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Solo & Bot

Table of Contents
Solo Games.................................................... 1 Bot Warfare................................................... 4 Naval Action................................................12
Multiplayer Games...................................... 1 Substitute Bots.............................................. 6 Papal Curia Action.....................................12
Bot Basics....................................................... 1 Bot Realms.................................................... 6 Explore Action............................................13
Difficulty Level............................................. 2 Spy Action...................................................13
Sequence of Play........................................... 2 Bot Actions Unrest Action..............................................14
Choice Processes.......................................... 3 Main Turn Structure................................... 7 Convert Action...........................................14
Bots & Ideas.................................................. 3 Defend Action.............................................. 8 Focus Action...............................................14
Token Limitations........................................ 4 Siege Action.................................................. 8 Idea Action..................................................14
Rebel Dice Rolls........................................... 4 Colonize Action........................................... 9
Bot Trade....................................................... 4 Event Action.................................................. 9 Bot Peace Resolution................................15
Bots & Alliances........................................... 4 Military Action...........................................10 Land Battle Resolution.............................16
Covert Actions.............................................. 4 Diplomacy Action......................................11 Naval Battle Resolution............................16

Solo Games Bot Setup Bots gain B according to the chosen

Set the game up as described in the 'Game difficulty level at the end of a Round. Gained
Most solo games are set up in the same Setup' section on page 6 of the main rules. B is taken from Supply and placed in the
manner as a 3-player game. The difference is For each Bot, use the Setup Card, or setup Available B area on the Bot Mat (if no z
that your two Opponents, rather than being described in the chosen scenario, for the remaining in Supply, see p. 4).
human players, will be PRs run by Bots. appropriate Realm, with these amendments: Discarded B is returned to Supply.
All of your actions as a player will be gov­ Bots use the Bot Mat on the reverse side
erned by the normal rules, and you play to of the regular Player Mats. Set up t and Bot Cards
score the most 0 as normal. Bots will also Bot Power (B) cubes (9 z is the de­ Each Bot Deck initially has the same 24
score 0 during the course of the game. fault), of the appropriate color on each Bot cards, but individual Bots will have certain
Mat, and keep the Bot's Army 1 miniature, cards removed from their decks during game
Land Units, and Ships nearby. setup and at the start of a new Age.
Multiplayer Games Bots are set up as normal on the board, Each card has one or more Actions
If you would like to play a multiplayer game with a few exceptions: first, all v are re­ named on it, and a B value. Whenever the
that includes Bots, simply fill any PR slot in placed by t of the appropriate size. Sec­ Main Turn Structure (see p. 7) indicates,
a scenario with a Bot (e.g., playing a 4-player ond, place a Merchant only in the first Trade the Bot will draw a Bot Card, spend the in­
scenario with 2 human players and 2 Bots). Node listed in the setup. dicated B, and perform one of the Actions
For instructions on how to replace a hu­ No Bot Army or Land Units are initially named on it (most often the top one).
man player with a Bot in an ongoing game, placed on the board. Instead, place any de­ Each of these Actions and how they are
see page 6. ployed Land Units in the Army area of the executed are described on pages 8–14.
Bot Mat. In each Sea Zone with 1+ Ships or The War Action replaces the Action(s)
the Fleet, place only 1 of the Bot's Ships. named at the top if the Bot is at War.
Bot Basics Manpower (m) is calculated as normal Some of the Bot Cards display an icon
from the Town tracks (and E), except that
Bots are PRs whose behavior is dictated by Bots always have a minimum of 3 m, no
a series of flowcharts and a deck of cards matter how few Towns they have.
The Anatomy of
called the Bot Deck. Each Bot Realm has Finally, compose a Bot Deck for each Bot a Bot Card
a different Bot Deck composition and indi­ Realm in use, removing the Bot Cards listed First Action
vidual targeting charts for diplomatic and below its Targeting Charts. Place each Bot
military Actions. Second Action
Deck next to its corresponding Bot Mat.
These flowcharts consider the current Action image
game sit­uation when determining a Bot's
Bot Power (B) War Action
course of action, but Bots are of course not
Instead of Monarch Power, Bots pay for their Action cost
as flexible as human Oppo­nents. Therefore
Actions with Bot Pow­er. B is not divided in B
the Bots do take some short­cuts here and
into different types of power, and Available Action Card
there, and do not always adhere to the same
rules as human players. To make them B may be used for any type of Action a Bot to discard
takes. The spent B is then moved to the
unpredictable, a fair bit of randomness has Bot Card ID
Spent B area on the Bot Mat. All z in number
been built into their decision making.
Spent B are discarded in Phase 4.


Action charts
The charts for all Bot Actions are found on
pages 7–14. Listed at the top of each
Action chart is each path that leads to that
! chart (typically a Bot Card or another chart).

Event Resolution
§ Bots resolve Events using the EVENT Action
(see p. 9). The General Event Rules and
rules for Secondary Effects provided on this
" " " " Bot Action are also used when applying ef­
fects to Bots from Events taken by other PRs.
% & & & Just like hu­man players, Bots will eventually
Pass. If a Bot Passes first, it gains 2 B, and if
signifying that the top Action Card from 1. Draw Cards Phase it Passes second it gains 1 B.
one of the Action decks should be discarded Bots do not draw Action Cards or Missions,
when this Bot Card is drawn ( = Admin­ and therefore ignore this phase. Events are Peace & Rebels Phase
istrative, › = Diplomatic, ç = Military). placed on display as normal. Bots resolve each step as described below.

Bot Mat 2. Action Phase A. Remove Casus Belli and Truces

Bot Mats share many features with regular Bots, in the same manner as human players, Bots remove Truces as normal. Bots never
Player Mats, but Bot Mats do not have Trea­ take Turns in order. have any CB tokens.
sury or Stability tracks, since Bots do not
deal with Ducats or Stability.
3. Peace & Rebels Phase B. NPR Invasions
Bot Mats also lack Monarch Power pools. Bots are affected by most of the steps in this Bots may suffer a maximum of 1 NPR In­
Instead, they have an area for available and phase. However, some of these steps are vasion. Resolve the NPR Invasion that will
spent Bot Power (B) !, as well as four treated a little bit differently (see below). invade with the most NPR Units (resolve any
Focus areas ". The Focus areas are used for ties alphabetically), then place the Bot's Army
4. Income & Upkeep Phase in the target Area and resolve the Battle.
placing B that are spent when the Bot takes
In this phase all Bots will gain B according
a FOCUS Action (see p. 14). The four
Focus areas correspond with the four types
to the chosen difficulty level. C. Rebels Siege or Move
of Milestones in the game. Resolved as normal.
5. Cleanup Phase
All of a Bot’s m is always either Available This is performed as in a normal game. Bots D. Peace Resolution
or Deployed in its Army. Units available for update m, <, E, and Imperial I. All Performed in Turn order as normal.
recruitment are kept in the Manpower Re­ Bot decks are reshuffled. Human players can resolve Peace with
serve §, and Deployed Units are placed in
Bot Enemies as described in the main rules.
the Army area $. These are represented on
the board by the Bot’s Army 1 miniature.
Action Phase When it is a Bot's turn to resolve Peace, it
When a Bot takes its Turn, refer to the Main uses the flowchart on page 15.
The Bot's State Religion is indicated by
Turn Structure chart (see p. 7) to deter­ If a Bot is now at Peace, remove the Bot’s
placing the appropriate Religion token in the
mine the Action it will take. Army from the map, unless the Bot has any
State Religion slot %.
The bottom right is where a Bot's prog­
ress in Researched Ideas is tracked &. Once
a Bot has Researched its first Idea of a Mon­
Difficulty Level
arch Power type, place a Tag chit on the first Before starting a game, you should decide what difficulty level you want to play at. Each
space of the appropriate mini track. When Bot can be set to a different difficulty level, but the simplest solution is to choose the
another Idea of the same type is Re­searched, same level for all the Bots in your game. Try the "Easy" level for your very first Bot game.
indicate this by moving the chit one space The difficulty level can be altered by adjusting the strength of the Bots as follows:
to the right along the mini track. Doing so
gives the Bot access to certain bonuses (see
'Bots & Ideas', p. 3).
B gained in B in ­Focus Minimum B Units ­per recruit
Phase 4 each to score upon DoW on on DEF + MIL
Bots have no Rulers, Generals, or Advisors. Round ­Milestone Bot Actions
Easy 6 3 5 7
Sequence of Play Normal 7 2 5 9
The sequence of play of the game is followed Hard 8 2 6 9
as normal, but Bots will not perform all the Very Hard 9 2 7 11
steps that human players do.


