unit cell idealisation) is used. Most existing theories

consider stone and clay as perfect elastic or elastic-plastic materials (Hughes and Withers,

1974; Barksdale and Bachus, 1983; Priebe, 1995). Therefore the design of stone columns

requires cognisance of parameters such as used grid pattern, area replacement ratio and stress

concentration factor (Sections to The typical design procedure suggested by

Watts (2000) can be summarised as follow:

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

1. Predict the ultimate bearing capacity of the single column using the undrained shear
strength of the soil and the internal angle of friction,

2. Determine the column diameter and the allowable spacing between the column,

3. Predict the level of settlement.

2.6.1 Basic Design Parameters Unit Cell Idealization

Balaam et al. (1977) stated that the unit cell idealises for the behaviour of single column and

the soil around it, and the behaviour of one unit cells within a group is the same. This concept

is used to determine the area within which vertical stresses are considered to be distributed

(Barksdale and Bachus, 1983). Stone columns can be installed in three main patterns: triangle,

square and rectangular patterns. The equilateral triangle pattern is considered the most usable

and efficient arrangement with regards to large areas and uniform rate of densification, while

the square and rectangular pattern is applied in condition of isolated spread footing (Watts,

2000; BSI, 2005).

Typical layouts of stone columns in different patterns are shown in Figure 2.5. It is

convenient to associate the tributary area of soil surrounding each stone column. The tributary

area can be closely approximated as an equivalent circle (unit cell) with equivalent diameter

(De) having approximately similar total area.

The spacing (S) between the columns is a critical factor since it influences the degree of

improvement. The spacing is generally determined in order to provide an overlapping zone to

cover a wide area of treated soils. Greenwood (1970) stated that, in practice, a narrow spacing

is preferential under isolated foundation compared to beneath large raft foundations.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

However, the spacing is generally ranges from 2 to 3 times the column diameter (Hughes and

Withers, 1974).

Depending on the stone column arrangements, spacing and the equivalent diameter can be

related to each other as shown in Table 2.2

Table ‎2.2 Equivalent unit cell diameter (adopted from Balaam & Booker, (1981))

Arrangement Equivalent unit cell diameter (De); (S) centre-to-centre spacing

12 0.25
Triangular ( 2) 𝑆 ≅ 1.05 𝑆

16 0.25
Square ( 2) 𝑆 ≅ 1.13 𝑆


Plan view

De Stone column

frictionless side

Unit cell

Figure ‎2.5 Unit cell concept (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983)

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

12 4
De 𝐷𝑒 = ( ) 𝑆

=1.05 S

16 4
𝐷𝑒 = ( ) 𝑆
De 𝜋2

=1.13 S

Figure ‎2.6 Stone Column arrangements in (a) Triangular (b) Square (Balaam & Booker, 1981) Area Replacement Ratio

Based on the concept of unit cell, it is possible to use the geometry of a mesh of stone

columns in order to determine the amount of soil replaced and the area replacement ratio As,

which is defined as the ratio between the area of each column Ac and soil area A (Barksdale

and Bachus, 1983):

𝐴𝑐⁄ 𝐷𝑐
𝐴𝑠 = 𝐴 = [ ⁄𝐷𝑒 ] ‎2.1

Where: Dc is the compacted stone column diameter; and De is the equivalent unit cell


The area replacement ratio, also can be presented in terms of the diameter and spacing of the

stone column as follows:

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

𝐴𝑠 = 𝑐𝑔 〈 𝑆𝑐 〉2 2.2

Where: Dc is the diameter of the compacted stone column; S is centre-to-centre spacing; cg is

a constant dependent upon the pattern of stone columns used.

In general, increasing the area replacement ratio leads to improved behaviour of the

composite soil (i.e. increased bearing capacity and reduced settlement). For improvement in

bearing capacity larger than 30 %, Wood et al. (2000) indicated that the area replacement ratio

should be 25% or above. Stress Concentration Factor (n)

A large portion of the stress concentration is transferred from the loaded foundation to the

stone column. The remaining stresses are transferred to the soil as it is weaker than the

column material. The vertical stress distribution within the unit cell (concentration factor) is

defined as the ratio of the stress on the stone column to that on the surrounding soil within a

unit cell (Han & Ye, 1991). The magnitude of the concentration factor generally ranges from

2 to 6 (Aboshi et al., 1979; Barksdale and Bachus, 1983).

𝑛= ⁄𝜎𝑐 ‎2.3

Where: σs is stress in the stone column; and σc is the stress in the surrounding soil.

There are several factors that could influence the magnitude of stress concentration such as

type of foundation, length of the column and time of consolidation. Juran and Guermazi

(1988) stated that the magnitude of (n) increases with time of consolidation and decreases

with the length of the column. in addition, loading the soil/column system through a rigid

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

foundation would lead to larger stress concentration than if flexible a foundation was used

(Barksdale and Bachus, 1983).

Ambily and Gandhi (2007) indicated that the modular ratio had a direct impact on the stress

concentration, they found that the n factor increased with any increase in modular ratio; and

reduced with any increase in the strength of the surrounding soil.

The total vertical stresses σ in stone columns and the surrounding soil over the unit cell area

and corresponding to a given area replacement ratio, can be expressed as:

𝜎 = 𝜎𝑠 . 𝐴𝑠 + 𝜎𝑐 (1 − 𝐴𝑠 ) 2.4

Where the terms have been previously defined.

Thus the stress concentration factor can be estimated (as follow) assuming equal vertical

displacement would occur and using the elastic theory as a function of the modular ratio of

the column and the soil (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983; Babu et al., 2013).

𝜎𝑐 ≤ 𝜇𝑐 𝜎 = 𝜇𝑐 ( 𝑠⁄𝜇𝑠 )‎2 ‎2.5

Where: 𝜇𝑐 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜇𝑠 are the stress ratios in the clay and the stone column respectively.

𝜇𝑠 = 𝑛⁄[1 ‎2.6
+ (𝑛 − 1)𝐴𝑠 ]

𝜇𝑐 = 1⁄[1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝐴 ] ‎2.7


Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.6.2 Consolidation and Settlement

One of the main purposes of using stone columns is to reduce the overall settlement of the

treated soil. This reduction is governed by the magnitude of applied load distribution that

occurs between the column and surrounding soil.

In order to satisfy the unit cell concept condition (Figure 2.7), most of the design approaches

for predicting settlement of soil/column system assume an infinitely wide loaded area

reinforced with granular column with a constant diameter and spacing. The column is

assumed to be loaded via a rigid plate and ending in an undeformable bearing layer (Van

Impe et al., 1997; Babu et al., 2013).

There are various methods for estimating the settlement of the stone column/ soil system.

These are summarised in Table 2.3.

Figure ‎2.7 Settlement estimation conditions

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Table ‎2.3 Methods of estimation of settlement

Method Reference Equation comment

Greenwood’s Limited to cu between 20

Greenwood Empirical design curve
method and 40kPa ; underestimate
(1970) (Figure 2.8)
( settlement when S>2.5m

Equilibrium 𝑆𝑡 = 𝑚𝑣 (𝜇𝑐 𝜎)𝐻 Dependent on the n and As;

Aboshi et al.
method 1 Might be sufficient for
(1979) 𝑅 = 𝜇𝑐 =
( 1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝐴𝑠 preliminary design;

1 0.5 + 𝑓(𝜇, 𝐴𝑠 )
= 1 + 𝐴𝑠 [ − 1]
𝑅 (𝑘𝐴 )𝑠 𝑓(𝜇, 𝐴𝑠 )
Priebe Priebe
1 − 𝜇2 (1 − 2𝜇)(1 − 𝐴𝑠 )
method (1976, 𝑓(𝜇, 𝐴𝑠 ) = [ 2
][ ] (𝑘𝐴 )𝑠 Overestimated results
1 − 𝜇 − 2𝜇 1 − 2𝜇 + 𝐴𝑠
( 1995)

= tan2 (45 − )

Balaam et Its accuracy dependent on
element [𝐾𝐸 ]{∆𝜎 (𝑚−1) } = {{∆𝐹𝐸 } + {𝐾𝑐(𝑚) } {∆𝜎 (𝑚) } + {∆𝐹𝐷𝑁
al. (1977) the input parameters
method Greenwood Method.

Greenwood (1970) was one of the first to introduce empirical design curves to estimate the

settlement of stone column/ soil systems under widespread loading. The empirical curves

showed in Figure 2.8, represents the settlement reduction as a function of column spacing and

the undrained shear strength of the surrounding soil, which was limited between 20 and 40

kPa. The shaded zone in the curve represents the expected settlement reductions when

applying a wet process of construction. Greenwood (1970) suggested that these charts should

be used with caution within the indicated range. Although Balaam and Booker (1985)

indicated that these curves showed a close agreement with their finite element analysis

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

approach for settlement estimation, they suggested that at column spacing of over 2.5 m, the

Greenwood’s method might underestimate the degree of improvement.

Spacing of stone column, (m)

Settlement of treated ground as % of
settlement of untreated ground

 Curve neglect immediate settlement and shear displacement.

 Columns assumed resting on firm clay, sand or harder ground.

Figure ‎2.8 Settlement diagram for stone column in uniform soft clay (Greenwood, 1970) The equilibrium method

This method has been used (mainly in Japan) to estimate the settlement of sand compaction

piles (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983). Aboshi et al. (1979) presented this simple approach for

estimating the reduction in settlement of ground reinforced by stone columns based on the

unit cell assumptions and the one dimensional consolidation theory. This approach require

estimation of stress concentration factor n using previous work experience and the past results

from field measurements of stresses.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

The variation of the vertical stress in the clay (σc) due to the applied external stress can be

expressed by:

𝜎𝑐 = 𝜇𝑐 𝜎 2.8

Where: σ is the average external applied stress; and µc is the ratio of stresses in the clay (Eq.


By applying the one dimensional consolidation theory the primary consolidation settlement

can be estimated using the following equation.

𝐶 𝜎0′ + 𝜎𝑐
𝑆𝑡 = (1+𝑒𝑐 ) . log10 ( ). 𝐻 2.9
0 𝜎0 ′

Where: St is the primary consolidation settlement over distance H of stone column treated

ground; H is the height of stone column; e0 is the initial void ratio; Cc is the compression

index; σ0 is the average initial effective stress; and σc is the changing in stress in the clay


Additionally, the following equation may be used to estimate the settlement of unreinforced

and reinforced soils.

𝑆 = 𝑚𝑣 . 𝜎. 𝐻 ‎2.10

𝑆𝑡 = 𝑚𝑣 (𝜇𝑐 𝜎)𝐻 ‎2.11

Where, S and St, as defined previously, are the consolidation settlements of unreinforced and

reinforced soils respectively; mv if the coefficient of compressibility; and H is the thickness of

the soil layer.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

The ratio of the settlement of the stone column (i.e. improved soil to the unimproved soils)

can be expressed as:

𝑆𝑡⁄ 1
𝑅= 𝑆 = [1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝐴𝑠 ] ‎2. 12

Where n is the stress concentration factor and As is the area replacement ratio.

The above equation showed that the settlement ratio is a function of the area replacement ratio

and the stress concentration factor, and the settlement of the treated soil decreases as those

parameters increases. Therefore, as suggested by Barksdale and Bachus (1983) the

equilibrium method would be sufficient for preliminary design if the stress concentration

factor was reasonably estimated. Priebe method

Priebe method is considered one of the most widely adopted semi-empirical methods used to

obtain the improvement factor (estimating settlement reduction due to soil treatment with

stone column). This method has undergone a series of improvements and modifications to its

current version proposed (Priebe, 1995). These modifications considered a number of

additional factors such as the effect of compressibility of the column material and

confinement from overburden, which considers the effect of unit weight of both column and

soil materials by adding the depth factor to the design calculation (Barksdale and Bachus,

1983; Ellouze et al., 2010; Babu et al., 2013).

The original solution proposed contained a number of simplifying assumptions that are listed


Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

 equal vertical settlement of the stone and soil;

 uniform stresses in the column/soil system;

 stone column is overlying a rigid soil layer;

 incompressible stone column, so changing in volume within the soil associated to

the axial reduction of the cylindrical column;

 long elastic hollow cylinder solution is assumed in order to find out the radial
deformation of the soil and;

 a uniform internal pressure within the unit cell boundary.

According to these assumptions it can be concluded that the column is designed to only fail in

a bulging mode and the settlement can be controlled.

Based on these assumptions, Priebe (1995) presented in Figure 2.9 the ratio of settlement of

untreated to treated ground S/St as a function of the area replacement ratio As and internal

angle of friction of the stone column φs.

Therefore, the radial deformation of the column/soil system can be determined from the

solution of expanding cylindrical cavity in half elastic. This expression gives the radial

deformation of the column based on vertical stress acting on it and on the ground (Priebe,

1995). Establishing equality of vertical deformations in the soil and the column and by the

equilibrium condition of vertical stresses, the following improvement factor n0 expression can

be obtained:

𝐴𝑐 1⁄ +𝑓(𝜇 ,𝐴 /𝐴)
𝑠 𝑐
𝑛0 = 1 + . ( 𝐾 2 .𝑓(𝜇 − 1) 2.13
𝐴 𝑎𝑐 𝑠 ,𝐴𝑐 /𝐴)

(1−𝜇𝑠 ) . (1−𝐴𝑐⁄𝐴)
Where: 𝑓(𝜇𝑠 , 𝐴𝑐 /𝐴) = 𝐴 ; 2.14
1−2𝜇𝑠 + 𝑐⁄𝐴

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

µs is the Poisson’s ratio; and (𝐾𝑎𝑐 ) coefficient of active pressure of the column is

defined as:

(𝐾𝑎𝑐 ) = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45𝑜 − 2) 2.15

Although this method has been widely used in ground improvement industry, it has

limitations in settlement prediction, such as not being suitable for estimating the behaviour of

floating columns (Babu et al., 2013).

Ellouze et al. (2010) reported that some of the assumptions in Preibe’s method, such as that

the unit weights of column material and initial soil are neglected, are questionable and not

well defined. Additionally, they highlight that the design procedure is not connected

mathematically and inconsistence. For example, in the first step of the design, Priebe (1995)

considers a cylindrical cavity subjected to lateral expansion during which zero vertical

deformation is assumed in order to give a solution expressed in plane stress condition. In a

second step, this solution is incorporated in the soil/column model for which there is a

distribution of vertical stress generating non-null vertical deformation, and, consequently, the

settlement is assumed constant.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure ‎2.9 Improvement factor (Priebe, 1995)

Using a case study of 54 m diameter tank built on reclaimed ground reinforced by stone

columns to ensure the stability of the tank at Zarzis terminal (Tunisia), Ellouze et al. (2010)

demonstrated that Priebe’s method was overestimated the settlement of reinforced soil by

stone columns comparing with other linear elastic models (Balaam and Booker (1981); Chow

(1996) Bouassida et al. (2003) and the French recommendations (Françaises, 2005)).

Working load of the tank was approximated as a quasi-uniform stress of 120 kPa. The

reinforcement was performed along an average depth of 7 meters with a columns diameter of

1.2 meter installed in a triangular pattern. The soil was improved on a circular area with a

diameter of 62 meters, which implies an improved area ratio of about 32 %.

The settlement of unreinforced soil was estimated to be about 230 mm underneath the centre-

line of the tank, whereas the settlement at the edge of tank was estimated to be about 60 mm.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

The settlement predictions of the reinforced soil at the centre-line of the tank and its edge that

were obtained using the software columns (Bouassida et al., 2009) and Priebe’s method are

presented in Table 2.4.

Table ‎2.4 Comparison between predictions of tank’s settlement (Ellouze et al., 2010)

Settlement of Settlement of
Settlement reduction Settlement reduction
reinforced soil at reinforced soil at
Method factor at the centre factor at the edge of
the centre line of the edge of the
line of the tank the tank
the tank, (mm) tank, (mm)

Recorded - 30 - 2.00

Bouassida et al. (2003) 58 28 3.96 2.14

French recommendation
55 26 4.18 2.30
(Françaises, 2005)

Balaam and Booker (1981) 51 24 4.50 2.50

Priebe (1995) 61 21 3.77 2.85 Finite Element Method

The finite element method could provide an appropriate theoretically approach to model stone

column reinforced ground, where nonlinear material properties, the column/ soil interface and

the boundary conditions can all be sufficiently modelled (Gniel and Bouazza, 2007; Killeen,

2012; Babu et al., 2013; Killeen and McCabe, 2014; Mohanty and Samanta, 2015). Most of

the finite elements studies have utilized the axisymmetric unit cell model to analyse the

conditions of either a uniform load on a large group of stone columns or a single stone

column. Balaam et al. (1977) used finite element method to investigate the behaviour of stone

column, and developed a design curves for predicting settlement reduction. Figure 2.10

showed an example of these curves. Balaam et al. (1977) highlited that column diameter and

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

ratio of column length to depth of the soil layer had significant influence on settlement

amount, whereas modular ratio of column to soil was less important.

q ̸ cu

δ ̸d

Figure ‎2.10 Load – settlement curves for stone column (Balaam et al., 1977)

Barksdale and Bachus (1983) developed a design curves for estimating settlement in both low

compressibility and compressible soils using a nonlinear finite element method combined

with the idealisation of unit cell to predict the primary consolidation settlement of column/soil

system. In this approach the soil modulus of elasticity was assumed to be constant with the

depth of the soil. In addition to this, different area replacement ratios (10, 20, 25, and 35 %) at

different L/D ratios (5, 10, and 20) were considered and each case has a different design chart.

Poorooshasb and Meyerhof (1997) introduced an elastic soil model to predict the settlement

reduction of raft foundation resting on end bearing stone column reinforced soft soils. This

model indicated that the design pattern, spacing and the degree of compaction of the column

material were the most viable parameters to control the level of settlement.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Generally, finite element solution claimed by authors (Ambily and Gandhi, 2007; Killeen,

2012; Killeen and McCabe, 2014) to provide a good agreement with the full scale and site

investigation results; however, their utility is governed by the accuracy of the input


2.6.3 Bearing Capacity Prediction Methods

Stone columns are often constructed penetrating through soft soil to end bearing layers with a

critical length of 4 to 6 times the column diameter. Thus the most possible mode of failure

that might develop for an isolated stone column over a depth of 2 to 3 diameters from the

surface is bulging failure (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983; Bergado et al., 1991). Several

approaches have been developed to predict the ultimate capacity of an isolated stone column

surrounded by soft soils. Table 2.5 summaries the most common of these corresponding to the

mode of failure as presented by Bergado et al. (1991).

These approaches were developed on the basis that the lateral confining stress supporting the

column is usually considered as the ultimate passive resistance which the surrounding soil can

mobilize as the column bulges. Since then the ultimate vertical stress(𝜎𝑣 ) can be predicted as

the coefficient of the passive pressure of the column (𝑘𝑝 ) times the lateral confining pressure

(𝜎𝑟 ).

𝜎𝑣 = 𝜎𝑟 ∗ 𝑘𝑝

1  sin ΄
= 𝜎𝑟 ( ) 2.16
1  sin ΄

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Table ‎2.5 Estimation of ultimate bearing capacity (Bergado et al., 1991)

Mode of failure Design equation Reference

1 + sin ∅𝑠
𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = (𝛾𝑐 𝑧𝑘𝑝𝑐 + 2𝑐𝑜 𝑧√𝑘𝑝𝑐 ) Greenwood (1970)
1 − sin ∅𝑠

1 + sin ∅𝑠
𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = (𝐹𝑐, 𝐶𝑜 + 𝐹𝑞′ 𝑄𝑜 ) Vesic (1972)
1 − sin ∅𝑠
1 + sin ∅𝑠
𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = (𝜎𝑟𝑜 + 4𝐶𝑢 ) Hughes and Withers (1974)
1 − sin ∅𝑠

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = (𝑁𝑐 𝐶𝑢 ) Barksdale and Bachus (1984)

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝐶𝑢 𝑁𝑐 + 0.5𝛾𝑐 𝑁𝛾 𝐵 + 𝛾𝑐 𝐷𝑓 𝑁𝑞 Madhav and Vitkar (1978)

3 2
General shear 𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 0.5𝛾𝑐 𝐵𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜓 + 2𝐶𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜓 + 2 (1 − 𝑎𝑠 )𝐶𝑜 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜓
Barksdale and Bachus (1983)
tan(𝜇𝑠 𝑎𝑠 tan ∅𝑠 )
𝜓 = 45𝑜 +

Greenwood (1970) noted that there was no exact mathematical method to estimate the bearing

capacity of cohesive soils treated by stone columns, because of the dilation that occurs within

the column and the resulting lateral stress to the surrounding soil which can be resisted by

passive pressure; (Greenwood, 1970) hypothesed that the column will behave as if it was in a

triaxial chamber, and the degree of improvement in the bearing capacity would be governed

by the lateral support from the surrounded clay to the column and the internal angle of

friction. In addition, Greenwood (1970) highlighted that the carrying capacity of the column

increases until either a local shear failure in the clay or end bearing failure at the bottom of the

column accords.

Hughes and Withers (1974) used a laboratory based model and radiography device, to study

the behaviour of both sand columns and surrounding clay by tracking the deformations

occurred within and outside the column. They concluded that the cylindrical cavity expansion

theory can be used to define the column behaviour. They proposed the following equation for

estimating the ultimate vertical stress (𝜎𝑣 ) in a stone column:

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

1+sin ∅′ ′
𝜎𝑣 = (𝜎𝑟𝑜 + 4𝑐) ‎2.16
1−sin ∅′

Vesic (1972), based on the theory of cylindrical cavity expansion, developed an expression

for estimating lateral resistance where the ultimate lateral resistance is:

σ3 = c Fc + q Fq 2.17

where: c is the cohesion of the soil, q is the mean stress at the equivalent failure depth and

Fc, Fq are cavity expansion factors which determine from Figure 2.11 using the rigidity index,


Ir = ‎2.18
2(1  v)(c  q tan ΄ )

Where: E is the modulus of elasticity of the soil in which cavity expansion occur, c is the

cohesion of the soil, v is the Poisson’s ratio of the soil, ΄ is the effective angle of friction of

the soil and q is the mean stress within the zone of failure.

Figure ‎2.11 Vesic’s cylindrical cavity expansion factors (Barksdale and Bachus 1983).

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Therefore assuming (𝜎3 = 𝜎𝑟 ) substituting (2.18) in (2.16) the ultimate stress that can be

applied to a stone column is:

1  sin ΄
𝜎𝑣 = [c Fc + q Fq] ( ) ‎2.19
1  sin ΄

The mean stress q used in the above equations should be taken as stress at the average depth

of the bulge taking into account the initial and the final stresses in the ground. Vesic (1972)

expressions can be used both for short and long term calculation.

Barksdale and Bachus (1983) developed a simple approach for estimating the bearing

capacity of a single column. (Equation 2.21) based on authors ‘past experience and utilising

good engineering judgment’.

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝑐𝑢 ∗ 𝑁𝑐 2.20

Where, 𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 is the ultimate bearing capacity of the stone column; 𝑐𝑢 is the undrained shear

strength of the surrounding soil; and 𝑁𝑐 is the bearing capacity factor for the stone column

usually ranging between 18 and 22, and 5 for estimating the bearing cabacity of the untreated

soil. The value of 𝑁𝑐 is highly dependent on the compressibility of the soil surrounding the

column, where it is increased with the increase of soil stiffness (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983;

McKelvey, 2002).

To conclude, determination of load bearing capacity of a single stone column is complex and

there is no exact mathematical solution to predict it. This is due to the uncertainty of the

interaction behaviour between the stone column and the surrounding soils. However, the

relationship based on the laboratory model tests proposed by Hughes and Withers (1974) is

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

widely considered realistic for vibro stone columns design (Greenwood, 1991; Babu et al.,

2013; Najjar, 2013).

2.7 Mechanism and Performance of Stone Columns

2.7.1 Stone Columns Investigation under Monotonic Loading Condition Failure mechanism

Generally, stone columns are created using high friction granular material where the stiffness

of the column is dependent on the lateral support given by the surrounded soil. If this support

is not sufficient the column will fail (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983; Bergado et al., 1991).

The failure mechanism of a single column can be a function of two main factors in addition to

its length whether it is considered to be long or short (i.e. the length of the column is greater
or shorter than the critical length(𝐷 ≈ 6)).

The first one is the method of column construction as either end bearing on a firm competent

layer of soil, or as floating columns.

The second factor is the load application on the column, which could be either directly to the

top of the column or through a rigid cap over an area larger than the diameter of the stone

column (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983; Sivakumar et al., 2004a). Figures 2.12 shows the

expected mod of failures, which can be summarised as:

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Rigid foundation

Side Friction

End Bearing

a. Long stone column with rigid base, loaded b. Long stone column with rigid base c. Short column with rigid base d. Short floating column
to area larger than the column diameter  Bulging failure  Shear failure  Punching failure
 Bulging failure

Figure ‎2.12 Failure mechanism of single stone column (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983)

 Bulging failure: for columns overlying on rigid base, having length over their critical
length and loaded directly over the column area, a bulging failure would occur over 2
to 3 diameter of the depth. However, if the load was applied over larger area, then
there would be an increase in the vertical and lateral stresses as in the surrounding soft
soil, which would then affect the response of the column to loading. Normally this
leads to smaller bulging and higher ultimate bearing capacity (Barksdale and Bachus,

 Shear and punching failure: columns shorter than the critical length (𝐷 ≈ 6) were

likely to fail in shear failure if they were end bearing on rigid base, or in punching
failure if they were floating columns (Barksdale and Bachus, 1983).

Bulging of the column is more noticeable in the upper portion of the column as indicated by

Greenwood (1970), Hughes and Withers (1974), Barksdale and Bachus (1983), Charles and

Watts (1983), Greenwood (1991), and Sivakumar et al. (2004a). Barksdale and Bachus (1983)

suggested that bulging would occur within 2 to 3 times the column diameter whereas Hughes

and Withers (1974) and Sivakumar et al. (2004a) observed that the column bulged at depth of

approximately four times the diameter of the column. Bae et al. (2002), suggested that the

column diameter could be the main parameter affecting the depth of this bulging zone, while

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

other factors such as soil strength and the depth ratio could be considered to have less

influence. on the other hand Sivakumar et al. (2007) noted that the degree of bulging is

largely dependent on in situ shear strength of the surrounding soil.

The mode of failure of stone columns in group has been investigated by a number of

researchers (e.g. Barksdale and Bachus (1983); Hu (1995); McKelvey (2002); Sivakumar et

al. (2004a)). In general they indicated that stone columns constructed in groups showed

different failure behaviour than the isolated columns; in groups, each column can interact and

restrain the expansion of the neighbouring column leading to increase the bearing capacity.

Hu (1995) studied the behaviour of stone column groups and suggested that there are three

different modes of failures (bulging, shearing and lateral deflection) which depend on the

geometric configuration of the columns. Different geometry parameters (L/r0 = 2, 3.2 and 3.4;

rc = 5.5 and 8.75 mm; As = 24 and 30 %) were tested in group of 5 and 7 sand column

reinforced by a footing with a radius (r0) of 50 mm. Hu (1995) showed that the shear planes

through the columns would occur towards the edge of the footing, while bulging could be

seen deep directly under the foundation. The depth of the bulging was found to increase as the

area replacement ratio As increases. Additionally he observed that short columns tend to

penetrate underlying clay, however, as column length increases penetration decreases.

Sivakumar et al. (2004a) noted that the central columns beneath the foundation bulge

uniformly, whereas the others at the edge they bulge away toward the surrounding soils.

A range of methods can be used to examine the deformation and failure patterns of stone

columns. For example, Hughes and Withers (1974) used an X ray technique to monitor the

deformation of isolated stone column. Whereas (Hu (1995), Wood et al. (2000), Ambily and

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Gandhi (2007)) successfully formed a plaster-cast of the vacuumed holes after exhuming the

columns material.

McKelvey (2002) and Sivakumar et al. (2004a) used a transparent medium as can be seen in

Figure 2.13 (with shear strength properties similar to the soft clay) allowing constant

monitoring to the column deformation.

Figure ‎2.13 Photographs of sand columns beneath circular footing at beginning, middle and end

of foundation loading process: (a) TS-01, 150 mm; (b) TS-02, 250 mm

(Sivakumar et al., 2004a)

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Sivakumar et al. (2004b) investigated the behaviour of single stone column under the

condition of undrained triaxial, they examined the mode of failure by splitting the specimen

(100 mm diameter X 200 mm length) vertically along its centre axis.

Another method that can be used for this purpose by grouting the stone column by pouring the

concentrated cement slurry after testing and allowing it to set for some time depending on the

concentration of the slurry and then carefully removing the surrounding soils (Sivakumar et

al., 2010). Critical length

Hughes et al. (1976) defined the critical length of the column as the shortest length that allows

the column to carry the designed ultimate load regardless of the deformation that would occur.

𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 𝑐̅(𝜋𝐷𝐿𝑐 ) + 𝑁𝑐 𝑐 𝐴𝑐 2.21

Where, 𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑡 is the ultimate column load; 𝑐̅ 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐 are respectively the average shaft cohesion

and the cohesion of the soil at the bottom of the critical length; 𝐴𝑐 is the column area with

diameter D; and (𝜋𝐷𝐿𝑐 ) representing the surface area of the side of the column with critical

length 𝐿𝑐 .

Hughes and Withers (1974) introduced the L/D ratio and they found that there is no

improvement in the bearing capacity of the column beyond (L/D = 4.1). Samadhiya et al.

(2008) studied the effect of the column length on the column bearing capacity, they identified

that the critical length was at 4.5D and found that any increase of the bearing capacity was

marginal after this length. Black et al. (2011) presented results obtained from a large physical

triaxial model, they investigated the influence of L/D ratio and the area replacement ratio on

the settlement improvement factor. Black et al. (2011) suggested that the L/D ratio greater

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

than 6 is required to provide the full limiting axial stress on the column. in addition they

found that an L/D ratio beyond 8 offers insignificant improvement in terms of settlement

control (i.e less than 5%). They also suggested that settlement can be controlled in short

columns (L/D < 6) using a relatively high area replacement ratio (> 30 %).

In conclusion, column length larger than the critical length may not provide further

improvement in the column bearing capacity, but it may be used to control the level of

settlement Undrained shear strength of the surrounding soil

As explained in previous sections (2.7.2 and 2.7.3), surrounding soils provide the lateral

confinement to stone columns, therefore when designing stone column it is important to have

an appropriate knowledge of the soils undrained shear strength. Figure 2.14 shows the

influence of this factor on the ultimate carrying capacity of the stone column according to

both an empirical design relation presented in Equation 2.16 and different laboratory

investigation results carried out by Hughes and Withers (1974), Ambily and Gandhi (2004),

Kim and Lee (2005), Ambily and Gandhi (2007), Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2010) , Black

et al. (2011), and Ali et al. (2014). Although the obtained results did not show a perfect fit

with the prediction lines, they show that the column bearing capacity increases with the

increase of the soil shear strength. However, the degree of improvement at similar soil

strength is dependent on other factors such as the area replacement ratio and the internal angle

of friction. For example, Ambily and Gandhi (2007) investigated the effect of the soil shear

strength cu= 7, 14, and 30 kPa) and the area replacement ratio (As = 5, 10, and 19 %) on the

behaviour of single stone column, they noted that the ultimate bearing capacity of the

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

improved soil increased in linearly from 175 kPa to 740 kPa when increasing the undrained

shear strength from 7 to 30 kPa.

1200 Hughes and Withers (1974); (cu:19kPa,As:40%,φ:35o)

qult Prediction ∅′ 43o
Ultimate bearing capacity of the treated

Kim and Lee (2005); (cu:4kPa,As:30%,φ:38o)

Ali et al. (2014); (cu:7kPa,As:25%,φ:38o)
1000 Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2012); (cu:5kPa,As:20%,φ:43o)
Ambily and Gandhi (2007); (cu:7-30kPa,As:5-19%,φ:43o)
Bergado et al. (1987); (cu:20kPa,As:6%,φ:43o)
800 Black et al. (2011); (cu:35kPa,As:17-28%,φ:43o)
soil, (kPa)


qult Prediction ∅′ 35o

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Undrained shear strength, (kPa)

Figure ‎2.14 Effect of undrained shear strength of the surrounding soil on the ultimate bearing

capacity of the treated ground Area replacement ratio

Data from previous research studies Wood et al. (2000), Kim and Lee (2005), Ambily and

Gandhi (2007), Najjar et al. (2010), Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2010), Black et al. (2011),

were collected and plotted together in Figure 2.15 in order to observe the impact of the area

replacement factor on the bearing capacity of the improved ground. From Figure 2.15 it can

be seen that as spacing between the columns increases, the area replacement ratio decreases,

leading to a decrease in the axial capacity of the column which may lead to increase degree of

settlement. An area replacement ratio from 5 to 25 % could improve the column capacity by

about 30 to 45 % depending on the surrounding soil characterisation; significant improvement

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

occurs when the area replacement ratio between 0 and 20 % and beyond As of 20 % the

increment became very small.

Ultimate bearing capacity of the treated

cu = 30 kPa
800 cu=35 kPa
Kim and Lee (2005); cu=4kPa
Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2012); cu=5kPa
ground, (kPa)

600 Wood et al. (2000); cu=10kPa

Black et al. (2011); cu:35kPa
Ambily and Gandhi (2007); cu=30kPa
400 cu=14 kPa
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) cu=14kPa

cu = 5 kPa
200 cu = 4kPa

cu = 10 kPa; Group columns

0 20 40 60 80
Area replacement ratio, (%)

Figure ‎2.15 Effect area replacement ratio on the ultimate bearing capacity of the treated ground

The shear strength of the surrounding soil has a large impact on the improved ground bearing

capacity, where at As of 20 %, for example, the column capacity was increased from 170 to

770 kPa by increasing the undrained shear strength from 5 to 30 kPa.

For significant improvement in bearing capacity, Wood et al. (2000) indicated that the area

replacement ratio should be 25% or above, and Ambily and Gandhi (2007) suggested that the

improvement beyond S/D = 3 (i.e. As < 7 %) is negligible.

Black et al. (2011) examined the influence of area replacement ratio and the column length on

the performance of a footing supported on stone column using a developed large triaxial cell.

The cell accommodated a consolidated specimen (cu =35 kPa) of 300 mm diameter by 400

mm height. Granular columns with different diameters of 25, 32, and 38 mm and various

lengths 125, 250, and 400 mm were tested. Results indicated that the settlement improvement

factor any increased with the increase in the area replacement ratio; however, the

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

improvement appeared to have a threshold of about 30–40 % area replacement ratio. For

foundations supported on column groups, the pressure-settlement response was found to be

similar to the individual columns at the same area replacement ratio. Therein settlement

improvement factors for the area replacement ratios of 28 and 40 % were 3.2 and 3.8

respectively. The settlement improvement factors for the corresponding single columns were

about 6.5–7.5 indicating that the performance of the group is not as good as that of the single

columns. Limited results for pressures recorded in the column and in the clay in the group

indicate a stress concentration factor of 1.5.

