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Học kỳ II: 17 tuần x 03 tiết/tuần = 51 tiết.

Tuần Tên bài/ Unit Nội dung chi tiết
Tuầ n 20 55 UNIT 7 Getting started
56 UNIT 7 A closer look 1
57 UNIT 7 A closer look 2
Tuầ n 21 58 UNIT 7 Communication
59 UNIT 7 Skills 1
60 UNIT 7 Skills 2
Tuầ n 22 61 UNIT 7 Looking back & project
62 UNIT 8 Getting started
63 UNIT 8 A closer look 1
Tuầ n 23 64 UNIT 8 A closer look 2
65 UNIT 8 Communication
66 UNIT 8 Skills 1
Tuầ n 24 67 UNIT 8 Skills 2
68 UNIT 8 Looking back & project
69 UNIT 9 Getting started
Tuầ n 25 70 UNIT 9 A closer look 1
71 UNIT 9 A closer look 2
72 UNIT 9 Communication
Tuầ n 26 73 UNIT 9 Skills 1
74 UNIT 9 Skills 2
75 UNIT 9 Looking back & project
Tuầ n 27 76 Review 3 (Language)
77 Review 3 (skills)
78 45-minute test
Tuầ n 28 79 UNIT 10 Getting started
80 UNIT 10 A closer look 1
81 UNIT 10 A closer look 2
Tuầ n 29 82 UNIT 10 Communication
83 Feedback on test 3
84 UNIT 10 Skills 1
Tuầ n 30 85 UNIT 10 Skills 2
86 UNIT 10 Looking back & project
87 UNIT 11 Getting started
Tuầ n 31 88 UNIT 11 A closer look 1
89 UNIT 11 A closer look 2
90 UNIT 11 Communication
Tuầ n 32 91 UNIT 11 Skills 1
92 UNIT 11 Skills 2
93 UNIT 11 Looking back & project
Tuầ n 33 94 Test 45’
95 UNIT 12 Getting started
96 UNIT 12 A closer look 1
Tuầ n 34 97 UNIT 12 A closer look 2
98 UNIT 12 Communication
99 Feedback on test 3
Tuầ n 35 100 UNIT 12 Skills 1
101 UNIT 12 Skills 2
102 UNIT 12 Looking back & project
Tuầ n 36 103 Review 4 (Language)
104 2nd term exam
105 Feedback on 2nd term exam

WEEK:20 Preparing date:

Period: 55 Teaching date:
Lesson 1 - GETTING STARTED: My favourite salad
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- use the lexical items related to making a prawn salad
- listen and read Nick's mum and Mi's conversation for specific information about
how to make a spawn salad
- Learn some more famous dishes of some countries in the world
1. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: lexical items related to making a prawn salad
- Grammar: Giving instruction
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students' activities Content
1.Warm up: Brainstorming Find out famous dishes of some countries in the
* Find out famous dishes of some world
countries in the world Countries Dishes
- Teacher elicits and write the name Viet Nam
of some countries on the board Thailand
? Discuss and find out some famous Japan
or tradition dishes of these countries The USA
- Have some students write the Mexico
dishes on the right corner of the The UK
board Italy
2.Getting-started: I. New words
New words - prawn (n): tôm panda
Teacher use the things in the - celery (n): cần tây
picture on page 6-7 to teach new - mayonnaise (n): sốt ma-i-on-ne
words - versatile (adj) đa dụng
- Follow the seven steps of teaching
Teacher and Students' activities Content
Listen and read II. Listen and read

? Cover the text and look at the

picture on page 6-7 * Suggested answers:
? Who can you see in the picture? - Mi, Nick and his mom.
? Where are they? - In the kitchen.
? What is there on the table? - prawn, celery, lemon. salt, pepper, mayonnaise,
knife, tablespoon.......
? What do you think they are - They are talking about how to make a salad.
talking about?
- Play the recording and have
students follow along.
? Compare your answer with the
information in the dialogue.
1.a. Find the words (1a P8) 1.a. Find the words (1a P8)
? Work individually to find the 1. starter 2. versatile
words with the given meanings in 3. drain 4. peel
the dialogue. 5. chop 6. combine
? Quickly write the answer on the
1.b. Word webs (1b P8) 1.b. Word webs (1b P8)
? Work in pairs and complete the * Ingredients: prawn, celery, lemon. salt, pepper,
word webs. mayonnaise, spring onion
- Call one pair to write their * Preparing and cooking: wash, boil, combine,
answers on the board. chop, peel, drain, mix, add
? Add more if needed.
1.c. Answer the questions (1c P8) 1.c. Answer the questions (1c P8)
? Run through the questions. 1. Nick's mum.
- Make sure students understand 2. Because it's simple and delicious.
them. 3. In the summer time.
? First, answer the questions 4. They are versatile, and you can use lots of
without reading the dialogue again. ingredients in a salad.
? Exchange your answer with your 5. Nick's mum boils and drains the prawns, and
partner. mixes the ingredients. Mi washes the spring onions,
? Read the dialogue again and chop the celery, peels the onions, and mix the
check. ingredients.
6. Because he finds it difficult to wait for one hour.
3.Doing: III. Practice
1. Matching (2 P8) 1. Matching (2 P8)
? Refer back to the warmer A. Cobb salad B. sushi
? Look at the pictures and match the C. steak pie D. fajitas
dishes with the pictures. E. lasagne F. mango sticky
? Pair compare rice
- Play the audio for students to G. beef noodle soup H. curry
check and repeat the answers.
2. Discussion (3a P8) 2. Discussion (3a P8)
? Work in pairs to discuss what A. The USA B. Japan
Teacher and Students' activities Content
country in the box is associated C. The UK D. The UK
with each dish in 2. E. Italy F. Thailand
- Check and confirm the correct G. Viet Nam H. India
3. Fill in each blank with the name 3. Fill in each blank with the name of a dish. (3b
of a dish. (3b P8) P8)
? Complete the sentences with the 1. lasagne 2. curry
name of the dishes in 2. 3. steak pie 4. Fajitas
? Write the answer on the board 5. sushi
4. Food quiz (4 P8)
? Work in groups to do the quiz 4. Food quiz (4 P8)
Suggested answers
1. beef
2. prawn, potato
3. cheese, butter, ice cream
4. strawberry, lychee, cherry, promegranate
5. broccoli, spinach, lettuce, celery, kohlrabi
4.Further practice:
? Recall some dishes
? Learn by heart new words
? Do exercises B1-3 P4-5 Learn by heart new words
(workbook) Do exercises B1-3 P4-5 (workbook)
Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 1 Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 1

WEEK:20 Preparing date:

Period: 56 Teaching date:
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: : By the end of the lesson, students can:
- learn some more words related cooking verbs
- remember the instructions on how to make a pizza
- Identify the tone in statements used as questions and say these sentences correctly.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to cooking verbs and making a pizza
- Grammar: Imperative
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students' activities Content
1.Warmer: Word webs Word webs
- Elicits the topic from students * Suggested answer:
? Work in two teams Dishes: Cobb salad, sushi, steak pie,
? Brainstorm all the words related to fajitas, lasagne, mango sticky rice, beef
the topic: dishes and preparing/ noodle soup, curry
cooking Preparing and cooking:wash, boil,
- Encourage them to call out as many combine, chop, peel, drain, mix, add
words as possible.
2.Vocabulary: I. New words
- Teacher use the pictures in 1 on page - whisk (v): đánh (trứng)
9 to teach vocabulary (situation, - grate (v): nạo
realia) - spinkle (v): rắc
- Follow the seven steps of teaching
- manirate (v) ướp
- spread (v): phết
- simmer (v): om
- paster (n): mì ống, mì sợi
- batter (n): bột (nhão) làm bánh
II. Vocabulary
1. Matching (1 P9) 1. Matching (1 P9)
? Match the verbs in the box with the A. chop B. slice
pictures. C. grate D. marinate
E. whisk F. dip
G. sprinkle H. spread
2. Complete the sentences (2 P9) 2. Complete the sentences (2 P9)
? Work in pairs. 1. chop, Slice 2. grates,
? Use the correct form of the verbs in sprinkles
1 to complete the sentences. 3. Marinate 4. whisk
5. Dip 6. spread
3. Matching (3 P9) 3. Matching (3 P9)
? Run through all the cooking verbs. 1.g 2. f
? Read the definition and match a 3. h 4. c
cooking verb in A with its definition 5. e 6. a
in B. 7. d 8. b
? Work individually
4.a. Questions (4a P9) 4.a. Questions (4a P9)
Teacher and Students' activities Content
? Look at the picture and answer the - tomato sauce, onion, cheese, apple,
two questions. bacon, pizza base -> pizza
? Pair compare
- Elicit their answers
? Have you ever eaten or made a
? If so, do you like the dish?
? Describe the process of making one
4b. Complete the instruction (4b 4b. Complete the instruction (4b P10)
P10) 1. Chop
? Look at the pictures and complete 2. Grate
the instructions individually. 3. Spread
? Then compare the answer with a 4. Sprinkle
partner. 5. Spread
- Check the answer as a class. 6. Bake
? Can you make a pizza after reading
the instructions.
3. Pronunciation III. Pronunciation
* Tone in statement used as questions * Tone in statement used as questions
? What is a statement?
- a telling sentence that ends with a
full stop. - A statement can be used as a question to
? What is a statement question? check that the information we have is
- used to check information has the correct.
order of a statement but ends with a
question mark.
- Play the part of the conversation in
GETTING STARTED which includes
a statement question.
? Listen and pay attention to the
intonation of the sentences, give
? Read the REMEMBER box. - When we pronounce a statement
- Make sure students understand the question, our voice goes up at the end.
1. Listen and draw or (5 1. Listen and draw or (5 P10)
? Listen to the conversations and draw
correct symbol for the intonation of
each sentence.
- Play the recording as many times as
Teacher and Students' activities Content
? Practice the conversations with a
2. Complete the mini-dialogues (6 2. Complete the mini-dialogues (6 P10)
P10) * Suggested answers:
? Work in pairs to complete the mini-
dialogues with suitable statement
questions. 1. You don't like paster?/ Don't like paster?
- Call on some pairs to write their
answers on the board. 2. Add some salt?
- Give comment when needed.
? Practice the dialogues using the
correct intonation.
4.Further practice:
? Recall some cooking verbs.
? How is a statement question
? Learn by heart new words Learn by heart new words
? Do exercises A1,2 P3 (workbook) Do exercises A1,2 P3 (workbook)
? Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 2 Prepare: Unit 7: A closer look 2
WEEK:20 Preparing date:
Period: 57 Teaching date:
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: - Grammar: Quatifiers, Modal verbs in conditional sentences type 1
- Vocabulary: words related to dishes
1.Knowledge: conditional sentences type 1 with modal verbs
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in using Quatifiers, Modal verbs in conditional sentences
type 1 - Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

1.Warmer: Check the old lesson

2.Grammar 1: Quantifiers:
Ask students what a quantifier is, briefly
explain to them that quantifier is a word or
phrase that expresses the amount. Tell
students that they had already learnt and
know quite a few quantifiers. Elicit examples
from students.
T may organize a short warm-up activity
with this content. Students work in pairs to
write down all quantifiers that they know in
two minutes. The winner in the pair with has
the most answers.

Activity 1: 1 Fill each blank with o, an, some,

1 Ask Ss about the use of the four quantifiers. or any.
Make any necessary comments. Have Ss do
this exercise individually and then compare Key:
their answers in pairs.
Tell Ss that when talking about recipes people 1.a 2. a 3.
usually use food quantifiers and that the Look some
out! box contains the most common ones. 4. some/any 5. a 6.
Have Ss read the information in the Look some
out! box. Explain any unclear points. If time 7. an 8. any
allows, ask Ss to give examples with the 9. Some
quantifiers. Ss may also add some more food 2 Match the food quantifiers with
quantifiers they know to the list. the nouns. Some quantifiers can
go with more than one noun.
1.a, g 2. a 3.f,g 4.c
5.h 6. b,d 7.e,f 8. b

3 Read the instructions to make

a salad. Fill each blank with a
word/phrase in the box.

1.200grams 2. an
3. tablespoons 4. teaspoon
Activity 2 : 5. teaspoon 6. some
2 Have Ss do the exercise individually and
then compare their answers with a partner. b Work in pairs. Think about a
Remind them that some quantifiers can go simple salad Write the
with more than one noun. Check the answers instructions on how to make it
as a class. using the quantifiers and cooking
3.Grammar 2: verbs you have learnt. Share the
Activity 3 : 3 a Have Ss work in pairs to read instructions with the whole class.
the instructions to make a chicken salad and Vote for the best salad.
to fill each blank with a word/ phrase from
the box. Check as a class. 4. Modal verbs in conditional
sentences type 1

4 Read these sentences from the

conversation in GETTING
b Ask Ss to work in pairs, and think about a STARTED. Pay attention to the
simple salad they know. Together Ss write the underlined part and answer the
instructions to J make it Call on some pairs to questions.
read aloud their instructions. Other Ss listen,
make comments, and vote for the best salad. In conditional sentences type 1, we
T may also organise a competition. Have Ss use a simple present tense in the If-
work in groups to write the instructions to clause and will + bare infinitive in
make a salad on a big piece of paper. Once the main clause. This is the
they have finished, each group sticks their standard form.
Instead of will, we can use other
instructions on the board. A board of five Ss modal verbs such as can, must, may;
act as examiners. This board reads the might or should in the main clause
instructions and gives each group a mark. to express ability, permission,
advice, possibilities, necessity, etc.
If you cut your finger, it will bleed.
(standard form)
If you finish your dinner, you can
watch TV. (permission)
She can learn to become a good
cook if she tries hard, (ability) if he
Activity 4 : likes eating spicy food, he
Have Ss read the two given sentences and may/might add chilly, (possibility)
answer the questions. Elicit their answers and If you don't want to get burnt, you
confirm the correct ones. must follow these safety
instructions. (necessity)
Ask them to give the standard form of If you feel unwell, you shouldn't eat
fast food. (advice)
conditional sentences type 1.T may call on one Key: I
student to write the form on the board. Now 1. ability 2. Advice
have Ss read the information and examples in If + S + V (present simple),
the grammar box. Write the form of the s + can/must/may/might/should
examples on the board: + V (infinitive).
5 Match the first half of the
4.Further practice: sentence in A with the second
Activity 5 half in B.
5 Have Ss do the exercise individually and
then compare their answers in pairs. Ask Key:
some Ss to read out loud the complete 1. c 2. e 3. a 4. b 5. f 6.
sentences. d

6 What will you say in these

situations? Use suitable modal
Activity 6 verbs with conditional sentences
6 Have Ss work in pairs to read the situations type 1.
and write appropriate //-sentences. Call on
some Ss to write their sentences on the board. Example:
Give necessary correction.
If time allows, organise a quick game. Ss work Your friend, Mai, is not good at
ỉn groups and write down two situations. cooking, but she wants to study
After five minutes, have a representative from abroad. You think learning to cook
one group stand up and read out one is a good idea because she can cook
situation. This student points at a random for herself when she's away from
student in another group to give a conditional home. Give her some advice.
sentence type 1 with a modal verb. If the
sentence is correct, the group gets one point. —> If you want to study abroad,
The groups take turns to read their situations. you should learn to cook.
The winner is the group with the most points.
Make sure the groups have equal Suggested answers:
opportunities to give the answers. 1. If you want to have good health,
you must reduce the amount of salt
in your food.
2. If my brother is hungry, he can
eat three bowls of rice.
3. You can take a cooking class if it
is at the weekend.
4. If I eat this undercooked pork, I
may have a stomachache.
5. You should whisk the eggs for
10 minutes if you want a lighter

Copy the email onto exercise notebook.
-Prepare communication
Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:21 Preparing date:

Period: 58 Teaching date:
Lesson 4: Communication
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this Unit, students can:
• talk about the eating habits of Vietnamese people
• listen for detailed and specific information about teenagers' eating habits
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to recipes and eating habits.
- Grammar: quantifiers (review); modal verbs in conditional type 1.

2. Skills: Practicing skills

3. Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

1.Warmer: Look at the pictures. Answer
Tell students in this lesson they will have the the questions.
opportunity to learn how to cook one type of
soup. puree: bộ t nhuyễn
Go through that extra vocabulary with garnish Trình bà y
students. If students do not know any words in shallot củ hẹ
the Box. Quickly teach it.
cube hình lậ p
To teach the word shallot and cube teacher
may draw the pictures on the board . To teach tender phương
other words use simple words, use simple pumpkin mềm
explanations and examples to give definitions. leaves bí ngô
puree: make fruit or vegetables into a thick fibre lá
smooth sauce, usually in a blender pinch chấ t xơ
garnish decorate of food with a small amount stick Nhú m tay
of another fruit. Bó , câ y
tender so easy to chew my grandmother can
only eat beef if it is tender so my mother has to
stew it from one hour
Activity 1: - Have Ss look at the picture and
answer the questions. Quickly elicit their
answers and write them on the board. Do
not confirm the correct answers now.
2.Communication 1:
Activity 2:

- 1 Have Ss look at the picture and answer the

questions. Quickly elicit their answers and
write them on the board. Do not confirm the
correct answers now.
2a Now listen to the first part of
2a Play the first part of the recording for Ss to a talk where Mi is presenting
check their answers. Confirm the correct ones. how to prepare the ingredients.
Check your answers.

Key: 1. pumpkin, celery, shallots,

butter, salt, cream

b Play the recording again for Ss to do the 2b Listen to the first part of the
exercise. Have them compare their answers in talk again. Fill each blank with
pairs. Call on two Ss to write their answers on a word/phrase.
the board. Ask other Ss to correct these
answers if needed. Play the recording one Key:
more time for Ss to check their answers. 1. a kilo/one kilo 2. two
3. two sticks 4. two
Audio script (part 1 n Pumpkin soup is my tablespoons
family's favourite soup. We usually have it for 5. two tablespoons 6. a pinch
breakfast with some slices of bread. It's quick 7. peel 8. chop
and simple to cook. 9. peel 10. slice
11 . leaves
The ingredients are: a kilo of pumpkin, two
shallots, two sticks of celery, two tablespoons
of butter, two tablespoons of fresh cream, and
a pinch of salt.

Before cooking, peel the pumpkin and chop it

into cubes. Peel the shallots and slice them.
Next, wash the celery and remove the leaves.
3.Communication 2:Activity 3: 3a Read the steps to make the
dish. Rearrange them into the
3 a+b Have Ss read the steps to cook the soup correct order.
and try to rearrange the steps. Ask some Ss to
write their order on the board. Play the 3a+b. Key:
recording for Ss to check their answers. Ask Ss
to comment on the orders on the board. If 1.b 2. e 3. f 4. c 5. a 6. d
there are any unclear points, play the
recording a second time. c. Key: - a good source of fibre,
minerals, and vitamins, especially
C Without playing the recording again, ask Ss vitamin A.
about the benefits of the soup. If Ss are not sure
about any points play the recording again. - improve your eyesight and
Have one student talk about the benefits. protect yourself from certain
Audio script (part 2): Here are the steps to
make the soup:
Heat the butter in a deep pan, add the shallots
and celery and stir fry for a few minutes.
- Add the pumpkin and stir fry for a few more
- Add 750ml of water and a pinch of salt and
cook until the pumpkin is tender. Cool for 10
- Purée the soup in a mixer until it is smooth.
- Add the cream and simmer for 2 to 3
- For the finishing touch, garnish it with some
celery leaves.
Pumpkin soup is very healthy. It's a good
source of fibre, minerals, and vitamins,
especially vitamin A. If you eat this soup
regularly, you can improve your eyesight and 4a Work in groups. Choose a
protect yourself from certain cancers. dish you like. Discuss its
4.Further practice:Activity 4: ingredients, how to prepare it
and the steps to cook it. Write
a Have Ss work in groups to discuss a dish
your ideas on a large sheet of
they like. Ss take notes of the ingredients, how
to prepare the dish, and the steps to cook it on
a big piece of paper. Move around to provide Name of the dish: ...............................
any necessary help. Ingredients: .................................
Preparation: .....................
Steps: ..............................
Benefits of the
dish: ...............................

b. Organise a gallery walk.

Move around to each group and
listen to their presentation.
b Ask groups to stick their answers on the Vote for the best dish.
walls around the class. Ask other Ss to move
around to each group and listen to the group's
presentation about the dish. Have Ss vote for
the best dish and explain the reasons.

