1 s2.0 S0022391323004390 Main
1 s2.0 S0022391323004390 Main
1 s2.0 S0022391323004390 Main
The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships, which may be considered potential competing interests.
PhD candidate, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand.
Professor, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
President, Miyagi University, Taiwa, Miyagi, Japan.
Executive Adviser, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.
Senior Assistant Professor, Division of Advanced Prosthetic Dentistry, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan.
Associate Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
with a TiBase abutment (TitaniumBase AT EV 5.4 GH1 A mechanical load of 200 N47 was applied on the
L, AstraTech; Dentsply Sirona), a Ø5.4×5-mm retention occlusal surface with a 2-mm horizontal offset toward
post, and 4 different gingival heights. The TiBase abut the buccal side and a 30-degree inclination from the
ment was secured to the implant using a Ø2×7.6-mm vertical axis. The fixed support boundary conditions
abutment screw (Screw AT EV 5.4, AstraTech; Dentsply were assigned at the mesial and distal sectional surfaces
Sirona). The custom abutment on a TiBase and the of the bone model to represent surrounding bone sup
zirconia crown was fabricated (10 mm buccolingual, port. The FE mesh densities of all parts in this study
12 mm mesiodistal, and with 8-mm interocclusal were confirmed to have adequate accuracy and com
space). All components were designed and remodeled puting efficiency by a convergence study; the result
with a software program (SolidWorks 2017; SolidWorks showed that the suitable element size was 0.4 mm. A
Corp). A mandibular section of the bone in the molar contact size of 0.1 mm was assigned at the abutment
area was constructed by using the images from a cone screw-implant contact surface. The 3D 10-node tetra
beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner (Vara hedral solid element (SOLID187) was adopted with an
view X800; MORITA), in which the CBCT images were average of 900 000 elements and 600 000 nodes for all 4
processed in a 3D computer graphics and CAD appli FE models. The FEA was performed with a simulation
cation software program (Rhinoceros 3D; Robert software program (ANSYS Workbench 2020; ANSYS
McNeel and Associates). The bone sections were Inc) on a workstation computer (Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver
modeled with 2 segments: the outer shell, with an 4114 CPU 20 Core 2.20 GHz; Intel Corp).
average thickness of approximately 2 mm representing The effects of varying gingival height of the TiBase on
the cortical bone, and an inner continuum core re implant components were explored in the context of 6
presenting the cancellous bone, which was assumed to parameters: von Mises stress distribution, volume
be perfectly bonded with the cortical layer.38 The average von Mises stress, percentage difference of
contact boundary condition of the implant-abutment maximum von Mises stress in each component between
and abutment-screw contact was assigned as a fric different gingival height models, maximum von Mises
tional contact with a friction coefficient of 0.4.39 Fur stress, the stress distribution and highest (in magnitude)
thermore, the contact function of the bolt thread had of maximum and minimum principal stress. To mitigate
been assigned to the interface between the abutment the impact of peak stress bias caused by model artifacts,
screw thread surface and the female screw component the concept of volume-averaged von Mises stress was
inside the implant. The parameters encompassed a introduced. This parameter combines and averages the
single right-handed thread type with a mean pitch stress values across a specific region of each element,
diameter of 1.88 mm, a pitch distance of 0.4 mm, and a considering both the volume of each element and the
thread angle of 37.1 degrees. total volume of all elements. The calculation of this
The bolt was tightened to 25 Ncm40 as defined by the parameter is represented by Equation 1. Equation 2 was
Bolt Pretension function in the ANSYS software. In used to calculate the percentage difference. The volume
contrast, a bond contact was applied to the contact be average von Mises stress was used to evaluate the
tween the bone implant and the abutment crown. The average von Mises stress value for each element in all 4
interface of the TiBase abutment, zirconia custom abutments. This allowed for a meaningful comparison
abutment, and zirconia crown was completely seated among the different models, enabling the identification
without any gap, and the cement layer was ex of the component that experienced the highest overall
cluded.41–43 The mechanical properties of an implant, stress in each model.48–51
abutment, screw, and crown are listed in Table 1. All
materials were assumed to be isotropic, homogeneous, Volume average von Mises stress
and linearly elastic.38,44,45 All the associated hard tissues (stress × volume by element)
were also assumed to be linearly elastic and isotropic to =
volume (1)
simplify analysis.46
Percentage difference
(high value low value) × 100
Table 1. Material properties of implant, abutment, crown, and bone = .
low value (2)
Materials Properties
Young Poisson Ratio
Modulus (GPa)
Titanium Commercially 110 0.3
Pure grade IV RESULTS
Zirconia (ZrO2) 200 0.35
Cortical bone 11.67 0.3 The von Mises stress was first evaluated in terms of
Cancellous bone 1.872 0.3
distribution pattern and maximum stress value. The
Volume average von Mises stress (MPa)
Crown CustomZir TiBase Screw Implant Cortical Cancellous
Figure 4. Volume average von Mises stress of crown, custom zirconia (CustomZir) abutment, titanium base (TiBase) abutment, abutment screw
(Screw), implant, cortical bone, and cancellous bone in each model.
Crown CustomZir TiBase Screw Implant Cortical Cancellous
Figure 5. Maximum von Mises stress of crown, custom zirconia (CustomZir) abutment, titanium base (TiBase) abutment, abutment screw (Screw),
implant, cortical bone, and cancellous bone in each model.
24.3% compared with GH2. However, TiBase demon on every model are presented in Table 3. Model GH0.5 has
strated the lowest percentage difference, with only a the greatest values (in magnitude) for both stresses,
5.5% deviation when compared with GH2. 72 MPa and −102.3 MPa. Comparatively, the highest stress
The maximum von Mises stress in implants and com (in magnitude) of GH2 was 39.8 MPa and −51.7 MPa.
ponents is shown in Figure 5, where implants and TiBase Notably, as the gingival height ratio of TiBase grew, the
generally exhibit the highest von Mises stress in the range area of high-stress concentration and peak stress value
of 287 to 302 MPa across the models. The maximum von dropped, especially on GH2.
