Dr. Princy Matlani Appointment Letter
Dr. Princy Matlani Appointment Letter
Dr. Princy Matlani Appointment Letter
1' .:
Ref your Appllcation for the post of Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering
as Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering in the Guru Ghasidas
3. DA : As Per rules
6. Category : UR
l. your appointment is on probation for one year, which may, if needed, be extended to another year. The
9. The terms of tlre appointment and service conditions etc. are subject to the University Act, Statutes,
10. lf it is found, at any point of time that the material facts has/have been hidden about the conduct or
prior notice
eligibility to the post, your servlces may be terminated on this ground alone without serving any
L1. The new entrants will be governed under New Pension Scheme of GOI/L,GC'
1,2. The appointment is subject to the verification of testimonials and if the verification reveals that the claim
the candidates is fake/false, the services will be terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons
and without prejLrdice to such further actions as may be taken as per rules
please bring with you the following in original along with a set of Xerox copies duly
quq rte rs
By order,
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Registrar (Actine)
Copy to
Assista W,^(r\dr,ii,)