Combinepdf 7
Combinepdf 7
Combinepdf 7
* We talked about
trisomy rescue in
mosaicism too
UPD vs deletion patterns:
Angelman Syndrome Prader-Willi Syndrome
• Caused by maternal • Caused by paternal
deletion on 15q deletion on 15q
• But also caused by paternal • But also caused by
uniparental disomy (no maternal uniparental
maternal copies of genes disomy (no paternal copies
available) of genes available)
Which UPD is likely more rare??
Maternal Paternal Paternal Maternal
deletion: UPD: deletion: UPD:
♀ ♂ ♂ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♀
Another example of an imprinting disorder
The opposite
1 in 13,700 births
phenomenon can cause
But 1 in 4000 ART
Russell-Silver Syndrome
(but don’t worry about it)
Some nice reviews if interested: (youtube My BWS Baby)
Rett Syndrome
• With a prevalence of 1 in 8,500 girls, Rett syndrome is one of the
most frequent heritable causes of intellectual disability in
• Supportive clinical findings include breathing disturbances,
impairment of sleeping pattern, and progressive scoliosis.
• Rett syndrome is an X-linked disorder caused by mutations
in the MECP2 gene on chromosome Xq28.
• The normal gene product, MeCP2 (methyl-CpG-binding protein
2), binds to methylated DNA in the human genome and
functions as a master regulator of gene transcription*.
• Thus, when MeCP2 function is lost, the transcription of
thousands of genes is altered.
*Note – yes, this still involves
The Barker Hypothesis- The Developmental
Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD):
Low birth weight babies were assessed for disease later in
life and Barker et al found that there was an increased
susceptibility to CVD and metabolic syndrome
Usually accompanied by
inflammatory and immune changes
Developmental Reprogramming- An
organism can respond to the surrounding
environment during cell differentiation, which
changes the phenotype and gene expression
without modifying the genetic code.
Critical Windows of Exposure in the Development of
While many epigenetic changes can be reversed, a subset are permanent and can
affect cell metabolism, survival, proliferation, and activity
Disease CAG HTT Exon ≤26 40+
Spinocerebellar Differing
Autosomal Exon (can Differing*
ataxias CAG SCAX * (20s-
Dominant differ) (but low)
(various) 40s)
Myotonic Autosomal 50 to
CTG DMPK 3’ UTR 5-34
dystrophy Dominant 1000s
Friedreich Autosomal 66 to
GAA FXN Intron 5-33
ataxia Recessive 1000s
*There are 30+ spinocerebellar ataxias so we are generalizing what is most common
In SCA6, for example, the threshold for disease is as low as 20 repeats
Fragile X Diagnosis
• Although certain physical and behavioral
features are often associated with fragile
X syndrome, they are not always
DMPK gene
dystrophia myotonica protein kinase
Common Traits of Multifactorial
1. The disease can occur in isolation, with affected children born to
unaffected parents.
• Although familial aggregation is also common (i.e., there may be
multiple cases in the same family), there is no clear Mendelian
pattern of inheritance.
2. Environmental influences can increase or decrease the risk of
the disease.
3. The disease occurs more frequently in one gender than in the
other, but it is not a sex-limited trait.
Pyloric stenosis 5 to 1
Hirschprung disease 3 to 1
Congenital dislocation of hip 1 to 6
Talipes (club foot) 2 to 1
Rheumatoid arthritis 1 to 3
Peptic ulcer 2 to 1
5x more
common in
boys than girls
All these suggest that the family has a higher risk of the disorder –
genes of higher effect or more adverse environmental influences
*a person serving as the starting point for the genetic study of a family
(used especially in medicine and psychiatry).
Multifactorial Inheritance
The Liability/Threshold Model
• One theory, a disease develops
and is expressed only after a
certain critical liability
threshold is reached.
• The further the liability
threshold is surpassed, the
more severe the disease
phenotype is.
• In contrast, an individual who
does not reach the liability
threshold will never develop the
• Therefore, an individual either
has the disease or does not, and
• the disease shows discontinuous
Multifactorial Inheritance
The Liability/Threshold Model
• The risk of recurrence for first-degree
relatives (i.e. siblings and offspring)
approximates to the square root of
the general population incidence.
• If two loci are not linked then θ equals 0.5 as, on average, genes at
unlinked loci will segregate together during 50% of all meioses.
• If θ equals 0.05, this means that on average the alleles will
segregate together 19 times out of 20,
• i.e. a cross-over will occur between them during, on average, only
1 in 20 meioses.
• The unit of measurement for genetic linkage is known as
a map unit or centimorgan (cM).
• If two loci are 1 cM apart, a cross-over occurs between
them during, on average, only 1 in every 100
meioses, i.e. θ = 0.01 .
