Hot-Streak Effect On Internally Air-Cooled Nozzle Guide Vanes and Shrouds
Hot-Streak Effect On Internally Air-Cooled Nozzle Guide Vanes and Shrouds
Hot-Streak Effect On Internally Air-Cooled Nozzle Guide Vanes and Shrouds
L. Y. Jiang Y. Han
[email protected] [email protected]
Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario
Canada Canada
Z. Zhang X. Wu
[email protected] [email protected]
Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario
Canada Canada
M. Clement P. Patnaik
[email protected] [email protected]
Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario
Canada Canada
The effect of hot-streaks from a gas turbine combustor on the thermodynamic load of internally
air-cooled nozzle guide vanes (NGVs) and shrouds has been numerically investigated under
flight conditions. The study follows two steps: one for the high-fidelity 60-deg combustor
sector with simplified ten NGVs and three thermocouples attached; and the other for the NGV
sectors where each sector consists of one high-fidelity NGV (probe NGV) and nine dummy
NGVs. The first step identifies which NGV has the highest thermal load and provides the inlet
flow boundary conditions for the second step. In the second step, the flow-fields and thermal
loads of the probe NGVs are resolved in detail.
With the systematically validated physical models, the two-phase flow-field of the combustor-
NGVs sector has been successfully simulated. The predicted mean and maximum temperature
at the combustor sector exit are in excellent agreement with the experimental data, which
provides a solid basis for the hot-streak effect investigation. The results indicate that the second
NGV, looking upstream from left, has the highest thermal load. Its maximum surface
temperature is 8.4% higher than that for the same NGV but with the mean inlet boundary
conditions, and 14.1% higher than the ninth NGV. The finding is consistent with the field-
observed NGV damage pattern. To extend the service life of these vulnerable NGVs, some
protection methods should be considered.
Keywords: Hot-streaks; Gas turbine combustor; Nozzle guide vane; Thermal load
Bi Biot number, Bi = (Lc h)/k
h heat transfer coefficient
k turbulent kinetic energy or thermal conductivity
Lc characteristic length, defined as the volume divided by the surface area
M Mach number
P pressure
T temperature
X horizontal ordinate
Y vertical ordinate
y+ non-dimensional wall boundary parameter, w / y /
y distance to the wall boundary
Z longitudinal ordinate
ε turbulence dissipation rate
ω specific dissipation rate
ν kinematic viscosity
w wall shear stress
To achieve high thrust, the first-stage nozzle guide vanes (NGVs) of gas turbine engines are
always exposed to high-temperature harsh environment, and recognized as one of the most
failure-prone components(1-2). Their service life is strongly dependent on temperature(3). It is
known that the temperature distribution at the combustor exit or turbine inlet is not uniform,
particularly for some engines. The hot-streaks from the combustor can have a significant
impact on the NGV service time(3-4).
Due to difficulties to accurately predict the hot-streak effect under engine flight conditions,
engine designers have to budget for hot-streaks in the cooling system design(5). The cooling
system is conventionally designed for a higher mainstream temperature than the mean gas
temperature, which imposes a considerable performance penalty. Improper cooling budget can
result in either component life reduction or unnecessary performance penalty. Therefore,
experimental and numerical studies of the hot-streak effect on the aerodynamics and heat
transfer of NGVs are necessary.
Qureshi et al.(5) carried out an experimental and numerical investigation on the inlet
temperature distortion (hot-streaks) effect on a high-pressure (HP) unshrouded NGV. The
NGV was operated as part of a full HP turbine stage in an annular rotating turbine test facility,
and the temperature distortion generator gave a temperature variation in a range of 300 – 550
K. They found that significant span-wise heat flux variations arose with the inlet temperature
distortion. For the pronounced temperature profile considered, substantial changes in Nusselt
number up to 17% were observed. Their numerical predictions were generally in good
agreement with their experimental data. Khanal et al.(6) numerically investigated the combined
effect of hot-streaks and swirl on the same HP NGV, and the experimental conditions and data
obtained from the previous paper were used in the simulations. The results revealed that
distinctive radial migrations of hot fluid in the NGV and rotor flow passages had substantial
impact on the aerothermal environment, and the airfoil heat transfer characteristics could be
strongly affected by the swirl direction and clocking position. Barigozzi et al.(7) experimentally
and numerically studied hot-streak migration in a linear cascade with showerhead film cooling,
at an inlet turbulence intensity of 9%, inlet temperature distortion from 284 to 306 K, and exit
Mach number of 0.4. A superposition approach was used to assess the effects of mixing and
coolant interaction on the hot-streak reduction, and it was found that the accuracy was within
12% on the leading edge region, in the central section of the vane span.
