Using Benefits
Using Benefits
Using Benefits
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Using Benefits
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Using Benefits
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Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources
Using Benefits
1 Overview 1
Overview of Using Benefits .......................................................................................................................................................... 1
5 Enroll in Benefits 63
Overview of the Benefits Work Area ....................................................................................................................................... 63
How You Enroll in Benefits ........................................................................................................................................................ 63
Examples of Entering Contact Start Date for Benefits Designation Purposes ............................................................... 65
Considerations for Using the Change Beneficiaries Page .................................................................................................. 66
How You Can Update Beneficiary Designations ................................................................................................................... 67
Enable Participants to Update Beneficiary Designations Anytime ................................................................................... 67
FAQs for Self Service Elections ................................................................................................................................................. 68
8 Billing 113
Overview of Billing in Benefits ................................................................................................................................................. 113
Guidelines to Use Benefits Billing Processes ........................................................................................................................ 114
Apply Credits to Participants .................................................................................................................................................... 115
Refund Excess Credits to Participants .................................................................................................................................... 115
FAQs for Billing ............................................................................................................................................................................ 116
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Using Benefits
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Using Benefits Overview
1 Overview
• Eligibility
• Life events
• Plans and programs
• Rates and coverages
• Flex credits
You can also configure display of information in the self service enrollment guided process, and export and import plan
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 1
Using Benefits Overview
View reports based on enrollments and other transactions, including:
The Creating and Editing Analytics and Reports guide explains how you can edit or create reports for your own
Elect Benefits
Participants can:
Related Topics
• Overview of Benefits Service Center
• Overview of Benefits Open Enrollment
• Overview of Benefits Reports and Analytics
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
• Enter and update benefits selections, individual eligibility exceptions, and overrides for participants
• View enrollments, update coverage and dependents, and designate beneficiaries as a participant's personal and
employment data changes
• Record the history of communications and notable transactions for retrieval with a participant's records
Related Topics
For example, you can quickly get to know how many people have life events that need manual intervention, and how
many people have pending actions. You can get to the details from the activity counts, or even jump to a specific
person's benefits summary to do person-related benefits tasks.
To get to the My Dashboard page, on the Home page, click Benefits Administration, and then click Enrollment.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
For example, if your company doesn't deal with court orders, you can choose to hide that count. You can even change
the sequence in which the counts appear.
If you have the required access permissions, you configure the My Dashboard page from the Setup and Maintenance
work area, using the Manage Common Lookups task. Open the ORA_BEN_RESP_SUMMARY look up type.
Each activity count that you see on the My Dashboard page appears as a lookup code. Here's what you can configure:
Display or hide an activity and its count Select or deselect the Enabled check box. For example, if your organization doesn't use the billing
feature, you might want to deselect the Enabled check box for the People with unpaid bills row.
If you deselect the Enabled check box for all the counts, the entire section won't appear on My
Dashboard. Only the search box appears.
Determine the top 4 activity counts The first 4 activity counts, starting with the display sequence number 1, are the counts that appear on
the My Dashboard page. Other activity counts appear, but only when you click the Show more link.
Change the display sequence of activity Enter a new sequence number in the Display Sequence field for the lookup code. Adjust the sequence
counts numbers in the rest of the lookup codes as required.
Note: The People with closed life events count doesn't appear by default. You can, however, choose to display it. You
might see a decrease in performance because of the typically large counts associated with this activity.
If you want your users to use only the Search and not the counts, you can hide the dashboard section completely by
using the functionality in the HCM Experience Design Studio.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Related Topics
This limits the number of rows used for the calculation of activity counts.
The maximum value used for limiting the row counts is 50000. Here’s how the row limits are calculated:
Related Topics
• Apply Row Limit on Benefits Dashboard Counts
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
9. Click Save. When you create and enable the MAX_ROW_LIMIT lookup code, you see a plus sign (+) next to the
person count if the row count exceeds the maximum limit you set.
Related Topics
• Row Limit on Benefits Dashboard Counts
Here are the details of the areas on the Benefits Summary page:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
2 Effective Dates and Benefits Relationship The information in the Benefits Summary page
appears on the basis of the effective date and
the benefits relationship that you select.
5 Evaluated Life Events section When the application processes a life event and
starts an enrollment window, the details appear
in this section. If the effective date you have
set is within the enrollment window, the Enroll
button appears. You can then make elections.
Depending on your configuration, you can use
the Actions menu to add an open enrollment
6 Potential Life Events section If life events were detected for the participant,
they appear here. To add a life event, click
Add. The Actions menu contains tasks to
process the life events. If you have configured
collapsing logic, click Determine Winning
Events. To process the life events and start an
enrollment window, you click Evaluate Life
7 Court Orders section This section lists existing court orders that were
defined for the participant. You can add or edit
court orders.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Related Topics
Status Description
Detected The life event, such as marriage event, was triggered for the person and participation evaluation
processing hasn't yet evaluated it.
Unprocessed You created the life event manually on this tab. The next time participation evaluation processing runs,
it changes the status to Detected.
Voided You select this status to indicate that the potential event should not be processed further.
Manual This status prevents participation evaluation processing from processing a detected event. Use it to
indicate that manual intervention is required. Set this status either manually or configure it to be set
• Manually select this status when you manually create an event for a person.
• Configure the Timeliness Evaluation setting of a particular life event to set the status to Manual
when a detected event falls outside the defined timeliness period.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Status Description
Processed Participation evaluation processing evaluated this life event and one of the following conditions is true:
• The life event provided electable choices and enrollment opportunities, the participant enrolled,
and the life event was closed.
• The life event didn't provide enrollment opportunities because the participant doesn't meet
eligibility requirements.
Started Participation evaluation processing evaluated this life event and determined that the participant
currently has electable choices available for enrollment.
Backed Out The Back Out Life Events process ran for this life event in batch or individually for this person. Backing
out a life event rescinds any updates to worker records that resulted from the life event. You can back
out only life events in the Started or Processed status.
Voided When you run the Back Out Life Events process, you specify whether to delete or void the event.
Setting Description
Default Benefits Relationship The default benefits relationship assigned automatically to all new hires and workers with one
Enable Multiple Assignment Processing If disabled, then all workers have the default benefits relationship.
If enabled, you must configure whether and how to assign benefits relationships to additional
assignments by default.
Use the Configure Default Benefits Relationships task in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
A worker might have assignments that are associated with different benefits relationships.
Processing: Life events, electable choices or enrollment options, and benefits eligibility are evaluated based on the
assignment in this benefits relationship.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Processing: This table shows the basis for benefits evaluation and processing for each data type:
Electable choices or enrollment options One set of data for each legal entity.
Eligibility Use eligibility to provide benefits from the appropriate legal entity. Eligibility criteria are defined at the
legal entity level or globally.
Processing: This table shows the basis for benefits evaluation and processing for each data type:
Electable choices or enrollment options One set of data for each life event
Eligibility Attributes defined at global person level are used for both life events. Assignment-level attributes are
used in the respective life events.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Processing: This table shows the basis for benefits evaluation and processing for each data type:
Life events Separate life events created for Architect and Consultant assignments
Electable choices or enrollment options One set of data for each life event
Eligibility Attributes defined at global person level are used for both life events. Assignment-level attributes are
used in the respective life events.
Processing: This table shows the basis for benefits evaluation and processing for each data type:
Life events Separate life events are created for the assignments in benefits relationships A and B
Electable choices or enrollment options One set of data for each life event
Eligibility Attributes defined at the global person level and assignment level are used for life events
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Processing: This table shows the basis for benefits evaluation and processing for each data type:
Life events Separate life events created for the assignments in each benefits relationship
Electable choices or enrollment options One set of data for each life event
Eligibility Attributes defined at global person level are used for all life events. Assignment-level attributes are
used in the respective life events.
Related Topics
• Guidelines to Configure Default Benefits Relationships
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Scenario Action
For a specific worker Click Refresh on the Benefits Relationship tab of the Manage Benefits Relationship page in the
Benefits Service Center page.
Ensure that the default benefits relationship configuration for the worker's legal entity or country
For multiple workers Use the Assign and Update Benefits Relationship process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area.
Related Topics
• How You Get the Latest Benefits Relationship Information for a Worker
• The Assign and Update Benefits Relationships Process
The process assigns and updates worker benefits relationships on the basis of the configuration that exists in the
Configure Default Benefits Relationships page.
Create default benefits relationship Select to create the default configuration for the worker's legal entity in the Configure Default Benefits
assignment configuration Relationships page, if no setup exists. You might want to do this when you rehire a worker or transfer a
worker to a different legal entity.
The process creates default configurations for both usages: normal and unrestricted life event
Assign benefits relationship for life event Select to assign the worker a benefits relationship for life event processing based on worker
processing information and the default benefits relationship configuration.
Assign benefits relationship for Select to assign the worker a benefits relationship for unrestricted benefits processing based on worker
unrestricted processing information and the default benefits relationship configuration.
Benefits Relationship to Delete Select whether you want to delete the life event type of benefits relationship or the unrestricted type of
benefits relationship.
Mode of Deletion Select whether you want to delete the relationship or end date it.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
End Date If you have selected End Date as the mode of deletion, you can set the date on which you want to end
the benefits relationship.
You manage the worker's benefits relationship details using the Manage Benefits Relationship task in the Benefits
Service Center page.
Related Topics
• Benefits Process Parameters
Scenario Processing
These workers don't have benefits • Assigns the benefits relationships based on the configuration
relationships assigned.
• Updates the worker assignments associated with the benefits relationship
Also, you haven't included default benefits
relationship assignment configurations
that apply to those worker's countries and
legal entities.
When the primary assignment for a worker The process updates the benefits relationship worker assignment information.
When a worker is terminated The process ends the current benefits relationship
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
All scenarios in this topic assume that you select the following parameters before you submit the process:
Related Topics
• The Assign and Update Benefits Relationships Process
Condition Processing
Benefits relationships don't exist for the Creates worker benefits relationships for life event processing or unrestricted life event processing. The
worker refresh processing creates benefits relationships only if the corresponding values exist for the worker's
legal entity or country on the Configure Default Benefits Relationship page.
Worker is terminated or transferred to End dates the assignment record associated with the benefits relationship as of the termination date
another legal entity
Worker's primary assignment has changed Associates the new assignment with the benefits relationship
or is incorrect
Related Topics
• Guidelines to Configure Default Benefits Relationships
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Setting Description
Suspend Enrollment When enabled, notifies participant of pending action item during enrollment and causes suspension of
enrollment until the item is completed.
Determination Rule Determines when the item is required, such as always or only for initial enrollment.
Due Date Determines when the item starts appearing on audit and error reports generated by enrollment
Interim coverage setup also affects enrollment processing, as described in the next section. You define interim coverage
for a plan or option on the Plan Enrollment page using the Benefit Plan Details task in the Plan Configuration work area.
Note: Incomplete or past-due action items for one benefits relationship don't stop processing of events for another
benefits relationship for the same worker.
Reporting of pending action items and certificates occurs as part of enrollment processing. Benefits administrators can
use these reports to follow up as required.
Process Reporting
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Process Reporting
Participation evaluation The error report contains any incomplete action items that you configured to suspend enrollment for a
The following scenarios illustrate subsequent life events processing for a participant with an open action item.
1. On January 1, 2015, you process the Add a Child life event with an occurred date of January 1, 2015, and make
corresponding elections.
2. An action item, configured for suspension, is generated with a due date of January 30, 2015. The participation
evaluation process suspends the enrollment and applies the configured interim coverage.
3. You process the Relocation event on January 15, 2015.
• The Relocation event can't process until you resolve the suspension for the Add a Child event.
• The action item associated with the Add a Child event appears on the audit report after action item processing.
• The participant's name appears on the error report after participation evaluation processing.
• Contact the participant and attempt to resolve the action item. After you mark the action item as complete,
enrollment for the Add a Child event completes and you can process the Relocation event.
1. On January 1, 2015, you process the Add a Child event with an occurred date of January 1, 2015, and make
corresponding elections.