t with u or R on them in the Area All Bot-to-PR Alliances end See the 'Bot Realms' section for how to
where their Army is located. All Alliances between Bots and PRs (if any) use these charts (p. 6).
If a Bot is Fully Annexed by a PR, see expire and these A are removed. This has When asked to pick a Realm within a
'Replacing Bot Realms' on page 6. no further consequences for either party. certain Area (e.g., on a result on a Targeting
Chart), prioritize Realms with a Capital in
E. Prestige Penalties Bot Emperor – Imperial Influence this Area, then by highest Tax Value of Prov­
Resolved as normal. If the Emperor is a Bot, Imperial I is ad­ inces Owned in this Area, then random.
justed to match the current E, and redistrib­
F. Interregnums uted according to the prioritized list below. Province, Area, &
Bots are not affected by this. Repeat each step until there is no valid Area Sea Zone ­Selection
for that step, or there are no Imperial I left,
G. Religious Dissent When given the option to select a Province,
before moving to the next step (­tie breakers:
Area, or Sea Zone (to add u, to Siege, to
Bots gain a maximum of 1 u in this step. Areas with Bot's A, then alpha­betically):
invade, etc.), always do it in alphabetical
1. The Elector Area where it would require order if no other preference is given.
H. Gain/Remove Unrest the least I for the Bot to get the most
Bots gain 2 u for being at War. Then, if a When applying an effect that directly
Bot has any Administrative Ideas it will re­
I (more than any other PR). benefits the Bot, or hurts an Opponent, pri­
2. Any Elector Area with available space. oritize Provinces/Areas of the highest possi­
move 1–2 u accordingly. 3. Any HRE Area with available space. ble Tax Value (before alphabetic priority).
I. Roll Rebel Dice Reshuffle Bot Deck
When applying an effect that directly
Bots resolve this as described under 'Rebel hurts the Bot, or benefits an Opponent,
Used Bot cards are reshuffled into the deck prioritize Provinces/­Areas of the lowest pos­
Dice Rolls', on page 4. according to the following rules: sible Tax Value (before alphabetic priority).
• EVENTs are always reshuffled
Income & Upkeep Phase
Bots only perform the steps below. Score
• IDEAs are always reshuffled Opponent selection
• Set aside Bot Cards that were used for the When applicable, always prioritize Oppo­
Power Struggles and Crusades as normal. FOCUS Action. These are not reshuffled. nents at War with the Bot. If no such candi­
Refresh Bot Power • Reshuffle half of the remaining used Bot date or more than one candidate, roll a die:
Cards (round up).
Discard all spent B and replenish Available Die roll Select valid Opponent with …
B according to chosen difficulty level. Any cards that are not reshuffled are re­moved 1–3 highest 0
Bots gain +1B if they have 20+ Small t
for the remainder of the current Age. 4–6 highest Tax Income
or 8 Large t in play (+2 B if both).

Bot Emperor – E and B End of Age Routine In case of a tie, prefer human players before
At the end of each Age, all Bot Cards are reset other Bots, then decide randomly.
If the Emperor is a Bot, roll a die to see if E
increases or decreases, as described for NPR (according to the deck composition listed for
Emperors on page 45 of the main rules. that Bot Realm) and shuffled. Bots & Ideas
A Bot Emperor then gains extra B equal Bots do not remove any of their M.
to the b + c provided by the current E Bots Research Ideas by taking the IDEA Ac­
level. A Bot Emperor gains 1 if at +6 E. Final Scoring tion (see p. 14), and tagging chosen Ideas
Bots score 0 during Final Scoring in the as normal. However, Bots do not take any
Papal Controller bonuses exact same way as human players. Idea effects into account. Instead, Bots use
If a Bot is the Papal Controller, it gains 1 B. their Bot Mats to track how many Ideas they
If it has Uncontested Control of the Curia, it have Researched of each Monarch Power
also scores 0 equal to the number of Cath­ Choice Processes type, receiving bonuses as follows:
olic PRs minus one (max. 3).
These general rules for Bot choice processes 1–2 Ideas 3+ Ideas
are used for all choices where no other criteria
Cleanup Phase are given. They are also used when there is a
Admin. Remove 1 u Remove 2 u
Bots only perform the steps below. The Ideas in Phase 3H in Phase 3H
need to break ties for other criteria.
­Status Mat is updated as normal. Diplo. Naval ­Battles: +1 ­Artillery Die
Update Manpower Reserve At War? Place +1 I Place +2 I
If the only active Wars are with Realms with when taking a when taking a
Update Bots' m to match their Town Track DIPLOMACY DIPLOMACY
(and E) as normal (min. m is 3). Always no remaining Provinces (i.e., all Occupied),
then treat a Bot as "not at War" for the purpos­ Action Action
return Units from the Manpower Reserve to
es of all choices (except Peace Resolution). Military Land ­Battles: +1 ­Infantry Die
Supply first if m has been reduced.
Ideas Siege 2 Tax
Colonists Realm ­Selection Value per B
Bots gain < for Colonial G as normal. Roll on the relevant Targeting Chart (Mili­ spent during
Discard a Bot's < if they have no Colonial tary or Diplomatic) for the Bot in question. SIEGE Action
G, and there are no vacant Territories.
A Bot can lose a maximum of 1 B each
Token Limitations time it has to roll Rebel Dice, regardless of
Covert Actions
the number of dice rolled.
Cubes Bot Actions labeled Covert Action can be
Use standard Bot choice processes (see negated as normal with Counterespionage.
If a Bot has no more z in its Supply when
p. 3) for applying Rebellions and remov­ Bots will never counter Covert Actions
it should gain B or place I on the map,
ing u, except that they will always apply directed at them.
first retrieve z from Spent B. Then, take
Rebellions in the Area where their Army is
I from Areas where it has neither an A located (if possible).
nor a M, prioritizing Areas furthest from the
Bots place a G in the Area if one of their Bot Warfare
Bot's Capital Area. If there are no such Areas,
Provinces are Liberated by Rebels.
take I from Areas of the Ally with the A human player waging War on a Bot will
lowest Base Tax, and then from Available B. follow the normal rules of Warfare from the
Bot Trade main rules. When determining how the Bot
Towns interacts with its Enemy, use these rules.
The Bot uses only one Merchant. The Bot's
If all 20 Small t on a Bot mat have been
placed on the Map board, give that Bot a
Merchant is only used as a marker to indicate
Bot DoWs
where it traded last, and to determine the
+20 Income tile (with its Bot side face-up) Bots Declare War via the MILITARY Action
removal and auto-resolution placement of
and place the remaining 20 t from the (see p. 10). Resolve any Battles triggered
Bot's Supply onto its Town Track. A Bot alphabetically by Sea Zone and Area.
Each Pirate reduces Bot Trade Income by
with a +20 Income tile receives an additional
1 B in the Trade Node in question.
B in Phase 4. The +20 Income tile must be Bots have no Trade Power (=) and their DoW on a Bot
returned to the Supply if the Bot later falls When a War is Declared upon a Bot or their
Ships do not occupy Trade Protection Slots.
below 20 Small t. Ally, handle steps 3 and 4 of the Declare War
If a Bot runs out of t they will not
Siege any new Provinces or Colonize any Bots Trading Action sequence (main rules p. 16) like so:

Territories. If this is still the situation in Bots Trade as a part of their NAVAL Action 3. Calls to Arms
Phase 5, it triggers Final Scoring. (see p. 12). That Action's chart also covers • A Bot will always refuse all Offensive CtAs.
passive Trade Income for other Bots that are • A Bot will always accept a Defensive CtA
Claims & Core Tokens eligible to collect Trade Income. (see main rules, p. 32) unless already at
A Bot's Merchant is never exhausted. War with an Opponent. A Bot Emperor
The Bot will only use the G numbered from
1–6 as G, while those numbered 7–8 will will activate Defending the HRE if it can.
only be used for the F on their reverse side. Humans Trading • A Bot will send Defensive CtAs to all valid
When a Bot needs to place a G but When a human player takes a Trade Action, Allies that are adjacent to the Aggressor.
all tokens are in play, they will first take a eligible Bot Realms (see main rules, p. 34) The Bot discards 1 I from its Ally's
non-Colonial Distant G, then the G on the may collect passive Trade Income as fol­lows: Realm, gains 2 B and flips their A to
Main Map Area with lowest total Tax Value. • In a maritime Trade Node: All Bots gain the K side for each such NPR Ally.
Ties are solved by picking the G furthest 2 B for Main Map Nodes and 3 B for • Bots do not have access to Allied Units.
away from Bot's Capital Area, then alphabet­ Distant Nodes.
ically (by Area name). • In an inland Trade Node: All Bots gain 4. Gaining B and Recruiting
2 B if they also have at least one t • Targeted Bots, and Bots joining the War by
Other Limited Tokens adjacent to the selected Node. accepting a CtA from an NPR, gain 1B.
• If, following this, the Bot has less than
If required to remove another type of token
A Bot is not required to have a Merchant the "Min. B upon DoW on Bot" (see
(e.g., to perform an Action or resolve an
present in a node in order to collect passive p. 2) in Available B, it gains B until
Event), Bots will pick alphabetically but prefer
Trade Income from it, but will move its it reaches this minimum.
to remov­e tokens that hurt them directly; they
Merchant to that Trade Node once it collects • Then, if it has any Available m, the
avoid removing directly beneficial tokens.
Trade Income. Bot immediately spends 1 B to recruit
If the human player has the "­ Mercantilism" 7/9/11 Units (see p. 2), and checks
Rebel Dice Rolls Idea, and has 3+ = from Key Provinces, for MAC if the Army is on the map board.
­reduce the Bot income by 1 B.

r Rebellion
o Lose 1 B
Bots & Alliances
Recruiting Units
Bots always recruit Units to the Army area of

p Lose 1 B ● No effect
Bots make Alliances with NPRs, but will
never enter into an Alliances with an Oppo­
their Bot Mat; placing the Bot's Army minia­
ture on the map is handled in a separate step
of the charts. A Bot's Manpower is calculated
q Lose 1 B n Remove 1 u nent, unless through an Event (in which case
the Alliance is terminated in Phase 5).
in the same way as for human players during
setup and updated during Phase 5, except
Bots roll Rebel Dice for all of their u at How Bots are affected by Alliances upon that Bots always have a min­imum of 3m. All
once, not Area by Area, and they roll a maxi­ DoW is covered in the 'Bot Warfare' section Units in a Bot's Manpower Reserve count as
mum of 5 Rebel Dice. and the MILITARY Action chart. Available m. Bots never have Exhausted m.


