Screening For Dark Personalities: The Short Dark Tetrad (SD4)
Screening For Dark Personalities: The Short Dark Tetrad (SD4)
Screening For Dark Personalities: The Short Dark Tetrad (SD4)
Abstract: Consensus is emerging that the constellation of dark personalities should include the sadistic personality. To build a four-factor
measure, we modified and extended the Short Dark Triad (SD3) measure to include sadism. A series of three studies yielded the Short Dark
Tetrad (SD4), a four subscale inventory with 7 items per construct. Study 1 (N = 868) applied exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to a diverse 48-
item pool using data collected on MTurk. A 4-factor solution revealed a separate sadism factor, as well as a shifted Dark Triad. Study 2 (N =
999 students) applied EFA to a reduced 37-item set. Associations with adjustment and sex drive provided insight into unique personality
dynamics of the four constructs. In Study 3 (N = 660), a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the final 28 items showed acceptable fit for a
four-factor solution. Moreover, the resulting 7-item subscales each showed coherent links with the Big Five and adjustment. In sum, the four-
factor structure replicated across student and community samples. Although they overlap to a moderate degree, the four subscales show
distinctive correlates – even with a control for acquiescence. We also uncovered a novel link between sadism and sexuality, but no association
with maladjustment.
Almost 20 years ago, Paulhus and Williams (2002) Nonetheless, some writers (notably, Marcus & Zeigler-
coined the term Dark Triad to refer to a constellation of Hill, 2015), have called for a broader, more inclusive
three socially offensive personality variables: narcissism, membership in this cadré of callous exploiters. The many
Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. These so-called nominees include spitefulness, borderline, antagonism,
“dark” variables – although they have parallels to clinical moral disengagement, schadenfreude, and status-driven
disorders – show substantial variance in non-clinical risk-taking. However, the sadistic personality has generated
samples. Despite radically different conceptual origins, the the broadest consensus (e.g., Book et al., 2016; Buckels,
three variables invariably show positive intercorrelations – Jones, & Paulhus, 2013; Chabrol, Van Leeuwen, Rodgers,
sometimes substantial. If ignored, this overlap can lead to & Séjourné, 2009; Craker & March, 2016; Davis, Visser,
a misattribution of empirical associations – for example, Volk, Vaillancourt, & Arnocky, 2019; Greitemeyer, 2015;
falsely concluding that narcissism is responsible for an Johnson, Plouffe, & Saklofske, 2019; Moor & Anderson,
outcome, when psychopathy is actually the active ingredi- 2019; Plouffe, Saklofske, & Smith, 2017).
ent. For that reason, Paulhus and Williams advised that This broad movement to include subclinical sadism1 and
the three variables be studied jointly. create a Dark Tetrad had been theoretically justified in two
The burgeoning popularity of this model has been evi- key ways. First, sadism satisfied the criterion of callousness
denced in reviews by Furnham, Richards, and Paulhus or impaired empathy (Paulhus, 2014; Pajevic et al., 2018).
(2013), Muris, Merckelbach, Otgaar, and Meijer (2017), Many researchers in the triad tradition have argued that
and, most recently, Zeigler-Hill and Marcus (2019). Facili- callous exploitation is the common component – and
tating this growth was the advent of two brief measures explains the inevitable overlap (e.g., Heym et al., 2019;
of the Dark Triad, namely, the Dirty Dozen (Jonason & Jones & Figueredo, 2013). Second, the construct of sadism
Webster, 2010) and Short Dark Triad (Jones & Paulhus, added a unique element not covered by the Dark Triad
2014). Their relative brevity made them a practical screen- members, namely, intrinsic pleasure in hurting others (Nell,
ing device for applications in social, personality, and indus- 2006). In short, the construct shares a common component
trial-organizational psychology. and adds a new one.
We define sadism as the tendency to enjoy causing, or simply observing, others’ suffering.
European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222 Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe OpenMind License
D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad 209
Inherent in the dark personality movement is the distin- ambiguities while retaining the core features of each
guishing of subclinical variants from their clinical/forensic construct.
counterparts. Thus our notion of everyday sadism (Paulhus In developing the four-factor instrument – hereafter
& Dutton, 2016) runs parallel with the migration of labeled the Short Dark Tetrad (SD4) – our goals were
psychopathy and narcissism into subclinical variants three-fold: (1) to minimize subscale overlap by emphasizing
(LeBreton, Binning, & Adorno, 2006; Raskin & Hall, the unique components of each construct, (2) to remain
1979). Although the trait approach to personality disorders relatively brief 2 (under 30 items), and (3) to position the
avoids the difficulties raised by a categorical approach SD4 subscales in a coherent nomological network.
