Vibration Detection Using Optical Fiber Sensors
Vibration Detection Using Optical Fiber Sensors
Vibration Detection Using Optical Fiber Sensors
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Review Article
Vibration Detection Using Optical Fiber Sensors
Copyright © 2010 Yoany Rodrı́guez Garcı́a et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Condition monitoring of heavy electromechanical equipment is commonly accomplished in the industry using vibration analysis.
Several techniques, mainly based on capacitive and piezoelectric accelerometers, have been applied for predictive maintenance.
However, the negative influence of the electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be a real problem when electrical signals are used
to detect and transmit physical parameters in noisy environments such as electric power generator plants with high levels of EMI.
Optical fiber sensors are increasingly used because of the nonelectrical nature of signals. In this paper, the most frequently used
vibration optical fiber sensors will be reviewed, classifying them by the sensing techniques and measurement principles. The main
techniques, intensity modulation, fiber bragg gratings and Fabry-Pérot Interferometry, will be reviewed here.
As a general rule, in the intensity-based sensor structure configuration and reflective surfaces outside of the mea-
the light intensity from the source is modulated by the trans- sure system often impact the final measurement accuracy.
ducing device; then it is guided to the detector, translated to Fortunately, referencing for source-intensity fluctuations is
electronic signals, and adequately processed [9] as shown in relatively easy to implement
Figure 3. Recently, Perrone and Vallan [12] presented a high-
In many cases, it is necessary to have a referencing mech- resolution and cheap optical sensor (using plastic optical
anism in order to maintain the sensor calibrated. Without fibers) to measure vibrations of up to several tens of
this referencing mechanism, optical power fluctuations due KHz by using an intensity-detection scheme followed by
to the source, couplers, connectors, or any other optical a nondemanding data processing to compensate for the
components in the system can introduce significant relative vibrating surface reflectivity and measurement chain gains.
errors. In some cases, digital communication techniques In this sensor, one fiber is used to transmit the light whereas
such as code division multiple access (CDMA) or spread the other fiber collects the light rejected by the target
spectrum techniques (SSTs) can reduce noise impact [6, 10– whose vibrations s(t) have to be measured. The received
15]. signal is processing after the photo detector conversion.
The experimental setup used by Perrone et al. is shown in
Figure 8.
2.1. Microbend Structure. The microbend sensor was one of Those intensity-based sensors are usually low cost and
the earliest Intensity-based sensors to be developed [16–18]. versatile structures. Even the particular in reflective exper-
The detection principle is based on the change of transmitted imental setups of those sensors allows them to be used in
power as a function of pressure/stress. Basically, in this noncontact applications.
structure, the light intensity decreases by the losses caused
by the induced microcurvatures (see Figure 4).
The deformation causes a coupling of the optical power 3. Fabry-Pérot Interferometers
from the core-guided modes to higher order radiation Fabry-Pérot interferometers are optical structures that utilize
modes; these modes are attenuated by the surrounding multiple-beam interference in a cavity between two semi-
medium. reflective surfaces.
Both multimode and single-mode fibers have been used In the last three decades, a lot of applications of this struc-
for the constructions of these sensors [19]. While multimode ture have been developed, supported by an extraordinary
microbend sensors show the maximum sensitivity when the explosion of optical communication and the use of optical
bending frequency is equal to the difference in propagation fiber as transmission guide and measurement material. The
constants for the propagating and radiation modes [20], in evolution of this optical structure as vibration sensor can be
single-mode optical fiber microbend sensors, the maximum seen in Figure 9.
sensitivity is achieved when the spatial bend frequency equals The basic structure of the Fabry-Pérot optical sensors
the difference between the propagation constants of the is based in two plane and parallel surfaces with partial
fundamental mode and a discrete cladding mode [21]. reflectivity so that multiple rays of light are responsible for
An example of this technique has been reported by creation of the observed interference patterns.
Pandey and Yadav in [22]. They used a microbending sensor In order to obtain an in-fiber Fabry Pérot sensor (IFFPI)
placed into a construction panel to detect pressure and partial mirror-surfaces have to be created inside the fiber, as
deformation. The calibration of this sensor was made in shown Figure 10. This sensor can be built by using chemical
laboratory conditions, therefore the output optical power processes or by fusion currents.
was directly related with the pressure applied to the sensor, The general theory behind the other interferometers still
see Figure 5. applies to the Fabry-Pérot model; however, these multi-
ple reflections reinforce the areas where constructive and
destructive effects occur making the resulting fringes much
2.2. Noncontact Displacement Intensity-Based Sensor. Non- more clearly defined [31–34].
contact dynamic displacement sensors are commonly used The reflectance ratio of reflected irradiance Ir to incident
for vibration detection. A reflective scheme is used to detect irradiance Ii is periodic with the round-trip phase ϕ,
vibrations where one fiber is used as an emitter source and difference between beams, as shown in
one or more fibers are used as collectors (Figure 6). The
reflection from the surrounding surfaces near the target can
be minimized using data treatment techniques [10, 12]. Ir F sin2 ϕ/2
= , (1)
An example of this configuration is shown in Figure 7. Ii 1 + F sin2 ϕ/2
Binu et al. [23] developed a simple, rugged, and low-cost
noncontact IBS using two PMMA cemented fibers. The main where the surface reflectivity R of the cavity surfaces
advantage of this configuration is the low cost of fabrication determines the cavity finesse F.
