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Murad, S. H. (2022). Total lipid profile levels as an indicator of functional outcomes in

first-ever acute stroke patients. International Journal of Health Sciences, 6(S3), 5895–5906.

Total lipid profile levels as an indicator of

functional outcomes in first-ever acute stroke

Saad Hussein Murad

Department of adult nursing, College of Nursing, University of Mosul, City of
Mosul, Iraq
*Corresponding author email: [email protected]

Abstract---A stroke is an abrupt neurological injury caused by

alterations in the blood arteries of the brain, resulting in the loss of
neurological function. Stroke is the second greatest cause of death in
people globally, after ischemic heart disease, and the most prevalent
cause of acquired disability. The goal of this study was to determine
the levels of lipid profiles in acute stroke patients. From December
2020 until September 2021, the study will be conducted. One
hundred males and females’ respondents were included from Ibn-Sena
and Al-Salam Teaching hospitals at Mosul City in Iraq. The socio-
demographic and clinical data, especially the clinical findings at the
time of admission were recorded on a standardized data sheet.
Clinical examination and a To confirm the diagnosis, a CT scan of the
brain was conducted. A blood sample was taken on the day of
admission for total lipid profile analysis. To determine the severity of a
stroke, the NIHSS was employed. The patients' functional outcomes
were followed for up to three months using a modified Rankin Scale,
as follows: good functional (0 - 3), poor functional outcomes (4 - 6).
Patients with ischemic stroke and those with stroke had differing
mean values of serum triglyceride, cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein
(LDL), and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in this study. The current
study's statistical analysis revealed that patients with ischemic stroke
had higher mean levels of triglyceride, cholesterol, and low-density
lipoprotein than those with hemorrhagic stroke (208.93 vs. 186.81),
(208.75 vs. 185.31), and (167.82 vs. 154.56), respectively. In ischemic
stroke patients, the mean level of serum HDL was found to be lower
(41.46 vs. 46.88) than in hemorrhagic stroke patients. They all had a
statistically significant link to stroke and its subtypes (P-value 0.05).
This study concluded that early detection of dyslipidemia and its
control can decrease the severity of first ever stroke and can improve
stroke outcomes.

International Journal of Health Sciences ISSN 2550-6978 E-ISSN 2550-696X © 2022.

Manuscript submitted: 9 March 2022, Manuscript revised: 18 April 2022, Accepted for publication: 1 May 2022

Keywords---acute stroke, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, nihss,

barthel index, MRS, functional outcomes.


Noncommunicable illnesses (NCDs) are a not kidding general medical problem

around the world, representing 63% of all fatalities, and this number is expected
to ascend by 15% somewhere in the range of 2010 and 2020. Persistent
infections, otherwise called noncommunicable sicknesses, are long haul diseases
brought about by a blend of hereditary, physiological, natural, and social
variables. Cardiovascular problems, (for example, coronary failures and strokes)
kill 17.9 million individuals every year, trailed by malignant growth (9.3 million),
constant respiratory sicknesses (like ongoing obstructive aspiratory infection and
asthma) (4.1 million), and diabetes (4.1 million) (1.5 million). Over 80% of all early
NCD fatalities are brought about by these four illnesses (Alwan et al., 2010;
Setyopranoto et al., 2019).

Cardiovascular and other non-transmittable sicknesses are the world\'s driving

reasons for mortality and inability, and they are the essential driver of rising
medical services costs, sabotaging the monetary dependability of individuals,
families, social orders, and nations. Individuals kick the bucket from CVD at a far
higher rate than from some other reason, albeit most CVD passing’s can be
stayed away from with cautious interventional measures (Frieden et al., 2020).
Beginning around 1980, cardiovascular sicknesses (CVD) have been the essential
driver of worldwide high mortality, as indicated by the Worldwide Weight of
Infection (GBD) recorded research. In 2015, CVD represented about 33% of all
passing’s around the world. In the interim, in 2015, the two principal parts of
CVD, stroke and ischemic coronary illness, represented 85.1 percent of all CVD
passing (Tehrani-Banihashemi et al., 2018).

