Speakout E3 B1 U6 - Students Book
Speakout E3 B1 U6 - Students Book
Speakout E3 B1 U6 - Students Book
Picasso’s mother said that her son’s first word was Pablo Casals was one of Spain’s greatest musicians. His
‘piz’, a short form of ‘lapiz’, the Spanish word for a father was a music teacher and as a baby, Casals used
pencil. The boy’s father was an artist, and the house to listen to his father playing the piano. By the age of
was full of pencils, paint and paper. From the age of six, Casals played the piano and the violin. One day, he
five, Picasso drew everything he saw. He used to draw saw someone performing on a cello. He immediately
GRAMMAR | used to
at school, at home, in restaurants, even in bed. He fell in love with the instrument, stopped playing the
VOCABULARY | the arts; the arts: people,
places, things painted his first painting when he was seven and kept violin and the piano, and became a cello player.
it for the rest of his life. He produced nearly 50,000
PRONUNCIATION | used to For Casals, the cello was more than a hobby. From the
age of thirteen, he used to start the day with a walk in
In 1904, Picasso moved from Spain to Paris. He was nature. After this, he used to practise playing the same
twenty-three years old and so poor that he had to notes again and again, all before breakfast! One day,
burn some of his paintings to keep warm. He used he was in a second-hand music store with his father
to pay his bills by giving people drawings instead when they found a sheet of cello music by Bach. They
One of money. It was in Paris that Picasso became a bought it and this changed Casals’ life. He fell in love
was possibly the greatest painter of the twentieth century, the other was one of the
great artist. His fortunes changed and he became with Bach’s music and later became famous for his
greatest musicians and composers. Both were called Pablo, both were from Spain, both produced
successful. When he was famous, he once refused to performances of this composer’s music.
incredible work, both spent years abroad and both died in 1973. In the arts, Pablo Picasso and
sign a drawing in a restaurant, saying he was buying
Pablo Casals are world-famous. Picasso worked in many different styles and produced thousands When he was still a young man, Casals went to live
a meal not the whole restaurant.
of works of art about different subjects, and created some of the most famous images of the in Paris. There, his fame as a musician and composer
twentieth century. Casals was a great performer, whose recordings continue to influence As his fame grew, he continued to produce more grew. He then travelled all over the world playing
musicians today. Both lived very long lives, but their work will live even longer. and more art. He used to arrive at his studio in the the cello. At the age of twenty-three, he even played
afternoon and often worked until 3 a.m. He painted for Queen Victoria in London. Sixty-two years later,
in many different styles and used everything around when he was eighty-five, he played for President
him in his art. His studio was full of old furniture, Kennedy in the White House.
newspapers, bus tickets, bottles, plates, boxes and
VOCABULARY READING Casals never stopped practising the cello, even as an
guitars. He left these objects on chairs, tables and
old man. When he was in his nineties, an interviewer
the floor until eventually they appeared in his works.
asked him why he still practised every day. Casals
the arts 3 A Work in pairs. Student A: Read Text A.
Picasso lived a long life. He worked for over seventy replied that it was because he thought he was getting
Student B: Read Text B. What is the
1 A Do you recognise the men in the photos? What do you know about years, and was still painting in his nineties. By the better! By the time he died, aged ninety-six, Casals
main topic of your text? Choose the
them? What can you guess? time he died, aged ninety-one, many people believed was loved all over the world and had influenced a
correct answer.
he was the greatest artist in history. generation of musicians.
B Read the introduction to an article to find out about them. 1 Pablo never achieved as much success
as he wanted.
2 A Complete the meanings with the correct form of the words 2 Pablo started young and never
in bold in Ex 1B. stopped working on his art.
1 A is someone who is paid to play a musical instrument. 3 Pablo changed after he became famous.
2 The are music, writing, art, literature, film, etc.
B Read your text again and answer
3 A is someone who plays music or acts in public.
the questions.
4 A is something that is recorded so people can watch or
listen again in the future. 1 What does the text say about the
artist’s childhood, his father and how
5 A is a person who paints pictures.
he started his career?
6 The of a work of art is the way it looks.
2 Why is the city of Paris mentioned?
7 Your are the things you are writing about, drawing
3 What type of life was the artist living
or discussing.
when he was twenty-three?
