Domesticated Plant and Classification Scheme PT 3 and 4

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Performance Task 3 : Make a diagram (e.g., pictogram, poster) showing the evolution of a domesticated crop.


Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

The diagram accurately
depicts the evolutionary
stages of the
domesticated crop, The diagram mostly The diagram contains The diagram
including the wild accurately represents some inaccuracies or inaccurately represents
ancestor, domestication the evolutionary stages inconsistencies in the evolutionary stages
process, and modern of the domesticated representing the of the domesticated
varieties. Each stage is crop, but may contain evolutionary stages of crop, lacking clarity
clearly labeled and minor inaccuracies or the domesticated crop, and coherence in
Accuracy of supported by relevant omissions in labeling or making it somewhat depicting the process
Representation information. information. difficult to understand. of domestication.
The diagram is well-
organized and easy to
understand, with clear The diagram is mostly The diagram is The diagram is unclear
labeling, appropriate use clear and organized, but somewhat cluttered or and poorly organized,
of visuals, and logical may lack some clarity in disorganized, making it with confusing
progression of labeling or visual moderately challenging labeling and visuals
information from the representation, requiring to follow the that hinder
Clarity and wild ancestor to modern additional effort to progression of understanding of the
Organization varieties. understand. domestication stages. evolutionary process.
The diagram
demonstrates creativity The diagram has The diagram lacks
and engagement through The diagram shows limited creativity and creativity and
innovative design some creativity and engagement, with engagement, with
elements, compelling engagement through conventional design uninspired design
visuals, and attention- effective design choices elements and visuals choices and visuals
grabbing presentation and visuals, but may that do not that fail to captivate
techniques that enhance lack consistency or significantly enhance the audience or convey
Creativity and understanding and originality in understanding or the evolutionary
Engagement engagement. presentation. engagement. process effectively.
The diagram provides
relevant and informative
details about each stage The diagram includes
of the domestication mostly relevant The diagram contains
process, including key information about each some relevant
milestones, selection stage of the information about the The diagram includes
pressures, and genetic domestication process, domestication process, limited or irrelevant
changes. Information is but may contain some but may lack information about the
concise, accurate, and extraneous details or coherence or depth in domestication process,
enhances understanding lack depth in explaining explaining key hindering
Relevance of of the evolutionary genetic changes or milestones or genetic understanding of the
Information journey. selection pressures. changes. evolutionary journey.

Performance Task 4: Differentiate the 3-Domain Scheme from the 5-Kingdom Scheme of

Criteria Excellent (8) Good (6) Fair (4) Poor (2)

Accuracy of Provides accurate and Provides mostly Contains some Contains significant
Criteria Excellent (8) Good (6) Fair (4) Poor (2)

inaccuracies or unclear
precise descriptions of accurate descriptions of descriptions of key inaccuracies or lacks
key features and key features and features and clarity in describing key
characteristics of both characteristics, with characteristics, resulting features and
classification schemes, minor inaccuracies or in confusion or characteristics, making
clearly distinguishing omissions in ambiguity in it difficult to distinguish
between domains and distinguishing between distinguishing between between domains and
Differentiation kingdoms. domains and kingdoms. domains and kingdoms. kingdoms.

Offers comprehensive Provides superficial or

explanations of the Provides adequate Offers limited insufficient
rationale behind each explanations of the explanations of the explanations of the
classification scheme, rationale behind each rationale behind each rationale behind each
with detailed examples classification scheme, classification scheme, classification scheme,
of organisms and with some examples of with few examples of lacking examples of
insights into their organisms and insights organisms and insights organisms and insights
Depth of evolutionary into their evolutionary into their evolutionary into their evolutionary
Explanation significance. significance. significance. significance.

Communicates ideas
clearly and effectively, Communicates ideas Communicates ideas
using appropriate mostly clearly and Communicates ideas unclearly and
terminology and well- effectively, with some with limited clarity and ineffectively, with
organized presentation, use of appropriate effectiveness, with inappropriate
enhancing terminology and unclear terminology and terminology and
understanding through organization, but may organization, requiring disorganized
Clarity of a tabular format or lack consistency or additional effort to presentation, hindering
Presentation other visual aids. clarity in presentation. understand. understanding.

Offers insightful critical

analysis of the strengths Provides some critical Offers minimal critical Lacks critical analysis
and limitations of each analysis of the strengths analysis of the strengths of the strengths and
classification scheme, and limitations of each and limitations of each limitations of each
discussing their classification scheme, classification scheme, classification scheme,
relevance and with some discussion of with limited discussion with no discussion of
applicability in their relevance and of their relevance and their relevance and
contemporary applicability in applicability in applicability in
biological research and contemporary biological contemporary biological contemporary biological
Critical Analysis education. research and education. research and education. research and education.

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