Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a fundamental topic in artificial intelligence (AI) that deals
with solving problems by identifying constraints and finding solutions that satisfy those constraints.
The goal of AI is to create intelligent machines that can perform tasks that usually require human
intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem-solving. One of the key approaches in AI is the
use of constraint satisfaction techniques to solve complex problems.
CSP is a specific type of problem-solving approach that involves identifying constraints that must be
satisfied and finding a solution that satisfies all the constraints. CSP has been used in a variety of
applications, including scheduling, planning, resource allocation, decision making and automated
There are mainly three basic components in the constraint satisfaction problem:
Variables: The things that need to be determined are variables. Variables in a CSP are the objects that
must have values assigned to them in order to satisfy a particular set of constraints. Boolean, integer,
and categorical variables are just a few examples of the various types of variables. Variables, for
instance, could stand in for the many puzzle cells that need to be filled with numbers in a Sudoku puzzle.
Domains: The range of potential values that a variable can have is represented by domains. Depending
on the issue, a domain may be finite or limitless. For instance, in Sudoku, the set of numbers from 1 to
9 can serve as the domain of a variable representing a problem cell.
Constraints: The guidelines that control how variables relate to one another are known as constraints.
Constraints in a CSP define the ranges of possible values for variables. Unary constraints, binary
constraints, and higher-order constraints are only a few examples of the various sorts of constraints. For
instance, in a Sudoku problem, the restrictions might be that each row, column, and 3 × 3 box can only
have one instance of each number from 1 to 9.
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which is a potential solution to the problem. The state space can be searched using various algorithms,
including backtracking, forward checking, and local search.
The Notion of the Solution
The notion of a solution in CSP depends on the specific problem being solved. In general, a solution
is a complete assignment of values to all the variables in a way that satisfies all the constraints. For
example, in a scheduling problem, a solution would be a valid schedule that satisfies all the constraints
on task scheduling and resource allocation.
Domain Categories within CSP
The domain of a variable in a Constraint satisfaction problem in artificial intelligence can be categorized
into three types: finite, infinite, and continuous. Finite domains have a finite number of possible values,
such as colors or integers. Infinite domains have an infinite number of possible values, such as real
numbers. Continuous domains have an infinite number of possible values, but they can be represented
by a finite set of parameters, such as the coefficients of a polynomial function.
In mathematics, a continuous domain is a set of values that can be described as a continuous range of
real numbers. This means that there are no gaps or interruptions in the values between any two points
in the set.
On the other hand, an infinite domain refers to a set of values that extends indefinitely in one or more
directions. It may or may not be continuous, depending on the specific context.
Types of Constraints in CSP
Several types of constraints can be used in a Constraint satisfaction problem in artificial intelligence,
Unary Constraints:
A unary constraint is a constraint on a single variable. For example, Variable A not equal
to “Red”.
Binary Constraints:
A binary constraint involves two variables and specifies a constraint on their values. For
example, a constraint that two tasks cannot be scheduled at the same time would be a binary
Global Constraints:
Global constraints involve more than two variables and specify complex relationships
between them. For example, a constraint that no two tasks can be scheduled at the same time
if they require the same resource would be a global constraint.
The backtracking algorithm is a depth-first search algorithm that methodically investigates the
search space of potential solutions up until a solution is discovered that satisfies all the
restrictions. The method begins by choosing a variable and giving it a value before repeatedly
attempting to give values to the other variables. The method returns to the prior variable and
tries a different value if at any time a variable cannot be given a value that fulfils the
requirements. Once all assignments have been tried or a solution that satisfies all constraints
has been discovered, the algorithm ends.
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The forward-checking algorithm is a variation of the backtracking algorithm that condenses the
search space using a type of local consistency. For each unassigned variable, the method keeps
a list of remaining values and applies local constraints to eliminate inconsistent values from
these sets. The algorithm examines a variable’s neighbors after it is given a value to see whether
any of its remaining values become inconsistent and removes them from the sets if they do. The
algorithm goes backward if, after forward checking, a variable has no more values.