8 A is someone who writes music.
4 What were his work habits?
9 Artists’ are the things that they create (music, books, etc.).
5 What was he still doing in his nineties?
10 An is any kind of picture.
C Use your answers in Ex 3B to tell your
B Work in pairs. Tell your partner about: partner about the artist in your text.
• a composer, musician or painter from your country.
• your favourite and least favourite of the arts. D Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
• a style of music or painting that you like. 1 In what ways were the two Pablos
• a work of art, image or recording that you like.
2 Do you know any other artists or
C Learn and practise. Go to the Vocabulary Bank. performers who kept working when
they were old?
page 141 VOCABULARY BANK the arts: people, places, things 3 Why do you think some people never
want to stop working?
68 69
used to
6B Be creative
4 A Look at the verbs in bold in the sentences from the texts. Which
describe a single event in the past? Which describe a regular habit GRAMMAR | comparatives and superlatives
in the past?
VOCABULARY | creativity: word building
1 He used to draw at school. PRONUNCIATION | word stress in word families
A 2 He immediately fell in love with the instrument.
3 He used to listen to his father playing the piano.
4 He painted his first painting when he was seven.
B Complete the table with the bold words
in the text in Ex 2A.
PRONUNCIATION creativity: word building verb noun adjective
5 A 6.01 | used to | Listen to the sentences. Notice the 1 A Work in groups. Do the paperclip challenge. You have one minute. X talented
pronunciation of used to and didn’t use to. Do we pronounce imagine
the ‘d’ in used to?
1 I used to collect toy cars when I was a child.
The paperclip challenge X art/
B 2 We used to live in the countryside.
Try this test to see how creative you are. photograph/ photo/
3 I didn’t use to like vegetables.
Look at the paperclip. What do you think it take a
4 I didn’t use to like playing sports at school. photograph
could be used for? Write down as many ideas
as possible. You have one minute. X skilful
B Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Then say your
sentences to a partner. Make sure you pronounce used to correctly.
I used to enjoy … I didn’t use to like … PRONUNCIATION
B Look on page 147. Were any of the ideas the same as yours? Which
I used to go … I didn’t use to spend much time …
group had the most creative ideas?
3 A | word stress in word families |
Underline the stressed syllable in each
C Work in pairs. Answer the questions. word in Ex 2B. Is the stress on the same
SPEAKING 1 Do you think the activity in Ex 1A is a good way to measure how
syllable in each word in a word family?
creative someone is? Why/Why not? B 6.02 | Listen and check. Practise
6 A You are going to talk about a hobby that you used to have. Match 2 In what ways do you think you are creative?
saying the words.
C the sentences (1–4) with the photos (A–E). 3 How important is it to be creative in everyday life? Why?
1 I used to skateboard when I was a child. I got quite good at it and C Work in pairs. Write three questions to
could do jumps and tricks. 2 A Read the text. Do you agree with what it says about creativity? ask your partner using the words in Ex 2B.
2 When I was ten years old, I used to collect toy cars. Then ask and answer your questions.
3 I used to play tennis every day when I was younger. I stopped In what ways are you talented?
What is creativity?
playing a few years ago.
4 I used to spend hours drawing cartoon characters on my D Read the Future Skills box and do the task.
When we think about creativity, we often think of the world’s
most talented artists – people like Frida Kahlo, Einstein or
5 I used to have a guitar lesson once a week when I was a child. FUTURE SKILLS
Mozart. But you don’t have to have more talent than everyone
else to create something new and exciting. All you need is Creativity
B Think about the hobby you used to have. Answer the questions and
prepare what you will say. a little imagination and a bit of free time. You might not
Creativity can be useful for language
be very artistic, or even interested in art, so your painting
1 What was the hobby? learning. Visualising new vocabulary,
skills may not be brilliant, but maybe you’re a skilful and
2 When did you start? drawing pictures and creating interesting
D imaginative cook and enjoy creating new and original recipes.
3 How long did you use to spend on it every week? or unusual sentences or stories with new
Or you could be someone who has brilliant ideas for solving language are all ways that can help fix
4 Why did you enjoy it?
problems at work. Maybe you show your creativity in the the language in your mind. Can you think
5 How did you get better at it? clothes you wear, or perhaps you are keen on photography – of other creative ideas for language
6 Is the hobby still important to you now? maybe you use your photographic abilities to take pictures of learning? With a partner, write a list of
your friends, then use your digital skills to change them and creative ways to learn English.