2. An outstanding action item for beneficiary designation, configured for suspension, is generated with a due date
of January 30, 2015. The participation evaluation process suspends the enrollment for the beneficiary designee.
3. You process the Relocation event on January 15, 2015.
• The participation process evaluates the Relocation event for enrollment opportunities even though an
outstanding action item exists. This is because the action item exists only for the beneficiary designation, not
for the entire offering.
• You can process future life events for the participant.
1. On January 1, 2015, you process the Add a Child event with an occurred date of January 1, 2015, and make
corresponding elections.
2. An action item, configured for suspension, is generated with a due date of January 30, 2015. The participation
evaluation process suspends the enrollment, but no interim coverage exists.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
1. On January 10, 2015, you process the Add a Child event with an occurred date of January 10, 2015 and make
corresponding elections.
2. An action item, configured for suspension, is generated with a due date of January 30, 2015. The participation
evaluation process suspends the enrollment and applies the configured interim coverage.
3. On January 15, 2015, you process the Relocation event with an occurred date of January 1, 2015.
Result: Life event processing backs out the Add a Child event, along with any pending action items. It processes the
Relocation event, unless the timeliness setup for the life event prevents life events from backing out in this situation.
1. On March 1, 2015, you process the Marriage life event and make corresponding elections.
2. An action item, configured for suspension, is generated with a due date of March 30, 2015. The participation
evaluation process suspends the enrollment and applies the configured interim coverage.
3. You process the Termination event on March 20, 2015.
Result: The participation process evaluates the Termination event even though there is a pending action item from the
Marriage life event.
Related Topics
• Options to Configure Certifications and Other Action Items
• Overview of Benefits Certifications and Other Action Items
• Guidelines to Configure Enrollment Suspensions
To run this process, in the Evaluation and Reporting work area, click the Processes tab. Then, expand the Election
Processes section, and click Manage Action Items.
When a person record with a past due action item is detected, the process lists that person record in the log file. If
suspensions are in place, they will remain, and that person record appears on the audit log. A benefits administrator
can then follow up with the employee to resolve the action item. If there is a suspended action item, no future life event
processing can occur for that person, until that action item is resolved.
The Manage Action Items process also tracks, in a log file, any past-due action items that have suspensions set up. It
also records information on any enrollment that was suspended as a result of past-due action items.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Condition Processing
No suspensions are set up for the enrolled The process closes the action items.
benefits objects.
Suspensions are set up. The process records the person information in the audit log.
Action item doesn't have a due date set up.
Suspensions are set up. The process records the person information in the audit log.
Action item due date is set up.
Suspensions are set up. The process records the person information in the audit log.
The action item's due date is set up.
Incomplete action items have caused only The beneficiary records continue to remain in a suspended state. The process records the beneficiary
the beneficiary records to be suspended. information in the audit log.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Each benefits relationship is handled separately and doesn't impact each other. The past-due action items are restricted
only to the applicable benefits relationship.
Condition Processing
No suspensions are set up for any of the The process closes the life event.
enrolled benefits objects.
Suspensions are set up. The process closes the life event.
Participant has completed action items, so
no suspended benefits objects exist.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Condition Processing
Condition Processing
No suspensions are set up for any of the No action. The process indicates successful processing.
enrolled benefits objects.
Suspensions are set up. No action. The process indicates successful processing.
Participant has completed action items, so
no suspended benefits objects exist.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Condition Processing
Use the View Enrollment Results task on the Actions menu of the Enrollment section in the Benefits Service Center
landing page to see the original coverage start date for a participant and dependents.
• Employee Only
• Employee plus One
• Employee plus Family
A worker joins your enterprise on January 1, 2015 and enrolls in the Employee Only option.
The following table lists subsequent changes to the worker's enrollment and their impact on the dependent's coverage
start date and the original coverage start date.
March 1, 2015 The coverage start date and the original coverage start date for the worker and spouse is March 1, 2015.
March 1, 2016 The coverage start date and the original coverage start date for the worker, spouse, and child is March
1, 2016.
The worker gives birth to a child and
changes enrollment to the Employee plus The worker and designees have the same dates because the worker enrolled in a new option.
Family option.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
April 1, 2017 The coverage start date and the original coverage start date for the worker, spouse, and child is April 1,
The worker changes from working part-
time to full-time. The original coverage start date is April 1, 2017 because of the break in coverage from October 2016
through March 2017.
The worker enrolls in the Employee plus
Family option and designates spouse and
child as dependents.
The worker gives birth to a second child • Coverage start date: July 1, 2017
and makes designations accordingly to the
Employee plus Family option. • Original coverage start date: April 1, 2017
Second child:
If that is not the issue, then your data role might not include access to related contact information for participants.
• Your application administrator must provide you with the proper data role and person security profile so that
you can access related contact information for participants.
• The application administrator grants you access by following the steps provided in the Configuring Security for
Manage Contacts Page for Benefits: Worked Example topic.
Related Topics
• Configure Contacts Page Security for Participants and Administrators
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
This topic covers how to grant benefits administrators and specialists access to participant contacts in the Benefits
Service Center page.
The administrator or specialist must have a person security profile with Include Related Contacts selected. Users
inherit the profile through a chain of associated roles, from the parent job role through the descendant duty and data
Note: Only application administrators with IT Security Manager privileges can complete these tasks, which they
perform in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
The health savings and flexible spending account calculators estimate your savings and spending. These calculators are
designed mainly for savings plans in the United States, such as the standard Health Savings Account (HSA) and Flexible
Savings Account (FSA).
You need to enter your contributions to get a projection of how much can be saved and how the contributions grow
over a period of time. Here's a list of calculators that you can find in the Self-Service Benefits page:
Calculator Purpose
HSA Get an estimate of your earnings, tax savings for your health savings accounts. You can do the
estimations either for yourself or for your family.
Dependent Care FSA Understand how much more you can save by enrolling in a flexible spending account.
Health Care FSA Estimate your annual health care costs and potential tax savings.
This document is available when the participant has a life event in the Started status.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
6. You edit enrollment information for the participant using the returned document.
1. Select the event on the Life Events tab of the Manage Person Life Events page.
2. Select Back Out Event on the Actions menu.
3. Specify Voided as the life event status.
To delete the voided life event:
1. Select Show Voided Potential Life Events on the Potential Life Events tab.
2. Select the voided potential life event and delete it.
Note: Backing out an HR data change doesn't back out automatically any potential life event that the HR data change
automatically triggered, such as marital status change. If the triggering HR data change is invalid, you must manually
back out the life event, as described in this topic.
What are the different dates that I see when I enter a life event?
Here are the details of the dates that you see.
Date Details
Occurred Date Actual date when the life event happened. For example, when you enter a marriage as a life event,
you specify the date of marriage as the occurred date. This date is important for Benefits to evaluate
person-related eligibility, enrollment opportunities, and rate value determination.
Reported Date Date when you enter the life event in the application. For example, the date when you enter the
marriage as a life event. This date is used to evaluate timeliness rules.
Status Date Date when the life event moves to the current status. For example, the Open Enrollment life event's
occurred date is January 1, 2021. The administrator processes the open event, that's a potential life
event, on September 27, 2020. This is the same date that the application sets as the status date for
the potential life event. Similarly, when a potential life event is added from the Benefits Service Center
page, status date is the unprocessed date. When a life event is added by the Report a Life Event task in
the Self-Service Benefits page, status date can be the detected date or manual date.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Related Topics
Related Topics
Before a global transfer, administrators must ensure that default benefits relationship assignment rules for the
destination legal entity or country exist on the Configure Default Benefits Relationships page.
1. Click the logged in user's icon, and click Run Diagnostics Tests in the Troubleshooting section.
2. In the Diagnostic Dashboard page, search for the Benefits Health Check Diagnostics report, select it, and click
Add to Run.
3. In the Choose Tests to Run and Supply Inputs table, click Run.
The report helps you find out if there are any setup issues in the plan configuration that's preventing temporal events
from being detected. The report also tells you whether you have configured the offering to track ineligibility. Specifically,
the Track Ineligible section in the report shows you all the levels in the program hierarchy where you have, and haven't,
set up the Track Ineligible Persons check box.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
You can also see information that indicates the eligibility status of the person at all levels in the hierarchy. The Eligibility
column in the report indicates the eligibility status.
1. Click the logged in user's icon, and click Run Diagnostic Tests in the Troubleshooting section.
2. In the Diagnostic Dashboard page, search for the Person Benefits Eligibility diagnostics report, select it, and
click Add to Run.
3. In the Choose Tests to Run section, click the Input Status icon to enter the effective date, person number, and
program that you want to generate the report for.
4. Click Run.
5. In the Diagnostic Test Run Status table, click the Refresh button to see the latest status.
6. When the execution status reads Complete, click the Report icon to view the report.
How can I diagnose any issues with the US Affordable Care Act
(ACA) setup?
Run the Affordable Care Act diagnostics report.
Note: The Close Enrollment Action Items process closes only those action items that have no suspensions set up. If
suspension setup does exist for an enrollment, then the suspension will remain enforced and the processed person
appears in an audit log. Administrators must manually resolve such action items.
Why can't I see the absence plan balance for the time-off sale
enrollments in Benefits?
Ensure that you associated the absence plan when you created or edited the benefit plan. In the Basic Details step,
check whether you selected the required absence plan from the Absence Plan list.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Also, in the enrollment page, the Absence Balance field might be hidden. On the View menu, click Columns and select
the Absence Balance column.
For example, on July 26, 2020, an employee adds a domestic partner with a relationship start date of 14th November
2020. The People to Cover page displays this newly-added domestic partner along with other contacts of the employee.
Here's how you can display future-dated contacts in the People to Cover page:
The message makes it clear that the contact won't appear on the enrollment pages, under the Dependents and
Beneficiaries section.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Related Topics
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 2
Using Benefits Maintain Benefits Enrollments
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Life Event Summary Analytic that provides details of life events in Benefits > Evaluation and Reporting
different statuses in your enterprise. You can
also view details by legal employer, benefit The Summary section on the Overview page
group, location, and payroll. contains the life event summary. The Life
Events tab in this section enables you to
view details by legal employer, benefit group,
location, and payroll.
Manage Action Items A process that generates details of participant Benefits > Evaluation and Reporting
enrollments that contain pending action items.
On the Overview page Summary section, select
the Processes tab. Expand Election Processes,
and click Submit for the Manage Action Items
Person Enrollment Summary Report Displays the benefit enrollments for Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
participants. Human Capital Management > Benefits >
Enrollment Kit Report Displays, by participant, a choice list of Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
programs, plans, and options in which the Human Capital Management > Benefits >
participant may elect to enroll, as well as areas Enrollment
for the participant to designate dependents and
Real-Time Analysis: Participant Enrollment Displays, for each participant, the benefit Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
Results - Weekly enrollments that they elected or where given by Benefits > Transactional Analysis Samples
Real-Time Analysis: Totals by Life Event - Displays the status of the life events and their Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
Weekly corresponding counts in table and graph Benefits > Transactional Analysis Samples
Real-Time Analysis: Totals by Life Event Name Displays, by potential life event, the total for Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
for Potential Life Events - Weekly each status of the life event as well as the Benefits > Transactional Analysis Samples
cumulative total for all statuses of the life event.
Real-Time Analysis: Totals by Life Event Status Displays the status of the life events and Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
for Potential Life Events - Weekly their corresponding totals in table and graph Benefits > Transactional Analysis Samples
formats; the table includes a grand, cumulative
total of all life event statuses.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Real-Time Analysis: Totals by Location - Displays, by location, the total for each status of Reports and Analytics > Shared Folders >
Potential Life Events- Weekly the life event as well as the cumulative total for Benefits > Transactional Analysis Samples
all statuses of the life event.
Process Parameters
Benefits process parameters control aspects of Oracle Fusion Benefits evaluation and reporting processes. You select
parameters to limit the persons and benefits objects for processing of eligibility evaluation, electable choices, and
enrollment information.
• The list of parameters that appears for each process depends on the process that you select.