Stroke is the subsequent driving reason for death in grown-ups around the world,
after ischemic coronary illness, and it is the most normal reason for obtained
incapacity. The weight of NCDs, including stroke, has stayed consistent in major
league salary countries throughout the past 10 years, yet the weight in low-and
center pay nations has expanded to around half of absolute illness (Setyopranoto
et al., 2019). A stroke is an abrupt neurological injury caused by alterations in
the blood arteries of the brain, resulting in the loss of neurological function. Blood
vessel changes might be intrinsic to the vessel (atherosclerosis, inflammation,
arterial dissection, vascular dilatation, weakness, obstruction) or extrinsic (such
as when an embolism travels from the heart) (Sommers, 2019). Fast impromptu
urbanization, globalization of undesirable ways of life, and populace maturing are
driving purposes for these infections. Raised circulatory strain, expanded blood
glucose, high blood cholesterol, and heftiness are side effects of tobacco use,
hazardous liquor utilization, unfortunate eating regimens, and an absence of
active work. Metabolic uneven characters, frequently known as metabolic gamble
factors, can add to cardiovascular sickness. This change in pattern can be
credited to populace maturing and the ascent in modifiable cardiovascular
infection risk factors (World Wellbeing Association, 2018).

Dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia are two metabolic disorders frequently seen in

stroke patients. Dyslipidemia, which includes elevated cholesterol and triglyceride
levels, is well-known as a key risk factor for stroke. The significance of cholesterol
and triglycerides in acute stroke and their role in post stroke recovery has
received little attention to date. The few studies that have looked into this link
have found a variety of results (Jain et al., 2013). Cholesterol is essential for
several bodily activities, including cell preservation and integrity, as well as the
creation of steroid hormones and bile acids. However, an abnormally high blood
cholesterol level can lead to a variety of issues, including artery narrowing and
blockage in various parts of the body, particularly coronary arteries, and oxidative
stress, which is caused by an increase in the production of oxygen free radicals
caused by changes in the arterial and microvascular circulatory systems.

As a result, it is widely acknowledged as one of the primary causes of human

disease and mortality (Li et al., 2020; Vakilian et al., 2019). Lower levels of TC in
patients with acute ischemic stroke are related with severe disease and adverse
outcomes, according to some of these articles and study. Nonetheless, there are
numerous studies that suggest a beneficial effect of lower TC levels on the
development and progression of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular illnesses
(Pikija et al., 2019). Surprisingly, a simple linear association between TC, LDL-C,
and stroke has yielded inconsistent evidence from multiple investigations. Lower
levels of TC in patients with acute ischemic stroke are related with severe disease
and adverse outcomes, according to some of these articles and study.
Nonetheless, there are numerous studies that suggest a beneficial effect of lower
TC levels on the development and progression of cardiovascular and
cerebrovascular illnesses (Pikija et al., 2019). It's crucial to assess the differences
in blood lipid levels among stroke subtypes in order to advise cholesterol-lowering
medication, which can minimize stroke incidence and related death by adjusting
primary and secondary preventative approaches (Wali & Patil, 2016).

The current guideline's strong advice to regulate total cholesterol (TC) and low-
density cholesterol (LDL-C) levels reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke
(Mankovsky & Ziegler, 2004; Nayor & Vasan, 2016). Guidelines for managing
hyperlipidemia with the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme In the treatment
and prevention of acute ischemic stroke (AIS), reduced vascular events in patients
with past ischemic stroke (IS), and reduced IS in patients with other vascular
disorders, reductase inhibitors (statins) are particularly essential (Markaki et al.,
2014). Low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) causes increased cholesterol
deposition in the artery wall, while low triglyceride (TG) levels induce
atherosclerosis, according to popular belief (Lawler et al., 2020). Hyperglycemia is
another risk linked to stroke admission, with 20–50% of acute stroke patients
having a concurrent diagnosis of hyperglycemia (blood glucose level >6.1mmol/L
or 121 mg/dL), which could be transitory or actually reflective of undiagnosed
impaired glucose metabolism. The severity of acute stroke is linked to the
incidence and severity of hyperglycemia, and hyperglycemic patients have a
higher fatality rate (Ali et al., 2019; El-Fawal et al., 2019).

