(1998) (Wu) (One-Group Interfacial Area Transport in Vertical Bubbly Flow)
(1998) (Wu) (One-Group Interfacial Area Transport in Vertical Bubbly Flow)
(1998) (Wu) (One-Group Interfacial Area Transport in Vertical Bubbly Flow)
PII : SOO17-9310(97)00167-l
Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Box 79, West MiWin,
PA 15122, U.S.A.
Abstract-In the two-fluid model, interfacial concentration is one of the important parameters. The
objective oF this study is to develop an interfacial area equation with the source and sink terms being
properly mf>deled. For bubble coalescence, the random collisions between bubbles due to turbulence, and
the wake entrainment process due to the relative motions of the bubbles, were included. For bubble
breakup, the impact of turbulent eddies is considered. Compared with measured axial distributions of the
interfacial area concentration under various flow conditions, the adjustable parameters in the source/sink
terms were obtained for the simplified one-dimensional transport equation. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
the detailed insight of the mechanisms for coalescence equation (2) caused by particle coalescence and break-
and breakage phenomena. However, due to the depen- age, a general approach treats the bubbles in two
dence on the fluid particle volume, many adjustable groups : the spherical/distorted bubble group and the
parameters and assumptions were imposed that may cap/slug bubble group [13], resulting in two bubble
be beyond justification with the existing experimental number density transport equations that involve the
data. For most two-phase flow studies, where the pri- inner and inter group interactions, as shown in Fig. 1.
mary focus is on the average fluid particle behavior, The mechanisms of these interactions can be sum-
the detailed volume dependent particle number den- marized in five categories : the coalescence due to ran-
sity transport equation would be too tedious and com- dom collisions driven by turbulence, the coalescence
plicated for use in the field equations. Hence, the pre- due to wake entrainment, the breakage due to the
sent study starts from the following integral form of impact of turbulent eddies, the shearing-off of small
the particle number density transport equation : bubbles from cap bubbles, and the breakage of large
cap bubbles due to flow instability on the bubble
t) surface. Some other mechanisms, such as laminar
at + v &n(% t)@, 0)
shearing induced coalescence [14] and the breakage
due to velocity gradient [15], are excluded because
= c &,(% 0 + S”,Ph@,4
(2) they are indirectly caused by the distributions of the
flow parameters and void fraction [ 161, and the direct
where n@, t) is the number density of particles of all mechanisms still follow the above five categories.
sizes, and v~,,,(R,t) is the average local particle velocity In practice, when the void fraction of a two-phase
weighted by the particle number, which is identical to bubbly flow is small, no cap or slug bubbles exist. The
the time-averaged bubble velocity weighted by the gas two-group transport equations are then reduced to
void fraction, Tg,,in the time-averaged two-fluid model one group without the involvement of the interactions
[3], if the statistical sample size is sufficiently large. between the two groups. As the first step of the general
On the right-hand side of equation (2), S,, and &,, approach, the focus of this study is on the first group
represent the total bubble number source or sink rate transport equation for bubbly flow without the occur-
per unit mixture volume. rence of cap or slug bubbles. In Section two, three
To model the integral source and sink terms in models are developed for binary bubble coalescence
One-group interfacial area transport in vertical bubbly flow
and breakage, including the bubble coalescence due 2.1. Random collision induced bubble coalescence
to random collisions driven by turbulence, bubble To model the bubble coalescence rate induced by
coalescence due to wake entrainment, and bubble turbulence in the continuous medium, the bubble ran-
breakage due to the impact of turbulent eddies. With dom collision rate is of primary importance. These
these models, the one-group interfacial area transport collisions are postulated to occur only between the
equation is obtained in Section 3, whereas the adjust- neighbouring bubbles, because long range inter-
able parameters are evaluated in section four with the actions are driven by large eddies that transport
existing experimental data obtained from vertical two- groups of bubbles without leading to significant rela-
phase bubbly flow [17]. The approach in this study tive motion [ 11, 181. Between two neighboring spheri-
provides a preliminary foundation for the latter phase cal bubbles of the same size as shown in Fig. 2, the
investigation of the two-group transport equations, time interval for one collision, At, is defined as
which serve as the general closure relation for inter-
At = E/u,. (4)
facial area concentration for the two-fluid model.