• Required parameters have an asterisk before the description.
• Some parameters contain default values that you can override, as required.
Note: A person or benefits object must meet all criteria, based on the parameters you select, to be included in the
result of the evaluation process.
Common Processing Parameters These parameters are common to most benefits evaluation and reporting processes.
Effective Date
Used to determine eligibility, electability, and as a reference for deriving start and stop dates for
enrollment, coverage, and rates.
• For life event processes, the effective date is the date on which the life event occurred.
• For scheduled processes, the effective date is equal to the life event occurred date.
Options are:
This option enables you to view the results of the process without making changes to the
• Save - database will be updated
A best practice is to run the process without updating the database and view the results in the audit
log. After you are satisfied with the results, rerun the process and select the parameter option that
saves the results to the database.
Organization Name
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment is associated
with the organization name that you select.
Benefits Group
Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment is in the
location that you select.
Legal Entity
Restrict processing to active employees, and their related persons, in the legal entity that you select.
Person Name
Person Type
Person Number
Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment location is
included in the specified postal code range.
Life Event Parameters These parameters relate to life events, dates, and statuses.
Life Event
Restrict processing to persons who have the life event that you select.
This parameter applies only to life event processes and temporal processes.
Restrict processing to persons with a life event that occurs on the date that you select.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
To Occurred Date
Specify whether to assign the default benefit object to participants during the evaluation process.
Resulting Status
Life event status after the Back Out Life Events process completes.
Options are:
• Unprocessed
• Voided
• Manual
Loss of Eligibility Tracking Life Event
Status of the tracking life event after the process determines that the designee is ineligible.
Options are:
Specify whether and which types of temporal events to include in the process.
Adjust Open Enrollment Window These parameters appear only for the Adjust Open Enrollment Window process.
New Enrollment End Date
When processing enrolls persons in the program or plan if they fail to make an election.
Number of days to extend the current open enrollment end date so that employees can make
Benefits Object Parameters These parameters relate to benefits programs, plans, and options, and include payroll.
Program Name
Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified program.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Processing includes the program, plans in that program, and options in plan in the program.
Plan Name
Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified plan.
Plan Type
Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified plan type.
Processing includes all active plans and options in plan of the selected plan type.
Restrict evaluation processing of participants and persons eligible for plans not in program.
Only Programs
Restrict evaluation processing to participants and persons eligible for all programs only.
Option Name
Restrict processing to participants and persons eligible for the specified option.
Restrict processing to employees, and their related persons, whose primary assignment is associated
with the payroll name that you select.
Purge Life Event Data Parameters These parameters apply to the Purge Backed-Out or Voided Life Event Data process only.
Options are:
• Voided
• Backed out
Selecting Backed out purges data related to both Backed out and Voided life events during
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
• Detected
• Manual
• Unprocessed
The audit report and log file contain statistics on the total number of life events deleted. It also
contains information about person numbers, life events deleted, life event name, life event occurred
date, and life event status.
Audit Log
Concurrent Request
Process run record request identification number that contains the data to be purged.
This description only applies to the Purge Participation Evaluation Audit Data process.
Close Enrollment Action Items These parameters apply to the Close Enrollment Action Items process.
Batch Name
Select a batch that you created using the Upload Enrollment Certifications workbook to close all action
items in that workbook.
Action Item
Select Yes to close optional action items that do not cause suspension. For example, you might want to
close For Your Information types of action items where it might not be necessary to see a certificate
before closing.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
To run the process correctly, you use either the Batch Name parameter, or the Action Item and
Close Previous Optional Action Items parameters.
For example, you can use this parameter if you want to quickly test your plan design changes against a sample set of
employees. This parameter is available for these processes:
Here’s the list of points that you should consider when you enter person numbers:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
◦ Legal Entity
Any auto-submitted process, such as Default Enrollment, will consider the values in the person number list. The log file
provides details on which person numbers were processed, and which ones weren't.
You can find this process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area, Processes tab, Maintenance Processes section.
CAUTION: The process permanently removes data. You can't recover it.
For example, assume that today's date is 1st January 2019. When you set the period from January 1, 2018 to December
31, 2018, the process deletes the data only up to June 30, 2018.
You can use the process logs to understand how often you need to run these processes, and how much data is held
before and after each run. You can use these numbers along with the frequency of the current purge run to identify the
future frequency of running the respective purge processes. The count gives you an estimate of how much data gets
purged over a period.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
The Audit Log parameter should be set to Yes to see the enhanced logs. If the parameter is set as No, the log files show
only the basic details. You need to submit the processes from the Maintenance Processes section of the Processes tab
in the Evaluation and Reporting work area to set the Audit Log parameter.
Related Topics
• How You Purge Benefits Staging Data
Spreadsheet Loaders
Manage Person Benefit Groups in the Integrated Workbook
You can download person benefit group information to the integrated Microsoft Excel workbook. Use the integrated
workbook to view and edit person benefit group assignments for multiple persons and groups. Then, upload your
changes back into the application database.
The basic process for managing person benefit groups using the workbook is:
1. In the Upload Person Benefit Groups row of the Person Data Loaders tab, click the Go to Task button.
2. In the Upload Person Benefit Groups dialog box, enter a session effective date.
3. Click Prepare in Workbook.
a. Double-click the Mark for Deletion field in each workbook row that you want to delete.
b. Click Delete Selected Rows.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
• You can't edit or enter the effective date in the workbook. To change the effective date, use one of these
Uploading Edits
After you complete your edits, click Upload.
The process:
1. Uploads into the application database the workbook rows marked as Changed
2. Uses the session effective date that you set when generating the workbook as the start date for any edits or
new group assignments that you entered in the workbook
3. End dates the prior group assignments as of the previous day for each edited row
4. Retains the history
5. Deletes permanently all of the related effective-dated records from the application database for each workbook
row that is marked for deletion
For each row marked for deletion in the workbook, the application permanently deletes all of the related effective-dated
records from the application database.
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review,
the process:
Related Topics
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
The basic process for managing person benefit balances using the workbook is:
1. In the Upload Person Benefit Balances row of the Person Data Loaders tab, click the Go to Task button.
2. In the Upload Person Benefit Balances dialog box, enter a session effective date.
3. Click Prepare in Workbook.
For each new balance, you must enter a value in either the Primary Assignment or Benefits Relationship
field, but not both.
• Delete data from the application database using these steps:
a. Double-click the Mark for Deletion field in each workbook row that you want to delete from the
application database.
b. Click Delete Selected Rows.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
• You can't edit or enter the effective date in the workbook. To change the effective date, use one of these
Uploading Edits
After you complete your edits, click Upload.
The process:
Related Topics
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
The basic process for managing person habits data using the workbook is:
1. Generate and populate the workbook.
2. Edit, add, and delete person habits in the workbook.
3. Upload edits.
4. Resolve errors
Repeat these steps as many times as required to accommodate revisions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
• Edit the Student Status, Disability Status, Disability Type, Tobacco Use, Covered in Another Plan, and Plan
values only.
The upload process ignores edits in any other columns.
• Insert a row to add habit data for a new person.
To identify the person, you must enter either the person number or these three values, in their respective fields:
◦ First name
◦ Last name
◦ Date of birth
As denoted in the column header, person type is required for each new row.
• You can't edit or enter the effective date in the workbook. To change the effective date, use one of these
Uploading Edits
After you complete your edits, click Upload to load into the application database the rows that are marked as Changed.
The process:
1. Uses the session effective date that you set when you generated the workbook as the start date for any edits or
new rows that you entered in the workbook
2. End dates the prior data row as of the previous day
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review,
the process:
Related Topics
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
Perform these basic steps to manage bill payments using the workbook:
1. In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, Person Data Loaders tab, click the Go to Task button in the Upload
Billing Payments row.
2. Click Prepare in Workbook.
Enter each payment record or adjustment record in a new row in the spreadsheet.
Uploading Edits
After you complete entering data, in the Billing tab that is available on the Excel toolbar, click Upload.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review,
the process:
The high-level process for managing benefit enrollments using the integrated workbook is:
1. Prepare and upload data to interim table, resolving any identified workbook errors.
2. Upload enrollments batch to database tables, resolving any identified processing errors.
The Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process uses the effective date when:
The basic process for preparing and uploading workbook data to interim tables is:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Related Topics
• Upload Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables
• Upload Benefit Enrollments Batch to Database Tables
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
1. After completing the integrated workbook, you upload the rows to an interim batch table.
2. After all workbook rows upload without errors, you run the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process in the
Evaluation and Reporting work area.
Note: Values that you enter in name fields must exactly match the values already in the application. This applies to
names of participants, programs, plans, options, dependents, beneficiaries, and life events.
Column Description
Changed Marked automatically when you edit or add a row in the workbook
The upload process loads only these rows to the interim batch table.
Mark for Deletion Double-click this cell to mark the row for deletion.
When you click Delete Selected Rows, the upload deletes the data from the interim batch tables so
that it’s not available for the batch process.
Status Provided automatically by the upload process for each row after it loads the data into the interim batch
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Column Description
For rows with errors, click Upload Error to see the details.
*Enrollment Type Enter this value based on the person for whom you’re entering the data.
• Participant Enrollment
• Dependent Designation
• Beneficiary Designation
*Person Number PARTICIPANT_PERSON_NUMBER, a unique numeric identifier for the participant for whom to process
the enrollment changes
*Life Event Occurred Date Benefits processing derives the existence of a started life event based on the combination of this date
and the specified life event.
Original Participant Enrollment Date Doesn't affect processing, the upload updates the field for the participant enrollment record.
Create Potential Life Event Yes: The process determines whether the participant has a potential life event for the combination of
the life event name, life event occurred date, and benefit relationship. If there is no valid potential life
event, it creates and processes one.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Column Description
No: The process doesn't create the potential event or process life events automatically. You must
manually add the life event using the Potential Life Event tab.
*Benefit Relationship Must be valid for the participant as of the effective date
Benefits processing derives a valid started life event for the participant based on this value.
Rate Amount If you enter a rate amount, ensure that there is no value in coverage amount.
Coverage Amount If you enter a coverage amount, ensure that there is no value in rate amount.
Beneficiary Organizations and Trusts Enter the name of the existing beneficiary organization or trust. If the beneficiary organization or trust
doesn't exist as of the effective date, the beneficiary designation process fails.
To create the organization or trust, which you can then use in the workbook, use the Beneficiary
Organizations task in the Benefits Service Center page.
Primary Beneficiary Percentage If you enter a percentage amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary amount.
Contingent Beneficiary Percentage If you enter a percentage amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary amount.
Beneficiary Amount If you enter a beneficiary amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary percentage.
Close Life Event Date Date on which you want to close the life event
*Close Life Event Yes: The process attempts to close the life event that it’s processing, which is useful if it’s processing
multiple life events for the same participant, dependent, or beneficiary.
No: The process doesn't close the life event, leaving it in the started state.
Suspended results or pending action items don't allow the life event to close. In such cases, it remains
unchanged and you must close this event before attempting to process the next event.
Describes any errors that occurred during the Upload Benefits Enrollments batch process.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Column Description
Indicates the Upload Benefits Enrollments batch processing status for the row, such as COMPLETE or
Related Topics
• Overview of Managing Benefit Enrollments in the Integrated Workbook
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Here’s a diagram that illustrates, at a high level, how you can configure the Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process to
handle Loss of Eligibility tracking life event:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
No processing happens on the Loss of Eligibility tracking event. The process end dates only the dependent coverage
record that was found ineligible. Other than the ineligible dependent coverage record, nothing else is changed. For
example, the participant doesn’t get unenrolled from any offerings.
When the Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process end dates the ineligible dependent coverage record, it considers only
the effective end date, and not the end-date rule specific to the Loss of Eligibility life event. The process considers the
setup in the Designation Requirements train stop, General tab for the plan, or plan type in program. If the end date rule
isn’t specified in the General tab, the process considers the Event date or One day before the event date, as the end
When the Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process end dates the ineligible dependent coverage, it closes the tracking life
event and sets its status to Processed. The life event only indicates the occurrence of the loss of eligibility, but it doesn’t
evaluate for any enrollment opportunities. The participant’s coverage in the same plan or option continues.
