CES 6-Marine Engineering (Management) - Marine TestT

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20:17 Oe uae € Marine Engineering (Management) 8 9 10 11 12 When starting up an aerobic type sewage unit for the first time, or after manual cleaning, how should the bacterial process be initiated? I SAUII Ae RU MOLIAL ARSL lle Male) bubbling air through it for 48 hours prior to starting the discharge pump. IAAL e Relim URL Conn By bypassing the grey water inflow and operating only with black water. Een eras inflowing s Ml Oo S Da- E71 Marine Engineering (Management) 7 8 9 10 11 What does the term ‘stoichiometric mixture’ mean when used in relation to combustion of hydrocarbon fuels? pom: HSU+PV eutt2as ENGINEERING), cap Pv mer SOBKRE PV = constant T ‘Charles Lav Boyles Law F P=?3VI cox? A ideal mixture of fuel and air in which all eu R ua kell] during combustion. An RCea Cen eign SCN Ron Te unun Gaui t Pome ke ti Nant Mules rie Room U-Ue elon RUA R URL Ca Roe Te) during combustion with a minimum of excess air. ONT he Ui Re lm it oe eE-ILD of the oxygen in the air in the mixture is consumed during combustion. Ml Oo S 20:16 ©eaaG Peet CCS are cute a Veur Cua) 6 7 8 9 10 How long after starting a refrigeration compressor should the oil separator return valve be opened? It should be opened one minute after start ry Reet eue neck Maton Res It should be opened only when the IIe ROMA SOAs It should be opened before start u Ml Oo S EEO EET eit € Marine Engineering (Management) Telephones are being used to communicate between personnel onboard and ashore during a bunkering operation. What instruction would you give to ship personnel regarding action to take in the event of failure of the telephone communication during the operation? Oy eel TT uae lol between personnel involved in the Cycle Stop the bunkering until CeTA AMALIA ere} ce) Cort WT -R-l-ol aloo Lao Mea OE 9-1 the telephone while the bunkering eee merece Sun crmcunc cnn) ECM] ol eel al exe CLC} established. Ml Oo S Comey Marine Engineering (Management) 5 6 7 8 9 Telephones are being used to communicate between personnel onboard and ashore during a bunkering operation. What instruction would you give to ship personnel regarding action to take in the event of failure of the telephone communication during the operation? Use a crewmember as a messenger between personnel involved in the operation. Stop the bunkering until alternative reliable communications are established Call the electrician, and get him to iro) oF-T mo cro Neda M UALR bunkering operation continues. PORE -Bhc Cy | € Marine Engineering (Management) 4 5 6 7 8 Consider a vessel with a 6 cylinder main diesel engine operating with one cylinder out of operation. What would you expect to be the approximate maximum reduced engine load to allow safe emergency operation in this condition? PN) eco) dunt \arelO Re) mL O1n8 Approximately 90 % of MCR Neyo) Key TnnTe1 INVA oleae Ae Kola 1e33 ll Oo x PORE -Bhc Cy | € Marine Engineering (Management) 3 4 5 6 a One of the Main Engine cooling pumps is down for maintenance. The rest of the cooling pumps are operating near full capacity with minimum margins on the maximum temperature limit. What should be the correct action to take with regard to UMS operation? —— ENGINEERING) OPERATIONS; FUANRIING) Operate the engine room on manual faTofe (AUT ahC Mal -mnar- nla) completed and the cooling pump is operational and switched to stand-by’ mode. Arrange with a rating "on watch" in e engine room for the UMS period. Arrange frequent checks of the condition during the night otherwise operate in normal UMS-mode tl Oo < PERO BEE € Marine Engineering (Management) 2 3 4 5 6 When planning bunkering operations it is preferable to arrange for the new fuel to be bunkered into empty or nearly empty tanks whenever possible. What is the main reason for this? So that the sulphur content of each fuel is known. SMa Ra aol incompatibility between different ies OM a Ua ee lm neice t-]) CefeTA CANAL LMU SALOL Se ACM Mayo) mo er-1 (e101 quantity of fueltaken onboard. ll Oo < PE ROR BE hc CCS are cute a Veur Cua) 1 2 3 4 5 6 What should be the status of the suction and discharge valves when starting a centrifugal pump? yn valve open and discharge valve closed Cee The critical part of any bunkering operation may be considered to be when topping off the tanks at which stage the risk of overflow and spillage of fuel oil is greatest. What is the correct safe procedure to adopt to minimise this