Sfu Library Thesis Template
Sfu Library Thesis Template
Sfu Library Thesis Template
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These documents include the BC Park Act, the 1995 Newcastle Island Master Plan, the 2008 co-
management agreement (CMA), the Park Operator Agreement, and various Snuneymuxw business
plans. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers. And instead, it’s just a part of our home,
it’s a part of where we live, it’s a part of who we are. She explains that there is a need for those who
work with the island to get properly trained, to understand the history of the island so they can carry
it forward. The island is still run primarily through the colonial institutions of BC Parks and co-
management. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate. When
using these terms, there may be times when there is overlap in understanding and no problems
surface later, while at other times “misunderstandings follow once the agreement is in effect and
each party privately speculates that the other is guilty of insincerity, betrayal, or simple disregard”
(1992, 39). For these reasons, I regard the governmental definitions and use of co- management
practices to be tools for providing the appearance of inclusion and consideration of Indigenous
peoples and increase certainty of colonial projects, while leaving the foundational question of
Indigenous sovereignty and rights to govern the territory untouched. I had several reservations about
using the term co- management given the relationship that Snuneymuxw peoples have to it, as well as
its Page 75. It’s very much about spiritual training, training in the developing your spirit and your
mind and your connection with your spirituality.” Geraldine also took time with me to expand on the
understanding of Saysutshun beyond a historical place of training through simply running,
highlighting that it continues to serve as a contemporary touchstone for Snuneymuxw people to visit
the ancestors of the land, who are always there. Thus, in order to bring the island back into the
Snuneymuxw world, it is necessary to shift the discourse away from words and practices that focus
on it as a park. Coulthard (2006, 2014) has levelled considerable criticism against Indigenous forms
of economic development within a capitalist system, arguing that Indigenous values around the
human responsibility to maintain reciprocal relationships with the land, and with each other are
inevitably undermined by the stronger impetus toward material gains (108). The process to be
followed for non-compliance is contained in the AEC Terms of Reference. Cole, Peter. 2006. Coyote
and Raven Go Canoeing: Coming Home to the Village. On the Insert tab, the galleries include items
that are designed to coordinate with. Their work has resulted in obtaining the co-management
agreement for Saysutshun, but also efforts that have resulted in the recovery of other parts of the
territory following the signing of the Reconciliation Agreement. Thomlison, Eugene and Geoffery
Crouch. “Aboriginal Peoples, Parks Canada, and Protected Spaces: A Case Study in Co-Management
at Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve.” Annals of Leisure Research 15, no. 1 (2012): 69-86.
Thornton, Thomas F. 2008. Being and Place Among the Tlingit. Frontline organisers in the Land
Back movement further identify some of the steps required for Land Back beyond returning the land
as dismantling white supremacist structures that remove Indigenous peoples from their lands in the
first place, defunding structures that criminalise Indigenous land and water defenders, and
operationalising real consent rather than relying on pre-determined consultation processes (NDN
Collective, nd.). Page 23. View Template Information Classicthesis Typographic Thesis This template
has been designed as a homage to the Elements of Typographic Style. Retrieved from O’Brien,
Justin. 2019. “Creating Space: Co-Management Considerations in Kakadu National Park.” In
Reclaiming Indigenous Governance: Reflections and Insights from Australia, Canada, New Zealand,
and the United States, edited by William Nikolakis, Stephen Cornell, and Harry W. They are
mustimuxw. The trees and tumuxw and birds watch the goings on quietly, curiously. Styles gallery
provide reset commands so that you can always restore the look of your. Drawing on the invitation
of Kohn (2013) as well as Snuneymuxw Elders, considering the agencies of Saysutshun in the co-
management agreement is an invitation to immerse oneself into the kind of thinking that grows
toward new possibilities. This story is connected to nearby Gabriola Island but is held here in this
pole Page 77. The fact that the stories continue to be carried and told means Xeel’s is still here.