C Work with other students. Describe your hobby. Ask your
make interesting images. All of these are creative activities.
classmates questions to find out more about their hobbies.
And they are very important. When we look at the way that
A: I used to dance every day … computers and technology are capable of doing many of
B: What type of dance did you like the best? Who did you use to the everyday jobs we used to do, it is easy to imagine that
dance with? creativity is perhaps the most important skill for the future.
70 71
comparatives and superlatives 7 A Work in pairs. Look at the tips to help you become
4A 6.03 | Listen to four people talking about creativity more creative. Can you add two more? SA 2 reviews GB A day ago
in their lives. Write the number of each idea next to the It was quite expensive. We won’t go back there, unless
person who mentions it. 5 A Complete the sentences with the words and phrases in it’s a special occasion.
Roza, film-maker Fabio, chef ,
the box. 13 ways to be more creative
AD 22 reviews GB A day ago
Joshua, designer Meera, accountant , as important as harder more carefully 1 Drink more coffee 9 Do some exercise
2 Turn off your mobile phone 10 Organise your Although a lot of the dishes are traditional, they all
more interesting most important
1 I try to experience new situations. have something special.
my best easier the hardest 3 Travel somewhere new workspace
2 I look for new ways to do things. 4 Write lists 11 Stop trying to be
KG 12 reviews GB 2 days ago
3 I use nature for inspiration. 1 Creativity is the part of my job. 5 Change your routine perfect
4 I need to be creative when looking after my daughter. 12 Listen to music While the staff are busy, they still find time to be
2 I think being creative is just these other things. 6 Sleep more
5 I am inspired by what other people in my profession 3 It forces you to think about your ideas. 7 Spend more time outdoors 13 Learn something
are doing. 4 I think it makes my films . 8 Be more sociable BH 8 reviews GB 3 days ago
6 I don’t think creativity is important for my work. 5 It’s for me to get ideas when I’m outside. I would happily eat here again because of the
6 All of ideas come from nature. B Work alone. Which of the tips:
wonderful food.
B 6.03 | Listen again and choose the correct option
(a or b) for each question (1–6). 7 That’s thing about cooking. 1 might help you work or study better?
1 Roza believes that creativity 8 I have to work when I’m at home than when 2 could help you to be more imaginative? 1 Which two linking words in bold do we use to
I’m in the office! 3 can you fit into your day the most easily? connect ideas which contrast with each other?
a is important for everyone.
4 might help you think about problems more clearly? 2 Which do we use to talk about a cause or a reason
b is especially important for writers and film-makers. B 6.04 | Listen and check your answers. Then look at for something?
2 Roza thinks that the words and phrases you added in Ex 5A. Which are 3 Which do we use to suggest a condition?
C Discuss your ideas in groups. Give reasons for your
a being creative makes it easier for her to talk to adjectives and which are adverbs?
opinions. Which do you think are the best ideas?
other people. B Read the review in Ex 8B again. Find and underline the
C Complete the rules for forming the comparatives and
b talking to people with different opinions helps linking words.
her to be more creative. superlatives of adjectives and adverbs.
3 Joshua thinks it is helpful to 1 For short adjectives and adverbs, e.g. fast, hard: WRITING C Join each pair of sentences or ideas using the word(s)
a use natural materials when you design things. Comparatives: add in brackets.
Superlatives: add
a review 1 Don’t buy this album! Or only buy it if you’re already
b pay attention to the things that you see
a fan of their music. (Don’t / unless)
around you.
2 For longer adjectives or adverbs ending in -ly, 8 A Work in pairs. Think about something creative that you
4 Fabio e.g. quickly have enjoyed recently. Use the ideas in the box or your Don’t buy this album unless you’re already a fan of
a tries to find ways to improve his business. own ideas. Discuss the questions below. their music.
Comparatives: use
b enjoys cooking when he has an audience. Superlatives: use 2 This game has very bad reviews. Nobody wants to
5 Meera album art exhibition book film buy it. (Nobody / because of)
3 Some adjectives and adverbs are irregular, restaurant meal video game 3 The food was delicious. The service was poor.
a doesn’t enjoy her job because it isn’t creative.
e.g. good/well, better, the (Although)
b often does creative activities at home.