The Loss of Eligibility tracking life event is created as a regular life event. The process doesn’t end date the dependent
coverage record that was found ineligible. It only identifies the ineligible dependent and the date to create the Loss of
Eligibility tracking life event.
As the dependent has already lost further eligibility, the coverage needs to be end dated. Note that the participant's
eligibility into the various plans gets reevaluated and there will be impact if family member code rules exist. So, along
with the dependent coverage, the participant coverage needs to be end dated. The end dates are calculated based on
the Loss of Eligibility Life Event setup defined in the Designation Requirements and Enrollment train stops in the plan
configuration work area.
Based on how frequently you run the Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process, you need to decide whether you want to
change the derived factor setup, or the coverage end date setup. If you run the process daily, you can set up the event to
be triggered based on the date of birth. The coverage dates are processed accordingly. If you run the process monthly,
you can set up the event to be triggered at the end of the month or on the first day of the next month so that all the
ineligible dependents lose their coverage in the current month.
The other option is to continue with the Participant enrollment coverage end date rule, but make sure you define the
date rules for enrollment specific to the Loss Of Eligibility event in the Life event tab. Note that the change might impact
the employee’s coverage start and dates.
If the derived factor is set to End of month or First of next month, you can use that setup for ending the dependent
coverage, but the life event will trigger not on the date of birth, but will be based on the derived factor's determination
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
The way you set up the derived factors or the coverage end date should be on the basis of how frequently you run the
Reevaluate Designee Eligibility process. If it’s daily, then we recommend you get the event triggered on the date of birth
and get the coverage dates processed accordingly.
If the frequency is monthly, then we recommend you use the End of Month rule or First of next month rule in the
derived factor. This way, all the dependents losing eligibility in the current month can be detected and processed in a
single run per month.
Note: The formula evaluation tool does not change any data when you test a formula.
Authoring Formulas
You create formulas using the Define Formula task in the Plan Configurationwork area.
You cannot test formulas designed to act on data that is not saved to the database yet. For example, you cannot test
these formula types:
You cannot test formulas designed to act on input values received from a process that the formula calls at runtime. For
example, you can't test the Rate Periodization formula type. You can still use this tool to test such formulas by creating a
version that contains fixed input values available in the code.
Available Contexts
You must provide values to the following contexts to test any benefits formula:
• Effective date
• Person name
• Benefits relationship
You can also provide values to these contexts depending on the formula type:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
• Program name
• Plan name
• Option name
Formula Results
The Formula tab displays the results of the last five formula submissions. The Results window displays the name of the
return variable defined in the formula and its value. To view more details, you can download and view the generated log
1. Use the integrated Microsoft Excel workbook to view and edit person benefit group assignments for multiple
persons and groups.
2. Upload your changes back into the application database.
To generate the integrated workbook, in the Evaluation and Reporting work area:
Related Topics
• Manage Person Benefit Groups in the Integrated Workbook
◦ View and edit the benefit balance value, primary assignment, and benefits relationship entries for
multiple persons.
◦ Add and delete person benefit balances.
2. Upload your changes back into the application database.
To generate the workbook, in the Evaluation and Reporting work area:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Related Topics
• Manage Person Benefit Balances in the Integrated Workbook
1. Use the integrated Microsoft Excel workbook to view and edit student and disability status, disability type,
tobacco usage, and other plan coverage details for multiple persons.
2. Upload your changes into the application database.
To generate the integrated workbook, in the Evaluation and Reporting work area:
1. Select the Person Data Uploads tab.
2. In the Upload Person Habits task row, click the Go to Task button.
Related Topics
• Manage Person Habits in the Integrated Workbook
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Note: You can schedule these processes from the Processes tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area too.
• Processed successfully
• Didn't process
• Processed with errors
If the person records processed with errors and you want to find out more, click the number indicating the number of
records with errors. The following key fields appear depending on the process that was run:
Related Topics
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 3
Using Benefits Manage Benefits Processing and Uploads
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Using Benefits Manage Document Uploads
If you're a participant, you can upload documents directly from the pending actions self-service page. Or you can
upload using the Documents link on the landing page.
If you're an administrator, you can upload documents on behalf of a participant from the Benefits Service Center page.
1. On the dashboard, search for and select the person you want to upload the documents for.
2. On the person's benefit summary page, click the number for Documents Pending Approval, or scroll directly
to the Certification section.
3. Set the filter to All.
4. Click the document link to open its details.
5. Click Add Attachment to complete uploading the required documents.
6. Save and close the page.
Note: These steps work only if there's relevant configuration in place to enable participants to upload documents
from the pending actions page. If there is no configuration in place, you can always use Document Records page from
the Person Management work area.
1. On the dashboard, click People with documents waiting to be approved. You can even search for a specific
2. Click the person link to open the person's benefits summary.
3. Click the number that you see for Documents Pending Approval.
4. In the Certification section, click the document link to open its details, and then click the attachment to
download or open the document.
5. When you're done reviewing the document, click Save and Close to get back to the previous page.
6. In the Actions menu, select Approved or Rejected.
7. If you're approving the document, set the received date. Otherwise, set the denied date and select a reason.
Enter any comments if required.
8. Click Submit.
Note: After you approve or reject a document, you can't change its status. If you're using a third party application to
manage document approvals, you still need to set the received or denied date in the document details page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Using Benefits Manage Document Uploads
For instance, if a participant wants to know why their document was rejected, you navigate to the Certification section
on the Benefits Summary page. Set the filter to Rejected to see the documents that were rejected. To see more details,
click the document link.
You can even use the Person Benefits diagnostic report from the diagnostic dashboard. This report, apart from other
details, displays the entire list of documents that were uploaded for a person across life events. You can access these
details outside an enrollment window too. You don't need to use an effective date to search for the documents.
The validity period impacts all documents of that type and you need to reprocess the relevant life event to see this
You can also change the validity period of a specific document during an enrollment window. On the Benefits Summary
page, in the Certifications section, click the document link and change the validity period.
Typically, you might want to extend the validity period if you know that there's an upcoming enrollment opportunity
that requires the same supporting document. Set a new date in the Valid Until field. When you do this, you can reuse
the same document authorization without requiring participants to upload the document again.
In another example, if the plan policy changes and you need to approve documents afresh, you can end the document's
validity by shortening the validity period. Participants can then upload a new document so that you can review it again.
Pending certification can lead to suspension of coverage. You can use the Declare Missing Certification button in the
Pending Actions page to resolve pending actions.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Using Benefits Manage Document Uploads
• Document of records is configured for certification and the document is not uploaded. When the document is
loaded, the button doesn't appear.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 4
Using Benefits Manage Document Uploads
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
5 Enroll in Benefits
Participants can:
Related Topics
Open the self-service Benefits Service Center page by selecting Benefits under Me on the Navigator menu.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
Provide all information required to determine the eligibility of each contact or organization. This ensures that the
contacts and organizations are available for designation when you elect benefits.
Elect Benefits
Click Change Benefit Elections. This button is available only if an opportunity exists for you to make elections, such as:
• During an open enrollment period
• If you have a qualifying life event
Additional information, such as a contribution or investment amount, might be required, depending on the offering
When you finish making elections, you can review the information and make changes before submitting.
• Provide any additional information, such as proof of good health or other documents or certifications
• Select a primary care physician
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
Note: Enrollment processing might suspend a benefits offering if you don't complete required action items. Contact
your benefits department if you have any questions about resolving specific action items.
Related Topics
This topic provides examples to help you decide the best effective start date to use so that you and your dependents
qualify for benefits.
• The final example relates to updating the effective start date because of an event.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
• Your hire date is January 1, 2014. When you update your address details, enter the date that you relocated to the new address.
• You relocated to a new address on
February 28, 2014.
• Your hire date is January 1, 2014. When you update your address details, enter your hire date.
• You relocated to a new address on
November 21, 2013.
• If participants have enrolled in benefits that allow beneficiary designations, they can change beneficiary details
even if there isn't an enrollment window open. In other words, they can update beneficiary designations for the
latest processed life event.
• Participants can change the percentage of allocation for existing beneficiaries, remove a primary or contingent
beneficiary, and adjust the allocation percentage.
• Participants can designate new contacts. But they can do this only if they added the contacts before the latest
processed life event date. For example, participant A added a dependent contact on Apr 1, 2022. You process
a life event on Apr 5, 2022. The participant makes some elections, but forgets to designate the dependent
contact. The enrollment window closes on Apr 7, 2022. The participant can still use the Change Beneficiaries
page to designate the dependent. However, if the participant adds a contact after Apr 7, 2022, they won't see
the contact in the Change Beneficiaries page.
• All new designations start from the coverage start date of the plan.
• As these beneficiary changes happen outside of the enrollment window, the application doesn't generate
any beneficiary-related pending actions. If an enrollment had generated a pending action to designate
beneficiaries, the action will automatically close when participants complete their designations.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
Watch video
On the Benefits page, you can make updates to your beneficiaries only if a relevant enrollment window is open.
Depending on setup, you can use the Change Beneficiaries page to change beneficiaries even after an enrollment
window has closed. To get to this page, click Search, enter Change Beneficiaries, and select the action.
You can change beneficiaries on the Change Beneficiaries page only if you are already enrolled in benefits that allow
beneficiary designations. You can't use this page when there's already an enrollment window that has started. In that
case, you can go to the Benefits page.
If you need to add a beneficiary based on a previous life event, you need to contact your administrator. They need to
back out the started event and then you can use the Change Beneficiaries page to update your designations.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
Also, you can directly navigate to the enrollment pages by using the People to Cover quick action and by integrating the
People to Cover quick action as a task in a checklist.
Here's how you directly navigate to the enrollment pages using the People to Cover quick action:
Provide all action items as quickly as possible after submitting benefits updates. Contact your benefits department if
you require more information about specific action items.
1. Add all contacts, beneficiary organizations, and trusts on the People to Cover page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
2. When you have an opportunity to change your benefits, select specific benefits offerings and designate
beneficiaries for those offerings.
If you designate more than one beneficiary for an offering, enter the percentage of the total benefit to assign to
each one.
If your beneficiaries don't appear in the list of beneficiaries during benefit selection, return to the Overview
page and add them as contacts.
Employees can designate or change beneficiaries using the anytime beneficiary flow for life events that are not visible
in Self-Service Benefits. For example, you may not want employees to change enrollments from Self-Service Benefits
but allow changes to beneficiary designations for events like salary change. You need to enable a quick action for
employees to access the Change Beneficiaries page.
Related Topics
• How can I designate dependents?
• Enable Participants to Update Beneficiary Designations Anytime
Related Topics
• How can I designate beneficiaries?
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 5
Using Benefits Enroll in Benefits
For example, you can embed the quick action as a task within newhire checklist, so that the employee can navigate
directly to the benefits enrollment area from the checklist tasks. You can use the Checklist Templates task in the Setup
and Maintenance work area to embed the quick action as a task.
After you embed the quick action task in the checklist template, participants can use these steps to navigate to the
enrollment flow using the checklist tasks:
Related Topics
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
You must thoroughly test the open enrollment procedures using your configuration if either of the following conditions
is true:
• Your organization's open enrollment is effective on any other date within the year.
• You apply different coverage and rate start and end date rules to meet your business requirements.
The following timeline outlines suggested activities before, during, and after an open enrollment period that lasts
throughout the month of November.
Month Details
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Month Details
• Test performance
• Test self-service enrollment
December 2 -- 15 • Benefits administrators can still enter elections as necessary by setting a session effective date
within the enrollment period of November.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Me - Benefits (Self-Service)
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Related Topics
• Set Up and Process an Open Enrollment Period
1. Verify periods for payroll calendars and year periods for programs and plans.
2. Check derived factors and eligibility profiles.
3. Inactivate existing plans and options that are ending.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
4. Create options and plans and add to existing plans and programs.
5. Check default enrollment rules.
6. Check unrestricted processing enablement.
Verify Periods for Payroll Calendars and Year Periods for Programs and
Check with the payroll administrator:
• That the payroll periods for your benefits plans extend through the entire new plan year
• Whether the upcoming plan year has standard 52 or 26 pay periods or nonstandard 53 or 27 pay periods,
respectively, if using biweekly or weekly period types
In the Setup and Maintenance work area, Verify that a year period exists for the new plan year. Create year periods as
required using the Manage Year Periods task. In the Plan Configuration work area:
• Verify that all active programs and plans include the correct year periods using the Basic Details pages.