(see Krueger, Markon, Patrick, Benning, & Kramer, 2014), Together these goals present a formidable challenge, that
brief subclinical measures cannot replace clinical measures is, how to tease apart sets of items to capture factors that
of personality disorders. are known to intercorrelate.
Of course, there are limits to the value of brief measures (Crede, Harms, Niehorster, & Gaye-Valentine, 2012; Ziegler, Kemper, & Kruyen, 2014).
Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222
OpenMind License
210 D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad
have confirmed the value of separating narcissism, Machi- 2019). Accordingly, we wrote several items for the
avellianism, and psychopathy (Furnham, Richards, Rangel, psychopathy subscale that refer to unrestricted sexuality.
& Jones, 2014; Zeigler-Hill & Marcus, 2019). Nonetheless, Another controversial claim is that sadism is fundamen-
some critics have pointed to high correlations between tally motivated by interpersonal dominance (Nell, 2006;
Machiavellianism and psychopathy in some samples (e.g., O’Meara et al., 2011). To evaluate this claim, we included
Muris et al., 2017). Although applying less to the SD3 than an additional set of 10 items tapping the two axes of the
to broad-band personality batteries, the problem had been trait circumplex, that is, dominance and nurturance
ameliorated when the Mach VI was introduced (Paulhus (Horowitz & Strack, 2010; Hopwood, Wright, Ansell, &
& Jones, 2015). Its content is less aggressive, instead focuss- Pincus, 2013). In total, the initial pool comprised 48 items.
ing on controlled manipulation. Hence, we began our struc-
tural analyses with the Mach VI items rather than the
original SD3 Mach items. We also took the opportunity to Summary of Results
add new triad items to allow for possible shifting of the
Because of page limitations, the details of Study 1 (including
SD3 structure when sadism items are added.
three Tables, i.e., S1.1–S1.3) are relegated to the online sup-
In addition, we considered the possibility that the SD4
plementary materials at Our initial
factor structure might vary as a function of age. Previous
pool of 48 items was promising but it harbored several
research has demonstrated a tendency for malevolent
obstacles to a clear four-factor solution. We therefore
behavior to diminish with age (Barbaree, Langton,
revised the item pool in several ways. First, we eliminated
Blanchard, & Cantor, 2009; Olver & Wong, 2015; Veselka,
all reversals. Second, we removed items that showed no
Schermer, & Vernon, 2011). With all four constructs tapping
clear loading on any factor or cross-loaded. Now down to
malevolence, we expected that restricting our sample to
37 items, this version was evaluated in Study 2.
younger respondents would reduce the factor intercorrela-
tions. A younger subsample would also correspond more
closely to student samples – the most common source of
data in personality research. Accordingly, we examined
the effect of restricting respondent age. Study 2: Subscale Creation
and Criterion Prediction
Study 2 had several purposes. First was the refinement of
Sadistic Content the 37-item version derived in Study 1. Second, we sought
to increase generalizability by assessing university students
Items of the SSIS and ASP refer primarily to direct physical
rather than relying on MTurk participants. Third, we
sadism (e.g., “I enjoy hurting people”) whereas the VAST
explored links of the Dark Tetrad with several forms of
also included vicarious items (e.g., “I enjoy watching violent
psychological adjustment, including sex drive.
sports”). The CAST went even further to include verbal sad-
A remaining challenge for the 37-item set was a better
ism (e.g., “I enjoy making jokes at the expense of others”).
separation of sadism items from psychopathy items.
For inclusiveness, our new sadism items were written to
Following Johnson et al. (2019), we suspected that the solu-
represent all three facets.
tion lay in the distinctive nature of sadism items with vicar-
ious vs. direct physical content (Buckels et al., 2014). The
physical sadism items (e.g., “I like to hurt people.”) over-
lapped so much with psychopathic violence that some items
Theoretical Claims
written for sadism could load on the two factors. By con-
We also broadened the item scope to address the relevance trast, the vicarious items (e.g., “I enjoy watching violent
of sexual and dominance motivations. Links have already films.”), although equally sadistic, formed a separate factor.
been established between unrestricted sexuality and dark Hence, minimizing the number of physical sadism items
personalities (Jonason & Tost, 2010; McDonald, Donnellan, would promote separation (see Johnson et al., 2019).