Instead, Snuneymuxw ways of knowing and doing dream a shared world that grows not only from
the knowledges passed down by the ancestors, but also from the contemporary world. The POA is
not a public document and therefore I needed to request it from the nation for viewing. In the
context of Snuneymuxw’s self- determination, PDG staff are able to see this distinction most clearly,
as they understand the limits that BC Parks and the related governing documents place on
Snuneymuxw as a nation having the right to be in relationship to their territory through culturally
centered governing that includes decision-making and economy, which Snuneymuxw believes that
can only attain through repatriation. Jared Qwustenuxun Williams of Quw’ut’sun explains: “I have to
start by acknowledging that naming whole islands, whole geographic regions, whole lakes, and
whole rivers, is not a required practice in Hul’q’umi’num’ territory. Online Video, you can paste in
the embed code for the video you want to add. You can.
It is Geraldine’s strong belief that once again enacting Snuneymuxw protocols of being with
Saysutshun rather than BC Parks standards and practices, would then prepare workers to come
before the island ready to be taught and transformed rather than knowing what is best. Through the
lens of Snuneymuxw perspectives and experiences, my project will describe Snuneymuxw First
Nation’s oral histories and knowledges that contribute to co- management and mechanisms of Land
Back. When describing the transformative potential of this thinking, Kohn explicitly asks researchers
to draw their “ethnographic attention to that which lies beyond the human” to understand the lives,
dynamics, and properties of the non-human (2013, 6). The Australian code for the care and use of
animals for scientific purposes (the Code) supports this requirement by adding that investigators or
teachers must promptly notify the AEC of any unexpected adverse event which occurs during the
period of the approved project and which may have a negative impact on the wellbeing of the
animals used in project. Instead, Indigenous definitions of wealth, economic freedom, and
development are constituted by value creation that aligns with Indigenous worldviews and principles
centered on relationship, reciprocity and interconnectedness. This process will be conducted in
consultation with the DAF AEC and the final guidelines will be approved by the DAF AEC.
Assessing applications for the use of animals for scientific purposes only after the committee receives
a completed and signed application form that is completed to the Committee’s satisfaction. b.
Assessing whether the information provided by the Activity Leader adequately and concisely details
appropriate justification of the proposed 12 Page 15. Wilson, Shawn. 2008. Research is Ceremony:
Indigenous Research Methods. The ethnographic record marks Neck Point as a Northern boundary
and Boat Harbour as the Southern extent, while West to East, Snuneymuxw’s territories extend from
the Nanaimo River watershed to the Gulf Islands to the East (Bouchard 1992). If goals and needs of
Snuneymuxw are to be met, much work needs to be done to transform what is at the heart of the co-
management agreement and those who enact it, particularly BC Parks agents. Dave stands under the
pole and explains the stories carved there, which include Killer Whale who was transformed from an
Old Wolf who went into the water to be healed. The island is still run primarily through the colonial
institutions of BC Parks and co- management. I walked the trails slowly and quietly listening for
things that you can’t hear in a rush or in conversation. Their relationship with the agency of
Saysutshun is honoured in a variety of ways including coming to the land for healing and Page 45. I
would like to acknowledge that the knowledge shared with me by Snuneymuxw citizens is limited
due to my position as an outsider, the sacredness of Saysutshun, and the privacy associated with
particular knowledges or traditions. Nadasdy (2003) and Irlbacher-Fox (2009) offer a similar critique
of co-management as experienced by Indigenous communities in Canada. Waiting for us to recognise
each other in each other. I am here. I move counterclockwise because that is the direction I have been
taught to move. This poster was made by Eliot through his work with PDG. The way the old people
would put it, if we could think about the term co- management, the old people back in the day like
thousands and thousands of years ago. Thesis template v1.3 usm library 1. THE COGNITIVE
DIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT. Thesis Template and Resources: 2016-12-06 red thesis banner
Workshop Dates: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 - 1:30pm to 2:30pm Location: Burnaby, Bennett.