• If your business calculates communicated rates using pay periods, check that the correct communicated rate
frequency is selected based on the pay periods in the upcoming plan year.
Per pay period Uses the number of pay end dates derived from the payroll definition.
Example: A weekly payroll might result in 53 end dates in the calendar year.
Estimated per pay period Uses the standard number of periods corresponding to the period type value selected in the
payroll definition, regardless of the number of pay end dates in the calendar year.
Example: Communicated rate calculations use the fixed number of 52 weekly periods, even for
years with the nonstandard 53 weekly periods.
Per pay period with element frequency Uses the frequency rules of the payroll element associated with the standard rate to determine
rules the number of deductions in the calendar year.
Example: One of your benefit deductions occurs only on the first biweekly payroll in each
If you use this communicated rate frequency, select Per-pay-period amount as the value passed
to payroll.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
• You created benefit offerings for spousal and child life that require new age derived factors.
• You have new requirements that require you to edit length of service derived factors.
• You evaluate eligibility profiles associated with benefits objects requiring many manual participation overrides
to determine how to better include and exclude participants.
Adjusting the eligibility profiles based on your analysis reduces or ends the manual overrides.
• Your service areas are changing, so you must modify the existing postal codes and service areas accordingly.
1. Search for the programs or plans that contain the plans or options that are ending.
Tip: Use the effective start date of the upcoming plan year as your effective as-of date.
◦ The effective as-of date becomes the session effective date at the top of the edit pages.
◦ The session effective date becomes the new effective start date for plans and options that you
update, after you save your changes.
2. On the edit Basic Details page, select the plan or option that you want to end.
3. Update the plan or option, setting the status to Inactive and saving your change.
Check that the effective start date for when the plan or option becomes inactive changed to the session
effective date at the top of the page, for example, January 1, 2016.
4. On the Enrollment page, select the plan or option that you want to end.
5. Update the Enrollment section on the General tab, setting the enrollment rule to Current - lose only; new -
nothing and saving your change.
Check that the updated plan or option:
◦ Enrollment field contains a check mark
◦ Effective start date changed to the session effective date for the page, such as January 1, 2016
Processing the open event with these settings disenrolls all existing plan or option participants on the new effective
start date and no new participants can enroll in it.
Create Options and Plans and Add To Existing Plans and Programs
Create the option or plan for the upcoming plan year in the Plan Configuration work area.
Object Settings
Options and plans • Set the session effective date at the top of the create page to the first day of a plan year at least a
few years earlier, for example, January 1, 2000.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Object Settings
Plans • Add year periods that include the current plan year and the upcoming plan year.
Example: If the upcoming plan year starts January 1, 2016, then, at minimum, add year periods
from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015 and January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
• Plan to which you want to add the 1. Set the session effective date at the top of the Basic Details page to the first day of the current
new option plan year, for example, January 1, 2015.
2. Add the new option or plan, setting the status to Pending and click Save.
• Program to which you want to add
the new plan
The effective start date should be the first day of the current plan year.
3. Set the session effective date at the top of the edit program page to the first day of the upcoming
plan year, for example, January 1, 2016.
4. Update the option or plan status to Active for the newly added option or plan and click Save.
◦ The newly added option or plan status should have changed from Pending to Active.
◦ The effective start date should now be the first day of the upcoming plan year.
Plan not in program to which you want to 1. Set the session effective date using the current plan year, set the status, and add year periods,
add the new option just as you do when creating plans.
2. Follow steps 3 and 4 in the preceding row to set a new session effective date using the upcoming
plan year and update the plan status to Active.
• Check on the General and Life Event tabs of the edit program or plan Enrollment pages.
Where the default enrollment rule is New - default; current - same enrollment and rates, the processing is as follows:
• Participants who are new to an electable benefits object receive the default plan or option.
• Currently enrolled participants who make no explicit election changes retain their same enrollment.
Enrollment processing recomputes rates based on the plan configuration. If you entered the coverage or rate at
the time of enrollment, then participants retain the current benefit and rate amount by default.
Tip: Use the Automatic enrollment method when you don't want workers to change the default elections that you set.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Use the Manage Self-Service Configuration task in the Plan Configuration work area to set unrestricted processing
enablement to Not during open enrollment.
Note: Unrestricted programs and plans run on entirely different business relationships than the regular, life event
driven programs and plans. This means that you can process an unrestricted life event on the same day that you
process a regular life event.
Related Topics
• Eligibility Profiles
• How Default Enrollment Rules Are Calculated
• How Enrollment Rules Are Calculated
1. Open the Enrollment page for the program or plan not in program.
2. In the hierarchy, select the program or plan not in program, then select the Scheduled tab.
3. Select Open from the list, which by default is set to create an Administrative event.
4. In the Periods section, click Create.
5. Create the enrollment period.
The sample dates assume an open enrollment period throughout the month of November, with the elections taking
effect on January 1 of the following year.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Enrollment Period Start Date First day of the open enrollment period. November 1, 2015
Enrollment Period End Date Last day of the open enrollment period. November 30, 2015
Assign Defaults Date Date on which default benefits assignments are November 1, 2015
Assigned Life Event Date Effective date of the Open event. The date as January 1, 2016
of which eligibility is evaluated and rates are
Processing Cutoff Date The last day on which the benefits professional December 15, 2015
can make election changes on behalf of the
Close Enrollment Period Date Rule Occurrence that causes the Open event to When processing ends
advance from the started to processed phase.
Year Period Year in which benefit elections are effective. January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016
Period Determination Rule How enrollment periods are determined when: Later of enrollment period start or future start
Coverage Start Date Select the rule that meets your business Event
Previous Coverage End Date Select the rule that meets your business 1 day before event
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Rate Start Date Select the rule that meets your business Event
Previous Rate End Date Select the rule that meets your business 1 day before event
Example: Imputed income calculation in the US uses the participant's age as of the end of the current year. So for the
plan year 2016, the calculation uses the participant's age as of December 31, 2016.
If the assigned life event date is in late December of 2015 for the 2016 plan year, the person's age would be calculated as
of December 31, 2015. This age would be incorrect for imputed income purposes.
When processing ends When there is a time between the end of the participant's enrollment period and the date of the open
When enrollment period ends If there are no additional processing days after the enrollment period ends.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
The default reinstatement rule that applies for any life event that you create is Reinstate all if no electability change in
The default rule restores elections only if there are no changes to the open enrollment electable choices between the
dates that you:
You can reinstate elections only if you backed out the life event using the Unprocessed status.
Related Topics
• Reinstatement Rules
• How Default Enrollment Rules Are Calculated
• How Enrollment Rules Are Calculated
Reinstatement Rules
Use reinstatement rules to control how life event processing restores participant elections when you back out and
reprocess a life event.
You select reinstatement rules on the Life Event tab of the Enrollment page when you create or edit a program or plan in
the Plan Configuration work area.
Example: You back out an open enrollment event for a participant to make changes to some benefit offerings and then
you reprocess the open event. Reprocessing restores the original participant elections, depending on the reinstatement
rule that you configured for the open event.
Note: Reprocessing a backed out life event restores participant elections only if you backed out the life event using
the Unprocessed status.
Reinstatement Rules
The following table identifies and describes each reinstatement rule as well as when to use it.
Reinstate All If No Electability Change In Life Restore elections if there is no change in the When changes in electable choices might
Event electable choice data between the dates when influence the participant's election decisions
you backed out and reprocessed the life event. and you want the participant to review and
make new elections.
Example: If a rate value or definition changes,
reprocessing doesn't restore the elections. Reprocessing uses this rule if you don't make a
Reinstate If No Change for the Backed Out Restore elections if the participant's original When participants don't have to reconsider
Enrollment elections remain the same after you reprocess their original election decisions because of
the life event. new electable choices or changes to electable
choices that they didn't choose originally.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Reinstate If Electability Exists for the Backed Restore elections as long as the participant is When you:
Out Result eligible for the electable choices.
• Want to apply any changes to the
Example: You changed the value of an activity participant's original elections without
rate that the participant originally elected. providing an opportunity for participants
Reprocessing the life event restores those to review the changes
elections with the new rate, as long as the
participant is eligible for that electable choice. • Don't want participants to review any new
electable choices
If an activity rate increases, the participants'
election automatically increases in cost
and the participant might not have an
opportunity to reevaluate the election.
Reinstate If Electability Exists for the Backed This rule is similar to the Reinstate If When you want to apply any changes to the
Out Result, Else Apply Defaults Electability Exists for the Backed Out Result. participants original elections without requiring
The rule reinstates the elections if electable the participant to review these changes.
choices exist. If they don't exist, the participant
is enrolled using the configured defaults. If the participant no longer has electability for
some elections, you want to make the elections
anyway by using the defaults instead.
Related Topics
• Examples of Reinstatement Rules
• Examples of How Intervening Life Events Impact Reinstatement Rules
• Reinstatement Rules to Restore Participant Elections with Overridden Rates
Consider these aspects of creating and updating rates in the Plan Configuration work area:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
1. Use the Manage Rates task to search for the standard rate as of the first day of your new plan year.
Searching by this date sets the session effective date for the rate updates.
2. Select the standard rate and make changes to the calculations using the Update action.
• You want to edit the calculation details for an existing variable rate profile. In this case, follow these steps:
a. On the Manage Variable Rate Profiles page, search for the variable rate profile effective as of the start
date of the new plan year, typically January 1.
Searching by this date sets the session effective date for the rate updates.
b. Make changes to the variable rate calculations using the Update action.
No updates are necessary on the corresponding standard rates page, because the revised calculation
goes into effect on the effective start date of the revised variable rate profile.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
• You want to attach a different variable rate profile to the standard rate.
Example: You now want to use two age band variable rate profiles for the same age range where you formerly
used just one profile.
a. Search for the standard rate using the effective as of date that is one day before the effective start date of
the new variable rate.
Example: If the new variable rate is effective on 01 January 2016, search for the corresponding standard
rate as of 31 December 2015.
b. Edit the rate using the Update action.
On the Edit Standard Rate page, end-date the unwanted variable rate profile in the Variable Rates section
and click Save and Close.
c. Search again for the standard rate, this time setting the Effective As-Of Date to the effective start date
of the new variable rate, which sets the session effective date.
Example: You formerly used a single payroll element for all medical plans, but for the next plan year you require a
distinct element for each medical plan.
• If you must attach a different element to an existing standard rate, search for the rate as of the first day of the
new plan year. Then, use the Update action to attach the new element.
• The association of the current payroll element with the rate is end-dated effective the day before the first day of
the new plan year.
Use the Manage Flex Credits Configuration task to search for the flex credit shell plan as of the first day of your new
plan year.
• Searching by this date sets the session effective date for the flex shell plan updates.
• Select the flex shell plan and make changes using the Update action.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
• Standard rates search page to edit and upload multiple standard rates at once
• Variable rate profiles search page to:
a. Create, edit, and upload multiple variable rate profiles.
b. Associate them with existing standard rates.
Related Topics
• Configure Enrollment Display
• Manage Standard Benefit Rates in the Integrated Workbook
• Manage Variable Benefit Rates in the Integrated Workbook
• Variable Rates Options
FSA plans also typically require explicit entry of the enrollment amount, even if the participant:
• Enrolled in the previous year
• Plans to continue the same coverage level for the following year
The coverage of a currently enrolled participant should end on December 31 and restart on January 1.