& Navarrete, 2012; Smith, Øverup, & Webster, 2019; Finally, to retain their content, we “un-reversed” several
Stolarski, Czarna, Malesza, & Szymańska, 2017). By some of the reversals from Study 1, for example, we removed
accounts, a strong sex drive reflects a broader impulsivity “never” from “I have never been in trouble with the law.”
(i.e., inability to restrain inappropriate urges). That general In short, we sought to extract the final subscales from
externalizing tendency (Prentky & Knight, 1986) implicates the best remaining item set. In addition, we explored their
psychopathic tendencies (Hare & Neumann, 2008; Visser, adjustment profiles. Note again that dark personality
European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222 Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe
OpenMind License
D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad 211
variables do not share the severe impairment associ- solution, we chose the Principal Axis Factor extraction
ated with personality disorders (Furnham et al., 2013; method and Promax rotation from SPSS 25.
Kaiser, LeBreton, & Hogan, 2015). Nonetheless, adjustment The first four factors were clearly interpretable as the
differences may emerge in normal samples. Hence, we use Dark Tetrad. The four factor solution was also consistent
the term “adjustment” to refer to non-pathological con- with the MAP and parallel analysis tests. Factor intercorre-
cerns. Analyses of such concerns have typically distin- lations were modest, ranging from .14 to .44. However, a
guished personal adjustment, that is, intra-psychic positivity total of three items – all psychopathy or sadism content –
and stability, from interpersonal adjustment, that is, harmo- cross-loaded in non-trivial ways. As expected, the physical
nious relations with others (Bonanno, Field, Kovacevic, & sadism items double-loaded with psychopathy and were
Kaltman, 2002; Church et al., 2006; Dufner, Gebauer, removed. Finally, two items were removed from each of
Sedikides, & Denissen, 2019; Kurt & Paulhus, 2008). As a the other two factors to equate the subscale sizes at 7.
rule, adjustment problems among dark personalities have Rather than using loading differences, we removed items
been limited to interpersonal conflict (Furnham et al., that were most similar in content to remaining items.
2013; Rauthmann, 2012).3 We expected that same pattern Table 1 shows a follow-up EFA on the remaining
to emerge here. 28 items. All loaded (at least .24) on the hypothesized
Finally, we sought to understand why the sex-related factors. The subscale means (Table 2) are consistent
items in Study 1 loaded on the sadism factor. Was it with those in previous research. As with other dark
(a) the callousness implied in a preference for casual sex measures, male respondents scored higher than females
or (b) a more fundamental link between sadism and sexual- on the sadism subscale (Jonason, Li, & Teicher, 2010;
ity? To evaluate the latter, we removed the casual sex items Neumann, Schmitt, Carter, Embley, & Hare, 2012): In fact,
from the SD4 candidates and added simple self-rating of the effect size for sadism reached a Cohen’s d of 1.07.
sex drive to the interpersonal adjustment outcomes. The upper section of Table 3 provides the subscale reli-
abilities (internal consistencies) and intercorrelations. As
Method expected, the correlations are all positive, ranging from
.11 to .49.