risk? Reduce the bunker delivery flow rate and top off the tanks one at a time. Top off all of the tanks together to reduce the inflow rate into each tank. Watch for oil coming up the sounding} pipe and shut the tank valve just pXLelkcw NAc ONES Shut off each tank as it overflows into the fuel oil overflow tank. PP eOn B-ROl -] Cy | € Marine Engineering (Management) What do you understand by the term Maximum Continuous Rating, MCR, of a diesel engine? miatcMant-b dnl eae llale (Um eK ULL the engine can operate at Ley The maximum charge air pressure that the engine can operate at TULSA ll Oo x Teor hake e € Marine Engineering (Management) 9 10 11 12 13 Prior to the lunch break, the Engineer on Duty observes that the operating generator set has an output of 90%. With regard to operation of the generator, what is the - most important - assumption(s) for him to check before switching to UMS-mode? That all operating parameters of the generator set in operation are normal (e.g. exhaust temp, lubeoil pressure, cooling REVI CN cLeL KR) Visually checking the auxiliary engine that there are no leaks or other obvious (eye LU MESO K Sy Ml Oo S OPiic Marine Engineering (Management) 20 21 22 23 24 The charge air pressure supplied to a diesel engine, which is normally 2.0 bar, is reduced to 1.5 bar . What will be the likely effect on the engine operation? The turbochargers cooling water flow will increase. The performance of the engine will be ESU/uaTI clam OMALe LUT UnexeLAL LL COS OPiic Marine Engineering (Management) 19 20 21 22 23 The majority of marine diesel engines operate with either a pulse or a constant pressure turbocharging system. What is the main difference between these two systems? Constant pressure systems only ever have a single turbocharger irrespective of the meme un eeearcueiuss SU SRY CMa i-R1 elm MeN [LiLo (18 exhausts connected to a common large CESS CRUE IILeL(e) Pulse systems always have a turbocharger] for each group of three cylinders. Ul Oo < eon aire € Marine Engineering (Management) 18 19 20 21 22 What is the minimum furnace temperature that must be reached during start up before waste material can be introduced into an incinerator? Ul Oo < Di ic cr | Marine Engineering (Management) 17 18 19 20 21 A water neating System witn automatic temperature control uses steam as the heating medium and the temperature is controlled by a pneumatically operated valve? What would be an acceptable start up procedure of the system from cold state? oh 4 ‘UP. wits 11, Start the system up in manual mode and Cele-el EIN aMou=rt MU Rel Ce) mello a signal until the temperature reaches the required value before changing over to Eco ETenre Le Start with the control valve in manual and use the hand jack to gradually increase the temperature by throttling the steam flow before changing to pneumatic control. Start the system up in automatic mode with normal set point but with the steam supply to the control valve manually throttled in Start the system up in automatic mode Ul Oo < On Eee € Marine Engineering (Management) 16 ale/ 18 19 20 Some fuel oil and lubricating oil separators have a facility to control the back pressure of the clean oil outlet during start up and operation. What is the purpose of this control function? To reduce the amount of sealing water required during operation. To assist in discharging the bowl contents: during the sludge cycle. To control the amount of fuel passing through the separator. To help to maintain the oil/water inte este Ul Oo < On Eee € Marine Engineering (Management) The main engine is running steady with an average exhaust gas temperature of approximately 350° C. What would be a typical alarml/slow down setting for the cylinder exhaust gas temperature deviation from the average? Ul Oo < eon a -E-Te ry CCS are cute a Veur Cua) 14 15 16 17 18 Acompressed air supply system has two automatically controlled air compressors. When demand is high both compressors are needed to meet the delivery requirements. What is the best method for controlling the compressors to meet a varying, but intermittent demand? Simin 2 AEE ey One compressor running continuously with the other on standby. Yeats] el Clem aLeCe CLO CUED Tino Tee LAC UL Coun aT) PSS css Start and stop of the compressors. controlled by timer switches. Continuous running of both compressors and the use of unloading devices. tl oO < Di ic Et Marine Engineering (Management) To avoid overbunkering and oil spill, it is very important that we closely