1. On the Edit Program Enrollment page, select the FSA plan from the program hierarchy.
2. On the Scheduled tab, select the Open event.
3. In the Session Effective Date field, select the first day of the new benefit year, typically January 1.
4. In the Enrollment Method field, select Explicit.
5. In the Enrollment Rule field, select Current - keep or choose, starts new; new - can choose. This rule ensures
that current participants must explicitly reelect coverage amounts, even though their coverage amounts might
stay the same. The coverage ends at the configured end date for the processed life event and restarts the next
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
6. Select one of the following default enrollment rules, depending on your plan configuration.
New - nothing; current - nothing Typical default enrollment rule to force participants with current year coverage to reelect
coverage for the new plan year.
New - default; current - default If your FSA plan configuration includes a waive plan or option, select this default enrollment
rule on the waive plan or option.
New - default; current - same If the standard rate for the FSA object has a default of zero.
enrollment but default rate
7. In the Reports and Analytics work area, check the setup using the Participant Enrollment Results Report.
a. View the report results as of one day before processing the open event. The results provide a list of
current enrollees in each FSA plan, and their current elected amount.
b. Run the same report after the open enrollment period ends to verify that coverage was reelected, or
ended, according to participant elections.
1. Process the open event in the Evaluation and Reporting work area as of the first day of your new plan year.
2. Search for the enrollment information of a current FSA plan participant. Select Enrollment under Benefits on
the Navigator menu to search for and select the participant and open the Benefits Service Center page.
3. For this date, verify that the Enrollment Results page:
You can follow the same procedure to test the self-service enrollment for a worker by using this method to open the
worker's self-service enrollment pages:
1. On the Manage Self-Service Enrollment Configuration page, verify that Parameter Display is selected.
2. Select Benefits under Me on the Navigator menu.
3. Search for and select the person.
4. Click Continue.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
When you create plans, you assign each to a plan type. Each plan inherits the enrollment display category of its
assigned plan type.
Self-service enrollment guided process • Change the names of the plan type category groupings, which correspond to self-service
steps enrollment step names
• Control whether each step is visible
• Enter a description of the plan grouping to associate with the selected enrollment display name
You can modify only the name and visibility of plan groupings, you can't create groupings here.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Related Topics
• Rate Display Configuration Options
• Display Only Eligible Offerings for Enrollment
Therefore, process and resolve in advance all existing life events that would conflict with the open life event.
To identify participants with incomplete events that require resolution, use one of these reports:
• On the Evaluation and Reporting work area Life Events tab, search by specifying the event status and other
report parameters.
Example: You can search for all life events in the Detected status and view by legal employer.
Click the Details button to see the list of participant names for each employer.
• View the Totals by Life Event summary report for life events that aren't processed.
in the Reports and Analytics work area, search for the Participant Enrollment Results report and click More.
1. On the Potential Life Events tab, resolve all life events in the Detected or Unprocessed status by taking one of
these actions:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
Note: You can also use the Close Enrollment process in the Election Processes section of the Evaluation and
Reporting Work area to close enrollment for a large group of participants. However, even though you closed
enrollment for the prior event, any suspensions caused by unfulfilled action items conflict with open event creation.
1. In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, run the Manage Action Items process.
View the process report to see a list of participants with pending action items.
2. Follow up with those participants to complete their action items.
3. On the Enrollments page in the Benefits Service Center page, click Manage Enrollment Activities.
4. Depending on what item the participant is fulfilling, select the election and in the Enrollment Activities section:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 6
Using Benefits Prepare for Open Enrollment
If the event date of a detected temporal event is prior to the open event date, the open event fails to process for that
participant. If your organization uses temporal processing to create detected events, you can minimize such conflicts:
1. Run the Evaluate Temporal Event Participation process a few days before open event processing.
2. Resolve as many of the detected temporal events as possible before processing the Open event.
In the benefits service center, when you process the relevant life event and eligibility is evaluated, all participants will be
disenrolled from the plan.
Another way is to configure any life event that is linked with the plan and set the enrollment code to Current - lose only;
new - nothing. When you process that life event, all participants will be disenrolled from the plan.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
You must thoroughly test the open enrollment procedures using your configuration if either of the following conditions
is true:
• Your organization's open enrollment is effective on any other date within the year.
• You apply different coverage and rate start and end date rules to meet your business requirements.
The following timeline outlines suggested activities before, during, and after an open enrollment period that lasts
throughout the month of November.
Month Details
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Month Details
• Test performance
• Test self-service enrollment
December 2 -- 15 • Benefits administrators can still enter elections as necessary by setting a session effective date
within the enrollment period of November.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Me - Benefits (Self-Service)
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Related Topics
• Set Up and Process an Open Enrollment Period
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
The trial open enrollment mimics many aspects of the actual open enrollment process, as shown with the following
basic high-level tasks:
Task Work Area Phase I Trial Open Enrollment Phase II Actual Open Enrollment
Generate the Participant Reports and Analytics Identify test participants. Compare enrollments before and
Enrollment Results report. after open enrollment.
Run the Evaluate Scheduled Event Evaluation and Reporting Yes Yes
Participation and Enroll in Default
Benefits processes.
Monitor processes and resolve any Evaluation and Reporting Yes Yes
Identify and fix performance Evaluation and Reporting Yes Refine as required.
Iteratively, check plan configuration Evaluation and Reporting Yes Validate on an exception basis.
and rates using sample employees
and fix errors as required. Enrollment
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Poor performance times often result from not running table statistics on a regular basis. In the Evaluation and Reporting
work area:
• Check that the threads parameter is set to the number of processors for the computer, at a minimum.
• Check that the chunk size is appropriate to the quantity of rows that processes are writing to the database.
Use a smaller value when writing many rows, such as when processing participants and converting annual
• Analyze and adjust your maximum error threshold as required using the Manage Batch Parameters task.
Example: If you process your trial open enrollment using your entire participant population, processes might
fail because they reached the maximum errors threshold.
• Analyze all index column statistics and gather column, schema, and table statistics before the following
Related Topics
• How Participants and Administrators Enter Enrollments
• Scheduled Event Participation Process Options
• Monitor Processes and Resolve Errors
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
During your trial open enrollment, you focused on performance and validation. Now during your actual open enrollment
period, you focus on monitoring and managing the:
Task Work Area Phase I Trial Open Enrollment Phase II Actual Open Enrollment
Generate the Participant Reports and Analytics Identify test participants. Compare enrollments before and
Enrollment Results report. after open enrollment.
Run the Evaluate Scheduled Event Evaluation and Reporting Yes Yes
Participation and Enroll in Default
Benefits processes.
Monitor processes and resolve any Evaluation and Reporting Yes Yes
Iteratively, check plan configuration Evaluation and Reporting Yes Validate on an exception basis.
and rates using sample employees
and fix errors as required. Plan Configuration
Manage the open enrollment Evaluation and Reporting Not applicable Yes
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Related Topics
• How You Manage an Open Enrollment Window
• How Participants and Administrators Enter Enrollments
• Scheduled Event Participation Process Options
• Monitor Processes and Resolve Errors
• Examples of Processing Life Events That Occur During Open Enrollment
Parameter Comments
Effective Date Select the first day of your open enrollment period, for example, November 1, 2015.
Detect Temporal Events Regardless of whether you decide to detect all, some, or no temporal life events, during processing the
open event evaluates each participant's:
• Age
• Length of service
• Salary
• Other temporal factors
Life Event Occurred Date Select the date as of which to evaluate eligibility and determine rates.
For the open event, this date is typically the first day of the new benefit year, for example, January 1,
Apply Defaults Select Yes to run the Enroll in Default Benefits process automatically after the Evaluate Scheduled
Event Participation process completes so that participants can view their default enrollments when
they enroll.
Select No to apply default enrollments later using the Enroll in Default Benefits process.
Example: You might run the process after participants finish electing their enrollments and before you
close the enrollment period.
Audit Log Select Yes only for troubleshooting. It causes the application to generate detailed audit logs.
Processing stops for any process generating an audit log, after that log becomes full.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Parameter Comments
Select No to generate only summary information if you are processing your entire participant
Tip: To limit the population processed, you can set additional parameters, such as Benefits Group, Location, Legal
Entity, and others, or write a person selection formula.
• Enrolls participants using their current enrollments if they make no explicit election choices
• Assigns participants new default enrollments
• Changes current elections to a new default election
Example: You have a dependent care spending plan configuration that sets current participants to nothing or a
waive plan or option.
• You identify and fix many issues during the trial open enrollment, which reduces, but does not eliminate, issues
raised during the actual open enrollment.
• Run the Restart Participation Evaluation and Back Out Life Events processes, as required.
Use the Evaluation and Reporting work area.
Monitor Processing
Use the Monitor Process Request section of the Overview page to view the percentage of completion for processes and
the process-generated logs and reports.
• Log files identify who failed and how to fix the issue
• Summary report provides an overall summary of the following:
◦ Participants that processed successfully, in error, or were unprocessed
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
If you can't run a process that generates an audit log, then in the Maintenance Processes section:
The purge process protects ongoing activities by purging data only from completed batch processes. Purging
the audit logs does not affect life event or election information.
2. Restart the interrupted process.
CAUTION: You want to generate audit logs only during trial open enrollment. Check that production processes do not
generate audit logs, especially for batch processes that use the entire participant population.
When backing out open life events, set the resulting life event status to:
• The Evaluate Temporal Event Participation process detects temporal life events for workers, such as grade or
age changes.
• The administrator or participant adds a contact, for example, a spouse or child, using the Contacts page.
• The administrator adds a life event manually using the Person Life Events page in the Benefits Service Center
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
All participants or selected population Life Event tab on the Summary page of the Evaluation and Reporting work area
1. Search for events in the Detected status with other report parameters.
2. Click Details to view the participant list.
Specific participant Use the Person Life Events task in the Benefits Service Center page
Related Topics
• Examples of Processing Life Events That Occur During Open Enrollment
The following intervening life event scenarios share common open enrollment dates:
• Life event changes electability
• Life event doesn't change electability
• Life event added manually
You can remove the processing of a life event performed by participation evaluation processing, and you can prevent
further processing of a life event.
• Close a life event to prevent further processing.
• Back out a life event to roll back any updates generated by the participation evaluation processing, such as
updates to eligibility, rates, and automatic de-enrollments
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
• Void a life event to roll back any updates and prevent further processing by participation evaluation processing.
• A participant gains a spouse on November 20, 2015 and reports the event to the benefits administrator who
updates the contact information.
• New electable choices are also currently available for open enrollment.
1. Evaluate the gain dependent life event for the participant in the Benefits Service Center using the Process Life
Event task.
Allow the life event to back out the open enrollment event for that participant. The status of the life event
changes to Started.
2. Ask the participant to make elections based on the gain dependent life event.
◦ Participants open self-service enrollment by selecting Benefits under Me on the Navigator menu.
◦ Benefits professionals can make elections on the participant's behalf in the Benefits Service Center using
the Enrollments task.
3. Close the gain dependent life event for the participant in the Benefits Service Center using the Life Events tab
of the Person Life Events task.
The status of the life event changes to Processed.
4. Reprocess the open enrollment for that participant using the Process Open Enrollment task.
Ask the participant to make elections.
• The process detects an address change life event for the participant and backs out the open event.
• You know that this address change doesn't affect rates, coverages, or electable choices, so you want to void it.
1. Void the address change event using the Person Life Events task.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
• Participants make their elections using the self-service enrollment guided process.
If participants have election opportunities, they can click Me - Benefits on the Home page.
Tip: In your trial environment, you must first select Parameter Display on the Manage Self-Service
Enrollment Configuration page before you can make elections as a participant.
• Benefits administrators enter enrollments for specific participants in the Enrollments work area.
a. Benefits professionals can generate a Benefit Enrollment document on the Manage Person Life Events
page and send it to participants.
b. Participants can use the document to make their election choices and return the completed document.
c. Benefits professionals use the completed document to enter the participant elections into the
Enrollments page in the Benefits Service Center page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
• Benefits administrators can make default enrollments for participants who didn't elect any benefits. They use
the Enroll in Default Benefits process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area.
