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Deliver and Monitor Aservice To Customers

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The Ethiopian TVET-System

Marketing Services Level III

Learning guide
Occupational Standard: Marketing Services Level III
Unit Title Deliver and Monitor a Service to Customers
Unit Descriptor
This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to identify
customer and monitor service provided to customers.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Identify
1.1 Appropriate interpersonal skills are used to accurately identified and clarified
customer needs
customer needs and expectations.
1.2 Customer needs are assessed for urgency to determine priorities for service
delivery in accordance with organizational requirements.
1.3 Effective communication is used to inform customers about available choices for
meeting their needs and selection of preferred options are assisted.
1.4 Limitations are identified in addressing customers’ needs and appropriate
assistance from designated individuals is sought.
2. Deliver a
2.1 Prompt service is provided to customers to meet identified needs in accordance
service to
with organizational requirements.
2.2 Appropriate rapport is established and maintained with customers to ensure
completion of quality service delivery.
2.3 Customer complaints are sensitively and courteously handled in accordance with
organizational requirements.
2.4 Assistance or respond are provided to customers with specific needs in accordance
with organizational requirements.
2.5 Available opportunities are identified and used to promote and services and
products are enhanced to customers.
3. Monitor and
3.1 Customer satisfaction with service delivery is regularly reviewed using verifiable
report on
evidence in accordance with organizational requirements.
delivery 3.2 Opportunities are identified to enhance the quality of services and products, and
pursued within organizational requirements.
3.3 Procedural aspects of service delivery are monitored for effectiveness and
suitability to customer requirements.
3.4 Customer feedback is regularly sought and used to improve the provision of
products and services.
3.5 Evidence of customer satisfaction in decisions is incorporated to modified
products or services, ensuring they are within organizational requirements.
3.6 Ensure reports are cleared, detailed and contained recommendations focused on
critical aspects of service delivery.

Variable Range
Appropriate May include:
interpersonal skills  listening actively to what the customer is communicating
 providing an opportunity for the customer to confirm their request
 questioning to clarify and confirm customer needs
 seeking feedback from the customer to confirm understanding of needs
 summarizing and paraphrasing to check understanding of customer message
 using appropriate body language
Customers May include:
 corporate customers
 individual members of the organization
 individual members of the public
 internal or external
 other agencies
Customer needs May include:
and expectations  accuracy of information
 advice or general information
 complaints
 fairness/politeness
 further information
 making an appointment
 prices/value
 purchasing organization’s products and services
 returning organization’s products and services
 specific information
Organizational May include:
requirements  access and equity principles and practice
 anti-discrimination and related policy
 defined resource parameters
 goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 legal and organizational policies, guidelines and requirements
 OHS policies, procedures and programs
 payment and delivery options
 pricing and discount improvement processes and standards
 quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
 replacement and refund policy and procedures
 who is responsible for products or services
Effective May include:
communication  giving customers full attention
 maintaining eye contact, except where eye contact may be culturally inappropriate
 speaking clearly and concisely
 using active listening techniques
 using appropriate language and tone of voice
 using clear written information/communication
 using non-verbal communication e.g. body language, personal presentation (for
face-to-face interactions)
 using open and/or closed questions
Designated May include:
individuals  colleagues
 customers
 line management
 supervisor
Customer May include:
complaints  administrative errors such as incorrect invoices or prices
 customer satisfaction with service quality
 damaged goods or goods not delivered
 delivery errors
 product not deliver on time
 service errors
 warehouse or store room errors such as incorrect product delivered
Specific needs of May relate to:
customers  age
 beliefs/values
 culture
 disability
 gender
 language
 religious/spiritual observance
Verifiable May include:
evidence  customer satisfaction questionnaires
 audit documentation and reports
 quality assurance data
 returned goods
 lapsed customers
 service calls
 complaints
Opportunities to May include:
promote and  extending time lines
enhance services  packaging procedures
and products  procedures for delivery of good
 return policy
 system for recording complaints
 updating customer service charter

LO 01 Identify customer needs

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics;
 Identify costumer need
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to;
 Acknowledge and greet customer in a professional, courteous and concise manner according to
organizational requirements
 Maintain personal dress and presentation in line with organizational requirements
 Communicate using appropriate interpersonal skills to facilitate accurate and relevant exchange of
 Maintain sensitivity to customer specific needs and any cultural, family and individual differences
 Establish rapport/relationship with customer and express a genuine interest in customer