Participants were 999 students recruited from the subject
pool at the University of British Columbia (56% women; Adjustment Patterns
Mage = 20.7 years, SD = 4.3). Ethnicities were as follows: Distinct profiles of the four constructs were confirmed by
44% European Heritage, 44% East Asian, 9% South Asian, distinctive links to adjustment variables. Results are dis-
and 3% other ethnicities. Participants received a half- played in the lower section of Table 3. As expected, narcis-
percent course bonus to complete the survey. Our items sists reported superior personal adjustment (Rose &
were part of a larger prescreen survey that included items Campbell, 2004), but there was little evidence for malad-
from other laboratories. justment in any tetrad member (consistent with Womick,
All items were formatted as 5-point Likert scales with Foltz, & King, 2019). With regard to interpersonal adjust-
anchors 1 (= not at all) and 5 (= very much). Personal adjust- ment, however, the pattern followed previous tetrad
ment was measured with three items tapping intrapsychic research (Rogers et al., 2018): That is, both sadists and
elements of well-being: The forward-keyed item was: “I psychopaths reported significant interpersonal problems.4
have high self-esteem”; reverse-keyed were: “I easily get Previously, empathy deficits (i.e., callousness) have been
depressed”, and “I have engaged in self-harm behaviors”; established in dark personalities (Furnham et al., 2013;
the α reliability was .73. Interpersonal adjustment was mea- Jonason & Krause, 2013): But empathy deficits are more
sured with the mean of two items: “I am close to my fam- germane to interpersonal than to personal maladjustment:
ily” (forward-keyed) and “People tend to dislike me” In fact, the latter problems are likely the consequence of
(reverse-keyed); the α reliability was .71. The single sex empathy deficits.
drive item was worded as “My sex drive is pretty high.” Finally, as predicted, the strongest predictor of global sex
drive was sadism. That finding is consistent with the Study
1 finding that items referring to sexual appetite loaded more
Analyses, Results, and Discussion
strongly on the sadism than the psychopathy factor. Appar-
Because of alterations to the item set, we turned again to ently, those reporting sadistic tendencies also report a
EFA of the remaining 33 items. Assuming an oblique stronger appetite for sex – and not just callous sex.
Our narcissism items, like the NPI items, capture only grandiose narcissism. Had our items tapped other variants of narcissism (see Hermann,
Brunell, & Foster, 2018), then personal maladjustment might have emerged as a correlate.
To simplify communication, we use terms such as “sadists” or “psychopaths”. Such usage is not meant to imply an assumption that these
variables are categorical.
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OpenMind License
212 D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad
Table 2. Subscale means, gender difference effect sizes, and reliabilities in Study 2
Men Women Reliability
SD4 Subscale Mean (SD) Mean (SD) d α ω
Narcissism 3.20 (0.63) 3.00 (0.58) .33 .83 .84
Machiavellianism 3.34 (0.59) 3.24 (0.53) .18 .78 .80
Psychopathy 2.10 (0.63) 1.87 (0.57) .40 .82 .83
Sadism 2.52 (0.68) 1.81 (0.62) 1.07 .82 .85
Note. N = 999. Item means based on 5-point item format. All sex differences were significant at p < .01, with males scoring higher.
Study 3: Confirmation of Structure structure: That is, the positioning of the original three vari-
ables may have been altered when sadism was added to the
To replicate the four-factor structure of the 28-item constellation. Such a shift should be apparent in a different
measure, we collected another large sample of students pattern of associations with the Big Five.
(from a different university) and applied CFA. For several Another reason for including the BFI was to address the
purposes, we also included a measure of the Big Five traits, possibility that acquiescence had inflated the subscale inter-
namely, the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John & Srivastava, correlations. Such distortion is a traditional concern when
1999). One reason was to evaluate a possible shift in all items are scored in the same direction (McCrae, Herbst,
European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222 Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe
OpenMind License
D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad 213
& Costa, 2001; Paulhus, 1991). The BFI provides a scoring recommended by Matsunaga, 2008) of 2, 2, and 3 items.
procedure for acquiescence (see Soto, John, Gosling, & To balance the parcels within subscale, we avoided huge
Potter, 2008). Any decrease in the SD4 subscale intercorre- discrepancies in reliabilities (Landis, Beal, & Tesluk, 2000).
lations after controlling for acquiescence would suggest that Using the WLSMV estimator and Promax rotation, the fit
the original values were artificially inflated. indices were as follows: w2 = 132, p < .001; RMSEA = .05,
95% CI [.04, .07]; Bentler CFI = .97; SRMR = .04. Note
that all indices were in the acceptable range, except the
Method w2 values. However, the latter significance is no longer con-
A total of 660 students at the University of Winnipeg com- sidered fatal in evaluating personality models (Marsh, Balla,
pleted measures online as part of an annual fall mass test- & MacDonald, 1988).
ing by the Psychology department. In exchange for For a more complete picture, we ran a non-parceled ver-
participating, they received partial course credit. Mean sion, that is, a 28-item CFA with four factors (see Figure 1).