Algorithms for propagating constraints are a class that uses local consistency and inference to
condense the search space. These algorithms operate by propagating restrictions between
variables and removing inconsistent values from the variable domains using the information
Example 1
Implementations code for Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP):
Implement Constraint Satisfaction Problems algorithms with code
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Real-world Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP):
Scheduling: A fundamental CSP problem is how to efficiently and effectively schedule
resources like personnel, equipment, and facilities. The constraints in this domain specify the
availability and capacity of each resource, whereas the variables indicate the time slots or
Vehicle routing: Another example of a CSP problem is the issue of minimizing travel time or
distance by optimizing a fleet of vehicles’ routes. In this domain, the constraints specify each
vehicle’s capacity, delivery locations, and time windows, while the variables indicate the routes
taken by the vehicles.
Assignment: Another typical CSP issue is how to optimally assign assignments or jobs to
humans or machines. In this field, the variables stand in for the tasks, while the constraints
specify the knowledge, capacity, and workload of each person or machine.
Sudoku: The well-known puzzle game Sudoku can be modeled as a CSP problem, where the
variables stand in for the grid’s cells and the constraints specify the game’s rules, such as
prohibiting the repetition of the same number in a row, column, or area.
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Constraint-based image segmentation: The segmentation of an image into areas with various
qualities (such as color, texture, or shape) can be treated as a CSP issue in computer vision,
where the variables represent the regions and the constraints specify how similar or unlike
neighboring regions are to one another.
Example 2
Consider another example. Each of students 1-4 is taking three courses from A, B, C…, G. Each course
needs to have an exam, and the possible days for exams are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
However, the same student can’t have two exams on the same day. In this case, the variables are the
courses, the domain is the days, and the constraints are which courses can’t be scheduled to have an
exam on the same day because the same student is taking them. This can be visualized as follows:
This problem can be solved using constraints that are represented as a graph. Each node on the graph is
a course, and an edge is drawn between two courses if they can’t be scheduled on the same day. In this
case, the graph will look this:
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A few more terms worth knowing about constraint satisfaction problems:
A Hard Constraint is a constraint that must be satisfied in a correct solution.
A Soft Constraint is a constraint that expresses which solution is preferred over others.
A Unary Constraint is a constraint that involves only one variable. In our example, a unary
constraint would be saying that course A can’t have an exam on Monday {A ≠ Monday}.
A Binary Constraint is a constraint that involves two variables. This is the type of constraint
that we used in the example above, saying that some two courses can’t have the same value {A
≠ B}.
Node Consistency
Node consistency is when all the values in a variable’s domain satisfy the variable’s unary constraints.
For example, let’s take two courses, A and B. The domain for each course is {Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday}, and the constraints are {A ≠ Mon, B ≠ Tue, B ≠ Mon, A ≠ B}. Now, neither A nor B is
consistent, because the existing constraints prevent them from being able to take every value that’s in
their domain. However, if we remove Monday from A’s domain, then it will have node consistency. To
achieve node consistency in B, we will have to remove both Monday and Tuesday from its domain.
Arc Consistency
Arc consistency is when all the values in a variable’s domain satisfy the variable’s binary constraints
(note that we are now using “arc” to refer to what we previously referred to as “edge”). In other words,
to make X arc-consistent with respect to Y, remove elements from X’s domain until every choice for X
has a possible choice for Y.
Consider our previous example with the revised domains: A:{Tuesday, Wednesday} and
B:{Wednesday}. For A to be arc-consistent with B, no matter what day A’s exam gets scheduled (from
its domain), B will still be able to schedule an exam. Is A arc-consistent with B? If A takes the value
Tuesday, then B can take the value Wednesday. However, if A takes the value Wednesday, then there
is no value that B can take (remember that one of the constraints is A ≠ B). Therefore, A is not arc-
consistent with B. To change this, we can remove Wednesday from A’s domain. Then, any value that
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A takes (Tuesday being the only option) leaves a value for B to take (Wednesday). Now, A is arc-
consistent with B.
Backtracking Search
Backtracking search is a type of a search algorithm that takes into account the structure of a constraint
satisfaction search problem. In general, it is a recursive function that attempts to continue assigning
values as long as they satisfy the constraints. If constraints are violated, it tries a different assignment.
Let’s look at the pseudocode for it:
function Backtrack(assignment, csp):
if assignment complete:
o return assignment
var = Select-Unassigned-Var(assignment, csp)
for value in Domain-Values(var, assignment, csp):
o if value consistent with assignment:
add {var = value} to assignment
result = Backtrack(assignment, csp)
if result ≠ failure:
return result
remove {var = value} from assignment
return failure
In words, this algorithm starts with returning the current assignment if it is complete. This means that,
if the algorithm is done, it will not perform any of the additional actions. Instead, it will just return the
completed assignment. If the assignment is not complete, the algorithm selects any of the variables that
do not have an assignment yet. Then, the algorithm tries to assign a value to the variable, and runs the
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Backtrack algorithm again on the resulting assignment (recursion). Then, it checks the resulting value.
