Advanced Proficiency - : Caribbean Examinations
Advanced Proficiency - : Caribbean Examinations
Advanced Proficiency - : Caribbean Examinations
2 hours
This examination paper consists of THREE sections: Modulel, Module 2 and Module 3.
3. Unless otherwise stated in the question, any numerical answer that is not
exact MUST be written correct to three significant figures.
Examination Materials
Sec'tion A (Module 1)
l. (a) (D Complete the table below for the firnction | ,(;) l, wheren-r'l = x (2 - x).
x -1 0 1 2 t 4
l.n'r I
8 0 8
[ 2 marks]
(b) Find the value(s) of the rcaI number, ft, for which the equation ft(r2 + 5) = 6 + l?: - *
has equal roots- [ 6 marks]
(c) (i) fi 2&, = 16('- find.r. [ 4 rnarks]
(iD Without using calculators or tables, evaluate
2. (a) Prove, by Mathematical Induction, that l0'- I is divisible by 9 for all positive
integers z. [ 9 marks]
where p e R.
(i) Find the value ofp for which the syslem has an infinite number of solutions.
[ 3 marks]
(c) Find the set of reol values of .r for w ncn fi > S. [ 5 marks]
Total 20 mrrks
Section B (Module 2)
(e) The centre of Q is the midpoint of its diameter AB. Find the coordinates of B.
[ 4 marks]
Total 20 marks
0213,|O20/CAPE 2005
- a !€,ctor, OABC, of a circle with centre at O and a radius of 7 cm, where angle AOC
measures ! radians.
a right circular cone with vertex O and a circular base ofradius rcm which is formed when
the sector OABC is folded so that OA coincides with OC.
a) ,=T [ 3 marksl
[ 2 marks]
o) (D Show that cos 3 0= 4 cos3 0- 3 cos d. [ 5 marks]
(ii) The position vectors of two points A and B relative to the origin O are
Total 20 marks
Section C (Module 3)
sln L
5- (a) (i) State the ualue of ,!o [ 1 mark ]
sin 3-r
(ii) By means of the substitutio n u = 3x, show thatrhg
t 4 marksl
sin 3.r
(iiD Hence, evaluate I 4 marksl
sin 5-x
(b) Ify = x + Bx, where A and B are constants' show
x'. dzy
";". +
[ 4 marks]
(c) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, shows part of the curve )2 = 4'r' P is the point
on the curve at which the line y = 2-r cuts the curve'
Y =2x
Total 20 marks
(l+7)5+sin3.r. [ 6 marks]
(b) Determine the values of r for which the function y = x3 -9* + l5x+ 4
o2I340/mrcAPE20Ds I