Bergado et al. (1987) conducted a full scale investigation on six footings by applying load on

single rammed aggregate piers (crushed gravel) with a diameter of 0.3 m and installed to a

depth of 8 m in a site characterized by a 2 m thick layer of overconsolidated clay overlying a

layer of very soft clay with 6 meter thickness. The undrained shear strength ranged from 30 to

40 kPa for the upper clay layer, and from 15 to 25 kPa for the soft clay. Columns were loaded

in maintained stress increments with footings with diameters of 0.3, 0.45, 0.60, 0.75, 0.9, and

1.2 m, representing replacement ratios of 100, 44, 25, 16, 11, and 6 %, respectively. Results

indicated that the settlement improvement factor decreased from 8 to 1.5 as the area

replacement ratio decreased from 100 to 6 %.

2.7.2 Dynamic Loading Condition General soil behaviour under cyclic loading

Dynamic loading applications on the subsurface of soft soil layers induced by vibration

sources (e.g. earthquakes, traffic loads, or offshore waves) can cause a complex stress field, in

which these stresses vary with time (Gu et al., 2012). The stress strain behaviour of clay soils

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

under cyclic loading is dependent on factors such as stress level, drainage condition, type and

rate of loading (Brown, 1996).

Undrained long-term cyclic loading for normally consolidated clays may lead to cyclic

failure. This failure can be identified by number of loading applications in which an arbitrary

predetermined double amplitude failure axial strain is reached (Andersen et al., 1980; Jianhua

Wang et al., 2006; Li-Zhong Wang et al., 2011). Yasuhara et al. (1992) considered residual

pore pressure as an indication of cyclic failure.

Loading frequency is also considered an important issue in cyclic loading. For example,

Ishihara (1996) classified the dynamic problems according to the time of loading as shown in

Figure 2.16. in other wards instances where a load application stays for more than tens of

seconds are considered as static whereas those with a shorter time of loading are considered as

dynamic loading. For example, a shaking wave during earthquakes involves 10 to 20 times

repetition of loads with different amplitudes, and the period of each impulse ranges between

0.1 and 3.0 seconds, which gives a time of loading of 0.02 to 1.0 seconds. On the other hand,

in case of repetitive loads induced by traffic, the soils in the subgrade underneath railways or

road embankments are subjected to a large number of load cycles during the life span. The

time of loading may be deemed on the order of 0.1 second to a few seconds.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure ‎2.16 Classification of dynamic problems (Ishihara; 1996)

The influence of loading frequency on soft clay behaviour is not well understood. Some

published studies show that both the accumulated pore pressure and shear strain induced by

cyclic loading increases with the reduction in loading frequency (Matsui et al., 1980; Procter

and Khaffaf, 1984; Wang et al., 1998). However, Ansal and Erken, (1989) and Hyde et al.,

(1993) reported different results, indicating that frequency has negligible influence on cyclic

strength and deformation of soils. Stone column studies under dynamic loading

Stone columns have been used to provide the efficient support for different type of

foundations in different soils. They have been used to support infrastructure projects, where

dynamic loading is imposed such as railway and road embankments. Stone columns also have

been used to mitigate liquefaction induced by earthquakes, by increasing the density of the

surrounding soil, allowing drainage, which controls the level of pore water pressure under the

foundation. Also the presents of the stone column will increase the total load carrying

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

capacity and at the same time the stress level on the surrounding soil will decrease (Munfakh,

1984; 1997; Van Impe et al., 1997; Raju, 2003; Adalier and Elgamal, 2004).

Liquefaction mitigation

Liquefaction occurs in loose to medium dense, saturated soils with fairly uniform grain size

distribution, covering the silty sandy range. In this soil condition, the dynamic forces imposed

by earthquake lead to a rearrangement of the grain structure to a denser state. Therefore, if the

drainage is insufficient, pore water pressure will increase and shear resistance of the soil will

reduce (Seed and Booker, 1977; Salahi et al., 2015).

Priebe (1998) presented a method for evaluating the potential impact of liquefaction with

stone columns. This method is similar to some extent to the design of vibro replacement in

static condition which was reported by him in 1976 and 1995.

In the dynamic condition, in order to be more realistic and to simplify the problem, Priebe

(1998) considers deformation of soil with the constant volume to calculate with Poisson’s

ratio µs = 0.5. In this method, the improvement factor n0 is determined using some

simplifications and approximations shown in Figure 2.17

𝐴𝑐 1
𝑛0 = 1 + ∗[ 𝐴 − 1] 3.14
𝐴 𝐾𝑎𝑐 ∗(1− 𝑐⁄𝐴)

𝐾𝑎𝑐 = 𝑡𝑎𝑛2 (45𝑜 − 2) 3.15

Where: A is the area within the compaction grid; Ac is cross section of stone column; and ∅′𝑐

is friction angle of column material.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure ‎2.17 Design chart for vibro replacement (Priebe; 1998)

Baez and Martin (1992) reviewed experimental data on the use of stone column for

earthquake liquefaction mitigation and indicated that a linear mechanism of consolidation is

valid only if the pore pressure ratio remains below 0.5. In addition, they noted that pore

pressure within the gravel drain is not constant, contrary to the assumption that they remain

essentially unchanged.

A case study presented by Rudolph et al. (2011) looked at the effectiveness of using rammed

aggregate piers (RAP) in mitigating the liquefaction potential in a site containing artificial

fills over liquefiable sandy clay soils; and a groundwater level was approximately 3.4 meters

below ground surface. RAP used had a 0.40 meter diameter, 8.5 meters depth and spaced at

2.1 meters centre to centre. The study focused on the densification of the soil surrounding the

RAPs. pre- and post-RAP CPTs measurements were used to calculate the Liquefaction

Potential Index (LPI) of the matrix soil and residual liquefaction and seismic settlement

potential, as it relates to tolerable settlement of the constructed project.

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

Their results indicated that using rammed aggregate piers improved the soil properties of the

site and has been effective at mitigating liquefaction potential to acceptable levels, for

example, within the spread footing area, the reduction in LPI from the pre-RAP CPT versus

post-RAP CPT shows a reduction from very high risk (LPI of approximately 17.8) to low risk

(LPI of approximately 3.2).

Rollins et al. (2006) presented a case history in which prefabricated vertical drains and stone

columns were used in combination to provide treatment for a 4 meters thick layer of

liquefiable silty and sandy silt. They suggested that this method can only be suitable for the

soils with fines percentage lower than 20%, otherwise less effectiveness of this method will

be achieved. Also they reported that using stone column together with wick drain will

significantly improve the penetration resistance by an average of 94 %, where the average

(N1)60-cs increased from a pre-treatment value of 17 to an average post-treatment value of 33.


Building embankments on soft clay soils is usually a very challenging geotechnical task due

to the potential of bearing failure, excessive settlement, and local and global instability under

dynamic load (Mitchell and Jardine, 2002). Vibro stone column is one of the most commonly

adopted soil improvement method, it has been utilized to increase the bearing capacity and

reduce the settlement of superstructures (Raju, 2003).

Kempfert et al., (1999) investigated the bearing and deformation behaviours of a geotextile

encased sand column foundation at area ratios of 4; 12 and 16 % under static and cyclic using

both small scale models with scales of 1:6.5; 1:11.5 and 1:13 and full scale models with scale

of 1 : 1. The cyclic loading was divided into two stages as shown in Figure 2.18, the first

sequence was simulating an embankment with low height (i.e low preloading pressure (25

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

kPa) and high cyclic stresses expected on the soil (62.4 kPa)), whereas in the second cyclic

loading sequence a deep embankment was simulated by applying a low cyclic stresses with an

amplitude of 30.5 kPa and high preloading pressure 100 kPa). At the end of the cyclic loading

stages, the sample was subjected to increment of static loads to failure.

Results showed that at the same level of stresses the system developed a higher settlement

during the cyclic loading compared with the static; also they indicated that during the first

loading sequence the settlement was developed very quickly in comparison with the second

loading sequence. They showed that at a constant Area ratio of 12 %, 100 kN/m2 of loading

stress and a scale model of 1:6.5, using a geotextile coated sand columns can reduce

settlement by more than 30 % compared with a non-coated columns.

Figure ‎2.18 Cyclic loading sequences for railway embankment (Kempfert et al., 1990).

Kolekar et al. (2011) presented results from an experimental study investigating the behaviour

of stone columns under repeated loading. The cyclic test consists of two stages, in stage one

35 % of the static load failure was applied in a form of sinusoidal wave at a frequency of 0.1

Hz for a number of cycles of 500, whereas in the second stage the load was increased to about

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

100 % of the load at the static failure. The study was focused on the vertical stiffness ratio.

Kolekar et al. (2011) claimed that the stiffness ratio was increased dramatically (from 7 to 80

kPa/mm) by moving from stage one to stage two loading condition and suggest that the first

loading stage compacted the column making it more dense, however, they defined the

stiffness ratio as the ratio between the change in the vertical stress to the average vertical

settlement and as the deformation is much smaller in stage one compared with that in stage

two the material stiffness should be larger than that in the second stage.

Fatahi et al. (2012) employed a finite element model using PLAXIS to assess the relation between

the column position beneath the train track and overall settlement of the ballast rail formation. The

study also includes the effect of using geogrid reinforcement (where two layers of geogrid were placed

at the interface between the subgrade and sub-ballast; and sub-ballast and ballast). The model

geometry considers the typical track cross section with concrete sleepers as recommended on the NSW

rail network (i.e. layers depth from top to bottom including sleeper, ballast, sub-ballast, are 150, 300

and 150 mm). The subgrade layer depth was assumed to be 10 m and the gauge length of the track

was 1.4 m. Also train load was considered as 125 kN/m. Stone columns (1 m diameter) were

arranged in rectangular grid pattern at with a spacing of 1.5 m along the rail track.

Results indicated that the overall settlement was reduced by the presence of stone columns spaced

more closely at the centre of the track and not just under the rail (i.e. when the offset distance of the

columns from the track centreline increases, the maximum horizontal displacement of the improved

sub-grade also increases). Also indicated that the optimum column pattern will occur, when stone

columns just overlap in the cross section and located right in the centreline of the track.

In addition, Fatahi et al. (2012) showed that the use of stone columns (no geogrids reinforcement) was

less effective in reducing vertical settlements than geogrids only (no column), when distance of

columns from the centre line exceeds 1 m. Furthermore, the use of two stone columns with geogrids

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

has limited benefits over the use of just geogrids when the distance of columns from the track

centreline is greater than 1.6 m

2.8 Concluding Remarks

Soft clay deposits usually have a low bearing capacity, low permeability, and high

compressibility. Thus it is important that these soils receive sufficient improvement before

construction activities commence. Whilst there are a range of ground improvement techniques

available, the use of stone columns is still regarded as one of the most popular and effective

techniques. Stone columns provide an adequate level of improvement to soft soils by

increasing its shear strength, reducing excessive and differential settlement whilst speeding up

the consolidation progress by shortening horizontal drainage paths. Thus, it has been

successfully adopted for projects such as highway embankment, industrial and residential


Over the last three decades a considerable amount of research has been conducted to

investigate the behaviour of stone column in soft soils. This chapter reviewed different

aspects (i.e. critical column length, area replacement ratio, surrounding soil strength, internal

angle of friction of the column material, different column material, and column mode of

failure) that have been examined by authors to identify their influence on the behaviour of the

stone column. In addition, this chapter discussed design approaches and construction methods

that are commonly adopted. Almost all the previous study parameters mentioned above were

based on the assumptions that the external loading is applied monotonically with a constant

strain rate during the whole duration of the test. However, in many engineering projects, such

as tank filling and discharging, highway embankments, ocean banks, etc., the surcharge

loading is not applied instantaneously, but changes with time. Therefore, it must be

Samir Ashour Chapter 2: Literature Review

acknowledge that the exact behaviour of foundation on unimproved soft soil and on stone

column/ soft soil composite is not fully understood.

high demands for high speed railway upgrade became a topic of discussion. Modern railway

infrastructure demands have increased not only to provide a high level of performance in

terms of settlements and stability of the railway track but also to reduce maintenance cost. In

areas where loose or soft cohesive deposits are found, ground improvement methods are often

required to ensure the required level of performance. Therefore, is it still viable to consider

stone column as one of these methods?

Bulging or stone column expanding under applied load is important to understand the general

behaviour of vibro stone column foundation, whilst some researchers have studied this topic

under the application of static loading, the question here is would a column bulge in the same

way if the loading sequence was changed (i.e. cyclic loading)? In addition to this, what are the

implications for the threshold stress such improved soils can carry when compared to the

static stress failure? And what is the influence of the loading frequency on the overall

behaviour of improved soils?

The current research was undertaken in an attempt to investigate the above questions and to

provide a better understanding to the behaviour of stone column under cyclic loading


Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology



3.1 Introduction

As noted in the previous chapter, laboratory investigations have played an important part in

development of vibro-stone column technique. Findings of laboratory studies were advanced

trough full scale trials. Thus, mindful of the cost of full scale trials; and in order to further

advance the development of stone columns for cyclic loading a laboratory investigation was

undertaken. This study includes investigation of behaviour of stone columns under both static

and cyclic loading.

Properties of material used together with both the description of apparatus used and procedure

are described in this chapter. It also includes a programme of the laboratory investigation


3.2 Materials

This laboratory scale investigation focused mainly on the fundamental mechanical behaviour

of stone column foundations subjected to cyclic loading. Twenty two laboratory based studies

(see Table 3.1) were reviewed in order to identify best practice and to identify suitable

materials for both the stone column construction and that for the surrounding soil. It was

found that over 50% of the studies were based on Kaolin clay bed because of its high rate of

consolidation compared to that of other fine soils derived from natural deposits. It could also

be used to produce high quality repeatable samples as Kaolin is a processed clay. In terms of

stone column construction, crushed rocks were found to give the highest angle of internal

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

friction (over 40o) and were used by about 50 % of the researchers. Others used sand and river

gravel. Therefore a crushed basalt and kaolin clay were chosen to simulate the column and the

clay bed materials.

Table ‎3.1 Materials used in previous studies

Column material φ' (o) cu (kPa) Reference
1 Leighton buzzard sand Kaolin clay 35 19 Hughes and Withers (1974)
2 River gravel Grey silty clay 38 22 Hughes et al. (1975)
3 Gravel Boulder clay - 4.4 Greenwood (1975)
4 Uniform gravel Boulder clay 47, 51, 53 30 Charles and Watts (1983)
5 Quartz Kaolin clay - 14.4-19.1 Barksdal and Bachus (1984)
6 Sand/gravel Bangkok marine clay 35, 43 20-45 Bergado and Lam (1987)
7 River sand Silt 38 - Juran and Guermazi (1988)
8 Loch Aline fine sand Kaolin clay 30 - Hu (1995).
9 River sand - 40.5 - Rajagopal et al. (1999)
10 Stone Ash/ clay 45 40 Watts et al. (2000)
11 - Kaolin clay 35 28 Sivakumar et al. (2004)
Crushed rock, Quarry Transparent clay-type
12 51, 46, 39 17.5-21.5, 32 McKelvey (2002)
waste, Crushed concrete material, Kaolin clay
13 Coarse sand Sand/clay 44 - Ayadat and Hanna (2005)
14 Sand/gravel CH 38, 49 12 Kim and Lee (2005)
15 Crushed basalt Kaolin clay 35 Black et al. (2006)
16 Crushed limestone CL clay 43 30 White et al. (2007)
17 stones CH 43 7, 14, 30 Ambily and Gandhi (2007)
18 Granite chips Lake clay 41 2.5 Murugesan and Rajagopal (2008)
19 Commercial sand Kaolin clay 35 5 Gniel and Bouazza (2009)
20 Quartz Kaolin clay 33 - Najjar et al. (2010)
21 Crushed basalt Kaolin clay 35 - Black et al. (2011)
22 Crushed basalt Kaolin clay 35 - Sivakumar et al. (2011)
23 Gravel Kaolin clay - 41 Cimentada et al. (2011)
24 Gravely sand Oxford clay - 16 Madun et al. (2012)
25 Aggregate Soft clay 41 5 Vekli et al. (2012)
26 Sand Clay 38-45 10.5-16.5 Hanna et al. (2013)
27 Hostun sand and Gravel Kaolin clay - - Frikha et al. (2014)
28 Stone chips Kaolin clay - 6-6.8 Ali et al. (2014)
29 Aggregate Pulverized clay 45 54, 15 Mohanty and Samanta (2015)

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Physical properties of Kaolin clay were determined in accordance with British Standard BS

1377 (1990) (The tests data available in Appendix A). These properties are summarised in

Table 3.2.

Table ‎3.2 Physical properties of Kaolin clay

Material Property Value

Kaolin clay Specific gravity 2.63
Liquid limit (%) 56
Plastic limit (%) 27
Plasticity index (%) 29
Undrained shear strength (kPa) 12
Crushed basalt aggregate Particle size: (mm) 1.18-2.0
The peak internal angle of shearing, ɸ (degree) 48
Specific gravity 2.70

3.3 Physical Properties of the Model Stone Column and Surrounding Soil Material

3.3.1 Index Properties

Both the Liquid and Plastic limits for the Kaolin clay were determined according to the

procedures in Clauses 4.3 and 5.0 of BS1377: Part 2 (1990) (BSI, 1990). Liquid Limit of

Kaolin was 56%, and the Plastic Limit was 27%. These values are considered typical for

Kaolin clay (John, 2011).

3.3.2 Particle Size Distribution

The particle size distribution of the Kaolin clay material was determined, using a hydrometer

in accordance with Clause 9.5 of BS1377: Part 2 (1990) (BSI, 1990). Results showed that

about of 50 % of the material was in the fine silt range and 50 % was clay (sub 0.002 mm).

The particle size distribution of the crushed rock was determined by using a dry sieve analysis

method in accordance with Clause 9.3 of BS1377: Part 2 (1990) (BSI, 1990), all the material

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

used was between 1.18 and 2 mm. Typical grading curves for both the Kaolin clay and the

crushed basalt are shown in Figure 3.1.

Crushed Basalt
Percentage of passing (%)

80 Kaolin clay




0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Particale size (mm)

Figure ‎3.1 Typical particle size distribution of Kaolin clay and crushed basalt

3.3.3 Specific Gravity

Specific gravity was determined in accordance with Clause 8.3 of BS1377: Part 2 (1990)

(BSI, 1990). The specific gravity of the Kaolin clay ranged from 2.61 to 2.65 with an average

of 2.63, and the values for crushed rock used to form the column, ranged from 2.70 to 2.73

with an average of 2.71. These values fall within the range typical of these material types.

3.3.4 Dry Density/Moisture Content Relationship of Kaolin Clay and Crushed


The compaction test for Kaolin clay was conducted using a 2.5 kg rammer compaction falling

from 300mm (light compaction method). The test was carried according to BS 1377: Part 4

(BSI, 1990). The dry - moisture content relationship is given in Figure 3.2. The maximum dry

density was estimated as 1410 kg/m3 which occurred at an optimum moisture content of 29%.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

The maximum density of the crushed aggregate was determined in accordance with the

procedure explained in BS 1377: Part 4. 3 kg of saturated crushed materials were compacted

in a mould under a controlled water level using a vibrating hammer. This procedure was

repeated three times to ensure the results repeatability. The maximum density was found to be

1892 kg/m3 with variation of ± 1% which considered acceptable.

The minimum density was determined by pouring the material from 0.5 m height into the

mould without disturbing the soil (BSI, 1990). The minimum density for the crushed basalt

was 1494.5 kg/m3 with less than 0.01kg/m3 variation.


1.45 Air voids lines

Dry Density (Mg/m3)


10 %

10 20 30 40 50
Moisture Content (%)

Figure ‎3.2 Dry density-water content relationship for Kaolin clay

3.3.5 Shear Strength

In order to simulate very soft ground that has shear strength below 15 kPa, a series of quick

undrained triaxial tests and hand vane shear tests were conducted on compacted Kaolin clay,

at different water contents ranging from 30 % to 48 %. Shear strength of soil ranged between

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

53 kPa and 5 kPa for moisture content of 33 % to 48 % respectively. Correlation between the

water content and undrained shear strength is shown in Figure 3.3. From these test result, it

can be concluded that soil shear strength of 15 kPa can be achieved with a water content of



Vane shear test

Undrained shear strength (kPa)

Quick undrained triaxial test

y = 9569.1e-0.159x




30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00

Water content (%)

Figure ‎3.3 Relationship between undrained shear strength and water content for Kaolin clay

Undrained shear strength can be related to liquidity index of soil (Skempton, 1957), as shown

in Figure 3.4, this relationship generally follows the following trend.

𝐿𝐼 ≅ 1 − 0.192 ln 𝑐𝑢 ‎3.1

Vardanega and Haigh (2014) examined a database of 641 fall cone tests in different soil types

in order to determine a statistical relationship between the undrained shear strength and the

liquidity index. Although they used a different method (fall cone tests) to carry out the

undrained shear strength of the soil, a considerable agreement between their statistical model

(Eq. 3.2) and the one presented in the current study was found.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

𝐿𝐼 ≅ 1.12 − 0.226 ln 𝑐𝑢 ‎3.2

y=-0.226ln(cu) + 1.12
0.7 R2 = 0.949
Liquidity index, LI

0.5 y = -0.192ln(cu) + 0.9885

R² = 0.9237

Quick undrained triaxial
0.2 Vane shear test
(Varadanega and Haigh, 2014)

1 10 100
Undrained shear strength, cu, (kPa)

Figure ‎3.4 The undrained shear strength – liquidity index relationship

A series of direct shear tests were carried out on dry and wet samples of crushed basalt. In

order to simulate the condition where stone columns are installed in wet ground, the crushed

basalt was left to soak in water for 24 hr before testing. Each test was repeated three times to

ensure result repeatability. All tests were performed in a 100 mm x 100 mm direct shear box,

under vertical stresses of 25 kPa, 50 kPa, 100 kPa and 200 kPa. These normal stresses were

chosen to represent the typical application in the field. The material was placed into the shear

box in three layers; each one was compacted using a small wooden block. The average

density of the compacted material was 1540.6 kg/m3, with variation of about ± 20 kg/m3.

Shearing rate of 1 mm/min was used for all the tests, as suggested in the BS 1377: Part 7

(BSI, 1990), for the aggregate material. During the test, horizontal; vertical displacements and

the shear force measurements were recorded. Typical test results are presented in Figure 3.5.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

The general behaviour of the crushed basalt was followed a typical pattern for dense granular

material where by a small initial contraction occurs and is followed by dilation.

The peak value of the shear stress was plotted against the corresponding normal stress in order

to determine the failure envelop (see Figure 3.6). for example at 100 kPa effective pressure,

under dry condition, the angle of internal friction was found to be 50o, whilst in wet condition

the internal angle of friction reduced to 48o.

300 300
(a) Wet condition (b) Dry condition
250 200 kPa 250 200 kPa
Shear stress, (kPa)

200 Shear stress, kPa 200

150 100 kPa 150 100 kPa

100 100
50 kPa 50 kPa
50 50
25 kPa 25 kPa

0 0
0 5 10 0 5 10
Horizontal displacement, (mm) Horizontal displacement, (mm)

4.5 4.5
4 (b) Wet condition 4 (b) Dry condition 25 kPa

3.5 3.5 50 kPa

Vertical displacement, (mm)

Vertical displacement, (mm)

25 kPa
3 3 100 kPa
2.5 50 kPa 2.5
2 2
1.5 1.5
100 kP
1 200 kPa 1
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15
-0.5 -0.5
Horizontal displacement, (mm) Horizontal displacement, (mm)

Figure ‎3.5 Typical stress-strain, direct shear box test (a) wet condition and (b) dry condition

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Wet condition
Dry condition

Shear stress; kPa




0 50 100 150 200 250
Normal stress, (kPa)

Figure ‎3.6 Shear stress verses normal stress at peak

3.3.6 Compressibility Properties

In order to determine the primary consolidation behaviour of Kaolin clay within tests, the

consolidation time, settlement and required load were needed. One dimensional consolidation

tests were carried out using the oedometer apparatus. A small quantity of slurry (1.5 * L.L

water content (Head, 1996; Sivakumar et al., 2004b)) was prepared then placed in the 75 mm

diameter consolidation ring. Considering the condition of the soil (slurry), the specimens were

firstly consolidated under the load of the apparatus hunger only for 24 hour, and then they

were monotonically loaded to pressures of 25 kPa, 50 kPa, 100 kPa, 200 kPa and 400 kPa. At

this stage the samples were unloaded to 50 kPa then reloaded to 800 kPa. Each pressure

maintained for a period of 24 h. During the increment loading period, the settlement of the

sample was carefully measured and the coefficient of consolidation, cv, was determined using

Equation 3.3:

𝑇𝑣 𝑑 2
𝑐𝑣 = 𝑡90

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Where: Tv is time factor of 90% consolidation and equals 0.848;

D is the drainage path length;

t90 is the time taken for 90% consolidation.

The square root time method was used to determine t90 (Head, 1998). A typical result for the

pressure increment 50 kPa to 100 kPa is presented in Figure 3.7.

The relationship between the void ratio and applied consolidation stresses is presented in

Figure 3.8. The void ratio, e, at the end of each increment period was calculated using

Equation 3.4:

∆e 1 + e0
= ‎3. 4
∆H H0

where: H0 is the initial thickness of the specimen;

ΔH is the change in thickness during each loading increment (H0 - H1);

Δe is the change in void ratio during each loading increment (e0-e1).

e0 is initial void ratio and can be found using the relationship between the water content and

void ratio in the condition of saturated soils,

Thus: 𝑒0 = 𝑤𝐺𝑠 ‎3. 5

Where, w is the water content, and Gs is the specific gravity of the clay.

The coefficient of compressibility, mv, at each pressure increment was determined using the

following equation:

1 𝑒 −𝑒
𝑚𝑣 = ( 0 1)
1+𝑒0 𝜎1 − 𝜎0

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

In Equation 3.6, e0 and e1 are the initial and final void ratio respectively; and σ0, and σ1 are the

initial and final applied stresses.

The coefficient of consolidation, cv, ranged from 7.8 to 27.2 m2/minute, whereas the

coefficient of compressibility, mv, ranged between 0.51 and 3.62 (m2/MN). Both of these

coefficient values are comparable with other typical values of normally consolidated clays

(Head, 1998). The compressibility and consolidation coefficients for each loading increment

are presented in Figure 3.9.

Square root of time, (minutes)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Settlement, (mm)







Figure ‎3.7 Consolidation curve square root of time step 50 to 100 kPa

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology


Cc= 0.275,
1.2 Cr= 0.069


void ratio, e , (%)



10 100 1000

log σv, (kPa)

Figure ‎3.8 Void ratio / pressure increment relationship

3 30

Consolidation coefficient, (m2/minute)

Compressibility coefficient, (m2/MN)

2 25

mv, (m2/MN)

cv, (mm2/minute)
cv, (mm2/minute)

1 20

0 15
10 100 1000
Δσ́, (kPa)

Figure ‎3.9 Cofficients of consolidation and compressibilty and stress relationship

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.4 Test Requirement and Apparatus Design

3.4.1 Scale Effect

An appropriate scale factor should be selected in order to simulate field situations in

laboratory scale test. However, it was not possible in physical model tests undertaken to

maintain a suitable scale factor that satisfies completely all the parameter that governs the

prototype response. In spite of this, using a geotechnical centrifuge, it may be possible to

maintain the prototype stress level (Wood, 2004); however, this approach was unavailable for

this current study due to laboratory limitation.

Hu (1995) noted that parameters affecting response of soil-stone column systems and

influencing the load and settlement relationship can be divided into two categories of major

and minor influence as representing in equation 3.7.

q ult G G γ d γ
⁄cu = f1 (S⁄D , L⁄D , L⁄d , c⁄G , As , ∅′ ) . f2 ( s⁄cu , s⁄γc , g⁄d , DB , c⁄cu ) ‎3.7
s c

S: the spacing between the column and represented by the area replacement ratio As
As = (mS)2 ‎3.8

cu: the undrained shear strength of soil

d: the diameter of the footing
L: the length of the column
d: the diameter of the column
dg: the average particle diameter of stone column material
D: diameter of the unit cell
∅’: the angle of the internal friction of the stone column materials
Gs: elastic shear modulus of the column material
Gc: elastic shear modulus of the clay
ϒs: unit weight of the column material

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

ϒc: unit weight of the clay

m: shape factor which depends on the pattern of columns arrangements.

According to this, some of the main aspects of the field situation such as L/D, L/d, As, and ϕ’

were maintained in the laboratory scale testing. It was considered that this could provide an

adequate response and would generate high enough quality data so that it can be compared

with other studies of similar conditions and would suggest expected behaviour from full scale


On the other hand, adopting the unit cell concept, and using the relationship between area of

the column to the area of the treated soil then refer it to the diameter ratio (N) as in equation


A d
As = col⁄A = [ c⁄d ] = 1⁄ 2 ‎3.9
e N

Where: Acol and A is the area of the column and the soft soil area, respectively. Typical value

of this ratio is 5 to 30%. This range results in approximate values of diameter ratio (N)

between 2 and 5. This shows an agreement with (Hughes and Withers, 1974) indicated that

the column can improve the strength of the surrounding soil that falls within a diameter of 2.5

times the diameter of the column. Also Bowels (1988) identified the failure zone extended

radially to a distance of 1.5 times the diameter of the foundation and over a depth of

approximately 2 times the diameter of the column.

To satisfy the above conditions and taking account of the facilities available, the maximum

size of 100 mm diameter foundation could be used. Therefore, N could be used as 3.5. This

leads to the diameter of the column of 28 mm. In terms of area replacement, these values

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

correspond to replacement rates of 7%. With this, assumption the horizontal scale of the

model from reality was about 1 / 20.

3.4.2 Geometrical Dimension of Column

The diameter of the stone column (28 mm) and the spacing (100 mm) were selected on the

basis of a pre-selected area replacement ratio of 7 % as explained before.

The length of sample was determined by taking account of the typical value of length/ column

diameter ratio (L/d), which is generally between 6 and 20. This ratio may reduce to 4 in case

of an isolated stone column (Hughes and Withers, 1974) .

After selecting the diameter and length of stone column, it is important to select an

appropriate particle size of material to be used. Typical ratios of column diameter to average

particle diameter range from 20 to 40, thus granular materials of 2 mm particle sizes were

adopted. The stone column was subsequently tested in two sizes of clay beds as described


Model I: A single 28 mm diameter stone column was installed in a clay specimen of 100 mm

diameter and 200 mm height and subjected to triaxial loading. This set simulated of constant

pressure surrounding the clay. This approach was first used by Hughes and Withers (1974)

and later by Sivakumar (2004).

Model II: The test is conducted on a single column of 28 mm diameter constructed in clay

bed of 300 mm diameter and 300 mm height. The column was loaded through a 70 mm

diameter steel plate which was 2.5 times the diameter of a single column. The lateral

dimension of the tank (300 mm) was chosen according to the minimum free distance between

the side-line of the column and the wall of the tank.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

The values of the main parameters relating to columns used in the field and those used in this

study are summarised in Table 3.4. Comparing the typical stone column diameter to the

model diameter implies the scale factor of the model column was about 1/20.

Table ‎3.4 Typical and model values of stone column parameters

Parameter As L d dg
Unit (%) (m) (mm) (mm)

Typical values 5-35 Up to 20 600-1200 6-20 20-50

Model I 7 0.2 28 7.14 2
Model II 16 0.3 28 10.7 2

3.4.3 General Test Requirements

The test programme involved application of both static and cyclic loading application, in two

models (3.4.2). Investigating the behaviour of soft soil /stone column system under cyclic

loading requires examining the influence of loading frequencies, in addition to the effect of

the cyclic stress ratios. Therefore, in order to fulfil this aim, the test apparatus and procedures

was developed and described below:

 The clay bed for all tests was prepared by consolidating slurry with an initial moisture

content of 84 %. This allowed for a uniform and homogenous soil sample in which

stone columns were constructed.

 Target strength of the clay bed was 12 kPa.

 In order to eliminate the boundary effect of the tank walls on the specimen, a tank

diameter of 300 mm was used (i.e. 4.25 times the model footing diameter (70 mm).

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.5 Sample Preparation

The clay bed was prepared by placing kaolin slurry into five plastic tanks. Two tanks were

designed to prepare 100 mm triaxial specimens. The containers were 100 mm in diameter and

400 mm height and the set up was shown in Figure 3.10. Pressures were applied by adding

weights to a load hanger connected to a piston in top of the slurry in four stages giving

pressures equivalent to 12, 25, 50, and 100 kPa. The piston was perforated to allow water to

escape from the specimen.

Three tanks measuring 300 mm in diameter with 550 mm depth were used to create the larger

specimens of 300 mm diameter by 300 mm height and the set up was shown in Figure 3.11.

For safety reasons the large quantity of weights that would be necessary in order to generate

the required pressure could not be used. Therefore, loading was applied via hydraulic jack

attached to a pump connected to air compressor. Proving rings were fitted between the

hydraulic jack and the perforated plate placed on top of the slurry sample to monitor and

control the amount of loading. Two dial gauges were placed on top of each sample to monitor

and record the settlement of the sample as consolidation progressed, also to recognise a

possible plate tilting at an early stage.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Dial gage








Figure 3.10 Model I consolidation process for 100 mm dia. Samples

25 mm thick perforated plate

20mm thick tank wall

550 mm

15 mm thick base plate


300 mm
400 mm



50 mm
100 mm
150 mm

300 mm

Figure 3.11 Model II consolidation chamber for preparing 300 mm dia. Samples

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.6 Test Apparatus

3.6.1 Cyclic Load Frame

A 50 kN capacity load frame (Figure 3.12) was used to apply both static and cyclic loading.

Although it is specified that this machine can provide a range of cyclic loading frequency

between 10 Hz and 0.0001 Hz, several trials were conducted to check capacity of the load

frame. Loading frequencies adopted ranged from 0.5 Hz to 3 Hz. The minimum applied load

that was 0.25 kN with minimum amplitude of 0.1 kN.

Cyclic load actuator

Soil specimen
Data logger
Pores disk



Pores disk
Stone column
Filter papers

Figure ‎3.12 Testing equipment

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.6.2 Instrumentation

 Load cell: A 10 kN capacity load cell was used for this study. It was calibrated using
SANS electromechanical universal testing machine (CMT 5000 series). A dynamic
test was run in this cell three times for both compression and tension, in order to
ascertain margins of error, which was found to be less than 1 %.