The Enroll in Default Benefits process might have already run automatically depending on whether you elected
to apply defaults as part of the Evaluate Scheduled Event Participation process.
Are there any new offerings that you want Yes, add the InFusion Vision plan to the InFusion Wellness program.
to add for the open enrollment period?
What are the start and end dates for the Starts November 1, 2015. Ends November 15, 2015.
open enrollment period?
When do you want eligibility to be Start date of the new plan year, which is January 1, 2016 in this example.
evaluated and new rates determined based
on elections?
When do you want the new coverage to Start date of the event
When do you want the previous coverage One day before the event
to end?
When do you want the new rates to Start date of the event
become effective?
When do you want previous rates to end? One day before the event
Task Summary
1. Add the new plan to the program.
2. Define the open enrollment period for the program.
3. Process the open event as of the first day of the open enrollment period.
4. Check the enrollment page of a sample worker to verify that all electable choices appear as expected.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
In the Plan Configuration work area, ensure that you created a:
Use the Manage Plan Types task to create the plan type.
2. Program called InFusion Wellness with the following configuration:
Field Value
Year Periods Year periods for the current plan year and the new plan year:
Field Value
Usage In program
Year Periods Year periods for the current plan year and the new plan year:
1. In the Tasks panel drawer, click Benefit Program Details to open the Manage Benefit Program Details.
2. In the Search Results table, click InFusion Wellness.
3. In the Session Effective Date field, select the first day of the current plan year, for example, January 1, 2015.
4. In the Plans and Plan Types section, click Select and Add Plan.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Field Value
Sequence Enter a unique sequence based on the sequence of existing plans in your program.
Status Pending
Field Value
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Field Value
Field Value
Effective Date The first day of the open enrollment period, for example, November 1, 2015
Life Event Occurred Date The first day of the new plan year, for example, January 1, 2016
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
9. In the Benefits Service Center page of any worker in the processed test population:
Related Topics
• How Participants and Administrators Enter Enrollments
• Scheduled Event Participation Process Options
• Prepare Program and Plan Configuration for Open Enrollment
• Monitor Processes and Resolve Errors
Tip: If you haven't already done so, run the Enroll in Default Benefits process before closing enrollment.
Close Enrollment
To close enrollment:
Analyze the generated logs and reports. Investigate and fix any errors.
2. Run the Close Enrollment process with the
In the Evaluation and Reporting work area use the Adjust Open Enrollment Window process to:
• Update the enrollment period end date, processing end date, and default enrollment date
• Provide an appropriate number of extension days
The generated log file displays the details of the new enrollment period for all participants.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
If you ran the Close Enrollment process and you now want to reopen the event, you can run the Reopen Life Event
process, selecting the event and the population parameters.
Tip: Use the Reopen Life Event process, selecting the Open event, with the Adjust Open Enrollment Window process
to extend the annual enrollment window after reopening a closed Open scheduled event.
You can use the View Enrollment Opportunities option in Benefits Service Center to extend the open enrollment
window. Here's how you do it:
1. On the Home page, click Benefits Administration > Enrollment, to open the Benefits Service Center work
2. Open the Benefits Summary page of the participant in the Benefits Service Center.
3. In the Evaluated Life Event section, click Actions (ellipses), View Enrollment Opportunities.
4. Click Edit in the Enrollment Opportunities section, follow the prompts to extend the dates, and save the
• Verify enrollment.
• Investigate incorrect enrollments.
• Close action items and certifications.
• Enter overrides.
• Inactivate plans that are no longer offered.
• Process intervening life events that occur after the open enrollment period.
Verify Enrollment
Generate the Participant Enrollment Results report in the Reports and Analytics work area and compare it with the same
report that you generated before you opened enrollment.
Use the preenrollment and postenrollment reports as well as the reports on the Life Events tab of the Evaluation and
Reporting work area to verify that:
• Participants are no longer enrolled in plans that aren't offered in the new plan year
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Also verify interim assignments and suspensions, action items and certifications, payroll results, and third-party
• Analyze the issue to determine if the failure occurred for one participant, many, or all.
• Review the setup of the benefit objects involved to determine if there:
◦ Was an oversight in making plan configuration changes
◦ Were incorrect data on an employee
1. On the Enrollments page in the Benefits Service Center page, click Manage Enrollment Activities to open the
Manage Enrollment Activities page.
2. Depending on what item the participant is fulfilling, select the election and in the Enrollment Activities section
enter and save the:
◦ Dependent or beneficiary information
◦ Received date for the certification
3. On the Action Items tab, confirm that your action or certification shows as completed and the date of
4. To close unresolved action items and certifications, in the Evaluation and Reporting work area run the Manage
Action Items process.
Note: The application doesn't process the next life event until all unresolved action items for the prior life event are
resolved, even if the prior life event has a Closed status.
Enter Overrides
In the Benefits Service Center page, use the following tasks:
Eligibility Override Maintain override information for a potential • A few employees live outside of a service
participant who's otherwise ineligible for a area, but work inside the service area and
particular program or plan.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Enrollment Override Override election information. • An employee received a special rate for a
certain length of time.
You might have to override eligibility first, to
specify that a participant can enroll in a plan or • Certain retirees have grandfathered rates
option for which the participant was originally that you don't want to change during the
ineligible. annual open enrollment.
CAUTION: Exercise caution when you override eligibility or enrollment so that the enrollment record doesn't extend
indefinitely, for example, when you terminate an employee. Ensure that you enter the through date when you override
eligibility, and the coverage end date, when you override an enrollment record.
1. Disenroll all participants from the plans and options that are no longer offered.
2. Verify in the Plan Configuration work area that these plans and options inactivate at the start of the new plan
For any plans and options that you haven't already scheduled to inactivate:
1. Set the session effective date to the first day of the new plan year.
2. Change the status to Inactive.
Process Intervening Life Events That Occur After the Open Enrollment
You must act on any intervening life events that might occur after an open enrollment period, and before the start date
of the new plan year.
Example: A participant experiences an address change life event after the open enrollment period. As a result, the
• Might no longer be eligible for the elections made during the open enrollment period
• Might be eligible for other offerings
1. Process the intervening life event and allow it to back out the open event.
2. Ask the participant to make necessary elections if required.
3. Reprocess the open event as of any date within the open enrollment period if the intervening life event affects
the eligibility of the open enrollment elections.
4. Work with the participant to make or update elections using the Benefits Service Center page.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 7
Using Benefits Manage Open Enrollment
Related Topics
• Examples of Processing Life Events That Occur During Open Enrollment
You need to first run the report in the Validation mode. Then, you run it in the Commit mode. In the Validation mode,
you get to review the person’s life event data. It also generates an authorization key. Then, you run the report in the
Commit mode by using the authorization key to remove the data permanently.
1. Click the signed in user's icon, and click Run Diagnostics Tests in the Troubleshooting section.
2. Search for and run the Delete Person Benefits Diagnostic Test report using these parameters:
Field Details
Person Number Enter the person number whose data you want to view.
Commit Mode N, to indicate that you don't want to commit the data.
Delete Benefit Relations N, to indicate that you don't want to delete benefits relationships at this time.
3. When the report is available, click the Report icon, and make a note of the authorization key. You need this key when
you run the report again, in the commit mode to delete the data.
4. Search for and run the Delete Person Benefits Diagnostic Test report using these parameters:
Field Details
Person Number Enter the person number whose data you want to delete.
Authorization Key Enter the authorization key that you received when you ran the report in the validation mode.
Delete Benefit Relations Enter Y only if you want to delete the data from the benefits relationship tables too. Otherwise, enter
5. When the report is available, click the Report icon to see the summary of data that you deleted.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
8 Billing
The enterprise might require that the participant make payments to keep the benefit. Use the billing tasks to generate
bills and record payments as shown in the following figure.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
1. Use the Upload Billing Payments workbook available in the Person Data Loaders tab of the Evaluation and
Reporting work area. You enter your payments for multiple participants in this worksheet and upload.
2. Use the Allocate and Reconcile Payments process in the Evaluation and Reporting work area to process the
payments you entered in the worksheet. If required, use the Benefit Coverage Payments task to review the
payments for a specific participant.
Related Topics
• Guidelines to Use Benefits Billing Processes
1. Create benefit groups using the Benefit Groups task in the Plan Configuration work area.
2. Use the Upload Person Benefit Groups task in the Evaluation and Reporting work area to assign that benefits
group to multiple participants. When you run the processes, you select the benefits group to process all the
participants in that group.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
For example, the benefits administrator generates health coverage charges of $500 for June. The participant overpays
$1000 and expects the excess credit of $500 to be used for the July bill. You can use the new Pay with Credits option on
the Billing page of Benefits Service Center to apply the credits.
For multiple credit adjustments, you can use the Upload Billing Payments workbook available in the Person Data
Loaders tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area.
Here’s how you apply credits to participants through Benefits Service Center:
Related Topics
• Upload Bill Payments Using the Integrated Workbook
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
The refund amount should be less than or equal to the available credit. Refunds are processed only if the outstanding
bills are all fully paid.
For example, a participant was planning to take an approved long-term unpaid leave of absence and overpays some
amount for the upcoming bills. The participant later decides not to take their unpaid leave and requests a refund of the
extra amount that they had paid. You can use the new Refund option on the Billing page of Benefits Service Center to
refund excess credits.
To refund multiple participants, you can use the Upload Billing Payments workbook available in the Person Data Loaders
tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area.
Related Topics
• Upload Bill Payments Using the Integrated Workbook
If there are outstanding charges from other billing periods, then the application settles the earliest charges first before
settling the latest billing period's charges.
For example, the following charges appear in the Record Payment page:
• InFusion Dental (20 USD) for the billing period of August 2016
• InFusion Eye Care (50 USD) for the billing period of September 2016
• InFusion Medical (200 USD) for the billing period of September 2016
The participant pays 250 USD on October 1, 2016. The application settles the charges as listed in the following table:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
The credit is automatically subtracted from subsequent charges and prorated for the rest of the year.
Underpayments appear in the Current Arrears field. For example, if the bill amount is 100 USD and the participant pays
75 USD, the outstanding amount of 25 USD appears in the Current Arrears field. The arrears are automatically added to
subsequent bills and prorated for the rest of the year. Any outstanding amount at the end of the year is automatically
carried over to the next year and appears in that year's bills.
If you want to make adjustments to multiple participants simultaneously, use the Upload Billing Payments integrated
workbook. This workbook is available in the Person Data Loaders tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area. This
is the same workbook you use to record payments for multiple participants. Then, use the Allocate and Reconcile
Payments process to update the payments you recorded. This process is available in the Processes tab, Billing Processes
The Review Benefit Coverages Payments page displays the payments or adjustments that you entered in the
spreadsheet for a specific participant.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
What's the difference between the hold billing option and the stop
billing option?
You select the Hold billing calculation check box to keep charges for a particular offering on hold for that billing period.
The check box is available in the Review Benefit Coverage Charges page.
Typically, you might want to hold a plan or bill for a short period of time while you are in discussion with an individual
employee or retiree. The charges on hold apply only to a specific billing period. They continue to appear as normal
charges in subsequent bills you generate.
The Stop billing check box, available in the Billed Enrollments tab, cancels current and subsequent billing for selected
plan types. The corresponding charges cease to appear in bills.
Related Topics
• What's the difference between the hold billing option and the stop billing option?
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
Alternatively, you prepare the bill using the Benefit Coverage Charges page and edit the charges before you generate
the bill.
Alternatively, from the Create menu, click Record Payment. In the billing table, the total amount due value appears in
the Amount Due column of the most recent billing entry.
Why can't I edit any of the benefit charges for a billing period?
You can't edit bills that are already generated. A bill with an Unpaid status indicates a generated bill. You can edit bills
that have the Open status.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 8
Using Benefits Billing
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Here's the list of Benefits objects that you can manage in Integrated Workbooks:
• Enrollments
• Plans and programs
• Rates and variable rates
• Derived factors
• Reporting groups
• Benefit balances
• Benefit groups
• Person habits
• Postal code ranges and service areas
• Regulations
• ACA Override Upload
• Upload Billing Payments
In the application, when managing person habits, you must enter the Benefits Service Center page for each person
individually. With the integrated workbook, you can manage the person habits for multiple persons at one time and
upload the data.