Here, u, is the root-mean-square approaching velocity
of the two bubbles, and t represents the mean trav-
elling distance between the two bubbles for one colli-
sion, which is approximated by :
For dispersed bubbly flow without phase change,
only three mechanisms for bubble coalescence and L-De-dDa(~-6,D)=~(l--b,.l”) (5)
breakage are considered in the following one-group
bubble number density transport equation :
where De denotes the effective diameter of the mixture
a@,t) volume that contains one bubble. Since the bubble
at + v $g.a, t)n(zi, t))
travelling length for one collision varies from De to
(De-D), a factor 6 is introduced in equation (5) to mean distance is very large, no collision should be
feature the average effect, whereas 6, is a collective counted because the range of the relative motion for
parameter in considering the sign of proportionality collisions between the neighboring bubbles is limited
between De and D/c?. For small void fraction, 6, by the eddy size comparable to the bubble size. To
plays a minor role due to the fact that De is much consider this effect, the following modification factor
larger than D. However, it is important if the travelling is suggested for equation (10) :
length is comparable to the mean bubble size. When
void fraction approaches the dense packing limit [l-exp(-C$)j (11)
(c( E c(,,,), the mean travelling length should be zero,
which leads to 6, equal to &y’. Using this asymptotic
where L, is the average size of the eddies that drive
value as the approximation of 6,) the mean travelling
length is reduced to : the neighboring bubbles together, which is assumed
to be on the same order of the mean bubble size,
because smaller eddies do not provide considerable
bulk motion to a bubble, while larger eddies transport
groups of bubbles without significant relative motion.
Accordingly, the collision frequency for two bubbles Thereafter, the final form of the bubble collision rate
moving toward each other is given by : is given by :
r R RC-(&D*)
%,x (c&fx - cc”3) I
-lx)I (12)
( 4n,x
113 II3
Since the bubbles do not always move toward each %ax~
x 1 -exp -C ,,3
other, however, a probability, PC,for a bubble to move [
l/3 .
agrees with that of Coulaloglou and Tavlarides [18]
proposed in 1976 for a liquid-liquid droplet flow (13)
system, analogous to the particle collision model in
an ideal gas. The difference is that the present model where CRCand C are adjustable parameters, depend-
contains an extra term in the bracket, which covers ing on the properties of the fluid. Nevertheless, the
the situation when the mean free path of a bubble is constant coalescence efficiency is only an approxi-
comparable to the mean bubble size. Nevertheless, the mation, and further efforts are needed to model the
model in the present form is still incomplete, since no efficiency mechanistically. The remaining unknowns
matter how far away the neighboring bubble is are the maximum void fraction and the mean bubble
located, the collision would occur as long as there is fluctuating velocity. By definition, @maxis the dense
a finite approaching velocity. In actuality, when the packing limit of void fraction when the coalescence
One-group interfacial area transport in vertical bubbly flow 1107
rate approaches infinity. A rational choice of a,,,,, Here, u,(D) is the terminal velocity of a bubble of
should be approximately 0.8 at the transition point diameter D relative to the liquid motion. By inte-
from slug to annular flow [ 16, 211. The mean bubble grating equation (17) over the effective wake length,
fluctuating velocrty, ut, in equation (13) is pro- the average relative velocity in the wake region is given
portional to the root-mean-square liquid fluctuating by:
velocity difference between two points of length scale
D, and is given by E”~D”~ [ 131. Here, E is the energy
dissipation rate per unit mass of the continuous
medium. In a complete two-fluid model, E comes from
its own constitutive relation such as the two-phase K- = u,(D)F . (18)
E model [22, 231. For one-dimensional analysis,
however, this term can be approximated by a simple