 Pore water pressure transducers: Three WF17060 (Wykeham Farrance) pressure

transducers with 1000 kPa capacity were fitted to the base of the tank for measuring
the pore pressures. These transducers were calibrated before each test using a
cylindrical triaxial chamber full of water. Compressed air was used to pressurise the

 Data acquisition: A logging system supplied by Servocon Digital Control Ltd was
used. to control and monitor the load and pressure transducers. The signals were read
up to 0.001 accuracy, which was considered acceptable for this research. A logging
interval of 0.1 second was used. This leads to a very large number of data, especially
for the static loading test which lasted up to 10 hours at 0.03 mm/min. For cyclic
loading test of data can was recorded every 10 cycles. The large quantity of data was
considered important as it would help to better define the behaviour of specimen under

3.7 Test Variables

Several factors affect the behaviour of soft subgrade soil subjected to train induced cyclic

loading. these include load frequency, level of applied cyclic stress and stress condition, and

the physical condition of the soil (Brown et al., 1975; Li and Selig, 1998). These are discussed


3.7.1 Loading Frequency (f)

It has been suggested that loading frequencies and number of loading application have a small

influence on the deformation behaviour of the granular materials (Peacock and Bolton, 1968;

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Brown and Hyde, 1975). However, effect can be significant in case of soft cohesive soils

(Brown et al., 1975; Yasuhara et al., 1982; Zhou and Gong, 2001).

Table 3.5 shows the type of soil and test loading frequency applied by other researchers. This

shows that all the cyclic tests were conducted under triaxial conditions with loading

frequencies ranging between of 0.1 to 5 Hz to simulate the loading condition of traffic and

passing trains. The number of load applications ranged between 500 and 1,000,000 depending

on the material.

Table ‎3.5 Cyclic load testing conditions for previous laboratory investigation

Test condition

Material Sample σ3’ Frequency Number of Application Reference
size (mm)
preparation (kPa) f, (Hz) cycles

1 clay 100X100 OCR=(2-20) 38-380 10 1x106 - (Brown et al., 1975)

2 marine clays 35X87.5 CSR=1 0.1-1 - (Yasuhara et al., 1982)
3 marine clays 35X87.5 CSR=1 σa = 200 0.1-3 3600-538200 - (Yasuhara et al., 1992)
σa = 75-120

4 clay 39.1X80 OCR=(1-4) 110-240 0.01- 1 200-3000 - (Zhou and Gong, 2001)
5 Ballast 300X600 compaction 1-240 20 500000 High-speed (Lackenby et al., 2007)
6 Kaolin clay 300X600 anisotropic - 5 3500 PVD (Indraratna et al., 2009)
K0 = 0.6 installation
beneath rail
7 Marine clay - CSR=1 41 0.01, 0.1, 1 1000 - (Li-Zhong Wang et al.,
8 Clay 50X100 - 100, 200 0.1, 0.5 400 Traffic loading (Gu et al., 2012)
9 Silt (ML) 76X152 - 100-250 1 100 Traffic loading (Ng et al., 2013)
(25% Kaolin (2 m × 2.2 - - 0.77 100 Subgrade (Sun et al., 2014)
+ 75% m × 2m) stabilisation
Kansas River
10 Nanjing fine 50X200 - 50-150 0.1 10000 Traffic loading (Cai et al., 2015)

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Load frequency of a train, at the subgrade level is related to train speed (𝑣), and carriage

length (𝐿), Sekine (1996) developed a relationship to estimate the loading frequency at the

subgrade level:

𝑓 = 3.6𝐿 ‎3.10

In this study, a sinusoidal loading wave form was used to simulate train movement with

loading frequencies of 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0 Hz representing train speed of 35, 70 and 225 km/hr

for a typical carriage length of 20 metres.

3.7.2 Amplitude and Dynamic Stress

Based on the depth of ballast and the axle load, there are several theoretical relationships for

determining the pressure at the subgrade level. Perhaps the most well-known is the Talbot

equation (Selig and Waters, 1994).

𝑃𝐶 = ‎3.11

where PC is subgrade pressure in psi, Pm is the applied stress on ballast in (psi) and h is the

depth of ballast in (inches).

Japanese National Railway also used similar formula to estimate the stresses at the subgrade


𝑃𝐶 = 10+ℎ𝑚

where PC and Pm are as defined in equation 3.11 and h is the depth of ballast in cm.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Field observation of dynamic stresses conducted by Yoo and Selig (1979) using a four axle

hopper cars each weighing 131 tons, with ballast layer thickness of 300 mm, showed that the

maximum stress on the subgrade level ranged between 80 and 110 kPa (Figure ‎3.13).

Compressive stress
Compressive stress


Figure ‎3.13 Dynamic measurement of subgrade stress (Yoo and Selig, 1979)

However, there are other empirical equations where the speed of the train is also taken it

account together with axle load. Zhou, (1996) derived an empirical formula to predict the

dynamic stress at the subgrade level:

𝜎𝑑 = 0.26 𝑃(1 + 𝛼𝑉) ‎3.13

where 𝜎𝑑 =dynamic vertical stress on the subgrade surface (kPa); 𝑃 is the axel load of the

train (kN); 𝑉 is the train speed (km/hr) and α is speed coefficient and equals to 0.005, 0.004

and 0.003 for ordinary grade railways speed, quasi-high speed and high speed railway


Furthermore, field measurements in existing railways in China indicates that the average

magnitude of the vertical dynamic stress on the subgrade level for passenger trains is about 46

kPa (Chinese Academy of Railway Science, CARS., 2006). Therefore, for a 225 km/hr train

speed and 100 kN axle load the cyclic stress will be about 43 kPa.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

A large scale test at the University of Birmingham (unpublished work) included application of

125 kN wheel load applied at 2 Hz for 2 million cycles on rail across three sleepers (moor

information include in Appendix G) indicated that the stresses subgrade level were

approximately 80 kPa (Figure 3.14) showing good agreement with Yoo and Selig (1979)


Stresses at the subgrade level, (kPa)





0 50 100 150
Time, (minute)

Figure ‎3.14 Dynamic stresses mesurments at subgrade level (under 300mm of ballast)

Based on the above, cyclic stresses of 50 kPa, 60 kPa and 70 kPa were used in this study.

These values are equivalent to a cyclic stress ratio (CSR) of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 (CSR = the cyclic

deviator stress (qcyclic)/ the static deviator stress of reinforced soil at failure (qfailure)).

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.8 Experimental Procedure

3.8.1 Clay Bed Preparation Mixing process

In order to create homogenous bed of soft clay, Kaolin clay was mixed with water content of

1.5 times the Liquid Limit (i.e. water content of 84 %). A Hobart A-120 mixer with capacity

of 12 litres was used for mixing 5 kg of Kaolin with 4.2 litre of de-aired water for each

required batch. Soil and water was mixed a constant speed of 60 rpm for 60 minutes. At the

middle of the mixing process, in order to check the quality of mixing, the mixer was stopped

and the slurry was checked by hand and freed from any created masses (lumps). Once fully

mixed the slurry mixture was stored in sealed plastic containers for 24 hours before using it to

insure saturation. Each batch was just enough to prepare two samples for triaxial testing. For

the large sample five more batches were required to prepare one sample. Consolidation

A one directional consolidation method is considered to be the most commonly adopted

approach by many researchers to create homogeneous clay bed (Juran and Guermazi, 1988;

Sivakumar et al., 2004b; Maakaroun et al., 2009). However, whilst this technique can provide

satisfactory results in short consolidation chambers (< 200 mm) such as the Rowe

consolidation cell (Rowe and Barden, 1966), some difficulties have been reported by a

number of researcher (Anderson et al., 1991; McKelvey, 2002; Ahmadi and Robertson, 2004;

Black et al., 2011) when using this method for preparing larger depth samples. This because

friction occurs between the soil and the walls of the consolidation chamber which could lead

clay particles to arrange themselves into an internal concave structure. In addition, there might

be a loss in consolidation pressure with the depth of the samples. (Valls-Marquez, 2009;

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Black et al., 2011). To mitigate these problem, as proposed by the previous researchers inner

walls were carefully lubricated with silicon grease which also aids sample extrusion after

consolidation. A hydraulic pump was adopted in order to keep the consolidation pressure

constant when preparing the larger samples.

Preparation of specimens for Model I (triaxial test):

Approximately 4000 g of the prepared slurry was poured into each consolidation chamber to

an initial height of 294 mm in three stages. The cell was vibrated for 30 seconds to eliminate

trapped air.

According to BS 1377-5:1990, under the fully saturation conditions the initial void ratio (e0)

and the initial height (H0) were calculated using equations 3.2 and 3.3, they were 2.209 and

294 mm respectively. Before and after placing the soil, a 100 mm diameter saturated porous

plastic filter (Vyon sheet) with 1.2 mm thickness was placed on top of the slurry surface to

ensure that only water could drain out.

Every load step was held for a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 72 hours to ensure

that primary consolidation was complete. Typical consolidation plots are shown in Figures

3.15 and 3.16 (see Appendix A for more information).

The void ratio, e, at the end of each increment period was calculated using equation 3.2. The

relationship between void ratio and applied consolidation stresses is presented in Figure 3.17.

After completion of consolidation, the sample was either directly extruded from the

consolidation chamber (no column installed) or the stone column was first installed and then

extruded. A 100 mm diameter Piston extruder was used to remove the samples in the same

direction as consolidation loading. A steel ruler was used to trim the surface of the specimen

to ensure the flatness and height of 200 mm. In each test samples were taken to measure water

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

content. Filter papers were fitted around the sample and then a rubber membrane was placed

around the sample, before being mounted in the triaxial apparatus.

Square root of time √time, (minute)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
6.45 kPa
Settlement, (mm) 10

Square root of time √Time, (minute) Square root of time √Time, (minute)

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
0 0
Settelement, (mm)

12 kPa 25 kPa
Settelement, (mm)

5 5



Square root of time √Time, (minute) Square root of time √Time, (minute)
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
0 0
100 kPa
Settlement, (mm)

50 kPa
Settelement, (mm)

5 5



Figure ‎3.15 Typical settlement /√time relationship for 100 mm dia. triaxial sample

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Vertical stress, σv (kPa)

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Settlement (mm)





Figure ‎3.16 Settlement and total vertical stress relationship for 100 mm dia. triaxial sample


Void ratio (e)



1 10 100

log σv (kPa)

Figure ‎3.17 Void ratio/ log σv relationship for 100 mm dia. triaxial sample

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Preparation of Model II (300 mm specimens):

A similar procedure was followed when preparing larger specimens, with the exception of

drainage which was allowed only from the top in order to measure pore water pressure from

the bottom of the sample at different positions (PPT1, PPT2, and PPT3) as shown in Figure

3.11. As mentioned in Section 3.5 three samples were consolidated simultaneously,

approximately 45 kg of slurry to be poured into each tank giving an initial slurry height of

448 mm. A saturated plastic porous filter was placed on top surface of the slurry. A perforated

25 mm thickness plate was placed at the top of the filter, and used as a consolidation loading

plate. A similar loading sequence was used then adopted to give pressures of 6, 12, 25, 50,

and 100 kPa. After the completion of the consolidation stage, the specimens surface was

flattened using metal ruler with 298 mm length, samples were taken for determining water

content. Stone column was installed in the clay bed (as explained in the following section

3.8.2), and the tank was moved to the loading frame for testing.

Figure 3.18 shows typical consolidation curves for each loading sequence. Accumulated

settlement against the associated loading stress is presented in Figure 3.19.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Square root of time, √(minute) Square root of time, √(minute)

0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
0 0
Settlement, (mm)

Settlement, (mm)
12 kpa 25 kpa

10 15

Square root of time, √(minute)

0 20 40 60 80 Square root of time, √(minute)
0 0 20 40 60 80

Settlement, (mm)
Settlement, (mm)

50 kpa 0
100 kpa

10 10

15 15

Figure ‎3.18 Typical settlement / time relationship for 300 mm specimens

Vertical stress, σv (kPa)

0 20 40 60 80 100

Settlement (mm)






Figure ‎3.19 Settlement and total vertical stress relationship for 300 mm specimes

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

In the case of 300 mm diameter specimens, settlement during the consolidation stage was

measured together with change in pore water pressure. Load was only increased when pore

pressure had reached an equilibrium value as there was a minimal increase in settlement

beyond this value as can be observed in Figures 3.18. Figure 3.20 shows typical response of

pore water pressure during loading stages during consolidation of slurry. It was difficult to

take measurements in the initial loading stage (7 kPa) where the data logger was showing un-

stabilised readings, this was probably as a result of trapped air in the system. During the

subsequent loading stages, pore water pressure increased to approximately the increment in

pressure. Pore water pressure dissipated and stabilised at about 3 kPa.


100 kPa
Pore water pressure (kPa)

12.5 kPa 50 kPa PPT2

20 25 kPa


0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Time (minute)

Figure ‎3.20 Variation of excess pore water pressure at PPT1, PPT2, and PPT 3 positions during


Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.8.2 Column Installation

As stated in the literature review (section 2.4) stone columns can be constructed in the field

either by replacement or displacement method. Wood et al. (2000) and Sivakumar et al.

(2004b) investigated various methods for installing model stone columns in laboratory. They

used methods such as forming the column by freezing the stone material in a mould of the

same size of the required columns, another method was by displacing the soil using a rod with

the same size of the column and then filling the formed cavity by the column material, and

also the most common used method which was done by replacing a part of the soil and

compacting the stones in the cavity. A reduction in the density of the column upon thawing

was found in case of preformed frozen columns, while it was difficult to implement the

displacement technique in a small scale model due to the generated suction that may occur

during the removal of used rod.

In this study the replacement method was adopted because it proved to be repeatable. Thus a

28 mm diameter cavity at the centre of the sample was created by inserting a pipe with this

diameter to the clay bed and removing the soil included in the tube (Figures 3.21 and 3.22).

After creating the cavity, the granular aggregate was introduced in four stages and compacted

using a 1.5 Kg metal rod free falling through a fixed distance of 50 mm. 15 bowls were

applied to each layer. Aggregate between 1.18 mm and 2.1 mm in the size was used to form

the stone column.

The average bulk density of the column was calculated in each test. It was 1900 ± 45 kg/m3. It

is suggested that some of the variation in density may have been due to small increases in

diameter of the column as it was formed.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Making a cavity in the soil Introdusing aggregate Extroding the sample

Figure ‎3.21 Sample preparation for Model I

Making cavity and colum Installation

Figure ‎3.22 Sample prepartion for Model II

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.8.3 Loading Test Triaxial model test

The prepared sample was located in the triaxial cell, and saturated using increments of cell

pressure and back pressure. A Skempton 𝐵̅ parameter of over 0.95 was achieved. The sample

was then consolidated at an effective confining pressure of 100 kPa with a back pressure of

300 kPa.

Two loading conditions were examined:

i) Static loading: where the specimens were sheared at a constant axial strain rate of 0.03 mm/


ii) Cyclic loading: load was applied at different cyclic stress ratios (CSR) 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8,

each at three frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz. The cyclic stress was applied in sine wave form as

shown in Figure 3.23.

In both loading conditions, pore water pressure was measured at the bottom of the specimen.

T = 0.3,1, and 2 (s)

qcyclic =50, 60, and 70 kPa
Deviator stress, q, (kPa)


q0=20 kPa

Time (s)

Figure ‎3.23 Cyclic stress state

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology Large scale model test

Following installation of the column, the specimen was saturated slowly from bottom to top

using piezometer. This process took about 4 hours, in order to ensure that the stone column

was saturated and the air trapped between the particles was forced out, so as not to affect the

quality of pore water pressure measurement beneath the column. Then a sand blanket of 3 mm

thickness was placed covering the entire top surface of both soil and column to ensure that the

stress imposed from the surcharge load will be uniformly distributed to cover the entire area.

The footing was then located at the centre using a guide plate (see Figure 3.24). the sample

was then reconsolidated for 48 hours using a slightly higher pressure (120 kPa) than that used

to create samples (100 kPa), the extra pressure simulated the surcharge pressure on top of the

footing. Following this, in similar manner to the triaxial model, both static and cyclic loading

condition was applied.

Loading ram
Plastic plate
Inflatable rubber ring
Loading foundation

3 mm Sand blanket

Clay bed
300 mm

Stone column

Pore pressure transducer

300 mm
400 mm

Figure ‎3.24 Large test set up

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

3.8.4 Preloading Investigation Water content

Water content in the clay bed can provide a good indication of its strength and uniformity.

This was carried before testing (Figure 3.25) in order to ensure the quality and the general

undrained shear strength of the soil.

A plastic pipe (similar to the one used to install the column) with 28 mm diameter and 45 mm

height was used to take the soil samples for water content test. Soil within the pipe was

loosened and a vacuum was used to lift out the soil from within. This technique can provide

samples along the depth of the clay bed and can be applied in different locations.

As observed in Figure 3.25 the water contents through the clay bed were consistent and

ranged between about 43 and 42.5 %. This range of water content was very close to that

estimated using the relationship of undrained strength and liquidity index (3.3.5). At about 43

% water content, strength was estimated to be around 12 kPa.

Results showed that in most of the tests the variation in water content was comparatively

larger at the middle height of the specimen (± 0.5 %); this could be related to length of the

drainage path.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Water content (%)

42 42.5 43 43.5
Depth of clay bed (mm) 0


Model I
Model II



Figure ‎3.25 Variation in water content before testing for both Models (I and II) Shear strength of clay bed

In order to investigate the quality of the prepared clay bed, a hand vane was used to determine

the variation in shear strength by testing clay at a range of positions near where samples were

taken for water content determinations. Hand vane tests were conducted in accordance with

BS 1377:1990. A 12.7 mm hand vane was used to limit clay disturbance to minimum. For the

100 mm diameter specimens, due to size of the specimen it was difficult to perform the hand

vane test at more than one location; however, three pilot tests in three specimens were carried

at different depth. In the large sample, the undrained shear strength was determined at four

(50, 100, 150, and 200 mm) depth and four horizontal positions (80 mm around the centre).

This procedure was carried out in three pilot tests only. After that the shear vane test was taken

in each sample before testing only in the centre and after testing in various locations to collect

as much data as possible to observe the changes that occurred before and after testing.

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

Figure 3.26 shows the undrained shear strength values obtained from these tests including

estimated values using Equation 3.2 (3.3.5). The average undrained shear strength was 11.5

kPa with a variation of ± 0.5 kPa. This result was less than the estimated values with a

difference of less than 2 kPa.

The results from both water content and undrained shear strength demonstrated excellent

repeatability of both the mixing and consolidation process.

Shear strength, (kPa)

9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5

Depth of clay bed, (mm)



Measured undrained shear strength (Hand vane)
Estimated undrained shear strength using Eq.3.1

Figure ‎3.26 Shear strength determinations in test bed (pilot stage) Column deformation

Investigating the shape of the column after testing can provide a good indication of the failure

mechanisms and the interaction between the soil and the stone column. As it is not easy to

monitor changes during the test, observation at the end of the test is the only available guide

about the behaviour of the materials. Several techniques were investigated to assess condition

and shape of the column at the end of the test. These included grouting the column material,

Samir Ashour Chapter 3: Methodology

freezing, using both wax and resin to hold the aggregate material together and section slicing


The simplest was slicing the specimen in half vertically through a selected section. This

method appeared to be a very effective, quick and showed the shape of the column. It was

adopted in this study.

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion



4.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the results of both 100 mm diameter triaxial specimens and foundation

loading tests on 300 mm diameter specimens according to the methodology described in

Sections 3.6. The general behaviour of both soft clay (no column) and clay/stone column

composite system are discussed together with the influence of loading rate, and column stone

density on the bearing capacity. The discussion includes results from previous studies with

similar testing conditions in order to validate the current study work. The test programme

adopted for this study is shown in Table 4.1

Table ‎4.1 Test programme

Pc Cu 𝝈′𝟑 As Strain rate Column density

Test type Test No. Hc/Hs comment
(kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (%) (mm/min) (kg/m3)

TRI-C-01 0.003

TRI-C-02 - 0 0.03 -

TRI-C-03 0.3

TRI-C.C-04 0.003

Triaxial Model TRI-C.C-05 100 12 100 0.03

TRI-C.C-07 7 1

TRI-C.C-08 1805

TRI-C.C-09 1640
TRI-C.C-10 1500

LM-C-01 - 0
- 70 mm Footing
LM-C-02 - 0
Large Model 100 12 100 0.03
LM-C.C-03 16 1
1805 70 mm Footing
LM-C.C-04 16 1

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

4.2 Model I (Triaxial)

Two types of samples were prepared one representing the soft soil (no column) and another

representing soil/ stone column composite. These two types of specimens were tested under

the same testing conditions. After extruding the specimen from the consolidation chamber,

they were installed in a triaxial cell for loading. Each sample was first saturated and then

isotopically consolidated under effective confining pressure of 100 kPa, with back pressure of

300 kPa. At this stage drainage was allowed from the bottom of the specimen, as such a

volume change device was connected, allowing volume changes to be recorded during

consolidation. After consolidation, the entire top of the sample was loaded under undrained


4.2.1 Saturation

The specimen was saturated by increasing the pore water pressure so that any air in the void

space can be eliminated. This allows for reasonable, reliable and repeatable readings of pore

water pressure changes during loading stage (Head, 1998). As described on BS1377: Part

8(1990), there are several established methods for saturation of samples, the one applied in

this study is saturating samples by using the application of back pressures, so that air in the

system is forced into solution. To achieve over 95 % of saturation, the process were carried

out by raising the confining pressure and back pressure in alternate increments as shown in

Table 4.2.

As the tested material is characterized by its low permeability and the size of the sample is

considered large, therefore the time required to reach 95 % of saturation was quite long

between 3 and 5 hours. The stone column reinforced samples took a shorter time to saturate

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Table ‎4.2 Typical triaxial saturation data

Soil only Soil/ column composite

Cell Back Cell Back

PWP PWP difference PWP PWP difference
pressure pressure B value pressure pressure B value
(kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)
(kPa) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)

0 - -1.2 - - 0 - -2.5 - -

50 - 27 28.2 0.56 50 - 35 37.5 0.75

50 40 38 - - 50 40 39.6 - -

100 - 69 31 0.62 100 - 80 40.4 0.81

100 90 89 - - 100 90 89.7 - -

200 - 170 81 0.81 200 - 178.5 88.8 0.9

200 190 188 - - 200 190 188 - -

300 - 283 95 0.95 300 - 284 96 0.96

300 290 288 - - 300 290 289 - -

400 - 384 96 0.96 400 - 387 98 0.98

4.2.2 Consolidation

After the saturation stage was complete the cell and back pressures were adjusted to allow the

sample to be isotopically consolidated under effective confining pressure of 100 kPa and back

pressure of 300 kPa. By allowing the water to drain from the sample to the back pressure

system, the pore water pressure was gradually decreased until it reached approximately the

value of the back pressure. 95% dissipation of pore water pressure was achieved after 24


The degree of consolidation was determined by expressing volume change at a given time as a

function of the final volume change. As expected consolidation took place quicker when stone

columns were installed compared to soil only (without stone column), where 90%

consolidation was achieved seven times faster, see results presented in terms of degree of

consolidation versus the square root of time in Figure 4.1. This result showed similar

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

behaviour to previous research by Sivakumar et al. (2004b) under similar test conditions.

However, as shown in Figure 4.1, there was a difference in approaching 100 % of

consolidation between this current study and the one conducted by Sivakumar et al. (2004b),

this difference could be due to using the filter papers around specimens used in this current

study as there was no indication that they used such method in their study. In addition to this,

in case of reinforced specimens, the size of the column material particles used and the

resulting void ratio could have a significant influence on rate of consolidation.



Degree of consolidation, (%)






20 Soil/stone column (Current study)"

Soil_no column (current study)
10 Soil_no columnl (Sivakumar (2004b))
Soil/stone column (Sivakumar (2004b))
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Square root Time (Minutes)

Figure ‎4.1 Consolidation characteristics

4.2.3 Stress - Strain Behaviour

The unit cell approach was used to analyse the load – deformation data, where the column and

the surrounding soil were assumed to act as a single element with a homogeneous distribution

of stresses and strains as proposed by Balaam et al. (1977). Whilst this assumes that the

sample is homogeneous, this approach has proved satisfactory for many practical design

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

applications (Lee and Pande, 1998; Maakaroun et al., 2009; Shahu et al., 2000; Sivakumar et

al., 2010, 2004b).

The influence of the inclusion of stone column in soft clay bed was observed in all tests

curried out. A typical stress – strain relationship is presented in Figure 4.2. The results from

reinforced clay tests are compared with tests carried out on soft clay specimens only. It was

observed that the reinforced samples developed higher bearing capacity than the soil only

samples. The deviator stress at failure for soil samples was approximately 60 kPa, while with

the presence of full length stone column this increased to about 90 kPa. This is an increase of

about 30 % for an area ratio of 7 %. This can considered to be as a substantial improvement,

especially; when many previous researches have reported that the area over 15 % is required

to show significant improvement in the bearing capacity. This significant improvement can be

attributed to higher internal angle of friction of the material used in this study for building the

stone column (48o in wet condition) compared to other studies.

Figure 4.3 shows results of tests conducted by Sivakumar et al. (2004b); Black et al. (2006);

Andreou et al. (2008); Najjar et al. (2010) at similar testing condition (undrained triaxial

condition at the same effective confining pressure) are shown together with results determined

in the current study. In terms of the degree of improvement of bearing capacity, results show

that a higher angle of internal friction would provide a greater improvement ratio at a lower

area replacement ratio. For example, using material with an angle of friction at 48o in this

study (comparing with 35o at the other studies) enhanced the degree of improvement by about

35 % at the same area replacement ratio (7 %).

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Despite of the limited number of studies on stone columns using undrained triaxial conditions,

it is possible to obtain a relationship between the improvement ratio and the area replacement

ratio as presented in Equation 4.1.

𝐼𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 4.003𝐴𝑠 − 10.831 𝐴2𝑠 ‎4.1


Deviator stress, q, (kPa)


40 Reinforced soil
Soil/column (current
(current study)
Soil/columnsoil (Sivakumar
(Sivakumar et al,
et al, 2004)
Soil only(Sivakumar,
(Sivakumar 2004)
et al, 2004)
Soil only (current study)

0 5 10 15
Vertical Strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.2 Stress strain behaviour of soft soil (no column) and soil/stone column composite.


Improvement ratio


Y = 4.0034(As) - 10.831(As)2
R² = 0.7338

0.2 Sivakumar et al. (2004)

Black et al. (2006)
Andereou et al. (2008)
Najjar et al (2010)
Current study
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Area ratio

Figure ‎4.3 Improvement ratio versus area replacement ratio

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

In all tests, pore water pressures were measured, and expected application of stress on low

permeability soils induces excess pore water pressure. Through the process of consolidation,

pore water is reduced resulting in a gradual increase in effective stress. The speed of

consolidation amongst other factors depends on drainage path. Installation of stone column

leads to a reduction in drainage path resulting in faster consolidation.

Figure 4.4 shows that the pore water pressure in all cases increased tending towards their

highest value as the deviator stresses reaches their maximum value at axial strain of about 5

%. There was a reduction in pore water pressure at about 15 % in case of the reinforced soils.

This reduction during the undrained loading stage is possibly due to the dilation of the stone


Increase in pore water pressure, (kPa)



Reinforced soil
Soil/column (current
(current study)
20 Soil only (current study)
Reinforced soil
Soil/column (Sivakumar
(Sivakumar et al, 2004)
et al,2004)
Soil only (Sivakumar, 2004)
(Sivakumar et al, 2004)

0 5 10 15
Vertical Strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.4: Excess pore water pressure of soil (no column) and soil/ stone column composite.

The vertical deviator stresses at failure for both unreinforced and reinforced specimens under

undrained conditions are presented in Table 4.3, for tests under similar condition to this study.

The improvement occurred in terms of bearing capacity, which ranged between 27 and 56 %,

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

and was mainly dependent on the area ratio and the internal angle of friction of the column


The estimation of vertical stress at failure of a single column is included in Table 4.3. using

the expression proposed by Hughes and Withers (1974):

1+sin ∅′
σv = ( ) (4c + σr′0 ) ‎4.2
1−sin ∅′

In the above equation σr′0 was considered firstly equivalent to 2𝑐𝑢 as suggested by Hughes

and Withers (1974), and secondly was considered to be equivalent to the effective confining

stress in the test (100 kPa). These calculated values are presented in Table 4.3 as

σv(calculated) (1) and (2) respectively. Whilst both assumption provide an over estimation of

values for all tests, it shows that the first assumption (σr′0 =2𝑐𝑢 ) would provide a closer

prediction (within an average of 25 %) than considering the amount of the effective stress.

Table ‎4.3 Measured and calculated vertical stress obtained from different studies

As σ3 σ3' quntreated qtreated uuntraeted utratead σv(measured) σv (calculated), (kPa)

Reference Φ(o) qratio
(%) kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa kPa Using
(1) (2)
Eq 4.1
Sivakumar et
35 0.10 400 100 60 83 56 47 1.38 483 664 812 478
al. (2004)
Black et al.
35 0.17 400 100 160 254 - - 1.59 654 775 1550 619
Andereou et
35 0.04 300 100 51 65 65 51 1.27 368 554 738 357
al. (2008)
Najjar et al
33 0.08 410 100 64 74 61 50 1.16 484 651 773 490
Current study 48 0.07 400 100 60 88 53 44 1.46 488 529 1004 474

After each test, the specimens were removed from the cell and split vertically along their

diameter to examine the mode of failure. It was expected that the columns would bulge at a

depth of 2 to 3 times the column diameter as suggested by Hughes and Withers, (1974). In all

cases the column bulging was found to be relatively uniform with the depth of the sample as

shown in Figure 4.5. This probably was due to the constant confining pressure along the depth

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

of the specimen (triaxial test condition), whereas in the field condition the confining stress

increases as the depth of the soil increases.





-50 0 50 100 150

Figure ‎4.5 Shape of failure under static loading condition

4.2.4 Effect of Strain Rate Stress-strain characteristics

Strain rate has been recognised as having a significant influence on the undrained shear

strength of saturated soils (Kimura and Saitoh, 1983; Nakase and Kamei, 1986). Skempton

and Bishop (1954) summarised that the strength of cohesive soil are generally sensitive to the

change in strain rate and any reduction in the strain rate would decrease the strength of the

soil, whereas the granular soils are generally independent of this factor.

The strain rate for shearing saturated soils under undrained condition can be determined using

the following expression:

𝜀𝑓 𝐿
𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 (𝑚𝑚⁄𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒) = 100𝑡 ‎4.3

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Where: 𝜀𝑓 is the strain at failure and typically ranging from 15 to 20 % for normally

consolidated clay; and 𝐿 is the specimen length (mm); and finally 𝑡𝑓 (minute) is the time to

failure which is calculated from 𝑡100 which is the time required to ensure at least 95 %

equalisation of pore water pressure in the specimen (Head, 1996).

The axial strain rate for consolidated undrained triaxial test with pore water pressure

measurement was carried out using the above expression and it was found to be 0.03 mm/

minute. This study included investigation of the influence of the strain rate on the undrained

shear strength of both soft soils and stone column reinforced soft soil.

Three strain rate values were applied to cover the range recommended for cohesive soils (0.3,

0.03, and 0.003 mm/minutes). Each test was repeated at least two times to ensure repeatability

in results.

Figure 4.6 (a) and (b) show the typical stress-strain curves of both treated and untreated soils.

Considering the load capacity of the both soils to be at 5 % of the specimen strain (equivalent

to 10 % of the foundation width) as suggested by Bowles (1996). Results show that there is

about increase of about 10 % change in deviator stress associated with increasing the

magnitude of rate of strain from 0.003 to 0.3 mm/minute in unreinforced specimens. In case

of reinforced specimens the trend was in reverse order where the deviator stress showed an

increase by 8 % with the reduction of the strain rate.

Conversely, if failure zone was considering to be at 8 % of the deformation (i.e. 58% of stone

column diameter (Hughes and Withers, 1974)), the deviator stress in the reinforced

specimens was almost fall toward same point, this could be due to the drainage path provided

by the presents of the stone column which results in reduction in the effect of pore water

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

pressures. Whereas in case of unreinforced soils the deviator stress was continued to increase

with the increase of strain rate.

This suggests that with or without stone column results are not very sensitive to rate of strain.

This may be due to the fact that the soil examined is kaolin clay which has a high percentage

of silt content (about 50%). In addition to this it is worth noting that the soil with stone

column is less sensitive to change in rate of strain.


Deviator stress, (kPa)


0.003 mm/min
20 0.03 mm/min
0.3 mm/min

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vertical strain, (%)

(a) Soil (no column)


Deviator stress, (kPa)



0.003 mm/min
20 0.03 mm/min
0.3 mm/min

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vertical strain, (%)

(b) Soil/ Stone column composite

Figure ‎4.6 Typical stress-strain curves: (a) soil (no column); (b) soil/stone column composite

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion Excess Pore Water Pressure-Strain Characteristics

The typical observed relationships of the change in pore water pressures and the axial strains

for both soil only and stone column/soil specimens for strain rates of 0.3 to 0.003 mm/minute

are given in Figure 4.7 (a) and (b). Results show that there is an approximate 20 % increase in

pore water pressure for reduction in speed of second order of magnitude for clay only

specimens. For the case of stone column reinforced soil, change in pore water pressure was

about 8 %. This was most likely due to shorter drainage path. Thus, the effect of rate of

testing stone column reinforced soil can be discounted when assessing their behaviour in case

of silty soil such as kaolin.

Figure 4.8 shows the change in pore water pressure- strain rate at the peak deviator stress

level. The pore water pressure was normalised in terms of the effective confining pressure

(𝜎3′ ). Findings tend to confirm that reduction in pore water pressure at tested strain rate as

observed in this study. It also showed the difference in pore water pressure between treated

and untreated soils.

Change in pore water pressure, (kPa)


20 0.003 mm/min
0.03 mm/min
0.3 mm/min

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vertical strain, (%)

(a) Soil (no column)

Figure 4.7(a) Typical change in pore water pressures-strain curves for soil only

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion


Change in pore water pressure, (kPa)


0.003 mm/min
0.03 mm/min
0.3 mm/min

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vertical strain, (%)

(b) Soil/Stone column composite

Figure ‎4.7(b) Typical change in pore water presures-strain curves for soil/ stone column




Soil only
soil/stone column
SivaKumar et al. (2004)
SivaKumar et al. (2004)
Andreou at al. (2008)
Andreou at al. (2008)
Maakaroun et al. (2009)
0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Strain rate, (mm/minutes)

Figure ‎4.8 Normalised excess pore water pressure – strain rate relasionship

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion Rate Effect on Soil Modulus

Young’s modulus of soil (E) is the proportion between the changes in deviator stress to

change in axial strain (Powrie, 2013).