• Centimorgans are a measure of the genetic or linkage
distance between two loci.
• This is not the same as physical distance, which is
measured in base pairs but often 1cM is about 1
million base pairs.
• However, the relationship between linkage map units and
physical length is not linear.
• Some chromosome regions appear to be particularly
prone to recombination, so-called ‘hot spots’.
• Recombination is much less frequent near centromeres
and telomeres
Linkage Analysis
• Involves study of the disease in large families
with polymorphic markers from each
• A morphological defect
caused by an
intrinsically abnormal
• A morphological
defect caused by an
organization of
cells into tissues.
▪ embryonic period
(weeks 3 to 8 of
▪ organogenesis.
• E.g., some forms of
dwarfism and congenital
ectodermal dysplasia.
Bowel atresia – normal formation not able to happen as blood flow is disrupted
Human birth defects - Deformation
This hemolysis results directly in varying degrees of anemia (causing pallor and
fatigue), hyperbilirubinemia (causing jaundice)
The few patients who are born alive usually die within a few
days. Hb-Bart –
This disorder is characterized by the formation of Hb-Bart, 0% functionality
a hemoglobin that is exclusively made up of β-globins M F
(ββ/ββ). HBA1 X X
Metabolic Disorders - PKU
• Phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a genetic deficiency
of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), which
catalyzes the conversion of phenylalanine (Phe) to
• This leads to a massive increase of Phe in the body and
progressive brain damage.
Medical Genetics Block IV Outline Summer 2023
Dr. Stephanie E King
Please feel free to alter and highlight as needed – this is for you to help you be successful 😊
⮚ Angelman syndrome is
⮚ Dynamic Mutations – most dynamic mutation diseases are caused by the expansion of
trinucleotide repeats
▪ Threshold length – below a certain threshold number of repeats, the repeat
sequence is stable. If the number of thresholds bypasses this threshold and is passed
down to future generation, this cases disease
● Premutation status – this is a status of subclinical disease. A person may be
phenotypically normal but be very likely to pass down an expanded gene to their
children, causing disease in the offspring
▪ Anticipation - Additionally, this instability causes the repeats to be expanded even
further, getting progressively worse with each generation
● This also means that with each generation there will be an earlier age of onset
and the disease will also become more severe
● Additionally, this can also cause an increase in disease penetrance with many
diseases like Huntington’s having 100% penetrance
▪ Trinucleotide repeat expansion
● Expansion of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) also called microsatellites
♦ These are repeat units of 1-6 nucleotides that are abundant throughout the
human genome that normally don’t cause any issues
♦ Depending on the location of the unstable, expanding repeat sequence, the
amplification can affect the expression of one or more genes
⮚ This could cause a production of an altered protein
▪ This would occur if the expansion was within the coding sequence
● Huntington’s Disease
● Some spinocerebellar ataxias
⮚ An accumulation of expanded pre-mRNA or mature mRNA molecules
⮚ During DNA replication, the single strands can cause hairpin loops,
especially for trinucleotide repeats with cytosine and guanines (CGG,
CAG, etc). Cytosine and guanine are prone to want to bind together and
their bonds are strong (triple hydrogen bond)
▪ This causes misrepair and expansion when DNA polymerase tries to
repair its “mistakes” and synthesizes more and more trinucleotide
repeats into the sequence
▪ This gets progressively worse because the longer the repeat
sequence, the more hairpins can occur during DNA replication!!!
♦ Sex-specific expansion – repeat expansion differs depending on if it occurs
during oogenesis or spermatogenesis in certain disorders
⮚ In Huntington Disease, repeat expansion usually occurs during
⮚ In Fragile X, repeat expansion occurs through oogenesis
▪ These disorders do not follow a clear inheritance pattern and instead are caused by
the interplay between several genes (polygenic disease) and exogenous
(environmental) factors
▪ Common traits of Multifactorial Diseases
● These diseases can occur in isolation, with affected children born to unaffected
parents – no clear Mendelian pattern of inheritance
● Environmental influences can increase or decrease the risk of disease
● This disease occurs more frequently in one gender than the other, but it’s not
♦ First-degree relatives of individuals belonging to the more rarely affected
gender have a higher risk of having the disease
● The disease occurs more frequently in a specific ethnic group, but it is not
limited to any specific ethnicity
▪ Polygenic factors
● Multifactorial diseases have a large number of genetic factors, each making only
a small contribution to the final phenotype
● Inheritance is controlled by many genes with cumulative/additive effects in
addition to the environment
♦ No one gene is dominant or recessive to the other – they just add onto the
● Genetic threshold
♦ Several human characteristics are polygenic and show a normal distribution,
evenly distributed about the mean
♦ One theory is that disease develops and is expressed only after a specific
critical liability threshold is reached.
