MODULE 5 - PRS Handling - UTM
MODULE 5 - PRS Handling - UTM
MODULE 5 - PRS Handling - UTM
Gdynia Maritime University
Position Reference System Handling,
Charts projections, UTM
Elllipsoid is defined
by: semimajor,
flattering and centre
WGS 84(World Geodetic System of 1984): Earth Centered; Earth Fixed Nominal GPS
Geodetic Datums
Geodetic Datums
Ellipsoid, Geoid
and Earth surface
Mercator and Transverse Mercator projection
• preserves right angles between meridians and pararells; • preserves right angles between meridians and pararells but
meridians and parrarels are curves
• preserves shape but changes areas;
• chart scale is fixed only along lines parrarel to tangent
• chart scale is fixed only along pararells; meridian;
• distortion increases with lattitude; • distortion increases with distance from central meridian;
• not designed to chart high lattitudes; • no problem with charting high lattitudes;
• Rumb Line is a straight line; • Rumb Line is not a straight line;
• Great Circle is a curve – closest distance on chart is • Great Circle is a curve – closest distance on chart is
not the closest distance in reality not the closest distance in reality
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Projection definition:
PRS Pooling:
• standard deviation (SD) is calculated for every reference system;
• the blended position is calculated as weighted average of all system where,
the weight of components depends on the system’s Standard Deviation;
RefSys View and PRS Weighting
System Eastings Std. Dev Weight
GPS 1 20.5 m 2.0 m 0.33
GPS 2 21.0 m 2.0 m 0.33
HPR 15.0 m 4.0 m 0.16
Art 18.0 m 4.0 m 0.16
Weighted Sum
(blended Eastings) = 18. 98 m
Raw Positions and Filtered Position
For each position-reference system, the capital letter with
no circle around it represents the last raw position
measurement for this system.
In simplified explanation, the filtered position is the average of last ten raw postion measurements.
When a new fix appears, its value is added to previous 9 and filtered position is updated.
In weighting procedure, the filtered positions are taken to obtain the blended position.
For each position-reference system, the outer circle (dashed) represents the standard
deviation for this system. Size of the circle changes with every new measurement.
The popular interpretation of SD circle is:
the circle which containes 68% of measuremnts observed in selected period of time.
RefSys View – Useful Data
These are numerical values for the calibrated position (for each
reference system) as used by the DP system.
Transponder Coordinates
These are numerical values for the origin of the particular
reference system, for example the position of an HPR or LBL
transponder or an Artemis Fix antenna.
If the PRS acting as Reference Origin has coordinates different than
(0,0), that’s mean: initial calibration was inaccurate or origin
recalibration was made (recalibration problem exists). In K-pos DP the
fix origin can be implemented.
Raw Position
These are numerical values of raw (uncompensated and
untransformed) position measurements (for each reference
system) as received by the DP system.
• VARIANCE TEST monitors the measurement variance and compares the variance value
with a calculated limit.
• PREDICTION TEST detects sudden jumps or large systematic deviations in the measured
position. The limit for the prediction test is a function of the estimated position in the
Vessel Model and the actual measurement accuracy.
• MEDIAN TEST detects position measurements that differ from the median position value
with more than a predefined limit. The test is mainly designed to detect slowly drifting
position-reference systems.
If the results of the prediction, median and variance tests suggest that the position measurements from a
reference system are not accurate, then that system’s measurements are not used.
Position Reference Systems
If a position-reference system has an internal error causing the same measurements to be continuously
sent to the Vessel Model, the system could, if no precautions were taken, mistake the data for good
and stable measurements.
By configuration, the freeze test is disabled for some position-reference systems (usually
GPS/Artemis) due to the resolution in the data from these position-reference systems.
Position Reference Systems
The DP system calculates a variance for each of the position-reference systems in use.
Variance = Sum of squared errors/Number of measurements
The variance test detects if the variance in the measured values exceeds the set limits.
Prediction Test
(if failed)
generate Warning:
Reference Prediction
The purpose of the test is to give an early indication of systematic errors before the
position-reference system is rejected by the prediction test.
This is a slow drift test - detects when measurements from one position-reference
system differ from the other(s). The limit is taken as 70 % of the prediction error
limit.Test generates warning only (no rejection):
Reference high offset
Examine which position-reference system is drifting. Recalibrate or disable the system with high offset.
• relative position references should be used at installations that are not fixed in position, the use
of relative and absolute position reference systems can cause conflicts;
• problems may occure when two position system are used; in that case pooling procedure
can create the umbiguity: drifting system may drag over the good one;
• by using three systems the implementation of vouting logic is possible, which can make
the PRS pooling process more reliable;
• with three PRSs the DPO has to be aware about common-mode failure problem i.e when 2 of 3
systems exerience the common failure, they can win over the third (good) one;
• wherever possible, if multiple position references are in use, they should be independent of each
other and should be based on different principles;
Position Reference Systems - Operational Considerations
IMCA M 103 „Guidelines for The Design and Operation of DP Vessels”
„For diving work at least three references should be on line and at least two should be of a
different type. Two DGPSs using different correction stations may be usable but could still be
subject to common failure in the satellite section of the system. Re-plumbing a taut wire, when it is
one of the three position references, does not constitute a violation of the above requirements, if
such action is completed as quickly as is safe and practicable and the station keeping was stable
when the taut wire was deselected prior to re-plumbing.”
„When connected or installing the BOP at least three position references should be
continuously on line. These position references should be configured to minimise the possibility of
common mode failure. For shallow water (<500m) the expectation is for acoustics, DGPS and a
taut wire. In deepwater where only acoustics and DGPS can provide the accuracy and update rate
needed, two independent acoustic and DGPS inputs can be shown to be adequate”
3 P.R.S.
c) HPR
CLUMP WEIGHT - The only good P.R.S
vessel excursion