The mechanism varies with the patients' underlying glucose tolerance, kind and
severity of disease, and stage of illness, and is independent of other predictors of
a poor prognosis such as age, diabetic status, and stroke severity (El-Fawal et al.,

2019; Kumar et al., 2020; Ogbera et al., 2014). Hyperglycemia's direct toxicity on
the brain and acidosis, which appears to be a potential neurotoxic impact of
anaerobic cerebral glucose metabolism, are two possible scenarios. Clinical
therapy for stroke patients with diabetes would most likely change not only in
terms of blood pressure and lipid management, but also in terms of the feasibility
of institutional insulin administration. The GIST-UK (Glucose-Insulin Stroke
Trial-UK) found no differences in clinical outcomes between acute stroke patients
who received intravenous insulin, potassium, and glucose versus those who
received saline. In another study, aggressive blood glucose lowering with insulin
was linked to poor outcomes (Wada et al., 2018). Without a doubt, dyslipidemia
and diabetes are two of the most frequent conditions in the world, and they are
risk factors for a variety of diseases. Furthermore, there is a strong link between
triglyceride levels and insulin resistance (Weir et al., 2003). The aim of this study
was to evaluate lipid profile levels after acute stroke patients in Mosul city

Materials and Methods

Administrative Arrangements

Before the beginning of conducting the study, the researcher obtained official
approval consent permission through introduced the study proposal to the
scientific and ethical committee of higher studies in Nursing College / University
of Mosul to get the permission of the subject that is appropriateness to scientific
research plan. Next step was to get accomplishment agreement from the
Department of Training Center & Human Development / Nineveh Health
Directorate, in order to access and collect data from patients’ admission to the
medical-words in Ibn – Sena, and AL-Salam Teaching Hospitals at Mosul City.
Field supervisor and patient or caregiver consent written form was adopted to
collect and implement the tools of the study.

Setting of study

The present study was carried out in medical-words in Ibn – Sena, and Al - Salam
Teaching Hospitals at Mosul City which located in left bank of Tigris River of
Mosul City which far, 400 km north of capital Baghdad. A total of (100) patient's
(males and females), who admitted to the medical-words and the patient were
chosen for the study according to the following inclusions criteria: Patient
admitted to emergency department and diagnosed as a sudden neurological
deficit (stroke case) lasting for more than (24) hr., Patient who diagnosed as the
first event stroke, Non-pregnant woman, Patients who had been diagnosed as
stroke by computed tomography (CT) scan, and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), Adult patients above 18 years old.

Data collection and methods

For the establishment and completing the study requirement; the researcher
assigned a time period for data collection and patient follow-up started from 6th
of January 2021 until 26th of August 2021. Data were collected through selecting
the subject sample (participant) after admission to emergency department and
diagnosed as stroke patient and confirmed by the (CT scan), by reviewing the

client health history and physical examination to exclude other cases according to
the criteria which the researcher follow it.

Data analysis

Measurable investigation, data information was placed into the factual bundle by
\"SPSS\" form 26 and Succeed 365 program. To inspect the distinctions, a one-
way ANOVA was utilized, with a P worth of 0.05 or less thought to be critical.

The Results

The study comprised of 100 diagnosed cases of clinically and CT/MRI proven
acute stroke patients. Their mean age was 59.71 ± 14.018 with the highest rate
(56%) of age-specific incidence of acute stroke between 50-69 years of age, (55%)
were males and (45%) were females. There were (84%) incidents of ischemic stroke
and (16%) incidents of hemorrhage. General characteristics of study respondents
are reported in (Table 1).