𝐸= ∆𝜀

Secant modulus, which is defined as the slope of the secant drawn from the origin to a

particular point on the stress-strain curve (Schanz et al., 1999), can provide a convenient

measure of soil stiffness. This modulus is an important parameter for the design of projects

such as roads and railways, where it is used to predict settlement (Selig and Waters, 1994).

During this study the effect of rate of strain and inclusion of stone column on soil stiffness

were investigated by tracking the secant modulus behaviour of both reinforced and

unreinforced soils at different stress between 50 and 100% of the soils shear strength.

Figure 4.9 shows the relationship between the secant modulus of both soil only and soil

reinforced by stone column and the strain at different strain rates. Other data from different

studies are also included in this graph. Generally the deformation modulus of soil showed a

independency on the tested strain range for both treated and untreated soils specimens. In

addition to this, there is a trend of reduction in deformation modulus with increase in strain to

about 4 %. After that a very small reduction was noted for both soil and soil with column.

In case of soil/stone column composite, the secant modulus was increased by about 30%

compared to soil (no column). This improvement was higher between 1 and 3 % strain. For

strains higher than about 4 % the secant modulus decreases and the degree of improvement in

modulus decreased by about 17%. These trends showed a very close agreement with results

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

conducted by Sivakumar et al. (2004b) and Andreou et al. (2008) in terms of percentage of

improvement in the deformation modulus, but in lower modulus value.

10 Esoil -0.003 mm/min

Esoil/col -0.003 mm/min
9 Esoil -0.03 mm/min
Esoil/col -0.03 mm/min
8 Esoil -0.3 mm/min
Esoil/col -0.3 mm/min
Esoil _0.005 mm/min_SivaKumar et al. (2004)
Secant modulus, (Mpa)

Esoil/col _0.005 mm/min_SivaKumar et al. (2004)
6 Esoil _0.03 mm/min_Andreou at al. (2008)
Esoil/col _0.03 mm/min_Andreou at al. (2008)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Axial Strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.9 Soil modulus of both soils only and soil/ stone column composit

In order to relate soil stiffness to road and railway applications results were used for

evaluation of subgrade reaction, which is used mainly in the design of foundation under wheel

and concentrated loads. The modulus of subgrade reaction (𝑘𝑠 ) can be defined as the relation

between soil pressure (𝑞) and deflection(𝛿) (Bowles, 1996).

𝑘𝑠 = 𝛿

Bowles (1996) provided an empirical equation to estimate the modulus of subgrade reaction

using the allowable bearing capacity qa.

𝑘𝑠 = (40, 50, 83, 𝑜𝑟 160) ∗ (𝑆𝐹) ∗ 𝑞𝑎 ‎4.6

Where: Factors (40, 50, 83, and 160) are dependent on the settlement(∆𝐻) at 25, 20, 12 and 6

mm respectively; and

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

𝑞𝑎 = ⁄𝑆𝐹 ‎4.7

Therefore, the subgrade modulus of reaction for both soil (with no column) and soil/ stone

column composit were compared for a settlement of 1.25 mm as suggested by the UK

Department of Transport (as for pavement foundations the modulus should be limited to small

strains in the elastic range) and at 6 mm and 10 mm as suggested by Bowles (1996) for

foundation design. Results illustrated in Figure 4.10 (a, b, and c) show that the strain rate has

no significant effect on modulus of subgrade reaction for both soils (with and with no

column) for each level of modulus deformation. However, the installation of the stone column

increased 𝑘𝑠 by about 30 % compared with the soil only specimens; this improvement was

observed in all deformation levels. It was also observed that the subgrade modulus of reaction

was decreased with the increase of deformation level.

A comparison between test results and the calculated modulus of subgrade reaction using

equation (4.3) can be seen in Table 4.4 which shows good agreement as the empirical

equation is dependent only on the ultimate stresses.

Table ‎4.4 Modulus of subgrade reaction

Calculated Lab result Calculated Lab. Result

Settlement 𝒒𝒖𝒍𝒕−𝒔𝒐𝒊𝒍 𝒒𝒖𝒍𝒕−𝒔𝒐𝒊𝒍/𝒄𝒐𝒍
(ks)soil (ks)soil (ks)soil/col (ks)soil/col
(mm) (kPa) (kPa)
(kN/m2/m) (kN/m2/m) (kN/m2/m) (kN/m2/m)

6 61 9760 10000 90 14400 14500

10 61 5063 6200 90 7470 9000

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

35 Soil only

at1.25 mm deformation Thousands

Soil-Column composit

Ks, (MN/m2/m)



0.003 0.03 0.3
Strain rate, (mm/minutes)

at 6 mm deformation Thousands


Ks, (MN/m2/m)




0.003 0.03 0.3
(b) Strain rate, (mm/minutes)

at 10 mm deformationThousands


Ks, (MN/m2/m)




0.003 0.03 0.3
(c) Strain rate, (mm/minutes)

Figure ‎4.10 The subgrade modulus of reaction (𝑘𝑠 ) for both soils (with no column and soil/ stone

column composit) at a) at settlement of 1.25 mm; b) at settlement of 6 mm; and c) at settlement of

10 mm

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

4.2.5 Effect of Column Density

Most of the widely adopted design methods used for predicting bearing capacity of stone

columns are mainly dependent on two factors, shear strength of the surrounding soil and the

internal angle of friction of the column material (as discussed in Section 2.6). In the specific

case of constant surrounding soil properties, the friction angle of a fill material (i.e. granular

soil) plays a crucial role in estimating stresses that the soil/ stone column composite can carry.

This friction angle is dependent on many factors such as the magnitude of stresses; relative

density; and on the size and shape of soil particles (Bolton, 1991).

The impact of density on the shear strength of granular material has been widely investigated,

however, very limited information on the influence of this factor on the stone column

application is available. This might be due to that the final diameter of the column is only

roughly known which makes the estimation of density unreliable.

Generally, for a given material, the internal angle of friction decreases with the reduction in

density, which in itself is substantially influenced by the particle size distribution.

In this study, columns were constructed with three different densities 1805, 1642, and 1500

kg/m3 representing relative densities of 80, 42, and 2% respectively. All tests were conducted

at the same effective confining pressure of 100 kPa and same strain rate of 0.03 mm/minute.

The stress-strain results are shown in Figure 4.11. These results show that the degree of

improvement was influenced by the increase column density.

Firstly, for columns made at the loose density (1500 kg/m3) (columns were installed by

pouring the aggregate from 500 mm height with no compaction was applied (simulating a

condition close to the minimum dry density of 1490 kg/m3, (maximum void ratio))) there was

about 25 % improvement.

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

At the second test where the density was increased by applying compaction to the column (the

material was filled in two layers and 10 tamps were applied each time by 1.5 kg rod) the

improvement was increased to 28 %.

At the final test the column material was compacted to achieve the a density close to the

maximum density, the deviator stress reach its maximum at about 90 kPa which is about 31 %

improvement in bearing capacity.

The variation of bearing improvement ratio qt/qunt versus the relative density Dr is shown in

Figure 4.12. This indicates that the relative density may have a significant influence in

increasing the strength of soil/column system and accordingly the bearing capacity of the



Deviator stress, (kPa)


Soil only

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vertical strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.11 The stress-strain for different column densities

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion


Improvement ratio, (qt/qunt) y = 0.0037x + 1.2714

R² = 0.972



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Relative density, (%)

Figure ‎4.12 Improvement ratio versus the relative density

The pore pressure behaviour showed independency from the change in column density as can

be seen in Figure 4.13 which shows the measurements of pore water pressures against the

axial strain.

Change in pore water pressure, (kPa)


1805 kg/m3
1642 kg/m3
1500 kg/m3
Soil only

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vertical strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.13 Change of pore pressure with column density

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Results of this study together with these of other researchers are shown in Figure 4.14 in

terms of maximum deviator stress to effective confining pressure ratio (q/𝜎3′ ). Results show a

general trend represented by the following equation:

= 0.056 (𝛾𝑑 ) + 0.0972 ‎4.8

y = 0.056x - 0.0972
R² = 0.9836

y = 0.0475x - 0.0124
R² = 0.5157


Current study
Juran et al. (1988)
0.4 SivaKumar et al. (2004)
Andreou at al. (2008)
Najjar et al. (2009)

13 15 17 19
Column density, kN/m3

Figure ‎4.14 normalised deviator stress against column density

To conclude any reduction in relative density of the column leads to a reduction in the bearing

capacity of about 14 % (midpoint of upper and lower bounds). This could be due to a

reduction in the peak internal angle of friction of the column material and this might be

related to the increase in the dilation angle of the column particle. Therefore, it might be ideal

when designing stone columns to use the critical angle of friction which is function of both

the peak shear angle and the angle of dilatancy.

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

4.3 Model II (Large Scale Test: Foundation Test)

Specimens were prepared and tested under the conditions explained in Sections 3.8.1 to 3.8.3.

The specimens were tested under a confined pressure of 120 kPa which was maintained

during the whole test procedure, aiming to simulate the surcharge on the ground in the field.

The model foundation was loaded at a constant strain rate of 0.03 mm/min, because It was

concluded from the previous tests (i.e. triaxial model) that this rate was sufficient to allow

excess pore water pressures to dissipate. The test was stopped when the footing displacement

reached about 40 mm (15 % of deformation).

Three pore water pressures transducers placed in different locations at the base of the

specimen as (see Section 3.5) monitored readings throughout.

The main aim of these large tests was to investigate the condition within which the lateral

pressure distributed along the depth of the column (typically increase with the increase in

depth (Bowles, 1996)). Thus the mode of failure is investigated in more detail than that in the

triaxial condition.

4.3.1 Load - Displacement Relationship

Typical load-displacement relationship for both the reinforced and unreinforced soils are

presented in Figure 4.15. The maximum load carrying capacity of soil (no column) specimen

was found to be about 0.7 kN (equivalent to bearing pressure of 200 kPa). Penetration of 35

mm was required to achieve this. This bearing capacity was close to the predicted value of

171.6 kPa (16 % under estimated) based on the following relationship:

qult = cu Nc + qNq ‎4.9

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Where cu is the undrained shear strength of the soft soil (12 kPa), and Nc, Nq are the bearing

capacity factor (value of 5.14 and 1 respectively for zero internal angle of friction (φ = 0)) and

q is the surcharge pressure.

This value was approximately doubled when the 28 mm diameter column was installed

beneath the foundation of 70 mm diameter. Bearing capacity of the stone column reinforced

foundation was approximately 435 kPa (1.7 kN load capacity).


Foundation stress, (kPa)



Soil only
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Axial strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.15 stress-strain relationship

Bearing capacity estimation

A reasonable agreement (within 13 %) between measured and predicted values was achieved,

which using the expression proposed by (Hughes and Withers, 1974) (Equation 4.10). This

was not surprising due to the fact that the empirical method considered only the influence of

strength of the surrounding soil and the degree of the internal friction, but not the effect of

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

area replacement ratio and the column density as discussed in chapter two (sections

1+sin ∅′
σv = (1−sin ∅′ ) (4𝑐𝑢 + σr′0 ) ‎4.10

Where ∅′ is the friction angle of the stone column material; σr′0 is the effective in situ lateral

stress and assumed to be 2𝑐𝑢 ; and 𝑐𝑢 is the undrained shear strength of the soil and equals to

12 kPa. The predicted value was 485 kPa assuming a factor of safety of 1 to allow the


In addition to this, the degree of improvement was comparable with other researcher’s results

as can be noted in Table 4.5. The load bearing capacity ratios for before and after

reinforcement over similar test conditions ranged between 2 and 4.

Results included laboratory, field, and numerical studies on the improvement provided by

stone column are summarised in Table 4.5. Most of methods used to predict the bearing

capacity of a stone column considered the soil shear strength and the angle of shearing

resistance of the column material and ignoring the influence of column diameter (area

replacement ratio).

This database was used to developed a simple linear model to predict the ultimate bearing

capacity of reinforced soil as a function of cu, As, and ∅. (more information available in

Appendix D)

Figure 4.16 shows a scatter plot matrix between all variables. The bottom row of this scatter

plot matrix gives the scatter plots of qult against each of the other three input variables.

Additionally, the univariate relationship between our outcome variable qult and the input

variables cu, As, and ∅.

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Table ‎4.5 Published database

cu, Φ Dc AS, q untreated q treated qtreated/

Reference (kP (o) Sample size mm
mm (%) (kPa) (kPa) quntreated
Wood et al. (2000) 10.5 25 17.5 D= 300 30 84 105 1.25
Wood et al. (2000) 10 25 11 D= 300 24 84 90 1.07
Wood et al. (2000) 10 25 11 D= 300 10 84 86 1.02
Andereou et al. (2008) 20 32 20 D= 100, H= 200 4 55 62 1.13
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 20 D= 70.9, H= 141 7.9 62 75 1.21
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 30 D= 70.9, H= 141 17.8 67 100 1.49
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 20 D= 70.9, H= 141 7.9 84 101 1.20
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 30 D= 70.9, H= 141 17.8 84 148 1.76
Sivakumar et al. (2004) 25 35 32 D= 100, H= 200 10.2 60 83 1.38
Black et al. (2006) 25 35 25 D= 300, H= 400 17 1.25 2 1.60
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 35 300 Field Test 6.25 175 221 1.26
Hughes and Withers (1974) 19 35 38 225*160*150 40 171 418 2.44
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 37 300 Field Test 6.25 175 314 1.79
Juran and Guermazi (1988) 30 38 20 D= 100, H= 200 4 120 154 1.28
Ali et al. (2014) 7 38 30 D= 300, H= 550 25 25 70 2.80
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 38 22 250*100*250 30 30 75 2.50
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 38 22 250*100*250 40 45 135 3.00
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 38 22 250*100*250 50 45 155 3.44
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 39 300 Field Test 6.25 175 320 1.83
Bergado et al. (1987); st. Helens 30 42 600 Field Test 65 60 270 4.50
Bergado et al. (1987); Canvey 20 42 - Field Test 28 95 240 2.53
Humber Bridge 25 42 - Field Test 11 115 270 2.35
Black et al. (2011) 35 43 25 D= 300, H= 400 17 240 680 2.83
Black et al. (2011) 35 43 23 D= 300, H= 400 28 230 750 3.26
Black et al. (2011) 35 43 38 D= 300, H= 400 40 230 820 3.57
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 43 - Field Test 6.25 175 370 2.11
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) 7 43 100 D= 830, H= 450 19 75 160 2.13
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) 14 43 100 D= 830, H= 450 19 88 350 3.98
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) 30 43 100 D= 830, H= 450 19 150 770 5.13
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) 30 43 100 D= 210, H= 450 5 150 600 4.00
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) 30 43 100 D= 420, H= 450 9 150 680 4.53
Ambily and Gandhi (2007) 30 43 100 D= 830, H= 450 19 150 770 5.13
Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2012) 5 43 800 F.E. PLAXIS 10 80 165 2.06
Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2012) 5 43 1000 F.E. PLAXIS 20 80 170 2.13
Zahmatkesh and Choobbasti (2012) 5 43 1200 F.E. PLAXIS 30 80 280 3.50
Watts et al. (2000) 40 45 600 Field Test 44 12 248 20.67
Current study (Model I) 12 48 28 D= 100, H= 200 5 55 90 1.63
Current study (Model II) 12 48 28 D= 300, H= 300 13 140 428 3.06
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 49 22 250*100*250 30 40 150 3.75
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 49 22 250*100*250 40 40 165 4.13
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 49 22 250*100*250 50 40 215 5.38

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

φ qult

cu Cu



qult qult


Figure ‎4.16 Scatter plot of all the variables

Regression analysis is a powerful technique that can be used to address various research

questions. In this report, this was used to check how q levels are affected by As; cu and ∅. In

particular, the type of regression we are going to use is

Multiple linear regressions were used to process the data presented database, in order to

determine the best-fitting line through the data points (this line is sometimes referred to as the

regression line). Multiple means we have more than one input variable (also known as

predictor); hence, we are trying to fit a plane or hyper-plane rather than a line (i.e. Combining

all the input variables by conducting a coefficient multiplied by each variable, and then

summing these variables). The idea was to use a linear combination of input variables to

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

model their relationship with an output variable (qult). After using R's lm() function, the model

looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = −609.893 + 11.313 ∗ 𝑐𝑢 + 3.167 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 14.629 ∗ ∅ ‎4.11

By examining equation 4.11, we observe that when fixing ∅ and AS, an increase, or decrease,

of cu by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 11.313 units. Similarly, when

fixing cu and AS, an increase, or decrease, of ∅ by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 by 14.629 units. Also, when fixing cu and ∅, an increase, or decrease, of AS by one unit,

causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 3.167 units.

Table 4.6 shows the values of four diagnostics that were used to examine the goodness of fit

of a model. Namely, these were: Deviance, BIC, R2, Adjusted R2 and the Residuals (these

factors were defined in Appendix D). As shown in this table the regression model has a

coefficient of determination R2 of 0.44, in other words 44% of the variation in the data can be

explained using the best fitting represented by Equation 4.11.

Table ‎4.6 Deviance, BIC, R-Squared and Adjusted R2 values

Deviance BIC Value R2 Adj R2

682279.8 415.1196 0.4448661 0.3831845

These data is also presented in Figure 4.17. The ultimate bearing capacity of the reinforced

soil measurements were normalised by dividing it by the soils bearing capacity before

reinforcement and plotted against the area replacement in terms of internal angle of friction of

the column material creating a linear relationships between the bearing capacity ratio and the

area replacement ratio at different internal angle of friction as presented in equations 4.12-


Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

𝑓𝑜𝑟 ∅ 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 (33𝑜 − 35𝑜 ); 𝑞𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 3.6 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 0.91 ‎4.12

𝑓𝑜𝑟 ∅ 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 (37𝑜 − 39𝑜 ); 𝑞𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 4.1 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 1.40 ‎4.13

𝑓𝑜𝑟 ∅ 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 (42𝑜 − 45𝑜 ); 𝑞𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 4.0 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 2.00 ‎4.14

𝑓𝑜𝑟 ∅ 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 (48𝑜 − 49𝑜 ); 𝑞𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 4.30 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 2.50 ‎4.15

q treated/q untreated, (ratio)

Φ=(33-35o), q ratio = 3.6* As + 0.91

Φ=(37-39o), q ratio = 4.1* As + 1.4

Φ=(42-43o), q ratio = 4* As + 2

Φ=(48-49o), q ratio = 4.3* As + 2.5

As, (%)

Figure ‎4.17 Relationship between qratio and As in terms of ∅

Settlement estimation:

Various design approaches used for estimating settlement of a stone column – soil system, as

explained in the literature (section 2.6.2). They are based on the unit cell assumption. Priebe’s

method for settlement prediction is one of these approaches and considered to be the most

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

commonly used in practice. In order to compare test results, from this study firstly, one

dimensional settlement for the soil only was calculated using the following formula:

𝑆0 = 𝑚𝑣 ∆𝜎𝑧 𝐻 ‎4.16

Where mv is the coefficient of volume compressibility of clay; Δσz is the vertical stress at

depth z due to the applied pressure at the surface and equals to (Ig P0);( Ig is the Influence

facto for the increase in vertical stress, P0 is the imposed load) and H is the thickness of the

soil layer.

Secondly, the settlement improvement factor was determined using the area replacement and

angle of shearing resistance of column material relationship proposed in Priebe’s method. As

illustrated in chapter two (section The internal angle of shearing resistance ranged

between 35o and 45o, thus a value of 45o was used to predict the improvement factor.

For example, based on the test conducted in this study, settlement estimation was based on

Equation 4.16, where Ig = 0.64644, and P0 = 100 kPa, leading to Δσz = 64.64 kPa, also using

mv as 9.803* 10-4 m2/kN (Section (3.3.6)). Settlement was estimated to be about 18 mm for

the clay only; and then the settlement of the reinforced soil can be estimated by dividing the

estimated settlement of the unreinforced soil by the improvement factor (n0) of 2.8 (obtained

from Priebe’s charts, Figure 2.9) resulting in a value of 6.4 mm, which was about six times

higher than the measured one. Although Priebe’s method demonstrated an overestimation to

the settlement of the reinforced soil, which confirmed the findings of Bouassida et al. (2003)

and Ellouze et al. (2010), the measured improvement factor of 2.1 showed reasonable

agreement with similar studies (Ambily and Gandhi, 2007; Black et al., 2011).

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

4.3.2 Change in Pore Water Pressure

Pore water pressure transducers PPT1,PPT2, and PPT3 were fitted at the centre of base, 50

mm from the centre and 100 mm from the centre respectively. Figures 4.18 and 4.19 show

results during the foundation loading on the soil (only) and soil/ stone column composite

specimens. When soils (no column) were tested, pore water pressure was seen to increase

only at PPT1 (the midpoint) when loading the foundation to about 3 kPa, while in the other

two (PPT2 and PPT3) transducers there were no observed change during the test.

On the other hand, when the column was installed, the PPT3 (close to the tank wall) did not

show any change in pore water pressure measurements during the loading. There was gradual

increase by about 5 kPa in pore water pressure at PPT2 (50 mm from the column); and

beneath the column at the centre of the specimen (PPT1), the pore water pressure build-up

rapidly after 20 mm (7 %) of footing settlement to approach approximately 20 kPa, then it

started dissipating. This confirms that the column carried larger part of the load compared to

the surrounding soil. Also when the pore water pressure stopped building up under the

column and still increasing beneath the soil could indicate that the failure of the column had


Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Pore water pressure, (kPa) PPT2

0 5 10 15
Axial strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.18 Typical results for changes in pore water pressure for soil (no column) specimens

Pore water pressure, (kPa)



0 5 10 15
Axial strain, (%)

Figure ‎4.19 Typical results for changes in pore water pressure for soil/stone column specimens

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

4.3.3 Post Testing Investigation

In order to investigate the quality of the prepared clay bed, a series of shear vane tests were

carried out at different positions to determine the undrained shear strength of the clay

surrounding the column. Strength measurements are shown in Figure 4.20. The undrained

shear strength was determined at (50, 100, 150, and 200 mm) depth and at four horizontal

positions (around the midway between the column and the tank wall). In addition to this, water

content measurements were made at the same levels as shown in Figure 4.21. Comparing both

before and after testing for the shear vane results and water content, it can be observed that at

the first 50 mm thickness of the soil there was an increase in the soil strength of about 12%

this increase was accompanied by a reduction in water content of almost 1%.

Vane shear strength (kPa)

10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 13 13.5

Before testing
After testing
Depth of clay bed (kPa)




Figure ‎4.20 Hand vane shear test results before and after testing

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

Water content (%)

42 42.5 43 43.5

Before testing
Depth of clay bed (mm)

50 After testing




Figure ‎4.21 Water content variation before and after testing

After each test, the specimens were removed from the cell and split vertically along their

diameter to examine the mode of failure. A typical example is shown in Figure 4.22. In most

cases column bulge, took place at approximately at 120 mm below the surface, which is about

1.7 times the column diameter. This was very close to the expected value of 2 to 3 times the

column diameter suggested by Hughes and Withers (1974).

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion







0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Figure ‎4.22 Deformation pattern

4.4 Concluding Remarks

A series of undrained triaxial and reduced scale foundation model tests were carried out in

order to investigate the influence of strain rate and column material density on the behaviour

and performance of soft clay deposits reinforced with a stone column.

Results showed that there was a considerable improvement in load carrying capacity and

stiffness of soft clay when stone column was installed. For example, replacing a small part of

soft soil (7 %) with granular materials that have a comparably a high angle of shear resistance

(48o) leads to an increase in bearing capacity and soil stiffness of approximately 30 % and

reduces the settlement by about 80 % compared with the settlement of unreinforced soils.

Although results from this study showed reasonable agreement with empirical estimations and

other published works in terms of load bearing capacity, observed settlement behaviour

Samir Ashour Chapter 4: Monotonic Loading Results and Discussion

showed a conservative figure not least when compared with the settlement estimated using

Priebe’s method.

Strain rate did not appear to have a significant influence on the level of improvements, where

results show that there is a decrease of less than 10 % in deviator stress for second order of

magnitude in change in rate of strain.

There was a strong indication suggests that the relative density of the column material may

have a significant influence on column bearing capacity. For example, increasing the column

density by about 25 % leads to an increase in soil/ stone column composite capacity of about

17 %.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion



5.1 Introduction

This chapter presents results of both the undrained cyclic triaxial tests (Model I) and cyclic

foundation tests on large scale model (Model II) carried out on both soft clay and soft clay

/stone column composite. Dynamic stress levels ranging between 50 to 70 kPa (equivalent to

cyclic stress ratio (CSR) from 0.6 to 0.8) and frequencies ranging between 0.5 to 3Hz were

used, as described in Sections 3.7.1 and 3.7.2. All tests were conducted at an effective

confining pressure of 100 kPa. Comparison is made between the behaviour of the soft clay

soils with and without stone column installation.

Change in pore water pressure and deformation with number of cycles were examined. The

latter was used to identify threshold value of stress ratio. The variables examined during this

stage of the study are shown in Table 5.1

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Table ‎5.1 Summary varibles investigated using cyclic triaxial test

Pmax Pmin σ'cyclic Loading frequency

Soil type Test CSR
(kN) (kN) ( kPa) (Hz)

TRI-C.C-12 0.8 0.2 70 0.8

TRI-C.C-13 0.7 0.2 60 0.7 0.5

TRI-C.C-14 0.6 0.2 50 0.6

Stone column / soil system

TRI-C.C-15 0.8 0.2 70 0.8

TRI-C.C-16 0.7 0.2 60 0.7 1.0

TRI-C.C-17 0.6 0.2 50 0.6

TRI-C.C-18 0.8 0.2 70 0.8

TRI-C.C-19 0.7 0.2 60 0.7 3.0

TRI-C.C-20 0.6 0.2 50 0.6

TRI-C-21 0.7 0.2 60 0.7

TRI-C-22 0.6 0.2 50 0.6

TRI-C-23 0.7 0.2 60 0.7

Soil only

TRI-C-24 0.6 0.2 50 0.6

TRI-C-25 0.7 0.2 60 0.7

TRI-C-26 0.6 0.2 50 0.6

5.2 Model I (Triaxial Tests)

5.2.1 Permanent Strain during Cyclic Loading

Typical results of cyclic undrained triaxial tests are shown in Figures 5.1-5.3, which shows

permanent axial strain against number of cycles. Results show the influence of cyclic stress

levels (50, 60 and 70 kPa) at different loading frequency (0.5, 1 and 3 Hz) on the deformation

pattern for soft soil specimens (no column) and soft soil/ stone column specimens. All

specimens were subject to a number of cycles of 10000 cycles, apart from those whom failed

before completing the test.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

16 CSR=0.6_Soil

14 CSR=0.7_soil only
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil only

Permanent axial strain, (%) 12

qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column

qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
10 qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.1 Pemanent axial strain and number of cycles relationship: at 0.5Hz loading frequency

16 qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil
qcyclic=50kPa_Soil only only

14 qcyclic=60 kPa_soil
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil onlyonly
Permanent axial strain, (%)

qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
10 qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.2 Pemanent axial strain and number of cycles relationship: at 1 Hz loading frequency

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

CSR=0.6_Soil only
qcyclic=50kPa_Soil only
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil
CSR=0.7_soil onlyonly
Permanent axial strain, (%) 12 qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.3 Pemanent axial strain and number of cycles relationship: at 3 Hz loading frequency

It can be noted that, for both soil (no column) and soil/ stone column composite, the progress

of cumulative strain was highly influenced by increases in cyclic deviator stress applied hence

CSR. However, in the range of the loading frequencies examined, soils (no column)

specimens were more sensitive to the change of frequency than the soil/ stone column


Results in Figures 5.1 to 5.3 showed that the permanent axial strains for soils specimens (no

column) were larger at lower frequency (0.5 Hz) and decreases with the increase in loading

frequency, for instance, when specimens were subjected to a cyclic stress of 50 kPa, the

permanent axial strains after 10000 cycle were 6.3, 4.4 and 6.3 % for frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3

Hz respectively. However, in soil/stone column system specimens the effect of frequency on

permanent axial strain was very small (at 50 kPa cyclic stress they were 1.9, 1.8 and 1.6 % for

frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz respectively).

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

In addition, the effect of the cyclic stress on the development of permanent strain was

significant for both types of specimens. For example, when tests were performed at loading

frequency of 1 Hz, results (Figure 5.2) showed that soil specimens (no column) at an applied

cyclic stress of 50 kPa stabilised after 900 cycles at a strain level of 4.4 %, when the cyclic

stress was increased to 60 kPa a shear failure occurred at less than 100 cycles of load

applications. On the other hand, when the stone column was installed and specimens tested

under a 50 kPa cyclic stress application, the progress of the permanent strain stabilised after

1000 cycle at a value of 1.8 %. This value increases to reach 5.6 % by increasing the cyclic

stress to 60 kPa, and when the test was performed at a cyclic stress of 70 kPa the specimen

was failed in a shear failure after 30 cycles. Similar behaviour was shown when specimens

tested under the condition of other loading frequencies (0.5 and 3 Hz).

These results indicate that there can be a threshold stresses of 50 kPa and 60 kPa for soil (no

column) specimens and soil/ stone column composite specimens respectively above which the

total permanent strain increased rapidly with repeat load application; and failure can occur

during the first few cycles. Normalising these dynamic stresses in terms of static vertical

stress at failure for both types of specimens (with and without column) leads to have a CSR of

about 0.75. From literature this value varies from 0.4 to 0.8 and often is assumed to be 0.5.

(Seed et al., 1955; Heath et al., 1972; Brown et al., 1975; Brown, 1996; Andersen, 2004; Jiang

et al., 2010; Cai et al., 2013) This variation in the value of the threshold stress could be due

to the difference in the soil types and their physical properties. Effect of Cyclic Deviator Stress on Permanent Strain

Figure 5.4 shows the influence of cyclic deviator stress on the permanent strain of both soil

only and soil/column composite specimens at load applications of 100 and 1000 cycle and

loading frequency of 1 Hz. Results showed that below the threshold stress level in soil (no

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

column) specimens were more sensitive to number of loading application than the reinforced

samples. For example, at 50 kPa cyclic stress, the permanent strain increased from 1.7 to 4.4

% by increasing number of cycles from 100 to 1000 cycle. On the other hand, the influence of

number of cycles were much smaller in case of soil/column specimens, where difference in

permanent strain between 100 and 1000 cycles at similar stress level was about 0.9 %. This is

probably due to the fact that the column materials were compacted due to load application,

increasing the density of the column leading to greater resistance with lower settlement.

Cyclic deviator stress, (kPa)

40 50 60 70 80 90

Soil/column_100 cycle

5 Soil only_100 cycle

Soil/column_1000 cycle
Permanent strain, (%)

Soil only _1000 cycle


15 Failure



Figure ‎5.4 Effect of loading application and cyclic stress leve at frequency of 1 Hz Effect of Loading Frequency on Permanent Strain

Frequency of cyclic load is believed to have an important influence on the dynamic properties

of the saturated soft clay (Andersen et al., 1980), however, its effect is still attracting debate.

Jian-hua Wang et al. (1998), Zhou and Gong (2001), and Jiang et al. (2010) indicated that

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

both accumulative permanent strain and pore water pressure induced by cyclic loading will

increase with reduction in loading frequency. Whereas other published work indicated a

different observation, where they reported that the change in frequency has little or no

influence on the strength and deformation properties of soil (Ansal and Erken, 1989; Hyde et

al., 1993).

In this current study, an increase in permanent deformation for the soil only specimens was

observed with reduction in frequency of loading, as shown in Figure 5.5, for both soil

specimens (with and without column) at load applications of 100, 1000 and 10000 cycles. All

the test were undertaken at the same cyclic stress level (50 kPa) which was less than the

threshold stress. For stone column reinforced specimens, the influence of loading frequency

on the permanent stain was less pronounced compared with that for unreinforced specimens.

Also the effect of number of cycles was negligible after 1000 cycle.

Frequency, (Hz)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5

Permanent strain, (%)

6 Soil/column_100 cycle Soil/column_1000 cycle Soil/column_10000 cycle

7 Soil only_100cycle Soil only_1000 cycle Soil only _10000cycle

Figure ‎5.5 Effect of loading frequency and number of cycles under cyclic stress of 50 kPa.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion Prediction of Permanent Strain

There are several models to predict permanent strain in soils subjected to cyclic loading

conditions. The most commonly used is the power model which takes into account a number

of factors such as number of loading cycles and both static and dynamic stresses (Li and

Selig, 1996). This model is shown as follow:

𝜀𝑝 = 𝐴𝑁 𝑏 5.1

Where 𝜀𝑝 is the permanent strain (cumulative strain) in %; N is the number of cycles; and A

and b are material parameters (dependent in the soil properties and stress level). Li and Selig

(1996), quantified the coefficient A by relating it to the physical state of the soil and the

applied deviator stress, so it could be written as:

𝐴 = 𝑎( 𝑑⁄𝜎𝑠 )𝑚 5.2

Where a and m are the correlation parameters; 𝜎𝑑 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜎𝑠 are the deviator stress and static

strength respectively. Therefore, parameter (A) is highly dependent on the applied deviator

stress and the maximum deviator stress that the soil can take at static test condition.

Parameters a, m, and b can be determined from a cyclic triaxial tests.

Li and Selig (1996), recommend values for the above parameters for a number of soil types

based upon back calculation from a number of different studies (Table 5.2). Values for the

soft soils (no column) and the soil/ stone column composite parameters calculated in this

study through regression analysis of cyclic triaxial results are included (see Appendix F for

more information on regression analysis).

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Table ‎5.2 Material parameters (after Li and Selig (1996))

Soil classification

Model parameters Kaolin clay
ML MH CL CH column
(test condition)
(test condition)

Average 0.64 0.84 1.1 1.2 4.346 23.392

Range - - 0.3-3.5 0.82-1.5 3.960-4.733 22.519-24.264

Average 0.1 0.13 0.16 0.18 0.096 0.019

Range 0.06-0.17 0.08-0.19 0.08-0.34 0.12-0.27 0.085-0.107 0.015-0.024

Average 1.7 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.469 5.081

Range 1.4-2.0 1.3-4.2 1.0-2.6 1.3-3.9 2.136-2.803 5.004-5.157

As explained by Li and Selig (1996), that exponent b reflects the accumulative strain rate

under cyclic loading (i.e. that the higher the value of b the more the soil affected by number of

cycles). Whereas exponents a and m are related to the deformation occurred at the first cycle

and its relation to the cyclic stress ratio applied and also to the degree of softening of the

deviator on the soil.

