Reviewer in Community Engagement

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Introduction to Community

It is derived from the latin word “communis” Community

It means “common” or “shared” Communis
Social unit with commonality such as norms, religion, Community
values, customs or identity

Refers to a large group affiliation Community

The three large group affiliation National community,

International community and
Virtual community
The two ways may community be formed Geographical and non-

The members of the community share the same Geographical

geographical vicinity

Formed based on needs, ideas, interests, practices, rules Non-geographical

and social institutions

The two levels of community Macro-level and micro-level

A group is formed based on personal social ties Macro-level

Companies or corporations developing various programs Micro-level
that would include the different members across the

Engage in joint activities and discussion, help each other Formal group
and share information with each other, they care about
their standing with each other

People come together to accomplish specific goals Formal group

Consist of set of personal relation, social networks, Informal group

common interests and emotional sources of motivation

Two or more people come together to accomplish specific Informal group

task which is mainly socially engaged

An open swatch of land that has few home or other Rural area
buildings and not very many people

An area with high density of population Urban area

Are people or nations of the world, considering being Global community
closely connected by modern telecommunication

Relating to the various economic sectors of the Sectoral community


space where people gather and interact with each other Social space
Two types of social space Virtual and physical space

The change and development in communities of all living Community dynamics

organisms-including plants, microorganisms and small
and large creatures of every sort

An activity that increases the understanding, engagement Community action

and empowerment of communities in the design and
delivery of local services

Includes a broad range of activities and is sometimes Community action

described as “social action” or “community engagement”

These activities can vary in their objective, the role the Community action
community plays, the types of activities involved, their
scale and their integration within the council

Putting communities as the center of services Community action

development and services delivery

Aims to cater the primary needs of the communities Community action

before implementing it

It will help the community dynamics or the degree of Community action

improvement of the community

Objectives in community action Building community and social

capacity, prevention, community
resiliency, maintaining and
creating wealth

Importance of studying community - People see a genuine

opportunity to better their
own lives and for the

- It understand and
promotes community

- It motivates people to
work together- people feel
a sense of community and
recognize the benefits of
the environment

stands for the group of people Community

stands for self-motivated person, active person, and Dynamics

energetic person, known as “Dynamics for Development
of the Community”

changes in the community brought about social, cultural, Community dynamics

and environmental experiences whether it is positive or
negative development that impacts within the community.

is any activity that aims to increase the understanding Community action

engagement and empowerment of communities for the
intention of giving services to people.

raise an awareness about certain communal issues that Understanding

needs to be addressed.

once issue are assessed properly and people in the Engagement

community understand the needs, they work
collaboratively to act on it.

enable the people to independently decide, plan-out and Empowerment

take action to control the situation they have in the

communities are the driving force for civilizations. Anthropological

Human evolution itself came from the mold of these
evolutionary shifts and has drastically accelerated human perspective

discovery of human evolution through natural selection Charles Darwin

highlights the idea that development stemmed from the
ability to a certain species to adapt and therefore survive
its environment.

the earliest men crafted tools were used basically for Paleolithic age (Old Stone Age)-
cutting and chopping. Hunt Gatherers

human started to cultivate more sustainable sources of Mesolithic Age (Middle Stone
food. They cultivated plants and then later, they formed an Age)- Horticultural and
agricultural society. Agricultural

communes were more efficient than in the previous two Neolithic age- Argarians
ages. Herding was added to agriculture as their main
source of food. It was also in this period of development
where humans evolved culturally.

Regarded as simply as the study of people and societies Sociology

A particular attitude toward or way of regarding Perspective


Way of understanding and analyzing human behavior and Social science perspective
social phenomenon through the lenses of social sciences

analyzes the history, evolutions, structure, and functions Sociological

of societies.
based on the individual or group’s shared characteristics, Social stratification
they identify individuals or groups as cohorts sharing
common experiences.

direct result of classifying people in accordance to Social class

material wealth, relative social value, or other traits. It is
determined based on a specified set f observable and
quantifiable characteristics relative to a set benchmark.

study of how individuals or groups move across Social mobility

classifications and stratifications.