If it is not failure, it means that the assignment worked out, and it should return this assignment. If the
resulting value is failure, then the latest assignment is removed, and a new possible value is attempted,
repeating the same process. If all possible values in the domain returned failure, this means that we need
to backtrack. That is, that the problem is with some previous assignment. If this happens with the
variable we start with, then it means that no solution satisfies the constraints.
We start with empty assignments (top left). Then, we choose the variable A, and assign to it some value,
Monday (top right). Then, using this assignment, we run the algorithm again. Now that A already has
an assignment, the algorithm will consider B, and assign Monday to it (bottom left).
This assignment returns false, so instead of assigning a value to C given the previous assignment, the
algorithm will try to assign a new value to B, Tuesday (bottom right). This new assignment satisfies the
constraints, and a new variable will be considered next given this assignment.
If, for example, assigning also Tuesday or Wednesday to B would bring to a failure, then the algorithm
would backtrack and return to considering A, assigning another value to it, Tuesday. If also Tuesday
and Wednesday return failure, then it means we have tried every possible assignment and the problem
is unsolvable.
Although backtracking search is more efficient than simple search, it still takes a lot of computational
power. Enforcing arc consistency, on the other hand, is less resource intensive. By interleaving
backtracking search with inference (enforcing arc consistency), we can get at a more efficient algorithm.
This algorithm is called the Maintaining Arc-Consistency algorithm. This algorithm will enforce arc-
consistency after every new assignment of the backtracking search. Specifically, after we make a new
assignment to X, we will call the AC-3 algorithm and start it with a queue of all arcs (Y,X) where Y is
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a neighbor of X (and not a queue of all arcs in the problem). Following is a revised Backtrack algorithm
that maintains arc-consistency, with the new additions in bold.
The Inference function runs the AC-3 algorithm as described. Its output is all the inferences that can be
made through enforcing arc-consistency. Literally, these are the new assignments that can be deduced
from the previous assignments and the structure of the constraint satisfaction problem.
There are additional ways to make the algorithm more efficient. So far, we selected an unassigned
variable randomly. However, some choices are more likely to bring to a solution faster than others. This
requires the use of heuristics. A heuristic is a rule of thumb, meaning that, more often than not, it will
bring to a better result than following a naive approach, but it is not guaranteed to do so.
Minimum Remaining Values (MRV) is one such heuristic. The idea here is that if a variable’s domain
was constricted by inference, and now it has only one value left (or even if it’s two values), then by
making this assignment we will reduce the number of backtracks we might need to do later. That is, we
will have to make this assignment sooner or later, since it’s inferred from enforcing arc-consistency. If
this assignment brings to failure, it is better to find out about it as soon as possible and not backtrack
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For example, after having narrowed down the domains of variables given the current assignment, using
the MRV heuristic, we will choose variable C next and assign the value Wednesday to it.
The Degree heuristic relies on the degrees of variables, where a degree is how many arcs connect a
variable to other variables. By choosing the variable with the highest degree, with one assignment, we
constrain multiple other variables, speeding the algorithm’s process.
For example, all the variables above have domains of the same size. Thus, we should pick a domain
with the highest degree, which would be variable E.
Both heuristics are not always applicable. For example, when multiple variables have the same least
number of values in their domain, or when multiple variables have the same highest degree.
Another way to make the algorithm more efficient is employing yet another heuristic when we select a
value from the domain of a variable. Here, we would like to use the Least Constraining
Values heuristic, where we select the value that will constrain the least other variables. The idea here
is that, while in the degree heuristic we wanted to use the variable that is more likely to constrain other
variables, here we want this variable to place the least constraints on other variables. That is, we want
to locate what could be the largest potential source of trouble (the variable with the highest degree), and
then render it the least troublesome that we can (assign the least constraining value to it).
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For example, let’s consider variable C. If we assign Tuesday to it, we will put a constraint on all of B,
E, and F. However, if we choose Wednesday, we will put a constraint only on B and E. Therefore, it is
probably better to go with Wednesday.
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