age of this sample was 19.8 years, with 74% self-identifying Of course, the fit indices for items were not as impressive,
as women, 25% as men, and 1% as another gender identity. but no cross-loadings were required. w2 = 1,691, p < .001;
The most frequently endorsed ethnic heritages were Euro- RMSEA = .077, 95% CI [.073, .080]; Bentler CFI = .88;
pean (49%), South Asian (9%), East Asian (8%), Indigenous SRMR = .07. Nonetheless, these values are still in the range
(6%), and Other (8%). typically found in evaluations of established personality
The 28-item SD4 was administered with euphemistic models such as the Big Five (Hopwood & Donnellan,
labels for each subscale: special for the narcissism items; 2010). For the Mplus syntax, see the online supplementary
crafty for the Machiavellianism items; wild for the psy- materials at
chopathy items; mean for the sadism items. The purpose
Subscale Descriptives and Intercorrelations
was to reduce defensivenss while still capturing the essence
The descriptive statistics for this sample (Table 4) were
of each identity (see Hogan, Hogan, & Warrenfeltz, 2007).
remarkably similar to those in Study 2 (Table 2) – despite
The final item set with instructions is in the Appendix.
the addition of euphemistic labels in this study. Gender dif-
As noted above, the Big Five factors were assessed with a
ferences in effect size ranged from .39 for narcissism to
standard instrument – the Big Five Inventory (BFI; John &
1.07 for sadism, with males scoring higher on all four sub-
Srivastava, 1999). As in Study 2, personal adjustment was
scales. The subscale intercorrelations in Table 5 range from
operationalized with a composite of self-esteem and
.20 to .51. Partialing out the acquiescence index had little
(reversed) depression.
effect on subscale intercorrelations – now ranging from
.16 to .49.
Results and Discussion
Construct Validity
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) Correlations of the SD4 subscales with the Big Five
The CFA on the final 28 items was performed with the Inventory appear in Table 6. As expected, the strongest
Mplus software package (Muthén & Muthén, 2012). correlates of sadism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism
We began by creating 12 parcels. This approach can be are agreeableness and conscientiousness (both negative),
recommended when a structural model is being evaluated and the strongest correlate of narcissism is extraversion
(see Little, Cunningham, Shahar, & Widaman, 2002). (see Furnham et al., 2013; Muris et al., 2017; Paulhus &
For each subscale, we randomly formed three parcels (as Williams, 2002). Also included in Table 6 are the
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214 D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad
correlations with personal adjustment.5 The pattern is sim- was largely realized: We sought to justify empirically the
ilar to that in Study 2, that is, the SD4 subscales show little recent addition of sadism to the pantheon of dark personal-
sign of maladjustment. But, as usual, narcissists claim supe- ities now known as the Dark Tetrad (Buckels et al., 2013;
rior adjustment (Rose & Campbell, 2004). Chabrol et al., 2009; Johnson et al., 2019; Paulhus, 2014;
In sum, our final step of abbreviating the 37 items into the Plouffe et al., 2017). Although they have parallels in person-
28-item instrument appears to have been successful. The ality disorders, it is everyday variants that have been the
four-factor structure was confirmed in a new, large, and geo- focus of our research. Socially offensive, if not malevolent
graphically separate sample. And construct validity was in nature,6 these personality traits vary to a surprising
advanced further by showing that the pattern of external cor- degree in non-forensic, non-clinical samples (e.g., college
relates was coherent and consistent with previous research. students, workers, community samples).
The final questionnaire, ready for administration, is pre- To operationalize the expanded constellation, we had to
sented in the Appendix. capture sadism while avoiding excessive overlap with the
other three dark personalities. Reaching this goal required
carving out the unique aspects of each construct. At the
General Discussion same time, we kept the questionnaire length manageable
and applied the label, Short Dark Tetrad or SD4. During
Our goal of separating items tapping four oblique constructs the process of instrument development, we made a number
was daunting, to be sure. After much ado, this overall goal of substantive as well as psychometric advances.
This study did not include any direct indicators of interpersonal adjustment. Using agreeableness as an indirect indicator, we replicated the
pattern in Study 2, that is, all subscales except narcissism show significant interpersonal maladjustment.
In fact, these tendencies may prove adaptive in some contexts (Međedović, Petrović, Želeskov-Đorić, & Savić, 2017; Paulhus, Westlake, Calvez, &
Harms, 2013).