As can be seen in Table 5.2 the parameters value of the used soil (no column) is comparable

with the CL values, the reason for this is that the kaolin clay considered as a clay soil with

high plasticity. However, for soil/ stone column composite the exponent b showed a smaller

value than other type of soils; this might indicate that the stone column reinforced soils are

likely to be less sensitive to number of loading application. Whereas a value showed a higher

level (23.39) than the other soils, which indicates that, the soil/ column system could have a

higher degree of softening.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

5.2.2 Cyclic Deformation

Figures 5.6 to 5.8 show the cyclic deformation behaviour for soil (no column) and soil/ stone

column composite. The influence of loading frequency; dynamic stress level and number of

loading application were included in these Figures.

0.8 qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil only
Cyclic deformation, (mm)

0.7 qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column

0.6 qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column
0.5 Series7
10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.6 Cyclic deformation during cyclic triaxial test: at 0.5 Hz loading frequency

0.7 CSR=0.6_Soil onlyonly


0.6 CSR=0.7_soil onlyonly

qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil
Cyclic deformation, (mm)

qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
0.5 qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
q =70 kPa_Soil/column
0.4 CSR=0.8_Soil/column



10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.7 Cyclic deformation during cyclic triaxial test: at 1 Hz loading frequency

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

CSR=0.6_Soil only
qcyclic=50kPa_Soil only
Elastic deformation, (mm)
CSR=0.7_soil onlyonly
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil

qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
0.4 CSR=0.8_Soil/column
qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column



10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.8 Cyclic deformation during cyclic triaxial test: at 3 Hz loading frequency

In all specimens tested, the cyclic deformation decreases as the number of cycles increases.

This was due to hardening of soil specimens. This phenomenon occurs only at stresses below

the threshold level (i.e. 50 kPa for soil (no column) and 60 kPa for soil/ stone column

composite) above these stresses the cyclic strain sharply increases due to the shear failure


Figures 5.6 to 5.8 have also indicated that the cyclic strain in both soils (with and without

stone column) are slightly influenced by the change in loading frequency as there was a small

decrease in the cyclic deformation with the increase in the frequency.

For instance, when the specimens subjected to 50 kPa cyclic stress, the values of cyclic

deformation for soil (no column) specimens after 10000 cycle were 0.24, 0.22 and 0.18 mm

for frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz respectively. Whereas in the soil/ stone column specimens the

cyclic deformations were 0.23, 0.22, and 0.17 mm for frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz

respectively. This would indicate that there is a threshold elastic strain of 0.2 % for soil (no

column) and about 0.1 % for soil/ stone column composite.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

5.2.3 Resilient Modulus

Soil resilient modulus (Mr) can be defined as the ratio of the dynamic deviator stress (𝑞𝑑 ) to

the elastic (recoverable) strain (𝜀𝑟 ) (Brown et al., 1975; Selig and Waters, 1994; Brown,


𝑀𝑟 = 5.3

This parameter is considered to be one of the fundamental factors of understanding the elastic

behaviour of soil foundations subjected to dynamic stresses. For instance, in railway track

analysis, resilient modulus is important for determining stresses and settlement in the track

foundation system (Loh and Nikraz, 2012).

Typical results of resilient modulus determination of both specimens type (soil (no column)

and soil/ stone column composite) under dynamic stresses of 50 and 60 kPa at different

loading frequencies (i.e. 0.5, 1 and 3.0 Hz) are shown in Figure 5.9 to 5.11 respectively.


Resilient modulus, (MPa)


CSR=0.6_Soil onlyonly

25 CSR=0.6_Soil/column
qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column

qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.9 Variation of resilient modulus with number of cycles at loading frequncy of 0.5 Hz

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion


Resilient modulus, (MPa)


CSR=0.6_Soil only
qcyclic=50kPa_Soil only

25 CSR=0.6_Soil/column
qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column

qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.10 Variation of resilient modulus with number of cycles at loading frequncy of 1 Hz


Resilient modulus, (MPa)




CSR=0.6_Soil only
qcyclic=50kPa_Soil only
qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
25 CSR=0.7_Soil/column
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.11 Variation of resilient modulus with number of cycles at loading frequncy of 3 Hz

Results indicated that the resilient modulus increased with frequency in both specimen types

(20 % for soil/ stone column specimens and about 12 % for soil (no column) specimens). For

example, during the application of 50 kPa dynamic stress, the increase was from 40.6 MPa to

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

49.4 MPa in case of soil/ stone column composite specimens, while it was from 33.5 MPa to

38 MPa in the soil specimens (no column).

In addition to this, Figure 5.12 shows that any increase in the dynamic deviator stress has a

negative impact on resilient modulus, which decreases as dynamic stress increases. For soil/

stone column specimens, when the dynamic deviator stress was increased from 50 to 60 kPa,

there was a general reduction in the amount of resilient modulus this reduction influenced by

the change of frequency as well (i.e. the higher the frequency the smaller the reduction). For

example, there was a reduction percentage in resilient modulus of 6.5, 7.6 and 13.3% when

the tests were conducted at frequencies of 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz respectively.

Comparing the resilient modulus results with the secant modulus obtained from the static

triaxial test in the previous chapter (Section, which was about 9.5 and 8 MPa for

soil/column specimens and soil only specimens respectively; it was found that the resilient

modulus could reach up to four times the secant modulus value when the cyclic deviator stress

was 50 kPa.

55 Soil/column_3 Hz
Soil/column_1 Hz
Soil/column_0.5 Hz
Resilient modulus, (MPa)

45 Soil only_3Hz
Soil only_1 Hz
40 Soil only_0.5 Hz

40 50 60 70 80
Dynamic deviator stress, (kPa)

Figure ‎5.12 Variation of resilient modulus with respect to dynamic stress and loading frequency

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

5.2.4 Pore Water Pressure Response

Under continued application of cyclic loading, excess pore water pressure gradually built up

over each cycle. Figures 5.13 to 5.15 show changes of pore water pressure corresponding to

the cyclic deviator stress at the three loading frequencies for both soil (no column) and soil/

stone column composite specimens.

90 CSR=0.6_Soil onlyonly

CSR=0.7_Soil onlyonly
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil
Increase in pore water pressure, kPa

qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
60 CSR=0.8_Soil/column
qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column





10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.13 Accumulation of excess pore water pressure at loading frequency of 0.5 Hz

90 CSR=0.6_Soil onlyonly
Increase in pore water pressure, kPa

80 CSR=0.7_Soil onlyonly
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil
q =50 kPa_Soil/column
70 cyclic

q =60 kPa_Soil/column
60 CSR=0.8_Soil/column
q =70 kPa_Soil/column





10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.14 Accumulation of excess pore water pressure at loading frequency of 1Hz

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

100 CSR=0.6_Soil

Increase in pore water pressure, kPa

90 CSR=0.7_Soil only
qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil only

80 CSR=0.6_Soil/column
qcyclic=50 kPa_Soil/column

qcyclic=60 kPa_Soil/column
qcyclic=70 kPa_Soil/column
10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.15 Accumulation of excess pore water pressure at loading frequency of 3Hz

As expected, the excess of pore water pressure increased with cyclic deviator stress at all

loading frequencies examined. Results show that in the case of most specimens, the pore

water pressure increased significantly at the initial stage of loading application (i.e. number of

cycle less than 150) then there was a gradual increase up to 1000 cycle before it started to


Figures 5.13 to 5.15 Also indicated that, the frequencies of loading did not show a noticeable

influence on the excess of pore water pressure in the soil /column specimens. Tests carried out

at 50 kPa cyclic stress the pore water pressures after 10000 cycles were 38, 37, and37 kPa for

frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz. At higher cyclic stress level (70 kPa) the specimen failed before

the pore water pressure could stabilise. Before failure it had increased rapidly to over than 75


In contrast, for soil only samples results (Figures 5.13-5.15) showed that at a cyclic stress of

60 kPa, the excess pore water pressure increases rapidly to reach 70 kPa in few cycles leading

to a rapid failure in the sample, however, there was a small effect on the soil only specimens,

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

where the build-up of pore water pressure decreased with increase in the loading frequency

especially at the early stage of loading application (in the application of 50 kPa cyclic stress

and after 10000 loading cycle, pore water pressures were 51, 45.4 and 42.5 kPa for

frequencies 0.5, 1 and 3 Hz).

Generally, in most tests conducted below the threshold stress levels pore water pressure

stabilises after 2000 cycles of loading applications. This behaviour is comparable with the

general behaviour of soft clay under cyclic loading condition (Miller et al., 2000; Indraratna et

al., 2009).

Figure 5.16, indicates that there was a critical excess of pore pressure and found at around 60

kPa for the soil specimens (no column) and about 70 kPa for the soil/column specimens ( pore

water pressure measurements at failure). These pore water pressure measures can be

normalised in terms of effective confining pressure (𝜎3′ = 100 𝑘𝑃𝑎) leading to ratios of 0.6

for soil (no column) and 0.7 for soil/ stone column composite. This also indicates that the

failure occurred when the pore water pressure approached the level of the dynamic stress.


Pore water pressure, (kPa)


Soil/column_0.5 Hz
Soil/column_1 Hz
40 Soil/column_3 Hz
Soil only_0.5 Hz
Soil only_1Hz
Soil only_3 Hz
40 50 60 70 80
Cyclic deviator stress, (kPa)

Figure ‎5.16 Effect of cyclic stress on pore water pressure

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

5.2.5 Deformation Pattern

Observation indicates that both soil specimens (no column) and soil/ stone column composite

specimens fail in shear failure mode when subjected to cyclic stress above the threshold cyclic

stress 50 kPa for soil and 60 kPa for soil/column specimens; this was irrespective of

frequency of loading. Also below these stresses both specimens did not fail at the end of the

test and behaved in a stable manner.

Figures 5.17 and 5.18 show the mode of failure for both reinforced and unreinforced

specimens. Soil specimens (no column) specimens they failed within a range from 60 to 100

cycles of loading application (Figure 5.17) a slip surface was clear along weakest plan.

A combined mode of failure was observed in case of reinforced specimens (bulging and shear

failure (Figure 5.18)). Due to the large strain happened bulging failure took place first and

then by the increase in loading cycle shear failure accrued. The shear surface for the column

was at approximately the bottom 50 mm resulting in L/D ratio of 5.4 which is close to the

identified critical column length (L/D = 6).

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion


Sample height, (cm)

0 10 20
Horizontal measurment, (cm)

Figure ‎5.17 Deformed shape for soil only specimes

Horizontal measurment, (cm)

-5 5 15 25 35

Sample height, (cm)


Figure ‎5.18 Deformed shape for the soil/column specimen

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

5.3 Model II Test Results (Large Scale Test: Foundation)

The procedure for undertaking these tests is described in Sections 3.6.7 and 4.3. As

summarized in Table 5.3, the testing program included a series of cyclic zone load tests (Load

applied to column and portion of the surrounding soil in case of soil/column test). These tests

were conducted for both treated and untreated soils under two loading frequencies (1 and 3

Hz). Loading was applied in a sinusoidal wave form using two dynamic stress levels of 165

and 235 kPa, which were equivalent to cyclic stress ratios of 0.5 and 0.7 respectively.

The range of stress applied was based on the results of triaxial tests; particularly findings

relating to the threshold value, which was 70 % of the reinforced soil strength at failure. Thus

cyclic stress ratios of 0.5 and 0.7 were chosen for large scale test to evaluate this observation.

Table ‎5.3 Model II test program

Stress at Loading
Pmax Pmin σmax σmin
Soil type Test failure CSR frequency
(kN) (kN) ( kPa) ( kPa)
(kPa) (f)

LM-C-05 0.8 0.2 210 45 - 1


LM-C-06 0.8 0.2 210 45 - 3

LM-C.C-07 0.8 0.2 210 45 0.5 1


LM-C.C-08 0.8 0.2 210 45 0.5 3


LM-C.C-09 1.05 0.2 280 45 0.7 1

LM-C.C-10 1.05 0.2 280 45 0.7 3

5.3.1 Permanent Strain during Cyclic Loading

Investigating the behaviour of permanent deformation of the reinforced soil on large scale

specimens indicated that the permanent stain was independent from the change in frequency

of loading; also the permanent deformation is highly dependent on the amount of the dynamic

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

stress applied and its relation to monotonic stress at failure. This confirms to the results

obtained from triaxial test described earlier in Section 5.2.

Figure 5.19 shows the effect of number of cycles; loading frequency, and cyclic stress ratio on

the measured permanent strain for both soil (no column) and soil/ column composite

specimens. It was observed when testing soil only specimens (no column) at a dynamic

loading stress of 165 kPa and loading frequency of 1 and 3 Hz, that the soil failed after 20

cycles of loading application; this was the cases at both loading frequencies. This was

expected as the loading stress was larger than the threshold ratio of the soil obtained in

Section 5.2.2. (As discussed in the methodology chapter this load was chosen due to the

limitation of the apparatus used in this study). On the other hand, soils/ stone columns

composite showed increased resistance to load, and the permanent deformation did not go

beyond 2 % at both loading frequencies. This increased to about 6 % when the dynamic stress

load was increased from 165 to 235 kPa.

A Soil/column_CSR = 0.5; f=1 Hz
Soil/column _CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz
10 Soil/column_ CSR = 0.7; f = 1 Hz
Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 1 Hz
Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz
Permanent strain, (%)

B Predicted permanent strain

Predicted Permanent Strain.

1 2001 4001 6001 8001
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.19 Permanent strain results/ number of cycles

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Predicted values of permanent strain obtained from Equation 5.2 are also shown in Figure

5.19. Material parameters a, b, and m, determined from the trixial test and explained in

Section 5.2.1, are used.

During the application of dynamic stress at 165 kPa, permanent strain was predicted to be

increasing with the increase of number of applications reaching approximetly 1.6 % at 1500

cycles and then maintaining this level. Comparing this with the laboratory results, at the same

stress level the permanent strain increased to 1.8% at 1500 cycles and then continued at that

level to the end of the test (10000 cycles). A similar trend was observed when the stress level

was increased to 235 kPa. The estimated permanent strain was supposed to reach a maximum

of 4.6 % and stabilize after 1500 cycles, however, test results showed that the development of

permanent strain reached a maximum of 5.3 % and stabilised at this level after 4000 cycles.

Although the predicted permanent strain was underestimated compared with the measured

values, the difference seems to be considerable where it was within a range of 15 %. This

variation could be due to the difference in test conditions, as the parameters used in the

prediction were calculated from the triaxial test and for a limited CSR.

Figure 5.20 shows the deformation pattern after the cyclic loading application of 10000 cycles

at a cyclic stress of 165 kPa and loading frequency of 3 Hz. Although it was expected that the

columns will bulge at a depth of 2 to 3 times the column diameter as suggested by Hughes

and Withers, (1974), it appears that the column bulging under dynamic loading was different

from that of monotonic loading. In other words it was observed that the column bulge in two

sections (double bulging). These bulges were at 20 and 60 mm depth from the top, this can

expressed as 0.7 and 2 times the column diameter.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Double Bulging

Sample depth, (mm)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Sample diameter, (mm)

Figure ‎5.20 Deformation pattern after cyclic loading

5.3.2 Pore Water Pressure Changes

During cyclic loading pore water pressures were measured in two positions, at the centre

(PPT1) of the specimen base and at a distance of 50 mm from the centre (PPT2). The pore

water pressure measurements are illustrated in Figures 5.21 and 5.22; both show the pore

pressure changes that occurred under peak cyclic loading on the foundation plate.

Soil/column_CSR = 0.5; f=1 Hz
Soil/column _CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz C PPT1
10 Soil/column_ CSR = 0.7; f = 1 Hz
Change in pore water pressure, (kPa)

Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 1 Hz

Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.21 Pore water pressure measurment at the centre of the specime

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Soil/column_CSR = 0.5; f=1 Hz
Soil/column _CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz PPT2
Change in pore water pressure, (kPa)
Soil/column_ CSR = 0.7; f = 1 Hz
Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 1 Hz
Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz

10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.22 Pore water pressure measurment at 50 mm from the centre of the specime

As was the case for triaxial tests, under continues application of cyclic loading, excess pore

water pressure was initially built up rapidly before it start to decrease (Figures 5.13 to 5.15).

Figure 5.21 shows the change in pore water pressure under the stone column at CSR of 0.5

was increased from about 1.5 kPa at the initial stage to about 8.7 kPa during the loading

application of 1000 cycle, after this the pore water pressure start to decrease gradually.

Similar behaviour was observed using CSR of 0.7 with larger magnitude of pore water

pressure (about 10 kPa). However, this behaviour was different at the other position (PPT2);

the change in pore water pressure was almost steady during the first 2000 cycle then started to

rapidly increase.

5.3.3 Soil stiffness

Soil stiffness (K) is defined as the ratio of the dynamic applied load (𝑃𝑑 ) on the foundation

area to the recoverable displacement experienced.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Stiffness of the treated and untreated soil tested at CSR of 0.5 and 0.7 at loading frequencies

of 1 and 3.0 Hz are shown in Figure 5.23 . Results show that after applying 10000 cycles the

stiffness for soil/ stone column composite increased from 1770 to 2050 kN/m as frequency

increased in from 1 Hz to 3 Hz (i.e. about 15 %).

Soil specimens (no column) at both frequencies 1 and 3 Hz showed low stiffness (745 and

960 kN/m respectively) before failure occurred after 100 and 330 cycles respectively. This

was as a result of the high deformation occurred as shown before in Figure 5.19 (Points A and


In addition, it was noticeable that the stiffness at soil/ stone column composite, at CSR of 0.5,

was decreased gradually (from1700 to 1630 kN/m at frequency of 3 Hz and from 1540 to

1450 kN/m at frequency of 1 Hz) during the first 100 cycles then increased by 20 % before it

stabilised after 1500 cycles. This is likely due to the stiffening effect of stone column and its

provision as a drainage path leading to reduction in pore water pressure (Figure 5.21 points C

and D). As pore water pressures start decreasing from 8.7 to around 6 kPa after 1000 cycles

for f = 1 Hz after 3000 cycle and at f = 3 Hz.

This behaviour was different when the dynamic stresses was increased (CSR = 0.7), where

the stiffness of the reinforced soil was almost constant during the first 100 cycles at 1320

kN/m then it started to decrease slowly to reach 1100 kN/m at the end of the test (10000

cycles). This could be due to softening of the composite system.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion


Stiffness, (kN/m) 2000


Soil/column_CSR = 0.5; f=1 Hz
Soil/column _CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz
Soil/column_ CSR = 0.7; f = 1 Hz
Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 1 Hz
Soil only_CSR = 0.5; f = 3 Hz
10 100 1000 10000
Number of cycles

Figure ‎5.23 Stifness results

5.4 Implication for Stone Column Performance

The applied dynamic stress through the rail is transmitted through the ballast layer to the

subgrade level, played the main role in controlling the amount of permanent deformation of

the subgrade. Therefore, as suggested by Heath et al. (1972); Brown (1996) and Frost et al.

(2004) identifying the threshold stress would help for determining the thickness of unbound


From looking at literature and monotonic triaxal test results presented here it can be seen that

the bearing capacity of soft clay subgrade soils can be improved by (15 to 40 %) if the soil

was replaced by granular material having an angle of internal friction between 35 and 48 o

formed in columns with an area replacement ratio between 5 and 15 %. However, in this

current study using an angular crushed aggregate with an internal angle of friction and area

replacement ratio of 7 % have led to improved the bearing capacity of the soil by 30 % under

the monotonic loading (Figure 4.3).

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

This improvement in the bearing capacity under the monotonic loading showed an increase in

the threshold cyclic stress ( under the cyclic loading condition) of about 15 % and 70 %

reduction in settlement; also showed an increase by 25 % in the resilient modulus of the soil.

The threshold relation between reinforced and reinforced soils can be related to limiting the

allowable stress applied on the soft subgrade via the relationship between the internal angle of

friction, area replacement ration and the undrained shear strength of the soil (Section 4.3.1).

This limit then can be applied in the design procedure of, for instance, railway tracks.

For example, this improvement in the soil properties could help to reduce the thickness of the

ballast layer. As one of the important performing functions of this layer is to reduce stresses

transferred through the sleepers from the train to the acceptable stress levels that the subgrade

soils can carry. Thus for a 100 kN axel wheel load using Talbot’s equation (Section 3.7.2), the

ballast depth (h) can be reduced by 15 % from 500 mm to 425mm. This can save about 225m3

of ballast per one kilometre of railway track which can cost around 2000 Pounds sterling per

one kilometre. This can be considered as a cost effective impact.

Another impact is that, by simulating train movement with loading frequencies of 0.5, 1.0 and

3.0 Hz representing train speed of 35, 70 and 225 km/hr, stone columns reinforced subgrades

showed stability and less pronounced influence toward both the change in loading frequency

and long term loading application. This can increase the period of maintenance and provide

the stability required to upgrade the track to higher speed level.

5.5 Concluding Remarks

A comparison between the behaviour of both reinforced and unreinforced soils under the

application of cyclic loading was proposed in this chapter.

Samir Ashour Chapter 5: Cyclic Loading Results and Discussion

Results indicated that the presence of stone column enhanced the threshold cyclic stress of the

soft soil by about 15 % and reduced the amount of permanent strain by more than double

when testing the soils below their threshold cyclic stress. Stone columns also help reduce pore

water pressure by providing a drainage path. This might be one of the reasons that allow the

reinforced soil to tackle higher cyclic stress level.

Changes in frequencies had no significant influence on the total strain of reinforced soil, but

these changes do affect the stiffness. Stiffness of the soil with the stone column was about

25% higher at 3.0 Hz compared to that at 0.5 Hz. Resilient modulus of the reinforced soil

increased by 13 to 20 % depending on the frequency of loading where the resilient modulus

tend to increase by the increase of the frequency.

Samir Ashour Chapter 6: Conclusion



6.1 General
The vibro stone column technique is commonly used to improve bearing capacity and reduce

settlement of soft soils. They have been used worldwide to provide economic, flexible

(applicable to various types of week soils) and sustainable solution. More recently, stone

columns have been used in the UK and Europe to improve soft subgrade soils subjected to

cyclic loading such as railway track.

Performance and failure mechanisms of both isolated and grouped stone columns have been

investigated under the application of monotonic loading but not under cyclic loading. This

study was aimed to provide improved understanding of this behaviour.

This research focused on the load/deformation behaviour of single stone column subjected to

monotonic and cyclic loading in both small scale models (triaxial specimen 100 mm diameter)

and large scale models (300 mm diameter * 300 mm height). In both cases tests were

performed on normally consolidated specimens of soft clay (undrained shear strength of ≈ 12

kPa) reinforced with 28 mm diameter stone columns. Effects of loading frequencies (0.5-3Hz)

at a range of cyclic stress ratios (0.5-0.8) were examined. In addition to the influence of rate

of strain on shear strength on both soils (no column) and soil/ stone column composite in the

monotonic loading conditions (section 6.2) and cyclic loading conditions (Section 6.3). The

following correlations were drawn from this study.

Samir Ashour Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.2 Monotonic Loading

6.2.1 General

Replacing 7 % of soft clay with granular materials, which had an internal of friction angle of

48o, led to increase the bearing capacity and stiffness of the soil by a factor of 1.3. Compared

to predicted values and previously reported results reasonable agreement was found in terms

of bearing capacity, However, measured value for settlement were about 83 % lower than

values predicted based on Priebe’s method.

6.2.2 Effect of Strain Rate

 Both soils (no column) and soil/ stone column composite specimens showed a small

influence from rate of strain; for soils (no column) there was an increase of about 10

% deviator stress associated with increasing the magnitude of rate of strain from 0.003

to 0.3 mm/minute. However, in the case of reinforced specimens the trend was

reversed order where the deviator stress showed an increase of 8 % with the reduction

of the strain rate (0.3 to 0.003).

 The presence of stone column helped reduce build-up of pore water pressure and there

was limited influence from rate of strain on pore pressure as compared to soils (no

column). The latter showed pore water pressure reduction with increase in strain rate.

 In case of soil/stone column composite, the secant modulus increased by about 30%

compared to soil (no column). This improvement was higher between 1 and 3 % strain

and for strains higher than about 4 % the secant modulus decreases and the degree of

improvement in modulus decreased by about 17%.

Samir Ashour Chapter 6: Conclusion

 The secant modulus of soil was seen to be independent of strain across the range

examined (0.3 to 0.003) for both soils (no column) and soil/ stone column composite


 In model I (Triaxial tests), the column bulging was found to be relatively uniform with

the depth of the sample, this was probably due to the constant confining pressure

along the depth. However, in model II (Large scale tests), bulging took place at

approximately 120 mm below the surface, which was about 1.7 times the column

diameter. This was very close to the expected value of 2 to 3 times the column


6.2.3 Effect of Column Material Density

 A reduction in relative density of the column from 80 to 42 % decreases the bearing

capacity of the soil/ stone column composite by about 14 %, this could be due to a

reduction in the peak internal angle of friction of the column material and this might

be related to the increase in the dilation angle of the column particle.

 A change in aggregate density of the column has showed negligible effect on pore

pressure measurement.

6.3 Cyclic Loading

6.3.1 Effect of Stress Level

 Below the threshold stress level, reinforced soils were less sensitive to the number of

loading application than soils (no column). This is likely due to compaction of the

column materials that occurs during load application, leading to increase in density

and resulting in greater resistance to deformation hence lower settlement.

Samir Ashour Chapter 6: Conclusion

 Presence of a stone column enhanced the threshold cyclic stress of the soil by about 15

% and reduced the amount of permanent strain by half relative to soil without column.

 Stone columns helped reduce pore water pressure by providing a drainage path. This

may be one of the reasons that allows the reinforced soil to support higher cyclic stress

level (since pore water pressure would also be reduced).

 Both reinforced and unreinforced soils failed in shear mode when subjected cyclic

stress above the threshold cyclic stress. This failure mode was not affected by

frequency of loading and below threshold stress both specimens did not fail

throughout the load regime (10000 cycles).

 Large scale tests showed that the column bulging that forms under dynamic loading

was different from that of monotonic loading. It was observed that the column bulge

in two sections (double bulging) under cyclic loading. These bulges were at a depth of

0.7 and 2 times the column diameter below the surface of the samples.

6.3.2 Effect of Frequency

 In terms of permanent deformation, soil/ stone column composite showed little

influence by the change in frequency of loading. However, in the case of soil (no

column), larger permanent strains were measured at lower frequencies compared to

those at higher frequency, about 55 % increase when frequency was changed from 3 to

0.5 Hz.

 Below the threshold stress, the resilient modulus of both reinforced and unreinforced

soils increase with the increase of loading frequency. The value for soils/ stone

column composite soils was twice that of soils (no column).

Samir Ashour Chapter 6: Conclusion

6.4 Recommendations for Future Research Works

Whilst this study has highlighted important aspects in the behaviour of stone column

reinforced soil subjected to cyclic loading there are still important areas requiring further

investigation. These are suggested below:

 Future work also needed to be carried out to investigate the effectiveness of stone

columns under the condition of fluctuating ground water table associated with the

application cyclic loading.

 It is anticipated that fines from surrounding soil may ingress into the stone column.

Investigating the rate of movement of fine and their effect on durability of the stone


 Effect of embankment height on the general behaviour of the soil/ stone column

composite soils.

 Study the influence of stone columns grid pattern and spacing on deformation of track

due to cyclic loading.

 Relative density of the column has an influence on the bearing capacity of the soil/

stone composite soils. Therefore, it might be ideal to investigate the effect dilatancy of

granular material on both settlement and bearing capacity.

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Samir Ashour Appendix A


Material Properties

 Data of Sieve Analysis for Aggregate Used To Construct Stone Column

Test (1) Test (2) Test (3)

Sieve Retain Retain Retain
(mm) Retain Passin Retain Passin Retain Passin
weight weight weight
(%) g (%) (%) g (%) (%) g (%)
(g) (g) (g)
5 1.1 0.22 99.78 0.8 0.16 99.84 1.00 0.19 99.81
3.35 106.9 21.36 78.42 102.5 20.36 79.48 109.94 20.86 78.95
2.36 153 30.57 47.85 145 28.80 50.69 156.45 29.68 49.27
2 140 27.97 19.88 150 29.79 20.89 152.25 28.88 20.39
1.18 99.2 19.82 0.06 105 20.85 0.04 107.21 20.34 0.05
0.6 0.2 0.04 0.02 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.16 0.03 0.02
Pan 0.1 0.02 0.00 0.1 0.02 0.00 0.11 0.02 0.00
weight 500.5 503.5 527.10

90.00 Test (1)
Percentage of passing (%)

80.00 Test (2)

70.00 Test (3)
0.1 1 10
Particale size (mm)

Samir Ashour Appendix A

 China clay particle size distribution (hydrometer sedimentation)

Elapsed Rh' + Effective Particle

Temperature Reading Rh' - Ro' Percentage
time, Cm depth Hr diameter
C° Rh' =Rd finer (%)
(min) =Rh (mm) D (mm)
0 25 25 25.5 97.07 24.5
0.5 25 19 19.5 121.41 0.06 18.5 99.0
1 25 19 19.5 121.41 0.04 18.5 99.0
2 25 19 19.5 121.41 0.03 18.5 99.0
4 25 19 19.5 121.41 0.02 18.5 99.0
8 25 18.5 19 123.44 0.02 18 96.4
15 25 18 18.5 125.46 0.01 17.5 93.7
30 25 17.5 18 127.49 0.01 17 91.0
60 25 16 16.5 133.58 0.01 15.5 83.0
120 25 14 14.5 141.69 0.00 13.5 72.3
240 25 12.5 13 147.77 0.00 12 64.2
450 25 10.5 11 155.88 0.00 10 53.5
1420 25 8.5 9 164.00 0.00 8 42.8

Particle size supplied by manufacturer WBB

size size Percentage

(micron) (mm) (%)
1 0.001 37
2 0.002 49
5 0.005 76
10 0.01 94
20 0.02 99

Percentage passing, %

20 Hydrometer test
10 Supplied by manufacturer WBB
0.00 0.01 0.10
Particle size, mm

Samir Ashour Appendix A

 Soil Index

 Liquid Limit

Test No.: (1) (2) (3) (4)

dial gage reading 14.00 13.80 14.10 19.40 19.00 18.90 19.90 20.50 20.30 23.20 22.90 23.50

13.97 19.10 20.23 23.20

Container # p6 pla3 y11 LLL m45 120 E 342y w17 8A mc51 mc8

Mass of container
3.15 3.99 3.19 7.84 5.49 4.41 3.34 3.39 4.72 4.73 4.76 5.40

Mass of container +
16.31 19.24 23.67 21.59 26.45 20.52 17.11 18.34 25.51 20.64 28.46 26.06
Wet Soil (g)

Mass of container +
11.75 13.95 16.56 16.70 19.00 14.79 12.17 12.98 18.06 14.83 19.80 18.51
Dry Soil (g)

Mass of Dry Soil

8.60 9.96 13.37 8.86 13.51 10.38 8.83 9.59 13.34 10.10 15.04 13.11

Mass of Moisture
4.56 5.29 7.11 4.89 7.45 5.73 4.94 5.36 7.45 5.81 8.66 7.55

Moisture content
53.02 53.11 53.18 55.19 55.14 55.20 55.95 55.89 55.85 57.52 57.58 57.59

Ave. moisture
53.10 55.18 55.89 57.56
content (%)

Samir Ashour Appendix A


Penetration of cone, (mm)



50.00 52.00 54.00 56.00 58.00 60.00
Water content, (%)

 Plastic Limit

Test No.: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Mass of container ( g) 3.22 3.38 4.43 3.99
Mass of container + Wet Soil ( g) 3.97 4.47 4.96 4.82
Mass of container + Dry Soil (g) 3.81 4.24 4.85 4.64
Mass of Dry Soil ( g) 0.59 0.86 0.42 0.65
Mass of Moisture (g) 0.16 0.23 0.11 0.18
Moisture content (%) 27.12 27.09 27.14 27.08
Ave. water content (%) 27.11

Samir Ashour Appendix A

 Compaction Test Data

Location: Civil Engineering

BS 1377:1990 Test NO.: Lab
No. of layers: 3 Rammer: 2.5 kg
Soil description: English china
Blow per layer : 25 Drop: 300mm clay
Compacted by: Sample preparation: Sample type:
Proctor cylinder NO.: 1 No. of separate batches:

Density : Volume of cylinder "V": (Dia: 104.903mm, length : 115.470mm):


Test No.: (1) (2) (3)

Cylinder & soil, A (g) 6679 6785 6801

Cylinder, B (g) 4978.5 4978.5 4978.5
Wet soil, A-B (g) 1700.5 1806.5 1822.5
Volume, cm3 0.998 0.998 0.998
Wet density, ( Mg/m ) 1.70 1.81 1.83

Vane shear strength over 120 over 120 53

Moisture content

Container No.: f28t31 P12 66 S10 B22-8 212ms2 m9t2 T25 M7T

Wet soil & container, g 8.43 8.64 7.76 14.67 12.19 21.01 11.97 17.55 13.51
Dry soil & container, g 7.41 7.72 6.98 12.20 10.66 17.33 9.84 14.43 11.41
Container,( g) 3.17 3.92 3.67 3.39 5.32 4.22 3.36 4.70 4.78
Dry soil , (g) 4.24 3.80 3.31 8.81 5.34 13.11 6.48 9.73 6.63
Moisture loss, (g) 1.02 0.92 0.78 2.47 1.53 3.68 2.13 3.12 2.10
Moisture content,( %) 24.06 24.21 23.56 28.04 28.65 28.07 32.87 32.07 31.67
Average moisture, (%) 23.94 28.25 32.20
Dry density, (Mg/m3) - 1.41 1.38

Test NO.: 4 5 6
Cylinder & soil, A g 6738 6677 6593
Cylinder, B g 4978.5 4978.5 4979.3
Wet soil, A-B g 1759.5 1698.5 1613.7
Volume, cm3 0.998 0.998 0.998
Wet density, ρ Mg/m3 1.76 1.70 1.62
Vane shear strength 23 14 -

Samir Ashour Appendix A

Moisture content
Container No.: f28t 39s CL17 SA01 SA02 SA03 m90u f28t31 39s
Wet soil & container, g 18.65 8.65 21.11 12.59 12.14 18.65 19.50 11.17 13.18
Dry soil & container, g 14.96 7.19 17.22 9.93 9.65 14.22 14.46 8.33 9.64
Container, g 4.77 3.18 6.54 3.29 3.50 3.19 5.32 3.18 3.18
Dry soil , g 10.19 4.01 10.68 6.64 6.15 11.03 9.14 5.15 6.46
Moisture loss, g 3.69 1.46 3.89 2.66 2.49 4.43 5.04 2.84 3.54
Moisture content, % 36.21 36.41 36.42 40.06 40.49 40.16 55.14 55.15 54.80
Average moisture, % 36.35 40.24 55.03
Dry density ρd Mg/m3 1.29 1.21 1.04