There are a number of difficulties to numerically investigate the hot-streak effect on high-
fidelity air-cooled nozzle guide vanes and shrouds with well-defined boundary settings under
flight conditions. First, the geometry of practical NGVs and shrouds is complicated, particular
for internal cooling flow passages. Second, for accurate heat transfer prediction, a fine mesh
is required near the walls(8), and as a result the mesh size is rather large even for a single NGV
and shrouds assembly. Third, it is difficult to obtain relevant boundary conditions since both
the combustor and secondary air-cooling flow-fields are involved. As mentioned by Harsqama
et al.(9), the secondary air-cooling flow has significant effect on the end-walls of an air-film
cooled NGV. Fourth, to adequately study the hot-streak effect, a single high-fidelity NGV
simulation is no longer suitable since the flow passes over each NGV is no longer the same.
As a result, the periodic boundary condition for the single NGV simulation cannot be assumed,
and the NGV sector simulation is required.
The present investigation follows two steps: one for a combustor sector with simplified ten
NGVs and three thermocouples attached; and the other for the NGV sectors where each sector
consists of one high-fidelity NGV and nine dummy NGVs. The first step identifies which
NGV has the highest thermodynamic load, and provides the inlet flow parameters for the
second step. The high-fidelity CFD models, numerical methods, engine operating conditions,
boundary conditions, results, and conclusion are discussed in the following sections.
(a) air-inlet
cooling slot
annular chamber NGV
combustion can
Figure 1. Computational domain and mesh of a 60-deg sector of the combustor-NGVs: (a)
the whole mesh, (b) the NGV and thermocouple surface mesh, and (c) the can, NGVs and
thermocouples mesh
As illustrated in Fig. 1, compressed air enters the annular chamber through a narrow annulus,
and then flows over and enters the combustion can through air-management elements around
the can or liner. Inside the can, fine fuel droplets from an air-assist fuel nozzle evaporate, mix
with air, and then burn. Eventually, the combustion mixture reaches the thermocouples and
Among the ten NGVs behind the combustion can, the NGV at the second position (NGV-2)
experiences the highest thermal load, and the NGV at the ninth position (NGV-9) has the lowest
thermal load (please see Section 4.1). For comparison, the NGV-9 sector mesh was also
generated, and the mesh was similar to that shown in Fig. 3 in terms of node arrangement and
mesh size.
As observed in Fig. 3, the high-temperature combustion products from the combustor flow
through the NGV sector domain; while the cooling air from the annular chamber of the
combustor (Fig. 1) enters the probe NGV body through the cooling air inlet of the inner shroud,
passes through the internal cooling flow passages, exits at the four rectangular outlets, then
merges with the main flow and flows out of the NGV sector. There are a number of cooling-
fins on either side of the cooling chamber inside the probe NGV to enhance the heat transfer
between cooling air and NGV body although they are not shown here. By means of
impingement and convection, the cooling air absorbs heat from the NGV walls and lowers
metal temperature.
Figure 3. NGV-2 sector domain and mesh: (a) the whole mesh, (b) the probe NGV mesh,
and (c) the probe mesh in metal regions
has been successfully applied to the heat transfer calculation of a film cooled linear cascade,
showing good agreement with the measured experimental data(17).
To have an overview of the NGV heat transfer processes, the Biot number of the NGV was
calculated by the following expression
𝐿𝑐 ℎ
𝐵𝑖 = (2)
where h is the heat transfer coefficient averaged over the NGV airfoil external surface, Lc
stands for the NGV airfoil characteristic length, defined as the volume divided by the surface
area, and k is the thermal conductivity of the airfoil body. The NGV is made of the X-40
alloy(22) with the thermal conductivity of 22.8 W/m-K evaluated at 900 K, density of 8610
kg/m3, and specific heat of 411 J/kg-K. The Biot number is 0.03 for the NGV-2 case, much
smaller than 0.1. It means that the heat transfer resistance of conduction within the NGV body
is substantially less than that of convection across the NGV/flow interfaces(23).