European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222 Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe
OpenMind License
D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad 215
Table 6. Correlations of SD4 subscales with the Big Five and personal adjustment in Study 3
Variable Narcissism Machiavellianism Psychopathy Sadism
Extraversion .49 [.43, .55] .08 [ .16, .00] .20 [.13, .28] .01 [ .09, .07]
Agreeableness .05 [ .12, .03] .31 [ .38, .24] .39 [ .45, .32] .41 [ .47, .35]
Conscientiousness .11 [.04, .19] .22 [ .29, .14] .24 [ .31, .16] .23 [ .30, .15]
Neuroticism .20 [ .27, .13] .11 [.03, .18] .04 [ .04, .11] .01 [ .08, .07]
Openness .30 [.22, .36] .07 [.00, .15] .10 [.02, .17] .09 [.01, .16]
Personal adjustment .31 [.24, .38] .18 [ .26, .11] .10 [ .17, .02] .09 [ .16, .01]
Note. N = 660. All values > |.10| are significant at p < .01. Values in square brackets are 95% confidence intervals for the correlations.
They recommended that item intercorrelations be in the range .12–.50. In Study 2, our mean item intercorrelations ranged from .16 to .49.
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216 D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad
(de Vries, de Vries, de Hoogh, & Feij, 2009), our addition of Sadism Versus Psychopathy
sadism fortuitously yielded a better separation of two of the The current stand-alone measures of sadism (ASP, SSIS,
original dark personalities. In the meta-analysis by Muris VAST, CAST) share a common drawback – they overlap
and colleagues (2017), the mean intercorrelation of substantially with psychopathy. This confound could be
Machiavellianism and psychopathy was .58 (p. 188). Even fatal in research attempting to distinguish the two con-
in the original Short Dark Triad article, that value was .47 structs. To some researchers, the solution is to collapse
(Jones & Paulhus, 2014). Here, by contrast, the intercorre- the two constructs. We are not alone in disputing that
lation of Machiavellianism and psychopathy was only .31 in course of action (O’Connell & Marcus, 2019; Hare, Cooke,
Study 2 and .32 in Study 3. & Hart, 1999; Johnson et al., 2019; Mokros, Osterheider,
Hucker, & Nitschke, 2011; Međedović, & Petrović 2018).
Age Confound The issue was addressed directly in a recent paper by
It appears that age of respondent is a confounding factor in Johnson and colleagues (2019): They showed that separat-
dark personality research: In particular, subscale intercorre- ing the subscales of the CAST – direct physical, direct
lations tend to be higher in MTurk than in student samples. verbal, vicarious – clarified the overlap. Of the three, the
In Study 1, the original factor intercorrelations (Mdn = 0.45) direct physical subscale overlapped most strongly, and the
fell to .35 and .27, for respondents under 30 and 25, respec- vicarious subscale, least strongly, with the psychopathy
tively. A likely reason for this phenomenon is that, across factor. We found the same pattern: The items that best
the board, interpersonal malevolence diminishes with age separate from psychopathy are largely vicarious: watching
(Barbaree et al., 2009; Olver & Wong, 2015): That pattern violent sports, violent media, and live fist-fights. Although
is common to all of the Dark Triad (Fox & Rooney, 2015; originally intended to represent all three facets, our new
Veselka et al., 2011). Thus uncontrolled age effects collapse subscale minimizes physical sadism items.
the dark side factor structure to some degree. This explana- To us, these findings suggest that psychopathy content is
tion for excessive correlations often observed among dark most critical to direct engagement with victims. The accom-
variables may alleviate the concern expressed by some panying angry, fearless, impulsive aspects of psychopathy
MTurk researchers (e.g., Muris et al., 2017). In the future, are not evident in everyday sadism. The latter folks
we recommend that MTurk researchers be wary of this gravitate toward vicarious rewards where a safe distance
confound, and if necessary, control for age.8 can be maintained: Retaliation is thereby precluded and
Labels rationalization is facilitated: The benefit is undiluted plea-
We also sought to reduce defensiveness at both test admin- sure (Buckels et al., 2019).