Bots recruit as many Units as indicated by normally move 2 spaces (Areas) like any PR a number of ? equal to half of the initial
the Action they are executing, up to the limit Army, must end movement when entering a strength of the Bot’s Army are removed.
of their m. If m is lower than the number Hostile Area (but not a Neutral Area).
of Units they have paid to recruit, the Bot A Bot’s Naval Bridges can always be Bot fighting alongside NPR/PR
still spends the B in full but only gets the crossed by up to 9 Units. If a Bot Army A Bot rolls Battle Dice as normal when fight­
number of Units that remain in m. needs to cross a Naval Bridge during a MIL­ ing alongside an NPR; assign casualties in
ITARY Action, any excess Units are laid the manner described under 'Fighting Multi­
Army Movement down on their side to indicate that they are ple Enemies' in the main rules (p. 27).
unavailable until the the next time the Bot When defending alongside another Bot,
The Bot’s Army miniature is only placed on
checks for MAC. These Units will not take treat the Bot with the biggest Army as the
the map when it is required for a MILITARY
part in any Battles while laid down. Main Defender and apply their Military
or DEFEND Action, or to face an NPR
Bots ignore Mountain border limitations. Ideas bonus (if they have any).
Invasion. The DEFEND Action allows the
Bots must remove one I from Neutral When a Bot fighting alongside a human
Bot’s Army to ­‘teleport’ inside its own Realm
Areas they move into (if any), and may not player, the human player is always treated as
if necessary. For the MILITARY Action, the
move into Neutral Areas where they have G. the Main Defender.
Army can be placed in any of the Bot's Areas
on the map, if it is not already on the map.
When a Bot’s Army is placed in an Area Ship Placement Naval Battles
on the map, the Bot's MAC for the Area in Bots place just one Ship token in each Sea A Bot's Ships trigger Naval Battles under the
question is always checked. Zone, and they never occupy Trade Protec­ same conditions as those of human play­ers
tion Slots or actually move around. Each (see p. 28 of the main rules). On a Bot's
Maximum Army Capacity (MAC) Ship token represents the pres­ence of the Turn, this may happen during a NAVAL, EX­
While a Bot's Army may suddenly appear Bot’s navy, and not a single Ship. PLORE, MILITARY, or DEFEND Action.
in various locations on the map (in ways Whenever a Bot places a new Ship via a When a Bot as the Active Player wins its
that the Armies and Units of human players NAVAL, EXPLORE, DEFEND, or MILI- first Battle of a Turn, it receives 1 B.
cannot), the number of Units that they can TARY Action, it must pick a Sea Zone ad­ For each Battle, follow the instructions
actually use in a Battle is determined by their jacent to one of its Ships or Ports. If this is a below or use the chart on page 16.
MAC in the Area in question. Hostile Sea Zone, it triggers a Naval Battle.
MAC simulates a Bot's ability to muster
Naval Battles vs. Opponents
When a Naval Battle occurs between a Bot
Units locally, and their ability to transport Land Battles and an Opponent, only the Bot rolls dice.
Units there from other parts of their Realm. A Bot's Army triggers Land Battles in the
If Army size exceeds MAC when doing a Roll 1 Artillery Die, plus an Artillery Die
same manner as human players' Units and for each Ship the Bot has in adjacent Sea
MAC check, the excess Units are laid down Armies (see p. 27 of the main rules). On
on their side to signify their unavailability. Zones. If the Bot has at least one Diplomatic
a Bot's Turn, this will frequently happen Idea, it rolls an extra Artillery Die. If a human
Conversely, if MAC exceeds the number during a MILITARY or DEFEND Action.
of available (upright) Units when doing a player has an Admiral or plays an applicable
When a Bot as the Active Player wins its Battle Action when facing a Bot in a Naval
MAC check, stand any laid down Units up first Battle of a Turn, it receives 1 B.
until reaching MAC. Units are also stood up Battle, the Bot rolls one fewer Artillery Die.
For each Battle, follow the instruc­tions The Bot scores one automatic hit for
if the Army is removed from the board. below or use the chart on page 16.
Unavailable (laid down) Units take no ev­ery 2 Ports it Owns facing the Battle's Sea
Zone, plus 1 hit for every i rolled.
part in Battles fought by the Bot's Army. Land Battles vs. Opponents If a human Enemy’s Ships are all sunk,
They cannot score hits on the Enemy, and When Bots face Opponents (human or Bot)
they can­not be removed as Casualties. the Bot wins and its Ship stays on the map.
in Battle, follow the normal Battle Sequence Otherwise, the Bot loses and must remove
(see p. 26 of the main rules). its Ship. If a human player who wins has an
Area status MAC
Bots generally roll 5 Infantry Dice in Admiral, or has used a Battle Action, they
Area has land Unlimited every Battle Round. A Bot with at least one
connection* to capture a Light Ship.
Military Idea gets to roll an extra Infantry If two Bots fight each other, the Bot scor­
Bot’s ­Capital Die. Bots never use Military cards or Gen­ ing the most hits wins. Re-roll if tied.
Area has no Bot’s MC† for the Area + 3 erals. Count all of a Bot’s Units as Infan­try.
land connec­ (minimum 9 if a Naval Bots never retreat. Naval Battles vs. NPRs
tion* to Bot’s Bridge closes the only gap When a Bot fights a Naval Battle versus an
Capital in an otherwise valid land Land Battles vs. Rebels/NPRs NPR, always roll a number of Artillery Dice
connection*) When a Bot fights an NPR or Rebel force, equal to the number of NPR Ships.
always roll a number of Infantry Dice equal If the number of i rolled ≥ 2 + Bot's
* A continuous chain of Bot's t, in all
to the number of ?/NPR Units present. adjacent Ports, the Bot loses and must re­
intermediate Areas, from Army to Capital.
Every f or g result rolled counts as a move its Ship. If less than this, the Bot wins,
† See page 22 of the main rules.
Casualty for the Bot’s Army. and its Ship stays on the map.
Movement reach If the Bot has any remaining Units after
For the MILITARY Action (not DEFEND),
this, it wins the Battle. Any ? are removed. Bot fighting alongside NPR/PR
If all of the Bot’s Units were eliminated, When a Bot Ship fights alongside NPR
once the Bot Army is on the map, it can
the Bot loses. If a Bot loses against Rebels, Ships, roll dice in the same way as you nor­


mally would for a Bot vs. Opponent Naval have a FOCUS Action matching Mile­ target (wrap around if necessary). If no valid
Battle, treating every second NPR Ship stones achieved by the player. sibling nodes, backtrack to cousin nodes (in­
fighting on a Bot's side as if they rolled an • On the Bot Mat, mark the number of creasing the die value as described above).
extra i. Ideas of each type that the player Re­ If a substitute target is invalid, roll be­
If a Bot fights alongside another PR (hu­ searched (max. 3 each). tween children nodes of the original target.
man or Bot), determine the Main Defender
as in a Land Battle and treat the Main De­ Invalid Military Targets:
fender as if it has 3 NPR Ships fighting on its Bot Realms • Target is a Vassal of another Realm →
side. Remove Bots' Ships if their side loses. Substitute: Select Overlord instead
Each Bot Realm consists of:
• All of target’s Provinces are Owned by
1. A list with the IDs of the Bot cards that
PRs or DNPRs → Substitute: Select
Substitute Bots should be removed from their Bot deck
Owner of target’s Capital instead.
in each Age of the game.
• Target is Allied with the Bot
Replacing Bot Realms 2. Two Targeting Charts that are specific to
• Target has a Truce with the Bot
Bot Realms can be eliminated via Full An­ that Realm.
• Target is an Opponent who has Passed,
nexation or scenario-­specific rules. or an NPR Ally or HRE Subject of such
Remove all of the eliminated Bot's tokens The Bots are otherwise set up according to
• Bot has 4+ I in NPR target's Areas
from play (unless a scenario says otherwise). the chosen scenario and the rules on the first
• All of target’s Provinces are already
Select a new NPR/DNPR to turn into a page of this booklet.
Owned by the Bot
Bot. If undefined by scenario rules, players
should try to pick the NPR most capable Targeting Charts Invalid Diplomatic Targets:
of compet­ing on level terms with the other Each Bot Realm has a Military and a Diplo­ • Target is an Opponent
PRs. matic Targeting Chart. When indicated by a • Target is at War with the Bot
If the eliminated Bot Realm has native Bot's action flowchart, roll a standard die to • Target is a DNPR with 10+ Base Tax
Events in the Event deck, try to pick a fea­ determine the Realm targeted by the Action. • All of target’s Provinces are already
tured Realm with Events that can replace the These charts can be found in the scenario Owned by other Realms (PRs or DNPRs)
eliminated Bot's Events. If this is not pos­ booklet(s).
sible, replace them with B-Events instead. Bot Emperor
If there are no B-Events remaining, keep Target types
If a Bot Realm holds the Emperor of the
Events as they are and only execute effects There are three types of targets in the charts:
HRE, treat the increase and decrease of
that still apply when resolving these Events. • Realms (e.g., ›Venice or ›Bohemia)
Imperial Authority (E) as you would for
Place 3 Units in the Bot's Army and put • “Owner of [Province]”, e.g., Alexandria
NPR Emperors (see main rules, p. 45).
the Bot's t on all Provinces currently (read as "Lawful Owner of " if Occupied)
Any additional b or c provided by the
Owned by the chosen NPR. The new Bot • “Realm in [Area]”, e.g., Rhineland
current E value, will be added to the B
inherits the 0 score, Ideas, and completed ▷ Prefer valid Realms with their Capital
that the Bot gains at the end of the Round.
Milestones from the Bot it replaces. Other­ located in this Area
▷ Then select valid Realm by highest Tax
E is also added to the Bot’s m.
wise, set the Bot up as normal (see p. 1). A Bot Emperor will always come to the
Value of Provinces Owned in this Area
defense of its Imperial Subjects if they are
Replacing Humans ▷ Then pick alphabetically
attacked by a Realm outside the HRE, unless
To replace a human player with a Bot between Placing Claims on NPRs they are already at War with an Opponent
Rounds, flip their Player Mat to its Bot Mat or the Imperial Subject under attack. When
When rolling on a Military Targeting Chart,
side and convert their resources as follows: activating the Defending the HRE ability by
if the target is an NPR, place a G as soon as
accepting such a CtA, the Emperor will gain
Calculating Bot Power: a valid target has been rolled. Normally the
B equal to E. Treat all HRE Areas as if
• Each d (a, b, or c) = 1 B G is placed in the NPR’s Capital Area, but connected to Emperor’s Capital by land for
• Every 5 D = 1 B (max. 5) for all “Owner of [Province]” and “Realm
MAC purposes when Defending the HRE.
• Each positive s = 1 B in [Area]” results, the G is placed in the
A Bot Emperor will also defend member
• Each negative s = -1 B named Area or where the named Province is.
states that are attacked by other HRE mem­
• Each , = -1 B bers, if the attacker has no CB.
• Minimum is "Min. B upon DoW on Bot"
Vacant Territories as targets
If the Bot's rolled target is a vacant Territory, Imperial m is not in use when the Emperor
(see p. 2) and maximum is 15 B is a Bot (E is still added to their regular m).
the Bot places a G here and ends its Turn
Other Resources: if it has "QftNW", and treats it as an invalid Imperial Election rules are not in play if
• Replace every v with a t matching target if it does not have "QftNW". the Emperor is a Bot.
the Province size.
• In each Sea Zone with any Ships (incl. Invalid Targets Bot HRE Members
the Fleet), remove all except 1 Ship. If a target Realm is not valid (see below), roll Bot Realms that are members of the HRE
• Remove all Armies from the Map Board between children nodes unless a preferred (but not Emperor) lose 1 B when Defend-
• Put all Deployed Units into the Army, substitute is listed. If no (valid) descendant ing the HRE gets activated. This does not ap­
and the rest into the Manpower Reserve. nodes, backtrack to sibling nodes, increasing ply if they are already at War (incl. through
• Remove all cards from the Bot Deck that the die value to the next branch with a valid the DoW triggering Defending the HRE).