Table 1
The mean (SD), frequency and correlation of lipid profile with stroke types on
admission day

Ischemic Hemorrhagic
Mean Mean Chi-Square
Lipid Profile ±
± % ± % Tests
Desirable 42% 10% 1.67
208.93 186.81 X2 = 4.710,
Borderline 22% 2% ±
Cholesterol ± ± DF = 2,
High 38.23 20% 52.34 4% P-Value = 0.042*
Desirable 208.75 6% 185.31 5% X2 = 9.407, 2.38
Triglycerides Borderline ± 33% ± 7% DF = 2, ±
High 38.15 45% 52.42 4% P-Value = 0.009** 0.678
Desirable 18% 9% 2.61
167.82 154.56 X2 = 10.696,
Borderline 56% 5% ±
LDL ± ± DF = 2,
High 16.30 10% 24.14 2% P-Value = 0.005**
Desirable 2% 2% 1.85
41.46 46.88 X2 = 8.803,
Borderline 22% 9% ±
HDL ± ± DF = 2,
High 7.30 60% 11.00 5% P-Value = 0.012*
LDL: low density lipoprotein.
HDL: high density lipoprotein.

In ischemic stroke patients, the mean value for blood TC, TG, and LDL was found
to be high, whereas the mean value for serum HDL was found to be lower (Table 1
& Figure 1), and the difference was statistically significant.

Table 2
The incidence of Lipid Profile in related to the stroke severity assessed by (NIHSS)
at time of admission

Minor Moderate Moderate / Severe
Lipid Profile &
stroke stroke severe stroke stroke
Desirable 2.0% 38.0% 10.0% 7.0% X2 = 19.674,
Choleste Borderline 0.0% 11.0% 0.0% 8.0% DF = 6,
rol P-Value =
High 0.0% 7.0% 7.0% 10.0% 0.003**
Desirable 1.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0% X2 = 20.042,
Triglycer Borderline 1.0% 27.0% 5.0% 7.0% DF = 6,
ides P-Value =
High 0.0% 19.0% 12.0% 18.0% 0.003**
Desirable 1.0% 23.0% 3.0% 0.0% X2 = 35.433,
Borderline 1.0% 33.0% 12.0% 15.0% DF = 6,
P-Value =
High 0.0% 0.0% 2.0% 10.0% 0.000**
Desirable 1.0% 3.0% 0.0% 0.0% X2 = 14.882,
HDL Borderline 0.0% 20.0% 5.0% 6.0% DF = 6,
High 1.0% 33.0% 12.0% 19.0% P-Value = 0.021*
Note: x2: chi-square; DF: degree of freedom; %: percentage.
LDL: low density lipoprotein.
HDL: high density lipoprotein.
(*) Represent significant change (p<0.05).
(**) Represent highly significant change (p<0.01).

The connection between levels of different lipids and stroke seriousness at

confirmation as evaluated by (NIHSS). The table showed an exceptionally critical
relationship between the seriousness of stroke and lipids esteems that deliberate
at season of affirmation (P-value<0.05).

Table 3
Relationship between lipid profile with functional outcomes in acute stroke
patient assessed by (mRS) after 3 months

Good Poor Chi-Square & P-

Lipid Profile
Outcomes Outcomes Value
Desirable 42.0% 15.0%
X2 = 14.230,
Cholesterol 10.0% 9.0% DF = 2,
P-Value = 0.001**
High 7.0% 17.0%
Desirable 10.0% 1.0%
X2 = 11.910,
Triglyceride Borderlin
28.0% 12.0% DF = 2,
s e
P-Value = 0.003**
High 21.0% 28.0%
LDL Desirable 23.0% 4.0% X2 = 24.921,

Borderlin DF = 2,
36.0% 25.0%
e P-Value = 0.000**
High 0.0% 12.0%
Desirable 4.0% 0.0%
X2 = 3.883,
HDL 20.0% 11.0% DF = 2,
P-Value = 0.142
High 35.0% 30.0%
Note: x2: chi-square; DF: degree of freedom; %: percentage.
LDL: low density lipoprotein.
HDL: high density lipoprotein.
(*) Represent significant change (p<0.05).
(**) Represent highly significant change (p<0.01).

