Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Theory
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Theory
Corrosion and Cathodic Protection Theory
Cathodic Protection Theory
James B. Bushman, P.E.
Principal Corrosion Engineer
Bushman & Associates, Inc
Medina, Ohio USA
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I. Introduction
DC railways and other machinery often
Nature has endowed each metallic substance generate direct current. When this current
with a certain natural energy level or flows through the soil indiscriminately, it is
potential. referred to as "stray" DC. The current may
contact and follow a buried metallic
GALVANIC ENERGY SERIES structure such as a pipeline, but wherever it
leaves that structure to return to it's origin,
corrosion will occur.
Cathodic protection is an electrical method
ZINC -1.1
of preventing corrosion on metallic
e -0.5
i ng STEEL IN CONCRETE WITHOUT Cl- -0.1 structures which are in electrolytes such as
re as COPPER -0.1
soil or water. It has had widespread
application on underground pipelines, and
GOLD +1.2 ever increasing use as the most effective
corrosion control method for numerous
other underground and underwater structures
When two metals having different energy such as lead cables, water storage tanks,
levels or potentials are coupled together, lock gates and dams, steel pilings,
current will flow. The direction of positive underground storage tanks, well casings,
current flow will be from the metal with the ship hulls and interiors, water treatment
more negative potential through the soil to equipment, trash racks and screens. It is a
that which is more positive. Corrosion will scientific method which combats corrosion
occur at the point where positive current by use of the same laws which cause the
leaves the metal surface. A dry cell battery corrosion process.
is one example of a corrosion cell.
There are two basic mechanisms by which
CARBON e- WIRE metals in electrolytes corrode
Electrolytic Corrosion
Galvanic Corrosion
CASE Electrolytic corrosion is a result of direct
(ANODE) - - e-
OH OH current from outside sources entering and
then leaving a particular metallic structure
by way of the electrolyte. Where current
Galvanic corrosion is self-generated activity remainder of the surface and will corrode.
Fe+++ 2OH --> Fe(OH) 2
H + le- -->
resulting from differences in energy levels
or potentials which develop when metal is Corrosion can occur due to differences in
placed in an electrolyte. These differences the electrolyte. These differences may be in
can arise from the coupling of dissimilar the soil resistivity, oxygen concentrations,
metals, variations in the electrolyte, moisture content and various ion
non-homogeneity of the metal, or a concentrations. The variations produce
combination of the above. current flow from one location, through the
electrolyte, to another portion of the same
metallic structure.
In 1824, Sir Humphry Davy, on contract to The second method of protection makes use
the royal Navy, discovered the principle of of galvanic anodes which have a higher
cathodic protection for the mitigation of energy level or potential with respect to the
natural corrosion processes. He was structure to be protected. These anodes are
searching for a method to prevent corrosion made of materials, such as magnesium or
of the copper-clad wooden hulls of English zinc, which are naturally anodic with respect
ships. He attached billets of zinc to the to steel structures and are connected directly
copper and observed that the zinc would to these structures.
corrode to save the copper. Today, over one
and one-half centuries later, corrosion
engineers are still using this same method of SACRIFICIAL ANODE CATHODIC
preventing corrosion damage by applying PROTECTION
this same zinc anode cathodic protection to
steel ships around the world. WIRE
cathodic protection. One of these methods
makes use of anodes which are energized by
an external DC power source. In this type of ANODE
cathodic protection system, anodes are
installed in the electrolyte and are connected
to the positive terminal of a DC power
source and the structure which is to be
protected is connected to the negative
terminal of that source. Because the power In most cases, the rectifier type system is
source is almost always a rectifier unit, this designed to deliver relatively large currents
type of system is often referred to as a from a limited number of anodes, and the
rectifier or impressed current type system. galvanic anode type system is designed to
deliver relatively small currents from a large
number of anodes. Each method of applying
cathodic protection has characteristics that because there are very large differences in
make it more applicable to a particular the design of cathodic protection systems.
problem than the other. A comparison of These differences result from the infinite
those characteristics is as follows: variety of structures that are to be protected
and from the large assortment of
COMPARISON OF CP SYSTEM environments in which those structures are
CHARACTERISTICS located. Because of the large differences in
the designs of systems necessary to achieve
Galvanic Rectifier protection, it is often necessary for existing
NO External Power External Power structures that each system be custom
required Required designed for a given location.
Fixed driving Adjustable Voltage
voltage In order to prevent corrosion using cathodic
Fixed Current Adjustable Current protection, current must flow from the
Limited Current (10 Unlimited Current electrolyte onto the structure at all locations.
to 50 Milli-amperes (10 to 100 Amperes If a portion of the structure does not receive
Typical) Typical) current, the normal corrosion activity will
Usually used in Can be Used in continue at that point. If any of the cathodic
lower resistivity almost Any protection current picked up by the structure
electrolytes Resistivity leaves that structure to flow back into the
Environment electrolyte, corrosion will be accelerated at
Usually used with Can be Used on the location where the current is discharged.
