Conflict and Negotiations
Conflict and Negotiations
Conflict and Negotiations
Compromise Collaboration
The compromising style is a The collaborating style is high
middle-ground style, in which on both assertiveness and
individuals have some desire to cooperation. This is a strategy to
express their own concerns and use for achieving the best
get their way but still respect the outcome from conflict—both
other person’s goals. The sides argue for their position,
compromiser may say things supporting it with facts and
such as, “Perhaps I ought to rationale while listening
reconsider my initial position” or attentively to the other side. The
“Maybe we can both agree to objective is to find a win–win
give in a little.” In a compromise, solution to the problem in which
each person sacrifices both parties get what they want.
something valuable to them. They’ll challenge points but not
each other. They’ll emphasize task, the outcome may be
problem solving and integration surprising, and it allows for more
of each other’s goals. healthy disagreements along the
How Can You Stimulate
Conflict? Negotiation
2. Arbitration - In contrast to
mediation, in which parties work
with the mediator to arrive at a
solution, in arbitration the parties
submit the dispute to the third-
party arbitrator. It is the
arbitrator who makes the final
decision. The arbitrator is a
neutral third party, but the
decision made by the arbitrator
is final (the decision is called the
“award”). Awards are made in
writing and are binding to the
parties involved in the case