monitor the progress of the bunkering operation. What is the safest method to use to minimise the risk of overflow and spillage? The remote gauge system will provide us with the necessary information Open all the bunker tank lids to manually watch them filling. Continuously monitor remote guage readings and confirm with regular sounding of the fuel tanks. Use the predicted loading rate to calculate how much oil is being received. Oeuae Marine Engineering (Management) Prior to bunkering operations it is necessary to check the quantity of fuel remaining onboard and that there is sufficient room for the fuel that is to be loaded. What is the best method to use to establish this? Take a full set of readings from remote eeCUNee Elsie} SeMrhickcuy ch cus oka aul nsec) contain some fuel. Use the latest figures from the fuel record book. Do a complete sounding of all fuel bunker tanks Ml Oo S anon fh -E-Te ry CCS are cute a Veur Cua) 11 12 13 14 15 What is the purpose of the air distributor in a diesel engine air start system? EMIS) operate in = and for lequally to the each of the engine cylinders. To ensure the air consumption from each Cole TMU RLM eRe CLL Saher BRUT le E-Ten CR) air start system opens and closes at the elicee ls Ml Oo S Peon a ile CCS are cute a Veur Cua) 10 11 12 13 14 Avessel is scheduled to enter a SECA during a forthcoming voyage? What additional considerations must a Chief Engineer take into account when planning for this voyage? BUM om eae Nom Cet mR UR UR} SECA. The availability of low sulphur fuel and the: change over time required to ensure the system is clear of normal fuel prior to entry into the SECA. Bilan M Ue nme M AM Calcd Le (<9 holding tank to ensure no discharges of machinery space bilges takes place while the vessel is in the SECA. That all garbage is fully disposed of prior to entry into the SECA and suitable arrangements are made for retention while| Da- E71 Marine Engineering (Management) 21 22 23 24 25 The cold room temperature is almost at the cut out point in a vapour-compression refrigeration system. What should the refrigerant state be just after the evaporator if the system is correctly set up? peme HSU+PV vouttzas V=IR Xvcomtnt PV= constant T Charles Law Boyles Law . P=23VI cos? Some Wet vapour at high pressure. Cold liquid at high pressure. Sub-cooled liquid at low pressure. Slightly superheated low pressure Ml Oo < 2035088098 2 € Marine Engineering (Management) 16 7 18 19 20 How will continuous low load operation influence the time between overhauls, tbo, for the cylinder covers and associated valves of a 4-stroke diesel engine? OPERATIONS HUAN HUIN G} CMe Rua te uk eg a) eee Ret ie aaa ue Lo COCR CL aces acetate) Pu ee RUC ue Rd eee MT ue eee eke ey Micecet meer tel oct) ile RU RRND Brienne esc) Il Oo < e Marine Engineering (Management) 14 15 16 7 18 When starting air is applied to a diesel engine the engine fails to turn over but is seen to oscillate back and forth. What is the most likely cause of this, problem? aL natic valve has failed to open. ere dete ur Rue React Ee ce Il Oo < e Marine Engineering (Management) 1 an 13 14 15 The engine turns over normally when starting air is supplied but does not fire even though normal starting rpm is achieved. What could be the probable cause to this? BURL tee can Cua eC R acl BURT) arger has not run up to normal full oo) BUA Re Ru cae Il Oo < RON ALORA) € Marine Engineering (Management) 10 u 12 13 14 A vessel which normally operates with the engine room in UMS mode is unable to do so because of defects to some of the critical alarm functions. What are the main considerations that the Chief Engineer must take into account when planning alternative arrangements to cover the engine room requirements until the defects are cleared? Pate REE rem ORC RC ae routine maintenance is carried out on time in Poca UCM nue ane eas Ran errineeeec ne er ered str) Pea een ed Cocos reece reer ss necessary repairs can be carried out as soon as Pees TRU ore) Pu een cc eee ueRet etic) Il Oo < 7 8 9 10 nN When bunkering through the port side of the bunker manifold what action should be taken with the valves on the starboard side of the manifold prior to bunkering operations commencing? A eeu Uae RU nae ome RO e leet Remar starboard side manifold val RCLLa ican kiakacy Ree RIC h eee ag leakage past the closed valves. t check that the Il Oo < Most fuel oil separtors working on the centrifuge principle have an automatic start up and sludging facility. Which of