Types of social mobility  Horizontal

 Vertical
 Upward mobility
 Downward mobility
 Intra-generational
 Inter- generational

It is how people or groups are classified by using core Religion

religious beliefs and practices as an identifiable social
characteristics. It is an important factor in sociology,
influencing individual identity and social norms

one of the topics that identify the people and groups Sexuality
through their sexual norms, orientation interest, and

rooted on the interaction of society with certain social Deviance

anomaly such as a deviant act or norm-defying stunt. It is
the interaction of society with a social anomaly, which
must be against a rule or agreed-upon a norm

- it is multidisciplinary. The study of politics cuts across Political perspective

all these dimensions in an attempt to explain political
action and behavior and the distribution of power and
authority in the real world.

- “who gets what, when, and how” Harold Lasswell

views communities as composed of citizens guided under Political Science

one constitution or government.

composed of individuals that share a common Nation


political entity that has four characteristics State

Four characteristics of a state Population, territory, sovereignty

and government

the people sharing a geographical space (towns, cities, Population


physical area under the rule or jurisdiction under a Territory

political system or ruler

authority of a state for self-governance and rule Sovereignty

a group of individuals that administers the function of the Government


when both nation and state come together for a unified Nation state
prioritizes the protection of its population, territories, National interest
sovereignty and its government

directed toward other nation-states; intersection of Foreign policy

national interest and local governance.

Institutional Perspective
The core establishment that blind people toward specific
advocacy or goal

Grand social structures that are made up by individuals Institutions

which, when viewed as a whole, exhibit patterns of
behavior that create conventions and norms in our society.

A great sea monster Leviathan

One of the oldest works that focuses on social contracts. It Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes
influenced how we see the social structures in the present
under the guiding principles of state of power

is an institution entrusted with making and enforcing the Government Institution

rules of a society

A government is born from this social agreement Compliance and reinforcement

is simply an agreement between a master and a Social contract

subordinate under prescribed rules of conduct and rights.

A company or an organization that deals with money Economic institution

See institution as the coping mechanism in which good Economists

services and money are distributed.
Guides each decision with free market economy thereby Trust in The Invisible Hand by
creating an efficient system Adam Smith

Two major branches of economics Microeconomics and


concerned about the behavior of individual actors and Microeconomics

their patterns of consumption.

deals with how individual agents’ collective actions Macroeconomics

correspond to the whole.

are the visible and organized manifestations of practices Religious institutions

and beliefs.

A constant reminder that values are more grounded on Religious institutions


is a place where people of different ages gain an education Educational institution

can be referred to as a group that is deliberately created or Family institution

created by the virtue of birth.

The building blocks of our society Family

Civil Society Perspective

is broadly understood as the combination of organizations, Civil society

establishments, and individuals that operate outside the
influence of the governmental institutions

Very essential part of our liberal society which is Role of civil society organization
composed of various actors that come together to attain a
particular goal that is vitally for the greater good of
society. They operate outside the control of the state and
the government but work toward the fulfillment of the
same needs

Is by far a clear representation of how civil society groups Non- government

once they achieve a semblance of dentity, order, social
capital, can be a force in terms of lobbying and promotion organizations
of their interest.

Characteristics of NGO Organized, voluntary and needs-


are groups that exist for a sole purpose or issue and tend to Social movements
fizzle out once its attained.

These movements are grand and sweeping in its scale, Social movements
their impact is mostly short-lived and fragile

It exists through the sheer will of their members in Social movements

spreading the concerns in various platforms

Characteristics of social movements Informal, issue-based and


It represent the collective disdain of individuals and Social movements

groups against a prevailing system or idea and are
considered by many as more radical that other civil
society groups

- There are civil society groups that exist primarily to push Interests groups
for policy agendas and nothing more.