Many blood lipid markers, including TC, TG, LDL, and HDL, have been utilized to
determine the risk of stroke outcomes after 90 days using (mRS). With the
exception of HDL (P-value>0.05), all of the measures indicated a highly significant
(P-value0.05) connection with stroke outcome.


208,93 208,75
186,81 185,31



Cholestrol Triglseride LDL HDL

Ischemic Hemorrhagic

Figure 1. Mean and Standard Deviation of lipid profiles in different types of stroke


191,32 174,09

Cholestrol Triglycerid LDL HDL

Good outcomes Poor outcomes

Figure 2. Mean and Standard Deviation of lipid profiles with functional outcomes
after 3 months follow-up by using mRS


A few exploration examining the connection between atherosclerosis, coronary

course sickness, fringe vascular infection, and serum lipids have found that
dyslipidemia is a critical gamble factor for cardiovascular diseases, as well as its
connect to the occurrence of unexpected stroke (Kostis, 2007). Dyslipidemia is a
gamble factor for stroke since it thickens atherosclerotic plaque and the CIMT
(Demarin et al., 2010; Vigili de Kreutzenberg et al., 2009). The researcher aims to
link various lipid profile markers such as TG, TC, LDL, and HDL to the risk of
stroke, severity, and outcome/prognosis of cerebrovascular illnesses in this
study. The mean levels of serum triglyceride, cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein,
and high-density lipoprotein were found to differ between people who had an
ischemic stroke and those who had a hemorrhagic stroke in this study. The
current study's statistical analysis revealed that patients with ischemic stroke
had higher mean levels of triglyceride, cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein
than those with haemorrhagic stroke (208.93 vs. 186.81), (208.75 vs. 185.31),
and (167.82 vs. 154.56), respectively. In ischemic stroke patients, the mean level
of serum HDL was found to be lower (41.46 vs. 46.88) than in hemorrhagic stroke
patients. As demonstrated in Table 1, they all had a significant relationship with
stroke and its subtypes (P-value0.05) (Table 1, & Figure 1).

These discoveries matched those of an Indian review, which observed that the
extent of patients with ischemic stroke who had lipid anomalies was considerably
higher than that of patients with haemorrhagic stroke who had lipid irregularities
(Sreedhar et al., 2010). Furthermore, several similar studies from Iran show that
dyslipidemia is associated with stroke subtypes and is the leading risk factor for
stroke, as well as being utilized clinically as a stroke predictor (Assarzadegan et
al., 2015; Sadeghi et al., 2017; Sarrafzadegan et al., 2012). The lipid markers TC,

TC, LDL, and HDL have all been linked to stroke outcomes (Ayaskanta Kar &
Malati Murmu, 2018).

The causal association between serum cholesterol and stroke is shaky at best.
High total serum cholesterol levels were linked to fewer severe strokes and
decreased post-stroke mortality in the Copenhagen stroke research (Olsen et al.,
2008). High total cholesterol levels were linked to improved functional outcomes
in another investigation (Pan et al., 2010). The current study, on the other hand,
found a link between dyslipidemia and stroke severity (NIHSS) at admission and
stroke outcome (mRS) after 90 days. As shown in (p = 0.025, p = 0.005), the
higher the levels, the more serious the stroke and the worse the prognosis. These
findings were backed up by (Sohail et al., 2013), who found that high triglycerides
and LDL were linked to high admission mRS scores, indicating serious strokes.
Low HDL levels have been linked to more severe strokes and poorer outcomes in
the general population. Increased levels of non-fasting triglycerides were linked to
an increased risk of ischemic stroke in a Danish study (Varbo et al., 2011).
Endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, and the formation of a prothrombotic
condition are all linked to hypertriglyceridemia, which increases the risk of
ischemic stroke (Antonios et al., 2008).


Early detection of dyslipidemia and its control can decrease the severity of first
ever stroke and can improve stroke outcomes.


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