- Write five sentences about your good friends.
-Prepare SKILLS 1
WEEK:21 Preparing date:
Period: 59 Teaching date:
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this Unit, students can:
• read for general and specific information about the eating habits of
Japanese people
• talk about the eating habits of Vietnamese people
1.Knowledge: Vocab: favourite dishes and recipes for dishes
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
1.Warmer: Chatting

2.Reading: I- READING
Activity 1: Work in pairs. Answer the
Have Ss work in pairs to discuss the questions. questions.
Elicit their answers. Because it is an open 1. Where do the Thai people
activity, accept different answers. live?
2. What is their population?
Suggested answers:
Picture A: different types of sushi
Picture B: miso soup
Picture C: a bowl of rice
Picture D: sliced
Activity 2: cucumber
Ask Ss to read the headings quickly. Make sure
they understand the meaning of each heading. 2 Now read an article about
Now Ss read the paragraphs and match them Japanese eating habits. Match
with the headings. Ask them to compare their the headings (1-3) with the
answers with a classmate. Elicit their answers. paragraphs (A-C).

raw food thực phẩm thô

flavour biến
sashimi hương vị.
spicy sashimi
Japanese vị cay
horseradish cải ngựa Nhật
vinegared rice Bản
pickled ginger. gạo dấm
arrangement gừng ngâm.
significant sắp xếp
feature tính năng quan
Activity 3: trọng
3 Have Ss read the passage again to answer the questions. kẹp giấy
Ss can underline parts of the text that help them with the
answers. Ask Ss to compare their answers before Key:
givingA. 3 B.2 C.1
the answers ton Ask them to give evidence when giving
the answers. 3 Answer the questions.
1. They like raw food and do not
use sauces with a strong flavour.
2. They cut fresh fish.
3. Both can be served with soy
4. There are four (rice, soup,
main dish, pickles).
5. Rice is the staple food and is
very nutritious.
6. Because the dishes are
presented in different bowls and
plates, and are arranged carefully
according to a traditional pattern.
This part helps Ss understand more about the
eating habits of Vietnamese people. 1. What is the most important
4 Have Ss work in groups to discuss the feature of Vietnamese eating
eating habits of Vietnamese people. Ss use the habits?
questions provided as cues. Move around the 2. What are the typical
class to provide help. Ask the groups to components in a Vietnamese
organise their ideas to prepare for a short meal?
presentation. 3. What is the staple of our
5 Have one group of students act as country?
examiners and other groups as competitors. 4. How are the dishes arranged?
The groups take turns to present their ideas. If 5. Are there any other
there is not much time left, allow about two or characteristics of our eating habits
three groups to present. Invite that you know?
comments from the examiners. Give additional

6.Further practice:
Reference for teachers (this note 6. In general, do Vietnamese
provides some general information; T can people have healthy eating habits?
add more specific details^! to match the 1. Vietnamese food is varied and
context of each area) Vietnamese eating distinctive. It is considerably low
habits fat and high in carbohydrates.
2. Traditional Vietnamese cooking
usually uses fresh ingredients,
little dairy and oil, and various
herbs and vegetables.
Different sauces such as fish sauce,
shrimp paste, and soya sauce are
quite popular in various regions.
Sashimi là mộ t mó n ă n truyền thố ng lâ u đờ i There is no concept of ‘courses’ in
củ a ngườ i Nhậ t vớ i thà nh phầ n chính là cá c a Vietnamese meal.
3. A meal consists of various
loạ i hả i sả n tươi số ng.
dishes: main dish (meat, fish, egg
or tofu), vegetable, soup and rice.
Rice is the staple in Viet Nam. In
many families, people eat around a
tray of food with a small bowl of
fish sauce in the middle.
4. Around this bowl are the
dishes. If people place the food on a
table, a similar arrangement is
followed. Dishes are served
communally. Usually there is a big
dish/bowl of each dish, and people
use chopsticks and spoons to get
their share.
5. No.
6. In general, Vietnamese food is
considered healthy and is popular
in other countries.

- Write four sentences about your school.(answer these questions above
-Prepare SKILLS 2
WEEK:21 Preparing date:
Period: 60 Teaching date:
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this Unit, students can:
- listen for specific information about a traditional dish
- write the recipe for a traditional dish
1.Knowledge: Vocab: favourite dishes and recipes for dishes
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Have good eating habits and lifestyle.
- Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
- Listen about Teen's eating habits and write about eating habits of a classmate.
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher’s and students’ activities Content
1.Warmer: Chatting
? What did you have for your breakfast today?
? What do you often eat?
- Have ss do the activitiy in pairs. They ask each
other questions to find out the differences
between the two pictures.
- Elicit the answer from ss.
- Ask them to describe underlying meaning of the

1 Work in pairs. One of you
1 Have Ss do this activity in pairs. They ask looks at picture A, and the other
each other questions to find out the differences looks at picture B on page 17.
between the two pictures. Elicit the answers Ask each other questions to find
from Ss. Ask them to describe the underlying out the differences between
meaning of the pictures.Audio script: your pictures.

A boy is eating
chocolate. On
the table there are junk
Picture such as crisps, a
A: hamburger, soft drinks,
and sweets. The boy
looks fat.
A girl is having rice. On
Picture the table we can see
soup, fish, vegetables,
B: and watermelon. The
girl looks slim and fit.
Meanin They show the contrast
between healthy eating
g and unhealthy eating.
2 Tell Ss that they are going to listen to 2 4Teen Radio is asking two
two students talking about their eating habits. students about their eating
Before listening, Ss read through the habits. Listen to what they say
statements to make sure they understand them and decide if the statements are
and to underline key words. Play the recording true (T) or false (F).
for them to do the exercise. Call on one student
to write the answers on the board. Ask other Ss
2 1.T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5.T 6. F
if they agree with them. Play the recording a
3. Listen again and complete
second time for Ss to check. Don't confirm the
the complete the table. Use no
correct answers now. more than three words for
each blank.

3 Without listening to the recording again,

3 1. 2. hamburger 3. crisps
Ss complete the table by filling each blank with
no more than three words. Have Ss compare
their answers with a classmate before giving T 4. fried
5. vegetables 6. cereal
the answers. Ask two Ss to write their beef
answers on the board. Play the recording one 7. a 8. slices of 9. boiled
last time to confirm the answers for both .2 banana bread egg
and 3. 10.


4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer

3.WRITING questions about each other's
eating habits. Take notes of your
4 Ask Ss to work in pairs. They ask and answer partner's answers in the table.
questions about each other's eating habits, and
take notes of their partner's answers in the Do you think your partner has
table. healthy eating habits? Why/Why
After that give Ss a few minutes to read their
notes again to answer the questions provided. Is there anything he/she should
change if he/she wants to be
T should move around to give comments as healthier?
there may not be enough time for checking
with the whole class. 5a Write about your partner's
eating habits. Include
4.Further practice: information about his/her
5a+b Ask Ss to write about their partner's meals, your opinion about
eating habits. When they have finished, Ss his/her eating habits and
exchange their writing to spot any mistakes. possible changes.
Have Ss share the mistakes with the whole
class. T may collect some Ss' work to mark at Sample writing: My friend, Trang,
home, or T may ask them to rewrite the does not have healthy eating habits.
exercise as homework. In this case, remember She sometimes skips breakfast.
to ask for Ss' revised work in the next lesson. When she has it, I she usually buys a
hamburger and a soft drink from a
café near our school. For lunch, her
favourite is fried ! rice and deep-
fried chicken. The good thing is that
she prefers to have dinner at home.
However, she likes eating a lot of
rice and fatty pork for dinner. She
rarely eats vegetables, but loves

I think Trang should change her

diet. First, if she wants to have more
energy for the day, she should never
skip breakfast. Second, she must
reduce the amount of fast food she
eats. Also, eating more vegetables
would be good for her. She should
also eat less rice for dinner. These
changes will definitely keep her fit.

b Exchange your work and give

- Practise writing a webpage for your school.
Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm
WEEK:22 Preparing date:
Period: 61 Teaching date:
Lesson 7: Looking back and project
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this Unit, students can:
 remember and use what they have learnt during the unit to help them answer
the questions so Ss can see how far they have progressed, and which areas
they need further practice
 complete LOOKING BACK without referring to the previous sections in the
unit. Ss should se what they remember from the unit to complete this section.
 record their results for each exercise in the LOOKING BACK section in order to
complete the final Finished! Now you can... assessment and identify areas for
1.Knowledge: Vocab: favourite dishes and recipes for dishes
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about recipes and eating habits
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using some vocabularies and structures to talk about their favourite dishes and
recipes for dishes
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content

1.Warmer:Encourage students not to refer
back to the unit. Ask them to keep a record of
their answers to each exercise so that they can
use that information to complete the self-
assessment box at the end of t he unit.
2.Looking back:
Activity 1:

Have Ss do this exercise individually and then 1 Match the words in A with
compare their answers with a partner. Call on their description or definition in
Ss to read out loud their answers. B.

1. d 2. e 3. g 4. b
Activity 2: 5.a 6.cH 7. h 8. f
2 Use the correct form of the
2 Ask Ssto complete the words individually. words in brackets to finish the
Check Ss' answers as a class. If time allows, call sentences.
on one or two Ss to write their answers on the
board. Key:
A. steam B. deep-fry C stir fry
D. bake E. roast F. grill
G. simmer H. stew
Activity 3.
3 Ask Ss to do this exercise individually. Have 3 Fill each blank with a
some Ss read out their answers. Confirm the word/phrase in the box. There
correct ones. is one extra word.

Grammar 1. hamburger 2.sushi
Activity4. 3. deep-fry 4. steam 5. stew
Have Ss do this exercise individually. Check the 4 Circle the correct answer.
answers as a class. T may ask Ss to explain
their choice
1. slice 2. sticks 3. any-
Activity5. 4. bag 5. clove 6. bunch
5 Ask Ss to write the sentences individually.
Have two Ss write the sentences on the board. 5 Complete the sentences with
Ask other Ss to give comments. Correct the your own ideas. Use the modal
sentences if needed.
verbs provided.

Sample answers:
1. If you keep eating fast food,
you might become overweight.
2. If you promise to finish your
homework tonight, you can go to
the cinema with your friend.
3. He should eat less sweets if he
doesn't want to have toothache.
4. She must eat less rice and
Communication bread if she wants to lose weight.
5. If you join this cooking lesson,
you can cook many delicious
Activity 6.
Have Ss rearrange the lines to make a complete
6 Rearrange the lines to make a
conversation, first individually and then share
complete conversation.
their answers with a partner. Ask some pairs to
read out loud the conversation. 1. B 2. E 3. F 4. I 5.A
6. H 7. J 8. C 9. G 10. D

3.Project:Have Ss work in groups of four or PROJECT

five. They go to other classes and ask different
Ss about their eating habits. To reduce the A survey on eating habits
workload, each student interviews three other
1 Work in groups. Go to other
Ss and records their answers in the table. This
should be done early in the unit. classes and ask different students
about their eating habits. Write the
students' answers in the table.
S1 S2 S3 S4
1. How often do
you eat fast
2. How often do
you eat
3. How many
meals do you
have per day?
L 4. Which meal
is the most
important to
5. Which do you
prefer: eating at
home or eating
2. Group members meet together and organise 6. What is your
favourite dish?
the answers in the form of an answer to each
question. The following table can serve as an 2 Now work together again.
example. This summarises the answers of 12 Ss Analyse the answers you have
(Ss work in groups of 4). got and organise them in the
form of an answer to each
Their findings might look like this: question. This could be done
using a visual organiser such as
- Question 1: Of 12 students answered, only a chart.
three usually eat fast food. Four of them
sometimes eat fast food, and five never have
this kind of food.

- Question 2: ...

3 Have groups present their findings to the 3 I n general, do the

class. Finally, they conclude whether Ss at the students at your school have
school have healthy eating habits. healthy eating habits?
Present your group’s finding
to the class
4.Further practice:
Ask Ss to complete the self-assessment.
Identify any difficulties and weak areas
and provide further practice if necessary  use lexical items related to
dishes and ways of
preparing and cooking some
 ask statement questions
with the correct intonation
 use some quantifiers
 write and use conditional
sentences type 1 with modal
 discuss the recipe for a dish
 read for general and specific
 information about the eating
habits of Japanese people
 talk about the eating habits
of Vietnamese people
 listen for specific and
detailed information about
teenagers' eating habits

- Practise exercises again
- You can paragraph about how to cook a traditional dish.
- Prepare Unit8- GETTING STARTED
WEEK:22 Preparing date:
Period: 62 Teaching date:
Lesson 1: Getting started
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- talk about choices of holiday.
- read for general and specific information about a tourist attraction.
1. Knowledge:
- Articles: other uses
- Words related to tourism
- Compound nouns.
2. Skills:
- Listening, reading
3. Attitudes:
- Raising the awareness of loving and preserving natural sceneries
4. Competences:
- talk about choices of holiday.
- read for general and specific information about a tourist attraction.
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Warm up(5')
Before starting the new lesson, let Ss review the previous unit by making a
Divide the board into 2 columns with the heading the middle:" Eating
habits" and some key word: staple foods, famous dishes, special foods at
festivals,... On the top of one column write Western and on the other write
Vietnamese. Ask Ss to use the key words to compare these two. Alternatively,
ask Ss to compare the eating habits of old people and teenagers in Viet Nam (any
differences? any changes?)
Ss and T's activities Content
2.Getting –started:
Listen and read.( 18) 1. Listen and read.
. Let Ss open their books to
GETTING STARTED. Tell them to look
ats the picture and answer the question:
What are Nick and Chau talking
What place/city may they be
What do you about this
Have Ss answer the question as a
class. Axxeptall possible answers and do
not pause to corrept all possible
answers and donot pause to correct
Then tell Ss that they are going to
listen to NIck and Chau talking about
Nick's plans for his summer holiday.
Play the recording and have Ss follow a. Find a word/phrase in the
along. conversation that means.
a. Play the recording twice or ss work
more if necessary. Ss may read the Key:
conversation again, and then do the 1. made up your mind
exercise individually. Check and write 2. narrowed it down
the correct answers on the board. T may 3. a package tour
call on an able student to wite the 4. explore
answers on the board. 5. not my cup of tea
Expain to Ss the meaning and use
the three expressions in the Watch out!
box. Ask Ss to locate them in the
conversation, and give exaples if time b. Tick True or False.
allows. Key:
b.Ss work in pairs to complete the 1.F 2.T 3. T
talk. Tell them to refer back to the 4. F 5.F
conversation when necessary. Explain
anything difficult. T may need to explain
to Ss that althoung some people don't
like the thought of eating snails and
frogs' legs, they are considered
specialities in France (so Chau is teasing c. Answer the following questions.
Nick about eating them). Check Ss' Key:
answers. 1. It means Nick's parents are
c. Let Ss work individually t relaxed and open-minded
answer the questions, then compare 2. It's quite warm (Warmer than
their answers with a partner. Help them in Britain)
find the niformation in the conversation. 3. Visit a the Alps and Mont
Call on come pairs to read out the Blanc, explore Paris, and go
questions and give their answers. Check sightseeing in versailles
their answers. 4. Eat frogs' legs and smails
5. She says 'Lucky you" when
Nick says he can make his own
2. Collocation:Which word goes
with which list below.
Key: 1. holiday 2. resort
2. Doing: 3. tour 4. trip
2. This activity is aimed at giving
the collocations of common words
related to the topic of travelling and 3. Fill each blank with a
tourism. Let Ss work in pairs first. Check word/phrase from the list.
their work, then let them read and Key:
remember each collocation 1. seaside resort 2.
3,4(12) souvenirs
- For 1,2,and 3: let Ss do them 3. destination 4. in advance
individually and check their answers. If 5. delayed 6. luggage
time allows, or for more able Ss, 7. accommodation 8. price
encourage each student to make a 4. Quiz.
similar quiz for their partner to do. T Key:
may pick up any interesting question 1. Da Nang city
and give them to the whole class. Praise 2. The great Wall of China
goood ideas. 3. Jeju Island
For 4,4,and 6: Let Ss work in 4, 5, 6: Students' answers
groups. When they finish, ask some Ssto
give their groups' answers to the class.
Check and give comments.

4.Further practice:
- ask ss to underline the article in the
- recall the use of the article.
- Rewrite the answers part 1c into the
- Prepare A closer look 1
WEEK:22 Preparing date:
Period: 63 Teaching date:
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Identify tones in asking for information with the and ask question
for information with the correct intonation
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: words related to tourism.
- Compound nouns.
- Pronunciation: Tones in asking for information.
2. Skills:
- listening, doing exercises.
3. Attitudes:
- encourage ss to love travelling.
- use right tones to ask for information in daily life.
4. Competences:
- improve their pronunciation..
- master compound nouns.
- enrich their words of tourism
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Warm up(5')
- Game: Guessing words
Topic: Tavelling and tourism.
- T prepare some words related to travelling and tourism.
- call 1 ss to the board, he/she can't see the board, T write the words on the
board, the class explain so that the ss can say out the words.
II. New lesson.
Ss and T's activities Content

2. Vocabulary: Vocabulary

Tell Ss that the words and phrases

in this unit are connected with travelling
and tourism, and that many of them are
nouns and compound nouns.
Many of these words sre already
familiar: trip, accommodation, jet lag....
Tell Ss to recall other words and
collocations. Encourage them to callout
as many words/ phrases as possible.
1.Ss work individually, then 1. Match each word/phrase with a
compare their answers rith a parther's. definition.
Ask some Ss to time their answers on
the board. Check their answers as a - ss work individually
class. Have them make sentences with
the words if necessary. Key:
1. tour 2. resort 3. travel
4. tour guide 5. trip
6. expedition

2.Ss work in pairs to do the task. 2. Fill each blank with a word from
Call on some Ss to write the answers on the list. There are two more extra
the board. Correct as a class. Then T words.
may ask Ss to answer some questions
about the passage: - ss work in pairs to do the exercise.
- What piece of writing is it?
(introduction of a tourist attractin? Key:
Itinerary? Advertisemenr?) 1. travel 2. book
- What is EcoTours? (A travel 3. visit 4. anvironment
agency/ company) 5. guides 6. holiday
- What is special about EcoTours?
(It gives some money to help protect the
environment) - ss take note
7. reasonable 8. Pleased
Compound nouns
First, give examples of the
compound nouns Ss already know:
blackboard, swimming pool, haircut,
tablespoon,...Ask them to give somr
Then help Ss study the grammar
box, and the Look out!box. Thell them
to look up the spelling of words in the
dictionary if they are not sure. 3. Use the words below to complete
3. Let Ss work individually. Tell the compound nouns that match the
them to look at the words given and definitions.
think which of them can go with which - ss work individually.
one in each definition. When they finish, Key:
check their answers and write the 1. jet lag 2. drawback
words n the board. Ask Ss to take notice 3. 3. stover 4. peak season
of the spelling: whether the words are 5. check in 6. bus sop
writen as ong word, or as two separate
words, or with a hyphen. 4. Complete the sentences using the
4. Let Ss work in pairs to compound nouns below.
complete the task. Have them read the - ss work inpairs to do the exercise
sentences carefully and insert the Key:
compound nouns appropriately. Check 1. check out 2. swimming pool
thir answers as a class. Explain anything 3. imx-up4. pile-up 5.
difficult. touchdown 6. full board

Tones in asking for information
Tones in asking for information
First write a finding out question
and a making sure question on the
board. Read the two questions to Ss
with the right tone (Several tiems if
necessary) and let them give the rules. 5. Listen and repeat the following
Then explain the look out! box to them mini talks, paying attention to the
5. Play the recording once for Ss tones in the questions.
to listen, then play it gain sentence by
sentence for them to repeat. Have Note: A making sure question
Ssrepecct the questions as many times can be a statement. This statement
as necessary. Corect their pronunciation question usually ends with a rising
and intonation. After that, have Ssmark tone:
the question with a falling or falling- A. Our train is delayed
rising tone. Check as a class. B. It's delayed
6. Mark the questions with falling or
6. Let Ss work in paris to read the falling-rising arrows, and practice
conversation, and mark the questions the conversation with a partner...
with or falling-rising arrows. Calll on
some pairs to read aloud to the slass. Do
not correct their mistakes yet. Play the
recording. Ss listen and check.
If time allows, have them work in qairs
and make a mini-talk in which there is a
finding out question and a making sure
question , and then

4.Further practice:
- Let ss read the box Look out again.
- say aloud the words in 1,2.

- Prepare A closer look 2
- Finf information about some famous caves in Viet Nam and around the world.


Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:23 Preparing date:
Period: 64 Teaching date:
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use:
- Use a, an, the and zero article correctly appropriately
1.Knowledge: - Grammar: a, an, the and zero article correctly appropriately
- Vocabulary: words related to tourism
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about tourism.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in usinga, an, the and zero article
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to talk about a tourist attraction
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Ss and T's activities Content
1. Warm up : - Ss - T
- Check up old lesson
2. Grammar 1:
Articles: other uses
Ss have already learnt some uses - Listen and take notes
of the articles a, an, and the in ting anh
8. Help Ss recall these and have them
give some examples. Their sentences
should be related to the topic of
travelling and tourism. In this unit some
more uses of a, an, and the are
introduced. In addition, the uses of zero
article are added and studied.
Explain carefully the uses of a, an,
the and REMEMBER box. Give more
examples if need be.
Introduce the special use of the in
the look out!box. Refer back to the
conversation in GETTING STARTED
and ask Ss to find the special use of the (
the Alps)
1.T givesSs some information
about the Dominican Republic: - Ss do this exercise
- Location: on the Island of individually and then compare
Hispaniola, in the Caribbean region their answers in pairs.
- Ares: 48, 445 square kilometers Key:
- Official language: Spanish 1. a 2. the 3. the 4.
Have Ss work individually to the 5. the 6. 7. the
complete the task. Tell them to refer 8. 9. 10. the 11.
back to the grammar box whenever 12. 13. the 14. an
necessary. Then have them compare
their answers with a partner's. Give the
correct answers and explain the use of a
certain article in some cases.
2a. Ss work in groups and study - Ss work in groups and
the proper names in the list, and try to study the proper names in the list,
agree on which of these names have the and try to agree on which of these
before them. Then Ss ask and answer names have the before them. Then
the questions. Check and explanations if Ss ask and answer the questions
necessary Key:
1. The forbidden city 2.
the Thames 3. Lake Baikal
4. Ha Long Bay 5. Son
Soong Cave 6. The Statue of
The three unused names
are: - the amazon River - Angkor
- Lake Geneva

b. Ss work in groups. Tell Ss the - Ss work in groups. each of them

each of them chooses one item in 2a chooses one item in 2a and says
and says what they know about it as a
what they know about it as a
tourist attraction. Give them two or
three minutes to prepare before they tourist attraction.
talk. -Ss work individually. They have
3a.Ss work individually. Make sure they to write down in their notebooks
understand fully that they have to write the answers to questions 1-5,
down in their notebooks the answers to using a, an, the or zero article in
questions 1-5, using a, an, the or zero each answer
article in each answer. Remind them
that they answer three questions
truthfully, but write an untrue answer
for the other two. Do around and assist
where and when necessary.
b. After Ss finish3a, let them from -Ss work in pairs and swap their
pairs and swap their answers. Each of answers. Each of them has to read
them has to read carefully and guess carefully and guess which ones of
which ones of their partner's answers their partner's answers are true
are true and which are not. This activity and which are not
should be fun, so do not try to correct
the mistakes in their writing.
3. Grammar 2: Key:
1. The original name of Ha
4.Ss work individually t make noi was Phu Xuan
sentences from the words/phrases, and 2. The most famous
write them down. Tell Ss to pay Egyptian pyramids are found at
attention to the use of the sentences are Giza in Cairo
tre, and which are false. 3. There is a city called Kiev
in America
4. My son, a set of ruin from
the ancient Cham Empire, is a
UNESCO World Heritage Site.
REFERENCE: 5. English is the first
- Phu Xuan: a historic place in Hue, language inmany countries
the capital of the Nguyen Lords, the Tay outside the United Kingdom
Sown Dynasty
- Giza: (of the Cairo metropolis in
Egypt): The site of the most famous
Egyptian pyramids, and a number of
other pyramids and and temples
- Kiev: the capital and largest city
of Ukraine

4.Further practice:
? Retell a, an, the and zero article - Answer teacher's questions.
? Learn by heart all the structures
? Do exercises in Work book
- Take note
? Prepare: Unit 8: Communication

WEEK:23 Preparing date:
Period: 65 Teaching date:
Lesson 4: Communication
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to how to talk about
the place / country you would like to visit on holiday.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to tourism.
- Grammar: common compound nouns; a/ an/ the/ zero articles
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about tourism.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in using a, an, the and zero article
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to talk about a tourist attraction
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Ss and teacher’s activities Content
1. Warm up:
This section provides Ss with speaking
practice on the topic of the unit. It should
be handled in a light and enjoyable. First,
have Ss brainstorm the lanscapes/places of
Viet Nam that foreign tourists would like to
visit most, and ask them why.
Give them some cues if needed
2.Communication 1:
- Set the scene: You are going to talk about
the place / country you would like to visit
on holiday.
1. Extra vocabulary:
Help Ss understand the meanings of the
words in the Extra Vocabulary box by using - Find out the extra words and
examples, definitions, or even transaltions. underline them.
Then write the words and phrase from the - Guess the meaning from the
Extra vocabulary on the board. context.
Ask more able Ss to explain them, or give - Listen to the teacher’s
the Vietnamese equivalent. Otherwise, explaination.
explain them yoursef - Repeat
- Breathtakling (adj): very surprising, - Stress
exciting and inpressive - Copy
- affordable (adj,from the verb
afford): not expensive, cheap enough for
you to buy
- Not break the bank: an idiom used
to say the sth won't cost a lot of money, or
more than you can afford:
We can go Thailand for a holiday if you
want - that won't break the bank.
2. Exercise 1:
Exercise a:
- Have Ss quickly read the onformation
about tourism in Vie Nam.
- Then tell them to look at the pictures and
read what these foreign visitors say about
their choice of Viet Nam as a holiday - Work individually.

Exercise b
- Put Ss in groups of five or six.
- Have them discuss the visittor's opinions
in 1a. Ss may or may not agree with these
oponions. - Listen carefully.
- Ask for the class's agreement by a show of
hands for each tourist's opinion. - Work in groups.
- If any Ss do not agree, ask them to explain
- Then let each of the Ss two more reasons
to the list. T may give some cues: - Present the ideas before the
- cultual diversity class.
- Beautiful beaches
- easy and vacious means of transport
- Traditional festivals
- natural beauty
3.Communication 2:Exercise 2:
- Have Ss read the facts about the top-ten
most visited countres.
- Ss work in pairs and complete the table by
writing one or two famous things that
visitors can see or do in each country (but
the more the better).
- Have them write on a large sheet of paper.
- As Ss have already prepared for this , it - Work in pairs.
will not take much time, so give them them
a few minutes only.
- After each pair finishes, they swap pairs.
Continue until they have filled all the ten
4.Further practice: Exercise 3:
- Then let Ss work in groups of five or six to
talk about their choice of holiday.
- Tell them to give the resons why, and say
what they can do there.
- Encourage them to talk as much as - Possible answer:
possible. Walk around to observe and give
help if needed.

Rank Country Some things to do or see there

1 France Go up the eiffelTower, visit the

louvreMuseum in Paris
2 United Visit the Statue of Liberty, visit the Grand
States Canyon, shop in New york, go surfing in Hawaii
3 Spain Tour Masrid, visit the legendary land of Don
Quixote visit the Olympic in Barcelona
4 China Climb the Great Wall, tour Beijing National
Stadium (Bird's Nest), tour the Forbidden City,
visit the StoneForest
5 Italy Visit the Vatican City, visit famos museums,
tour Florence, tour Venice
6 Turkey Enjoy Turkish cuisine in Istanbul, go
sighseeing in the Bosphorus (the strait separating
two continents - Europe and Asia), visit Buyak Ada
(big) Island in Prince's Islands)
7 Germany Visit the "Jewel of the Middle Age" -
Rothenburgob der Tauber (= Rothenburg above
the Tauber), visit the famos "Cinderella Castle", g
up the Berlin Tower, take the Berlin Segway Tour
8 United Go sightseeing in London, visit Stonnehenge,
Kingdom visit Liverpool, home of the Beatles
9 Russia Tour Moscow (the Kremlin, Red Square,
Moscow Metro...) visit St. Petersburg:
HermitageMuseum, cruise on NevaRiver,
experience the white nights
10 Mexico Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of
Antigua, have a boat tour on the water in Rio
Dulce, try the delicious local specialitytapodo (=
seafood coconut soup), climb some of the tallest
Mayan temples

1. Review this lesson
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook).
3. Prepare lesson Skills 1
Note: For homework
At the end of the lesson ask Ss
to look for names of famos caves in Do at home
Viet Nam and in the world (better
still, some information about them)

TEST 15’
I. Complete the sentences with a/ an/ the/ No article (6pts)
1/ I saw ....... accident this morning. Acar crashed into a tree. The driver of the car
wasn't hurt but .... car was badly damaged.
2/ It's a beautiful day. Let's sit in ....... garden.
3/ We had dinner in ..... most expensive restaurant in town.
4/ Do you often listen to the radio ?
- No, In fact, I haven't got ....... radio.
5/ I lay down on the ground and look up at ..... sky.
6/ Mary and I arrived at .... same time.
7/ You'll find information you need at ...... top of the page.
8/ I had ...... very nice breakfast this morning
9/ Two people were injured in the accident and were taken to ...... hospital this
10/ She usually goes to ....... school on ....... foot.
II. Rewrite the follwing sentences using the words given.(4pts)
1. If you don’t succeed, you will have to try it again. ( Unless )
2. I will bring some water because I am afraid that there is no water supply in
the area. ( in case )
3. They decided to say goodbye as they didn’t have things in common. ( since )
4. They won’t go unless you give them money. ( Provived )
5. She is an exellent ballet dancer. ( dances )
6. Do you think the boy speaks very fast? ( speaker )
7. It is interesting to gather togetherfor a party. ( Gathering )
8. He believes that having a vegetarian diet is good for our health. ( It )

WEEK:23 Preparing date:
Period: 66 Teaching date:
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read for geneal and
specific information about a tourism to an area/ country and talk about one’s
choice of holiday.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to tourism.
- Grammar: common compound nouns; a/ an/ the/ zero articles
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about tourism.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in using a, an, the and zero article
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Creativeness: talk about TOURISM
- Using language to talk about TOURISM
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Ss and teacher’s activities Content

1. Warm up: 3’ – Network:
1a.Ss work in group and name some - Work in groups.
famous caves in Viet Nam and in the Suggested answers:
world (that they have prepared already
for homework)

Famous caves in Viet Nam: Famous caves in Viet Nam:

- PhongNhaCave
Famous caves in the world: - En Cave (hang en)
- ThieDuongCave
- Sung SotCave ( hang Sung Sot -
Ha Long Bay)
- Tam Coc - Bich Dong (Ninh
Famous caves in the world:
- DeerCave (Borneo, Malaysia)
- OnondagaCave (Misouri, USA)
- GouffreBergerCave (France)
- ReedFluteCave (Guilin, China)
- Fingal's Cave (Scotland)
- Cave of Crystal (Mexico)
2. Pre-reading
b. Let Ss work in pairs and answer the - Work in pairs.
questions with their own ideas. It is
important that Ss not be allowed to read
the passage yet. T doesn't need to check Then share with the parner.
their answers and correct mistakes at this
stage in the lesson.
2. T may have Ss read the passage in
chorus first, paying special attention to - Read the passage in chorus first
new words. Explain and clarify anything
Then allow Ss time to read the passage - Read the passage individually.
individually - silently or aloud.
Call on some individuals to read aloud to Key:
the class. 1. The American Broadcasting
Check their pronunciation and intonation. Company (ABC) aired a live
Then have them ask and questions or programme (featuring the
choosing the correct answer. magnificence of Son Doong) on "Good
Correct the answers as a class. Morning America".
2. By river water eroding away
the limestone underneath the
3. From February to August
4. C 5.D
3.POST-READING (15minutes)
- Set the scene:
T may begin by letting Ss talk about -Work individually.
the experiences they have had when
travelling or going on holiday.
3. Have Ss study the list of holiday
ideas. T may ask Ss what they think about
these ways of spending one's holiday and - Work in group.
whether they have done any of them.
Then let them choose three things from
the list. -Work individually.
4. Put Ss in group of five or six. Tell
them to refer to the tree things they have
ticked in 3. - Share with the partner.
- Let them choose one and prepare to talk
about it.
- Tell them to study the example carefully - Present before class.
as model.
- Give them some time before each group
member shares his/her choice of holiday
- While Ss are talking, T goes around to
give assistance if necessary.
- When Ss have finished, T may have one
or two of them present to the class. The
class can give coments.
- Praise them for their efforts.
5.Production: (2)
1. Review this lesson - Copy and do at home!
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook)
3. Prepare lesson Skills 2

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:24 Preparing date:
Period: 67 Teaching date:
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can:
- Listening for general and specific information about benefit of tourism
- Write a paragraph about the negative affects of tourism on an area/
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: benefit of tourism
- Grammar: present simple
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about tourism.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in using a, an, the and zero article
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Creativeness: Write a paragraph about the negative affects of tourism on an
area/ country
- Using language to Write a paragraph about the negative affects of tourism on
an area/ country
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students' activities Content
1.Warmer: Discussion
? Work in pairs.
? Think about the importance of
tourism to Viet Nam. The importance of tourism to Viet Nam
- Elicit as many ideas from them as
->Today we are going to listen, and
write about tourism to Viet Nam.
2. Listening I. Listening
1. True or false (2 P27) 1. True or false (2 P27)
? Run through all the statements in 2 1. T
P27. 2. T
? Predict if they are true or false. 3. F
- Play the recording one or two 4. T
Teacher and Students' activities Content
times. 5. T
- Clarify anything which is unclear or 6.F
? Carefully and tick T/F as you hear
answers in the lecture.
2. Choose the correct answer (3 2. Choose the correct answer (3 P27)
P27) C
- Play the recording again.
? Pay special to the last sentence of
the lecture. Then choose the correct
answers as required.
- T corrects as class.
3. Writing II. Writing
1. Talk about the negative effects of 1. Talk about the negative effects of
tourism (4 P27) tourism (4 P27)
? Work in groups and discuss the Example:
negative effects of tourism on their - Natural environment is damaged.
locality (if possible), or on our - Natural beauty is spoiled.
country. - Traditional ways of life are effected.
? Study the prompts given, and give - Social problems may arise.
some more if possible.
2. Write about one negative effect 2. Write about one negative effect of
of tourism tourism
? Choose one negative effect that you Sample writing:
have discussed in 4 and write a One of the drawbacks of tourism is the
paragraph of about 100 -120 words damage to the environment of an area.
about it. In the first place, tourists use a lot of
? Swap your writing and check each local resources as water, food, energy
other's work. ect., and this puts pressure on the
- T may collect some Ss' writing environment. Secondly, three is the
papers and mark them, then give problem of pollution. Many cities and
comments to the class in the next towns become overcrowded with
lesson. tourist, with tourists, with all their
vehicles caution traffic jams as well as
air noise pollution. Another bad effect
of tourism is the destruction of the
wildlife in some places. The habitat of
wild plant and animals is lots because
of the building of tourist resorts, and by
visitors' activities. In short, the
development of tourism has bad effects
on the environment.
4.Further practice:
Teacher and Students' activities Content
1. Reading (1 P29) 1. Reading (1 P29)
? Read the advertisement for a
holiday in Italy.
? Underline the features that may
attract tourists and make them want
to visit the country.
2. Tick good ways to write an 2. Tick good ways to write an
advertisement (2 P29) advertisement (2 P29)
? Run through all the ways to write 1, 2, 4, 6
an advertisement for a tourist - create a striking headline
attraction. - keep your ad brief
? Prepare for your writing for the - try to attract attention
project. (3 P29) - give the main features

5. Production:
? Learn by heart new words - Learn by heart new words
Do exercises D3, E1 P18-19 - Exercises D3, E1 P18-19 (workbook)
(workbook) - Prepare for your writing for the
? Prepare for your writing for the project. (3 P29)
project. (3 P29) - Prepare: Unit 8 : Looking back
? Prepare: Unit 8: Looking back
WEEK:24 Preparing date:
Period: 68 Teaching date:
Lesson 7: Looking back and project
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can:
- revise the vocab, grammar they've learnt in Unit 8
- write a short advertisement for a tourist attraction in their area.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: lexical items related to tourism
- Grammar: articles: other uses
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about tourism.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in writing a short advertisement for a tourist attraction in
their area.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher and Students' activities Content

1. Warm up:
? Recall good ways to write an Good ways to write an advertisement.
advertisement. - create a striking headline
- keep your ad brief
- try to attract attention
- give the main features
2. Looking back II. Looking back
Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary
1.1. Gap fill (1P28) 1.1. Gap fill (1P28)
? Read the words in the box first, 1. safaris/ expeditions
then read the passage and complete 2. expeditions/safaris
exercise individually. 3. holiday
? Pay attention to the common 4. touring
collocations related to the topic of 5. travelers
the unit. 6. experience
- After that let some Ss read the
passage aloud - sentence by
- Correct as a class.
1.2. Form compound nouns and fill
1.2. Form compound nouns and fill in
in the gap (2 P28) the gap (2 P28)
? Look at the 12 elements and try to
1. jet lag
from compound nouns from them. 2. checkout
? Read the sentence and fill the gaps
3. stopover
and do it again. 4. sunglasses
- Check as a class. 5. holidaymaker
6. take-offs
1.3. Form compound nouns and 1.3. Form compound nouns and make
make sentences (3 P28) sentences (3 P28)
? Form compound nouns from the 1. Package tour, return ticket, software,
Teacher and Students' activities Content
words given. round trip
- T checks the compound nouns Example: tour operator
? Write sentences in your note- If there are any problems, you should
nooks - at least one sentence with a contact your tour operator.
compound noun, and share with a
Grammar 2. Grammar
2.1. Find and correct mistakes (4 2.1. Find and correct mistakes (4
P28) P28)
? Review the articles a, an, the and 1. - the sun, the UK
zero article you have learned. 2. - The brain works
? Do the task individually and write 3. - The bicycle
down your answers in their 4. - an/the expedition, the interior
notebooks. 5. a long trip
- Correct their answers as a class. 6. - in history, the history of

2.2. Rewrite the sentences (5 P28) 2.2. Rewrite the sentences (5 P28)
? Use the grammar and vocabulary 1. What a terrible journey (it was)!
you have learned in the unit to 2. We stayed at a lovely hotel be the sea
rewrite sentences. 3. The programmer I watched
- T may have some Ss write yesterday was interesting
sentences on the board. 4. My friend has just bought an old
- Let other Ss give comments. Then guitar
check as a class 5. She needs to goon a business trip top
3. Communication (6 P29) 3. Communication (6 P29)
3.1. Things you like to do most on 3.1. Things you like to do most on
holiday holiday
?Read the things one can do on
holiday, and tick the three things you
would most like to do, then share
your ideas with a partner.
3.2. Things you don't like to do on 3.2. Things you don't like to do on
holiday holiday
? Work in pairs, read example and
think of the three things they do not
like to do on holiday
T may give prompts:
- Do homework
- Wash clothe
- Do the washing up
- Be online
- Play sports
Teacher and Students' activities Content
- Write postcards
3. Project III. Project
- Have some group present their
- Ask other students give comment.
- Teacher check as a class.
4.Futher practice:
? Guide students to do Finished
? Review vocabulary and structures - Review vocabulary and structures in
in Unit 8. Unit 8
? Prepare: Unit 9 : Getting started - Prepare: Unit 9 : Getting started

WEEK:24 Preparing date:
Period: 69 Teaching date:
Lesson 1: Getting started
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- know some information aboutEnglish language
- Learn some more about a global language and experiences in learning
and using English
1.Knowledge: - Grammar:Conditionals type 2, Relative clauses correctly and
- Vocabulary: words related to learning English
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about a global language.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in English as a global language and experiences in learning
and using English
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
- Using language to talk about English as a global language and experiences in
learning and using English
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

1. Warm up(5')
Before Ss open their books, review the previous unit by asking two Ss to
go to the board, each writng 10 compound nouns they have learnt/known. Give
comments and correct any mistakes if needed
Write the unit title on the board "English in the word". Elicit any
information Ss know about the characteristics of the English language.
Let Ss open their books.
Ask Ss question about the pictures:
E.g. Where are Duong an Vy? Who is standing at the board? what are they talking
Ask Ss to guess what the topic of the conversation is and whrer it takes
place. T may also ask Ss to tell about the English club they have taken part in:
Do you take part in an English club?
When is it?
What is special about it?
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
2.Getting started: * Vocabulary.
- Preteach vocab. flexible (a) linh hoạ t
accent(n) giọ ng điệu
dialect (n) tiếng địa phương
estimate (v) đá nh giá
variety (n) thể loạ i
contribute(v) đó ng gó p
- Pre- questions: 1, Listen and read.
1. Is English the language which is - ss answer the five questions
most spoken by most people in the - ss listen and check.
2. Does English have the largest
3. Name some English words that
can be a noun, a verb and also an
4. What is the longest English word
which has only one vowel?
5. What are some varieties of
a. Read the conversation again
a. Tell Ss to refer te conversation to and find the nouns of the
find the nouns of the adjectives adjectives: simple and flexible.
simple and flexible. Ask them to pay Key: simple - simplicity
attention to how to from the nuons Flexible- flexibility
from these adjectives.
b. Convert these adjectives into
b. Ask Ss to convert the adjectives in nouns.
the into nouns. Remind them to use Key:
a dictionary to check adjective Noun
- call 1 ss to the board and write the sad sadness
answers. dark darkness
stupid stupidity
popular popularity
happy happiness
punctual punctuality
c. Read the conversation again
c. First, have Ss work independently. and choose the correct answer.
Then allow them to share answers Key:
before discussing as a class. Call on 1. B 2. C
some Ss to give explanations for 3. A 4.C 5. B
their answers.
2. Match the words/ phrases in
2. Ss work independently, and then column Awith the definitions in
share their answers with one or column B
more partnes. T may ask for
translation of the words/phrases in Key:
the box to check their 1. c 2.e
understanding. With a stronger 3. b 4. a 5.d
class. T may wish to ask Ss to find
some example in real life with the
words/ phrases in box. 3. Match the beginning of each
sentence(1-6) to its ending(a-f)
3. Have ss work indepently and Key:
share their answers with one or 1.f 2.c 3. a
more partners. T may help with the .4b 5. e 6.d
words/phrases thet Ss do not know
the meaning of in the sentences. If
time allows, have some Ss read out
loud the sentences.
4. First, model activity with a more
able student. Then ask Ss to work in
pairs. Go around to provide help.
Call on some pairs to practise in
front of the class.

4.Further practice:
Relative clause
Chinese is the language which is spoken by most people in the world.
Relative clause
Which: relative pronoun

Learn by heart the new words and structures.
- Find information about kinds of relative clauses.


Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:25 Preparing date:
Period: 70 Teaching date:
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Use lexical items related to languages and language use and learning
- Identify the correct tones for new and known information and say
sentences with the correct intonation
1. Knowledge:
- Vocabulary: Languages and language use and learning
- Pronunciation: Tones in new and known information.
2. Skills:
- speaking, doing exercises.
3. Attitudes:
- SS are encouraged to love the subject more and like to find information about
English language.
- Use right tones in speaking.
4. Competences:
- Use lexical items related to languages and language use and learning
- Identify the correct tones for new and known information and say sentences
with the correct intonation
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Warm up(5')
- 1 student goes to the board to write the new words.
The whole class play the game: Guessing worlds.
T divides the class into two teams, each team chooses one representative
The representatives have to stand back the board so that they can’t see the
words on the board.
The whole class try to explain the words for the representatives to guess.
The teams with more right answers wins the game.
Topic: Languages and language learning:
Words on the board: Dialect, translate, accent, official language, mother
tongue, variety, fluenttly.