Dry Density (Mg/m3)

1.60 5%
1.50 0%
Dry Density
1.40 Wet Density
10 20 30 40 50
Moisture Content %

 Undrained Shear Strength for Kaolin Clay

 Hand Vane Shear Test

Test No.: Water content (%) Shear strength (kPa)

A B C Average A B C Average

Test (1) 32.87 32.07 31.67 32.2 52 53 53 52.6

Test (2) 36.21 36.41 36.42 36.35 25 24 25 24.6

Test (3) 40.06 40.49 41.16 40.24 15 14 14 14.3

Test (4) 42.2 42.15 41.85 42.06 9 9 10 9.3

Test (5) 44.5 44.7 44.1 44.43 9 8 7 8

Test (6) 55.14 55.15 54.80 47.31 4 5 6 5

Samir Ashour Appendix A

 Quick Undrained Triaxial Test

Test Average Average deviator stress results Shear strength

No.: water content σ3= 50 σ3= 100 σ3= 150 (kPa)

(%) kPa kPa kPa

Test (1) 35 108 109 112 54.4

Test (2) 38 37 38 39 18.5

Test (3) 42.5 30 31 33 15.5

Test (4) 44 25.56 23.5 25.32 12.3


70 Vane shear test

Quick undrained triaxial test
Shear strength; kPa






30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00
Water content; %

Samir Ashour Appendix A

4.1 Shear Box Data Results for Column Material

Shear stress results (wet condition) Average internal

angle of friction ∅
No.: 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa

Test (1) 37 64.13 121.63 217.66

Test (2) 38.20 63.21 120.1 210

Shear stress results (dry condition) Average internal

angle of friction ∅
No.: 25 kPa 50 kPa 100 kPa 200 kPa

Test (1) 48 75.11 141.57 239.1

Test (2) 52.25 71.40 143.54 242.44

Wet condition 200kPa
200 Test 1_200kPa
Test 2_200kPa
Shear stress, (kPa)

Test 1_100kPa
150 100kPa
Test 2_100kPa
Test 1_50kPa
100 Test 2_50kPa
50kPa Test 1_25kPa
Test 2_25kPa

0 2 4 6 8 10
Horisontal displacement, (mm)

Samir Ashour Appendix A

Dry condition
250 200 kPa

Test 1_ 25 kPa
Shear stress, (kPa)

Test 1_50 kPa

100 kPa Test 1_100 kPa
150 Test 1_200 kPa
Test 2_25kPa
100 50 kPa Test 2_50kPa
Test 2_100kPa
50 Test 2_200kPa
25 kPa
0 2 4 6 8 10
Horizontal displacement, (mm)

Wet condition
Dry condition

Shear stress; kPa




0 50 100 150 200 250
Normal stress, (kPa)

Samir Ashour Appendix A

 Specific Gravity Test Data

 Specific Gravity for Kaolin Clay

Test No.: 1 2 3 4
Mass of bottle (g) m1 48.16 46.88 49.48 48.57
Mass of bottle & soil (g) m2 49.97 49.51 51.59 50.74
Mass of bottle water & soil (g) m3 104.05 108.38 108.49 105.51
Mass of bottle full water (g) m4 102.93 106.75 107.18 104.17
Specific gravity 2.62 2.64 2.64 2.61
average 2.63

 Specific Gravity for Column Material

Test No.: 1 2 3 4
Mass of bottle (g) m1 48.16 46.88 49.48 48.57
Mass of bottle & soil (g) m2 60.98 61.03 59.62 58.94
Mass of bottle water & soil (g) m3 110.97 115.72 113.60 110.67
Mass of bottle full water (g) m4 102.90 106.78 107.19 104.15
Specific gravity 2.70 2.72 2.72 2.69
average 2.71

 Clay Bed Consolidation

Pressure Test (1) Test (2) Test (3)

Root Root Root
Consolidation pressure (6.45 kPa)

Time Deformation Time Deformation Time Deformation

Square Square Square
(minute) (mm) (minute) (mm) (minute) (mm)
Time Time Time
0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00

1 1.00 0.15 1 1.00 0.19 1 1.00 0.20

2 1.41 0.30 2 1.41 0.35 2 1.41 0.34

4 2.00 0.55 4 2.00 0.63 4 2.00 0.40
8 2.83 0.98 8 2.83 1.15 8 2.83 1.03
15 3.87 1.60 15 3.87 1.95 20 4.47 2.14
30 5.48 2.64 30 5.48 3.18 33 5.74 3.10
60 7.75 4.30 60 7.75 5.25 60 7.75 4.80
120 10.95 9.05 120 10.95 8.50 240 15.49 16.85
240 15.49 14.82 240 15.49 17.00 1486 38.55 38.57

Samir Ashour Appendix A

480 21.91 22.30 432 20.78 23.00 1526 39.06 39.09

1440 37.95 36.50 1476 38.42 39.95 2788 52.80 51.15
2880 53.66 49.81 2827 53.17 45.95 2936 54.18 51.52
3600 60.00 50.10
Pressure Test (1) Test (2) Test (3)
Root Root Root
Time Deformation Time Deformation Time Deformation
Square Square Square
(minute) (mm) (minute) (mm) (minute) (mm)
Time Time Time
Consolidation pressure (12 kPa)

0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00

1 1.00 0.63 1 1.00 0.33 1 1.00 0.27
2 1.41 0.81 2 1.41 0.62 2 1.41 0.33
4 2.00 1.07 4 2.00 1.07 4 2.00 0.48
8 2.83 1.45 8 2.83 1.50 8 2.83 0.70
15 3.87 1.95 15 3.87 2.10 15 3.87 1.13
30 5.48 2.75 30 5.48 2.67 30 5.48 1.70
60 7.75 3.89 60 7.75 3.50 65 8.06 2.47
120 10.95 4.84 120 10.95 4.68 115 10.72 3.50
240 15.49 6.54 240 15.49 6.78 1322 36.36 12.84
450 21.21 8.75 480 21.91 9.42 1460 38.21 13.25
1329 36.46 10.90 1440 37.95 11.65
1440 37.95 11.00
1635 40.44 11.40
Pressure Test (1) Test (2) Test (3)
Root Root Root
Time Deformation Time Deformation Time Deformation
Square Square Square
(minute) (mm) (minute) (mm) (minute) (mm)
Time Time Time
Consolidation pressure (25 kPa)

0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00

1 1.00 0.60 1 1.00 0.61 1 1.00 0.61
2 1.41 0.79 2 1.41 0.76 2 1.41 0.76
4 2.00 0.98 4 2.00 0.97 4 2.00 0.97
9 3.00 1.35 9 3.00 1.25 9 3.00 1.25
21 4.58 1.95 15 3.87 1.67 15 3.87 1.67
30 5.48 2.32 30 5.48 2.29 30 5.48 2.29
60 7.75 3.26 53 7.28 3.05 53 7.28 3.05
120 10.95 4.55 116 10.77 4.45 116 10.77 4.45
200 14.14 5.77 200 14.14 6.37 200 14.14 6.37
462 21.49 7.95 456 21.35 8.16 456 21.35 8.16

1448 38.05 8.95 1460 38.21 9.30 1460 38.21 9.30

Pressure Test (1) Test (2) Test (3)

Root Root Root
Consolidation pressure

Time Deformation Time Deformation Time Deformation

Square Square Square
(minute) (mm) (minute) (mm) (minute) (mm)
Time Time Time
0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
(50 kPa)

1 1.00 1.00 1 1.00 0.80 1 1.00 0.80

2 1.41 1.20 2 1.41 0.97 2 1.41 0.97
4 2.00 1.51 4 2.00 1.21 4 2.00 1.21
8 2.83 1.97 8 2.83 1.58 8 2.83 1.58
15 3.87 2.70 15 3.87 2.04 15 3.87 2.04
30 5.48 3.40 30 5.48 2.84 30 5.48 2.84

Samir Ashour Appendix A

60 7.75 4.61 63 7.94 3.91 63 7.94 3.91

120 10.95 6.33 123 11.09 5.60 123 11.09 5.90
240 15.49 8.31 240 15.49 7.57 240 15.49 7.87
480 21.91 9.65 360 18.97 8.55 360 18.97 8.85
1440 37.95 10.02 440 20.98 8.86 420 20.49 9.06
1440 37.95 9.42 1414 37.60 9.62
Pressure Test (1) Test (2) Test (3)
Root Root Root
Time Deformation Time Deformation Time Deformation
Square Square Square
Consolidation pressure (100 kPa)

(minute) (mm) (minute) (mm) (minute) (mm)

Time Time Time
0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00
1 1.00 0.35 1 1.00 0.35 1 1.00 0.35
2 1.41 0.50 2 1.41 0.55 2 1.41 0.55
4 2.00 0.82 4 2.00 0.88 4 2.00 0.88
8 2.83 1.25 8 2.83 1.30 8 2.83 1.30
15 3.87 1.87 15 3.87 1.90 15 3.87 1.70
30 5.48 2.88 30 5.48 3.20 30 5.48 2.40
60 7.75 4.25 60 7.75 5.10 60 7.75 4.10
120 10.95 6.02 120 10.95 7.33 120 10.95 6.33
240 15.49 7.50 240 15.49 9.25 240 15.49 8.25
485 22.02 8.17 449 21.19 9.84 449 21.19 8.84
1440 37.95 8.40 1380 37.15 10.14 1380 37.15 9.14

Square root of time

0 20 40 60

Test (1)
Test (2)
Test (3)
Settlement (mm)



Consolidation pressure 6.45 kPa

Samir Ashour Appendix A

Square root of time

0 20 40

Test (1)
Test (2)
Test (3)
Settlement (mm)



Consolidation pressure 12 kPa

Square root of time

0 20 40
Test (1)
Test (2)
Test (3)
Settlement (mm)



Consolidation pressure 25 kPa

Samir Ashour Appendix A

Square root of time

0 20 40
Test (1)
Test (2)
5.00 Test (3)
Settlement (mm)



Consolidation pressure 50 kPa

Square root of time

0 20 40
Test (1)
Test (2)
5.00 Test (3)
Settlement (mm)



Consolidation pressure 100 kPa

Samir Ashour Appendix B


1. Test Procedure

 Triaxial Test Procedure

 Consolidaing the sample

Samir Ashour Appendix B

 Installing the stone colum

 Extroding the sample

 Placing the sample at the Mand Machine

Samir Ashour Appendix B

 Large Scale Model Procedure

 Sample consolidation

 Stone colum Installation

Samir Ashour Appendix B

 Positioning and placing the foundation

 Placing the sample at the Mand Machine

Samir Ashour Appendix C


 Example of the data of the monotonic loading test on reinforce soil

Date 21/08/2013 Test Number (5)

Time 08:30:00 Water content (%) 42.86
Area of specimen
sample Dia.(mm) 101.00 0.01
sample Length (mm) 199.50
Cell pressure (kPa) 400.67
Back pressure (kPa) 295.00 Strain rate (mm/min) 0.03

stress Change
Load Pk Stress corr. Disp. Strain PWP PWP σ3
Posn Pk (kN) (kPa) (kPa) (mm) (%) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa)
-23.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 294.77 0 400.58
-23.05 0.04 4.46 4.45 0.38 0.18 295.15 0.54 400.67
-22.99 0.03 3.69 3.68 0.45 0.22 295.32 0.72 400.66
-22.92 0.02 2.67 2.67 0.52 0.25 295.54 0.93 400.69
-22.86 0.02 3.06 3.05 0.58 0.28 296.03 1.42 400.64
-22.79 0.09 10.95 10.92 0.65 0.31 297.80 3.20 400.77
-22.73 0.10 12.73 12.69 0.71 0.34 300.62 6.02 400.79
-22.67 0.16 19.74 19.66 0.77 0.37 302.96 8.36 400.53
-22.60 0.19 24.70 24.60 0.84 0.40 304.98 10.38 400.60
-22.54 0.19 24.70 24.59 0.91 0.44 306.82 12.22 400.56
-22.47 0.21 26.87 26.74 0.97 0.47 308.27 13.67 400.61
-22.40 0.24 31.07 30.91 1.04 0.50 309.80 15.20 400.85
-22.34 0.22 27.88 27.74 1.10 0.53 311.01 16.41 400.84
-22.27 0.25 32.21 32.03 1.17 0.56 312.15 17.54 400.49
-22.21 0.24 31.07 30.88 1.23 0.59 313.54 18.94 400.26
-22.14 0.29 37.31 37.07 1.30 0.62 314.67 20.07 400.63
-22.08 0.28 36.16 35.92 1.36 0.66 315.88 21.27 400.40
-22.01 0.32 40.74 40.46 1.43 0.69 316.77 22.17 400.81
-21.95 0.31 39.22 38.93 1.49 0.72 317.77 23.17 400.63
-21.88 0.30 38.45 38.16 1.56 0.75 318.45 23.84 400.57
-21.82 0.30 37.94 37.65 1.63 0.78 318.70 24.10 400.52
-21.75 0.34 43.29 42.94 1.69 0.81 319.69 25.09 400.40
-21.69 0.36 46.09 45.70 1.76 0.84 320.74 26.14 400.65
-21.62 0.38 47.75 47.33 1.82 0.87 321.64 27.03 400.67
-21.56 0.36 45.84 45.42 1.89 0.91 322.10 27.50 400.66
-21.49 0.41 52.71 52.22 1.95 0.94 322.87 28.27 400.82

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-21.43 0.38 48.51 48.04 2.02 0.97 323.43 28.83 400.39

-21.36 0.38 48.26 47.77 2.08 1.00 323.92 29.32 400.46
-21.29 0.36 45.84 45.36 2.15 1.03 324.57 29.96 400.23
-21.23 0.39 49.27 48.75 2.21 1.06 325.14 30.54 400.59
-21.16 0.43 54.11 53.52 2.28 1.09 325.45 30.85 400.77
-21.10 0.41 52.08 51.49 2.35 1.13 325.98 31.38 400.18
-21.03 0.39 50.17 49.58 2.41 1.16 326.14 31.54 400.43
-20.97 0.41 51.57 50.95 2.47 1.19 326.99 32.39 400.26
-20.90 0.41 52.33 51.69 2.54 1.22 327.29 32.69 400.29
-20.83 0.42 53.73 53.06 2.61 1.25 327.80 33.19 400.51
-20.77 0.46 59.08 58.32 2.67 1.28 328.02 33.42 401.11
-20.70 0.46 58.82 58.05 2.74 1.32 328.46 33.85 400.64
-20.64 0.44 55.39 54.64 2.80 1.35 328.86 34.26 400.35
-20.57 0.47 59.59 58.77 2.87 1.38 329.18 34.58 400.65
-20.51 0.43 54.62 53.85 2.93 1.41 329.53 34.93 400.21
-20.44 0.46 58.82 57.98 3.00 1.44 330.00 35.40 400.63
-20.38 0.50 63.79 62.85 3.06 1.47 330.44 35.84 400.73
-20.31 0.42 53.86 53.05 3.13 1.50 330.28 35.68 399.96
-20.25 0.47 59.59 58.67 3.20 1.54 330.77 36.17 400.20
-20.18 0.47 59.21 58.28 3.26 1.57 330.94 36.34 400.61
-20.11 0.50 63.03 62.02 3.33 1.60 331.35 36.74 400.66
-20.05 0.47 60.35 59.37 3.39 1.63 331.42 36.82 400.51
-19.98 0.50 63.66 62.60 3.46 1.66 331.75 37.15 400.69
-19.92 0.48 60.61 59.58 3.52 1.69 332.01 37.41 400.24
-19.85 0.50 63.03 61.94 3.59 1.73 332.29 37.68 400.67
-19.79 0.54 69.01 67.80 3.65 1.76 332.46 37.86 400.74
-19.72 0.54 68.37 67.15 3.72 1.79 332.74 38.13 400.97
-19.65 0.52 66.72 65.50 3.78 1.82 332.95 38.35 400.79
-19.59 0.50 63.53 62.36 3.85 1.85 333.08 38.47 400.56
-19.52 0.51 64.94 63.71 3.92 1.88 333.40 38.79 400.46
-19.46 0.53 67.48 66.19 3.98 1.92 333.55 38.94 400.47
-19.39 0.41 52.71 51.69 4.05 1.95 333.20 38.60 400.29
-19.32 0.53 67.86 66.52 4.11 1.98 333.74 39.13 400.58
-19.26 0.49 62.64 61.38 4.18 2.01 333.63 39.03 400.21
-19.19 0.52 66.34 64.98 4.24 2.04 333.94 39.33 400.44
-19.13 0.56 70.92 69.45 4.31 2.07 334.34 39.74 400.60
-19.06 0.56 71.05 69.55 4.37 2.10 334.40 39.79 400.47
-19.00 0.47 59.33 58.07 4.44 2.14 334.34 39.74 399.87
-18.93 0.51 65.19 63.78 4.51 2.17 334.68 40.07 400.41
-18.87 0.54 68.63 67.12 4.57 2.20 334.90 40.30 400.48
-18.80 0.56 70.92 69.34 4.64 2.23 335.12 40.52 400.45
-18.74 0.55 70.03 68.44 4.70 2.26 335.31 40.70 400.30
-18.67 0.55 70.03 68.42 4.77 2.29 335.27 40.66 400.33

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-18.61 0.59 74.74 73.00 4.84 2.33 335.53 40.92 400.65

-18.54 0.57 72.45 70.74 4.90 2.36 335.52 40.92 400.61
-18.47 0.56 70.79 69.10 4.97 2.39 335.57 40.97 400.37
-18.41 0.53 67.10 65.48 5.03 2.42 335.72 41.12 400.13
-18.34 0.56 71.68 69.93 5.10 2.45 335.73 41.13 400.06
-18.28 0.58 74.23 72.39 5.16 2.48 336.09 41.49 400.26
-18.21 0.54 68.88 67.15 5.23 2.52 335.85 41.25 400.28
-18.14 0.55 69.39 67.62 5.30 2.55 335.98 41.38 400.20
-18.08 0.61 77.41 75.42 5.36 2.58 336.20 41.59 400.63
-18.01 0.62 79.32 77.25 5.43 2.61 336.39 41.79 400.57
-17.95 0.56 71.68 69.79 5.49 2.64 336.29 41.68 400.20
-17.88 0.56 70.79 68.90 5.56 2.67 336.48 41.87 400.05
-17.82 0.58 73.21 71.23 5.62 2.70 336.66 42.06 400.24
-17.75 0.61 77.03 74.92 5.69 2.74 336.50 41.90 400.96
-17.68 0.58 74.10 72.05 5.75 2.77 336.70 42.10 400.39
-17.62 0.61 78.05 75.87 5.82 2.80 336.79 42.19 400.32
-17.55 0.60 76.14 73.98 5.89 2.83 336.82 42.21 400.46
-17.49 0.59 75.12 72.97 5.95 2.86 336.96 42.36 400.18
-17.42 0.61 77.03 74.80 6.02 2.89 336.81 42.20 400.61
-17.36 0.60 75.89 73.67 6.08 2.93 336.94 42.34 400.36
-17.29 0.56 70.92 68.82 6.15 2.96 336.99 42.39 399.93
-17.22 0.62 78.43 76.09 6.22 2.99 337.24 42.64 400.21
-17.16 0.59 75.63 73.35 6.28 3.02 337.29 42.69 400.13
-17.09 0.60 76.14 73.82 6.35 3.05 337.11 42.50 399.92
-17.03 0.61 78.18 75.77 6.41 3.08 337.56 42.96 400.46
-16.96 0.61 77.41 75.00 6.48 3.11 337.48 42.88 400.42
-16.90 0.61 78.18 75.72 6.54 3.15 337.54 42.93 400.45
-16.83 0.64 80.85 78.28 6.61 3.18 337.67 43.06 400.12
-16.76 0.60 75.76 73.33 6.68 3.21 337.61 43.01 400.15
-16.70 0.66 83.78 81.06 6.74 3.24 337.78 43.18 400.65
-16.63 0.57 72.32 69.95 6.80 3.27 337.57 42.97 400.02
-16.57 0.62 78.69 76.09 6.87 3.30 337.76 43.16 400.35
-16.50 0.64 81.61 78.89 6.94 3.33 337.66 43.06 400.36
-16.44 0.65 83.02 80.22 7.00 3.37 337.95 43.35 400.58
-16.37 0.66 83.52 80.69 7.07 3.40 338.01 43.41 400.55
-16.31 0.64 81.61 78.82 7.13 3.43 338.01 43.40 400.46
-16.24 0.61 78.18 75.47 7.20 3.46 337.90 43.30 400.37
-16.18 0.68 87.09 84.05 7.26 3.49 338.12 43.52 400.71
-16.11 0.61 77.16 74.44 7.33 3.52 338.11 43.50 400.20
-16.04 0.63 80.09 77.24 7.40 3.56 338.18 43.58 400.27
-15.98 0.66 83.40 80.41 7.46 3.59 338.25 43.65 400.66
-15.91 0.62 78.81 75.96 7.53 3.62 338.12 43.52 400.22
-15.85 0.61 78.05 75.20 7.59 3.65 338.17 43.56 400.21

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-15.78 0.62 79.32 76.40 7.66 3.68 338.01 43.41 400.04

-15.72 0.65 82.63 79.56 7.72 3.71 338.14 43.54 400.48
-15.65 0.64 80.98 77.95 7.79 3.75 338.61 44.01 400.18
-15.58 0.65 82.63 79.51 7.86 3.78 338.47 43.87 400.69
-15.52 0.63 79.83 76.79 7.92 3.81 338.49 43.88 400.13
-15.46 0.67 84.67 81.42 7.99 3.84 338.57 43.97 400.72
-15.39 0.61 77.54 74.54 8.05 3.87 338.41 43.80 400.04
-15.32 0.66 83.65 80.39 8.12 3.90 338.52 43.92 400.37
-15.26 0.64 81.23 78.04 8.18 3.93 338.22 43.62 400.67
-15.19 0.64 80.85 77.64 8.25 3.97 338.67 44.07 400.53
-15.13 0.63 80.72 77.50 8.31 4.00 338.63 44.03 400.51
-15.06 0.69 87.73 84.19 8.38 4.03 338.82 44.21 400.72
-15.00 0.62 78.43 75.25 8.44 4.06 338.65 44.05 399.96
-14.93 0.63 80.34 77.05 8.51 4.09 338.75 44.15 399.96
-14.87 0.63 80.21 76.91 8.58 4.12 338.78 44.18 400.06
-14.80 0.66 84.16 80.67 8.64 4.15 338.77 44.16 400.58
-14.74 0.66 84.16 80.64 8.71 4.19 338.72 44.11 400.57
-14.67 0.63 80.34 76.95 8.77 4.22 338.27 43.66 400.17
-14.60 0.64 81.87 78.39 8.84 4.25 338.74 44.13 400.01
-14.54 0.69 87.22 83.48 8.90 4.28 338.85 44.24 400.46
-14.47 0.69 87.85 84.07 8.97 4.31 338.88 44.28 400.79
-14.41 0.68 86.71 82.94 9.03 4.34 339.11 44.50 400.46
-14.34 0.67 85.31 81.58 9.10 4.37 339.07 44.46 400.58
-14.28 0.62 78.43 74.98 9.17 4.41 339.01 44.41 399.95
-14.21 0.70 88.49 84.56 9.23 4.44 339.02 44.42 400.47
-14.14 0.61 77.54 74.07 9.30 4.47 338.76 44.15 399.88
-14.08 0.66 84.54 80.74 9.36 4.50 338.94 44.34 400.38
-14.01 0.68 86.96 83.02 9.43 4.53 339.10 44.50 400.56
-13.95 0.65 82.63 78.86 9.49 4.56 339.05 44.45 400.44
-13.88 0.67 85.56 81.63 9.56 4.60 339.04 44.43 400.23
-13.82 0.66 83.52 79.66 9.63 4.63 338.90 44.29 400.15
-13.75 0.74 93.84 89.47 9.69 4.66 339.11 44.51 400.72
-13.68 0.69 88.36 84.22 9.76 4.69 339.21 44.60 400.50
-13.62 0.69 87.34 83.22 9.82 4.72 339.19 44.59 400.41
-13.55 0.67 84.93 80.89 9.89 4.75 338.93 44.32 400.31
-13.49 0.68 85.94 81.83 9.95 4.78 339.02 44.42 400.44
-13.42 0.67 84.80 80.71 10.02 4.82 338.96 44.36 399.97
-13.36 0.70 89.00 84.69 10.08 4.85 339.00 44.40 400.28
-13.29 0.71 90.02 85.63 10.15 4.88 339.25 44.65 400.65
-13.23 0.67 85.56 81.36 10.21 4.91 339.09 44.49 400.31
-13.16 0.72 91.29 86.78 10.28 4.94 339.37 44.76 400.47
-13.10 0.65 82.76 78.64 10.35 4.97 339.12 44.52 400.06
-13.03 0.71 90.65 86.12 10.41 5.01 339.15 44.55 400.16

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-12.96 0.69 87.47 83.07 10.48 5.04 339.26 44.66 400.12

-12.90 0.72 92.06 87.39 10.54 5.07 339.24 44.64 400.68
-12.83 0.66 84.54 80.23 10.61 5.10 339.23 44.63 400.28
-12.77 0.70 88.49 83.95 10.67 5.13 339.36 44.76 400.60
-12.70 0.71 89.76 85.13 10.74 5.16 339.35 44.74 400.36
-12.64 0.76 97.15 92.10 10.80 5.19 339.34 44.73 400.94
-12.57 0.76 96.38 91.35 10.87 5.23 339.28 44.68 400.63
-12.50 0.70 89.13 84.44 10.93 5.26 339.24 44.63 400.12
-12.44 0.68 87.09 82.48 11.00 5.29 339.24 44.64 400.35
-12.37 0.66 84.29 79.80 11.07 5.32 339.10 44.49 400.22
-12.31 0.71 89.89 85.08 11.13 5.35 339.16 44.56 400.13
-12.24 0.70 89.38 84.57 11.20 5.38 339.09 44.49 400.08
-12.18 0.77 98.17 92.85 11.26 5.41 339.47 44.87 400.54
-12.11 0.74 93.97 88.85 11.33 5.45 339.20 44.59 400.68
-12.04 0.78 99.06 93.63 11.39 5.48 339.22 44.62 400.77
-11.98 0.72 92.06 86.98 11.46 5.51 339.29 44.69 400.44
-11.91 0.67 85.05 80.34 11.53 5.54 339.25 44.64 399.58
-11.85 0.64 81.61 77.07 11.59 5.57 339.21 44.61 399.50
-11.78 0.70 89.51 84.49 11.66 5.60 339.23 44.63 399.99
-11.72 0.65 82.25 77.62 11.72 5.64 339.26 44.66 399.99
-11.65 0.73 92.95 87.68 11.79 5.67 339.23 44.62 400.57
-11.59 0.70 89.51 84.41 11.85 5.70 339.27 44.67 400.06
-11.52 0.74 94.35 88.94 11.92 5.73 339.17 44.57 400.40
-11.46 0.68 86.58 81.59 11.99 5.76 339.08 44.48 399.86
-11.39 0.66 83.78 78.93 12.05 5.79 339.22 44.61 399.74
-11.33 0.71 90.02 84.77 12.12 5.82 339.19 44.59 400.27
-11.26 0.75 94.86 89.30 12.18 5.86 339.34 44.73 400.53
-11.19 0.76 96.13 90.47 12.25 5.89 339.32 44.72 400.84
-11.13 0.73 93.33 87.80 12.31 5.92 339.25 44.64 400.28
-11.06 0.72 91.29 85.86 12.38 5.95 339.03 44.43 400.16
-11.00 0.70 88.62 83.32 12.45 5.98 339.13 44.53 400.00
-10.93 0.74 94.73 89.03 12.51 6.01 339.13 44.53 400.77
-10.86 0.73 92.95 87.33 12.57 6.05 339.39 44.78 400.35
-10.80 0.73 92.56 86.94 12.64 6.08 339.28 44.68 400.64
-10.73 0.66 83.91 78.78 12.71 6.11 338.80 44.20 399.84
-10.67 0.66 84.54 79.35 12.77 6.14 339.33 44.73 399.40
-10.60 0.73 92.31 86.61 12.84 6.17 339.31 44.71 400.10
-10.53 0.72 91.93 86.23 12.90 6.20 339.35 44.75 400.30
-10.47 0.72 91.55 85.84 12.97 6.23 339.21 44.61 400.50
-10.41 0.74 93.84 87.96 13.03 6.27 339.26 44.65 400.47
-10.34 0.71 90.40 84.71 13.10 6.30 339.24 44.64 399.90
-10.28 0.73 92.56 86.71 13.17 6.33 339.50 44.90 400.13
-10.21 0.71 90.65 84.89 13.23 6.36 339.36 44.75 400.18

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-10.15 0.79 100.59 94.15 13.30 6.39 339.56 44.96 400.99

-10.08 0.66 84.16 78.75 13.36 6.42 338.92 44.31 399.36
-10.01 0.72 92.06 86.11 13.43 6.46 339.24 44.63 400.10
-9.95 0.75 95.37 89.18 13.49 6.49 339.49 44.88 400.14
-9.88 0.70 89.38 83.55 13.56 6.52 339.00 44.40 399.87
-9.82 0.72 91.29 85.31 13.63 6.55 339.32 44.71 399.94
-9.75 0.68 86.96 81.24 13.69 6.58 339.14 44.54 399.55
-9.68 0.71 90.78 84.78 13.75 6.61 339.33 44.73 399.77
-9.62 0.77 98.42 91.88 13.82 6.64 339.29 44.68 400.36
-9.55 0.74 94.35 88.05 13.89 6.68 339.34 44.73 400.01
-9.49 0.71 90.02 83.98 13.96 6.71 338.98 44.38 399.84
-9.42 0.78 99.57 92.86 14.02 6.74 339.42 44.81 400.70
-9.36 0.71 90.40 84.28 14.08 6.77 339.33 44.72 400.08
-9.29 0.71 90.91 84.73 14.15 6.80 339.02 44.42 399.83
-9.23 0.74 94.35 87.90 14.22 6.83 339.21 44.61 399.91
-9.16 0.78 99.06 92.26 14.28 6.87 339.12 44.52 400.16
-9.09 0.73 92.69 86.30 14.34 6.90 339.07 44.47 400.00
-9.03 0.67 85.82 79.87 14.41 6.93 338.87 44.27 399.75
-8.96 0.69 87.22 81.15 14.48 6.96 339.13 44.53 399.76
-8.90 0.74 93.84 87.28 14.54 6.99 339.29 44.68 399.70
-8.83 0.68 86.83 80.74 14.61 7.02 339.14 44.53 399.39
-8.77 0.80 102.24 95.03 14.67 7.05 339.60 44.99 400.54
-8.70 0.76 96.51 89.67 14.74 7.09 339.52 44.91 400.20
-8.64 0.79 100.97 93.78 14.80 7.12 339.44 44.83 400.43
-8.57 0.72 91.16 84.65 14.87 7.15 339.33 44.72 399.69
-8.51 0.80 101.35 94.07 14.93 7.18 339.40 44.79 400.27
-8.44 0.71 90.15 83.64 15.00 7.21 339.09 44.49 399.70
-8.37 0.74 93.97 87.16 15.07 7.24 339.35 44.74 399.94
-8.31 0.74 94.60 87.72 15.13 7.27 339.21 44.61 400.31
-8.24 0.74 94.60 87.69 15.20 7.31 339.31 44.70 400.23
-8.18 0.81 103.26 95.68 15.26 7.34 339.28 44.68 400.64
-8.11 0.71 89.76 83.15 15.33 7.37 339.13 44.53 399.73
-8.05 0.69 87.47 81.00 15.40 7.40 339.08 44.47 399.37
-7.98 0.77 97.66 90.40 15.46 7.43 339.26 44.66 399.72
-7.91 0.76 96.26 89.07 15.53 7.46 339.32 44.72 399.84
-7.85 0.73 93.46 86.45 15.59 7.50 339.18 44.58 400.37
-7.78 0.75 95.37 88.19 15.66 7.53 339.22 44.61 399.92
-7.72 0.76 96.26 88.98 15.72 7.56 339.27 44.66 399.88
-7.65 0.80 101.35 93.66 15.79 7.59 339.32 44.72 400.07
-7.58 0.75 95.62 88.33 15.85 7.62 339.12 44.52 399.67
-7.52 0.72 91.04 84.07 15.92 7.65 339.24 44.63 399.73
-7.46 0.76 96.64 89.21 15.99 7.69 339.28 44.68 399.96
-7.39 0.73 93.20 86.01 16.05 7.72 339.24 44.63 399.41

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-7.32 0.74 93.71 86.45 16.11 7.75 339.07 44.47 399.57

-7.26 0.72 91.67 84.54 16.18 7.78 339.16 44.56 399.56
-7.19 0.78 99.06 91.32 16.25 7.81 339.33 44.72 400.15
-7.13 0.75 94.86 87.42 16.31 7.84 339.28 44.68 400.02
-7.06 0.75 95.11 87.62 16.38 7.87 339.20 44.60 399.99
-7.00 0.80 102.24 94.16 16.44 7.90 339.23 44.63 400.17
-6.93 0.77 97.53 89.79 16.51 7.94 339.17 44.56 399.87
-6.86 0.82 104.66 96.32 16.57 7.97 339.36 44.75 400.31
-6.80 0.74 93.71 86.21 16.64 8.00 338.93 44.32 399.87
-6.73 0.75 94.86 87.24 16.71 8.03 338.88 44.28 400.02
-6.67 0.76 96.51 88.73 16.77 8.06 339.05 44.45 399.84
-6.60 0.78 98.80 90.81 16.84 8.09 339.02 44.42 399.77
-6.54 0.70 88.49 81.30 16.90 8.13 338.84 44.24 399.14
-6.47 0.77 97.91 89.92 16.97 8.16 339.00 44.39 400.32
-6.41 0.70 89.64 82.29 17.04 8.19 339.00 44.40 399.42
-6.34 0.81 103.13 94.65 17.10 8.22 338.97 44.37 400.50
-6.27 0.77 97.78 89.72 17.16 8.25 339.06 44.46 400.04
-6.21 0.77 97.78 89.68 17.23 8.28 339.09 44.49 399.91
-6.14 0.76 96.77 88.72 17.30 8.31 339.10 44.49 399.55
-6.08 0.72 91.29 83.67 17.36 8.35 338.95 44.35 399.37
-6.01 0.78 99.31 90.99 17.43 8.38 338.96 44.35 399.93
-5.95 0.78 99.06 90.73 17.50 8.41 339.16 44.55 399.92
-5.88 0.76 96.26 88.13 17.56 8.44 339.05 44.44 399.64
-5.82 0.74 94.47 86.47 17.63 8.47 338.95 44.34 399.61
-5.75 0.77 98.04 89.70 17.69 8.51 338.97 44.37 399.63
-5.68 0.78 99.19 90.72 17.76 8.54 338.68 44.07 399.98
-5.62 0.71 90.53 82.77 17.82 8.57 338.78 44.17 399.36
-5.55 0.78 99.57 91.01 17.89 8.60 338.92 44.32 400.30
-5.49 0.77 98.55 90.04 17.95 8.63 338.97 44.36 399.75
-5.42 0.77 97.91 89.43 18.02 8.66 338.97 44.36 399.34
-5.35 0.79 99.95 91.26 18.08 8.69 338.94 44.34 399.85
-5.29 0.74 93.84 85.65 18.15 8.73 338.96 44.35 399.59
-5.22 0.73 92.82 84.69 18.22 8.76 339.03 44.43 399.27
-5.16 0.82 104.02 94.88 18.28 8.79 339.03 44.42 400.36
-5.09 0.80 102.11 93.11 18.35 8.82 338.99 44.38 399.99
-5.03 0.77 98.29 89.59 18.41 8.85 338.86 44.26 399.83
-4.96 0.76 96.51 87.94 18.48 8.88 338.85 44.24 399.59
-4.90 0.78 99.19 90.34 18.54 8.91 338.75 44.15 399.81
-4.83 0.73 92.56 84.28 18.61 8.95 338.72 44.11 399.46
-4.77 0.78 99.19 90.28 18.67 8.98 338.99 44.39 399.68
-4.70 0.80 101.35 92.22 18.74 9.01 338.94 44.34 399.65
-4.64 0.78 98.68 89.75 18.81 9.04 338.87 44.27 400.03
-4.57 0.75 95.37 86.71 18.87 9.07 338.73 44.13 399.60

