Anatomy Guidelines (Faisal Baloch)
Anatomy Guidelines (Faisal Baloch)
Anatomy Guidelines (Faisal Baloch)
Chapter Wise guidelines. Written By Faisal Baloch BSN 3rd Year Medicare College
Anatomical position imp, body planes imp, abominanal regions and qudrants imp
Epithelial tissue, it's types and their structure, shape and in which body constituents they comprises. Very
very imp
Connective tissue.
Cells found in connective tissue
Their types (loose , adipose, reticulur , dense)
Types of cartilage (hyaline, fibro , elastic)
Muscle tissue
Types ( skeletal, smooth, cardiac) very very important
Cavities of body , content and their boundaries (cranial,thoracic, abdominal, pelvic cavity) very very very very
very very important
(Cardiovascular system:)
Anastomosis vs end-artries
Structure of heart/layers.
Cardiac cycle. With sounds. For MCQs only ye physio kaa question hyy
Circle of Willis.
Aorta, usk types, unk branches, very very very important,. Paired and unpaired arteries of abdominal and
thoracic aorta,
Branches of external carotid artery,
Isk disorders imp han,
Tetralogy of fallout, aneurysm, varicose vein Pahly he exams Maii achuky han, myocardial infarction bhi imp
(Musculoskeletal system:)
Bone in skull
Bones in face
Bones of axial skeleton
Bones of appendicular skeleton
Brief description about shoulder , elbow, wrist , hip joints with ligaments present in them .
Ye physiology k specific chapter han Lakn in Maii Anatomy k mcq aty han.
Aor kuch topics han jin Maii seqs ban sakty han
Blood Maii RBCs and it's formation steps, white blood cells, clotting factors,
Endocrine Maii pituitary gland, it's Types, structure, pituitary portal system, Thyroid gland structure and
blood supply, parathyroid gland structure and blood supply and it's relation with Thyroid gland,
(Respiratory system:)
Septal walls of nose and nasal cavity with . Enlist Sinus of nose.
It's structure
Association with other organs
Parts of pharynx
Blood supply ,
Association with other organs
Enlist cartilage present in larynx with their
Blood supply,
Association with other organs
Blood supply, nerve supply
Lungs :
Gross structure
Pleural cavity and pleura
Blood supply, nerve supply
Right bronchus vs left bronchus
Organ association
Blood supply
Structure of alveoli
Internal respiration
External respiration
Ye sab just for mcqs
(Urinary System:)
Structure of ureter and urinary bladder. Their layers with cells type .
Organ associated with male and female urinary bladder. Their blood and nerve supply
(Digestive syetem:)
Name of Organs and accessory organs of alimentary canal : iss Maii app ne organs k name yaad karny han
Basic structure of alimentary canal( from adventitia to before mouth) : iss Maii adventitia k 3 lines han wo
parhen ge, isk ilawa peritoneum ko seq k liay briefly parh len isk layers tak , baqii mcqs k liay read karain
Muscle layer, isko sara read karlen isk muscle kaa name aor peristalsis Maii mcqs askta ha, Mucosa aor
sub mucosa ko bhi sraa read karlen,
Mucosa k layers mcqs yaa seqs Maii askty han. mucous membrane kaa separately short question bhi askta
ha, isk secretions mcqs Maii aty han
Nerve supply ko ziada karny ke zroorat ni, parasympathetic supply Maii vagus nerve supply karta haa ye
mcq askta haa isk ilawa isk end k 2 points parhen
Sympathetic supply Maii bhi btana haa kah plexus supply karta haa aor isk end points karain
Tongue kaa Paragrah mcqs k liay, usk blood supply and nerve supply seqs k liay karlen
Teeth usko read karna haa mcq askta ha and structure of a tooth usk 3 parts name, blood supply nerve
karny han
Salivary glands aor usk 3 types important Han and it's structure blood supplies,
composition poora karain imp haa, secretion bhi dkeh len,
Phyranx complete,
Esophagus structure of esophagus, blood supply ye karna ha ziada imp ni haa just concept le len read
Small intestine, 3 parts, and structure of small intestine important ha, yaha pe ek term hy mesentary wo
boht important ha, isk baad mucosa ko read karnaa haa uss Maii mcqs seqs aty han specially villi micro villi
goblet cells achy se parhen
Large intestine, it's four parts very important , structure ko just read karlen apko idea honaa Chaiay isk
structure Maii kiaa ha, blood supply Maii artery and veins name
Billiary tract,
bile duct,
gall bladder,
structure blood supply,
First page ko just mcqs and concept build karny k liay read karlen,. Yaha pe jo choty choty lines k definitions
han inhe read karlen mcq askty han.
Axon and structure of Axon, dendrites inka apko pata honaa Chaiay.
Action potential synapse neurotransmitter leave karain ye physiology haa mcq may be ajain seqs ni aynge,
Neuroglia ko achy se parhen usk definition parts k names and har part k functions wese ye physiology kaa
question haa but Anatomy maii laazmi ataa hota haa
Cerebrum iss mai mcq ata hota haa ye poora Paragrah read karain
Baqii jo parts of brain han, ink just structures thora read karain and mcq k liay ink function physiology Maii
aty han,
Medula Oblongata Maii mcq ataa haa kah respiratory center aor cardiovascular center ha
What is spinal cord, it's white and Grey matter very important question
Cranial nerves very important, aor ye bhi dekhen kah ye sensory han Yaa motor,
(Lymphatics guidelines:)
Functions of lymphatic system ye skip karden chor de ye physiology kaa question haa just mcq k liay read
Lymph capillaries large lymph vessels ye seqs k liay ziada important ni mcqs k liay read karlen
Write down lymhaptic circulation pathway, iske Maii apko flowchart send kardon gaa
(Skin guidelines:)
Jo structure Maii first paragraph haa iss Maii mcqs aty han,
Isk ilawa 5 strata layers of epidermis (ye bhi book Maii ni miai apko bhejta hon)
Agay sara mcqs k liay very important ye patahragh iss Maii mcqs annual Maii har sal aty han
Usk baad what is dermis name cells in dermis ye uss Maii Likhy hoay han
Sensory receptors in skin wala table very important hamary time annual Anatomy and physiology dono Maii
mcq aya thaa
Sweet glands Maii ecrine sweet glands and apocrine sweet glands kaa difference imp ha
(Reproductive system:)
Structure, cells , glands , parts blood supply, nerve supply, venous drainage ye is Chaptrr k imp contents
Topics maii neechy batata hon
Organs of eternal genitalia (labia majora , labia minora, clitoris, vestibule perineum ) and internal genitalia
Structure ,shape , cells type , blood supply, imp , layers , venous drainage, parts of following structures:
Uterine tubes
Reproductive cycle physiology question hyy just read karain, skip naa karain
(Special Senses:)
Middle ear structure, it's walls , content of middle ear ( Auditory ossicles imp topic) very important
Especially walls and content
In oper btay gye 3no parts Maii mcqs aty han aor Middle ear k walls and contents Maii seqs bhi askta ha
Body planes,
Body cavities unk contents and boundaries
Abdominal quadrants
Abdominal regions
Physiological chemistry
Only mcq read karlen
Mitosis meiosis
Nervous system
Cell body
Cerebral tracts
Pain pathway
Special senses
Lacrimal apparatus
Parts of ear
Respiratory system
Urinary system
Structure of kidney
Associated organs
Circle of Willis
Branches of aorta, Branches of arch of aorta, Branches of ascending and descending aorta
Digestive system
Reproductive system
7:26 pm.
Best wishes for your paper students.Keep remembering me in your prayers. JazakAllah.