Bot Actions
Main Turn Structure
9 Action
Go to: EVENT First to Pass: Gain 2 B Question
Second to Pass: Gain 1 B Yes
Move on

B left = 0, or At War, and card

cannot take more Turns Has picked Event? War Action
has War Action?
this Round? on card.

I­ s under ­attack by Go to: DEFEND Did Action
first Action
Enemies or Rebels?¹ Spend 1 B
take ­effect?
on card.

Army on map Did Action END
board and can Siege Go to: SIEGE take ­effect? TURN
in same Area?


9 ID 1st Action 2nd/War Action B
second Action
Has 3+ B left Go to: COLONIZE on card, if any. 1 Event –/– 0
and 1+ <? Spend 2 B 2 Military –/– 1
3 Military –/– 1
4 Military –/– 2
5 Diplomacy – / Military 3

Did Action 6 Diplomacy – / Military 3

7 Diplomacy –/– 2
take ­effect?
At War, and 8 Diplomacy –/– 2
Spent B > B left
has 4+ B left? 9 Naval –/– 1
10 Naval –/– 2
11 Explore – / Naval 2

Score 0 = 12 Colonize – / Military 3

Draw Bot Card. 13 Unrest Spy / Spy 2
B spent on 14 Papal Curia Spy / Spy 2
Spend shown B cost.² drawn Bot Card.
15 Convert Papal C. / Mil. 2
Has any Bot cards left? (Discard an Action Card if discard
16 Convert Focus (Eco.) / – 1
icon shown:  = Administrative,
17 Convert Focus (Exp.) / – 1
› = Diplomatic, ç = ­Military)
18 Convert Focus (Pol.) / – 1
Spend 1B, 19 Convert Focus (War.) / – 1
Score 1 20 Unrest Focus (Eco.) / – 1
21 Unrest Focus (Exp.) / – 1
1 Bot is considered under attack if Enemy Units or ? are present in any Areas with Bot's t, 22 Unrest Focus (Pol.) / – 1
or if ­Enemies or Rebels Occupy any of Bot’s t. ­ 23 Unrest Focus (War.) / – 1
2 If Bot has less B left than card's B cost, spend remaining B and execute card. 24 Idea –/– 3


Defend Action
(from Main Turn Structure)

Any Areas with Bot's t where

DEFEND Army would not trigger a Battle?
Has 2+B left, and
Army in an Area where it Invaders in any Area where
Army is on Bot’s MAC ≥ Invading force?
can Siege Provinces?
the map?
Any Area with 1–4 5–6
Army ≥ 2 x any Place Army in
8 ­Invading force? the Area with the
Go to: SIEGE Has 2+ B left largest Invading
Gain 1 B and more m? force that qualifies.
Spend 2B to recruit Check for MAC.²
Army Deployed in an 7/9/11 Units.¹ (Prefer PR Enemy)
Area where it can Siege Army ≥ any
Provinces? ­Invader's force?
Can placing a Ship Go to:
Any Area with Bot's ­sufficiently increase MAC in LAND BATTLE
1–4 Area with Invaders? Gain 1 B if victorious
If Army < 3 Units: t that are Occupied, and
­Increase Army size no Invaders? 5–6
to 3 Units.
Go to:
Place Ship to extend
­Naval Bridge to valid Area. Naval Battle? NAVAL BATTLE
Gain 1 B if victorious
Place Army in such Area (Prefer Area with PR Enemy)
without Hostile Units.
Check for MAC.² 1–2
Place Army in the Area with
(Prefer Area with the highest 3–4 the smallest Invading force.
Tax Value of own t that are 5–6 13 Check for MAC.²
Occupied by Enemies/Rebels, Go to: SPY (Prefer PR Enemy force)
then own Capital Area) Has 2+ B?

Place Army in such Area

Any Area with Enemy t, ­where Army would not with highest total Tax
trigger a Battle, which is adjacent by land or connected Value of Enemy t.
via Naval Bridge to Bot’s Realm? Check for MAC.² END
1 Number of Units recruited per 2B spent is determined by the chosen Difficulty Level
2 Adjust Unit availability in Army based on MAC (see p. 5). Invaders = Hostile Units in Areas with Bot's t.

Siege Action
(from Main Turn Structure + from DEFEND and MILITARY Actions)

SIEGE Siege Hostile Provinces of up to 3 Tax Remove Army from map.

­Value (Bot ignores Siege Strength).
Spend 1 B per Tax Value sieged.³ At War, or has t
(Prefer own Core Provinces Occupied by ­Enemy, with u or R on them END
then any ­Opponents' t/v, then NPRs) in this Area? TURN

3 If Bot only has 1B and no Small Provinces to Siege, it Sieges a Large Province. If Bot has 3+ Military Ideas, it Sieges 2 Tax Value per B spent (up to 6 Tax ­Value
in total). Bot can only Siege an Island Province if has a Ship in an adjacent Sea Zone, except that they ignore this requirement for their own de jure Provinces.
Also, see steps 4–7 of 'Sieges & Occupation', main rules page 28.


Colonize Action
(from Main Turn Structure + EXPLORE Action + Bot Card: 12)

COLONIZE Remove 3 of Bot's Replace a Colonial G with a Small t.

