The Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery A Review
The Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery A Review
The Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Battery A Review
The lithium-thionyl chloride nonaqueous cell system is a recent devel-
opment. Low atomic weight and high electrode potential make lithium unique
as an anode in energy devices. Preparation of the anode, cathode, and the
electrolyte is reviewed. The construction of the cell, its performance charac-
teristics, uses, etc., are also surveyed.
than that of water, and often their boiling points are higher. Hence, batteries
with solvents other than water will have low-temperature operational capa-
bilities. However, these advantages are offset by the inability of the non-
aqueous solvents to conduct ions in a manner similar to water even when
salts are dissolved in them. The dielectric constants of the nonaqueous sol-
vents am, typically, much lower than water, and the conductivity of non-
aqueous solutions is much less than aqueous solutions.
Despite the reactivity of lithium and water, lithium batteries have been
constructed to operate in aqueous solutions [3]. However, for long term use,
nonaqueous batteries are much preferred and this review will be restricted to
that field of endeavour.
Thionyl chloride has been used as both a solvent and as an oxidant
(depolariser) in the lithium-thionyl chloride battery. Compatibility studies
with lithium metal reveal that the solvent, when pure, does not undergo any
change and is reasonably inert. Some of the properties of thionyl chloride
are compared with other inorganic solvents such as sulfuryl chloride and
phosphorus oxychloride in Table 1.
Physical properties of inorganic solvents
Properties Solvents
Discharge characteristics of C [ 281 and D [ ‘7] size cells
100 mA 1A 3A 100mA 1A 3A
Explosion hazard
and avoid the cause of this phenomenon, two possibilities were explored.
The first approach was to use a vent which opened at very low pressures
and allowed the electrolyte to escape prior to thermal runaway. When the
cells containing electrolyte were shorted, the temperature of the cells initially
increased and consequently the electrolyte began to escape from the cells.
No explosions were noticed. The pressures developed inside the cells were
between 100 and 130 psig (O-7 - O-9 MP).
Comparison of the lithium-thionyl chloride cell with qther (aqueous) primary cells [31,32 ]
However, when the cells with low pressure vents were discharged at low
rates, explosion occurred. It was also noted that the low pressure vents did
not prevent the explosion of the cells on over discharge.
The second approach to alleviate the explosion hazard was to reduce
the rate capability of the cell by reducing the size of the electrode. It was
expected that this method of approach would reduce the heating effect of
the cell when shorted. With the D size cell, evaluation was made with 7 and
11.5 in. long lithium anodes. The cells were fabricated with vents to with-
stand 500 psig (3.4 MP) pressure. It was noted that the cell with the 11.5 in.
lithium anode exploded when short-circuited at room temperature. The cell
with the 7 in. lithium anode did not explode at room temperature. However,
at the storage temperature of 72 “C, the 7 in. lithium electrode cell exploded
when short-circuited. Hence, from these experiments, it was concluded that
cell explosions could not be prevented under all circumstances by decreasing
the rate capabilities.
Cost comparison
Since lithium cells are a new addition to the available energy sources, it
is of interest to know their cost. It is difficult to compare the cost of the
lithium cells with existing alkaline cells because of the differences in cell
manufacture processes. We can, however, compare to some extent the cost
of the active materials for each type of cell. Table 4 [ 341 gives an approximate
comparison between three alkaline cells and lithium cells.
It can be seen from the Table that the cost per ampere hour is less for
the lithium cell than for the alkaline cells, except for the zinc-manganese
dioxide cell. Even though the cost of the materials is less for lithium cells,
the sophistication of the manufacturing technology may result in a higher
cost. Here, one should note the following advantages of the lithium cells
[ 351: (a) more payload may be possible with lithium cells due to their smaller
size and light weight; (b) greater shelf life; (c) good sub-zero temperature
performance; (d) lower maintenance cost associated with battery replace-
ments, especially in remote areas or in applications where replacement of the
cell is a laborious process. Considering the above advantages, we may con-
clude that the cost of the cells may be comparable with other alkaline cells.
Future prospects for lithium batteries are exceedingly bright. Lithium
batteries find applications in military and civilian equipment [31,36,37].
Comparison of the cost of the lithium-thionyl chloride cell with other primary cells component-wise [ 34 ]