1 Why did you enjoy it? 4 The historical information was interesting. The plot
6 Meera plays with her daughter 4 We can also use (not) as + + as to make
comparisons. 2 In what ways was it original or creative? was too slow. (While)
a creating new toys and games.
3 Why was it better or worse than similar ones you
b building computers and robots. D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. have experienced before? D Choose a restaurant, film, video game, book or music
album. Write a short review.
C Work in pairs. Read some of the ideas the people page 125 GRAMMAR BANK B Read the restaurant review below. Note down the
expressed. Which do you agree with? Why? positive and negative points.
1 I enjoy talking to people who have different 6 Work in pairs. What do you do differently now
opinions to me. compared to five years ago? Use an idea from each box
2 I’m always learning from other people’s ideas. to make sentences. PR Paul 62 reviews GB A day ago
3 I’m not very interested in the arts, music or painting.
cook meet friends run speak English
take photographs use social media work Nannarella, in Rome, is probably the best restaurant I’ve ever been to. It’s located
near a busy square in Trastevere. In the evening, you can sit outside and listen to
The best restaurant talented musicians playing while you eat.
accurate careful far fluent
I’ve ever been to The chef has created an imaginative menu, which is based on traditional Italian
good hard often quick food, but with new, original ideas. We had a rosemary focaccia to start, followed
by two different types of pasta. The carbonara and the lasagne were delicious,
I work harder now than five years ago, and I don’t although it was a shame that we had to eat quite quickly because we were in a
take photographs as often as I used to. hurry. We finished with the tiramisu, which was the tastiest dessert I’ve ever eaten.
While it is busier than other restaurants, and there are a lot of tourists, the
atmosphere was very friendly and relaxed. The staff made sure that we had
everything we needed. If you come at lunchtime, make sure you book a table,
unless you don’t mind waiting. Also, it wasn’t as expensive as similar restaurants in
the area. I would recommend Nannarella to anybody visiting Rome because of both
the food and the service. You’ll remember the experience.
72 73
6C Why do you
think that?
HOW TO … | ask for and give opinions and reasons
VOCABULARY | extreme adjectives
PRONUNCIATION | intonation for expressing opinions
Public art – love it or hate it?
From the art we see painted on the walls of our
extreme adjectives cities to the huge sculptures we might find outside
ask for and give opinions and reasons 6 A Choose three categories in the box and
a museum, public art is everywhere. In the past, make a list of your top 5 for each.
1 A Read the text. What are the benefits of public art? 4A
public art often meant statues of historical figures. 6.05 | Listen to three conversations. Answer the questions
Why do some people dislike it? about each one. apps artists bands or songs
These days, all kinds of fantastic art has moved
1 What are the people discussing? films or TV programmes video games
B Discuss in pairs. Is there public art where you live? outside art galleries, where it has more space and
websites YouTubers
What do you think of it? a bigger audience. Public art is for everyone. It’s 2 Do the speakers in each conversation have the same opinions or
free and you don’t need to buy a ticket. It can also different opinions?
My top 5 websites are BBC Sport,
2 A Read the statements. What do you think each one is help to create a city’s identity. For example, Louise 3 What do they agree in the end?
Wikipedia, …
describing? Bourgeois’s Maman, a sculpture of a giant spider,
1 It’s in the city centre and it’s huge. I don’t know if outside the Guggenheim Museum, has become B 6.05 | Complete the table with the phrases in the box. Listen
B Read the Future Skills box and do
it’s for offices or flats. a building again and check.
a symbol of Bilbao, Spain. Anthony Gormley’s the task.
2 It was fantastic! The acting was really good. outstanding sculpture The Angel of the North is For me, … How about you? I guess we all like different things.
3 It was really outstanding. All the flavours similarly popular with visitors to the north of
were amazing!
In my view, … The reason is … What makes you say that? FUTURE SKILLS
England. However, not everybody likes public art.
