Dr. Princy Matlani Appointment Letter

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_- rgr un$ilw ftvdftettdrl, fBonrgt (to't- ) ,,$[{|I:IX . GURU GHASIDAS VISHWAVIDYALAYA, BILASPUR (C.G.

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', (A Cent;al Universrty establrshe,C by the Central Universrtres Act 2009 i

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S. No l.k .{.*.lRec./Ad mnf201e

Bilaspur, Date- i5 - il -\at


Smt. Princy Matlan i

L-10, Vinoba Nag.rr,,
Bilaspur (CG) - 495001

Ref your Appllcation for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering

agal nst Advt. No. 105/Rec/Ad mn/2019 dated 03-06-2019'

pleased to appoint yotr

The Executive Council of the [Jniversity at its meeting held on 15-11-2019 has been

as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the Guru Ghasidas

Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur. (CG) on the terms mentioned below:

1. Grade : Level 10, Rs. 57100-1.82400 (pre-revised 15600-39100+AGP 6000)

2. Salary : As Per rules

3. DA : As Per rules

4. Other allowances, ifany : As per rules

5. Age of superattnuation : As per rules

6. Category : UR

l. your appointment is on probation for one year, which may, if needed, be extended to another year. The

services of the appointee may be terminated if found unsatisfactory during the

probation period' The

declsion of the University in thls regard shall be final'

g. you will be assigrred universlty duties over and above your own and other official activities as and wherr

needed by the competent authority.

9. The terms of tlre appointment and service conditions etc. are subject to the University Act, Statutes,

Ordinances, Rules and Regulations applicable from time to tlme'

10. lf it is found, at any point of time that the material facts has/have been hidden about the conduct or
prior notice
eligibility to the post, your servlces may be terminated on this ground alone without serving any

L1. The new entrants will be governed under New Pension Scheme of GOI/L,GC'
1,2. The appointment is subject to the verification of testimonials and if the verification reveals that the claim

the candidates is fake/false, the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons
and without prejLrdice to such further actions as may be taken as per rules

please bring with you the following in original along with a set of Xerox copies duly

The High school certificate or equivalent in proof of

your date of birth / age
b. certificates and Mark-sheets of educational qualifications'
c, Certificate of medical fitness'
d' Character Certificate from a Gazetted Officer' and
e. Caste Certificate (if applicable)
original certificates from your present employer:
lf you are already in service please bring the following
a. Relieving Order"

b. Last PaY Certificate

c. Ch a ra cte r Ce rtif icate

requested to submit your acceptance and report

for cltity
lf you accept the offer on the terms stated above, you are
within one month from the date of issue of this letter
stay in the stu{i
N ote ln cose staff quorters sre ovsiloble ond atlotted to an appointee, he/she witl be required to

quq rte rs
By order,
' . 'r\ir]''''
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Registrar (Actine)

Bilaspur Date-.!.Gl )""

Endt ru o! h "5?../Re c. I AdmnI 20 1e

Copy to

(C.G.) for information'

t. to Vice-chancellor, Guru Ghasldas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur
Bilaspur (c G ) tot
2. The Dean, School of Studies in Engineering & Technology, Guru Ghasidas Vlshwavidyalaya,
tsilaspur (C c )
3. The Head, Department of computer science & Engineering, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya'
for information & necessary action'
for inforrrlatiori arltj
4. Finance officer/ lnternal Audit Section, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur
necessarY action'
Vishwavidyalaya, Bilas;'rtil
5. All the Deans, all schools of studies/All Heads of the Departments Guru Ghasidas
(CG) for information.
(c'c') for information'
6. Deputy Registrar (Development), Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur
t. Deputy nelistrar (Academic), Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (c'G')forforinformation'
g. (Teaching cell), Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur
Section officer

Assista W,^(r\dr,ii,)

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