Vocab Class 30 Vol. 01
Vocab Class 30 Vol. 01
Vocab Class 30 Vol. 01
Exalt (verb)
Hindi Meaning: प्रशंसा करना
English Meaning: To praise someone a lot, to raise someone to a
higher rank
Usage: The party will continue to exalt their hero.
Synonyms: Elevate, glorify, aggrandize, canonize, deify, ennoble,
magnify, extol, laud
Elevate (verb)
to make someone or something more important or to improve something:
Usage:They want to elevate the status of teachers.
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Glorify (verb)
to praise or honor someone or something
Usage:He has been glorified in the press.
Aggrandize (verb)
To make someone more powerful or important
canonize (verb)
1st to announce officially that a dead person is a saint:
Usage:Many would like to see him canonized (as) a saint.
2nd to praise and admire someone very much, especially in a way
that is too much or that they do not deserve:
Usage:He was history's most canonized basketball player.
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Deify (verb)
to make someone or something into a god:
Usage:The Romans used to deify their emperors.
Ennoble (verb)
to make something or someone better so that people admire it, him,
or her more:
He has this theory that suffering can ennoble a person's character.
Extol (verb)
to praise something or someone very much:
Usage:His book extolling the benefits of vegetarianism sold thousands
of copies.
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Laud (verb)
to praise:
Usage:They lauded his initiative.
Abase (verb)
to make yourself seem to be less important or to not deserve respect
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degrade (verb)
1st to cause people to feel that they or other people have
no value and do not have the respect or good opinion of others:
He degrades women.
2nd to spoil or destroy the beauty or quality of something:
Usage:Every day the environment is further degraded by toxic wastes.
Demean (verb)
to cause someone to become less respected:
Usage:The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour.
Humiliate (verb)
to make someone feel ashamed or lose respect for himself or
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How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of
everyone like that?
Censure (noun)
strong criticism or disapproval:
Usage:His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.
Admonish (verb)
to tell someone that they have done something wrong:
Usage:His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.
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Petulance (noun)
Hindi Meaning: चिड़चिड़ापन
English Meaning: The quality of being easily annoyed, bad-
Usage: I have never witnessed such a display of childish petulance.
Synonyms: Irritableness, biliousness, grouchiness, perversity,
peevishness, surliness
Biliousness (noun) / Bilious (adj.)
If someone is bilious, they are always in a bad mood:
Usage:a bilious old man
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grouchiness (noun)
the quality of being easily annoyed and quick to complain:
Usage:Did your friend get annoyed at your grouchiness?
Perversity (noun)
the quality of being strange and not what most people would do
or expect:
Usage:I think she disagreed with me out of perversity.
Peevishness (noun)/ Peevish(adj.)
easily annoyed:
Usage:a peevish, bad-tempered person
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surliness (noun)
the quality of being often in a bad mood, unfriendly, and
not polite:
teenage surliness
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Affability (noun)
the quality of being friendly and easy to talk to:
Usage:Her decisiveness and affability were valuable assets.
Amenity (noun)
1st that is intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for
the people in a town, hotel, or other place:
They established employee amenities such as restrooms, medical care,
and a lunchroom.
2nd the quality of being pleasant or agreeable
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Cordiality (noun)
behaviour that is friendly, but formal and polite
Usage:Their relationship should be restored to the same level of
mutual cordiality that used to exist in the past.
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Saccharine (adjective)
Hindi Meaning: ज्यादा मधरु
English Meaning: Too sweet or too polite or
too pleasant or charming, with too much feeling to be believed:
Usage: You do not trust him with his saccharine smile.
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Corny (adj.)
showing no new ideas or too often repeated,
Usage:and therefore not funny or interesting: corny jokes
drippy (adj.)
boring and without a strong character:
Where's that drippy brother of yours?
Sloppy (adj.)
expressing feelings of love in a way that is silly or embarrassing:
a sloppy love song
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Antonyms: Unsentimental, unadulterated, cynical, unvarnished
Unadulterated (adj.)
1st complete:
Usage:a feeling of unadulterated joy
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Cynical (adj.)
believing that people are only interested in themselves and are
not sincere:
Usage:I've always been deeply cynical about politicians.
Unvarnished (adj.)
An unvarnished statement is expressed in a plain and honest way:
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You don't expect a politician to Page
tell- 18you the unvarnished truth.