4 It’s terrible. It takes up loads of memory on Some say it’s a waste of money. Others think it’s Critical thinking
asking for an What do/did you think of … ?
my phone! When we give an opinion, we usually give
ugly. One example is graffiti. Some say it’s art and opinion 1
5 The plot was impossible to understand, so I others say it’s vandalism. What do you think? reasons to support it. Think about your
switched off. I won’t watch the other episodes. giving an opinion I think … answers in Ex 6A. What reasons can you
6 It’s tiny! I could hardly see it on the gallery wall. I would say … give to support them?
7 It’s essential if you want to get fit. It tells you how 2 3
8 I think it looks horrible. No one would wear those 3 A Read the two statements (a and b). Then choose the 4
C Work in groups. Take turns to talk about
colours together! correct words to complete the rules (1 and 2). your lists.
9 The curved walls are fascinating when the a We can say ‘very bad’. We can’t say ‘very terrible’. giving a reason It’s because …
• Explain your opinions and ask for your
sun shines. b We can say ‘absolutely fantastic’. We can’t say partner’s opinion.
‘absolutely good’. agreeing to I suppose we’re all different. • Ask for and give reasons for your
B Add the adjectives in bold in Ex 2A to the table, next disagree opinions.
1 We use very with normal / extreme adjectives to I guess it’s good we’re not all the same.
to the adjectives with a similar meaning. Do extreme
make them stronger.
6 • If you have different opinions, agree to
adjectives have a stronger or weaker meaning than
normal adjectives? 2 We use absolutely with normal / extreme adjectives C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
to make them stronger.
adjectives extreme adjectives page 126 GRAMMAR BANK
B Work in pairs. Student A: Close the book. Student B:
1 bad terrible,
Make a sentence with very and a normal adjective. describing why
2 good fantastic,
Student A: Reply with absolutely and an extreme PRONUNCIATION something interests you
3 interesting
4 big
adjective. Then change roles. 5 A 6.06 | intonation for expressing opinions | Listen to the agree on a book to read for a book club
B: It was a very bad film. opinions (1–3). Which word is stressed in each one?
5 small page 155 MEDIATION BANK
6 important
A: Yes, it was absolutely terrible! 1 For me, it has no meaning.
7 difficult 2 In my view, it’s a really new and exciting design.
C Work in pairs. Discuss the photos in this lesson. Try to
3 I think it’s a fantastic app!
use extreme adjectives!
I think the sculpture is absolutely fantastic! B 6.06 | Listen again. Then practise saying the sentences.
6D Documentary
An artist
at work
GRAMMAR | present perfect + for, since and yet
SPEAKING | a creative genius
WRITING | a nomination for an award
2A Watch the BBC video clip. How does Yinka feel about his
artwork when it is finished?
a nomination for an award
B Number the stages for creating one of Yinka’s works in order. SPEAKING
Then watch again to check your answers. 5 A Read about the MacArthur prize. Do you think prizes
a Nigel Schofield takes some photos for the sculpture. a creative genius like this are a good idea? Why?
creative genius award. Answer the questions.
d The finished sculpture goes to the gallery. their creative work. The award can go to scientists,
1 Do you think Jake is creative? Why/Why not?
PREVIEW e They use the photos to make a realistic figure.
2 What kinds of things does he enjoy?
engineers, musicians, artists, journalists, etc. It
f Yinka checks the sculpture and suggests changes. can be anyone who is pushing the boundaries of
1 A Look at the photo of artist Yinka B 6.07 | Listen again and tick the phrases that creativity within their field in order to discover
C Work in pairs and discuss the questions. new things or new ways of doing things for the
Shonibare below. What do you think is you hear.
special or different about his work? 1 Do you like this kind of artwork? Why/Why not? benefit of society.
2 Do know of any other artists who have interesting work practices? KEY PHRASES
B Read the programme information and 3 Are there any well-known art galleries where you live? Have you
check your ideas. visited these or any others? I’m going to nominate/tell you about … B Your college or workplace is organising its own creative
4 Do you ever buy art? What kind of art do you like? … is the most amazing … genius award. Read the nomination below. Do you think
He has enjoyed … since … this person should win the award? Why/Why not?