of the sensor and transducer. The finesse is defined as
However, although intensity-based fiber optic sensors are
easy to build, a significant error can be introduced due to 4R
F= . (2)
changes in the light source power. Losses due to physical (1 − R)2
Journal of Sensors 3
Laser Sample Photodyne
Figure 2: Evolution of vibration intensity-based sensor, (source photometer/
Microscopic radiometer
database: Scopus). objective 88 × LA
Number of publications
Reflective surface
Emitter fiber
Receiver fiber
Object in movement
Figure 6: Configuration for dynamic displacement intensity-based
sensor. (year)
Capillary tube
Incident light
Reflected signal Optical fiber Optical fiber
GRIN lens R1 R2
Light through
one optical fiber d
Iin Reflective mirror
Iout surface
reflections in
air cavity
Laser diode
Index Movement of
matching gel Ray optics inside reflector
GRIN lens
3 dB fused single-mode
Optical fiber coupler Piezo
signal Partial mirror osc.
detector y x (Al2 O3 coating)
Cathode ray
Intensity Programmable
Figure 12: Schematic of a reflective EFPI sensor connected with one fiber and measurement system. (reproduced from [24] with permission
of IEEE).
Compliant PZT-1
cylinder PZT-2
Single drive
Hole core fiber
125 μm
12 μm core 12 μm core
50 μm
Figure 15: Setup of IFFPI with uncoated fibre ends as an Single mode Single mode
accelerometer [26]. fiber fiber
Laser source
Photodetector Fiber-optic
Plezoelectric ILFE
SMF coupler 2 × 1
ILFE mounting
Oscilloscope Stator
Router Load
3 phase
IGBT bridge
Motion control
DSP card
Figure 18: Schematic diagram of the transducer calibration system using in-line etalon fiber, (ILFE) (reproduced from [27] with permission
of IEEE).
Vibration FBG sensors evolution embed into composite materials [50] or concrete [51], or
their dense wavelength multiplexing capability that makes
700 possible multipoint sensing in complicated civil structures
such as bridges or highways [52, 53]. Also, this structure can
Number of publications
be used to simultaneous measurement of several parameters
such as temperature or humidity [54–60] and vibrations
400 using wavelength multiplexing techniques.
Spectrum analyser
index profile
ΛB Photodetector
A1 A2 An
Permission of Elsevier).
λ λ λB λ
The wavelength spacing between the first minima (nulls),
Figure 20: Schematic structure of a fiber bragg grating. The or the bandwidth (Δλ), is given by
periodic variation of the core’s refractive index causes the selective
reflection of certain wavelengths, related with the FBG period. 2δn0 η
Δλ = λB , (4)
Wavelength P2
Figure 23: Strain and vibration measurement using an FBG sensor [28].
Y joint
Broadband source
VT − kVR
VT + kVR
Normalized intensity
Filter Filter
0.6 reflectance transmittance
Electronic unit
Optical filter 0
1545 1546.5 1548 1549.5 1551 1552.5 1554 1555.5
Reflection Wavelength (nm)
Figure 24: Experimental setup for dynamic strain with a single FBG [29].
the reflected light, since it takes some time and slows down to reveal the voltage directly proportional to the FBG strain.
the interrogation rate. This electronic sensing stage makes possible high-speed
The most used optical setups for high-speed interro- interrogation rates. Other setups have been reported other
gation are based in splitting two or more different wave- than approaches where the wavelength selective device is
length components of the reflected light from the FBG, replaced by an unbalanced Mach-Zender interferometer.
combined with conventional intensity-based optoelectronic One of its arms is phase-modulated via a ber-stretching
detectors. This passive differential light intensity measure- piezoelectric device with detector feedback for phase drift
ment arrangement can reach interrogation speeds as high as compensation.
50 kHz [28]. As it has been already exposed, when a FBG A similar approach was reported by Cusano and cowork-
undergoes strain, the fiber bragg wavelength experiments ers in [29]. The reflected light from an FBG sensor is
a variation. A possible experimental setup for measuring selectively divided by an optical filter tuned with the bragg
this strain is a standard reflection setup shown in Figure 23, wavelength of the FBG, as it is shown in Figure 24. The
using broadband light source [28, 65]. The reflected bragg reflected signal from the FGB sensor is then divided in two
signal returned via a 3 dB coupler is transmitted towards a components by the optical filter, and consequently when the
wavelength-dependent coupler. Since the reflectivity of the Bragg peak is displaced due to the strain the two measured
FBG is being spectrally altered by the strain, therefore the components vary their relation with respect to the other.
signals coming from the wavelength dependent coupler will This passive arrangement of the demodulation system,
vary in intensity as the FBG is stretched. To measure those allows a full electronic interrogation; therefore, dynamic
signals, it is possible to use of simple electronic processing strain (vibrations) can be measured at high frequencies (up
10 Journal of Sensors
The authors thank Dr. José Raúl Vento from the Pinar del
Rı́o University for his support and the Spanish Agency for
International Development Cooperation (AECID) for the
Hammer opportunity that it offers to scientific exchange between
Spanish researchers and those from other countries.
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