Year 4 C3 L39 Speaking LP

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Subject: English

Year: 4 Dahlia

Date/Day: 21st April 2022

Time: 9.00am - 10.00am (60 Minutes)

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: In the Past

Module: Speaking

Integrated Skill: Speaking

Proficiency level: Low Proficiency

Previous Knowledge: 1. Pupils have learnt about buildings built in the past.
2. Pupils have understood the importance of
remembering history.
Content Standards: 2.1
Communicate simple information intelligibly

Communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning Standards: 2.1.3
Give a longer sequence of basic instructions or directions

Find out about and describe experiences in the past
Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. state three out of five simple past sentences to
describe what happened in the pictures pasted on the
whiteboard correctly.
2. ask one out of two past simple questions to a friend
and give one out of two past simple statements to a
friend about mummy correctly.
Language Content: i. Vocabulary: mummy, die, soak, dry, wrap, preserve

Educational Emphases:  Moral Values: Appreciate your loved ones.

 Thinking Skills: Application, creation
 Multiple Intelligences: Visual spatial, verbal linguistic,
interpersonal, constructivism

Resources/ Picture, speaking guidance

Teaching aids:
Stage/Time Content Teaching-learning Activity Remarks
Set “Do you know i. Teacher asks pupils Preparation Phase
Induction about do they know that (Setting the tone of
(3 minutes) mummy?” mummies exist.. lesson)
Example of ii. Pupils respond to
Questions teacher with a ‘yes’ -To arouse pupils’
i. Have you or ‘no’ answer. interest
seen a -To grab their attention
mummy? iii. Teacher shows the -To introduce the topic
ii. Do you think picture of mummy.
that Teaching aid:
mummies iv. Teacher asks pupils
exist? several questions to
iii. Is it get pupils’
important responses.
your loved v. Teacher relates
ones? pupils’ responses
with the topic for the
Expected day.
i. Yes/No. vi. Teacher introduces
ii. Yes/No the moral value of
iii. Yes. the lesson.
Presentation “Mummy in the i. Teacher explains Imagination Phase
(15 minutes) past” what is mummy. (Exploring, generating,
probing and
Vocabulary: ii. Teacher explains
synthesising ideas)
i. mummy why the ancient
ii. die Egyptians make
mummies. -To generate pupils’
iii. soak
iv. dry thinking skills.
v. wrap iii. Teacher explains
vi. preserve how to make -To help pupils widen
mummies. their vocabulary.
iv. Teacher introduces
new vocabularies. Teaching Aid:

v. Teacher explains
what is simple past.

vi. Teacher asks pupils

to give examples of
simple past

vii. Teacher corrects

pupils and give
Practice “What i. Teacher pastes a Development Phase
(15 minutes) happened in the number or pictures of (Guided practice)
pictures” the sequence to make
a mummy on the -To let the pupils’
practice what they have
ii. Teacher explains what been taught during
happened in the first presentation.
pictures using past
simple sentences. Assessment for
learning objective
iii. Teacher asks pupils to (no.1)
tell her what happened
in second until fifth
pictures. Teaching Aid:
iv. Pupils volunteer to tell
what happened in each

v. Teacher corrects pupils

and give feedback..
Production “Let’s Speak” i. Teacher pastes Action Phase
(25 minutes) speaking guidance on (Independent practice)
the white board.
-To encourage pupils to
ii. Pupils ask two collect more information
questions to the pupil
next to them about -To promote creativity
mummy by referring to among pupils.
the guidance given.
-To incorporate multiple
iii. Pupils answer two intelligences
questions asked by the
pupil next to them Assessment for
about mummy by learning objective
referring to the (no.2)
guidance given.
Teaching Aid:
iv. Pupils take turn to ask - Speaking Guidance
and answer questions
from their friends.

v. Teacher corrects pupils

and give feedback.
i. Teacher recaps the Closure phase
Closure lesson. (Summary and
(2 minutes) reinforcement)
ii. Teacher asks pupils
-To recall and sum up
iii. Pupils answer the the lesson of the day.

iv. Teacher recaps the

moral values
throughout the

Attendee(s): /27


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