Ss and teacher’s activities Content

1. Ss work independently and 1. Match the words/phrases in column A
them share their answers with a with the definitions in column B.
parther. T may ask for translation of Key:
the words/phrases in the first 1.b 2.e 3. a
column to check their understanding. 4. d 5. f 6. c
With a stronger clss. T may wush to
ask Ss to make sentences with the
expressions. 2. a. Choose the correct words in the
2a. Ss do the exercise following phrases about language
individually. Check their answers as learning.
a class. Confirm the correct a Key:
answers. 2. at 3. by 4. in
5. of 6. bit 7. up
2b. Choose the phrases from 2a to make
b. Ss write sentences with the sentences about yourself or people you
phrases from 2a. Ask some Ss to say know.
their sentences in front of the class.
Other Ss give comments. If time
allows, call on two Ss to write their
sentences on the board. Other Ss gve
comments. Confirm the correct
sentences. 3a. Match the words/phrases in column
3a. First, have Ss work A with the words/phrases in column
individually to match the Bto make expressions about language
words/phrases. Then allow them to learning..
have their answers before checking Key:
with the whole class. T may ask for 1.e 2. h 3. g 4. b
translation of the phrases in the box 5. a 6. c 7. d 8.f
to check their understanding. With a
stronger class. T may wish to ask Ss
to make some example sentences
with the words/phrases. 3b. Fill in the blanks with the verbs in
b. Ss work independently to the box.
complete the passage. Check the Key:
answers as a lass. 1.know 2. guess
3. look up 4. have
5. initata 6. make
7. correct 8. translate

Tone in new and known
information 4. Listen and repeat, paying attention to
4. Play the recording and ask the tones of the underlined words in
Ss to listen and repeat the sentences, each conversation.
playing attention to whether the - listen and repeat the sentences
voice on the underlined word in each Remember:
sentence goes up tor down. T may In conversation, we often refer to something
play the recording as many times as which has been mentioned before. This is
necessary. Explain the ruke in the known information, and the voice usually
REMEMBER! box and ask some Ss to goes up at the end. We also tell the listener
give some more examples. things we havenot mentioned before. This is
new information and the voice usually goes
down at the end.

5. Listen to the conversations. Do you

5. Play the recording and ask tkink the voice goes up or down at the
Ss to the conversation, paying end of each second sentence? Draw a
attention to whether the voice of suitable arrow at the end of each line.
each second sentence goes up or Ss work in pairs to mark the arrow
down. Ask some Ss to give their - listen, check and repeat
answers and then play the recording Look out: When we are referring to
again for Ss to listen, check and' something in the conversation, we do not
repeat. T may play the recording as have to repeat exactly the same words. In
many times as necessary. this conversation, the voice goes up on the
words/phrases that are replaced.

6. Read the conversation. Does the voice

go upor down on the underlined words?
6. First, ask Ss to work in pairs Draw a suitable arrow at the end of
to practise reading aloud the each line. Then listen, check and repeat.
conversation and identify whether Ss work in pairs to mark the arrow
the voice on the underlined word in - listen, check and repeat
each sentence goes up or down. Then
play the recording. Ss listen and
draw suitable arrows. T may pause
afer each sentence and ask them to
repereat chorally. Correct their
pronunciation if necessary.

4.Further practice:
- Have ss read the Remember and the Look out again.
- Tone in new and known information.
- Practice the dialogues in the pronunciation at home

WEEK:25 Preparing date:
Period: 71 Teaching date:
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use:
- Conditionals type 2: review
- Relative clauses correctly and appropriately
1.Knowledge: - Grammar:Conditionals type 2, Relative clauses correctly and
- Vocabulary: words related to learning English
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in using Conditionals type 2 and Relative clauses
correctly and appropriately
- Positive about a global language.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in English as a global language and experiences in learning
and using English
- Ss are interested in usingConditionals type 2 and Relative clauses correctly and
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
- Using language to talk about English as a global language and experiences in
learning and using English
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher’s and students’activities Content

-1. Warm up : Check up old lesson - Ss - T

2. Grammar 1
Conditional sentences type2:
review - Listen and take notes
1a. Ask Ss to study part of the
conversation. Draw Ss' attention to how
conditional sentences type 2 are formed
and used by analyzing the underlined
part of the sentence. Draw Ss' attention - Ss work independently, then ask
to the notes and the example s in the them to share their answers with
Lookout!box. Them ask some more able one or more partners.
Ss to give some example to illustrate.
b. Firts, have Ss work Key:
independently, then ask them to share 1. No 2. Yes 3.
their answers with one or more No 4. No 5. No
partners.Ask some Ss to say their
answers aloud. Give comments, and
make any correction if necessary.
2. Have Ss work independently to - Ss work independently to write
write the sentences.If there isn't much the sentences.
time or Ss are not so strong, allocate one Key:
or two sentence per student. Then ask 1. If my English were/was good, I
them to share their answers with a would feel confident at interviews
partner. Ask some Ss to write their 2. If Minh had time, she would
sentences on the board and discuss as a read a lot of English books
class. Give comments and make any 3. If I were you, Iwould spend
corrections more time improving my
4. If Mai didn't have friends who
were /are native speakers of
English, she wouldn’t be so good
at the language
5. If you could speak English, we
would offer you the job.

3. Grammar 2 - Listen and take notes

Relative clauses
3a. Ask Ss to read of the
conversation from GETTING STARTED,
playing attention to the underlined
clause. Then have Ss read the - Do as requested
REMEMBER!box and explain to Ss the
words that are used to introduce a
relative clause. Ask Ss to make some
examples to illustrate.
b. Ask Ss to study the rules in the - Ss do the grammar exercise
grammar box. Draw Ss' attention to the individually.
use of relative clauses by analyzing the Key:1. Who/that 2. Where
examples in the grammar box in 3b. 3. Whose 4. When/that
Then ask the more able Ss to give some 5. Whom/who 6. Why
further example. - Ss work independently, writing
true sentences about themselves.
Then share their sentences with
one or more partners to find out
how many things they have in

4. Ask Ss to do the grammar - Ss study the rulles in the look

exercise individually. Remind them to out!. Then work independently
look back to the REMEMBER!box and and share their answers with a
the box in 3b. Then have Ss compare partner
their answers in pairs be fore checking Key:
with the whole class. 2. Parts of the palace
where/in which the queen
lives are open to the public
3. English has borrowed
many words which/that come
from other languages
4. I moved to a new school
where/in which English is taught
by native
5. There are several reasons
why I don't like English
5. Have Ss work independently,
writing true sentences about
themselves. Then ask them to share
their sentences with one or more
partners to find out how many things
they have in common. Ask some Ss to
say their sentences aloud. Give
comments, and make any corrections if
needed. If time allows., have some Ss
write their sentences on the board
before checking as a class.
6. Before allowing Ss to do
exercise6 ask them to study the rulles 6. The new girl in our class,
in the look out!. Then have Sswork whose name is Mi, is
independently. Ask them to share their reasonably good at English
answers with a partner. Ask some Ss to
say their answers aloud. Give comments
and make any corrections.

4. Futher practice:
? Retell conditional type 2 and relative - Answer teacher's questions.
? Learn by heart all the structures
- Take note
? Do exercises in Work book
? Prepare: Unit 9: Communication

WEEK:25 Preparing date:
Period: 72 Teaching date:
Lesson 4: Communication
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to how to interview to
build up an English learner profile
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to languages and language use and
learning. - Grammar: Conditional sentence type 2: Review; Relative
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about a global language.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in English as a global language and experiences in learning
and using English
- Ss are interested in usingConditionals type 2 and Relative clauses correctly and
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
- Using language to talk about English as a global language and experiences in
learning and using English
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher& Students’ activities Content
1. Warm up:
Before Ss open their books, ask them
to work in groups to
discuss the question "what do you
think are the best ways top master
English?" and " What are the things that
you like and don't like about the English
language?" elicit Ss' answer. Remember
that this is afluency stage of the unit with a
primary goat of communication. Do not
focuts on accuracy at this time. Reward
successful attempts at communication
2.Communication 1:
Before Ss open their books, ask them
to work in groups to
discuss the question "what do you - Work in groups.
think are the best ways top master
English?" and " What are the things that
you like and don't like about the English
language?" elicit Ss' answer. Remember
that this is a fluency stage of the unit with a
primary goat of communication. Do not
focus on accuracy at this time. Reward
successful attempts at communication
1. Give Ss about 10 minutes to work
independently, making notes about
themsevels by answering the questions in - Work individually.
the table in 1
3.Communication 3:
- Work in pairs
2. Now ask Ss to work in pairs, taking
turns to ask and answer the questions in 1.
Remind them to make notes on what their
partners say in the table in1. Then ask each
of them to identify how many things they
have in common with their partners.
For a change, have Ss role-play. One - Work in groups.
student is a reporter, and the other is a
student. The reporter is gathering
information about learners of English. Ask
for volunteer pairs to role-play in front of
the calss. In this cave, Ssshould focus on
only three of the questions from the survey.
Make sure Ss don't simly read from their
books - they should be in chracter. Give
them lots of encouragement and pairse for
their communcative efforts. - Work in pairs.
4.Further practice:
3. Now put two pairs together to
work in groups of four, reporting on the
things that they and their partners have in
common. T moves around the class to the
discussions and provide help only if
necessary. If time allows, ask some groups
to present their findingsin front of the class.
This may lead to a natural, whole - class
discussion. If this happens, encourage it Do at home
1. Review this lesson
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook).
3. Prepare lesson Skills 1


Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm


WEEK:26 Preparing date:

Period: 73 Teaching date:
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:
- Read for geneal and specific information about English as a global language.
- Talk about learning English.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to languages and language use and
learning. - Grammar: Conditional sentence type 2: Review; Relative
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about a global language.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
- Ss are interested in English as a global language and experiences in learning
and using English
- Ss are interested in usingConditionals type 2 and Relative clauses correctly and
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
- Creativeness: talk about learning English
- Using language to talk about how to learn English well
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Ss and teacher’s activities Content
1. Warm-up
Before Ss open their books, ask them - Work in groups.
to work in groups to disscusseitheir of
these questions:
1. Who owns English?
Ss may look somewhat confused by
this question. If so, give them more
guidance: 'Which countries Speark
English around theworld?'."Does the
English language belong to England? If
not, whynot?'."Is the English language
chaning? If so how?'
The aim is to get Ss to realize that
english is global now and that there
isn't one "correct" from of English
anymore, but many varieties of
2. Does "Vietlish" exist?
If necessary, explain that this is a
blend of Vietnamese ans English. Give
some guidance:' Can you think of any
words or phrases which blend the two
languagea?'.'Is this increasing in Viet
Nam? If so, why?',' Can you invent
some new "Vietlish" words or
2. Pre-reading - Find out the extra words and underline
1. Now open the books and ask Ss to them.
scan the text to find the words: - Guess the meaning from the context.
settlenment, immersion, derivatives, - Listen to the teacher’s explaination.
establishment and dominant. T may - Repeat
help Ss work out the meanings of - Stress
these words out of the context. - Copy
- settlement(n) = the process of
people making their homes in a place
- immersion (n)= the language
teaching methol in which people are
put is situations where they have to
use the new language for everything
- derivatives(n) = words that have
been developed from other words
- establishment(n) = the act of starting - Work individually.
or creating something that is meant to - Answer:
last for a long time Key: 1.b 2. c 3. a
- dominant (adj)= more important,
powerful or noticeable than other
- Work in pairs.
3. While-reading Key:
2a. First, have Ss work independemtly, 1. It is the export of the English language
reading through the article and and the great growth of population in the
choosing a suitable heading fopr each United States that has led to its dominance
paragraph. Then allow them to share in the word today
their answers before checking with 2. Mass immigration
the whole class 3. They do all their school sujects and
b. T may set a longer time limit for Ss everyday activities in English
to read the text again and answer the 4. It is a blend of English and Hindi words
questions. Ask Ss to note where they and phraes
found the information that helped 5. They are being invented ecery day all
them to answer the questions. Ss can over the world due to the free admissions
compare their answers in pairs before of words from other languages and the
discussing them as a class easy creation of compounds and

3.Firts, give Ss 5 minutes to put their
own list in order of impotance.
Encourage Ss to think of the reson for
their order. They may add other -Work individually.
method they use that aren't on the list
4. Now is small groups, Ss compare
their lists and explain their order to
group members. Go around to provide - Work in group.
help. Call on some Ss to present their
top three methods and the reasons for
it. Other groups listen and give
5. Ask Ss to work in pairs, talking one -Work in pairs.
of the ideas in 3 and discussing the
way to achieve it. Move around to
provide help. Call on some Ss to - Share with the partner.
present their ideas. Ask other pairs to
add to the list.
Alternatively, T may organise a quick - Present before class.
game. In 5 minutes, pairs write down
as many was to achieve the goal as
possible. When the time is up, call on
the most ideas to present their
answers. Other pairs add to the list.

1. Review this lesson - Copy and do at home!
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook)
3. Prepare lesson Skills 2
WEEK:26 Preparing date:
Period: 74 Teaching date:
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Listening for general and specific information about students'
experiences in learning and using languages
- Writing a paragraph about the uses of English in everyday life
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: lexical items related to experiences in learning and
using languages
- Grammar: present simple
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: Ss are interested in the uses of English in everyday life
- Positive about a global language.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
- Creativeness: write about the uses of English in everyday life
- Using language to write about the uses of English in everyday life
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher and Students'


1. Warmer: Discussion (3 Four uses of English in your daily life

P39) What I use English for? Explanation
? Work in groups, making
notes of uf four uses of 1
English in your daily life and
give an explanation/ 2
example for each of them in 3
the given table.
- Remind them that they do 4
not have to write full
sentences and they can use
abbreviations and note-
- T may ask some able Ss to
read out their notes to the
whole class.

2. Listening I. Listening
1. Matching (1 P39) 1. Matching (1 P39)
? Read the instruction Speaker 1: E
carefully. Speaker 2: A
? Read the summaries and Speaker 3: B
underline the key words in Speaker 4: D
- Play the recording and ask
Ss to match the summaries
to the speakers.
? Write the answers on the
board. - Play the recording
again for Ss to check the
2. Answer the questions (2 2. Answer the questions (2 P39)
P39) 1. He went to Rome.
? Run through all the 2. She can have a conversation in Italian.
sentences in 2 P23. 3. He used to be quite bad at English.
Teacher and Students'

- Play the recording one or 4. He picked up enough words and phrases to

two times. get by.
? Listen carefully and 5. It's not all full.
answer the questions.

3. Writing II. Writing

Write about what you use Write about what you use English for in your
English for in your daily life daily life (4 P39)
(4 P39) Example:
- Elicit the language I use English for different purposes in my
necessary for their writing everyday life. Firstly, English helps me
with Ss: an introduction communicate with people all over the word. I
paragraph, organising ideas
have made friends with some students from the
using connectors - Firstly,
Secondly, Finally, providing UK and Australia. I use English to chat with
examples to illustrate the them about many things. Secondly, English
points helps me get information and improve my
? Write the draft first and knowledge. Because almost any information is
then swap their writing with available in English, it is easy for me to get
a partner. access to all sources of information with my
? Based on the comments,
English. Finally, English is useful when I want to
write the final version in
class or some at home. go abroad to study. A lot of schools and
- T may display all or some universities in different countries which
of the leaflets on the wall/ provide scholarships and courses in English. I
notice board. Other Ss and T am learning English hard to get an IELTS score
give comments. Ss edit and of 6.5 so that next year I can go to Australia to
revise their writing as study. In conclusion, English is useful for me in
homework. various ways.

* Project preparation: Fill Fill in the blanks (1 P41)

in the blanks (1 P41) 1. sweets 2. soccer 3.nappy 4.
First, ask Ss to read the chart pavement
showing the differences in
vocabulary between British5.highway 6. 7. 8.flashlight
English and American underground rubbish
English and fill the banks the
words from the box. Then
allow them to share their
answers before checking
Teacher and Students'

with the whole class.

4.Further practice:
? Sum up the main content of
the lesson
? Learn by heart new words - Learn by heart new words
? Do exercises D3, E1,2 P27 - Do exercises D3, E1,2 P27 (workbook)
(workbook) - Prepare: Unit 9: Looking back
? Prepare: Unit 9: Looking - Prepare for the project
? Prepare for the project

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:26 Preparing date:

Period: 75 Teaching date:
Lesson 7: Looking back and project
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- revise the vocabulary, grammar they've learnt in Unit 9
- present a chart of varieties of English
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to learning and using English
- Grammar: relative clauses
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Positive about a global language.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students'
1. Warm up: Free talk Teacher - whole class
2. Looking back I. Looking back
Vocabulary: 1. Vocabulary:
1.1. Underline the correct 1.1. Underline the correct words (1 P40)
words (1 P40) 1. first2. accent3. dialect 4. second
? Work individually, underline 5. official
the correct words in each
- Check and confirm the
correct answers.
1.2. Read and fill in blank (2 1.2. Read and fill in blank (2 P40)
P40) 1. am 6. can have a
? Read what three people say reasonably good conversation
about speaking languages. 2.can also get by 7.it's a bit rusty
? Fill each blank with a phrase 3.picked up 8. am quite bad at
in the box. 4. am bilingual 9. know a few
- Teacher checks as a class 5. also fluent in words
10. can't speak a
1.3. Rewrite these sentences 1.3. Rewrite these sentences (3 P40)
(3 P40) 1. I can't speak a word of French.
? Rewrite these sentences 2. I picked up a few words of English on
using the words/ phrases in holiday.
the box. 3. My brother is fluent in English.
4. Iam bilingual in English and French.
5. I can get by in German on holiday.
6. My Russian is a bit rusty.
1.4. Complete the sentences 1.4. Complete the sentences (4 P40)
(4 P40) 1. accent 2. imitate 3. guess 4. look up
? Complete the sentences with 5. 6.mistak 7. 8.
the words given. translate es corrects communicat
? Write the answers on the e
- Other Ss give feedback.
Grammar 2. Grammar
2.1. Put the correct relative 2.1. Put the correct relative pronounce in
pronounce in each sentence each sentence (5 P40)
Teacher and Students'
(5 P40) 1. Those are the stairswhere i boke my arm
? Put the correct relative 2. There's a shop where you can buy English
pronounce in each sentence. books and CDs.
? Write the answers on the 3. The English coupe who/that live next to us
board can get by Vietnamese
- Other Ss give feedback. 4. There's a shop near my hose which/that
sells cheap DVDs
5. Look up the new words in the
dictionarywhich/that has just been
published by Oxford University Press.
Communication: 3. Communication:
First, ask Ss to do the task 1. D
individually to choose 2. C
sentences (A-E) to complete 3. A
the conversation. Then check 4.E
their answers as a class. 5.B
Finally, ask Ss to practise the
conversation with their
partners and call on some
pairs to act out the
conversation in front of the
3. Project III. Project
? Design a chart showing the Differences between varieties of English.
differences in vocabulary
between them.
- When Ss have finished their
chart, ask them to display them
on the walls of the classroom.
? Move around to look at all the
charts and discuss them.
Finally, ask the whole class to
vote for the best one.
4.Further practice:
? Guide students to do
5.Production: - Review vocabulary and structures in Unit 9
? Review vocabulary and - Prepare: Unit 10 : Getting started
structures in Unit 9.
? Prepare: Unit 10: Getting

WEEK:27 Preparing date:

Period: 76 Teaching date:
Lesson 1: LANGUAGE
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
+ Revise the language students they have practiced in Units 7-9
+ Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar
1. Knowledge:
+ Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 7 - 8. - 9
+ Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar.
2. Skills:
- Develop ss' skills of doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in Unit7-8- 9.
3. Attitute: Ss work hard
4. Competence:
- Expressing opinions -self-studying , cooperating , working hard and creatively
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher and Students' activities Content