Rather than searching for each rate individually when preparing for your next open enrollment period, you can
download them to the integrated workbook. Make your edits in the workbook and upload them back to the application.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
The basic process for managing person benefit groups using the workbook is:
1. Generate and populate the workbook.
2. Edit, add, and delete person benefit groups in the workbook.
3. Upload edits.
4. Resolve errors.
Repeat these steps as many times as required to accommodate revisions.
1. In the Upload Person Benefit Groups row of the Person Data Loaders tab, click the Go to Task button.
2. In the Upload Person Benefit Groups dialog box, enter a session effective date.
3. Click Prepare in Workbook.
a. Double-click the Mark for Deletion field in each workbook row that you want to delete.
b. Click Delete Selected Rows.
• You can't edit or enter the effective date in the workbook. To change the effective date, use one of these
Uploading Edits
After you complete your edits, click Upload.
The process:
1. Uploads into the application database the workbook rows marked as Changed
2. Uses the session effective date that you set when generating the workbook as the start date for any edits or
new group assignments that you entered in the workbook
3. End dates the prior group assignments as of the previous day for each edited row
4. Retains the history
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
5. Deletes permanently all of the related effective-dated records from the application database for each workbook
row that is marked for deletion
For each row marked for deletion in the workbook, the application permanently deletes all of the related effective-dated
records from the application database.
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review,
the process:
Related Topics
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
The basic process for managing person benefit balances using the workbook is:
1. Generate and populate the workbook.
2. Edit, add, and delete person benefit balances in the workbook.
3. Upload edits.
4. Resolve errors.
Repeat these steps as many times as required to accommodate revisions.
1. In the Upload Person Benefit Balances row of the Person Data Loaders tab, click the Go to Task button.
2. In the Upload Person Benefit Balances dialog box, enter a session effective date.
3. Click Prepare in Workbook.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
For each new balance, you must enter a value in either the Primary Assignment or Benefits Relationship
field, but not both.
• Delete data from the application database using these steps:
a. Double-click the Mark for Deletion field in each workbook row that you want to delete from the
application database.
b. Click Delete Selected Rows.
• You can't edit or enter the effective date in the workbook. To change the effective date, use one of these
Uploading Edits
After you complete your edits, click Upload.
The process:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Related Topics
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
The basic process for managing person habits data using the workbook is:
• Edit the Student Status, Disability Status, Disability Type, Tobacco Use, Covered in Another Plan, and Plan
values only.
To identify the person, you must enter either the person number or these three values, in their respective fields:
◦ First name
◦ Last name
◦ Date of birth
As denoted in the column header, person type is required for each new row.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
• You can't edit or enter the effective date in the workbook. To change the effective date, use one of these
Uploading Edits
After you complete your edits, click Upload to load into the application database the rows that are marked as Changed.
The process:
1. Uses the session effective date that you set when you generated the workbook as the start date for any edits or
new rows that you entered in the workbook
2. End dates the prior data row as of the previous day
3. Retains the history
4. Deletes permanently all of the related effective-dated records from the application database
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review,
the process:
Related Topics
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
The high-level process for managing benefit enrollments using the integrated workbook is:
1. Prepare and upload data to interim table, resolving any identified workbook errors.
2. Upload enrollments batch to database tables, resolving any identified processing errors.
The Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process uses the effective date when:
The basic process for preparing and uploading workbook data to interim tables is:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Related Topics
• Upload Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables
• Upload Benefit Enrollments Batch to Database Tables
• What's the difference between Export to Excel and desktop integration for Excel?
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
1. After completing the integrated workbook, you upload the rows to an interim batch table.
2. After all workbook rows upload without errors, you run the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process in the
Evaluation and Reporting work area.
Note: Values that you enter in name fields must exactly match the values already in the application. This applies to
names of participants, programs, plans, options, dependents, beneficiaries, and life events.
Column Description
Changed Marked automatically when you edit or add a row in the workbook
The upload process loads only these rows to the interim batch table.
Mark for Deletion Double-click this cell to mark the row for deletion.
When you click Delete Selected Rows, the upload deletes the data from the interim batch tables so
that it’s not available for the batch process.
Status Provided automatically by the upload process for each row after it loads the data into the interim batch
For rows with errors, click Upload Error to see the details.
*Enrollment Type Enter this value based on the person for whom you’re entering the data.
• Participant Enrollment
• Dependent Designation
• Beneficiary Designation
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Column Description
*Person Number PARTICIPANT_PERSON_NUMBER, a unique numeric identifier for the participant for whom to process
the enrollment changes
*Life Event Occurred Date Benefits processing derives the existence of a started life event based on the combination of this date
and the specified life event.
Original Participant Enrollment Date Doesn't affect processing, the upload updates the field for the participant enrollment record.
Create Potential Life Event Yes: The process determines whether the participant has a potential life event for the combination of
the life event name, life event occurred date, and benefit relationship. If there is no valid potential life
event, it creates and processes one.
No: The process doesn't create the potential event or process life events automatically. You must
manually add the life event using the Potential Life Event tab.
*Benefit Relationship Must be valid for the participant as of the effective date
Benefits processing derives a valid started life event for the participant based on this value.
Rate Amount If you enter a rate amount, ensure that there is no value in coverage amount.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Column Description
Coverage Amount If you enter a coverage amount, ensure that there is no value in rate amount.
Beneficiary Organizations and Trusts Enter the name of the existing beneficiary organization or trust. If the beneficiary organization or trust
doesn't exist as of the effective date, the beneficiary designation process fails.
To create the organization or trust, which you can then use in the workbook, use the Beneficiary
Organizations task in the Benefits Service Center page.
Primary Beneficiary Percentage If you enter a percentage amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary amount.
Contingent Beneficiary Percentage If you enter a percentage amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary amount.
Beneficiary Amount If you enter a beneficiary amount, ensure that there is no value in beneficiary percentage.
Close Life Event Date Date on which you want to close the life event
*Close Life Event Yes: The process attempts to close the life event that it’s processing, which is useful if it’s processing
multiple life events for the same participant, dependent, or beneficiary.
No: The process doesn't close the life event, leaving it in the started state.
Suspended results or pending action items don't allow the life event to close. In such cases, it remains
unchanged and you must close this event before attempting to process the next event.
Describes any errors that occurred during the Upload Benefits Enrollments batch process.
Indicates the Upload Benefits Enrollments batch processing status for the row, such as COMPLETE or
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Column Description
Related Topics
• Overview of Managing Benefit Enrollments in the Integrated Workbook
The basic process for preparing and uploading workbook data to interim tables is:
1. Generate the workbook.
2. Create a batch of enrollment data.
3. Upload edits into the interim database table.
4. Resolve workbook data errors.
You must verify that the relevant plan and program configuration is set up and working correctly before uploading
enrollment data using the workbook.
1. On the Enrollment Uploads tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area Overview page, click Prepare
Enrollment Batch in Workbook.
2. In the Batch Name cell, enter a name for the enrollment batch.
3. Enter the batch lines.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
If you select Yes in Close Life Event, then Close Life Event Date becomes a required cell.
• Enter one of these valid values for Enrollment Type:
◦ Participant Enrollment
◦ Dependent Designation
◦ Beneficiary Designation
• Enter a valid participant name in every row, even if the enrollment type is for dependent or beneficiary.
• Press Enter or click out of the current cell to ensure that the workbook recognizes your entry as a change.
1. Double-click the Mark for Deletion cell in each workbook row that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete Selected Rows.
It uploads into the interim database table only the rows that are marked as Changed.
The upload process also deletes permanently all of the related effective-dated records from the interim database table
for each workbook row marked for deletion. This makes the deleted records unavailable for enrollment processing.
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row. If there are errors that require review,
the process:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Next Steps
Next, you must upload your workbook data batch to the database tables. The details of this process are covered in the
Uploading Benefit Enrollments Batch to Database Tables: Procedure topic.
Related Topics
• Overview of Managing Benefit Enrollments in the Integrated Workbook
• Upload Benefit Enrollments Batch to Database Tables
• Set Up Desktop Integration for Excel
• Guidelines for Using Desktop Integrated Excel Workbooks
• Benefit Enrollment Integrated Workbook Columns
The basic process for updating the database tables using the batch process is:
1. Run the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process.
2. Download the enrollment processing results and fix any errors.
3. Review the results and reprocess.
You must first upload your enrollment data batch to the interim tables. The details of this process are covered in the
Uploading Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables: Procedure topic.
1. In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, select the Processes tab.
2. In the Upload Benefit Enrollments row of the Election Processes section, click Submit.
3. In the Parameters section Batch Name field, select the name that corresponds to the name that you entered in
your workbook.
4. Click Submit.
Note the request number in the Confirmation dialog box when the request completes processing to review log
files for details.
For each participant, the Upload Benefit Enrollments batch process completes:
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
If a participant enrollment fails, the batch process skips the associated designations, since they may be dependent on
the participant enrollment completing without issues.
1. In the Enrollment Uploads tab of the Evaluation and Reporting work area Overview page, click Prepare
Enrollment Batch in Workbook.
2. Enter the name of the existing batch that you want to review.
3. Click Download.
The workbook downloads all of the batch rows, not just the rows with errors.
4. View messages in the Message cells.
Each message generally has a line ID indicating the row that is causing issues.
5. Fix the issue with each specified row.
6. Upload the batch again for reprocessing.
In the Audit Log field, if you select Yes when uploading the batch data, the upload process adds any error or
information messages for each line to the audit log.
Related Topics
• Overview of Managing Benefit Enrollments in the Integrated Workbook
• Upload Enrollment Workbook Data to Interim Tables
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Recording Certifications
The workbook columns and choice lists are the same as the fields and choice lists on the Enrollment Activities page in
the Benefits Service Center page. Enter a row for each certification for each participant. You can enter multiple action
items with several certifications for participants with several dependents or beneficiaries. However, each certification's
details must exist as a single row.
Uploading Data
After you complete the edits, in the Enrollment Certifications Upload tab, click Upload to load into the application table
those rows that are marked as Changed.
Note: You can't edit certifications in the workbook after they upload successfully. However, you can edit certification
details on the Enrollment Activities page.
Resolving Errors
The upload process automatically updates the Status field in each workbook row.
This could cause time outs especially when you're loading a large set of data. Set the Event filter to No to skip creating
life events, thus reducing the chance of a time out.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 9
Using Benefits Integrated Workbooks for Loading Data
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Using Benefits Benefits Setup Maintenance
• Eligibility
• Life events
• Plans and programs
• Rates and coverages
• Flex credits
You can also configure display of information in the self service enrollment guided process, and export and import plan
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 10
Using Benefits Benefits Setup Maintenance
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 11
Using Benefits Court Orders
11 Court Orders
In the Create or Edit Benefit Court Orders page, select and add dependents identified in the court order. For each
dependent, determine the plan or plan type that they must enroll in. The default configuration prevents participants
opting out their dependents from enrollment during an active court order. Once the participant designates a dependent
in a plan, they can't delete or end date the dependent. When a court sends a release or the dependent ages out, you
must enter an end date to stop the court order enforcement.
Use the Document Records section to upload scanned financial assessments and the original court order for reference
Use the Enrollment Results page to view court order details. You can also check whether or not a dependent is covered.
You can print this page for record keeping.
Participants can view their court order details from the Benefits Confirmation Summary Report page in the self-service
pages. The report provides details of the court order, such as the order identification, the plan types or plans included in
the court order, and dependents.
Related Topics
• How do I trigger person life events on creating, updating, or deleting a court order?
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 11
Using Benefits Court Orders
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 12
Using Benefits Benefit Plan Comparison
You can view and launch plan comparison from the self-service landing page or from quick actions. You can compare
up to 3 plans at a time.
Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Resources Chapter 12
Using Benefits Benefit Plan Comparison