the following actions would you expect to occur first during the start up sequence? oleh Cm NRC en ok) ae aro enon cat ROR IRE Operating water supplied to bow! to close it Ree Mem enn et uel vo Il Oo < e When the vessel is operating in a tropical area with very high humidity, what action should be taken to deal with the expected increase in condensate from the main diesel engine's charge air cooler? Per een ier RUT eC CeO Ce aR etter? eects se reise ele elie cuales e OMT) Cae emt emer Peetu kunci cue meen Preece acu eck) Renae cuca i cooler. Why is it important to reduce the diesel engine load during in service water washing of the turbocharger gas side? Woe Me Re eR RUC Ts LO nee RU RU Ds To prevent overload of the turbocharger bearings. To avoid cold corrosion of exhaust system. Il Oo < Maintenance is to be carried out on a diesel engine. How long after stopping the engine should the cooling water and lubricating oil be kept circulating in order to avoid any undue thermal stress from residual heat? ra a uley pa ee 10 minutes is sufficient Il Oo < What would the results of a TAN test, carried out on lubricating oil samples from a diesel engine, indicate? poems HU+PV au'+2as ANGINEERING yap PV=mRT — §CIENBE Vc PV= constant T Charles Law Boxtes Law i P=?3vIew e=me A measure of the organic acids in the lubricating oil Smee ieee MRC ce) Ci eens uecicn the lubricating oi ene mar can aR Merete Kell Il Oo < 20:24 @eaae € Marine Engineering (Management) 22 23 24 25 26 Which of the following terms is used to describe a thermodynamic process in which no heat transfer into or out of the system occurs? H=U+PV eq?+20 Fem? ENGINEERING yp PvV=mRT §GIENGE PV = constant 1 Chante Law Boyles Law P=?3 VI cos? Some Sela) Polytropic. Ul Oo < e € Marine Engineering (Management) aE A 18 19 20 21 You have to choose one of the following instruments for measuring pressure in an air bottle in measuring range 0 - 35 BAR. Which instrument would you install? EP eWaN eiu eure ecu Peis auc Cee ecu TR Cen Il Oo < DS areca RV EUE Cas) 36 37 38 39 40 RE Spray painting has been carried out in the engine room while the engine was running, and the turbocharger intake filter was not protected. Which one of the options given is most likely to result from this? UC ieae eR Cue tea a UCD Ree ee a War een ramen normal Ml Oo < ON Eko) cs € Marine Engineering (Management) 33 34 35 36 37 The operation of a diesel engine is controlled by a mechanical-hydraulic, compensated speed sensing governor. How will the governor control be affected if the compensation needle valve is closed in and the engine load changes? PRU cue ens RAN effect on speed control Det emery Reena) Pee ech mers icee eee ewe) Pres Ml ) < Oe EO) € Marine Engineering (Management) 32 33 34 35 36 Which of the following options would be a typical differential pressure setting for a main engine slow down in the event of jacket cooling water system low flow? Ml Oo < 0400 8RO9R & Marine Engineering (Management) 30 31 32 33 34 The main propulsion diesel engine is normally started by direct admission of compressed air. Which one of the following statements is correct? eT Ra TEU} cece hn cn nia PMR uae cae eR a the starting air to start the engine. scan ieee ete rc) ORR ACR uige un SSR Unsure aoa eA asl Ml ) < Oe EO =) a € Marine Engineering (Management) 29 30 31 32 33 Some vessels have a central hydraulic system consisting of a number of hydraulic power packs for driving cargo pumps, deck machinery, ship's cranes, etc. Which parameter is normally used to automatically bring the power packs on and off line to match operational demand? Reueetetem ee esi) Percentage of maximum pressure being used. Demet 1 Ce rece Rea, Ml ) S$ eaOea Ps DS areca RV EUE Cas) 27 28 29 30 31 The water cooling space on a turbocharger is damaged and there is no spare casing. The cooling water must be shut off. Which option would you take to keep the risk of further damage to a minimum? Ml oO Ss eaOea Ps € Marine Engineering (Management) 26 27 28 29 30 The image shows an indicator diagram taken from a diesel engine cylinder. Which of the following options is the action most likely to identify the fault.? ener. Staci cece re tt Cie marae hem erie kucecs ai ates eee aR RM URC aoc) ee Sue UL a Ml oO Ss ST Ton a=) € Marine Engineering (Management) 25 26 27 28 29 What effect would turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger have on the efficiency of the heat transfer? =u’ +2as AAGINEERIN ap a PV= constant T Charles Law Boxtes