⮚ The further this threshold is surpassed, the more severe the disease
phenotype becomes
⮚ However, if an individual does not reach this liability threshold, they do
not develop the disease
⮚ The threshold of genetic predisposition often differs between males and
females causing a disease disparity
♦ Risk of recurrence mathematical model:
The risk of recurrence for first-degree relatives approximates to the square root of the general
population incidence:
𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 = 𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑝𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
⮚ Genetic linkage
⮚ Short repeats of 2-6 base long sequences. Often have many types of
alleles in the population, each allele having a different number of repeats
♦ Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
⮚ Genes that are inherited together are called linked or parental (because
they’re inherited in the exact same combination as the parent’s
⮚ Genes that are not linked are called recombinant
⮚ Effectively, figure out which alleles in genes of interest are most likely to
be linked based on inheritance patterns
♦ Determine if linkage exists between the two alleles
● Ex: If θ = 0.05, this means that on average, the alleles will
segregate together 19 times out of 10
♦ 95% of the time, these genes are inherited together
⮚ Divided into:
⮚ If someone moves from a low T1D risk country to a country that has high
risk for T1D, their risk of developing T1D becomes high too. This implies
strong environmental risk
♦ Risk factors from case-control studies:
⮚ Hormones, stress
▪ Strict Definitions
● Malformation – a morphological defect caused by an intrinsically abnormal
(present from the beginning or early stages) developmental process
♦ Timepoint can be from the beginning of conception through early
embryogenesis and the beginning of organogenesis
♦ Can be genetic and/or environmental, ex: environmental if there is a
nutritional deficiency
♦ Diseases can include things like polydactyly and neural tube defects like spina
● Dysplasia – a morphological defect caused by an abnormal organization of cells
into tissues
♦ Timepoint for the birth defect is from early embryonic period through
organogenesis which may continue through pubertal development
⮚ Mind you, dysplasia is not always a birth defect. Dysplasia is often seen in
early stages of cancer – for example, the abnormal growth of cervical cells
that cause a positive pap smear
♦ Ex: Achondroplasia where chondrocytes are not being produced at adequate
levels, preventing bone elongation
● Disruption – A morphological defect caused by the breakdown or interference of
a normal developmental process
♦ Can occur at any time during gestation
♦ Strictly environmental
⮚ 5-25% of infants born with the VACTERL association die within the first
⮚ However, most malformations can be successfully treated surgically which
helps overall prognosis
⮚ Neurodevelopment/cognition does not appear to be affected
⮚ Sometimes this disease can coincide with situs inversus which is called
Karteneger’s syndrome
● Determination of anterior/posterior axis – involves a great number of regulatory
proteins called homeodomain proteins or homeobox (HOX) genes.
♦ Mutations in these proteins can range wildly in phenotype from very mild
disease to something severe enough where it is not compatible with life
⮚ Some experiments looking at gene function of these HOX genes caused
the body plan to completely change, causing fruit flies to sprout legs out
of their head instead of antennae
⮚ More mild forms can cause synpolydactyly or even something as simple
as hypodontia (congenitally missing teeth)
● Cleft Lip and Palate is a multifactorial genetic disorder associated with several
different mutations
♦ Mutations can include SHH which affects L/R axis but actually sometimes this
can be a homeobox-related gene like MSX and DLX as well. It depends on
what causes the palatine bones or palatine process not to adequately fuse
(It’s complicated and differs from one individual to the next).
▪ Connective tissue disorders
● Achondroplastic Dwarfism (achondroplasia) – a skeletal dysplasia with abnormal
growth patterning
♦ Autosomal dominant genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the FGFR3
gene (fibroblast growth factor 3)
♦ FGF is not able to stimulate growth of chondrocytes in the bones which
prevents normal bone elongation.
● Osteogenesis imperfecta – a group of disorders that prevent the hardening of
bones due to defective procollagen proteins
♦ There is a mix of autosomal dominant and other forms of inheritance (type
I-IV are autosomal dominant) and it is caused by a defect in the COL1A1 and
COL1A2 genes which code for type I procollagen
♦ Bones are weak, lacking adequate levels of compact bones which make them
very susceptible to breaking
● Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS) – stretchy skin; hyperflexible joints
♦ Autosomal dominant disorder associated with mutations in COL5A1 and
COL5A2 (among others) which code for Type V procollagen
⮚ There are multiple types of EDS which may have other genetic mutations
and patterns
♦ Can be heritable in 50% of cases, but 50% are also de novo mutations
● Marfan syndrome – Causes tall, thin individuals susceptible to cardiovascular
♦ Autosomal dominant disorder caused by a mutation in the FBN1 gene which
codes for fibrillin-1, a protein essential for the structure of microfibrils
♦ Alters the formation of elastic fibers
♦ An error of enteric neuron migration causes areas where there are very little
or no ENS ganglia
⮚ This causes a lack of peristalsis and stools cannot exit, causing a bowel
obstruction and ultimately megacolon. If this is left untreated, this can
quickly lead to death from bowel perforation and sepsis
♦ Usually autosomal dominant disease, however environmental causes are
indicated as well. About 12% of Hirschsprung disease cases are individuals
with Down syndrome or other chromosomal disorders
● Esophageal Atresia – causes a disconnection in the esophagus or may incorrectly
connect with the trachea (tracheoesophageal fistula)
♦ Usually associated with other birth defects (part of the VACTERAL
● Duodenal atresia – caused by a lack of connection in between the duodenum
and jejunum.