1. Warmer: Ask and answer
? What have you learnt so far in
terms of language and skills.
- Summarise their answers and add
some more information if necessary.
Encourage Ss to recall and speak out
as much as possible.
2.Pronunciation and vocabulary I. Pronunciation and vocabulary
1. Mark the questions with falling, 1. Mark the questions with falling,
rising arrows. rising arrows.
1.a a:
? Read and mark the questions with A: What are you doing ? Are you baking
falling or rising arrows. ?
- T plays the recording and students B: Yes. I'm trying a recipe for Japanese
listen, check and repeat. Play the cotton cheesecake.
Teacher and Students' activities Content
recording as many times as A: Japanese cotton cheesecake ? Sounds
necessary. Pause and correct Ss’ strange.
pronunciation. B: Right, but my friends say it's really
A: Do they sell that kind of cake in
bakeries ?
B: Yes. But I want to make it myself.
A: This tour is cheap.
B: That tour is cheaper.
A: Let's book that tour today.
B: But the travel agent is closed today.
A: Tomorrow is fine.
2. Fill in the blanks to complete the 2. Fill in the blanks to complete the
sentences (2 P42) sentences (2 P42)
? Work individually to fill each blank 1. marinate; tender 2. garnish
with a word/ phrase from the box to 3. stew 4. jetlag
complete these sentences. 5. excursion 6. full boar
? Compare with your partner. 7. bilingual 8.official language
- Teacher checks as a class.
3. Word form (3 P43) 3. Word form (3 P43)
? Run through all the words in 1. guide 2. reasonable 3. rusty
capital. 4. fluent 5. season 6. grated
? Fill in each blank with the correct steam 8. passer
form of the word given to complete
these sentences.
- teacher has some students the
words on the board.
3.Grammar II. Grammar
1. Find and correct a mistake (4 1. Find and correct a mistake (4 P43)
P43) 1. B. the Lake Hudson  Lake Hudson
? Find and correct a mistake in each 2. C. bunches  cloves
sentence. 3. D. will be  would be
? Work individually and compare 4. B. the breakfast  breakfast
your answers with a partner. 5. C. have  has
- Call some Ss to go to write their 6.. D. the Vietnamese American  a
answers. Other Ss comment. Vietnamese American / Vietnamese
- T corrects as a class. American.
2. Write conditional sentences (5 2. Write conditional sentences (5
P43) P43)
? Study the given situations. Suggested answers
? Work in pairs to write suitable 1. If you want to widen your English
Teacher and Students' activities Content
conditional sentences. vocabulary, you should read short
stories in English.
2. You can become a tour guide if you
learn more about history and culture.
3. If you want to improve your English,
you may go to either The Sun or The
Shine language centres.
4. If I saw a fly in my soup, I would tell
the manager.
5. If I were you, I would go to Song Nhi
3. Combine sentences using relative 3. Combine sentences using relative
pronounce (6 P43) pronounce (6 P43)
- Elicit from the Ss the relative 1. Last holiday we stayed in a resort
pronouns and their uses (e.g. who, which/that Mi recommended.
whom, which, that, where). 2. I don't like people who talk loudly in
? Combine each pair of sentences to public places.
make a complete sentence, using 3. The dishes which/that my mother
suitable relative pronoun. has cooked are so hot.
- Ss do the task individually. 4. Last year I visited a small town
? Then practice in pairs. Where/in which they filmed The
- After checking their answers, ask Little Girl.
one or two pairs to act out the 5. Ms Mai was a teacher whom/who I
dialogues. will never forget.
Everyday English (7 P43) III. Everyday English (7 P43)
? Run through all the sentences in 1. C 2. A 3. E
the box in 7 P43. 4. B 5. D
? Work in pairs, complete each short
dialogue with a sentence in the box.
4.Further practice:
? Recall how to use article a, an, the
? Do all the exercises in Review 3: - Do all the exercises in Review 3:
language language
? Prepare: Review 3: Skills - Prepare: Review 3: Skills
WEEK:27 Preparing date:
Period: 77 Teaching date:
Lesson 2:Skills
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can:
+ Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 7-9
+ Practice doing some exercises in Skills
1. Knowledge:
+ Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 7 - 8. - 9
+ Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar.
2. Skills:
- Develop ss' skills of doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in Unit7-8- 9.
3. Attitute: Ss work hard
4. Competence:
- Expressing opinions -self-studying , cooperating , working hard and creatively
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students' activities Content
1.Warmer: Speaking (2 P44) Discussion
? Work in groups and discuss the
2. Reading I. Reading
1. a. True or false (1a P44) 1. a. True or false (1a P44)
? Run through the statements. 1. T
? Read Mi's email once or twice. 2. F (Nam, their classmate, also joined
- T clarifies anything they do not the camp)
understand fully. 3. T
? Do the task individually, then check 4.T
with a partner. 5. F (they let all the fish go)
- T corrects.
1.b. Answer the question 1.b. Answer the question
? Run through all the questions. 1. They drew lots
? Read the email again the n answer 2. She comes from a school in Tokyo /
the questions. from Tokyo
- Ss do the exercises in pairs. T 3. They won the first prize.
corrects as a class. 4. It's for non - native English speaking
5. It's about his tips on how to learn
3. Listening (3 P45) II. Listening (3 P45)
- Have students some minute to read 1. Storied and books 2.
the tips. vocabulary
- Play the recording once or twice. 3. correctly 4. grammar
Teacher and Students' activities Content
? Listen and complete the listener's books
notes. Use no more than three words 5. international project 6. different
- Play the recording again for Ss to cultures
check their answers. Explain the new 7. self - confident 8. activities
words or anything difficult if
4. Writing (4 P45) III. Writing (4 P45)
? Choose one of the topics in 4 P45
and write a paragraph about it.
? Write individually
- Then collect their papers to check
out of class.
? Learn by heart new words - Learn by heart new words
? Review Units 1-3 for the coming - Review Units 1-3 for the coming test

WEEK:27 Preparing date:
Period: 78 Teaching date:
TEST 45’

I./. OBJECTIVE: - To check sts' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from unit
7 to unit 9
- Help sts improve their English
1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 7-9
- Vocabulary: related to unit 7-9
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills
- Ss are interested in doing exercises
4. Competences
- Self- study: work individually.
1.Teacher: Test 45’, laptop
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Technical present….
Topics/ Knowledge Comprehension Application Total
language &
skills Objective Subjecti Objective Subjective Low High
I- Listening Listen to the
lecture, then write
Topic 8 T/F for each 4items
(20 %) 2 points
4 items
20 %
2 points
II- Grammar 1. Draw rising or
falling arrows in
and Vocab the responses

Topic 7-9 2.Circle the correct

option A, B, C to
(30 %) complete each of 9 items
the following
10 items
3 points
III-Reading Read the
passage, then
Topic 7-9 choose the 6 items
answer 3 points

( 30%) 5 items 30%

3 points

IV- Writing Rewrite each

of the
Topic 8 sentences so 3 items
that it means
(20 %) the same as 2 points
the one before
it 4 items
2 points
Total 14 items 5 items 4 items 23 items

5.0 points 3.0 points 2.0 points 10

50% 30% 20%

Bao Khe Secondary School

Class: 9………
Student’s name : ……………………..
Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

Marks Teacher’s Opinion

Listen to the lecture, then write T/F for each sentence.(2 points)

………. 1.Tourism plays an important part in the development of many nations.

………. 2.Modern transport promotes tourism.

……….. 3.Tourism depends on the income of a country.

……….. 4.People’s lives get better with the development of tourism.


1.Draw rising or falling arrows in the responses (1pt)
1. A: This car is slow.
B: I know it’s slow, but it’s reliable.

2. A: This CD is good.
B: I know it’s good, but that one is better.

3. A: This armchair is ugly!

B: I know it’s ugly, but it’s comfortable.

4. A: This motorbike is fast.

B: I know it’s fast, but it’s dangerous.

5. A: This TV is big.
B: I know it’s big, but the one in the corner is bigger.

2.Circle the correct option A, B, C ,D in each of the following sentences(1pt) .

1.The paintings _________ Mr. Brown has in his house are worth around £100,000.
A.whose B.which C.what D.whom
2._________ is visiting important and historic places in a city or an area as a tourist.
A.Travelling B.Sightseeing C.Wandering D.Sunbathing
3.All _________ must complete a visa form upon arrival at Singapore airport.
A.tourists B.departures C.customers D.passengers
4.The garlic sausage is also sold pre-packed in _________.
A.slices B.stalks C.sticks D.packets
5._________ people never seem to put on weight, while others are always on a diet.
A.All B.One C.Few D.Some


Read the passage, then choose the correct answer (3 pts)
The price of holidays can fluctuate a great deal throughout the year, so you can save a lot if
you are flexible with your travel dates and avoid peak holiday times. It can be also cheaper if
you book well in advance. Before your departure, make sure you get as much information
about your destination as you can. Find out if you require any special visas or permits to
travel there. Think about spending money as well. Will you be able to access your own money
easily enough or will you need to take cash with you? Think about eating larger lunches and
smaller evening meals to help your money go further, as lunch is generally cheaper. Make sure
that you keep sufficient identification with you at all times. It may also help to email a copy of
your passport details to yourself, in case it is lost or stolen. Label your suitcases clearly so that
they can be easily identified as yours. It can be useful to store a copy of your itinerary in a
prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline will know where to find you if your
luggage gets lost. Be sure to pack any medication or other essential items in your hand
luggage. If your flight is delayed, or your luggage is lost, these can be difficult to obtain in an
airport or foreign country.

1.Which can be the best title for the passage?

A.Travel procedures B.Travel advice
C.How to adjust travel dates D.Protect your luggage
2.Which one of these is NOT advisable according to the passage?
A.Research your destination
B.Always bring identification
C.Apply for visas if necessary
D.Save money by cutting out dinner
3.According to the passage, your luggage should be ___________.
A.stored in a safe place
B.tagged in case of being lost
C.packed with your passport
D.painted a bright colour
4.The underlined word ‘it’ refers to your ___________.
A.identification B.luggage C.passport D.flight
5.It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.
A.travelling may cost more in peak season
B.you must always take cash with you
C.larger lunches cost more than smaller ones
D.you can’t get back your lost luggage overseas


Rewrite each of the sentences so that it means the same as the one before it. (2pts)
1.You spent more money during the trip than I did.
→ I didn’t…………………………………………………………………….. .
2.Have you ever been to Kuala Lumpur before?
→ Is this your…………………………………………………………………… ?
3.China is a huge tourist attraction: it has many old castles and pagodas.
→ As China……………………………………………………………………. .
4.I found this place rather boring.
→ I wasn’t ……………………………………………………………………….

The end

PART I: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T (SKILLS 2- UNIT 8)


1.0,2 p for each correct word

1. Falling 2.Rising 3. Falling

4. Falling 5.Rising
2. 0,4 p for each correct sentence.
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D

PART III: 0,6 p for each correct sentence.

1.B 2. D 3.B 4.C 5.A

PART IV: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1.→ I didn’t spend as much money during the trip as you did.
2.→ Is this your first time in Kuala Lumpur / first time visit to Kuala Lumpur?
3.→ As China has many old castles and pagodas, it is a huge tourist attraction.
4.→ I wasn’t very interested in this place.
Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:28 Preparing date:

Period: 79 Teaching date:
Lesson 1. Getting started
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- talk about space travel
- read for general and specific information about space travel
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Use the lexical items related to astronomy and
space travel.
- Grammar: Relative clause, past perfect.
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- SS are encouraged to love exploring the space and universe.
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- know some lexical items related to astronomy and space travel.
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
I. Warm up
Before starting this lesson, do a quick game to revise the main grammar
point in Unit 9: relative pronouns.
Write on the board some phrases that will need relative clauses to be
complete, for example.
The language...
This is the place...
I met the girl...
In groups of three, Ss take turns to complete these sentences : the first
student one of these phrases, then the second student adds a relative pronoun.
The last student will add a clause to finish the sentence.
For example:
Student 1: The language...
Student 2: .... which...
Student 3: .... I would like to learn the most is Spanish.
Teacher & students’ activities Content
2.Getting started:
1. Before Ss start reading the
GETTING STARTED conversation,
introduce the chractes Phuc and Nick and
provide context: Nick ia visiting Phuc, and
they are now talking in Phuc's room. Ask Ssto
forcus on the heading "A mission to Mar". Ask
What do you think Phuc and Nick are
talking about?
What else can you see in the room?
What do you think Phuc is interested
in ? Why do you think so? * Vocabulary.
Do not provide corrective feedback at - spacewalk (n)
this stage. - rocket (n)
-satelite (n)
- meteorite (n)
- habitable (a)
- mission (n)
Now play the recording. Ask the class to Parabolic flight (n)
revise their answers if necessary. 1. Listen and read.
a. Now tell Ss to look at the text of the a. Draw lines to match the words
conversation. Play the recording and have Ss with the definitions.
follow along. - ss work in pairs to complete the
Key: 1.d 2.e 3.f 4.c 5.b
b. Have Ss then worlk in pairs to do the b. Answer the questions.
matching exercise. - ss work in pairs to answer the
Have Ss continue to work questions.
in pairs and answers the questions. Give Key:
feedback as a class. Ask Ss to say where in the 1.. Phuc was crazy about space.
conversation they found the answers to the 2. He had learnt about the universe and
questions. had collected books about space.
3. To show that there are more things
in the list but that it's not necessary to
list everything.
4. He wasn't very impressed because he
thought the mateoritte was like an
ordinary piece of rock.
5. By scuba diving in a flight suit and
taking a parabolic flight to experience
6. He compares it to a ride on a
c. Have Ss discuss the question: "Who is c. Who is keener on space travel-
keener on space travel - Phuc or Nick? Why Phuc or Nick?Why do you think so?
do you think so? Key:
Ask Ss to give as much inforrmation in Phuc seems keener on space travel than
the text to support their answers as possible. Nick. He was crazy about space when
. he was young. Phuc knows more about
space and astronauts. He says he'd
astronauts. He says he'd love
experience microgravity, whese as
Nick thinks microgravity sonuds scary
2. Have Ss worlk individually for this 2. Find a word in the box to match
exercise. Ask them to pay attention to the the picture in each description.
photos and the key worlds/ content worlds in Key: 1. satellite 2. telescope
the sentences. Have Ss then compare their 3. universe 4. meteorite
answers with a partner. 5. rocket 6. spacecraft.
4.Further practice:
Game: Space bingo
Ask Ss to work in small groups for this
game. Give Ss the following instructions. T
may draw a bingo card on the board and fill in
the first word as a demonstration.
 First, create a Bingo card of nine
squares by drawing two horizontall lines and
two vertical lines. Write "Bingo" in the middle
square to from a "free space".
 Second, create a vocabulary list
that contains eingt new words that Ss have
learnt in this lesson.
 Third, each player fills in his or
her Bingo card with the worlds from the list.
Each player should have his or her world in
different squares for the game to work.
 Write the eingt vocabulary words
on small pieces of paper, shuffle the paper, and
keep them face down. Then, one paper one by
one, and calls out either the actual worlds or
the definitions. (See the illustratinon beside).
 Players find the worlds in their
grid as they are called, and mark them off.
When a player has marked three boxex down,
acrooss, or diagonally (counting the 'free
space'), he or she calls out 'Bingo' and wins the
Ss can play several rounds with the same card.
Use a different symbol to mark the card for
each round.
- Learn by heart all the new words
- Find information about the solar system..

WEEK:28 Preparing date:
Period: 80 Teaching date:
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can know some lexical items
related to astronomy and space travel.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Use the lexical items related to astronomy and
space travel.
- Pronunciation: Continuing and finishing tones..
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- SS are encouraged to love exploring the space and universe.
- Co-operation: work in pairs, groups
- Self- study: work individually.
- improve their pronunciation..
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Warm up
- Check the new words:
One ss comes to the board and read the definition, the whole class say the
correct word.
S: A person who has been trained to work in space
Class: astronaut
Ss and teacher’s activities Content

2.Vocabulary VOCABULARY
1. Fill in the gaps with the verbs
1. Have Ss work individually to provided. Modify the verb if
complete the exercise. Remind them to necessary.
modify the verbs where necessary. - work individually to do the exercise.
They then compare their Key:
answers in pairs. 1. orbit 2. experienced 3.
For a more able class, apter Ss launched
have finished, ask them which world(s) 4. landed 5. trained
can be used as a nound as well. Give
feedback: orbit, experience launch. Ask
Ss to make sentences with these nouns. 2. Choose a word/phrase in the box
2. For this exercise, remind Ss of to fill in each blank.
some worlds about space they have How astronauts are trained.
learnt earlier, for example: astronaut, - ss work individually to do the
jet pilot, weightlessness, water tank exercise.
laboratory, microgravity. Key:
Then have Ss word individually 1.good health 2. a flight suit
to complete the gaps. Ask Ss to play 3.parabolic flights
attention to the key worlds to 4. operate 5. space
understand the text, as well as to the walks
part of speech of the missing worlds.
3.a. As a class, ask Ss to cover the 3a. Match these space-related
column on the right so that they can idoms to their meanings.
attempt to guess the meaning of the - the whole class
idioms first. Then they uncover the Key: 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b
column and do the matching exercise.
Check the answers as a class, and make
sure the idioms are understood before 3b. Now practice saying them with
moving on to b. a partner.
- work in pairs to make their own
b. Have Ss then work in pairs situations
to make short dialogues using the 4. Game.
idioms they have learnt. Which planet in our solar system is
4.This game can be played in being described in each sentences?
small groups in two rounds. Key:
In the first rounds, all groups will 1. Venus 2. Mercury
read the difinition to guess the planets. 3. Jupiter 4. Mars
The game will be timed. 5. Neptune 6. Earth
The group who is quickest to 7. Saturn 7. Uranus
have all coreect answers is the winner.
If time allows, have Ss play the
second round, T writes the names of
some of the planets on the board (one
by one). In 30 seconds, each group has
to write on a piece of paper one fact 5. Practse saying the statements
they know about these planets, without and short dialogues, then listen to
looking at the textbook. The papers the recording and check your
will then be cross checked by groups to pronunciation.
and the group which has the most
correct answers.
Continuing or finishing tones
Play the recording from
GETTING STARTED again, focussing on
the part where Phuc tells Nick about 6. Work in pairs and ask each
what he had learnt about space. other.
'I'd leant about the planets, the - ss work in pairs to make their own
stars, satellites, rockets, and stuff. dialogues.
Draw Ss' attention to the
REMEMBER! box.Give an example of
saying a list of things, such as:
items on the teacher's desk
items in your wardrobe at home
places you have visited
5. Ask Ss to work in pairs to
practise the statements. Play the
recording and have Ss contunue to
practise saying these lists.
4.Further practice:
6.Have Ss work in pairs to do the task.
If time allows, ask them to think of
other situations when they tell other
people lists of things. Ask Ss to work in
pairs to play out the situations.
Have Ss work in pairs to do the
task. If time allows, ask them to think
of other situations when they tell other
people lists of things. Ask Ss to work in
pairs to play out the situations.

- Learn by heart the vocab.
- Revise: Past simple and past perfect.

WEEK:28 Preparing date:
Period: 81 Teaching date:
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use:
 Use the past perfect with confidence
 Use defining relative clauses correctly and appropriately.
1.Knowledge: - Grammar: defining relative clauses, past perfect
- Vocabulary: words related to space travel
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
- Ss are interested in using defining relative clauses, past perfect
4. Competences
- Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams
- Self- study: work individually.
- Using language to talk about space travel
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher’s activities Students’ activiteis
1. Warm up :
- Check up old lesson - Ss - T

2. Grammar 1:
Past simple & past perfect: .
review Ss study the timeline to
Ask Ss to study the timeline to familiarise themselves with the events
familiarise themselves with the and when they happened
events and when they happened. T
can read out any two of the events
on the timeline, and ask Ss which - Ss then work individually to
event happened first. complete the exercise and pay attention
1. Remind Ss of how to use the to the position of already in the
past simple and pesfect. sentences.
Have Ss then work
individually to complete the Key:
exercise. Tell Ss to play attention to 1. had been sent; made
the position of al already in the 2. became; had (already) been
sentences. launched
3. Had flown; flew; walked
4. put; had (already) sent
5. Was established; had (already)

- Ss complete the box with T's

2. Ask Ss to complete the box year or birth and their own year of
with T's year or birth and their own birth. Then check where the dates fit
year of birth. Then Ask Ss to check the timeline. Ss can write out the dates
where the dates fit the timeline. Ss and events from the timeline a long a
can write out the dates and events line drawn on a piece of paper. They
from the timeline a long a line drawn cam then add in this task four
on a piece of paper. They cam then additional dates.
add in this task four additional - Ss now work in pairs to talk
dates. about these events
Have Ss now work in pairs to
talk about these events. Remind
them to use the world already. Walk
around the class and provide help if
necessary. Call on some pairs to give
theie questions and answers in front -Ss work individually to complete the
of the class. exercise and then compare their
3.GRAMMAR 2: answers with a partner
3. Draw Ss attention to the Key:
grammar box and look out! box. Give 1. who/that 2. where
more examples if necessary. Ensure 3. which/that/
Ss have understood the rules before 4. which/that 5. which/that/
moving on. 6. when
Have Ss work individually to
complete the exercise and then
compare their answers with a - Ss work individually to complete
partner. Remind Ss that a relative the exercise and then compare their
pronoun may not be required to sentences with a partner
complete the sentences (indicated in Key:
the key with a cross). 1. The film which/that/the class
watched yesterday was about the
Apollo 13 space mission.
2. We read about an astronaut
4. Have Ss work individually who travel led into space in 1961.
to complete the exercise and then 3. This is the man who works for
compare their sentences with a Nasa
partner remind Ss that a relative 4. The team who/that plays on
pronoun may not be required to the left has never won the
complete the sentences - this in championship.
indicated in the key with a cross. 5. The ground - breaking space
mission which/that/this article
describes is called Rosetta.
6. The task which/that/the
Rosetta mission has is comparable to fly
trying to land on a speeding bullet.

- Do as be told

One student or group describes the

object/person/event using defining
clauses for the other student or
group to guess.

4.Further practice:
? Retell past perfect and relative - Answer teacher's questions.
Learn by heart all the structures
? Do exercises in Work book - Take note
? Prepare: Unit 10: Communication

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:29 Preparing date:

Period: 82 Teaching date:
Lesson 4: Communication
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to Talk about space
travel history and life on a space station.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to space travel.
- Grammar: Review Past simple and Past perfect; defining relative clauses.
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
Ss are interested in space travel
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to talk about space travel
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Ss and teacher’s activities Content

1. Warm up:
Write 'International Space Station - - Listen and discuss.
ISS' on the board and ask if Ss know
anything about it. Then show Ss the photo
of the ISS on the top ringt cornet of page 53.
Explain that Ss are going to read
about life aboard the ISS. As a class, create a
list of as many questions as possible Ss may
have about how they think astronauts live
on the ISS. Write the list on the board.
2.Communication 1:
1. Ask Ss to work in pair to complete
the exercise affter they have looked at the
pictures (taking a shower, sleeping in a
sleeping bag, listening to music, pouring
salt) - Work in pairs.
Accept all answers from Ss and
remember to ask them to explani their
decisions. Do not give corrective feedback
at this point. Key: 1. x 2. v 3. v 4.v
Now ask Ss to read the text. Tell them
to pay special attention to any inforrmation
that helps them to check their earlier
answers. Tell them to notice any new
worlds as well.
Get feedback.
2. Have Ss work individually and then
in pairs for this task. - Work individually.
After Ss have finished, ask them to
study the three photos of the texbook and Key:
connect these photos with the inforrmation 1. D Sleeping in space
in the text. 2. E Morning roitine in
If time allows, T may provide some of 3. B Working in space
the latest photos and blog posts produced 4. C Eating in space
by astronauts who are living aboard the ISS. 5. A Time off in space
They are available at www.blogs.nasa.gov
Now ask Ss to come back to the
questions list which has been created
earlier on the board and try to answers
them with the inforrmation from this
lesson. If there are some questions that
cannot be answers with the text, encourage - Work in pairs
Ss to find more about them by themselves
(using the Internet, books, stc.). T may
provide the NASA blog URL above as an
additional resource.
3.Communication 2:
3.This activity can be organised as a debate.
Have Ss work in small groups and
agree on the three items they will bring to
the ISS for each need in 2. - Work in groups.
When all groups are ready with their
list, the class gets together and decides on a
new three - item list.
Each groups has to persuade the
others that their items should be on this
list, rather than those of the other groups.
4.Further practice:
4. Have Ss work individually and write - Work individually.
down a personal thing they will take
abourd the ISS because they cannot live
without it. Then ask Ss to work in pairs to
share what they have written. Ss need to
explain to their partner why this item is so Do at home
important to them
1. Review this lesson
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook).
3. Prepare lesson Skills 1

WEEK:29 Preparing date:
Period: 83 Teaching date:

I./. OBJECTIVE: - Help ss find out their mistakes and correct them . Students
can improve their knowledge of English
1. Knowledge; - Grammar : related to unit 7-9
- Vocabulary: related to unit 7-9
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills
- Ss are interested in doing exercises
4. Competences
- Self- study: work individually.
1.Teacher: Test papers
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Technical present….
A. Remark on the tests:
-The number of the tests:
+Exellent tests:
+Good test
+Under average:
-The number of the tests:
+Exellent tests:
+Good test
+Under average:
-In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge.
-There are many exellent and good tests.
- Some Ss' skill of doing general test is not good.
-The teacher shows some best and worst tests to correct before class:
B. Key

PART I: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T (SKILLS 2- UNIT 8)


1.0,2 p for each correct word

1. Falling 2.Rising 3. Falling

4. Falling 5.Rising
2. 0,4 p for each correct sentence.
1. B 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. D

PART III: 0,6 p for each correct sentence.