Has 3+ <?
< from the (Prefer adjacent to Bot's t, then Ports)
Colonist Pool.
Gain 1 B.
Has 2+ < and any Colonial G Remove all of
­connected to Capital via a continuous 13 Bot's < from END
chain of Bot's t and/or Ships? Go to: EXPLORE the Colonist Pool. TURN

Event Action
(from Main Turn Structure + Bot Card: 01)
Discard EVENT Bot Card
Already taken
Event Action?

1 2 3 4 5–6

Pick leftmost Pick second from Pick rightmost

Opponent Event Own Event
­revealed Event left ­revealed Event ­revealed Event
is revealed? is revealed?
Gain 1 B Gain 1 B Gain 1 B
if D on Event if D on Event if D on Event

At War with ­Opponent

whose Event is revealed?
Resolve Pick such Event
Is this an
option B) Gain 1 B Pick this Event
Opponent's Event? if D on Event
on Event Gain 1 B
Spend 2B to develop a
if D on Event
Small t into a Large t
(Prefer Core Province, then
Resolve option Resolve Secondary Has 10+B and t without u) END
A) on Event Effects on Event < 8 Larget? TURN

General Event Rules • Recruit Action: Pay 1B to recruit all m. Pirates : Use auto-resolution rules.
• Use Choice Processes on page 3. • Trade Action: Gain 2 B. Lost at Sea : Bots are not affected. Use
• Pick option A) when not Active Player. • Exhaust Units: Lose Units from Army. auto-resolution rules for human players.
• Pick the first option on all suboptions. • Pay X to do Y: If able to pay cost, do it. Cardinal Dies : Use auto-resolution
• Gaining/losing d: Gain/lose B. • Adopting new State Religion: Also rules, but ignore Bot's own C.
• Gaining/losing D: Gain/lose 1 B per change Religion of Capital Area and one
Native Uprising : Bots always ignore u.
10 D, rounded up. Maximum 3 B. more of Bot's Areas to same Religion.
Resolving Bot also ignores loss of <.
• Gaining s: Remove 1u per step. Gain • Ignore non-applicable effects.
Human players suffer effects as normal.
2B per step if Bot has no u. • Event/option has no applicable effects:
Gain 1 B and resolve Secondary Effects. DNPR Expansion : Use auto-reso­
• Losing s: Gain 1u per step.
lution rules, but ignore Areas where the
• Gaining/losing M/A: Pick NPR with,
resolving Bot Owns any Provinces.
respectively, the highest (gain) or lowest Secondary Effects
(lose) Base Tax possible. Spread of Religious Ideas : Use auto-­
Attrition : Resolved as normal.
• Gaining v: Gain t instead. resolution rules, except: 1. Spread own
Unrest/Rebellion : As above. State Religion first (if applicable); 2. Prefer
• May Declare War: Only if at Peace and
Available B > Spent B. Activate Power Struggle : As above. options that would not cause Religious
• Activation: MILITARY Action. Character Mortality : Resolved as Dissent for the resolving Bot; 3. Prefer op­
• Declare War Action: MILITARY Action. normal, but does not affect Bots. tions that would remove Religious Dissent.
Proceed directly to Declare War step. Disloyal Vassals : As above. Spread of the Revolution : As above.


Military Action
(from PAPAL and SPY Actions + Bot Cards: 02, 03, 04; Bot Cards, War Action: 05, 06, 12, 15)

MILITARY Has G? Does roll match # on a Select Realm for

non-Colonial G? which this G is valid.
Any Area with (Prefer Opponent, then
§ ­token adjacent highest NPR Strength)
At War? to Bot?
Select Realm for which
Bot has M ­with this G/L is valid.
L side up, in Area Target is ­eligible¹, and
Place a G here. (Prefer Opponent)
­adjacent to Bot? Bot has < 4I in target's
Areas if it is an NPR?

Select Enemy Realm Go to:

with greatest strength.² Military Target Chart Target is an
Has ­Casus ­Belli?
(Prefer Opponent) (roll for target: if an NPR, place a G)

Target’s strength ≥
2 x Bot’s strength?²
If Army < 3 Units:
For each such Ally: Bot has NPR
­Increase Army size
remove 2 I from ­Allies with 2+ I,
to 3 Units.
NPR’s Areas, gain ­adjacent to target?
2 B, ­and flip the A Remove all Declare War
to the K side.³ Bot’s I on target.
Army size ≥ 2x Targets may send Defensive from all of Spend 1B
­target’s strength?² CtAs (NPRs always do). target’s Areas. to recruit
7/9/11 Units.⁴
Spend 2B to re­
Has 4+ B left cruit 7/9/11 Units.⁴ DoW ­triggers DoW ­triggers 16
Land Battles? ­Naval Battles? Go to:
and more m? NAVAL
Check for Army is on the
Go to: SIEGE MAC.⁵ map board?
(Resolve in alpha­
Place Army in own Area closest betical order if
Gain B = B spent
­multiple Battles.)
on drawn Bot Card – 1
Can Siege in to ­Enemy. Check for MAC.⁵
­current Area? Triggers (Prefer ­Area with Enemy, then closest 16
Battle? to Enemy of greatest strength².) Go to:
Is Papal Controller, LAND
can Call Crusade, and ­BATTLE
Hostile Units or Move Army to Enemy Area in range.
­target is Muslim? (Resolve in alpha­
(Prefer: Largest Enemy force which is ≤ own
Area 1–2 spaces away? betical order if
Army. Then Area with own G.)
(incl. Naval Bridge⁵) multiple Battles.)
Can place a Ship
that would help, and has not
Place Ship to extend Triggers Triggers
placed Ship this Turn?
Naval Bridge. ­Battle? ­Battle?

Place G on target. 16 16
(Prefer adjacent, then Capital) Go to: Go to:
Move Army up to 4 END
spaces to non-Hostile TURN
Place Crusade token and Area closest to Enemy. Gain 1 B if won a
G on target's Area. Score Battle this Turn
1. Recruit 2 Units.
Diplomacy Action
(Bot Cards: 05, 06, 07, 08) Ignore all Distant NPRs for the purpose of this Action.

DIPLOMACY Has I ≥ NPR’s Base Tax + Annex this NPR. Remove Bot’s I,
­Opponent I in NPR’s Areas? equal to target’s Base Tax + Opponent
(Ignore ›Papal States and Imperial I) I, from target Realm.² Score 3.
(Prefer Realm adjacent by land, then Realm with
highest Tax ­Income.)

A+M on any NPR Has higher Base

adjacent to Bot? Tax than NPR? Select such NPR with
­highest Base Tax. Now Owns all
(Prefer adjacent to Bot) ­Provinces in a new Area, and
has < 2 F in play?
Has double Base
Tax of NPR?
A on any NPR Any free space in
­adjacent to Bot? target's Areas? Covert Action:
Can enter Replace 2
­Royal ­Marriage? ­Opponent I
with 2 of Bot’s
Add 2 I³
in ­target's Areas.
I in target's
2+I and no A Areas.
in any NPR adjacent (Prefer target’s Capital)
Select such NPR with (Prefer target’s
to Bot? ­highest Base Tax. ­Capital)
(Prefer NPR Married to Bot) Alliance
If able, spend
A on any NPR, Alliance possible?¹ 1 B to place
Select such NPR a F in such
with < 2 I?
with ­highest Area.
Place A on target’s Capital, Base Tax. (Remove all
and add 1 I there if space. other Bots' G
from this Area)
Go to:
Diplomatic Target Chart Can enter
(roll for target) A on target ­ oyal ­Marriage?
NPR? 1–2 3–6

Go to:
Diplomatic Target Chart Add 2 I in Areas where no I Place M
At Peace and has
(roll for target, re-roll if same as has been placed this Turn. on ­target's
any previous target this Turn) 6+ B left?
(Prefer target's Areas, then adjacent to Bot) ­Capital.