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-4.50 0.71 90.53 82.29 18.94 9.10 338.69 44.08 399.48

-4.44 0.77 98.04 89.08 19.00 9.13 338.73 44.12 399.68
-4.37 0.76 96.26 87.43 19.07 9.17 338.84 44.24 399.49
-4.31 0.77 97.53 88.56 19.13 9.20 338.88 44.27 399.72
-4.24 0.78 99.31 90.15 19.20 9.23 338.88 44.27 399.69
-4.18 0.80 101.22 91.85 19.27 9.26 338.74 44.14 399.58
-4.11 0.79 100.20 90.89 19.33 9.29 338.76 44.15 399.78
-4.05 0.86 109.88 99.63 19.40 9.33 338.92 44.31 400.41
-3.98 0.82 104.91 95.10 19.46 9.36 339.01 44.40 400.01
-3.91 0.78 99.19 89.87 19.53 9.39 338.78 44.17 399.67
-3.85 0.76 96.89 87.77 19.59 9.42 338.78 44.17 399.20
-3.78 0.80 101.60 92.00 19.66 9.45 338.96 44.36 399.62
-3.72 0.76 96.26 87.13 19.72 9.48 338.80 44.20 399.80
-3.65 0.77 98.55 89.17 19.79 9.51 338.80 44.19 399.89
-3.59 0.87 110.77 100.20 19.85 9.55 339.07 44.47 400.22
-3.52 0.82 104.02 94.06 19.92 9.58 338.83 44.22 399.74
-3.45 0.81 102.75 92.88 19.99 9.61 338.89 44.28 399.77
-3.39 0.74 94.22 85.14 20.05 9.64 338.60 44.00 399.38
-3.32 0.79 100.46 90.74 20.12 9.67 338.78 44.18 400.03
-3.26 0.83 105.42 95.20 20.18 9.70 338.67 44.06 400.36
-3.19 0.74 93.84 84.70 20.25 9.73 338.66 44.06 399.22
-3.13 0.83 105.30 95.01 20.31 9.77 338.77 44.17 399.75
-3.06 0.77 97.53 87.97 20.38 9.80 338.59 43.98 399.63
-2.99 0.82 103.90 93.68 20.45 9.83 338.82 44.22 399.93
-2.93 0.78 99.57 89.75 20.51 9.86 338.83 44.23 399.80
-2.87 0.76 97.28 87.65 20.57 9.89 338.60 43.99 399.79
-2.80 0.75 95.75 86.25 20.64 9.92 338.72 44.12 399.61
-2.73 0.76 97.28 87.59 20.71 9.96 338.79 44.18 399.46
-2.67 0.79 100.33 90.31 20.77 9.99 338.87 44.27 399.71
-2.60 0.81 102.75 92.46 20.84 10.02 338.94 44.34 400.10
-2.54 0.74 94.22 84.75 20.90 10.05 338.38 43.78 399.52
-2.47 0.82 103.77 93.31 20.97 10.08 339.04 44.43 399.84
-2.41 0.86 109.50 98.43 21.03 10.11 338.98 44.37 400.19
-2.34 0.74 94.35 84.78 21.10 10.14 338.80 44.20 399.28
-2.28 0.78 98.68 88.63 21.17 10.18 338.72 44.11 399.88
-2.21 0.79 100.33 90.09 21.23 10.21 338.55 43.94 399.89
-2.14 0.87 110.64 99.32 21.30 10.24 338.89 44.29 400.79
-2.08 0.81 103.01 92.43 21.36 10.27 338.76 44.16 399.81
-2.01 0.79 100.97 90.57 21.43 10.30 338.69 44.09 399.76
-1.95 0.83 106.06 95.10 21.49 10.33 338.75 44.14 400.02
-1.88 0.82 104.53 93.70 21.56 10.36 338.80 44.19 399.95
-1.82 0.76 96.89 86.82 21.63 10.40 338.77 44.17 399.66
-1.75 0.81 103.39 92.61 21.69 10.43 338.68 44.08 400.19

Samir Ashour Appendix C

-1.68 0.76 96.89 86.76 21.76 10.46 338.71 44.10 399.27

-1.62 0.73 93.20 83.42 21.82 10.49 338.57 43.96 399.09
-1.55 0.84 107.33 96.04 21.89 10.52 338.62 44.02 400.25
-1.49 0.77 97.53 87.24 21.95 10.55 338.56 43.95 399.73
-1.42 0.73 93.07 83.22 22.02 10.59 338.58 43.97 399.21
-1.36 0.79 100.84 90.13 22.09 10.62 338.53 43.93 399.72
-1.29 0.75 94.98 84.87 22.15 10.65 338.47 43.87 399.20
-1.22 0.80 101.35 90.53 22.21 10.68 338.38 43.78 399.44
-1.16 0.79 100.46 89.70 22.28 10.71 338.69 44.08 399.84
-1.09 0.76 96.13 85.80 22.35 10.74 338.54 43.93 399.66
-1.03 0.79 99.95 89.18 22.41 10.77 338.62 44.02 399.63
-0.96 0.87 110.39 98.46 22.48 10.81 338.76 44.15 399.97
-0.90 0.87 110.14 98.20 22.54 10.84 338.85 44.24 399.97
-0.83 0.83 105.30 93.85 22.61 10.87 338.79 44.19 399.52
-0.76 0.87 110.77 98.70 22.67 10.90 338.87 44.27 400.04
-0.70 0.80 101.22 90.16 22.74 10.93 338.69 44.08 399.66
-0.63 0.86 108.86 96.93 22.80 10.96 338.72 44.11 400.16
-0.57 0.79 100.20 89.19 22.87 10.99 338.52 43.91 399.70
-0.51 0.84 107.21 95.38 22.94 11.03 338.65 44.05 399.56
-0.44 0.73 93.33 83.01 23.00 11.06 338.35 43.75 399.14
-0.37 0.80 102.37 91.01 23.07 11.09 338.60 44.00 399.74
-0.31 0.82 104.02 92.45 23.13 11.12 338.52 43.91 399.98
-0.24 0.81 103.01 91.52 23.20 11.15 338.68 44.07 399.70
-0.18 0.77 97.78 86.85 23.26 11.18 338.40 43.80 399.22
-0.11 0.77 98.17 87.16 23.33 11.22 338.46 43.85 399.42
-0.04 0.82 103.90 92.21 23.40 11.25 338.81 44.20 399.44
0.02 0.84 106.32 94.32 23.46 11.28 338.51 43.91 399.68
0.09 0.76 96.64 85.71 23.53 11.31 338.14 43.54 399.10
0.15 0.75 95.37 84.55 23.59 11.34 338.30 43.70 399.12
0.22 0.87 111.28 98.62 23.66 11.37 338.49 43.89 400.01
0.28 0.78 99.57 88.21 23.73 11.41 337.94 43.34 399.42
0.35 0.84 106.44 94.27 23.79 11.44 338.18 43.58 399.70
0.42 0.84 106.95 94.69 23.86 11.47 338.68 44.07 399.83
0.48 0.81 103.64 91.72 23.92 11.50 338.60 44.00 399.34
0.55 0.75 95.62 84.59 23.99 11.53 338.31 43.71 399.13
0.61 0.79 100.46 88.84 24.05 11.56 338.29 43.69 399.43
0.68 0.80 101.22 89.49 24.12 11.60 338.40 43.80 399.11
0.74 0.77 97.78 86.42 24.18 11.63 338.14 43.53 398.92
0.81 0.83 105.81 93.47 24.25 11.66 338.42 43.81 399.49
0.87 0.81 102.75 90.74 24.32 11.69 338.34 43.73 399.54
0.94 0.87 110.26 97.34 24.38 11.72 338.55 43.94 400.00
1.01 0.77 98.29 86.74 24.45 11.75 338.05 43.45 399.23
1.07 0.83 106.19 93.67 24.51 11.78 338.30 43.69 399.43

Samir Ashour Appendix C

1.14 0.82 104.15 91.84 24.58 11.82 338.46 43.86 399.09

1.21 0.86 109.50 96.53 24.64 11.85 338.49 43.89 399.82
1.27 0.75 94.98 83.70 24.71 11.88 338.26 43.66 399.12
1.34 0.80 101.73 89.62 24.77 11.91 338.41 43.80 399.19
1.40 0.78 99.82 87.90 24.84 11.94 338.28 43.67 398.99
1.47 0.78 99.82 87.87 24.90 11.97 338.09 43.48 399.10
1.53 0.83 105.93 93.22 24.97 12.00 338.53 43.93 399.58
1.59 0.78 98.80 86.91 25.03 12.03 338.22 43.61 399.22
1.66 0.81 102.75 90.35 25.10 12.07 338.58 43.97 399.47
1.73 0.79 100.84 88.64 25.17 12.10 338.19 43.58 399.21
1.79 0.78 99.06 87.04 25.23 12.13 338.23 43.62 399.34
1.86 0.85 107.84 94.73 25.30 12.16 338.25 43.64 399.52
1.93 0.88 111.66 98.05 25.36 12.19 338.42 43.82 399.72
1.99 0.82 104.66 91.87 25.43 12.23 338.17 43.57 399.53
2.05 0.83 105.30 92.39 25.50 12.26 338.40 43.80 399.64
2.12 0.75 95.75 83.98 25.56 12.29 338.11 43.51 399.25
2.19 0.83 105.42 92.44 25.62 12.32 338.47 43.86 399.23
2.25 0.81 103.01 90.28 25.69 12.35 338.05 43.45 399.28
2.32 0.78 98.80 86.57 25.76 12.38 337.96 43.35 399.23
2.39 0.85 108.61 95.12 25.82 12.41 338.08 43.48 399.94
2.45 0.81 103.26 90.41 25.89 12.45 338.17 43.57 399.41
2.52 0.80 101.60 88.93 25.96 12.48 338.40 43.80 399.44
2.58 0.87 110.52 96.69 26.02 12.51 338.29 43.68 399.99
2.65 0.79 100.08 87.53 26.09 12.54 338.09 43.48 399.26
2.71 0.84 107.46 93.95 26.15 12.57 338.46 43.85 399.45
2.78 0.79 100.59 87.91 26.22 12.60 338.25 43.64 399.05
2.84 0.82 104.91 91.66 26.28 12.64 338.33 43.73 399.02
2.91 0.81 103.26 90.18 26.35 12.67 338.15 43.55 399.32
2.97 0.80 101.86 88.93 26.41 12.70 338.17 43.57 399.29
3.04 0.78 98.93 86.34 26.48 12.73 338.31 43.70 399.09
3.11 0.83 105.04 91.64 26.55 12.76 338.13 43.52 399.39
3.17 0.81 102.75 89.60 26.61 12.79 338.23 43.62 399.29
3.24 0.82 103.77 90.46 26.67 12.82 338.15 43.55 399.35
3.30 0.82 104.91 91.43 26.74 12.86 338.44 43.84 399.67
3.37 0.79 100.20 87.29 26.81 12.89 338.23 43.62 399.32
3.43 0.79 100.46 87.48 26.87 12.92 338.23 43.62 398.91
3.50 0.85 108.10 94.10 26.94 12.95 338.34 43.74 399.34
3.56 0.83 106.19 92.40 27.00 12.98 338.36 43.75 399.54
3.63 0.84 107.08 93.14 27.07 13.01 338.39 43.79 399.61
3.70 0.82 104.66 91.01 27.13 13.04 338.09 43.49 399.61
3.76 0.79 100.97 87.76 27.20 13.08 338.15 43.55 399.07
3.83 0.84 106.82 92.82 27.27 13.11 338.36 43.76 399.33
3.89 0.81 102.88 89.36 27.33 13.14 338.14 43.54 399.15

Samir Ashour Appendix C

3.96 0.82 104.91 91.10 27.40 13.17 338.32 43.71 399.42

4.02 0.79 100.20 86.97 27.46 13.20 338.22 43.62 399.11
4.09 0.80 102.11 88.60 27.53 13.23 338.31 43.70 399.22
4.15 0.82 104.41 90.56 27.59 13.27 338.33 43.73 399.30
4.22 0.78 99.19 86.00 27.66 13.30 338.10 43.50 399.09
4.29 0.79 100.84 87.40 27.73 13.33 338.22 43.62 399.07
4.35 0.85 107.72 93.32 27.79 13.36 338.50 43.90 399.42
4.42 0.80 102.37 88.66 27.86 13.39 338.21 43.60 399.34
4.48 0.91 116.25 100.64 27.92 13.42 338.36 43.75 399.90
4.55 0.84 106.57 92.23 27.99 13.45 338.17 43.56 399.72
4.61 0.85 108.48 93.85 28.05 13.49 338.51 43.90 399.70
4.68 0.80 102.11 88.31 28.12 13.52 338.26 43.66 398.88
4.74 0.85 108.73 94.00 28.19 13.55 338.42 43.82 399.29
4.81 0.85 107.72 93.09 28.25 13.58 338.18 43.58 399.20
4.88 0.83 106.06 91.62 28.32 13.61 338.17 43.57 399.51
4.94 0.84 107.33 92.69 28.38 13.64 338.37 43.77 399.33
5.01 0.88 111.66 96.39 28.45 13.68 338.41 43.81 399.61
5.07 0.85 107.97 93.17 28.51 13.71 338.39 43.79 399.51
5.14 0.77 98.55 85.01 28.58 13.74 338.12 43.51 398.88
5.20 0.73 93.07 80.26 28.64 13.77 337.94 43.34 398.41
5.27 0.78 98.93 85.28 28.71 13.80 338.22 43.61 399.10
5.34 0.80 101.35 87.33 28.77 13.83 338.05 43.45 399.46
5.40 0.82 104.91 90.37 28.84 13.86 338.19 43.59 399.39
5.47 0.80 101.73 87.60 28.90 13.90 338.24 43.63 399.15
5.53 0.88 111.92 96.33 28.97 13.93 338.31 43.70 399.66
5.60 0.82 104.66 90.05 29.04 13.96 338.11 43.50 399.13
5.66 0.92 117.65 101.19 29.10 13.99 338.32 43.72 399.81
5.73 0.80 101.73 87.46 29.17 14.02 338.07 43.47 399.09
5.80 0.83 105.81 90.94 29.23 14.05 337.99 43.39 399.59
5.86 0.84 106.32 91.34 29.30 14.09 338.42 43.82 399.28
5.93 0.83 106.19 91.20 29.36 14.12 338.20 43.60 399.20
5.99 0.84 107.46 92.26 29.43 14.15 338.18 43.58 399.53
6.05 0.82 103.90 89.16 29.49 14.18 338.06 43.46 399.10
6.12 0.85 108.61 93.17 29.56 14.21 338.12 43.52 399.53
6.19 0.82 104.41 89.54 29.63 14.24 337.95 43.34 399.32
6.25 0.81 103.13 88.41 29.69 14.28 338.15 43.55 399.20
6.32 0.83 105.55 90.45 29.76 14.31 338.13 43.52 399.27
6.38 0.86 109.75 94.02 29.82 14.34 338.27 43.67 399.62
6.45 0.84 106.57 91.25 29.89 14.37 338.05 43.45 399.54
6.52 0.77 97.53 83.48 29.96 14.40 337.75 43.14 398.76
6.58 0.86 109.63 93.80 30.02 14.43 338.08 43.47 399.60
6.65 0.81 102.75 87.89 30.09 14.46 337.95 43.35 398.94
6.71 0.83 105.55 90.25 30.15 14.50 338.15 43.55 399.12

Samir Ashour Appendix C

6.78 0.86 109.12 93.26 30.22 14.53 338.16 43.55 399.63

6.85 0.84 106.95 91.38 30.28 14.56 338.09 43.48 399.61
6.91 0.87 110.14 94.07 30.35 14.59 338.32 43.72 399.59
6.98 0.85 108.35 92.51 30.42 14.62 338.12 43.52 399.60
7.04 0.88 112.55 96.06 30.48 14.65 338.46 43.86 399.66
7.10 0.83 105.30 89.83 30.55 14.69 337.99 43.39 399.36
7.17 0.87 110.77 94.47 30.61 14.72 338.26 43.65 399.43
7.24 0.87 111.28 94.87 30.68 14.75 338.22 43.62 399.57
7.30 0.81 103.51 88.21 30.74 14.78 337.73 43.13 399.59
7.37 0.81 102.88 87.64 30.81 14.81 337.91 43.31 399.35
7.43 0.83 105.17 89.56 30.87 14.84 338.14 43.54 399.27
7.50 0.85 107.72 91.69 30.94 14.87 338.26 43.66 399.25
7.56 0.78 99.06 84.29 31.00 14.91 338.10 43.50 398.93
7.63 0.85 108.23 92.06 31.07 14.94 338.38 43.77 399.56
7.70 0.84 107.33 91.27 31.13 14.97 338.00 43.40 399.72
7.76 0.88 112.55 95.67 31.20 15.00 338.48 43.88 399.72
7.83 0.86 109.75 93.26 31.26 15.03 338.23 43.63 399.40
7.89 0.79 100.46 85.33 31.33 15.06 338.04 43.44 398.95
7.96 0.82 104.28 88.54 31.40 15.09 338.16 43.55 399.18
8.02 0.81 103.64 87.97 31.46 15.13 338.05 43.44 399.32
8.09 0.78 99.19 84.15 31.53 15.16 338.12 43.52 399.24
8.15 0.76 97.28 82.50 31.60 15.19 337.96 43.35 398.91
8.22 0.83 105.17 89.16 31.66 15.22 338.26 43.65 399.27
8.29 0.86 109.75 93.01 31.73 15.25 338.03 43.42 399.67
8.35 0.83 106.19 89.96 31.79 15.28 338.09 43.49 399.26
8.42 0.84 107.21 90.79 31.86 15.32 338.00 43.39 399.57
8.48 0.80 102.24 86.55 31.92 15.35 337.91 43.30 399.30
8.55 0.84 107.46 90.93 31.99 15.38 338.17 43.56 399.26
8.62 0.90 114.34 96.72 32.06 15.41 338.17 43.57 399.56
8.68 0.81 103.13 87.21 32.12 15.44 337.88 43.28 399.26
8.75 0.90 114.21 96.54 32.19 15.47 338.18 43.57 399.63
8.81 0.78 98.80 83.48 32.25 15.51 337.93 43.32 398.85
8.88 0.82 103.77 87.65 32.32 15.54 337.93 43.33 399.42
8.94 0.86 109.75 92.67 32.38 15.57 338.21 43.60 399.42
9.01 0.85 107.59 90.81 32.45 15.60 338.00 43.39 399.18
9.07 0.81 103.26 87.12 32.51 15.63 338.06 43.45 399.06
9.14 0.83 105.55 89.02 32.58 15.66 338.09 43.48 399.04
9.20 0.79 100.71 84.91 32.65 15.70 337.66 43.06 399.21
9.27 0.88 111.79 94.21 32.71 15.73 338.29 43.68 399.53
9.34 0.90 114.08 96.11 32.78 15.76 338.04 43.44 399.79
9.40 0.83 105.17 88.56 32.84 15.79 338.04 43.43 399.08
9.47 0.88 111.41 93.78 32.91 15.82 338.20 43.60 399.28
9.53 0.87 111.15 93.54 32.97 15.85 338.36 43.76 399.56

Samir Ashour Appendix C

9.60 0.84 106.82 89.86 33.04 15.88 338.09 43.48 399.54

9.66 0.85 108.35 91.11 33.10 15.91 338.13 43.53 399.48
9.73 0.89 113.70 95.57 33.17 15.95 337.96 43.36 399.52
9.79 0.91 115.61 97.14 33.23 15.98 338.17 43.57 399.74
9.86 0.89 112.81 94.75 33.30 16.01 338.23 43.62 399.43
9.93 0.84 107.33 90.12 33.37 16.04 338.08 43.48 399.22
9.99 0.85 108.48 91.04 33.43 16.07 338.03 43.42 399.76
10.06 0.83 106.19 89.09 33.50 16.10 338.10 43.49 399.44
10.12 0.89 112.81 94.61 33.56 16.14 338.11 43.50 399.61
10.19 0.87 110.39 92.54 33.63 16.17 338.23 43.63 399.30
10.26 0.87 110.26 92.40 33.69 16.20 338.07 43.46 399.06
10.32 0.81 102.75 86.07 33.76 16.23 338.22 43.62 398.90
10.38 0.85 108.10 90.52 33.82 16.26 338.09 43.49 399.65
10.45 0.84 106.57 89.21 33.89 16.29 338.08 43.47 399.41
10.52 0.86 110.01 92.05 33.96 16.33 337.88 43.28 399.44
10.58 0.82 104.79 87.65 34.02 16.36 337.84 43.23 399.25
10.65 0.91 115.86 96.88 34.09 16.39 337.98 43.38 399.74
10.71 0.86 109.37 91.41 34.15 16.42 337.96 43.35 399.74
10.78 0.84 106.32 88.83 34.22 16.45 338.05 43.44 399.43
10.84 0.90 114.46 95.60 34.28 16.48 338.08 43.48 399.69
10.91 0.75 96.00 80.15 34.35 16.51 337.83 43.22 398.39
10.97 0.78 98.93 82.56 34.41 16.54 337.88 43.28 399.10
11.04 0.87 110.26 91.99 34.48 16.58 338.15 43.55 399.72
11.10 0.85 107.59 89.72 34.54 16.61 338.02 43.41 399.64
11.17 0.85 108.10 90.11 34.61 16.64 338.21 43.61 399.79
11.24 0.88 111.66 93.05 34.68 16.67 338.08 43.48 399.80
11.30 0.78 98.80 82.30 34.74 16.70 337.86 43.25 399.13
11.37 0.81 102.50 85.34 34.81 16.74 337.92 43.32 399.03
11.44 0.84 106.57 88.70 34.87 16.77 338.06 43.46 399.27
11.50 0.83 105.68 87.93 34.94 16.80 338.17 43.56 399.24
11.56 0.82 104.02 86.52 35.01 16.83 338.17 43.57 399.36
11.63 0.83 105.81 87.97 35.07 16.86 338.18 43.57 399.10
11.70 0.87 110.14 91.53 35.14 16.89 338.13 43.53 399.77
11.76 0.85 108.23 89.91 35.20 16.92 337.88 43.28 399.53
11.83 0.88 112.43 93.37 35.27 16.95 338.08 43.47 399.81
11.89 0.82 104.53 86.78 35.33 16.99 338.40 43.80 399.48
11.96 0.90 114.21 94.77 35.40 17.02 338.44 43.84 399.74
12.03 0.81 103.01 85.44 35.47 17.05 338.01 43.41 399.10
12.09 0.84 106.70 88.47 35.53 17.08 337.98 43.38 399.57
12.15 0.86 109.63 90.87 35.60 17.11 338.31 43.70 399.71
12.22 0.82 104.91 86.93 35.66 17.14 338.25 43.65 399.81
12.29 0.87 110.14 91.22 35.73 17.18 338.19 43.59 399.91
12.35 0.88 112.55 93.19 35.79 17.21 338.41 43.81 399.55

Samir Ashour Appendix C

12.42 0.83 105.30 87.15 35.86 17.24 338.09 43.49 399.37

12.48 0.80 101.73 84.16 35.93 17.27 338.07 43.47 399.21
12.55 0.82 104.91 86.76 35.99 17.30 337.85 43.25 399.62
12.62 0.92 117.27 96.94 36.06 17.33 338.58 43.97 399.97
12.68 0.88 111.79 92.38 36.12 17.36 338.42 43.82 399.78
12.74 0.82 104.91 86.66 36.18 17.40 338.31 43.71 399.48
12.81 0.86 108.99 90.00 36.25 17.43 338.26 43.65 400.04
12.88 0.78 99.44 82.08 36.32 17.46 338.11 43.50 399.19
12.94 0.88 112.55 92.87 36.38 17.49 338.34 43.74 400.36
13.01 0.85 107.59 88.74 36.45 17.52 338.44 43.83 399.36
13.07 0.84 106.32 87.65 36.51 17.55 338.38 43.78 399.68
13.14 0.82 103.77 85.52 36.58 17.59 338.27 43.67 398.92
13.21 0.82 104.15 85.80 36.64 17.62 338.10 43.49 399.32
13.27 0.80 101.99 83.99 36.71 17.65 338.23 43.63 399.11
13.34 0.85 108.35 89.20 36.78 17.68 338.07 43.46 399.72
13.40 0.85 108.10 88.95 36.84 17.71 338.34 43.73 399.86
13.47 0.80 101.86 83.79 36.91 17.74 338.09 43.48 399.22
13.53 0.86 109.63 90.14 36.97 17.77 337.92 43.31 399.88
13.60 0.77 97.78 80.37 37.04 17.81 338.23 43.63 398.95
13.66 0.81 103.26 84.84 37.10 17.84 337.87 43.27 399.60
13.73 0.78 98.80 81.15 37.17 17.87 337.96 43.36 399.27
13.79 0.85 108.48 89.06 37.23 17.90 338.44 43.83 399.79
13.86 0.90 114.08 93.63 37.30 17.93 338.43 43.82 400.05
13.92 0.83 105.30 86.38 37.37 17.96 338.34 43.73 399.09
13.99 0.83 105.17 86.24 37.43 18.00 338.45 43.84 399.01
14.06 0.83 106.19 87.05 37.50 18.03 338.15 43.55 399.60
14.12 0.84 107.21 87.85 37.56 18.06 338.40 43.79 399.47
14.19 0.92 116.76 95.64 37.63 18.09 338.63 44.02 399.79
14.25 0.82 103.90 85.07 37.69 18.12 338.29 43.69 399.69
14.32 0.82 104.15 85.24 37.76 18.15 338.24 43.63 398.98
14.39 0.80 101.22 82.82 37.82 18.18 338.36 43.75 398.93
14.45 0.88 111.79 91.43 37.89 18.22 338.43 43.83 399.59
14.52 0.81 103.39 84.52 37.95 18.25 338.38 43.78 399.24
14.58 0.89 113.45 92.71 38.02 18.28 338.52 43.92 400.58
14.64 0.85 107.84 88.10 38.08 18.31 338.41 43.80 400.00
14.71 0.78 99.44 81.20 38.15 18.34 338.38 43.78 399.37
14.78 0.88 111.66 91.15 38.22 18.38 338.42 43.81 399.87
14.85 0.81 102.88 83.94 38.28 18.41 337.94 43.33 399.45
14.91 0.85 107.97 88.07 38.35 18.44 338.33 43.72 399.65
14.97 0.79 100.08 81.59 38.41 18.47 338.54 43.94 399.35
15.04 0.91 116.37 94.84 38.48 18.50 338.45 43.84 400.52

Samir Ashour Appendix C

Deviator stress, (kPa)

(a) Stone column test results
30 Test 5-a (clay/column_0.03mm/min)
Test 5-b(clay/column_0.03mm/min)
Test 5-c (clay/column_0.03mm/min)
10 Test 5-d (clay/column_0.03mm/min)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Axial strain, (%)


Deviator stress, q, (kPa)


(b) Soil only test results
Test 1_a (soil only_0.03mm/min)
20.00 Test 1_b (Soil only_0.03mm/min)
Test 1_c (Soil only_0.03mm/min)
Test 1_d (Soil only_0.03mm/min)

0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00
Vertical strain, (%)

Samir Ashour Appendix C


Deviator stress, q, (kPa)


Reinforced soil (current study)

Soil only (current study)


0 5 10 15
Vertical Strain, (%)

Samir Ashour Appendix C

 Example of the data of the cyclic loading test on reinforce soil

Load Load Cyclic Strain

Stress PK Stress Tr dP ( PK-Trgh) Posn Posn Dis. Pk Dis. Tr Strain ΔU U ΔU
Cycles Pk Tr. def. stiffness Trgh U Pk
(kPa) (kPa) (kN) Pk Trgh (mm) (mm) PK % pk Trgh Trgh
(kN) (kN) (mm) %
1 0.35 0.35 44.69 44.69 0.00 -22.47 -22.47 0.86 0.86 0.241 0.40 0.40 328.54 20.54 328.54 20.54
10 0.47 0.15 59.87 19.52 0.32 -21.88 -22.13 0.59 0.35 0.23 1315.15 0.28 0.16 332.53 24.53 334.73 26.73
20 0.48 0.15 61.45 19.07 0.33 -21.65 -21.88 0.82 0.59 0.25 1446.96 0.38 0.28 336.18 28.18 338.46 30.46
30 0.47 0.15 60.36 18.89 0.33 -21.53 -21.78 0.95 0.70 0.256 1302.60 0.44 0.33 338.41 30.41 340.93 32.93
40 0.48 0.15 61.20 18.89 0.33 -21.43 -21.68 1.05 0.79 0.238 1298.05 0.49 0.37 340.06 32.06 342.42 34.42
50 0.48 0.15 61.57 18.98 0.33 -21.38 -21.62 1.09 0.86 0.229 1405.25 0.51 0.40 341.08 33.08 343.58 35.58
60 0.53 0.18 66.89 23.26 0.34 -21.15 -21.38 1.33 1.10 0.246 1496.29 0.62 0.51 343.42 35.42 345.82 37.82
70 0.53 0.17 67.13 22.18 0.35 -21.00 -21.24 1.48 1.23 0.25 1435.16 0.69 0.57 344.78 36.78 347.14 39.14
80 0.53 0.17 67.74 22.09 0.36 -20.87 -21.12 1.60 1.35 0.229 1433.88 0.75 0.63 345.73 37.73 348.31 40.31
90 0.53 0.18 67.13 22.35 0.35 -20.80 -21.03 1.67 1.44 0.242 1535.85 0.78 0.67 346.34 38.34 348.94 40.94
100 0.53 0.17 67.25 21.75 0.36 -20.73 -20.97 1.75 1.50 0.235 1476.65 0.82 0.70 347.31 39.31 349.69 41.69
110 0.55 0.19 69.91 24.48 0.36 -20.60 -20.84 1.87 1.64 0.254 1518.34 0.87 0.76 348.30 40.30 350.55 42.55
120 0.55 0.19 69.55 24.31 0.36 -20.50 -20.75 1.98 1.72 0.255 1398.82 0.92 0.80 348.93 40.93 350.97 42.97
130 0.55 0.20 69.67 24.91 0.35 -20.42 -20.68 2.05 1.80 0.236 1378.67 0.96 0.84 349.32 41.32 351.63 43.63
140 0.55 0.19 70.03 24.40 0.36 -20.38 -20.62 2.09 1.86 0.258 1518.77 0.98 0.87 349.88 41.88 352.06 44.06
150 0.55 0.19 69.91 24.31 0.36 -20.30 -20.56 2.17 1.91 0.256 1388.18 1.01 0.89 350.13 42.13 352.63 44.63
160 0.56 0.20 71.73 25.51 0.36 -20.22 -20.47 2.26 2.00 0.25 1418.05 1.05 0.93 350.92 42.92 353.25 45.25
170 0.57 0.20 72.45 25.25 0.37 -20.14 -20.39 2.34 2.09 0.234 1482.92 1.09 0.98 351.23 43.23 353.55 45.55
180 0.57 0.20 72.21 25.08 0.37 -20.07 -20.31 2.40 2.17 0.257 1581.92 1.12 1.01 351.51 43.51 353.75 45.75
190 0.57 0.20 72.09 24.91 0.37 -19.99 -20.25 2.48 2.23 0.238 1441.87 1.16 1.04 351.89 43.89 354.19 46.19