1.B 2. D 3.B 4.C 5.A

PART IV: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1.→ I didn’t spend as much money during the trip as you did.
2.→ Is this your first time in Kuala Lumpur / first time visit to Kuala Lumpur?
3.→ As China has many old castles and pagodas, it is a huge tourist attraction.
4.→ I wasn’t very interested in this place.

WEEK:29 Preparing date:

Period: 84 Teaching date:
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to how to:
- Talk about space travel history and life on a space station.
- Read for specific inforrmation about two famous astronaut's space travel.
1.Knowledge: - Use the past perfect with confidence
- Use defining relative clauses correctly and appropriately.
2. Skills:
- Reading and speaking skills.
Ss are interested in space travel
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Creativeness: talk about space travel
- Using language to talk about space travel
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Ss and teacher’s activities Content

1. Warm up:Chatting

2. Reading
1. Have Ss work in pairs. Ask Ss to - Work in pairs.
focus on the photos and identifying the
Vietnamese astronaut (Pham Tuan).
Ask if they know anything about - Answer:
Pham Tuan. Paris can share what they Pham Tuan:
already know about Pham Tuan. - Born in 1947 in Thai Binh
After that, have Ss turn the page - First Vietnamese and Asian in
upside down and read the Quick facts space.
box, then they tell each other some more - Mission on Soyuz 37, Intercosmos
inforrmation about Pham Tuan in full Research Cosmonaut programme,
sentences. 1980.
2.a. Explain to Ss they are going - Titles “Hero of Viet Nam Pople’s
to read a text about two famous Armed Forces” and “Hero of Soviet
astronauts talking about their space Union”
travel experience.
Ask Ss to guess what they think the
two astronauts will talk about. - About pham Tuan and
T may refer back to the ChristerFuglesung.
inforrmation about the ISS that Ss have
learnt about in COMMUNICATION.
Have Ss then read the text and do
the exercise individually. Discuss the - Work individually.
answers with the class but remember to - Answer:
ask Ss to explain their decisions. Key: 1.c 2.a 3.b
Why do you think this quote
should go in this paragraph? - Work in pairs.
b. Have Ss work in pairs to Key:
complete the exercise. When giving Pham Tuan is VietNam's first
feedback, ask Ss to give further astronaut, and Christer Fuglesang is
inforrmation in the text to back up their Sweden's first astronaut.
answers. He found that the Earth didn't
look as big he thought, and he
thought we should cooperate to
take care of it.
It seemed he didn't enjoy it
much since it wasn't fresh.
They talked to him when he
was in space and that made him
They think the chance to fly
into space is equal for everyone.
He thinks teamwork, social
skills, and language skikks are
important for an astronaut.

3. Speaking
3. Have Ss work in pairs for this - Work in pairs.
task to discuss the qualities and skills.
First, ask Ss to look at the reading For example : a love for nature, can
text in 2 again and try extract the eat packaged food for a long time,
necessary characteristics/ qualities/ etc.
kills for astronauts from the things Pham
Tuan and Christer Fuglesang said.
Then tell Ss they can look at A
CLOSER LOOK 1, Activity 2, as well as - Share the ideas
COMMUNICATION, for more ideas. - Work in group.
Pairs get together to exchange Key: (suggested)
their ideas. Then as a class, Ss build up a One crew member feels
list of qualities and skills needed to be an extremely homesick: She/He can
astronaut. make phone calls to family and
friends on Earth. She/he can
exercise, read a book, listen to
music, or play some game. Other
crew member can talk to her/him,
or together they can do something
fun in their time, for example
having a 'space party'.
When looking at the
monitoring system you discover a
strange object approaching Earth:
The crew can contact the Mission
Control Centre for help. They can
start watching theo object, reacord
its movements anf report back to
Once Ss have finished, each
group may present their decisions
and the class chooses the best
4.Further practice: solutions.
4. Have Ss work in groups for this - Share with the partner.
role play and solve the problems. There - Present before class.
are no wrong answers here. Encourage
Ss to be creative with their ideas.
- Ask Ss to share with other groups.
- Then present before class.

1. Review this lesson - Copy and do at home!
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook)
3. Prepare lesson Skills 2

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:30 Preparing date:

Period: 85 Teaching date:
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can:
- Listening for general and specific information about some space tourism
- Writing a short paragraph using advertising language
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: space travel vocabulary
- Grammar: present simple
2. Skills:
- Listening and writing skills.
Ss are interested in space travel
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Creativeness: Write an advertisement
- Using language to Write advertisements about things
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students' activities Content

1. Warmer: Free talk

- Imagine you are having a holiday on Examples:
space. - If I were on space for holiday, I would
? Discuss what would you do on find a client and make friend with
space. him/her.

2. Listening II. Listening

1. Discussion (Activity 1 P55) 1. Discussion (Activity 1 P55)
- Draw Ss' attention to the pictures. ?
What can you find interesting about
them? (a person relaxing on a Suggested answer:
person relaxing on a planet in a - a person relaxing on a planet in a
spacesuit, people pulling suitcases spacesuit
for holidays in the universe, ect.) - people pulling suitcases for holidays
? Can you guess what are we going in the universe
tom listen today? - peope taking photographs on space.
? Listen and check.
- The recording is about space tourism.
2. Answer the questions (Activity 2 2. Answer the questions (Activity 2
P55) P55)
? Run through all the questions 1. recreational, leisure, business
- Play the recording one or two 2. Information Space Station
times. 3. 'Spacewalk'
? Listen carefully and answer the 4. 'manned spaceflight'
- You can only write no more than
three worlds to answers the

3. Listen and match (Activity 3 P55) 3. Listen and match (Activity 3 P55)
- Before playing the recording again, 1.D
challenge Ss to match the number to 2.C
their references with what they 3.A
remember from the last listening. 4.E
? Then listen and check. 5.B
- Correct as a class.
3. Writing III. Writing
1. Find the words (Activity 4 P55) 1. Find the words (Activity 4 P55)
Teacher and Students' activities Content

? How are advertisements written?

- in a special way to persuade
customers to buy or use a product or
? Analyse the first advertisement and 'Become a lunar explorer. Join the
underline the world or phrases that greatest private expedition of our
make it sound more persuasive. ? time.'.
'An amazing, life - changing experience
Then world in pairs to analyse the
last two advertisements. 'Ready To Become An Astronaut'?

2. Language skills 2. Language skills

? How is the language used in To highlight the good qualities of a
advertising. product/service, persuade advertising
language often uses:
-short but powerful, easy-to-remember
words or phrases
-active forms of the verbs
-strong emphasis on the reader by using
? Make a list of useful adjectives for ‘you’, the imperative, or questions
advertisement. Some useful adjectives for
New good/better/best
Fresh great/greatest
Delicious wonderful
Unique high/highest
Lifetime world’s greatest

3. Find the answer (activity 5 P55) 3. Find the answer (activity 5 P55)
? Look out for hints in the worlds 1. a bakery slogan
used in the advertisements. 4. A fuel - efficient car
- For example, 'shine' may go with 2. a shampoo product
'shampoo', 'bar' with 'chocolate' etc. 5. a tourism slogan
? Work individually. 3. a coffee product
- ask them to play attention to the 6. a chocolate product
way the advertisements are
Teacher and Students' activities Content

written. ? Do they use any of the

advertising techniques they have
learnt so far?
? Which advertisements do you like
the most, and why?

4. Write a short ad (activity 6 P55) 4. Write a short ad (activity 6 P55)

? Work in small groups of three or Suggested answer:
four to decide together what your 1. Watch miracles happen as our extra -
advertisements will be like. mild detergent removes all your
- Remind Ss to select advertising stubborn stains! An excellent way to
techniques they have learnt (strong protect your clothes.
adjective, active verbs, imperatives, 2. Have you tried our new delicious
comparatives, questions, etc.) for and healthy yoghurt? Its tasty
their text. freshness will brighten your day!
- Then have Ss work individually to 3. The most stylish bicycle ever.
write their advertisements. Designed with you in mind.

5. Discussion Discussion
A holiday out of this world! A holiday out of this world!
- Devide the class into 6 groups.
? Each group discuss and choose one
of the planet in our solar system.
Then answer the questions in project
? Designe attractive posters by using
graphics and impressive advertising
language to advertise for your space
tourism company.
- Alternatively, Ss can prepare a shot
slide show presentation (3-4slides)
to talk about their company's tour.
Ss may include videos and sound
fides in their presentation if they

4.Further practice:
? How to write a short ad?
Do exercises D3, E1,2 P38-39 Do exercises D3, E1,2 P38-39
(workbook) (workbook)
Teacher and Students' activities Content

? Prepare: Unit 10: Looking back Prepare: Unit 10: Looking back


WEEK:30 Preparing date:

Period: 86 Teaching date:
Lesson 7: Looking back and project
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can:
- revise the vocab. , grammar they've learnt in Unit 10
- present the writing a notice about the seminar about features of city life
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: lexical items related to space travel
- Grammar: phrasal verbs
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- Ss are interested in compete their ads.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher and Students' activities Content

1. Warm up: Game: The longest Game: The longest sentence

sentence * Activity 5 P57
* Activity 5 P57 Example: (a footballer)
- As a class, agree on a famous This is a footballer who comes from
person/ thing that will be describe Britain...
in group. ..... who used to play for Manchester
- In group pass a piece of paper United..
around among the group members. .... who is married to a famous singer....
Teacher and Students' activities Content

? Each member adds a defining .... who has four children....

clause to describe the person.
- After 5', the group has the longest
answer is the winner.

2. Looking back II. Looking back

Vocabulary 1. Vocabulary
1.1. Complete the sentences 1.1. Complete the sentences (Activity
(Activity 1 P56) 1 P56)
Have Ss work individually to fill the 1. satellite
gaps and then compare their 2. parabolic flight
answers with a partner. Challenge 3. habitable
them to complete the task without 4. attach
using the prompts. 5. spacecraft
6. meteorites

1.2. Match a verb with a correct 1.2. Match a verb with a correct
phrase (Activity 2 P56) phrase (Activity 2 P56)
Ask Ss to work individually to do the
1. f: to launch a spacecraft 2. d: to
matching exercise. If time allows, ask
orbit Earth 3. e: to experience
them to work in pairs to make microgravity
sentences using the phrases. 4. a: to live aboard the ISS 5. c: to
train to become an astronaut
6. b: to do experiments
Grammar 2. Grammar
2.1. Complete the task, using the 2.1. Complete the task, using the past
past perfect (activity 3 P57) perfect (activity 3 P57)
Have Ss first work individually and a.
write down the actions in full He had cleaned the house
sentences. Then ask Ss to work in He had made a cake
pairs and talk about these actions. He had made a cake
He had made a cake
He had chosen a funny movie
She had passed a swimming test
She had learnt about the ISS
She had taken parabolic flights
She had studied spacecraft systems
She had tried crew activities

2.2. Circle the best answer (activity 2.2. Circle the best answer (activity 4
4 P56)) P56))
Have Ss work individually to 1. X
Teacher and Students' activities Content

complete the task and then compare 2. who

their answers with a partner. A cross 3. which
means no relative pronoun is 4. X
required. 5. where
Have Ss work individually to 6. that
complete the task and then compare
their answers with a partner. A cross
means no relative pronoun is

Communication: Role play 3. Communication: Role play

The role-play should be done in
small groups first. While Ss role-play,
go around and around and provide
help. Later call on some volunteer
groups to role play in front of of the

3. Project III. Project

A holiday out of this world! A holiday out of this world!
- organise a competition.
- Each group shows their
advertisement or slide show, while
the rest of the class acts as
'customers'. During each group
presentation, allow time for, and
encourage, questions and answers
between the 'company' and the
'customers' about the trip. Have the
class vote for the presentation they
find most appealing.

4.Further practice:
? Guide students to do Finished
? Review vocabulary and structures - Review vocabulary and structures in
in Unit 10. Unit 10
? Do Ex E3 P57 (workbook) - Do Ex E3 P57 (workbook)
? Prepare: Unit 11 : Getting started - Prepare: Unit 11 : Getting started
WEEK:30 Preparing date:
Period: 87 Teaching date:
Lesson 1: Getting started
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- use the lexical items related to changing roles in society.
- listen and read the conversation about the role of teacher and father in the
future for specific
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: lexical items related to changing roles in society
- Grammar: simple future
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- SS are encouraged to love exploring the changing roles in society.
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- know some lexical items related to changing roles in society.
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students'
1.Warm up: Chatting Changing the roles in society:
? List some groups of people and * Suggested examples:
their roles in society. Groups of Present roles Changes in the
? Do you think the roles of these people in society future
people they will change. teacher information facilitator
? Discuss in groups of four and provider
write down your opinions. housewives do all the control the
- Ask Ss to give explanations for chore domestic
their opinions. robots
2.Getting started: I. New words
New words - drastically (adv): mạnh mẽ, quyết liệt
- Teacher use different - externally (adv): bên ngoài
techniques to teach vocabulary - facilitate (v): tạo điều kiện dễ dàng,
(situation, realia) điều phối
Teacher and Students'
- Follow the seven steps of
teaching vocabulary
- Repeat in chorus and
- Copy all the words
Listen and read II. Listen and read
? Look at the title of the
conversation and the picture.
? What do you think the guests at
the beyond 2030 forum are
talking about.
? What does the title 'Into the
future' mean to you?
1.a. Grid and form (activity 1a 1.a. Grid and form (activity 1a P60)
P60) 1. Phong
? Look through the table. 2. Mai
- Play the recording and have Ss 3. Phong
follow along. 4. Nguyen
? Work independently. 5. Mai
Encourage them to do the
exercise without looking back
the conversation. After that,
allow Ss to share answers. Check
their answers as a class.
1.b. Answer the questions 1.b. Answer the questions (activity 1b P60)
(activity 1b P60) 1. It's for people to share their vision of the
? Run through the questions. future.
underline the key worlds in each 2. Some students from Oak Tree School in
questions (e.g. purpose in 1, who Happy Valley.
in 2). 3. He says that learning wlii also take place
? First, answer the questions outside school.
without reading the dialogue 4. It will give them a sensr of participation and
again. of being part of society.
? Exchange your answer with 5. No, he won't. He may still go to work.
your partner. 6. No, he doesn't.
? Read the dialogue again and
1.c. Find the meaning of the 1.c. Find the meaning of the phrases and
phrases and sentences (activity sentences (activity 1c P60)
1c P60) 1. after the year 2030
? Work in groups of four or five. 2. ideas about what life will be like in the
? Find the phrases/sentences in future.
Teacher and Students'
the conversation. 3. Both housework and paid work are worth of
? Look at the context around respect.
where these phrases/sentences 4. I love being with my father.
appear and elicit their meanings.
- Correct the answers as a class.
2. Tick the correct explanation 2. Tick the correct explanation for each word
for each word (activity 2 P60) (activity 2 P60)
? Work independently to choose 1.B
the correct option A or B for 2.A
each questions. 3.B
? Share your answers in pairs.
- Check as a class.
3.Doing: III. Practice
1. Discussion (activity 3 P60) 3. Discussion (activity 3 P60)
? Work in groups of four or five. 1. Cars powered by solar energy will be
? Look at the pictures and guess common.
what future visions the pictures 2. People will live in houses in the sky.
represent. 3. People will be able to talk with their pets.
- Encourage them to come up 4. Robots will be doing the housework.
with as many predictions as 5. Trains will be running as fast as 300km/h
possible. 6. Land will become barren.
? Present your ideas to the class.
2. Game (activity 4 P60) 2. Game (activity 4 P60)
- Divide the class into two teams. Example:
One team names a service and Group A: Hospitals!
the other team says what they Group B: Operations will be performed by
think the service will be like in robots!
the future. Try to give every
student a go, not just the most
advanced ones in the class.
4.Further practice:
? Recall some visions of the
? Learn by heart new words Learn by heart new words
? Do exercises B1-2 P41 Do exercises B1-2 P41 (workbook)
(workbook) Prepare: Unit 11: A closer look 1
Prepare: Unit 11: A closer look

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:31 Preparing date:

Period: 88 Teaching date:
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can use the lexical items
related to changing roles in society.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: use the lexical items related to changing roles in
- Pronunciation: identify the rising or falling tones in agreement and
disagreement sentences correctly
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- SS are encouraged to love exploring the changing roles in society.
- Co-operation: work in pairs, groups
- Self- study: work individually.
- improve their pronunciation..
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
1. Warm up
- Check the new words:
One ss comes to the board and read the definition, the whole class say the
correct word.
Teacher and student’s activities Content
1. Ask Ss to complete the - Ss complete the world table
world table individually or in pair. individually. Then share their answers
Then allow them to share their with a partner
answers with a partner/another
pair. Check as a class.
Note: Ss might have difficulty
with the from form of the words. T
may allow them to use a dictionary.
Ver Noun
b (person)
atten atten attendan
d dae
facili facilit facilitato
tate y
prov provis provider
ide ion
deve devel develope
- Ss work in pairs to determine the
lop opment form of the world which is missing
inter interv from each sentence first. Then read
view iew the whole sentence carefully and
determine the meaning of the missing
work. After that, they choose the
eval evalu evaluato
correct word.
uate ation - share their answers with other pairs.
parti partic participa
cipate ipation
2. This is quite a demanding
exercise. Let Ss work in pairs. Ask
them to determine the from of the
world which is missing from each - Ss work individually, use the context
sentence first. Then ask them to of each sentence as guidance. Once
read the whole sentence carefully they have complete the exercise, they
and determine the meaning of the can exchange their answers with a
missing work. After that, they partner
choose the correct word. Allow Ss
to share their answers with other Key:
pairs. Check the answers as a class. 1. attend 2. facilitate
3. provider 4. developed
3. Have Ss work individually. 5. interviews 6. evaluation
Ask Ss to use the context of each 7. participation 8. apply
sentence as guidance. Once they
have complete the exercise, they
can exchande their answers with a
partner. Check the answers as a
To make sure that Ss
understand the meaning of these
worlds/phrases, ask for volunteers,
or select Ss, to make new sentences
using them. Or T can check by
asking questions like.
'Can you name some
countries which you think are male - Ss read the REMEMBER box and
- dominated?' read the prases in the table.
'Do you always study in a - Ss then comlpete all the sentences
traditional classroom?'
4. Before Ss do the task, ask
them to read the REMEMBER box.
Ask Ss to read the prases in the
table. Make sure they understand
the meanings of by giving
epuivalents in Vietnamese. Have Ss
then comlpete all the sentences.
Confirm the correct answers as a Key: 1.B 2.C 3.A
class. 4 .B 5.A

3.Pronunciation - Ss listen to the recording and tick the

Agreeing and disagreeing correct column each questions. Then
tones listen again and repeat the sentences
Use the REMEMBER! box to with a focus on the tones.
instruct how the rising and falling
tones are used when you want to 1. sense of direction
show your agreement or 2.sense of homour 3. sense
disagreement with some idea or of time
opinion. Write the examples in the 4. sense of responsibility 5.
box on the board and have the sense of style
whole class practise them. Make
sure that Ss understand the rules - Ss work individually,read the
before they do the exercises. conversation carefully and ,the
4. Have Ss listen to the REMEMBER! box as they do the
recording and tick the correct exercise. Then listen, check, and say
column each questions. Then the sentences
let them listen again and have
Key + Audio script
them repeat the sentences 1. No one can deny it ?
with a focus on the ton 4. You will be cooking
2. All of us can see your
point 5. Well, you may be right
3. We will help him with
the money.

Key + Audio script:

4.Further practice:Have Ss work
Laura: We have to educate
individually. Ask them to read the the public about wildlife.
conversation carefully and to the Mide: Yes, that's
REMEMBER! box as they do the important
exercise. Then play the recording. Laura: And we must act to
Ss listen, check, and say the save endangered species.
sentences. Call on some Ss to say Mike: That helps.
the sentences individually. Laura: Keeping wild
animals in zoos can help protect them.
Mike: That's an
timportant point...
Laura: Zoos can make
money for their conservation
programes through charging entrance
Mike: Umm, yes, I suppose so
- Do exercises n workbook
- Revise: Past simple and past perfect

WEEK:31 Preparing date:
Period: 89 Teaching date:
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use:
 recognise non - defining relative clauses and use them correctly
 use the future passive correctly
1.Knowledge: - Grammar: non - defining relative clauses, future passive
- Vocabulary: words related to changing roles in society
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
- Ss are interested in using non - defining relative clauses, future passive
4. Competences
- Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams
- Self- study: work individually.
- Using language to talk about changing roles in society
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1. Warm up :
- Check up old lesson - Ss - T

2. Grammar 1
Future passive: review
Before doing the exercise, T may - Listen and take notes
write the two example sentences
using the future active and passive on
the board. Let Ss work out the
difference between the two sentences.
This reminder should help Ss to
complete exercise.
1. They will build a new bridge - Ss work individually
2. A new bridge will be built Key: 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A
here. 5.A 6.B
1. Ask Ss to work individually.
They then share their answers with a
partner. Check the answers as a class.