Societal Structures
all about the dynamic of individual identity relative to its Social status
social environment.

A set of defined and expected behavior or norms that is Role

ascribed to a certain social status.

Three theoretical perspectives Functionalism, conflict theory

and symbolic interactionism

According to him, there is a glaring difference how we Functionalism

look at individual and collectives

What is true to an individual may not be used as Emile Durkheim

generalization in describing the society he or she is in

One cannot generalize that the characteristics of the Collective consciousness

society as a whole will also be true to its member

It is like a machine that has individual parts where each Society

part has functions and roles that then can contribute to the
bigger picture of society

This perspective was created by Karl Marx, the famous Conflict theory
author of Das Kapital and one of the fathers of

A class conflict from the haves and have-nots

Takes itself away from the other theories and perspective Symbolic interactionism
as it does not look into primary social institution as the
main variable of study

According to him, individuals see things differently and George Herbert Mead
their view depends on their own meaning derived from
their experience

Composed of various intermingling structures thar Society

continually make interactions

pertains to the interrelation of behaviors, roles, and Social structures

statuses which constitutions, pressure groups, social
movements, and relation.

One of the main corgs that have influence over Politics

institutions. It is about power, governance, administration
and decision making

It is somewhat the rope that binds all communities and Politics

societies together

Defined not just by the government, but also by groups, Political structure
other institutions, pressure groups, social movements and
people as part of the political landscape

Societies run on the production and consumption. Economic structures

The economic system of modern communities Market economy

the market is free to produce what to make, how to make Market economy
it and who is it for

Current economic system Laissez- faire (allow to do)

It does not have any central group or institution that can Laissez- faire
determine the means of production and control the market
as a whole

Types of market Perfect competition, monopoly

and oligopoly

Is an open market that has indefinite number of buyers Perfect competition

and sellers

is a kind of market where only one individual or company Monopoly

has the capability to produce a much-needed good or

a market where only a few are able to produce certain Oligopoly

goods or services.

composed of various institutions, assemblies, and actors. Sociocultural

The Philippines has experienced numerous political shifts Political trends
that have altered the way we view power, authority, and
the government.

After the Cold War, globalization was in as the free Cultural trends
market started taking over the world.

The Philippine economy is regarded as one of the most Economic trend

resilient in Asia.

Our communities have been at risk due to the most recent Environmental
calamities brought about by climate change and atrocious
urban management. structures

represented by the social hierarchies that are inherent to Community structure

me collective.

Communities that are settlements that are highly Urban community

congested because of the dense population that can reach
millions within a limited space

Community that buildings and other structures are near Urban

each other

Some people are living in a high-rise buildings Urban

There are many buildings in this kind of community Urban

Some people call it as city Urban

Have high populations and are often crowded Urban

In this community, people usually lives in apartment Urban

buildings or condos
This type of community can be very noisy Urban

Type of community…
Areas that tread between urban and rural communities Sub- urban
Settlements are located in the outskirts of urban areas and Sub-urban
are less dense, composed of medium-sized population

Mostly filled with houses, subdivisions and private estate Sub-urban

rather than factories

Access to school and markets are farther. The building are Sub-urban
low to mid rise and people live in houses with large living
spaces and usually with yards

There are a lot of homes Sub-urban

Neighbors live close by Sub-urban

Plenty of stores for all of your needs Sub-urban

Population is in the middle Sub-urban

Close to a big city Sub-urban

Located in the countryside. The houses are far from each Rural Community
other and the density of people is the least

Access to market and schools are far and requires a long Rural

Livelihoods mostly from farming and livestock raising Rural

Houses are usually apart Rural

A lot of land and far from the city Rural

Population is low Rural

Not many big stores around Rural

It is peaceful and quiet Rural

Can also be considered as living in the country Rural

Study of community development Formal and informal sectors

Composed of establishment, businesses and other Formal sectors

enterprise that are legal

Owners, workers and customers are continually being Formal sectors

supervised and protected by the government and its

Lack in requirements and licenses from the government Informal sectors

Tend to disregard the regulations and policies, not taxed in Informal sectors
their incomes and real properties