istration and feedback. In fact, we found that provision of a
euphemistic identity label prior to each subscale (see Hogan Dominance
et al., 2007) was innocuous, that is, use of such labels in Some writers have argued that sadism is all about exerting
Study 3 had little effect (compared to Study 2) on the sub- dominance (Nell, 2006). The clinical literature acknowl-
scale means or the subscale intercorrelations. Hence, the edges this syndrome under the label tyrannical sadism –
instrument may be administered with or without the labels. one of the variants distinguished by Millon (1996). And
However, the softening of labels should increase accept- two of the current stand-alone measures include domi-
ability of this measure in contexts where feedback to nance (subjugation, humiliation) as a central component
respondents is necessary. Years of feedback indicated that of sadism (O’Meara et al., 2011; Plouffe et al., 2017).
“dark” descriptors were too threatening for use in some According to this conception, cruel behavior embodies the
government, business and work settings (see Hogan et al., mastery of one human being over another.
2007). The standard psychological labels may be ideal for We were skeptical that trait dominance underlies every-
communication among social scientists, but may unnerve day sadism. The traditional concept of trait dominance
respondents as well as administrators who are obligated subsumes interpersonal success, achievement, status, and
to give feedback to respondents. This reticence has been respect (Horowitz & Strack, 2010). It is best measured as
especially acute in non-Western countries. Bottom line: the vertical axis of the interpersonal circumplex (Hopwood
Users can choose to include the labels or not. et al., 2013; Zimmerman & Wright, 2017). The recent report
by Southard, Noser, Pollock, Mercer, and Zeigler-Hill
(2015) included sadism in a comprehensive examina-
Theoretical Contributions
tion of how dark personalities load on the two circumplex
During the course of our three studies, several key theoret- axes – dominance (agency) and nurturance (communion).
ical challenges arose and tentative answers emerged. Sadism loaded on nurturance; but not on dominance.
Because their age range is typically restricted, this caveat is less important in student samples.
European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222 Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe
OpenMind License
D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad 217
In our Study 1, we measured those axes and confirmed the dynamics (Zillman, 1971) may actually promote some indi-
independence of sadism from trait dominance. Again, viduals – especially those with unrestricted sexuality – to
sadism did correlate (negatively) with nurturance. associate the two emotions.10
Nevertheless, we acknowledge research linking sociosex-
Adjustment uality to other dark personalities (Lee et al., 2013; Reise &
A fundamental tenet in clinical research is that personality Wright, 1996; Schmitt et al., 2017; Visser, 2019). Moreover,
disorders are accompanied by pronounced psychological our sadism-sexuality finding was not predicted in advance
dysfunction (e.g., Millon, 1996). By contrast, our Dark and more focused research is necessary to confirm the
Tetrad research on subclinical samples uncovered little singular strength of this association.
dysfunction. Here, we clarify that contrast by distinguishing
personal versus interpersonal adjustment. No maladjust-
ment is evident on the former, that is, intrapsychic distress.
On the latter, however, maladjustment can be pronounced. Limitations and Future Directions
In fact, callousness toward others can be seen as a defining
The present research package was restricted to self-report
questionnaires. As such, it complements the burgeoning
Sexual Behavior reports of behavioral research that validates self-reported
Originally, we hypothesized that a penchant for casual, sadism (e.g., Buckels et al., 2013; Chester & DeWall,
recreational sex would have impulsive roots, thereby linking 2018; Chester et al., 2019; Greitemeyer & Sagioglou,
it most closely with psychopathy (e.g., Egan & Duff, 2019; 2017; Pfattheicher & Schindler, 2015; Rogers et al., 2018).
Prentky & Knight, 1986; Visser, 2019). Contrary to this Both approaches now indicate that, in “everyday” samples,
assumption, the sex items clung to the sadism factor in sadistic tendencies can be distinguished from other dark
Study 1. Therefore, we removed them from the psychopathy variables.
subscale and reconsidered our rationale.9 Because the sex Consensus is emerging that the distinctive ingredient in
items lacked blatant sadistic content (e.g., “Casual sex sadism is the reward value of (doing and/or viewing) cruel
sounds like fun”), we hesitated to simply add them to the behavior. Whereas psychopaths are indifferent to others’
sadism scale. Instead, we wondered whether global sexual suffering, sadists find it appealing. The former may exploit
appetite might be implicated and wrote a simple sex drive cruelty for its instrumental value; the latter value its intrin-
item for Study 2. The link with sadism was replicated: sic rewards. Future research should address that difference
Apparently, those who enjoy cruelty – even vicariously – experimentally (see Jones & Paulhus, 2010, 2017).
