Domesticated Plant and Classification Scheme PT 3 and 4
Domesticated Plant and Classification Scheme PT 3 and 4
Domesticated Plant and Classification Scheme PT 3 and 4
Performance Task 3 : Make a diagram (e.g., pictogram, poster) showing the evolution of a domesticated crop.
Performance Task 4: Differentiate the 3-Domain Scheme from the 5-Kingdom Scheme of
Criteria Excellent (8) Good (6) Fair (4) Poor (2)
Accuracy of Provides accurate and Provides mostly Contains some Contains significant
Criteria Excellent (8) Good (6) Fair (4) Poor (2)
inaccuracies or unclear
precise descriptions of accurate descriptions of descriptions of key inaccuracies or lacks
key features and key features and features and clarity in describing key
characteristics of both characteristics, with characteristics, resulting features and
classification schemes, minor inaccuracies or in confusion or characteristics, making
clearly distinguishing omissions in ambiguity in it difficult to distinguish
between domains and distinguishing between distinguishing between between domains and
Differentiation kingdoms. domains and kingdoms. domains and kingdoms. kingdoms.
Communicates ideas
clearly and effectively, Communicates ideas Communicates ideas
using appropriate mostly clearly and Communicates ideas unclearly and
terminology and well- effectively, with some with limited clarity and ineffectively, with
organized presentation, use of appropriate effectiveness, with inappropriate
enhancing terminology and unclear terminology and terminology and
understanding through organization, but may organization, requiring disorganized
Clarity of a tabular format or lack consistency or additional effort to presentation, hindering
Presentation other visual aids. clarity in presentation. understand. understanding.