He is always drawing/cooking/looking for …
GRAMMAR He has also done a lot of … To: [email protected]
Subject: Creative genius award
For the last few years, he has …
present perfect + for, since and yet He hasn’t … yet, but … I would like to propose my friend Marco Santini for
I think … deserves the award because/as … the creative genius award because Marco is the most
3 A Complete the sentences from the programme with for, since and yet. creative pasta chef I know. He can cook all different
1 The art gallery has supported Yinka the start of his career. types of pasta dishes using whatever ingredients
C You are going to nominate someone for a creative
he has in the kitchen. Even when you think there is
2 Nigel Schofield has worked with Yinka more than ten years. genius award. Read the instructions and make notes
nothing left to eat, Marco can always surprise you with
3 Yinka hasn’t seen the finished sculpture . about the person you have chosen.
a delicious meal from nowhere. He has always made
• Talk about someone who is creative. It can be his own pasta since his grandmother taught him when
What do artists do all day? B Complete the rules with for, since and yet. someone you know or someone famous, e.g. a
he was a child. But nowadays, he’s always inventing
1 We use the present perfect with or to talk about singer, actor, sportsperson, etc.
Yinka Shonibare is one of the UK’s top his own new recipes. He makes pasta of all different
something that started in the past and is still true now. • Talk about their abilities and give reasons why they
contemporary artists. He became famous in should get the award. Use the Key phrases to help. colours and shapes and when he shows you the dish,
2 We use to refer back to a particular time in the past.
the 1990s and since then he has produced it looks like a work of art. It’s always delicious, too! I
a unique body of work, which is often 3 We use to refer to a period of time which started in the past. think Marco deserves the award as he is definitely the
D Work with other students. Take turns to talk about the
colourful and humorous. He is influenced 4 We use with the present perfect to talk about ‘at any person you want to nominate. Use the Key phrases to most creative person I know.
by his Nigerian origins and his work often time up to now’. We use it to emphasise that something hasn’t
help. Other students: Listen to the nominations and
happened, but we expect it to happen soon.
uses colourful African fabrics. This film ask questions to learn more.
shows Yinka creating a figure called Balloon C Write a nomination for the creative genius award.
C Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
Man, and talking about his life and career. E Work together to decide who should win the award You can nominate someone you know, or you can
page 127 GRAMMAR BANK and why. nominate yourself!
76 77
used to 4 Complete the words in bold.
1 I’m not very art . I sometimes do draw
1 A Correct the mistakes in the sentences. of animals, though.
1 We used to going on holiday every year when we 2 My brother is really good at photogr . He
were kids. takes amazing photos!
2 I didn’t used to like my physics teacher at school. 3 My brother’s greatest sk is cooking – his food
3 Did you use draw a lot when you were a child? is amazing!
4 I use to play the piano, but I don’t play now. 4 It’s just some flowers – it isn’t a very original
5 My best friend at school used live just across the sub for a paint !
road from me. 5 I love her architecture. It’s so imagin .
6 Have you use to have more free time than you 6 I don’t think I’m a very creat person. I don’t
do now? have a lot of tal .
7 I used spend a lot of time with my grandparents 7 The football stadium is sometimes used as a
when I was younger. ven for music concerts.
8 Pablo Picasso worked in many different sty .
the city.
4 I think being able to cook is one of the other areas. But Hockney was determined to
(important) skills to have. study art. He spent a lot of time doing 5 with
pencils and pens, in order to develop his .
5 I love singing, but I’m not very good. I’m
(talented) my sister. At the age of sixteen, he decided to go to art
6 I drove over 600 km to Scotland. It’s (far) school. He worked hard all his life, often spending
I have ever driven. days and nights in his 7 painting. He wrote a
sign at the end of his bed which said, ‘Get up and
B Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. work immediately.’ He worked in different
3 A Complete the sentences by adding for, since or yet in 1 A creative B creativity C create
3 I haven’t visited the USA, but I plan to. 5 A shows B drawings C recordings
4 I have worked in this job 2012. 6 A skills B subjects C works
5 I have played the guitar I was about fifteen years old. 7 A style B studio C architecture
6 I’d like to live somewhere different in the future, but 8 A paintings B styles C designs
I haven’t decided where.
9 A shows B venues C images
B Choose three of the sentences in Ex 3A and rewrite 10 A during B since C for
them so they are true for you. Then compare your 11 A art galleries B shows C photographers
sentences with a partner.
B R6.01 | Listen and check your answers.