Any free space in Has I < Spend 2 B to add 2 I³ END

target's Areas? target’s Base Tax? in Areas of target Realm. TURN

1 Alliance requires: Bot is at Peace and has < 3 A in play, target is at Peace and is not Bot's Ally, and any Ally of target has fewer I than Bot in target's Areas.
2 Bot must remove one fewer I if it has a M on target
1 See DoW restrictions on page 22 of the main rules to determine target eligibility. Realm. Vassals of target are released as independent NPRs.
2 Strength: NPR, see main rules, page 36; PR = number of Deployed Units + Available m. 3 If the Bot has researched any Diplomatic Ideas, it places
3 Bot must remove one fewer I if it has a M on target Realm. additional I if it has z in its Supply (Bot ignores limit
4 Number of Units recruited per B spent is determined by the chosen Difficulty Level. of placing max. 2I in the same Area):
5 Adjust Unit availability in Army based on MAC (see p. 5). 1–2 Dip. Ideas: +1I, 3+ Dip. Ieas: +2I


Naval Action
(Bot Cards: 09, 10; Bot Cards, War Action: 11)

Any Hostile Sea Zone Place Ship in such Sea Zone Go to:
NAVAL adjacent to Bot's Ports (Prefer adjacent to Bot's Port, NAVAL BATTLE
or Ships?¹ then alphabetical) Gain 1 B if victorious

Has Ship adjacent Remove all Pirates

Place Ship in such Sea Zone
Any Sea Zone with­ to any Pirates? from such Trade Node.
(Prefer adjacent to most
out Bot's Ships adjacent Trade Nodes, then alphabetical)
(Prefer node with own Mer­
to Bot's Ports? chant, then fewest Merchants)

Draw a Trade Card: All Bots that are eligible to

Move Merchant of Bots trade in any node listed on this card will trade in
that gained B to topmost the topmost node that they qualify for (for Inland
Has 5+ Ships on valid node on the card.
Main Map? Nodes, Bots also need an adjacent t). Bots gain
3 B if this is a Distant Node and 2 B if not.²
Every human player can collect Trade ­Income
Has placed a Ship from any eligible node on this card where they
Any Main Map Sea Zone this Turn? have a Merchant. Resolving Bot gains 2 per
without Bot's Ships adjacent human player who collects Income.³
to any of Bot's Ships?
Has < 3 ­Colonial G and
any Ship in, or ­adjacent to, an END
­Explorable Sea Zone? Go to: EXPLORE TURN

1 Ignore Distant Sea Zones if Bot does not have "QftNW". 3 If playing without Missions for human players,
2 Bot's B income gets reduced by 1 for each Pirate in the node where it trades. give no 0 to Bots during this step.

Papal Curia Action

(Bot Card: 14; Bot Card, 2nd Action: 15)

PAPAL ­CURIA Adjacent to Area with 2+ Prov­

Is un­contested
Age I or II? inces Owned by Muslim Realms, and
­Papal Controller?
no ­active Excom./Crusade?

Has Catholic
State ­Religion? Any Catholic Place Crusade token and a
Is Papal ­Controller,
in Age I or II, and can use ­Opponents and no active G on such Area. Score 1.
Excom./Crusade? ­Recruit 2 Units if able.
­Excommunication to remove
(Prefer Area where Bot has t)
an ­Opponent's C?

Place C in the #1 slot of Excommunicate Opponent.
Select valid Crusade target, and
the Papal ­Curia. ­Opponent loses 1 and 1 C, skip directly to Declare War step.
(If now Papal Controller: and must discard 4 I from
­Remove Excommunication on ­Catholic Areas.
Perform own Realm, if any)
second Action END
on card instead. TURN


Explore Action
(from NAVAL and COLONIZE Actions + Bot Card: 11)

EXPLORE 1 2 k l
­ acant ­Territory
with a "1" adjacent to
Has 3+ Colonial G? Bot's Ships?¹ Roll matches Has 2+ B left?
­eligible³ Territory?
Triggers a
Vacant ­Territory Naval Battle? Spend 1 B.
with a "1" adjacent to Can place a Ship
Bot's t?¹ in a Sea Zone where it Remove a Ship from a
Any eligible³
can Explore? ­Distant Continent (if any).
­Distant Provinces to
Place G on an eligible³
Place Ship in such a ­Territory. Score 2.
Sea Zone. Place G on such a
Has "Quest for the
New World" Idea? ²
(Prefer adjacent to new Distant ­Distant ­Province. If this is the first G on this
Trade Node when possible)
(Prefer adjacent by land
Distant Continent, add all
to Bot, then Distant
Realm with highest matching Trade cards.⁴
Could placing a Ship bring Bot within 3 Base Tax)
spaces of a new Explorable Sea Zone? 16
Go to:
Place Ship in a Sea Zone that qualifies. Gain 1 B if victorious
Any Colonial G is connected to (Prefer shortest route)
­Capital Area through a chain of Areas
with Bot's t and/or Ships? 9 Triggers a
Has 2+ <? Go to: Naval Battle?
Research the "Quest
for the New World" Could placing a Ship
Gain 1B
Idea for free. bring Bot closer to estab­
Score 0 = 2 + <. + 1<
(Score 0 as normal lishing a ­connection? END
Discard Bot's < + Colonial G.
and update Bot's Idea TURN

¹ Ignore Territories where Bot already has a G.

² If Bot is ›Castile (or ›Portugal), and, 1. Bot has not Researched "QftNW", 2. Bot has not yet picked an Event, and 3. Christopher Columbus (or Casa da Índia)
Event is on display: Then, pick that Event, and select option A (paying for this Action counts as covering the B cost of Researching "QftNW").
³ Distant Province/Territory must be adjacent to Bot's t or Ship. Territories must match rolled number.
4 Shuffle any set-aside Trade Cards matching the number on this Distant Continent into the Trade Deck.

Spy Action
(from DEFEND Action + Bot Cards, 2nd Action: 13, 14; Bot Cards, War Action: 13, 14)

SPY Opponent has Covert Action:

Select such Opponent. Opponent must
3+ u?
roll Rebel Dice.

At War with any Select Opponent.