Law i B=fsvlew, oom Pec critceroricccel kuti CRIMCRMR UO UMUC iene terete nace Pier ioy It cannot be determined since it is not possible to Pee Cr Me ecm ute ec Brera asi RRs Ml oO Ss 296 e Marine Engineering (Management) 24 25 26 27 28 What should the expansion valve superheat setting be in order to get the best possible efficiency from a refrigerator evaporator? =U+PV eet UGULEY Pv=mRT §GUNGE PV = constant 1 Charles Law Bevles Law s P=?3 Vice? cence EN eee Bikey Il Oo < e Marine Engineering (Management) 22 23 24 25 26 What is the main precaution to be taken prior to engaging the turning gear for a diesel engine? Open the indicator cocks Open the crankcase doors. MUN mA We Re Rela) urea mecca Il Oo < e Marine Engineering (Management) 20 21 22 23 24 A diesel engine is operating with retarded fuel timing resulting in increased exhaust gas temperatures. How would you expect this to affect the turbocharger? RO m en Rents Dee Rei aay eee ecu eC eR cece tere plete ut Il Oo < Pek) & In the event of a diesel engine crankcase explosion which of the safety devices fitted to the engine is designed to minimise the risk of a secondary explosion? ee eee scale fer etre CLE NET Cu ee CMC Roe OuTUre nema cd Ml Oo < DS areca RV EUE Cas) 32 33 34 35 36 How is the prime mover load normally kept to a minimum when starting up an electric driven reciprocating type air compressor? EMenrruke hick katt teehee un eat eos) By keeping the second stage drain valve open until Cucina ns By using an unloading device to keep the rus Cone CC NmC Noma ference! PC TUR een RC Mae eat the machine is up to speed. Ml oO < Marine Engineering (Management) 31 32 33 34 35 How does the maximum oil film pressure in a white metal journal bearing operating under full fluid film conditions compare with the pressure of the lubricating oil supply system? H=U+PV UWGIMEERNG PV mR — ees T Charles Law Bosles Law P= 23 VI cos? Fo mt e=me Ue mune ea) Merete Cue U RUC OM URGES etc RG) Re oun estan lubricating system and varies with the journal load. The pressure is greater than the pressure in the Ite eur eeu eueccee as es kaa ry eter! eS scan TD RGU aku Ml Oo < On Eon a) € Marine Engineering (Management) 30 31 32 33 34 Some new maintenance routines are being planned and a risk assessment is necessary so that the required procedures can be entered into the ship's Safety Management manual. Which of the following should be the first step in this risk assessment process? FER ATLONS PUANMIING) en RCe Conc ruck iC amE cy necessary to prevent injury or harm to personnel eta maekna neers) Penmaes cia, eae, icon uel MUR uaa utc? femines enue sian Rem Make out the maintenance routines. Peau unas OR una) eee eee On aA Papen Ml ) < Sayk asBinka @ TH How can the pressure be regulated during start up of a positive displacement pump such as a gear pump? Sealy) eceteicl ato nt EU eRe ean CMR en eee NC Ml ) S$ Marine Engineering (Management) 36 37 38 39 40 RESULT You are in charge of a night bunkering operation. The delivery rate from the supplier is high and you are filling six tanks simultaneously. You lose track of the progress of the operation and feel that you are losing control of the situation. What action should you take? er If and the crew for an overflo Oe eeu ee eeu On aRUCe MnCl Peete Request a reduction in the delivery rate to ti Poeun Ml ) S$ Sayk asBinka @ TY Why is it necessary to have an effective ballast water management plan which includes provision for changing out ballast in open water rather than discharging ballast in coastal waters? Criss rr cen eM EES eerie effects Bed ee uct eee mi une ca Cn oue he cee Ree rieckeua ieee merece ues kat eMurelcced eet ee RCN Meena ner Le caret Ree emu Ree RO ar Ml ) S$ iron E-TOn a=) CCS are cute a Veur Cua) 18 19 20 21 22 Which one of the options given is the most likely cause of a diesel engine failing to turn on air when the start signal is initiated? Sm eee ean emer cs Auxiliary blower is operating aE Ue) CUE ie Com ene ge ROR eas acu Ml Oo < 296 Marine Engineering (Management) 10 aT 12 13 14 Which ideal heat engine cycle is the vapour-compression refrigeration system based on? Berne The Otto cycle, Ml Oo < Marine Engineering (Management) 34 35 36 37 38 The turbocharger on a diesel engine is surging. Which one of the following options would be the most likely cause? STR a Une enue os Dirty rotor blades and nozzle ring. The lubrication oil pump is malfunctioning Puna Ml Oo <

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