Shadow economy Informal sectors

Examples of actors as formal sectors private business, multinational

corporations, corporate firms and
listed/ traded companies

Examples of actors as informal sectors Underground economy- fishball

vendors, freelance workers and
street vendors

Community action
heart of community-building. Action

From conceptualization, planning, operationalization, Action

implementation, and review, this makes these things

gives life to thought. Action

the goal of the community. Translating ideas into tangible

A community embodies a personality derived from its Community virtue
members. The virtues that people embody cascade to the
community as a whole. To be part of the community, one
has to imbibe critical virtues for him or her to effectively
facilitate change and social development. We create
meaning and we are enablers of progress. Everything
starts with us and we take our community with us as we
pursue our personal goals. It is our duty to be part of the
change we seek. It is our obligation to serve our fellow
men and such obligation starts with our intention to be
part of the movement.

are just a few of the challenges from mother nature that Droughts, floods, heatwaves,
our communities face. earthquakes, forest fires, and

are some of the problems that are man-made and are the Corruption, red tape, crime,
result of greed, dishonesty, and man's insatiable appetite terrorism, and human rights
for power. abuse

We are accustomed to the everyday grind in our Vigilant communities

community. However, we have been so blind about
getting to know our own communities. Let us be honest,
most of us know more about the most recent fashion
trends than the barangay ordinances or even the national
issues affecting the barangay. We fall flat on our duty to
observe and appreciate the very systems that govern our
lives. We only have limited knowledge about the state of
our community and even the issues concerning the
fellowmen and women because we fail to appreciate and
understand how things really are around us. Without such
knowledge and appreciation, we are disconnected and
apathetic to the calls of our society. Our community needs
us and we can do our part by being informed and being
vigilant to our current situation.

is inevitable in our communal lives. Change

* some changes will not be beneficial to the stakeholders,

just as not all movements are needed and essential for
community development.

demands forward thinking Progress

important virtue for communities to develop, especially in Foresight
this age when societies need forward mobilization to keep
up with the dynamic shifts in institutions and structures.

* To be progressive means to challenge and have new

ways of thinking.

* There will be challenges and problems but the success Adaptive Communities
of the community will always be hinged on the will of its
people to adapt, go beyond their confines, and conquer all
threats to the community.
challenges the community to be creative and finds new Adaptability
ways of planning, implementing, and sustaining growth.

virtue supports all basic principles of community Adaptability

development as it is the enabler for concepts to take and it
opens up unorthodox ways of solving our society's most
pressing issues and concerns.

Resilient Communities

is reflective Community development


putting communities at the heart of their local services. Purpose of community
Involving communities in the design and delivery of
services can help to achieve a number of objectives. action
set of activities of specific groups of individuals to Community welfare
achieve their basic needs.
*Our geographic location has given us not only the Disaster Management
advantage to be right in the heart of Axis but also the
curse of being in the pacific Ring of Fire, The country is Planning
also along the Western Pacific tropical storm paths with
strong typhoons crossing our lands every year.
Disaster management planning NDRRMC

Community security management PNP

has been the focal point of community safety. PNP (Philippine National Police)

Inception in 1990, RA 6975 PNP

country's primary police agency PNP

empowered by the mandate to keep the peace and protect PNP personnel
our society from lawlessness and disorder.

Their primary mandate is to enforce the law, protect the PNP

public, and create order in our communities.

Community livelihood development TESDA (Technical Education

and Skill Development

* our government created agencies that will help our

citizens find work through technical education and skills

created under R.A.7796 TESDA has created a platform TESDA

that now gets as a source of employment and livelihood
for our fellow Filipinos by offering dressmaking
animations, welding and other skills that currently have a
high labor demand.