Covert Action:
At War with 10 Add 2 u to END
­NPR? Go to: MILITARY ­Opponent's t. TURN


Unrest Action
(Bot Cards: 13, 20, 21, 22, 23)

UNREST Owns any Provinces with u? Remove u from 2 Provinces Owned by Bot.
(Prefer Capital, then Large t)

Has < 2 F in play, Remove F in play from Area Place F in eligible Area with
and can place a F? with lowest total Tax Value. ­highest total Tax Value.¹

Owns all Provinces in eligible Area with higher Perform second Action END
total Tax Value than any current F Area? on card instead. TURN

1 Remove all other Bots' G from Areas where F are placed.

Convert Action
(Bot Cards: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19)

CONVERT Is Catholic and all Change State Religion

its Areas are Protestant, to ­majority Religion.
or vice versa? All Provinces in a dissenting Gain 1 B.
Area Owned by Bot, or by Realms (Lose 3 and one M. Move 5I.
Any Areas with with same State Religion? Add u and roll Rebel Dice.)²
­Religious Dissent?
Perform second
Action on card Convert Area to State Religion. Score 2. END
instead. (Prefer Area with own t of most Tax Value) TURN

2 Same procedure as the Change State Religion Action on page 13 of the main rules.

Focus Action
(Bot Cards, 2nd Action: 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)

FOCUS Place the B Now has 2/3 z in Score Milestone matching Discard all
spent in this this Focus area?³ Focus type. Gain 2 B and z from
Focus area. score 0 as normal. Focus area.

z in any Focus Milestone Score

matching Focus type
area already?
is available?
Place the B spent
in the Focus area Put aside Bot Card. END
3 Depending on chosen named on the card. (Not reshuffled this Age) TURN
­difficulty level (see p. 2)

Idea Action
(Bot Card: 24)

IDEA Select Focus type: 1-2: Administrative, 3-4: Diplomatic, 5-6: Military

Pick Idea matching Focus type.

z in any ­Focus Any available Tag this Idea and appropriate slot
area other than Ideas matching this on Bot Mat's Idea Track with a chit. END
­Economic? ­Focus type? Score 0 as normal. TURN
(Prefer unresearched Ideas, then random)


Bot Peace Resolution
Follow normal sequence for Peace Resolution (main rules p. 29), and use this chart each time it is a Bot's turn to resolve one of its Wars.

START End War. PRs (incl. Bots) lose 1 each.

Annex all of Enemy's de jure Provinces that
are Controlled by Enemy or Bot (place t).
­Unoccupied Vassals are released as NPRs.
Automatic Score 0 = Tax Value of Annexed Provinces. Return Provinces (incl. Capital)
White Peace? (Remove any other tokens from all Annexed Provinces.) worth up to 5 Tax Value to Enemy.
Gain 2 per Tax Value returned.

Return all ­Provinces to their Lawful Owners.

Has achieved a Return all
­Total ­Victory against ­Provinces to
NPR Enemy?¹ Army ≥ 2 x Land Units Enemy PR currently their Lawful
­Deployed by Enemy PR?² has Tax ­Income lower Owners.
than 8, and O
­ ccupies Bot gains and
none of Bot’s t? Enemy loses
At War with a
Enemy PR Surrenders? 2, plus 2
­human player? per Tax Value
Tax Value of ­Enemy's ­returned by
Army > ­Enemy de jure Provinces Occupied Bot to Enemy
Bot’s Army. by Bot > Tax ­Value of own t (max. 120).
At War with a ­Occupied by Enemy?
­another Bot?
Anyone Occupies
Army > ? in Bot’s Areas.
­Enemy's Capital?

At War with
an NPR? Has 2+ u in Areas White Peace Any Bot returning Capital to
without G? accepted by ­Enemy gains 2 and 4 B.
­Enemy?³ Any Bot receiving Capital back
Tax Value of ­Enemy's loses 2 B. ­Human players
de jure Provinces Occupied Bot offers pay/receive 10 D as normal.
by Bot ≥ Tax ­Value of own t White Peace.
­Occupied by Enemy?
Peace Terms Enemy
No Peace accepted by ­Occupies any of
END Bot will ­Enemy?⁴ Bot's t?
BOT PEACE not offer
­RESOLUTION or enforce
Peace. Bot offers Peace on Keep If possible, swap any:
Current Board State terms. Enemy t/v Occupied by Bot
Any remaining Wars to ▼▲
Bot's t Occupied by Enemy
resolve during this step of
If Enemy still exists, (of matching total Tax Value)
Peace Resolution?
flip War tokens to
their Truce side.
End War and keep current board
Remove Bot's G from Areas where Bot now PRs on both sides
state. Score 0 = Tax Value of
Owns all Provinces. ­For each G removed, remove may add G where
­retained Enemy Core Provinces.
2u from the G's Area and score 2. If able, and they have lost t.
< 2F in play, spend 1B to place a F here.⁵ (Bots add max. 1 G)

1 Bot must Occupy NPR's Capital and Provinces of Tax Value ≥ ½ of NPR Strength. 4 Enemy Bots only accept these terms if both Bot Armies are of equal
2 Units located on Distant Continents where the Bot has no t do not count. size, and Tax Value of Provinces Occupied by either side is equal.
3 NPRs always accept. E­ nemy Bots accept if they cannot enforce Peace, and have 2+u 5 Remove all other Bots' G from Areas where F are placed.
in Areas where they do not have G.
Bot Land Battle Resolution
Determine Battle is in (Main) Human player may
LAND Main ­Defender. ­Defender's Realm? play Battle Actions.
BATTLE (See p. 5)

Human player may Roll Battle Dice:

Facing ­multiple PRs? Appoint General. Humans roll as normal. Bot(s) roll:
Mil. Ideas Infantry Dice
0 5
Any Enemy Account for ­Military Ideas 1+ 6
Bot is attacker?
is a PR? (e.g., "Noble Knights").

Assign Casualties
Enemy Retreats or Any Bot has as normal.
Roll Battle Dice: has no Units left? Units ­remaining? (See Main Rules, p. 27)
# Infantry Dice = # Hostile Units
Assign Casualties:
# Bot's Casualties = # f/g rolled Resolving Bot Human player,
Human player's ­General
receives 1 B if it if Active Player,
receives a H per pair
is their first ­Battle receives 1 c if it
Remove all ?/NPR Units. of g rolled by Bot.
victory this Turn.* is their first ­Battle
­victory this Turn.
Bot has Units Remove all NPR Units.
­remaining? Remove ? = ½ initial # of Remove defeated Armies
Units in Bot's Army. from the board.

Bot Naval Battle Resolution

Determine Human player Roll Battle Dice:
NAVAL Main ­Defender. may play ap­ Humans do not roll any dice. Bot(s) roll:
­BATTLE (See p. 5) plicable Battle Dip. Ideas Artillery Dice
Actions. +1 die per -1 die if
0 1
­adjacent Bot ­Battle Action
Facing ­multiple PRs? 1+ 2 Ship or Admiral
Human player may
Appoint Admiral.
Any Enemy Bot is attacker? Bot(s) score one hit per i rolled. Treat every
is a PR?
2 adjacent Ports a Bot Owns and every 2 NPR
Ships fighting on a Bot's side as a i roll.
Human player must assign Bot vs.
­Casualties. Any Admiral receives Bot?
a H per pair of g rolled. Remove Ship of Bot that
Roll Battle Dice: scored the fewest hits. Resolving Bot
(Alternate between Ship types when
# Artillery Dice = ­assigning hits.) (Re-roll if tied)
receives 1 B if
# Hostile Ships first Battle won
this Turn.*
Human player
has Ships left? Human player may receive 1 c, if Active Player.
i rolled They steal 1 Light Ship if a Battle Action was
≥ 2 + ­adjacent played or if they have an Admiral. END
Bot Ports?
Remove Bot Ship. BATTLE

* Note!: The 1B gained for the first Battle win of a Turn for the resolving Bot (Active Player) is in most cases already specified in the relevant Bot Action charts.

Paradox Interactive, Europa Universalis: The Price of Power™ Copyright© 2022 Paradox Interactive AB (publ) All rights reserved. Second printing: 2023

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