small or very well Any Size Structure As an example, when mechanically coupled
coated structures piping is used, this can be discontinuous
Low $/Unit Cost High $/Unit Cost from one pipe section to the next. If a
High $/Sq. Ft. of Low $/Sq. Ft. of galvanic anode type system is used for
Metal Protected Metal Protected protection, it may be necessary to install an
Low Maintenance Higher anode on each pipe length or to electrically
Maintenance bond across each joint. If one length of pipe
Does NOT cause Stray DC Currents is neglected, that length will receive no
Stray Current Can be Generated cathodic protection and the normal corrosion
Corrosion activity will continue. When a rectifier type
system is installed on an underground
storage tank system, it is even more
Regardless of the type of system used,
important that the tank and lines be
current flows from the cathodic protection
electrically continuous. If there are
anode through the soil to the structure to be
non-continuous joints, it is possible for the
protected. Where this current flows onto a
cathodic protection current to leave the pipe
structure from the surrounding electrolyte
or tank to flow around the electrically
(soil), the potential of the structure is made
discontinuous joint causing corrosion at
more negative. Cathodic protection is
each point where the current leaves the pipe
achieved when this change in potential is
surface. Similarly, if cathodic protection
sufficient to arrest corrosion.
current is applied to one structure in an area,
It would appear that cathodic protection can
it is possible for other structures in the
be achieved merely by the application of
neighborhood to be exposed to damage
current of sufficient magnitude. Although
unless proper steps are taken. Potential
this statement is true, it is deceptively simple
measurements are used to determine useful for cathodic protection. Some of the
whether such damaging exposure exists. Just metal is consumed in self-corrosion. Zinc is
as protection is indicated when the potential approximately 90% efficient and magnesium
of a structure is made more negative, stray is approximately 50% efficient. Therefore,
current corrosion is indicated when the the actual pounds consumed per ampere year
potential of a structure is made less negative of protective current are 26 and 17 lbs. for
as a result of the application of cathodic zinc and magnesium respectively.
protection current.
In underground applications, these anodes
V. Anode Materials are normally surrounded with a special
backfill. The backfill is usually a mixture of
Galvanic Anodes gypsum, Bentonite and sodium sulfate. This
special backfill serves a number of purposes.
Protective current generated by galvanic First, it provides a uniform environment for
anodes depends upon the inherent potential the anode, thereby making the corrosion of
difference between the anodes and the the anode uniform; second, the backfill
structure to be protected. Thus, if the decreases the anode-to earth resistance;
structure is made of iron or steel, any metal third, it retains moisture and thereby
that is more active in the electromotive force maintains a lower resistance; and fourth, it
series can theoretically be used as anode acts as a depolarizing agent.
material. In practice, the materials generally
used for galvanic anodes are zinc and Impressed Current Anodes
magnesium. Although aluminum is also a
material which is more active than iron, it When a rectifier type system is used, the
has not yet proved to be an effective current is derived from an outside source
galvanic anode material for underground use and is not generated by the corrosion of a
because of the polarization films which particular metal as is the case with galvanic
build up on the aluminum surface as it anodes. However, materials used as
corrodes, thereby ceasing the generation of energized anodes do corrode. Thus, junk
protective current. In recent years, some pipe and steel rails that were at one time
alloys of aluminum have been used used extensively as anode materials in
successfully in seawater applications and rectifier type systems, corrode at the rate of
work is progressing on alloys that may 20 lbs. per ampere year. Even a relatively
prove to be effective in other applications. small rectifier system, with a capacity of
only 10 amperes, would consume 2000 lbs.
It should be noted that galvanic anodes of steel in 10 years. Therefore, longer life
consume themselves in the process of anode materials were sought. The materials
generating protective currents. The rate of that are used almost universally today are
consumption is dependent upon the graphite, high silicon cast iron and precious
magnitude of current generated as well as metal oxide coated titanium. In underground
the material from which the anode is made. work, special coke breeze backfills are
For example, the theoretical consumption usually used for the purpose of providing a
rate of zinc is 23.5 lbs. per ampere year and uniform environment around the anode and
that of magnesium is 8.7 lbs. per ampere for lowering the anode-to-earth resistance.
year. In actual practice, not all of the metal
is consumed in generating current that is
one or two galvanic anodes while it is not control. If magnesium anodes were selected
uncommon to have several rectifier units in for use, over 60 anodes would be required.
a large complex tank farm.
VII. Conclusion
Because of the much greater current Cathodic protection is a highly adaptable
requirement, interference problems can be and effective means of preventing corrosion
created on other nearby underground utility on a variety of underground or underwater
systems. On systems using sacrificial structures. There are basically two types of
anodes, the number of anodes required is systems: namely, galvanic and impressed
similarly much greater on bare structures current. Each has characteristics which make
than on coated. it more adaptable' under given
We have seen one example where one anode circumstances. Cathodic protection designs
was sufficient to provide protection for a can differ considerably depending upon the
coated 10,000 gallon tank. On the other coating, the configuration of the structure,
hand, a poorly coated or bare 10,000 gallon the environment and the presence of
tank can require in excess of 1.5 amps to neighboring structures. When a system is
achieve effective corrosion control. For one designed, installed and maintained properly,
bare UST piping system in Ohio consisting cathodic protection is one of the most
of 1,200 feet of 3" diameter pipe, 2 amperes effective and economical methods of
of current was required for full corrosion preventing corrosion.