♦ Induces epigastric fullness. Most dangerous aspect is immediate dehydration
because water cannot enter the small intestine to be absorbed.
♦ Between 20-30% of all cases are from Down syndrome
▪ Hereditary Spherocytosis
● Causes spherical blood cells called spherocytes
♦ These are very fragile and get broken down by the spleen
⮚ α-globin is encoded by HBA1 and HBA2 and as a result, there are four
copies of the gene available
▪ These genes show genetic linkage and are inherited as a pair
⮚ Seen more in SE Asian and Middle Eastern populations
⮚ Depending on how many copies of these four genes are missing, this can
cause different levels of disease
▪ If 1 copy is missing, this is thalassemia minima, an asymptomatic
carrier condition
▪ If 2 copies are missing, this is thalassemia minor, causing minor levels
of anemia which usually don’t cause symptoms, but are detected on a
blood test
▪ If 3 copies are missing, this causes thalassemia major (HbH disease)
which causes severe anemia among other issues
▪ If all 4 copies are missing, this is causes hydrops fetalis, a condition
not compatible with life
● The reason is because α-globin is used as a part of fetal
hemoglobin (HbF). If there is no α-globin, the fetus will not survive
as a result.
♦ β-Thalassemia – caused by a mutation in β-globin
▪ Cystic Fibrosis
● Most frequent autosomal recessive heritable disorder in North America and
♦ Highest incidence level is in Ireland
● Caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene which codes for a chloride channel
necessary for proper functioning of exocrine glands
♦ Most frequent mutation is Delta-F508/p.F508del which is a deletion of
phenylalanine at amino acid position 508
♦ In this instance, it causes malfunction/misfolding of the protein which is
subsequently labeled for destruction before it reaches the cell membrane
● Causes insufficient hydration of exocrine secretions due to a lack of ion transport.
♦ In the lungs, this cases mucus to be incredibly thick, preventing it from being
moved by cilia. This strongly predisposes people with CF to respiratory
♦ In the pancreas, this blocks the pancreatic ducts, causing pancreatic
insufficiency, preventing both digestion and proper insulin availability
▪ Asthma
● Most frequent chronic childhood disorder in North America (and likely several
other areas in the world as well)
● Causes airway constriction (bronchospasm) triggered by exercise, airway
irritants, and/or allergies
● Associated with other atopic disorders like allergic rhinitis/sinusitis and atopic
dermatitis (eczema)
♦ All are caused by excessive production of IgE
● There is a strong hereditary component with about 50% twin concordance rate
♦ However, it is heavily linked to environmental pollutants like wildfire smoke
and industrial emissions in both origin and severity
▪ Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) – causes persistent blockage of
airflow from the lungs
● Risk factors are largely environmental from tobacco use, second hand smoke
exposure, air pollution, and chronic infections
● However there can be genetic causes as well
● α1-antitrypsin deficiency – is one genetic cause of COPD
♦ Caused by a mutation in the SERPINA1 gene (codes for α1-antitrypsin),
which has a protective effect from the inflammatory neutrophil elastase in
healthy individuals
⮚ Neutrophil elastase is meant to destroy bacteria but can be
inappropriately released if irritants cause an inflammatory response.
⮚ If there’s no α1-antitrypsin, the elastase can harm normal cells in both
the lungs and liver
♦ This is inherited in an autosomal codominant pattern.
▪ Phenylketonuria (PKU)
● Caused by a genetic mutation in the PAH gene which codes for phenylalanine
● Causes a toxic accumulation of phenylalanine in the boxy which leads to brain
♦ Brain damage is progressive where each week that PKU is left untreated in
the first year of life, there is 1 IQ point lost
♦ If PKU is treated by diet restriction immediately, individuals can be
completely asymptomatic with no cognitive defects
♦ Can also cause a deficit of downstream metabolites like tyrosine, which can
affect dopamine synthesis in addition to other neurotransmitters/hormones
● Incidence levels are highest in Ireland and Turkey