Kovach, Margaret. 2009. Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and Contexts.
During the development of my research project, Snuneymuxw citizen Joan Brown offered me an
important teaching. See: Amrine Goertz, Jolynn. 2018. Chehalis Stories. Lincoln: University Page 86.
According to Craft, Land Back is predominantly an act of unsettling the concept of land from
property and power to actions that are rooted in care. The SFU Library thesis template is a Microsoft
Word file designed to assist students in preparing theses, projects, and extended essays The template
and. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. Find your
version of word below to download the tutorial appropriate to your needs. I felt indignant to be
sitting here in front of this binder, thinking “what can this possibly teach me about relationship to
Saysutshun?” But I tried to come before the documents the same way I do Saysutshun, open to
learning whatever it is the binder can teach, including Trickster teachings.32 I quickly became 32 The
concept of the Trickster is held within Indigenous communities around the world as a way to explain
inconsistencies or reconstitute experiences. When Snuneymuxw talk about how to move forward,
there is a recognition that these lived relationships need to be interwoven into a whole new living
relationship.40 Eliot states that 40 When using the term interweaving in this way, I am pulling from
the steps of transformation put forward by Michael Blackstock.
Baland, Jean-Marieand Jean-Phillipe Platteau. 1996. Inequality and Collective Action in the
Commons. To my left there is a long scar reaching high up the truck of a grandmother Cedar. Rosnani
Ahmad and Ms. Rabiahtul Adauwiyah Abu Hanifah for commitment. In fact, Joan describes such
governmentally centered agreements as disrespectful to her relationship with the land as a
Snuneymuxw person, as well as to the land itself. I know to be quiet here, knowing nothing I could
say would add anything to this silence. The SFU Library thesis template is a Microsoft Word file
designed to assist students in preparing theses, projects, and extended essays The template and.
Jason Cheung Students in the director's seat: Teaching and learning across the school curr.
Complaints may concern the AEC process of review of an application or report, or may concern
disagreements between AEC members or between the AEC and investigators, or between the AEC
and the department. He asks how the research is going. “Slow, but good” I tell him. “It’s good to
spend these days with the island.” He guides the boat forward, not even looking at me. I had several
reservations about using the term co- management given the relationship that Snuneymuxw peoples
have to it, as well as its Page 75. Prior to contact with Europeans, Snuneymuxw livelihood and
governance structures were based out of five main villages. Their relationship with the agency of
Saysutshun is honoured in a variety of ways including coming to the land for healing and Page 45.
Goal 1: Strengthening and reasserting relationships with Saysutshun Building and strengthening
relationships are an important goal for all parties involved in the co-management of Saysutshun.
Thank you to the unique supports of my committee: Pam thank you for pushing me to make this
thesis clearer so it can do the work that it needs to do in academic spaces. He is honoured to do the
work of welcoming people to Saysutshun in his role and “invites visitors to be transformed by the
stories and the island.” Geraldine Tsatsassya Manson is a respected Elder of Snuneymuxw. You can
use these galleries to insert tables, headers. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the?