report having a high sex drive. And that empirical associa- Alternatively, there may be a clue in the sadist’s fondness
tion may have been under-estimated by our use of a single for fire-setting and vandalism (Pfattheicher, Keller, &
item for sex drive. Knezevic, 2019). If so, sadism may be part of a broader
The sexuality-sadism link is certainly reminiscent of and deeper motivation to undermine social structure (Gold-
controversial claims made by Freud and The Marquis de stein, 2013). Such anarchistic tendencies may embody the
Sade. Perhaps there is some sexual flavor to sadism; or some second law of thermodynamics with a social form of
sadistic overtones to sex – even in everyday samples (Burris entropy-seeking.
& Leitch, 2016). Given the large sex difference in sadism,
the aggressive symbolism of penetration may be more than
Lumping Versus Splitting
symbolic. Or perhaps testosterone underlies both variables
(Provenzano, Dane, Farrell, Marini, & Volk, 2017; Welker, Some researchers prefer to err on the side of parsimony
Lozoya, Campbell, Neumann, & Carré, 2014). and argue for reducing the number of dark factors. Most
No doubt there are sexuality-sadism links in two unique notable is the single-factor model advanced by Moshagen,
variants: criminal sexuality (Mokros, Schilling, Weiss, Hilbig, and Zettler (2018). Our mandate is differentiation.
Nitschke, & Eher, 2014) and BDSM participants (Sagarin, Indeed the “big tent” seems likely to enlarge with further
Lee, & Klement, 2015). However, individuals with unre- research (Marcus & Zeigler-Hill, 2015).
stricted sexuality abound in normal samples (Kastner & Other models are being explored (Neumann, 2020).
Sellbom, 2012; Simpson & Gangestad, 1991). Popular Most elegant and inclusive, in our opinion, is a hierarchical
depictions of sadistic behavior in film, television, sports model with Honesty-Humility subsuming all four dark traits
(e.g., Game of Thrones, MMA) may be powerful instigators (Paulhus & Klaiber, in press). Thus the Dark Tetrad traits
of arousal (Foulkes, 2019). Well-known misattribution do not fall at the same level as the broad personality factors
There is precedent in the Međedović (2017) study, where the link between sadism and sexuality remained even after controlling for psychopathy.
Again, acting out sadistic behavior may require the impulsivity of psychopathy (Kastner & Sellbom, 2012).
Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222
OpenMind License
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Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222
OpenMind License
222 D. L. Paulhus et al., Dark Tetrad
Short Dark Tetrad (SD4)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4 5
Rate your agreement with each statement using the above 5-point scale:
Identity 1: “Crafty”
1. It’s not wise to let people know your secrets.
2. Whatever it takes, you must get the important people on your side.
3. Avoid direct conflict with others because they may be useful in the future.
4. Keep a low profile if you want to get your way.
5. Manipulating the situation takes planning.
6. Flattery is a good way to get people on your side.
7. I love it when a tricky plan succeeds.
Identity 2: “Special”
1. People see me as a natural leader.
2. I have a unique talent for persuading people.
3. Group activities tend to be dull without me.
4. I know that I am special because people keep telling me so.
5. I have some exceptional qualities
6. I’m likely to become a future star in some area.
7. I like to show off every now and then.
Identity 3: “Wild”
1. People often say I’m out of control.
2. I tend to fight against authorities and their rules.
3. I’ve been in more fights than most people of my age and gender.
4. I tend to dive in, then ask questions later.
5. I’ve been in trouble with the law.
6. I sometimes get into dangerous situations.
7. People who mess with me always regret it.
Identity 4: “Mean”
1. Watching a fist-fight excites me.
2. I really enjoy violent films and video games.
3. It’s funny when idiots fall flat on their face.
4. I enjoy watching violent sports.
5. Some people deserve to suffer.
6. Just for kicks, I’ve said mean things on social media.
7. I know how to hurt someone with words alone.
European Journal of Psychological Assessment (2021), 37(3), 208–222 Ó 2020 Hogrefe Publishing. Distributed under the Hogrefe
OpenMind License