2. Have Ss work individually.

Ask them to exchange their answers Ss work individually, then
on the board. T corrects if needed. exchange their answers on the
Note: For Ss who are weak at board.
this kind of exercise, ask them to
underline the verb phrases in the Key:
original sentences which will have to 1. Classes will also be held in
be changed. Then ask them to change places like restaurants or
the sentences into future passive first, supermarkets.
before completing the rest of the 2. The school's curriculum will
sentences. constantly be tailored to meet changes
Key: in society.
1. Classes will also be held in 3. Student's academic
places like restaurants or performance will not be evaluated
supermarkets. through exams only.
2. The school's curriculum will 4. Not all the decisions in the
constantly be tailored to meet changes in family will be made by men.
society. 5. Women will be freed from
3. Student's academic most housework by high
performance will not be evaluated technology.
through exams only. 6. More flowers will be built
4. Not all the decisions in the to reduce traffic in the city.
family will be made by men.
5. Women will be freed from
most housework by high technology.
6. More flowers will be built to
reduce traffic in the city.

3. Grammar 2 - Ss work individually. They can

Non-Defining relative clauses then exchange their answers with
3. work with on the partner.
REMEMBER! box first. Write the - Ss explain their answers to
examples in the box the board as you check their understanding of the
explain the rules. Ensure that Ss rule
understand the rule before beginning
the exercise. T may keep the examples Key:
on the board while Ss are doing the 1. Minh told me about his
exercises. new job, which he's enjoying very
Ask Ss to work individually. much.
They can then exchange their answers 2. The Board of Directors are
with partner. Elicit the answers from usually those who get the most
Ss and correct them if necessary. Ask votes.
Ss explain their answers to check their 3. The US, which stands for
understanding of the rule. the United States, is sometimes
confused with the UN, which
stands, for the United Nations.
4. Jack London, who is the
author of The call of the wild, is a
famous American writer.
5. Psychology, which is the
study of the mind, originates from
a Greek world.
6. Jane refused a position
which would be a dream job for
many of her peers.
4. Before this exercise, remind
Ss that only non - defining relative - Ss do this exercise
clauses can be omitted. Have Ss do individually.
this exercise individually. They may
refer to the rules on the board. Check Key:
the answers as a class. 1. Sarah works for a
company that makes bikes.
2. I've got a sister called
3. This morning I met my ex
- classmate Janet.
4. The 6.30 bus was late
5. Only those who had
booked in advance were allowed
6. The stairs which lead to
the basement are rather slippery.

5. Have Ss work individually. - Ss do this exercise

Let Ss share their writing with individually
partner. Check as a class, paying Key:
special attention to the commas and 1. We are staying at the
the relative pronouns. Grand Hotel, which will be
demolished for a department
2. The essays will be
assessed by Hans de wit, who is
the President of the EAIE.
3. The Second World war,
which lasted from 1939 to 1945,
destroyed hundreds of cities in
4. I have read several short
stories by Jack London, who is a

4.Further practice:
? Retell future passive and relative - Answer teacher's questions.
? Learn by heart all the structures
? Do exercises in Work book - Take note
? Prepare: Unit 11: Communication

WEEK:31 Preparing date:
Period: 90 Teaching date:
Lesson 4: Communication
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe the
changing roles of schools
1.Knowledge: - Use the lexical items related to changing roles in society.
- Identify the rising or falling tones in agreement and disagreement sentences
- Recognise non - defining relative clauses and use them correctly
- Use the future passive correctly
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
Ss are interested in the changing roles of schools
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to talk about changing roles of schools
- Grammar: non - defining relative clauses, future passive correctly
4. Competences
- Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams
- Self- study: work individually.
- Using language to talk about changing roles in society
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Ss and teacher’s activities Content

1. Warm up:
1.a. Start this session by writing 'The - Work in groups.
roles of schools in the future' on board. - Listen and discuss.
Ask Ss to read the introduction to the
Just imagine! forum.
Lead Ss through a discussion about “The roles of school will change in
how they think the roles of school will the future”
change in the future.
Encourage Ss to be imaginative and
come up with lots of ideas. There are no
wrong answers st this stage.
b. Have Ss read the posts individually
as quickly as possible. Then refer to their - Work individually.
predictions in 1a and see if there are
any similarities.
2.Communication 1:
2. Ask Ss to work in groups of three - Work in groups of three or four.
or four. Ask them to look for the
worlds/phrases in each post in 1b Suggested answers:
and work out their meaning, based 1. real; practical
on the context. Check the answers as a 2. focussed on a particular
class. person; customised
3. a person who judges
another person's performace
4. reacting quickly and
positively; showing interest in
5. making the necessary
changes to something to make it
if a person or situation.

3.Communication 2: Key: Post 22: 4

3. Have Ss work in groups. Ask them Post 51: 3
to read each post in 1b carefully and Post 76: 1
choose the most relevant response (1-4) for Post 101: 2
it. Chek as a class. - Work in groups of four or five.

- Note down all the changes they

see in the posts.

4.Further practice:
4. Have Ss discuss each of the questions in - Share their opinions with the
groups of four or five. They can refer back class
to the posts in 1b .
Ask them to note down all the - individual work
changes they see in the posts.
Tell them to support their answers Do at home
with reasons.
Ss then share their opinions with the
Give comments on groups' ideas
 15- minute test (photocopied

1. Review this lesson
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook).
3. Prepare lesson Skills 1

TEST 15’
I) Fill in each blank with who, whom, whose, which, where, when, that.

1) The man ____________ your mother is talking to is my English teacher.

2) Ha Long Bay is a beautiful spot ____________ thousands of tourists visit every

3) The students ____________are standing in front of the library is my classmates.

4) Hoa’s parents, ____________ are farmers, work very hard to earn their living.

5) The children like to play football, ____________ is very popular in our country.

6) These are the latest news ____________ you might want to know.

7) The beach ____________ the students are cleaning up the trash is a beautiful one.

8) The parrot ____________ can speak some words belongs to my close friend.

9) He is enjoys reading books ____________ are on computer science.

10) Mother’s Day is the day ____________ the children show their love to their

II) Combine each pair of sentences with a relative pronoun or a relative


1) The doctor has moved to a new house. He looked after my family.


2) The man is my English teacher. You spoke to him in the street last night.


3) The books are for reference. They are on the stacks near the librarian.


4) Is that the car? You want to buy it.


5) Students will be punished. Their homework is late.


Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm
WEEK:32 Preparing date:
Period: 91 Teaching date:
Lesson 5: Skills 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to how to read for
specific inforrmation about the changing roles of women in society and its
effects and talk about roles in future
1.Knowledge: - Use the lexical items related to changing roles in society.
- Identify the rising or falling tones in agreement and disagreement sentences
- Recognise non - defining relative clauses and use them correctly
- Use the future passive correctly
2. Skills:
- Reading and speaking skills.
Ss are interested in the changing roles of women in society and its effects.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Creativeness: talk about the changing roles of women in society and its effects.
- Using language to talk about the changing roles of women in society and its
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Ss and teacher’s activities Content
1. Warm up:
1. Have Ss didcuss the questions in groups - Work in groups of four or five.
or as a class.
- Encourage them to use their imagination, Ex: Changing roles of teachers and
and consider even the smallest changes students or changing roles of
and their possible effects. husbands and wives.
- T can write some of the most interesting
answers on the board, and leave them
there while the class does 2.

2. Pre-reading
2a. Ask Ss to read the passage
individually, playing special attention to
the underlined worlds/phrases. - Work individually.
- Ask them to guess the meanings of these
worlds/phrases through the context.
3. While-reading
- Ask Ss to do the matching exercise. - Guess the meanings
Check and confirm the correct answers.
b. Have Ss read the passage again
and answers the questions. Ask them to Key:
mark the world/worlds where the 1.d 2.e 3.b 4.f 5.a 6.c
inforrmation for the answers comes from.
Ss can share their answers with their
partner. Check S's answers as a class. - Work in pairs, ask and answer.
The ever increasing involvement
of women in education and
2. The socio - economic picture
of these countries.
3. Their financial burden will be
reduced. However, they will no longer
4.Post-reading (Speaking) be the diminant figures and will learn
3a. Have Ss work individually. to share decision - making and
Ask them to read the predictions and tick housework.
the one(s) they agree with. 4. They will learn to be more
There are no wrong answers here, independent
though Ss should be preparing to back up 5. The service sector
their choices with reasons and examples. 6. It will develop
b Ask Ss to work in groups.
Each student shares his/her list. - Work individually.
Other Ss in the groups discuss the
predictions and say whether they agree or
disagree, backing their opinions up with
reasons and examples.
T moves around the class to
facilitate the discussions. If something - Work in groups of 4 or 5 Ss.
interesting is expressed, T may wish to
bring the whole class together to discuss
it. - Give backing their opinions up with
4. Start this activity by reasons and examples.
brainstorming the areas of the service
sector which are most likely to be affected
by having more women go out to work .
Write the list of ideas on the board.
Allow Ss some time to discuss in groups
the changes which may happen.
Move around the class to facilitate - Work in two teams. (Team A and
the discussions. team B)
Then ask each group to present
their ideas to the class. Encourage
responses from the class as they listen to
Write the list of ideas.
- Present their ideas to the class.
1. Review this lesson - Copy and do at home!
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook)
3. Prepare lesson Skills 2
WEEK:32 Preparing date:
Period: 92 Teaching date:
Lesson 6: Skills 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can:
- Listen for specific information about women life in Kenya.
- Write about roles of teenagers in the future.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Changing roles in society
- Grammar: relative clauses, future passive.
2. Skills:
- Listening and writing skills.
Ss are interested in roles of teenagers in the future
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Creativeness: Write about roles of teenagers in the future
- Using language to write about roles of teenagers in the future
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1. Warm up - work in groups of 4 and list the things
Brainstormimg: their mother often does every day.
What your mother does every day.
2.Listening Listening
1. Ask Ss to look at the maps and 1. Look at the maps. Where is Kenya
work in groups to locate Kenya on the located? What do you know about this
larger Afica map. If Ss are having country?
problems, suggest they focus on the - work in pairs
shape of the country. (Kenya is in the
east of Africa, about halfway up the 2. Listen to the description of some
map). Ask them to share any changes in the roles of women in
inforrmation they know about this Kenya. Decide if the statements are T
country. If they knor nothing about or F?
Kenya, T can come back to this Key:
questions after Ss have done this 1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F
listening. 3. Listen again to part 2 and fill the
2. Have Ss read the statements blanks with the correct information.
first. For a class which know more - Percentage of women in Kenya staying
about Kenya, encourage them to make at home as housewives in.
a guess if a statement is true or false Key:
before they actually do the listening. 1. 1995 - 65%
The audio recording for this 2. 2010 - 47%
section has two parts. T plays both 3. 2025 - 30%
parts of the recording for the class -- Percentage of women in Kenya
now. attending colleges and university in:
Ss listen and tick the answers. 4. 1995:22%
Check the answers as a class. 5.2010: 36%
3. Play part 2 of the recording 6.2025: 48%
again. Ss listen and do activity 3. SS can
exchange their answers. write the
correct answers on the board. Writing
3.Writing 4. Work in groups. How do you think
4. Have Ss work in groups of will the roles of teenagers change in
three or four. Together they discuss the future?
and make a list of the possible changes - work in groups and brainstorm and
in the roles of teenagers. Encourage Ss make a list.
to explain why they think these
changes wlii happen. Walk oround and
help Ss with any difficulties.
T may have the groups write
their lists on board. Leave the lists
there for activity 5. 5. Write a paragraph about the roles of
4.Further practice: Have Ss write a teenagers change in the future.
short paragraph about one of the Sample writing:
changes their groups has listed in 4 It is likely that teenagers in the
individually. If time allows, T can ask future will be more charge of their
one or two Ss to share their writing studies. There are at least two reasons for
with the class by writing it/them on this. Firstly, there is the rise of the
the board. Other Ss give comments. Internet, which provides teenagers with
variout reliable sources of inforrmation. It
also allows teenagers to develop a large
social network with their peers. They can
therefore self - search, exchange, and
discuss inforrmation in order to plan their
studies. Secondly, the fact that they start
schoo early and spend a lot of time by
themselves when their parents go out to
work makes them more independent.
Decision - making will become a larger
part of their lives. Teens will make
decisions concerning their own lives,
instead of being told what to do and how
to do it. In short, these and the two
reasons why teenagers will becom more
responsible for their studies.
- Complete the writing
- Prepare Looking back.
- Complete the project.

WEEK:32 Preparing date:
Period: 93 Teaching date:
Lesson 7: Looking back and project
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, ss can revise the vocab. , grammar
they've learnt in Unit 11
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: Changing roles in society
- Grammar: relative clauses, future passive.
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- help to lessen gender gap and enhance equality in society.
- work together for the better future.
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to do exercises
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Ss and teacher’s activities Content

1. Warm up.
- Chatting
Encourage Ss to complete the
LOOKING BACK section without
refening to the previous sections in the
Ss should record their results for
each, exercise in order to complete the
final Finished! self assessment box and
identify areas for review.
2.Looking back
Vocabulary Vocabulary.
1. Have Ss complete this exercise 1. complete the sentences with the
individually. Check their answers as a words from the box.
class. Key:
2. Ss work individually. Ask them to 1. male - dominated 2.individually -
determine that form of world missing oriented 3. hands -on 4.
from each sentence (a verb, a noun, or responsive to
an adjective) and then Ss work out the 5. financially 6. facilitators
correct answers to complete the 2. Use the words in the correct form
sentences. Ss can then double check to complete the sentences.
the answers with their partner. - work individually to complete.
Confirm the correct answers.
1. supports 2. provider
3. predicting 4. tailored
5. evaluate 6. witnesses
Grammar 3. Choose the correct answer
3. Ss complete this task individually - recall the use of relative pronounce.
or in pairs. Check as a class. Key:
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.D
4. Combine the sentences using
4. Have Ss complete the activity relative clause.
individually. Have them double check - 2 ss come to the board and do.
their answers. Call on two Ss to write Key:
their sentences on the board. Comment 1. Many tourists visit Liverpool,
and confirm the correct sentences. which is the home of The Beatles.
2. The rown hasn't got any parks
- ask ss to recall the step of this kind where people can go and relax.
of exercise. 3. My son took part in the Beyond
2030 forum, which invited people to
share their vision of the future.
4. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who
was the founder of the modern
Olympic Games, was not in favour of
- get feedback. women participating in the Games.
5. There will be an open discussion
which will look at the main challenges
and opportunities in the coming
6. The changing economic role of
women, which started in 1948, has
greatly affected the role of men.
Communication 5. Match each prediction with two
5. Ss work in pairs to complete the responses.
exercise. Check the answers as a class. Key:
Then Ss can practise reading alound 1.C, H 2.A,F 3.B,G
the statements and responses with 4.A,E
their best pronunciation and fluency.
Call on some pairs to act them out in
front of the class. PROJECT
3.PROJECT Your vision of the future
Your vision of the future
 What your vision of the future is
This project aims to encourage
Ss to work out what they think the  how the world will be different
world in the future will be like. to to day's world
T Divided Ss into groups of four
of five and instruct them on what they  what bring about the change(s)
have to do. Since this is a board topic, it
 how you feel about it
may be helpful if each group chooses
- in groups ss present the ideas in front
an area which they can focus on
of the class
(technology, education, medicine, etc.).
- vote for the best presentation.
Encourage every member member of
the group to actively participate in the
project. Tell them their project has to
answers the questions:
4.Further practice: Sum up

Revise the lesson
Prepare for the test 4.

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:33 Preparing date:

Period: 94 Teaching date:
TEST 45’

I./. OBJECTIVE: - To check sts' knowledge of grammar and vocabulary from unit
10 to unit 11
- Help sts improve their English
1. Knowledge; - Grammar: from unit 10-11
- Vocabulary: related to unit 10-11
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills
- Ss are interested in doing exercises
4. Competences
- Self- study: work individually.
1.Teacher: Test 45’, laptop
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Technical present….

Topics/ Knowledge Comprehension Application Total

language &
skills Objective Subjecti Objective Subjective Low High
I- Listening Listen to the
lecture, then write
Topic 11 T/F for each 4items
(20 %) 2 points
4 items
20 %
2 points
II- Grammar 1. Draw rising or
falling arrows in
and Vocab the responses

Topic 10,11 2.Circle the correct

option A, B, C to
(30 %) complete each of 9 items
the following
10 items
3 points
III-Reading Read the
passage, then
Topic 11 choose the
answer 6 items

( 30%) 5 items 3 points

3 points 30%

IV- Writing Rewrite each

of the
Topic 10 sentences so 3 items
that it means
(20 %) the same as 2 points
the one before
4 items

2 points

Total 14 items 5 items 4 items 23 items

5.0 points 3.0 points 2.0 points 100%

50% 30% 20%

Bao Khe Secondary School

Class: 9………
Student’s name : ……………………..


Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

Marks Teacher’s Opinion

Listen to the description of the changes in the roles of women in Kelya, then write T/F for each
sentence.(2 points)

……….. 1.Kenya was more male-dominated in the mid-twentieth century than now.

………… 2.Women work to be financially independent.

………… 3.The number of women attending colleges and universities has risen.

…………. 4.About one third of Kenyan females stayed at home as housewives in 1995.


1.Match the word with the meaning. (1pt)
A B Answer
1.financial a. take part in an activity. 1............

2. predict b. have seen something happen. 2............

3. tailor c. make changes to something to make it fit a new purpose 3............

4. participate d. pressure to earn enough money.
5. have witnessed e. say that something will happen in the future.

2.Circle the correct option A, B, C ,D in each of the following sentences(2pts) .

1.The good news is more money .................on education in the next five years.
A. will spend B.will be spent C.spends D.is spent
2. The police are now looking for two young men,..................were seen running out of the store.
A. which B. they C. whom D. who
3. Every school has to ...............how well their students are doing.
A.evaluate B.evaluation C.evaluator D.evaluated
4. We saw the man and his dog …………… going to the market.
A. which B. that C.who D.when
5. The dance club...................Mai often go to will be doing a performance this Christmas.
A. which B.where C.when D.who


Read the text and fill the gaps with the most appropriate words

Earth, our beautiful home planet, is the only astronomical object to

accommodate life as we know it. Scientists believe Earth was formed
approximately 4.5 billion years ago. It is the fifth-largest planet in our solar
system. Its equatorial diameter is about 12,074 kilometres. Earth is the third-
closest planet to the sun.The distance from Earth to the sun is roughly
149,600,000 kilometres. It takes 365.3 days for Earth to orbit the sun, and 24
hours to rotate on its axis. The surface temperature ranges from -88 to 58°C.
Nearly 70 percent of Earth's surface is covered by ocean, which has an average
depth of about 4 kilometres. In it was estimated that 7.3 billion humans are
living on Earth.

1. There are ......................planets between Earth and the sun.

A. two B. three C . four
2. In our solar system,.....................planets are larger than Earth.
A. two B. three C. four
3. The hottest place on Earth may have the temperature of ...................
A. - 88°C B .40°C C. 58°C
4. It takes................... for Earth to rotate on its axis.
A. one day B. one month C. one year
5.Most of Earth's surface Is covered by.......................
A. forest B.mountain C.ocean
Use the relative pronoun to combine two sentences into one sentences with
defining or non-defining relative clause. (2pts)
1.Those girls have passed the entrance examination. They will enter university.
→ The girls ……………………………………………………………………….
2.Some women get a university degree. They can get a well-paid job.
→ Some women …………………………………………………………………..
3.Have you heard about For a Brighter Future? It supports women in their fight
for employment equality.
→ Have you ……………………………………………………………………?
4.Some fathers only do a part-time job. They can stay at home more often and
have a closer relationship with their children.
→ Some fathers………………………………………………………………… .
The end
PART I: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F (SKILLS 2- UNIT 11)


1.0,2 p for each correct word


2. 0,4 p for each correct sentence.

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A

PART III: 0,6 p for each correct sentence.

. 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C

PART IV: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1.The girls who have passed the entrance examination will enter university.
2.Some women who get a university degree can get a well-paid job.
3.Have you heard about For a Brighter Future, which supports women in their
fight for employment equality?
4.Some fathers who do a part-time job will stay at home more often and will
have a closer relationship with their children.
WEEK:33 Preparing date:
Period: 95 Teaching date:
Lesson 1: Getting started
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Use lexical items related to jobs and career.
- Talk about choosing future jobs
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to jobs and career and factors
affecting career choice.
- Grammar: Despite/Inspite of, non-finite verbs.
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- Raise the awareness of studying.
- Have good guidelines for future career.
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- know some lexical items related to jobs and career
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….