the flow-fields. At convergence, the scaled residuals were less than 4×10-5 for velocity
components and scalar items, and about 6×10-4 for turbulent variables. The monitored flow
parameters remained unchanged for the first four digits, which ensured that the flow-field
reached steady condition. One node of a LINUX cluster with 12-cores and 64 GB RAM was
used to carry out all the simulations.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4. Flow parameter contours along the mid-longitudinal plane: (a) the normalized
static temperature, (b) the Mach number, (c) the C12H23 mass fraction, and (d) the
normalized static pressure
Figure 4 displays the distributions of static temperature, Mach number, fuel mass fraction, and
static pressure along the mid-longitudinal plane of the combustion can, where the temperature
and pressure are normalized by their maxima respectively. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the
temperature is high in the upstream region, and relatively low in the downstream region. The
Mach number is given in Fig. 4(b). It is low in most of the can region, increases gradually in
the contraction section, and quickly reaches a maximum value in the NGV section. As
displayed in Fig. 4(c), the fuel, C12H23, is mainly located in the 1/3 upstream region of the
combustion can, which means the chemical reaction mainly takes place in this upstream region.
Figure 4(d) indicates that the pressure remains nearly constant in most of the can region, and
decreases rapidly in the NGV section due to flow acceleration.
Figures 5(a) and 5(b) are the zoomed views of Figs 4(b) and 3(d) near the NGV section, and
the mid-longitudinal plane cuts through one NGV and one thermocouple. As expected, the
Mach number is low near the thermocouple stagnation point and in the wake-flow region
behind the thermocouple; and the pressure near the thermocouple stagnation point is somewhat
higher than that in the wake-flow region. For the flow near the NGV, the typical NGV flow
features are illustrated: the Mach number is low on the pressure side and high on the suction
side; while the pressure is high on the pressure side and low on the suction side due to flow
Figure 5. (a) the zoomed view of Fig. 4(b) near NGV section, and (b) the zoomed view of
Fig. 4(d) near the NGV section
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 6. Normalized flow parameter distributions at the cross-section between the NGVs and
thermocouples: (a) the total temperature, (b) the total pressure, (c) the turbulence kinetic energy,
The observed hot-streaks at the combustion can exit can be readily explained by its geometry, as
displayed in Fig. 7. The largest and second largest dilution holes just before the contraction section
are highly non-symmetric with respect to the can mid-longitudinal plane, which is the main cause
of the temperature distortion at the combustion can exit.
Figure 8. Flow path-lines from the largest and second largest dilution holes before the
contraction section
The flow path-lines from the largest and second largest dilution holes are illustrated in Fig. 8,
where the path-lines are coloured by temperature. As displayed in the figure, the temperature
of the path-lines from the largest dilution hole is lower than that from the second largest dilution
hole. Moreover, the air mass flowrate through the largest hole is 1.67 times higher than that
through the second largest hole. As a result, the temperature at the combustion can exit is high
on the left hand side and low on the right hand side, looking upstream.
As displayed in Fig. 6(b), there are three narrow relatively low total pressure regions at the
cross-section. This reveals the effect of the wake flows downstream of the three
thermocouples. Moreover, the total pressure near the two side boundaries is also low. This is
mainly due to the flow passage increase in the circumferential direction in order to
accommodate two side NGVs. Figures 6(c) and 6(d) indicate that the turbulence kinetic energy
and dissipation rate are high in the wake-flow regions downstream of the thermocouples. It is
interesting to see the rotating vortices in these local regions, starting a short distance away from
the can internal wall to the can external wall. The gaps between the thermocouples and the can
internal wall (please see Fig. 1(b) or Fig. 5) play a major rule in this phenomenon. As expected,
the turbulence dissipation rate is very high near the surrounding walls.
The temperature contours at the external surfaces of the simplified ten NGVs and at the middle
cross-section between the NGVs and thermocouples are displayed in Fig. 9. By comparing the
temperature variation and mean temperature of these NGVs, it is found that NGV-2 has the
highest surface maximum and mean temperature among the ten NGVs, and NGV-9 has the
lowest maximum and mean temperature. This reveals that NGV-2 is most vulnerable under
the flight condition, which is consistent with the field-observed NGV damage pattern(25).
Figure 9. Normalized static temperature contours at the external surfaces of the simplified
NGVs and at the middle cross-section between the NGVs and thermocouples
Figure 10 describes the locations of six NGV units relative to the combustion can exit. Two
dashed lines form a 60-deg sector and the area overlapped with the annulus is where the
combustion can exit is located. Each NGV unit has two NGVs, where the leading NGV and
trailing NGV are defined counter clockwise, looking upstream. Note that the trailing NGV of
Unit 1 and the leading NGV of Unit 6 are within the can exit domain. That is, all together there
are ten NGVs behind each combustion can. Most of failures are Unit-2, while few are Unit-1
or Unit-6, the neighbour of Unit-2.