INFORMATION SHEET 01 Identify customer needs

 Internal - work colleagues who may require your services in some way in order for them to carry out
their job. This may include someone in the same office or department as you, or in another branch
which could be in another state or even country.
 External - people from outside the business, who are either making enquiries or purchasing goods or
services. This may include members of the public or someone from another organization.
Most organizations have a policy or code of practice, dealing with quality customer service; in order to
provide customers with prompt and efficient service for handling enquiries, making sales and monitoring
customer feedback. These would include an outline of expected standards of service, including courtesy,
discretion, confidentiality and follow-up procedures.
Customer service standards are often set in the organization's vision and/or mission statement. New
employees often undergo an induction training course which may include information on:
 How to greet customers
 How to answer the telephone
 How to deal with difficult customers
 Where to get relevant information
 Who to seek assistance from
 Personal presentation and dress standards
 Interpersonal skills
It is more expensive to find new customers than it is to retain existing customers. Excellent customer service
means that a business will stand out from its competitors; and satisfied customers will promote the business
by word of mouth, which is the most effective form of promotion.
Important tips when dealing with customers/clients:
 First impressions are most important.
 Business success depends on the quality of the service.
 Ask questions to give the customer the opportunity to explain what they need; this makes them feel
that their needs are important and also encourages them to become a repeat customer instead of a one-
off customer.
In a customer/client-focused organization, employees listen to the customers for their input and feedback in
order to ascertain what they consider is important about the products supplied or the way service is delivered.
Improvements can then be made resulting in the organization gaining a competitive advantage over other
firms as customers will be happy to become long-term clients.
When developing rapport, you are building a relationship. Personal attributes that will assist employees to be
responsive to customer needs include:
 Sincerity - to be genuine and honest
 Confidence - being self-assured or confident in one's own ability
 Enthusiasm - to show interest, displaying good knowledge of the range of products/services available
 Efficiency - capable of producing the required result with minimum waste or effort
 Empathy - identifying oneself mentally with the customer in order to fully comprehend their needs
 Interest in other people - showing concern for their needs
Once you have developed a good rapport, it is important to build on this by continuing the communication. A
follow-up phone call after the sale will help to establish the customer as a long-term client.
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics;
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to;
 Use appropriate questioning and active listening to determine customer needs
 Assess customer needs for urgency to identify priorities for service delivery
 Provide customer with information about available options for meeting customer needs and assist
customer to identify preferred option/s
 Identify personal limitations in addressing customer needs and seek assistance from designated persons
where required

Understanding client needs

Active listening - Listening is an important skill in communicating with others, as you are able to understand
and interpret what the other person is saying. To fully understand the message being conveyed, it is
important that you ask questions to clarify the meaning. It is also important to clarify that the other person
understands your message. If the client has written or emailed the business for information, it may be
necessary to phone them to clarify their needs.
Non-verbal signs - Body and facial expressions are often used when communicating. It is important that
your body language is not conveying something different to what you are saying.
Making use of correct questioning techniques - Questioning is an important tool used to obtain feedback
and clarification of a message, to ensure that the receiver understands what the sender is saying. There are
three main questioning techniques.
 Open questions encourage the sharing of information and usually require longer answers, e.g. for
what purpose are you purchasing this product?
 Closed questions are usually asking for a yes or no answer, and do not encourage any further
discussion, e.g. Would you like to purchase this product?
 Reflective questions are structured so that the person answers in a particular way, to make their needs
clear, e.g. Why does this product interest you?
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics;
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.

Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to;

 Provide prompt customer service to meet identified needs according to organizational requirements
 Provide information regarding problems and delays, and follow-up within appropriate timeframes as
 Communicate with customers in a clear, concise and courteous manner
 Identify opportunities to enhance the quality of service and products, and take action to improve the
service whenever possible
Characteristics of quality service
A customer will become a repeat customer if they are satisfied with the quality of service they receive.
Quality service includes:
 Employees who are polite, attentive to customer's needs and are able to build rapport.
 Employees who have good knowledge of the organization’s products or know the correct person to
pass an enquiry on to; and actually follow through with enquiries.
 Having goods and services that are reliable and reasonably priced.
 Having complaints dealt with promptly and with understanding.
 Being treated with respect and without prejudice.
Benefits of good customer service
 Promoting goodwill - increasing the established reputation of the business and enhancing its value.
 Customer/client loyalty/repeat business - being able to win the customer's trust and build a long-term
relationship; one that will survive even in bad economic times.
 New business - being able to differentiate from other businesses and be able to attract new customers,
often due to word-of-mouth promotion from satisfied customers.
 Productivity - the capacity to increase production with little or no increase in costs, improving
 Credibility - building a reputation of being an honest and trustworthy business.
 Promoting workplace/organisation service ethic - a set of honorable rules of conduct which will
improve the loyalty of employees and give the organization a competitive advantage.
It is important to remember that business success will be dependent on the quality of the service given by
employees; satisfied customers will become repeat customers and will promote your business to others,
ensuring long-term growth and profitability.

INTRODUCTION LO3 Monitor and report on service delivery

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics;
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this learning guide, you will be able to;
 Promptly recognize customer feedback and handle sensitively according to organizational
 Accurately record any feedback and communication between customers and the organization
according to organizational standards, policies and procedures
 Identify any unmet customer needs and discuss suitability of other products/services
 Support customers to make contact with other services according to organizational policies and

INFORMATION SHEET 01 Monitor and report on service delivery

Customers will take their business elsewhere because of poor service rather than poor quality products. Â It
is very important that a business listens to the feedback received from their customers.
The value of complaints/feedback to a business includes:
 Improving business relationships - allows the business to form a relationship with the customer, built
on trust and confidence; resulting in the customer becoming a long-term client who will be happy to
promote the business to others.
 Identifying and overcoming existing problems - feedback can identify problems that an organization
is not aware of; allowing the business to investigate/review policies and procedures and improve the
quality of the product and/or service provided.
 Eliminating entrenched work practices - feedback may provide information about widespread
problems with customer service. This would enable the business to provide training to improve
communication and etiquette towards customers.
 Improving productivity - improvements made due to the influence of customer feedback may increase
the demand for products/services which may lead to higher cost-efficiency in the production process
 Enhancing output quality - feedback may be in the form of advice or suggestions that the business
may not have thought of previously, allowing the development of a better/greater range of products
that will increase the business's market share.
 Future development of the workplace/organization and the employees - feedback can provide the
basis for the development of a better employee induction program and on-going training for all


Customers can become difficult for a variety of reasons. Some might have an annoying personality; others
like to find faults, while some think they know it all. Customers like these can become impatient,
intimidating and demanding. Angry customers are the most difficult to handle as they are usually upset and
emotional, as they are not happy about the product or the service.

A Tips for handling difficult customers include:

 Never argue with the customer - keep smiling, even though this may be difficult at times.
 Listen to the customer - let them vent their displeasure; maintain eye contact and don't use body
language that portrays that you are not interested. Apologize for the inconvenience they have
 Stay calm - if you feel intimidated, ask questions like "What can we do to help?" Try to get as much
information as possible from the customer.
 Do not lay blame on anybody.
 Offer solutions to the problem - but don't promise something you cannot deliver. If you cannot solve
the problem, then offer to get someone who can.
 Follow up on the complaint - a telephone call to make sure that everything has been solved is good
 Never take it personally.


Customer feedback Good or bad comments received from customers regarding the product or service.
Delivering products or services to customers including dealing with complaints and
Customer service
processing customer feedback.
A person, either internal or external to a business, who needs assistance with
information or purchasing goods or services.
Skills that facilitate the accurate and relevant exchange of information between an
Interpersonal skills
employee and a customer.
Needs and Needs are necessities whereas preferences are those items that are favoured over
preferences others.
Communication The exchange and understanding of information between two or more people.
Personal The image an employee presents by the type of clothes worn, level of personal
presentation hygiene and grooming, attitude and etiquette displayed.
Prompt, friendly and professional service that meets customer expectations, so they
Quality service
will want to deal with you again and recommend the business to others.
Recording All details must be accurately recorded to enable effective follow-up, particularly
information when a customer is lodging a complaint.

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