Ss and T’s activities Content

1. Warm up
Before Ss open their books, review
the previous unit by asking them to play a
game. First, divide Ss into two equal teams. - work in groups to play the game.
Write the phrase 'The roles of teachers and
schools in the future' on the board. Ask the
two teams to write down as many words in
the future as possible. Set a time limit of
three minutes. The team with more correct
worlds/phrases wins.
- pre-teach some vocabulary. * Vocabulary
Approach (n):
1 Ask Ss what job a career they want Vocational
to do in the future. Then ask them onother Housekeeper (n)
question. Staff (n)
Do you have to choose some specific Qualification (n)
subjects to focus on if you want to do that Suffer from (v)
job in the future. 1. Listen and read.
Elicit answers from Ss. Now, tell
them to look at the pictures and the - listen to the tape
heading 'What subjects' will you choose? - practise the dialogue in pairs.
and ask them these questions:
- Who can you see in the pictures?
- Where do you think they are?
- What do you think they are talking
about ?
Have Ss answers as a class.
Play the recording and have Ss
follow along. After that, Ss can compare
their answers with the inforrmation in the
conversation. a. Put a word/phrase from the box
a. Ss work in pairs to label the under each picture.
pictures with the worlds given. Allow pair - work in pairs to do the exercise.
to share their answers before asking them Key:
to disuss as a class. Then ask some Ss to 1. lodging manager 2. event
read the worlds aloud and correct their planner 3. customer service staff
pronunciation if necessary. 4. housekeepre
5. tour guide 6.

b. Have Ss work individually. Ss find b. Find a word/phrase in the

the worlds/phrase with the give meaning conversation that means:
in the conversation. - work individually
Then have Ss share their answers - share the answers
with a partner before asking them to
discuss as a class. Key:
1. GCSE 2. vocational
3. academic subjects 4. applied
5. tourism 6. leisure
c. Have Ss read the conversation
again to tick true (T). false (F), or not given c. Tick True or False.
(NG). Remind Ss that they can answers NG - read the conversation again and do
(not given) if they don's think inforrmation the exercises.
was given as part of the conversation. Ss Key:
exchange their answers with a classmate. 1. T 2.F 3. F 4.NG
Ask for Ss' answers as well as their 5.T 6.F
explanatian for their choices. Write the
correct answers on the board.
2a Have Ss work in pairs to read 2.a. Look at the phrases and cross
the phrases and complete the task. Check out any noun/phrase that doesn’t go
the answers as a class. with the verb.
- work in pairs
Key: 1.a job 2. leisure time
3. a job 4. a living
b Ask Ss to work individually to
complete the senteces with the right b. Complete each of the following
collocations. Then ask them to shre their sentences with a collocation in 2a…
answers with a partner . Finally, check the - work individually
answers as a class. Key:
1. take/do (an English) course
2. doing a nine - to - five job
3. work flexitime
4 earns money/earns a living
5. did course/ took a course
3. Ask Ss to work in groups of four. 6. work overtime
Ss take turns thinking of a job. The other 3. Game: What’s my job?
ask Yes/No questions to find out
inforrmation, and guess what the job is.
The aim is to have Ss ask many questions
as possible. T can tell them that they may
ask questions about necessary
qualifications, skills, likes, dislikes,
working conditions, salary, colleagues, or
people they are working with.

4.Further practice: Grammar.

- note V + to-V - V + to-V
I’ve decided to take a vocational…….
My dad is encouraging me to choose…..
We’ve dicussed becoming a doctor…
- learn by heart the new words.
- Prepare A closer look 1

WEEK:33 Preparing date:
Period: 96 Teaching date:
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
- Use lexical items related to jobs and career.
- Use high tones correctly.
1.Knowledge: - Vocabulary: words related to jobs and career and factors
affecting career choice.
- Pronunciation: High tones.
2. Skills:
- Practicing skills.
- Raise the awareness of studying.
- Have good guidelines for future career.
- Co-operation: work in pairs, groups
- Self- study: work individually.
- improve their pronunciation..
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher & Ss’ activities Content
1. Warm up
Start by reviewing the previous
lesson. Begin by asking two pairs of Ss to
come to the front to play a quick game. - play the game in pairs.
Ask them write as many jobs and
collocations (or phrases) used to describe
those jobs as possible. Set a time limit of
three minutes. The pair with the most
correct worlds and collocations wins.

2.Vocablulary Vocabulary.
1 Now have Ss turn to the book 1. Put the word/phrase under each
and work in pairs to identify the pictures. picture. There is one extra word.
Ask them to briefly describe the pictures.
Then let them do the matching exercise. - work in pairs toidentify the picture.
Check the answers as a class. Then ask
Which of these Jobs would you Key:
like to do in the future ? 1. craftsman 2. physicist
? Why would you like to do it? 3. opera singer 4. fashion designer
Ask some Ss to answers the 5. pharmacist 6. architect
questions. 7. businesswoman 8. mechanic
2. Fill each blank with a suitable job
2 Have Ss work individually to fill the from 1.
blanks. Remind Ss that the form of the - work individually
world may need to be changed to fit the
sentence. Allow them to share their Key:
answers with a partner before checking as 1. physicist 2. mechanic
a class. 3. pharmacist 4. fashion
5. opera singer 6. architects
7. businesswomen and men
8. craftsmen and women
3a. Match a word/phrase in the left
3a Give Ss a couple of minutes to column with its meaning in the right
work in pairs to do the matching. Then one.
check the answers as a class.
b Have Ss word individually to Key:
complete the sentences. Have the 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C
compare their answers in pairs. 3b. Fill each gap with a word/phrase in
Afterwards, check Ss' answers as a class. 3a.

Key: 1. career 2. job 3.

profession 4. career path

High tones
Have Ss silently read the
information and examples in the box. Ask
some Ss to summarise the rules and read
out examples in the box or to give their
own examples. Ensure that Ss have
understand the ideas before proceeding.
Inform Ss that negative adjectives (awful,
terrible) can be affected by tone in the
same way as positive ones (excellent,
brilliant). 4. Listen to the conversations between
4 Play the recording for Ss to Jenny and Tom. Notice how Tom uses
listen. Ask them to draw to illustrate high tones in his replies. Then practise
Tom's tones. Play the recording again for the conversation with a partner.
Ss to repeat the short dialogues playing
attention to the tones. Call on some pairs - listen to the tape
to act out the short dialogues. - practise with a partner.

5. The responses to the pairs of

4.Further practice: Have Ss work in sentences are the same but the speakers
pairs to draw arrows to show the tones have opposite attitudes. Listen, draw
before reading out. Then play the arrows to show the tones, then repeat.
recording. Ask the pair to listen and
check their lines showng the tones.
Confirm the correct answers. Ask some
prair to practise the saying the pair of
dialogues. Correct them if necessary.
Key + Audio script
1 They have a new air - There's going to be an
a conditioner 1 electricity cut to day
Brilliant b Brilliant
2 I got the sack 2 I got a promotion again
a Well done b Well doen

3 I got an A in the exam 3 I failed the exam a gain

a Excellent b Excellent

4 Her application was turned 4

I've beeb offered two
a dow b jobs at the same time
Amazing Amazing
5 We're having a company 5 He has decudea to cut
a holiday in a luxury resort b down on our wages
How awful How awful

- Redo the Vocab.
- Prepare for A closer look 2

Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:34 Preparing date:

Period: 97 Teaching date:
Lesson 3: A closer look 2
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to usethe
structures Verb + to - infinitive / verb + V - ing correctly
1.Knowledge: - Grammar:Verb + to - infinitive / verb + V - ing
- Vocabulary: words related to career
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
- Ss are interested in usingVerb + to - infinitive / verb + V - ing
4. Competences
- Co-oporation: work in pairs, groups, teams
- Self- study: work individually.
- Using language to talk about career
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
T and Ss activities Content

1. Warm up :
- Check up old lesson - Ss - T

2. Grammar 1
Despite/In spite of: review
Have Ss read the Remember! box, - Listen and take notes
then ask one or two Ss summarise the
rules. T can write the example sentences
on the board. Ask Ss to give further
examples. Make it clear to Ss that these
expressions can be used - Ss work individually
interchangeably. They both work with
all the from: before a noun, a noun
pharase, or an - ing form.
1. Ask Ss to work individually to Ss work individually, then
fill in the gaps. Check the answers as a exchange their answers on the
class. board.
Key: a.loving maths 2.
studying hard 3. laziness 4.
being short
5. poor health
- Ss read the bubble quoted from
Verb + to - infinitive/Verb + V- ing the GETTING STARTED
Ask Ss to read the bubble quoted conversation, then read the
from the GETTING STARTED structures and example in the
conversation, then have them read the grammar box carefully.
structures and example in the grammar
box carefully. Help them with the
meanings of the verbs if necessary.
Divide the board into four colums.
write Verb + to - infinitive/Verb + V -
ing, Verb + to - infinitive, or + V - ing - four Ss come to the board
with no change in meaning in each to write the verbs mentioned in
column, and a comlumn for Verb + to - the grammar box in the
infinitive, or + V-ing with change in approptirte culumn. then give
meaning, Ask four Ss to come to the examples with these verbs.
board to write the verbs mentioned in
the grammar box in the approptirte
culumn. Ask other Ss to give examples
with these verbs.
2 & 3. Have Ss world individually.
Allow Ss to share their answers with a -Ss world individually. Then
partner. Then check their answers as a share their answers with a
class. T can remind Ss that in both these partner.
exercises more than one of the options
may be correct. Key:
2 1. to give 2. to
pass 3. choosing 4.
3 1.A 2.A 3.C
4.C 5.A&C
3.Grammar 2: 6.B
Firstly, have Ss work in pairs to
describe what is happening in the Key:
pictures. Then Ss can attempt to 1. to lock 2. meeting
complete the sentences using the ideas 3. to contact 4. to send
and actions from the pictures. Check the 5. working 6. talking
answers as a class. 7. posting 8.to

Have Ss work individually to - Ss work inpairsto describe what

finish the sentences. Allow them to is happening in the pictures. Then
share their answer with a partner. Call attempt to complete the sentences
on some Ss to write their answers on the using the ideas and actions from
board. Correct their answers if the pictures
. Key:
1. The boy finally managed
to deal with his peers at the
vocational school.
2. She attempted to
cooperate with the other in the
team to finish the work.
3. He wasn't promoted in
spite of/despite his efforts.
4. The boss denied bullying
the new employee.
5. Despite being qualified for
the job, he wasn't
accepted/Despice qualifying for
the job, he wasn't accepted.
4,Further practice:
? Retell Verb + to - infinitive / verb + V - - Answer teacher's questions.
? Learn by heart all the structures
? Do exercises in Work book - Take note
? Prepare: Unit 12: Communication

WEEK:34 Preparing date:
Period: 98 Teaching date:
Lesson 4: Communication
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items
related to jobs and careers, use the structures Verb + to - infinitive / verb + V -
ing correctly
1.Knowledge: Despite/inspite of: review
Verb + to-infinitive/Verbs +V-ing
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
Ss are interested in careers and jobs
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to talk about careers and jobs
- Grammar:Verb + to - infinitive / verb + V - ing
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Ss and teacher’s activities Content
1. Warm up:
- Ask Ss to work in groups of 5 to answer - Work in groups.
the questions. - Listen and discuss.

2.Communication 1:
- Check if Ss understand the meaning of the
words in Extra vocabulary box.
Can’t stand +V-ing: Used to describe an
activity or situation that you really don’t
like, or find extremly unpleasant. - Work individually.
Burn the midnight oil: Work very hard, - Copy down.
work through the night.
Make a bundle: Earn a lot of money.
1. Have Ss skim - read the posts individually
and try to remember the reasons each teen
gives for their choice of career. - Work individually.
Sample comments on:
Post from Tu:
I agree that if Tu can sing,
Then, in pairs, Ss compare the reasons that he should enroll in a school for
each of them gives. Then Ss can read the performing arts.
posts a second time more slowly for details. Tu is right. A singer can
make a bundle.
I can't agree with Tu's
reason. Not every singer becomes
I don't think every singer
can travel all over the world.
Post from Anh:
I totally agree with Anh that
it is a meaningful job, because
architects can help improve
people's life.
I can't agree with Anh that
architects work flexitime. My dad
is also an architect and he has to
be at work at 8 a.m. every day.
Post from Duong:
Duong is absolutely right. If
he is curious about the natural,
world, that job can satisfy him in
many ways.
I'm sorry. I can't agree with
Duong. He wants to becom a
physicist because he is curious
about the world, but can he be
sure that he is able to do the job?
Is he good at physics?
Post from Dzung:
Exactly. What Dzung says is
true. Students doctors do have to
burn the midnight oil. They have
to learn about everything related
to their patients because their
advice affects the patients; lives.
I totally agree with Dzung
because it is very hard to work to
in hospitals. All around you are
patients waiting for your help.
Hold on ...if everyone only
thinks about the hard to work in
hospitals. All around you are
3.Communication 2: patiensts, then?
2. Put Ss in groups of four. Tell them that
they can look back at the posts and choose - Work in groups of four
one post to discuss. Remind them that they
can use the phrases to express agreeing or
disagreeing in the box. Move around to
observe and provide help.
a) Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to
choose a couple of example careers, either
from elsewhere in the unit or from ideas of - Work in pairs.
their own.
- Ss should then figure out their own
reasons why they do or do not want the
chosen careers.
- Set a time limit of ten minutes. Tell them
that they can also note down several key
words/phrases related to their reasons.
4.Further practice:
b) Ask several pairs to report their
decisions and reasons to the whole class. - Several pairs to report their
Have other Ss give comments. This is an decisions and reasons to the
open exercise and there are no wrong whole class.
1. Review this lesson
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook). Do at home
3. Prepare lesson Skills 1

WEEK:34 Preparing date:
Period: 99 Teaching date:

I./. OBJECTIVE: - Help ss find out their mistakes and correct them . Students
can improve their knowledge of English
1. Knowledge; - Grammar : related to unit 10-11
- Vocabulary: related to unit 10-11
2. Skills: Practicing skills
3. Attitude: - Ss are interested in practicing skills
- Ss are interested in doing exercises
4. Competences
- Self- study: work individually.
1.Teacher: Test papers
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Technical present….
A. Remark on the tests:
-The number of the tests:
+Exellent tests:
+Good test
+Under average:
-The number of the tests:
+Exellent tests:
+Good test
+Under average:
-In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge.
-There are many exellent and good tests.
- Some Ss' skill of doing general test is not good.
-The teacher shows some best and worst tests to correct before class:
B. Key

PART I: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F (SKILLS 2- UNIT 11)


1.0,2 p for each correct word


2. 0,4 p for each correct sentence.

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A

PART III: 0,6 p for each correct sentence.

. 1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C

PART IV: 0,5 p for each correct sentence.

1.The girls who have passed the entrance examination will enter university.
2.Some women who get a university degree can get a well-paid job.
3.Have you heard about For a Brighter Future, which supports women in their
fight for employment equality?
4.Some fathers who do a part-time job will stay at home more often and will
have a closer relationship with their children.
Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:35 Preparing date:

Period: 100 Teaching date:
Lesson 5:Skills 1
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to how to:
- Talking about a person's like/dislikes, personality traits, and abilities for a
certain job
1.Knowledge: Despite/inspite of: review
Verb + to-infinitive/Verbs +V-ing
2. Skills:
- Practising skills.
Ss are interested in careers and jobs
4. Competences:
- Co-operation
- Self- study
- Using language to talk about careers and jobs
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Discussion: - Whole class:
1. What is a job? What is a career? Suggested answers :
2. How different are they? 1. A job is something people do to
earn money.
2. A career is more than a job. It is
an - go ing process of learning and
development of skills and experience.
3. Very different. (A job describes
what you doing now, a career describes
your job choices over your working life,
with the aim of improving your quality
of life).
2. Pre-Reading
Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the
questions. Elicit the answers from Ss. Give - Work in pairs.
Ss three minutes to skim the article and
compare their answers with the inforrmation - Answer the questions.
from the article.

3. While-reading.
Have Ss read the article to do the - Share the answer.
exercise in pairs. Ask some Ss to share their
answers. Key:
1. career path 2.peer 3.
ongoing 4.alternatively 5.take
into account
Ask Ss to work individually.
Remind them to play attention to key
worlds in each statement. Then allow
them to share their answers befor
checking as a class. To check their
understanding, ask some Ss to explain
their answers.
Key: 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 6.T

4. Post-reading. (Speaking)
Have Ss work in groups.
Each groups should choose one job - Work in groups.
discuss. Ieally each group would have a
different job.
If you have more groups than jobs the
list, Ss can contribute more jobs.
Ask them to make notes on a small
poster, using the example as a guide. Set a - Make notes on a small poster, using the
time limit. example as a guide.

Have each groups present their ideas

and opinions on their chosen job to the class.
Once they have finished, ask the class to say
whether they agree with the points or not and - Present their ideas and opinions on
whether they should and some other points. their chosen job to the class.
As an extension activity, ask groups to
choose another job that they did'n work on.
Have Ss read the notes from the groups who - Work in groups.
chose this job in 4. Tell them to add any
eatra ideas their group may have. Ss report
their ideas to the class.

1. Review this lesson - Copy and do at home!
2. Do exercises ……. (Workbook)
3. Prepare lesson Skills 2

WEEK:35 Preparing date:

Period: 101 Teaching date:
Lesson 6:Skills 2

WEEK:35 Preparing date:

Period: 102 Teaching date:
Lesson 7:Looking back and project
Kiểm tra ngày tháng năm

WEEK:36 Preparing date:

Period: 103 Teaching date:
I./. OBJECTIVE: By the end of the lesson, students can:
+ Revise the language students they have practiced in Units 10-12
+ Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar
1. Knowledge:
+ Revise the language Ss they have practised in Units 10-12
+ Practice doing some exercises in Pronunciation and Grammar.
2. Skills:
- Develop ss' skills of doing some exercises to consolidate and apply what they have
learnt in Unit 10-12
3. Attitute: Ss work hard
4. Competence:
- Expressing opinions -self-studying , cooperating , working hard and creatively
1.Teacher: book, planning, picture, laptop, projector
2.Students: books, notebooks
III./. TEACHING METHODS: Communicative approach, group Ss and T’s
activities, play as a character, teaching methods with game, teaching methods by
visual, teaching methods by practising, discussion group, technical present….
Teacher and Students' activities Content
1. Warmer: Ask and answer
? What have you learnt so far in terms of language and
- Summarise their answers and add some more
information if necessary. Encourage Ss to recall and
speak out as much as possible.
2. Pronunciation I. Pronunciation
1. Draw rising or falling arrows (Activity 1 P82) 1. 1. Draw rising or falling arrows (Activity 1 P82)
? Review the rude of tones (high or rising A: What do the astronauts do while they are
tones to check information, to indicate aboard the ISS?
items in list, to disagree with someone, B: They keep the station in good condition,
and with Wh-questions) with Ss. and do science experiments
- Before listening to the recording, have A: Sounds hard
Ss draw arrows to illustrate the B: Not at all
appropriate tones. A: They don't have "weekend"?
- Play the recording. B: They do.
? Listen and check the answers. A: What do they do during thier weekend?
- Confirm their answers as a class. Ss then B: They do various things like watching
listen again and repeat, in chorus and movies, playing, music, reading books, and
individually. talking to their families.

2. Draw arrows to illuatrate the feelings and opinions 2. Draw arrows to illuatrate the feelings and opinions of
of A and B (activity 2 P82) A and B (activity 2 P82)
Have Ss work in pairs to draw rising or A: In the near future, we will mostly learn
falling arrows to illustrate the correct online
tones. Ask them to practise saying the B: Incredible! but we will still have actual
conversation. Play the recording for Ss to classrooms, won't we?
check their answers. Check the answers as A: Sure. But teachers will no longer be
a class. Have some pairs practise saying knowledge provides
the conversations in front of the class. B: Really?
A: They will be guides, or facilitators
B: Superb! What about the student's roles?
A: They'll be more responsible for their own
learning, i think.
B: Amazing! And they will make their own
A: Absolutely right!
3. Vocabulary II. Vocabulary
1. Change the form of the verbs provided to complete 1. Change the form of the verbs provided to complete the
the sentences (Activity 3 P82) sentences (Activity 3 P82)
? Do this individually and then share their answers with 1. facilitators 2. development(s)
a partner.
? Write the answers on the board.
3. training 4. launch
5. experienced 6. attendance
7. evaluators 8. participants
2. Complete each sentence with a phrase in the box 2. Complete each sentence with a phrase in the box
(Activity 4 P83) (Activity 4 P83)
Teacher and Students' activities Content
Check if Ss remember the meaning of the 1. work flexitime 2. sence of direction
phrases. Ensure all are understood before 3. make a bundle 4. burn the midnight
moving on. Then have them work in pairs oil
to complete the sentences. Check the 5. once in a blue moon
answers as a class 6. The sky's the limit
7. sence of responsibility
8. mountains of work
4. Grammar III. Grammar
1. Infinitive or -ING form (Activity 5 P83) 1. Infinitive or -ING form (Activity 5 P83)
Check if Ss remember the meaning of the 1. eating 2. to play
phrases. Ensure all are understood before 3. to work/working 4. to be
moving on. Then have them work in pairs 5. doing 6. to share
to complete the sentences. Check the 7. floating 8. checking
answers as a class
2. Rewrite the pairs of sentences (Activity 6 P83) 2. Rewrite the pairs of sentences (Activity 6 P83)
Have Ss write the sentences individually Suggested answers
on a piece of paper. Ask Ss to swap a 1. My grandfather, who has been retired for
partner. Allow Ss time to discuss if there ten years now, used to be an astronaut.
is any difference between their answers. 2. The spacecraft which/that took Yuri
Check the sentences as a class. Gagarin into space is called Vostok 3KA
3. She likes the career which/that heer father
pursued all his life.
4. He admires the teacher who initiated
building the school library.
5. I work for a man whose farm covers
thousands of acres.
6. Students will have to make their own
learning decisions, which will be hard for
many of them.
3. Everyday English (Activity 7 P83) 3. Everyday English (Activity 7 P83)
Have Ss read the phrases and sentences 1. No worries
carefully. Check that Ss understand the 2. I am not so sure about that
meaning of the phrases before moving on. 3. That's not entirely true
Then Ss do this exercise in pairs, Correct 4. Cool
their answers and ask some pairs to act out 5. Sounds interesting
the dialogues.

? Do all the exercises in Review 4:
? Prepare: Exam

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