1 6
2 5
3 4
Fig. 10 The locations of six NGV units relative to the combustion can exit,
looking upstream
Figures 11 - 12 display the external surface static temperatures of the NGV/shrouds and cooling
fins for the three cases, where the temperatures are normalized by the maximum surface
temperature of NGV-2. For the sake of comparison, the same temperature scale, 0.4 – 1.0, is
used in these plots. In the first case, the maximum temperature reaches 1.0 at the NGV external
surface, and 0.982 at the cooling fin surface. In the second case, the maximum surface
temperature is 0.916 for the NGV surface and 0.901 for the cooling fins. In the third case, the
maximum surface temperature is 0.859 for the NGV and 0.847 for the cooling fins. In short,
NGV-2 has the highest thermal load. Its maximum temperature is 8.4% higher than NGV-2
but with the mean inlet boundary conditions, and 14.1% higher than NGV-9.
In order to extend the service life of these vulnerable NGVs, some protection methods should
be considered, such as applying thermal barrier coatings (TBC) to NGV-2 and improving
internal cooling arrangement. Consequently, the service time of these NGVs would be more
or less the same as the other NGVs.
Figure 11. Normalized static temperature contours at the NGV/shrouds external surfaces for:
(a) NGV-2, (b) NGV-2 but with the mean inlet parameters, and (c) NGV-9
Figure 12. Normalized static temperature contours at the cooling fins external
surfaces for NGV-2, NGV-2 but with the mean inlet parameters, and NGV-9
Figures 13 to 15 present the distributions of static temperature, Mach number, and velocity
vectors at the section across the trailing edge cooling hole and one leading edge cooling hole
for the three cases respectively, where the temperatures are normalized by the maximum value
in Fig. 13. The maximum incoming temperature is 1.0 for the first case, 0.92 for the second
case, and 0.89 for the third case. These figures show the typical NGV flow features. The
temperature is high on the NGV pressure side, and gradually decreases along the suction side;
the Mach number is low around the leading edge, gradually increases along the pressure side,
and increases and then decreases along the suction side. The impingement cooling is clearly
illustrated by the velocity vectors from the leading edge cooling hole, and the convection
cooling is indicated by the velocity vectors along the NGV internal and external surfaces.
Figure 13. Normalized temperature and Mach number contours, and velocity vectors at the section
across the trailing edge cooling hole and one leading edge cooling hole for NGV-2
Figure 14. Normalized temperature and Mach number contours, and velocity vectors at the section
across the trailing edge cooling hole and one leading edge cooling hole for NGV-2 but with the
mean inlet boundary conditions
Figure 15. Normalized temperature and Mach number contours, and velocity vectors at the section
across the trailing edge cooling hole and one leading edge cooling hole for NGV-9
The two-phase, turbulent, compressible, reacting flow-field of the 60-deg combustor sector
with the simplified ten NGVs and three thermocouples has been successfully solved with the
systematically validated physical models from a model combustor. The predicted mean and
maximum temperature at the combustion can exit are in excellent agreement with the
experimental data, and the deviations are less than 0.5%. These provide a solid basis for
studying the hot-streak effect on the flow-field and thermal load of NGVs.
With the boundary conditions from the combined combustor-NGVs simulation and the popular
turbulence model for turbomachinery, the turbulent, compressible flow-fields of the NGV
sectors of internally air-cooled nozzle guide vanes and shrouds have been successfully carried
out. The probe/dummy NGV approach has been proved as an effective method to study the
hot-streak effect.
The results indicate that the second NGV, looking upstream from left, has the highest thermal
load. Its maximum surface temperature is 8.4% higher than that for the same NGV but with
the mean inlet boundary conditions, and 14.1% higher than the ninth NGV, based on the
maximum surface temperature of the second NGV. Most importantly, this finding is consistent
with the field-observed NGV damage pattern.
In order to extend the service life of these vulnerable NGVs, some protection methods should
be considered, such as application of thermal barrier coatings (TBC) and improvement of
internal cooling arrangement. As a result, the service life of these NGVs would be more or
less the same as the other NGVs, and then the maintenance cost can be greatly reduced.
The authors are grateful to the Department of National Defence of Canada, the Air Defence
System Program and Gas Turbine Laboratory, Aerospace Research Center, the National
Research Council of Canada for funding and supporting this research project. Also many
thanks go to Dr. Francois Fortin and the Editorial Board of the Aeronautical Journal for the
valuable comments and suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript.
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