Community youth and education Department of Education

(DepEd) and the National Youth
development commission (NYC)

Have been instrumental in ensuring a bright future for the Department of Education
youth (DepEd) and the National Youth
commission (NYC)

the government agency that is responsible for the DepEd

education the youth.

Its purposes and objectives are embodied in section 3 of

R.A.9155, otherwise known as the Governance Basic
Education Act of 2001.

It primary task is to act as the national youth policy NYC

consolidation body that will be the platform for policy
consolidation for the barangay youth government council
known as the sangguniang
kabataan(SK) and other youth oriented organization.

Community health sustainability DOH

has been a pillar of community well being since its DOH

reorganization through executivr Order 94 of 1947.

The agency has helped millions across the country and DOH
gain access to medicine as well as services of medical

Act as the central body that mobilizes local government DOH

units and communities in creating solutions to our current
health problems

Community environmental sustainability DENR

was formally formed name, the Department of DENR

Environment, Energy and Natural Resources (DEENR).

Five point community initiatives


 Planning
 Implementation
 Development
 Sustainability
all about connecting to the community and its people Engagement
Methods that can contribute to our engagement with the key informant interviews, focus
community. group discussions, or surveys

* Knowing the current pulse of the community can help

community leaders determine the pressing problems that
need to be addressed.
the next step in realizing ideas from a blueprint. Planning
It needs not only the people who are directly affected but Planning
also experts, industry leaders, and scholars who can
contribute their knowledge and experience to the

The next point of emphasis after setting up plans and Implementation

choosing the variable options

It needs foresight and progressive thinking. Development

the goal that each program aspires to reach. Sustainability
In reaching this level in the cycle, the program should Sustainability
have passed the rigorous standards of the public.

Solidarity in Global and National

Development short Terms and Long-
terms projects
Unity (as a group or class( that produces or is based on Solidarity
community of interests, objectives and standards

About regarding our fellow human beings justly and Solidarity

respecting who they are as persons

A person is in connection with other people, with the Solidarity

society, and with the environment

A person has to relate responsibility and act in solidarity Solidarity

with others and the whole humanity

He said that a community is not simply as assemblage of Andrew Mason

people brought together by their common experience,
practice, and shared values, but also as a collective body
bonded together for solidarity.
It is about treasuring our fellow human beings and Solidarity
regarding who they are as people of God (religious

The Importance of Solidarity

It is about working with people on things that matter that
matter to them.

It is about removing the boundaries that prevent us from

working together. It is about believing that what hurts my
neighbor also hurt myself, that when I need a neighbor I
have no right to expect help if have not first helped others.


These boundaries that get in the way can be race, nation,
gender, wealth, indeed anything upon which a segregation
can be created.

First, that people on one side cannot experience the

privileges that are largely
arbitrarily awarded to people on the other side.

Second, that those on the latter side cannot appreciate life

on the first side, and therefore feel they are justified in
their current position.

Third, it creates resentment, often both ways.



Solidarity can flow from communication, but it requires

action to become a real and present force

Without solidarity, without considering the needs of the

other, creating a more civilized world will be a challenge.
Projects that take a few hours, days or weeks to complete. Short-term projects

Projects that take months or even years to finish. Long-term projects

Core values of community action

initiatives: Human rights, social justice,
empowerment and advocacy,
participatory development and gender
Core values and principles of community action initiatives Human rights, social justice,
empowerment and advocacy,
participatory development and
gender equality

Rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our Human Rights

nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic
origin, color, religion, language, or any other status.
These rights are all interrelated, interdependent, and Human Rights

are often expressed and guaranteed by law, in the forms of Universal Human Rights
treatise customary international law.

lay down obligation of government to act in certain ways International human rights
or to refrain from certain acts, in order to promote and law
protect human rights and fundamental freedoms of
individuals or groups.