algebraic equation, as suggested in Section 4. The exact form of F(D/L,) is not important since
the effective bubble wake region may not be fully
established. According to Tsuchiya [29], the wake
2.2. Wake-entraiirment induced bubble coalescence
length is roughly 5-7 times the bubble diameter in an
When bubbles enter the wake region of a leading
air-water system, and thus D/Lw as well as F(D/L,)
bubble, they will accelerate and may collide with the
are treated as constants depending on the fluid proper-
preceding one [24-261. For a spherical air bubble with
ties. As long as their values obtained from exper-
attached wake region in the liquid medium, the effec-
tive wake volume, V,, in which the following bubbles imental data fall into the range of D/Lw = 5-7, the
mechanism should be acceptable. Substituting equa-
may collide with the leading one, is defined as the
tion (18) into equation (15) yields the following simple
projected bubble area multiplied by the effective
expression of the bubble collision rate per unit mixture
length, L,. The number of bubbles inside the effective
volume is then given by volume due to the wake-entrainment mechanism :
Assuming that the average time interval for a bubble where C,, is an adjustable constant mainly deter-
in the wake region to catch up with the preceding mined by the ratio of the effective wake length to the
bubble is AT, the collision rate per unit mixture vol- bubble size and the coalescence efficiency. A proper
ume should satisfy : choice for CwE should yield an effective wake length
roughly between 5 and 7 from equations (19) and
R WE &!k
2 ATz
gnD2n2 nv
(18). The bubble terminal velocity, u,, is a function
of the bubble diameter and local time-average void
fraction. Based on the balance between the buoyancy
(15) force and drag force in a two-phase bubbly flow, Ishii
where anu is the average relative velocity between the and Chawla [30] applied a drag-similarity criterion
leading bubble and the bubble in the wake region. If with the mixture-viscosity concept to obtain the fol-
the transient for a bubble to reach its terminal velocity lowing expression for the relative velocity :
is assumed to be much shorter than the collision
process, the average relative velocity, anu, can be ex- (20)
pressed in terms of the relative velocities of the con-
tinuous medium inside and outside the wake region :
c = 24U +O.lR@ and Re, ~ PfQ
D I”rW).
with Vr(z) as the local liquid velocity along the center (21)
line, z as the distance measured from the center of the
leading bubble, and V,,, as the ambient liquid velocity. 2.3. Bubble breakup due to turbulent impact
For spherical bubbles, since the external flow is almost For binary bubble breakup due to the impact of
indistinguishable from that around a solid sphere at turbulent eddies, the driving force comes from the
the same Reynolds number [27], the wake structure inertial force, F,, of the turbulent eddies in the con-
of the leading bubble can be analogous to that around tinuous medium, while the holding force is the surface
a solid sphere. In such a turbulent wake (Re, > 20), tension force, F,. To drive the daughter bubbles apart
which satisfies most of the practical bubbly flow with a characteristic length of D within time interval
regimes, the wake velocity along the center line At, a simple momentum balance approach gives the
roughly satisfies [28] : following relation :
u,(D) prD3D
V,(z)- I’, = (17) PK F,-F,,. (22)
1108 Q. WU et al.
!$+V*(@J =$ $ *(-RRC-RWE+RT,)
In a homogeneous turbulent flow, the probability = &,RC + &WE + &I. (29)
for a bubble to collide with an eddy that has sufficient
With the models developed in Section 2, the net
energy to break the bubble is approximately [18] :
rates of change of interfacial area concentration per
unit mixture volume are given below :
Sa,RC= - j$R"h"~) aiJx
R,, =CTiexp(-%)nz(l-%y2,
S&WE = - $ CWEuraf. (31)
We > We,,. (26)
g -5
5 -10 -totalchange
0 case 1
-random coBion
mm-. wake-edrainmznt
0 20 40 60 80
0 20 40 60 80 Fig. 5. Axial variation of (a,) for case 7.
Fig. 3. Axial variation of (at) for case 1.
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