pdf. Site inspection forms are to be completed after each inspection and should be signed, dated and
returned to the relevant people when accepted by the AEC. You can use these galleries to insert
tables, headers. While there are divergent ideas about what conditions are needed for the successful
devolution of management rights leading to such a true co-management between state and local
users, scholars agree that institutional arrangements must include locally devised access and
management rules (Baland and Platteau 1996). Waiting for us to recognise each other in each other. I
am here. I move counterclockwise because that is the direction I have been taught to move. A
Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the? pdf. As former Snuneymuxw Chief Doug White
explained while discussing Land Back, the futures that Snuneymuxw peoples are dreaming are those
that love and care about future generations, with caring for our responsibilities to land being a key
part of that future. He has learned that when it came to governance, the Snuneymuxw peoples would
all come together because we knew we were the Snuneymuxw, we knew we were one people - we
all came together, we’d support one another, we were all related, we were very closely related all
throughout the mid island. The ways these terms are used provided me insight into how these parties
see these relationships functioning and how may be power held and used. All information received
should be stored in accordance with departmental administrative records requirements. Word 6.0 in
1993, then it was renamed to Microsoft Word 95 and Microsoft Word 97. A Dissertation Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment of the? pdf. Through Saysutshun and the territory, Snuneymuxw peoples have
generously allowed me to engage with these beings and each other with a humble heart and mind
willing to learn, which I now pass on to you. Page 112. I wanted to ensure that my methodology of
being open and centering care extended beyond the field and were a part of my analysis and writing
When I did not know what I was doing or if what I was doing was right, it would know and be there
to teach. I had a lovely time talking with Geraldine in the morning and we had groaned a bit over the
idea of an afternoon spent with the binder. NDN Collective. nd. “NDN Collective LandBack
Campaign Launching on Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2020. It is then signed by the AEC Chair and
returned to the investigator. You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document
text by. However, to not talk about their role as a partner would be a disservice to the network of
relationships that I am proposing exist in co-management, many of which are marginalised.
Snuneymuxw people express overall distrust in their relationship with BC Parks. One Elder that I
spoke to in preparation for this work shared similar perspectives of working with the land and how it
comes to shape you as a person. Having culturally grounded economies is not at odds with cultural
resurgence. Page 80. When I am on the big island, I can still hear some mustimuxw talking in the
language. Ribbon so that the commands you use often are all together by right click the dialog box.
Sandstone of Saysutshun Sandstone of Saysutshun, which would have been used as tools but also
would have those among them who would be recognised as ancestors turned to stone by Xeel's.
Page 57. Dave Bodaly is the current cultural tour guide and Snuneymuxw “ambassador” at
Saysutshun, a position he has held for three years. Eliot and I had a conversation while sitting with
the Welcome Pole after one of our interview-conversation sessions. It is carefully structured and
separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Like camas, which were a special trade plant all the
way into the interior.” We look South across what is now the lawn. “You can still see the shape of a
place in the land.” Dave motions the rolling of the land with his hands. Undulating. I try to imagine
how hard life would have been for the family here with the ever-present wind through the channel.
As pointed out by Irlbacher-Fox, Indigenous nations like Snuneymuxw enter into these negotiations
and exist in relationships at a distinct disadvantage in terms of infrastructure and resources (2009,
60). Jason Cheung Students in the director's seat: Teaching and learning across the school curr.
The structure of the executive is to follow the Code guidelines. In the case of Saysutshun, this could
mean a re-enlivening of the community board that was struck through the Reconciliation Agreement,
holding the co-management protocols in song or story as Geraldine had suggested in Chapter 4, and
re-centering Snuneymuxw decision-making processes described by Eliot and Joan in Chapter 2. Page
106. According to Craft, Land Back is predominantly an act of unsettling the concept of land from
property and power to actions that are rooted in care. Start with a question step 2: Please note there is
no template or specific formatting guidelines. Although I don’t want to demean the relationship we
have with BC Parks, because I think it is significant that this has come to us. Though I am neither
tied to the land or co-management agreement as a Snuneymuxw person, I do have a responsibility to
conduct myself in appropriate and caring ways while on their lands and in this work. There is no
digital version of the document, so I spent a warm and sunny afternoon sitting in the PDG
lunchroom, with papers spread across a table carved in Kwakwaka’wakw style. On the Insert tab, the
galleries include items that are designed to coordinate. This helps me ensure that what I bring
forward and how I use the knowledges shared with me is woven together in respectful ways. For the
power and potential of transformation to be felt by the nation once again, it must be freed from the
confines of current co-management structures. Page 99. Ian stated Snuneymuxw is currently trying to
rekindle this Board structure to improve sharing between the parties and for new outlets to express
Snuneymuxw interests and goals.