Political rights - Assembly

- Petition
- Suffrage
- Direct and indirect
- Self- determination
- Self-government
- Election to public office

Social and economic right - Livelihood

- Equal opportunities
- Education
- Housing
- Leisure and recreation
- The freedom to choose
one’s occupation
- To picket and strike for
better working conditions
- Various benefits to
improve the quality of life

He defined social justice as the humanization of laws and Jose P. Laurel

equalization of social and economic force by the state so
that justice may at least be approximated.

the humanization of laws and equalization of social and Social justice

economic force by the state so that justice may at least be

is a mandate of the constitution which requires adoption Social justice

of the State of measure that will promote the right of all
people in equality of opportunities in all human endeavor
and equitable sharing of socio- economic benefits that will
improve the standard of living of the underprivileged
group of people.

Principles Underlying Social Justice

1. Promotion of equality of opportunity

2. Promotion of full employment and equal work


3. Promotion of the Right to Health

4. Respect and Recognition of People's Organization

5. Promotion of Humane Conditions of Work

6. Fair and Just Compensation

7. Participation in Policy and Decision-Making

is based on the idea that giving people skills, resources, Empowerment

authority, opportunity, motivation, as well as holding
them responsible and accountable for outcomes of their
actions will contribute to their competence and

Two Categories of Empowerment Individuals and group

building confidence, insight and understanding, and Individuals

developing personal skills.

building trust, cooperation and communication between Group

and among members

1. Information Four Pillars of

2. Consultation Community
3. Involvement

4. Empowerment

the act or process of supporting cause or proposal for Advocacy

enhancing effective practices to improve behavior.

. It enables the people to engage in actions and activities Advocacy

that seek to positively influence outcome directly
affecting the lives of the people.

the active support of an idea or cause expressed through Advocacy

strategies and method that influence the opinions and
decisions of people and organizations

taking action to help people say what they want, secure Advocacy
their right, represent their interests and obtain services
they need.
promotes social inclusion, equality, fairness, and social Advocacy

is an approach to development that is designed to enhance Participatory

sustainability and self-reliance to achieve social justice
through improvements in the quality of people's Development (PD)

Characteristics of Participatory  Cognitive

 Political
Development  Instrumental

Characteristics of Participatory Development that Cognitive

generates new ways of understanding community issues
and problems

Characteristics of Participatory Development that Political.

capacitates the powerless

Characteristics of Participatory Development that Instrumental

proposes alternative solutions

Forms of participatory development  Passive participation

 Participation by
 Participation by
 Empowerment

Forms of participatory development where participation Passive Participation

is at the minimum; stakeholders are merely informed
about the plans and progress of the projects.

Forms of participatory development where stakeholders Participation by Consultation

answer queries posed by external researchers or experts.
The decision making power remains in the hands of
external parties who ultimately are not obliged to actually
used the stakeholders' inputs.
Forms of participatory development where stakeholders Participation by Collaboration
with pre-determined goals participate during the
discussion, analysis and decision-making stage.

Form of participatory development where stakeholders Empowerment participation

actively participate in the process and its analysis. This
features a joint decision making process, wherein
stakeholders are considered equal co-partners with the
external experts. Most significantly, control and
ownership of the process are in the hands of the primary

also known as sex equality, gender egalitarianism, sex Gender equality

equality or equality of the genders, is the view that both
men and women should receive equal treatment and not to
be discriminated against, based solely on their gender

This is the objective of the United Nations Universal Gender equality

Declaration of Human Rights, which seeks to create
equality in law and in social institutions.

for people to acquire equal treatment throughout a society, Gender equality

in politics, in the workplace, or any other policy-
designated sphere does not denote that both genders are
the same.

emphasizes equality of women and men as humans . Gender equality

imbued with the same fundamental rights

recognizes that men and women are of equal value and . Gender equality
should be accorded equal treatment and opportunities.

Men often experience better opportunities, more freedom, Gender inequality

and higher social regard than women who share the same
social characteristics such as class origins, nationality, and

Men often hold more weight in marriages and other direct

relationships between men and women. Men
predominantly occupy social positions that possess
significantly political, legal, or cultural powers.

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