Samir Ashour Appendix C

200 0.56 0.19 71.73 24.82 0.37 -19.95 -20.18 2.53 2.29 0.237 1547.82 1.18 1.07 352.07 44.07 354.47 46.47
210 0.57 0.20 73.06 25.59 0.37 -19.87 -20.11 2.60 2.36 0.235 1573.00 1.21 1.10 352.31 44.31 355.00 47.00
220 0.57 0.20 73.18 25.85 0.37 -19.83 -20.07 2.64 2.40 0.258 1581.87 1.23 1.12 352.34 44.34 354.85 46.85
230 0.58 0.20 73.30 25.51 0.38 -19.77 -20.03 2.70 2.45 0.246 1454.92 1.26 1.14 352.79 44.79 355.06 47.06
240 0.56 0.20 71.85 26.02 0.36 -19.72 -19.97 2.75 2.51 0.236 1463.21 1.29 1.17 352.94 44.94 355.38 47.38
250 0.58 0.20 73.30 25.76 0.37 -19.67 -19.91 2.80 2.56 0.239 1582.03 1.31 1.20 353.17 45.17 355.62 47.62
260 0.58 0.20 73.42 26.02 0.37 -19.64 -19.87 2.84 2.60 0.241 1557.74 1.33 1.21 353.56 45.56 355.87 47.87
270 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.27 0.37 -19.59 -19.83 2.89 2.64 0.227 1540.41 1.35 1.24 353.75 45.75 355.92 47.92
280 0.57 0.21 73.06 26.36 0.37 -19.55 -19.78 2.92 2.69 0.247 1615.73 1.36 1.26 353.61 45.61 356.14 48.14
290 0.57 0.20 72.09 26.02 0.36 -19.51 -19.76 2.96 2.72 0.223 1464.98 1.38 1.27 353.85 45.85 356.14 48.14
300 0.57 0.20 72.70 26.02 0.37 -19.52 -19.74 2.96 2.73 0.24 1643.95 1.38 1.28 353.92 45.92 356.15 48.15
310 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.53 0.37 -19.47 -19.71 3.00 2.76 0.247 1538.46 1.40 1.29 354.04 46.04 356.55 48.55
320 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.10 0.37 -19.44 -19.69 3.03 2.78 0.227 1504.57 1.42 1.30 353.99 45.99 356.42 48.42
330 0.58 0.20 74.03 26.02 0.38 -19.41 -19.64 3.06 2.84 0.247 1661.01 1.43 1.33 354.28 46.28 356.56 48.56
340 0.57 0.21 73.06 26.45 0.37 -19.39 -19.64 3.08 2.84 0.223 1482.19 1.44 1.32 354.29 46.29 356.64 48.64
350 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.19 0.37 -19.37 -19.60 3.10 2.88 0.237 1663.50 1.45 1.34 354.69 46.69 356.79 48.79
360 0.58 0.20 73.42 26.02 0.37 -19.34 -19.58 3.13 2.89 0.226 1570.89 1.46 1.35 354.57 46.57 357.07 49.07
370 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.19 0.37 -19.32 -19.54 3.16 2.93 0.255 1641.42 1.48 1.37 354.77 46.77 357.04 49.04
380 0.57 0.21 73.06 26.62 0.36 -19.28 -19.54 3.19 2.93 0.236 1430.43 1.49 1.37 354.77 46.77 357.13 49.13
390 0.58 0.21 73.91 26.62 0.37 -19.27 -19.51 3.20 2.97 0.235 1573.77 1.50 1.39 354.66 46.66 356.98 48.98
400 0.58 0.21 74.03 26.79 0.37 -19.25 -19.49 3.22 2.98 0.249 1578.81 1.50 1.39 354.61 46.61 357.19 49.19
410 0.57 0.21 73.06 26.27 0.37 -19.22 -19.47 3.25 3.01 0.258 1475.66 1.52 1.40 354.65 46.65 357.16 49.16
420 0.58 0.20 73.66 25.85 0.38 -19.19 -19.45 3.28 3.02 0.226 1455.58 1.53 1.41 354.73 46.73 357.27 49.27
430 0.58 0.21 73.78 26.27 0.37 -19.20 -19.43 3.27 3.04 0.248 1651.06 1.53 1.42 354.98 46.98 357.25 49.25
440 0.58 0.21 74.03 26.27 0.38 -19.17 -19.41 3.31 3.06 0.24 1512.26 1.55 1.43 355.18 47.18 357.28 49.28
450 0.57 0.21 72.94 26.10 0.37 -19.15 -19.39 3.32 3.08 0.236 1532.63 1.55 1.44 355.21 47.21 357.56 49.56
460 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.53 0.37 -19.14 -19.38 3.33 3.10 0.233 1560.51 1.56 1.45 355.36 47.36 357.57 49.57

Samir Ashour Appendix C

470 0.58 0.21 73.66 26.36 0.37 -19.11 -19.35 3.36 3.13 0.245 1594.51 1.57 1.46 355.26 47.26 357.70 49.70
480 0.58 0.20 73.91 26.02 0.38 -19.10 -19.34 3.37 3.13 0.241 1535.10 1.58 1.46 355.21 47.21 357.69 49.69
490 0.57 0.21 73.18 26.10 0.37 -19.08 -19.32 3.39 3.15 0.23 1534.15 1.59 1.47 355.32 47.32 357.61 49.61
500 0.58 0.20 73.91 25.93 0.38 -19.07 -19.30 3.41 3.18 0.226 1638.13 1.59 1.48 355.32 47.32 357.64 49.64
510 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.53 0.37 -19.07 -19.29 3.41 3.18 0.249 1629.56 1.59 1.49 355.35 47.35 357.66 49.66
520 0.58 0.21 73.66 26.10 0.37 -19.04 -19.29 3.43 3.19 0.229 1500.12 1.60 1.49 355.50 47.50 357.82 49.82
530 0.58 0.21 73.30 26.36 0.37 -19.03 -19.26 3.45 3.22 0.259 1609.91 1.61 1.50 355.75 47.75 357.89 49.89
540 0.58 0.21 73.66 26.27 0.37 -19.01 -19.27 3.46 3.20 0.231 1437.03 1.62 1.50 355.71 47.71 357.85 49.85
550 0.58 0.21 73.30 26.45 0.37 -19.01 -19.24 3.46 3.23 0.25 1593.07 1.62 1.51 355.57 47.57 357.97 49.97
560 0.58 0.20 73.54 25.93 0.37 -18.99 -19.24 3.49 3.24 0.235 1495.68 1.63 1.51 355.69 47.69 358.12 50.12
570 0.58 0.21 73.78 26.27 0.37 -18.98 -19.21 3.49 3.26 0.234 1587.83 1.63 1.52 355.65 47.65 357.90 49.90
580 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.45 0.37 -18.98 -19.21 3.50 3.26 0.238 1580.77 1.63 1.53 355.59 47.59 357.92 49.92
590 0.58 0.21 73.66 26.27 0.37 -18.96 -19.20 3.51 3.27 0.227 1563.82 1.64 1.53 355.71 47.71 358.08 50.08
600 0.58 0.21 73.91 26.10 0.38 -18.95 -19.18 3.52 3.29 0.234 1653.88 1.64 1.54 355.70 47.70 357.87 49.87
610 0.57 0.21 72.94 26.53 0.36 -18.95 -19.18 3.53 3.29 0.236 1557.61 1.65 1.54 355.83 47.83 357.95 49.95
620 0.57 0.21 73.18 26.36 0.37 -18.92 -19.16 3.55 3.31 0.237 1558.14 1.66 1.55 355.82 47.82 358.05 50.05
630 0.58 0.21 74.03 26.53 0.37 -18.92 -19.16 3.55 3.31 0.247 1573.97 1.66 1.55 355.98 47.98 358.16 50.16
640 0.58 0.21 73.66 26.27 0.37 -18.91 -19.16 3.56 3.31 0.237 1506.84 1.66 1.55 355.86 47.86 358.24 50.24
650 0.58 0.21 74.03 26.27 0.38 -18.91 -19.15 3.56 3.33 0.221 1582.45 1.66 1.55 355.99 47.99 358.32 50.32
660 0.58 0.21 73.30 26.19 0.37 -18.89 -19.12 3.58 3.36 0.24 1674.25 1.67 1.57 355.94 47.94 358.47 50.47
670 0.59 0.21 74.51 26.62 0.38 -18.88 -19.12 3.59 3.35 0.235 1567.33 1.68 1.56 355.87 47.87 358.21 50.21
680 0.58 0.21 74.39 26.96 0.37 -18.89 -19.12 3.59 3.35 0.241 1585.23 1.68 1.57 355.96 47.96 358.28 50.28
690 0.58 0.21 73.91 26.70 0.37 -18.87 -19.11 3.61 3.36 0.242 1538.34 1.68 1.57 356.02 48.02 358.16 50.16
700 0.58 0.21 73.91 27.04 0.37 -18.86 -19.10 3.61 3.37 0.247 1520.91 1.69 1.57 356.02 48.02 358.39 50.39
710 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.27 0.37 -18.85 -19.09 3.63 3.38 0.237 1503.00 1.70 1.58 356.08 48.08 358.41 50.41
720 0.59 0.21 74.75 26.45 0.38 -18.84 -19.08 3.63 3.40 0.243 1600.84 1.70 1.59 356.04 48.04 358.56 50.56
730 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.27 0.38 -18.84 -19.08 3.64 3.40 0.225 1547.28 1.70 1.59 356.05 48.05 358.40 50.40

Samir Ashour Appendix C

740 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.27 0.38 -18.83 -19.06 3.64 3.41 0.218 1671.07 1.70 1.60 356.14 48.14 358.47 50.47
750 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.19 0.38 -18.83 -19.05 3.64 3.43 0.255 1727.80 1.70 1.60 356.19 48.19 358.62 50.62
760 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.53 0.37 -18.81 -19.07 3.66 3.41 0.236 1447.96 1.71 1.59 356.23 48.23 358.41 50.41
770 0.58 0.21 73.78 26.19 0.37 -18.82 -19.06 3.65 3.42 0.232 1583.94 1.71 1.60 356.09 48.09 358.35 50.35
780 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.36 0.37 -18.80 -19.03 3.67 3.44 0.237 1593.19 1.72 1.61 356.08 48.08 358.40 50.40
790 0.57 0.21 73.18 26.19 0.37 -18.80 -19.03 3.68 3.44 0.229 1557.22 1.72 1.61 356.07 48.07 358.48 50.48
800 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.19 0.37 -18.79 -19.02 3.68 3.45 0.245 1619.91 1.72 1.61 356.19 48.19 358.55 50.55
810 0.57 0.21 73.18 26.79 0.36 -18.79 -19.03 3.69 3.44 0.245 1487.22 1.72 1.61 356.23 48.23 358.82 50.82
820 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.87 0.37 -18.77 -19.02 3.70 3.46 0.247 1515.51 1.73 1.61 356.31 48.31 358.96 50.96
830 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.19 0.38 -18.76 -19.01 3.71 3.46 0.234 1524.94 1.73 1.62 356.34 48.34 358.67 50.67
840 0.58 0.21 73.91 27.04 0.37 -18.76 -19.00 3.71 3.48 0.23 1572.91 1.73 1.62 356.32 48.32 358.68 50.68
850 0.58 0.21 73.78 26.19 0.37 -18.76 -18.99 3.71 3.48 0.247 1625.26 1.73 1.63 356.41 48.41 358.66 50.66
860 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.45 0.37 -18.75 -19.00 3.72 3.48 0.223 1497.57 1.74 1.62 356.30 48.30 358.61 50.61
870 0.58 0.21 73.66 27.04 0.37 -18.75 -18.98 3.72 3.50 0.242 1641.97 1.74 1.63 356.23 48.23 358.56 50.56
880 0.57 0.21 73.06 26.53 0.37 -18.74 -18.98 3.74 3.49 0.255 1510.04 1.75 1.63 356.35 48.35 358.69 50.69
890 0.58 0.21 74.27 26.53 0.37 -18.72 -18.98 3.75 3.50 0.23 1470.31 1.75 1.63 356.31 48.31 358.87 50.87
900 0.58 0.21 73.54 26.79 0.37 -18.73 -18.96 3.74 3.51 0.232 1596.61 1.75 1.64 356.24 48.24 358.65 50.65
910 0.58 0.20 73.66 26.02 0.37 -18.72 -18.96 3.75 3.52 0.235 1612.93 1.75 1.64 356.37 48.37 358.79 50.79
920 0.58 0.21 74.27 26.36 0.38 -18.73 -18.96 3.75 3.51 0.236 1601.15 1.75 1.64 356.51 48.51 358.87 50.87
930 0.57 0.21 72.94 26.36 0.37 -18.72 -18.95 3.76 3.52 0.238 1550.08 1.76 1.65 356.73 48.73 358.99 50.99
940 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.27 0.38 -18.71 -18.95 3.76 3.52 0.251 1579.79 1.76 1.65 356.37 48.37 358.91 50.91
950 0.58 0.21 73.42 26.10 0.37 -18.70 -18.95 3.77 3.52 0.232 1480.60 1.76 1.65 356.57 48.57 358.70 50.70
960 0.58 0.21 74.03 26.62 0.37 -18.69 -18.92 3.79 3.55 0.246 1605.00 1.77 1.66 356.30 48.30 358.65 50.65
970 0.58 0.21 73.78 26.45 0.37 -18.70 -18.95 3.77 3.53 0.245 1511.38 1.76 1.65 356.43 48.43 358.72 50.72
980 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.36 0.38 -18.69 -18.94 3.78 3.54 0.221 1531.92 1.77 1.65 356.41 48.41 358.76 50.76
990 0.58 0.21 73.78 26.10 0.37 -18.70 -18.92 3.78 3.56 0.231 1694.48 1.76 1.66 356.53 48.53 358.66 50.66
1000 0.58 0.21 74.15 26.62 0.37 -18.69 -18.92 3.79 3.56 0.241 1616.06 1.77 1.66 356.65 48.65 359.02 51.02

Samir Ashour Appendix D


1 Linear Regression Analysis

1.1 Introduction
Regression analysis is a powerful technique that can be used to address various research

questions. In this report, we are going to use it to check how qult levels are affected by cu

and φ.

In particular, the type of regression we are going to use is ”Multiple Linear Regression”.

Linear regression is the process of finding the best-fitting straight line through data points

(this line is sometimes referred to as the regression line). Multiple means we have more

than one input variable (also known as predictor), hence, we are trying to fit a plane or

hyper-plane rather than a line. The input variables in our case are cu, phi and as. Linear

means that we are trying to find a combination of the input variables such that each

variable is multiplied by a coefficient and then we sum the products. The idea is to use this

linear combination of input variables to model their relationship with an output variable (in

our case, this is qult).

1.2 The Modelling Tool

In order to fit models, we are going to use R [ ] which is a powerful and easy to use tool

for statistical computing and graphics. R makes it easy to manipulate data and perform

calculations as well as display information graphically. It also facilitates modelling (linear

and nonlinear) and other statistical processes.

1.3 Diagnostics for Examining a Fit

There are several diagnostics that can be used to explore the goodness of fit of a model.

The following are going to be used:

Samir Ashour Appendix D

 R-squared

This value calculates the percentage of variation of the output explained by the input

variables in the model. This means the higher the value of R-squared the better the model.

 R-squared adjusted

This value is similar to R-squared but it accounts for the number of input variables in the

model, hence, it is sometimes preferred to R-squared.

 Residuals

A residual is the difference between the actual value and predicted value for each point (or

record) in the data. Histograms are often used to check the distribution of residuals. Also,

they are plotted against each input variable. If a model fits well, the residuals will be small

and will be no pattern of their distribution around zero (i.e. they should be evenly spread

around zero).

 Deviance

The deviance is a statistic that is used to determine the quality of fit for a model. It is a

measure of how much better a model with more parameters fits the data. It is used to

compare nested models. A nested model is a model which is a subset of another model.

For example, if we have two models, the first describes the relationship between one input

variable x and an output variable y and the second describes the relationship between two

input variables x and z and an output variable y, then the first model is nested within the


Samir Ashour Appendix D

 Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)

When there are a limited number of models, the BIC is often used for model selection.

Often, the model with the smallest BIC is preferred. The BIC is a penalised version of the

deviance where the penalty is relevant to the number of input variables.

 P-values

It is common to provide p-values when conducting statistical analysis. P-values are

propabilities (i.e. their values always lie between zero to 1) and they show how likely

certain situations are. P-values which are close to zero (usually <= 0.05) are more likely to

occur if the study has shown something positive. It is said that the result is significant if

the p-value is close to zero. On the other hand, the result is said to be non-significant if the

p-value is away from zero (usually > 0.05).

 Confidence Intervals

It is known that in statistics we use the sample data at hand to draw inferences about the

entire population (i.e. all the data) and make an estimate of the value(s) we are trying to

measure or predict. It is very important to present such estimate with a measure of

precision. This measure of precision depends on the sample size and normally takes the

form of a 95% Confidence Interval or a standard error value (the former is calculated from

the latter). The 95% confidence interval gives the range of poulation parameters that the

sample leads us to believe are possible. The 95% confidence interval is presented as a

range of two values (a, b) and is interpreted as: we can be 95% confident that the

result/effect we are trying to measure what will happen by an overage of at least a and

maybe as much as b

Samir Ashour Appendix D

Data base

Reference cu, Φ, AS, q untreated, q treated, q treated/q

Wood et al. (2000) (kPa)
10.5 25 (%)
30 (kPa)
84 (kPa)
105 1.25
Wood et al. (2000) 10 25 24 84 90 1.07
Wood et al. (2000) 10 25 10 84 86 1.02
Andereou et al. (2008) 20 32 4 55 62 1.13
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 7.9 62 75 1.21
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 17.8 67 100 1.49
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 7.9 84 101 1.20
Najjar et al. (2010) 20 33 17.8 84 148 1.76
Sivakumar et al. (2004) 25 35 10.2 60 83 1.38
Black et al. (2006) 25 35 17 1.25 2 1.60
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 35 6.25 175 221 1.26
Hughes and Withers 19 35 40 171 418 2.44
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 37 6.25 175 314 1.79
(1974)and Guermazi
Juran 30 38 4 120 154 1.28
Ali et al. (2014) 7 38 25 25 70 2.80
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 38 30 30 75 2.50
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 38 40 45 135 3.00
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 38 50 45 155 3.44
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 39 6.25 175 320 1.83
Bergado et al. (1987); st. 30 42 65 60 270 4.50
Bergado et al. (1987); 20 42 28 95 240 2.53
Helens Bridge
Humber 25 42 11 115 270 2.35
Black al. (2011) 35 43 17 240 680 2.83
Black et al. (2011) 35 43 28 230 750 3.26
Black et al. (2011) 35 43 40 230 820 3.57
Black et al. (2011) 35 43 1.6 29 65 2.24
Bergado et al. (1987) 20 43 6.25 175 370 2.11
Ambily and Gandhi 7 43 19 75 160 2.13
Ambily and Gandhi 14 43 19 88 350 3.98
Ambily and Gandhi 30 43 19 150 770 5.13
(2007) and Gandhi
Ambily 30 43 5 150 600 4.00
(2007) and Gandhi
Ambily 30 43 9 150 680 4.53
(2007) and Gandhi
Ambily 30 43 19 150 770 5.13
Zahmatkesh and 5 43 10 80 165 2.06
Zahmatkesh and 5 43 20 80 170 2.13
Choobbasti (2012)
Zahmatkesh and 5 43 25 80 250 3.13
Zahmatkesh and(2012) 5 43 30 80 280 3.50
Watts (2012)
et al. (2000) 40 45 44 12 248 20.67
Current study (2012) 12 48 5 55 100 1.82
Current study 12 48 13 140 428 3.06
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 49 30 40 150 3.75
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 49 40 40 165 4.13
Kim and Lee (2005) 4 49 50 40 215 5.38

Samir Ashour Appendix D

1.4 Examining the Variables

As there are three numerical input variables, it is appropriate to examine their statistical

summaries. This is what we show in table 1.

Table 1: Statistical Summaries of the Variables with 95% Confidence Interval for the

Mean values

Property cu ∅ As qult

Valid 31 31 31 31

Missing - - - -

Mean 17.23 40.31 21.55 240.3

Median 20.00 39.00 17.00 165.0

Std. deviation 10.87101 5.168765 16.41788 202.4052

Minimum 4.00 33.00 1.60 2.0

Maximum 35.00 49.00 65.00 820.00

By examining the table, we observe that we have data for all the points (i.e. no missing

values). Also, we notice that there is no big deference between the mean and median

values of each variable, hence outliers are unlikely (outliers usually have a big influence

on the deference between the mean and the median). Another values that can analyse from

the table are the minimum and maximum values for each input variable. They appear to be

within possible ranges for all of the three input variables. Finally, as standard deviation is

an indicator of how spread out the data is, we can check the validity of our data by going 2

standard deviations on each side of the mean for the outcome variable Q. We notice that

more than 95% of all values of this variable lie within that range.

Samir Ashour Appendix D

1.5 Histograms of the Variables

Histograms of the three input variables and the output variable are displayed in Figure 1. A

close look at these histograms indicate some "bunching" around multiples of 5 for the cu

input variable (Figure 1a) and around multiples of 10 for the AS variable (Figure 1c).

Figure 1: Histograms of the Variables

1.6 Relationships between the Variables

A scatter plot matrix between all variables in is shown Figure 2. The top row of this scatter

plot matrix gives the scatter plots of qult against each of the other three input variables.

Additionally, we show the univariate relationship between our outcome variable qult and

the input variables in Table 2. From this table, we can notice that the correlation between

cu and qult and between φ and qult is significant at the p < 0.05 level.

Samir Ashour Appendix D

Figure 2: Scatter plot of all the variables

Table 2: Correlations between the Input Variables and qult

Influence factor Correlation (p-value) with qult

Pearson Spearman

cu 0.4595897 (0.009293) 0.1952728 (0.2925)

As 0.1964417 (0.2895) 0.2026105 (0.2743)

∅ 0.3082577 (0.09158) 0.3982587 (0.02649)

Information also are provided about the correlations between our input variables in table 3.

From this table we can observe that none of the correlations between the input variables is

significant at the p < 0.05 level

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Table 3 correlation between input variables

(a) Pearson correlation

As cu ∅

As 1 -0.2596521 0.2605386

(0.1584) (0.1569)

cu -0.2596521 1 -0.2176558

(0.1584) (0.2395)

∅ 0.2605386 -0.2176558 1

(0.1569) (0.2395)

(b) Spearman correlation

As cu ∅

As 1 -0.3944457 0.204013

(0.0281) (0.271)

cu -0.3944457 1 -0.2161602

(0.0281) (0.2428)

∅ 0.204013 -0.2161602 1

(0.271) (0.2428)

1.7 Fitting the Models

As the aim is to determine the relation between VARIABLE(s) and qult. Therefore, it

would seem reasonable to model CONFOUNDER FIRST and then enter cu into the model

and see whether it is associated with qult. We can do this in the opposite way by entering cu

into the model first and then follow it by φ and AS in turn to see what impact each of them

would have on the model.

Samir Ashour Appendix D

1.7.1 Modelling the Relationship between cu and qult (Model 1)

In this section, a simple linear regression model is built using just cu as input and qult as

output. After using R's lm() function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 92.890 + 8.557 ∗ 𝑐𝑢 (1)

By examining Equation 1, we observe that an increase, or decrease, of cu by one unit,

causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 8.557 units

Figure 3: The Relationship between cu and qult

Now after building the model that describes the relationship between cu and qult, let us plot

the input variable cu against the residuals. As Figure 4 shows, the residual values do not

seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered around zero.

Samir Ashour Appendix D

Figure 4: cu vs Residuals for Model 1

1.7.2 Modelling the Relationship between AS and qult (Model 2)

In this section, we are going to build a simple linear regression model using just AS as

input and Q as output. After using R's lm() function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = 188.089 + 2.422 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 (2)

By examining equation 2, we observe that an increase, or decrease, of AS by one unit,

causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 2.422 units

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Figure 5: The Relationship between AS and qult

Now after building the model that describes the relationship between AS and qult, let us plot

the input variable AS against the residuals. As Figure 6 shows, the residual values do not

seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered around zero (as we stated

in Section 4.3).

Samir Ashour Appendix D

Figure 6: AS vs Residuals for Model 2

1.7.3 Modelling the Relationship between φ and qult (Model 3)

In this section, a simple linear regression model was built using just φ as input and qult as

output. After using R's lm() function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = −244.11 + 12.07 ∗ ∅ (3)

By examining equation 3, we observe that an increase, or decrease, of PHI by one unit,

causes an increase, or decrease, in Q by 12.07 units

Samir Ashour Appendix D

Figure 7: The Relationship between φ and qult

Now after building the model that describes the relationship between φ and qult, let us plot

the input variable PHI against the residuals. As Figure 8 shows, the residual values do not

seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered around zero.

Figure 8: PHI vs Residuals for Model 3

Samir Ashour Appendix D

1.7.4 Modelling the Relationship between cu, AS and qult (Model 4)

In this section, we are going to build a simple linear regression model using CU and AS as

inputs and Q as output. After using R's lm() function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = −25.286 + 10.194 ∗ 𝑐𝑢 + 4.174 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 (4)

By examining Equation 4, we observe that when fixing AS, an increase, or decrease, of cu

by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 10.194 units. Similarly, when fixing

cu, an increase, or decrease, of AS by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by

4.174 units.

Now after building the model that describes the relationship between cu, AS and qult, let us

plot the input variables cu and AS against the residuals. As Figure 9 shows, the residual

values do not seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered around


(a) cu vs Residuals for Model 4

Samir Ashour Appendix D

(b) AS vs Residuals for Model 4

Figure 9: Input Variables vs Residuals for Model 4

1.7.5 Modelling the Relationship between cu, φ and qult (Model 5)

In this section, we are going to build a simple linear regression model using cu and φ as

inputs and qult as output. After using R's lm() function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = −610.53 + 10.29 ∗ 𝑐𝑢 + 16.78 ∗ ∅ (5)

By examining equation 5, we observe that when fixing φ, an increase, or decrease, of cu by

one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 10.29 units. Similarly, when fixing CU,

an increase, or decrease, of φ by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 16.78

units. Now after building the model that describes the relationship between cu, PHI and

qult, let us plot the input variables cu and φ against the residuals. As Figure 10 shows, the

residual values do not seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered

around zero.

Samir Ashour Appendix D

(a) cu vs Residuals for Model 5

(b) φ vs Residuals for Model 5

Figure 10: Input Variables vs Residuals for Model 5

1.7.6 Modelling the Relationship between AS, φ and qult (Model 6)

In this section, we are going to build a simple linear regression model using AS and φ as

inputs and qult as output. After using R's lm() function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = −226.213 + 1.536 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 10.8 ∗ ∅ (6)

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By examining equation 6, we observe that when fixing φ, an increase, or decrease, of A S

by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 1.536 units. Similarly, when fixing

AS, an increase, or decrease, of φ by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by

10.8 units. Now after building the model that describes the relationship between AS, φ and

qult, let us plot the input variables AS and φ against the residuals. As Figure 11 shows, the

residual values do not seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered

around zero.

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(a) AS vs Residuals for Model 6

(b) φvs Residuals for Model 6

Figure 11: Input Variables vs Residuals for Model 6

1.7.7 Modelling the Relationship between cu, AS, φ and qult (Model 7)

In this section, we are going to build a simple linear regression model using CU, AS and

PHI as inputs and Q as output (recall this is the purpose of this study). After using R's lm()

function, the model looks as follows:

𝑞𝑢𝑙𝑡 = −609.893 + 11.313 ∗ 𝑐𝑢 + 3.167 ∗ 𝐴𝑠 + 14.629 ∗ ∅ (7)

By examining Equation 7, we observe that when fixing φ and AS, an increase, or decrease,

of cu by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 11.313 units. Similarly, when

fixing cu and AS, an increase, or decrease, of φ by one unit, causes an increase, or decrease,

in qult by 14.629 units. Also, when fixing cu and φ, an increase, or decrease, of AS by one

unit, causes an increase, or decrease, in qult by 3.167 units.

Samir Ashour Appendix D

Now after building the model that describes the relationship between cu, AS, φ and qult, let

us plot the input variables cu, AS and φ against the residuals. As Figure 12 shows, the

residual values do not seem to have a particular pattern and they are randomly scattered

around zero.

(a) cu vs Residuals for Model 7

(b) AS vs Residuals for Model 7

Samir Ashour Appendix D

φ vs Residuals for Model 7

Figure 12: Input Variables vs Residuals for Model 7

1.7.8 Checking the Model Fit

Five diagnostics that can be used to examine the goodness of fit of a model were

mentioned In Section 1.3. Namely, these were: Deviance, BIC, R-Squared, Adjusted R-

Squared and the Residuals. Table 4 shows the values of the remaining four diagnostics for

the seven models.

Table 4: Deviance, BIC, R-Squared and Adjusted R-Squared of the Seven models

Model Deviance BIC Value R-Squared Adj R-Squared

Model (1) 969436 419.1411 0.2112227 0.1840235

Model (2) 1181609 425.2766 0.03858933 0.005437238

Model (3) 1112250 423.4013 0.09502283 0.06381672

Model (4) 838024.3 418.0594 0.3181453 0.2694414

Model (5) 754365.9 414.7992 0.3862136 0.3423717

Model (6) 1094468 426.3357 0.1094908 0.04588297

Model (7) 682279.8 415.1196 0.4448661 0.3831845

Samir Ashour Appendix D

As we mentioned before, lower BIC indicates a better fitting model. By analysing table 4

we observe that Model 5 has the lowest BIC with Model 7 in second. Howerver, when we

examine the value of R-Squared, we realise that Model 7 has the highest R-Squared

amongst all the models (see Section 4.1). This gives us confidence that from amongst the

seven models that we created using various combinations of the input variables, Model 7 is

the best model that describes the relationship between the input variables CU, AS and PHI

and the output variable Q.

Samir Ashour Appendix F


Nonlinear Regression Analysis

 Nonlinear Regression Analysis_ soil only

Iteration Historyb
Residual Parameter
Iteration Sum of
Number Squares a b m
1.0 71288.417 .000 .000 .000
1.1 29769.136 1.807 .000 .000
2.0 29769.136 1.807 .000 .000
2.1 23243.121 3.354 .202 3.196
3.0 23243.121 3.354 .202 3.196
3.1 4830.984 3.625 .145 2.993
4.0 4830.984 3.625 .145 2.993
4.1 4333.676 4.377 .091 2.411
5.0 4333.676 4.377 .091 2.411
5.1 4316.993 4.332 .097 2.477
6.0 4316.993 4.332 .097 2.477
6.1 4316.966 4.348 .096 2.468
7.0 4316.966 4.348 .096 2.468
7.1 4316.965 4.346 .096 2.470
8.0 4316.965 4.346 .096 2.470
8.1 4316.965 4.346 .096 2.469
Derivatives are calculated numerically.
a. Major iteration number is displayed to the left of the decimal,
and minor iteration number is to the right of the decimal.
b. Run stopped after 16 model evaluations and 8 derivative
evaluations because the relative reduction between successive
residual sums of squares is at most SSCON = 1.000E-8.

Samir Ashour Appendix F

Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Std. Lower Upper
Parameter Estimate Error Bound Bound
a 4.346 .197 3.960 4.733
b .096 .005 .085 .107
m 2.469 .170 2.136 2.803

Correlations of Parameter
a b m
a 1.000 -.400 .550
b -.400 1.000 .540
m .550 .540 1.000

Sum of Mean
Source Squares df Squares
Regression 66971.451 3 22323.817
Residual 4316.965 3058 1.412
71288.417 3061
Corrected Total 4932.510 3060
Dependent variable: VAR00005
a. R squared = 1 - (Residual Sum of Squares) / (Corrected
Sum of Squares) = .125.

Samir Ashour Appendix F

 Nonlinear Regression Analysis_ soil/stone column

Iteration Historyb
Residual Parameter
Iteration Sum of
Number Squares a b m
1.0 105048.595 .000 .000 .000
1.1 59039.952 1.285 .000 .000
2.0 59039.952 1.285 .000 .000
2.1 14058.800 3.055 .145 2.207
3.0 14058.800 3.055 .145 2.207
3.1 15227.522 6.360 .098 4.206
3.2 9802.091 4.171 .146 3.403
4.0 9802.091 4.171 .146 3.403
4.1 10647.892 7.604 .105 4.544
4.2 8249.791 5.485 .145 4.075
5.0 8249.791 5.485 .145 4.075
5.1 7672.376 8.405 .108 4.564
6.0 7672.376 8.405 .108 4.564
6.1 6139.380 11.429 .082 4.654
7.0 6139.380 11.429 .082 4.654
7.1 6122.613 17.495 .034 4.895
8.0 6122.613 17.495 .034 4.895
8.1 5059.439 20.596 .030 4.991
9.0 5059.439 20.596 .030 4.991
9.1 5023.065 23.229 .019 5.066
10.0 5023.065 23.229 .019 5.066
10.1 5017.609 23.381 .019 5.082
11.0 5017.609 23.381 .019 5.082
11.1 5017.607 23.393 .019 5.080
12.0 5017.607 23.393 .019 5.080
12.1 5017.607 23.392 .019 5.081
Derivatives are calculated numerically.
a. Major iteration number is displayed to the left of the decimal,
and minor iteration number is to the right of the decimal.
b. Run stopped after 26 model evaluations and 12 derivative
evaluations because the relative reduction between successive
residual sums of squares is at most SSCON = 1.000E-8.

Samir Ashour Appendix F

Parameter Estimates
95% Confidence Interval
Std. Lower Upper
Parameter Estimate Error Bound Bound
a 23.392 .445 22.519 24.264
b .019 .002 .015 .024
m 5.081 .039 5.004 5.157

Correlations of Parameter
a b m
a 1.000 -.751 .335
b -.751 1.000 .355
m .335 .355 1.000

Sum of Mean
Source Squares df Squares
Regression 100030.989 3 33343.663
Residual 5017.607 6050 .829
105048.595 6053
Corrected Total 26624.392 6052
Dependent variable: permanent deformation
a. R squared = 1 - (Residual Sum of Squares) / (Corrected
Sum of Squares) = .812.

Samir Ashour Appendix G


Subgrade Stress Investigation

A large scale test at the University of Birmingham (unpublished work) included

application of 125 kN wheel load on rail across three sleepers as shown in Figure 1a. The

cross section of the setup is shown in Figure 1b. Load was applied at 2 Hz for 2 million

cycles. Transducer positioned at top of subgrade under the central sleeper (where load was

applied) in order to monitor the stresses. Figure 2 showed that the dynamic stresses at the

subgrade level were approximately 80 kPa showing good agreement with Yoo and Selig

(1979) study.

a. Cyclic load application

Samir Ashour Appendix G

Rail Pressure
215 mm Load ram Transducer
Rail conneted to three sleepers Sleeper
Pressure Transducer
Half sleeper PT
Ballast 2




Subgrade material


Building sand


b. Test cross section layout

Figure 1 Large scale test set up

Stresses at the subgrade level, (kPa)





0 50 100 150
Time, (minute)

Figure 2 Dynamic stresses measurements at subgrade level (under 300mm of ballast)

Samir Ashour Appendix G

Based on the above, cyclic stresses of 50 kPa, 60 kPa and 70 kPa were used in this study.

These values are equivalent to a cyclic stress ratio (CSR) of 0.6, 0.7 and 0.8 (CSR = the

cyclic deviator stress (qcyclic)/ the static deviator stress of reinforced soil at failure (qfailure)).

Surcharge Pressure

Surcharge pressure, equivalent to the weight of the track component (see Figure 3) was

applied as the lowest pressure level during cyclic loading. this could be ranged between 10

and 25 kPa depending on the rail and sleeper types and the depth of the used ballast layer

(Selig and Waters, 1994; Brough et al., 2003). Using ballast thickness of 300 mm with a

density of 19 kN/m3, rail weight of 60 kg/m, and a concrete sleeper of 300 kg with typical

dimensions of 285 mm X 2420 (l sleeper) mm laying in distance (S sleeper) of 600 mm centre

to centre, the surcharge pressure should be equivalent to 9.4 kPa. However, due to

limitation of the test apparatus minimum of 20 kPa only could be applied



Figure 3 Structure of a rail track system used to calculate the surcharge pressure.


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