Mises stress in the crown, abutment screw, and implant In the TiBase component, much of the high-stress
appeared to be comparable among testing models. How concentration was located in the antirotational part re
ever, the highest von Mises stress in TiBase and CustomZir gion and conical connection surface of TiBase, as de
was seen differently, as the greater the gingival height of picted in Figure 7. The peak (in magnitude) maximum
TiBase, the lower the measured maximum stress value in principal stress values and a zone of high-stress con
TiBase and CustomZir. CustomZir demonstrated that the centration were observed (red color in the upper row) at
highest stress was recorded at GH0.5 with a value of the lingual antirotational interface, whereas the con
81.9 MPa, while GH2 had the lowest stress level of centration of the peak (in magnitude) minimum prin
40.8 MPa. TiBase demonstrated that the highest stress was cipal stress was seen (blue color in the lower row) at the
recorded at GH0.5 with a value of 299.1 MPa, while GH2 conical connection on the buccal interface. Evidently, as
had the lowest stress level of 279.6 MPa. the gingival height ratio of TiBase increased, the TiBase-
The maximum and minimum principal stresses were CustomZir interface migrated away from the region of
interpreted jointly with regard to the distribution pattern high-stress concentration, particularly on GH2. The
and maximum stress value. In the CustomZir component, peak (in magnitude) maximum and minimum principal
most of the principal stress concentration was localized in stresses of TiBase on every model are illustrated in
the cervical region, as depicted in Figure 6. At the lingual of Table 3. GH0.5 exhibited the highest maximum principal
the TiBase-CustomZir interface, the peak (in magnitude) stress of 337.3 MPa and the peak (in magnitude)
maximum principal stress values and high-stress zone (red minimum principal stress of −319.3 MPa, whereas GH2
color in the upper row) were detected. However, the peak exhibited the lowest levels of both stresses at 317.9 MPa
(in magnitude) minimum principal stress (blue color in the and −304.4 MPa.
bottom row) concentrations were detected on the buccal
side of CustomZir. Model GH0.5 (Fig. 6A, E) revealed the
largest area of high (in magnitude) maximum principal
(red color in the upper row) and minimum principal stress
(blue color in the bottom row). The peak (in magnitude) The current investigation demonstrated that the gingival
maximum and minimum principal stresses of CustomZir height of the TiBase has an impact on the mechanical
Figure 6. Buccolingual cross-sectional view of all custom zirconia (CustomZir) abutment models. (b) buccal side, (l) lingual side, of maximum (upper
row) and minimum principal stress (lower row) distribution in: (A, E) GH0.5. (B, F) GH1. (C, G) GH1.5. (D, H) GH2. Black circle represents location of peak
(in magnitude) maximum and minimum principal stress.
response, specifically in terms of stress concentration, increased gingival height can help reduce the chance of
within the abutment connection of a 2-piece CustomZir implant damage.
abutment complex. This finding highlights the sig In the current study, the gingival height of the TiBase
nificance of TiBase as an important component in the had a considerable impact on both CustomZir-related
restoration of implant-supported single crowns. Thus, stresses and its own stress levels. The results indicated that
the null hypothesis that different gingival heights would a TiBase with an increased gingival height may reduce the
not result in different stress values in implant compo maximum and high-stress concentration areas of von
nents and peri-implant bones was rejected. Mises stress and the maximum and minimum principal
The volume average von Mises stress analysis re stress in CustomZir (Figs. 3, 6). This reduction may have
vealed that TiBase experienced higher stress levels in resulted from the titanium-to-zirconia ratio in the 2-piece
each component compared with the other elements. zirconia custom abutment. Consequently, sufficient core
This finding implies that TiBase plays an essential role in thickness may be important.53 As the gingival height of
receiving and transmitting the occlusal load to the im TiBase increased, the thicker CustomZir connection with
plant, abutment screw, and peri-implant bone.52 The TiBase was observed, resulting in the increasing rigidity of
finding was consistent with that of a previous study that this abutment complex. The rigidity of the core material
concluded TiBase contributes to improved stress dis plays an essential role, as a stiffer core can better withstand
tribution at the implant in zirconia abutments with a flexure caused by loading. Furthermore, as the gingival
TiBase by absorbing stress internally.48 Notably, as the height of the TiBase increased, the TiBase-CustomZir in
gingival height increased, a simultaneous decrease in terface shifted away from areas of intense stress because
the volume average stress value was seen across all the area of high-stress concentration was positioned near
components. Particularly in the case of the implant, the implant abutment junction. This junction is part of the
there was a notable reduction of 24.3% when comparing implant-abutment complex that experiences the most
GH0.5 with GH2. As a result, selecting a TiBase with movement when subjected to occlusal load, which can
Table 3. Peak (in magnitude) of maximum and minimum principal stress of CustomZir and TiBase in each model
Component Peak Stress (MPa) Model
GH0.5 GH1 GH1.5 GH2
CustomZir Maximum principal 72 58.3 44.3 39.8
Minimum principal −102.3 −83.5 −65.7 −51.6
TiBase Maximum principal 337.3 322.5 321.3 317.9
Minimum principal −319.3 −318.4 −316.8 −304.4
CustomZir, custom zirconia abutment; TiBase, titanium base.
Figure 7. Buccolingual cross-sectional view of all titanium base (TiBase) models. (b) buccal side, (l) lingual side, of maximum (upper row) and
minimum principal stress (lower row) distribution in: (A, E) GH0.5, (B, F) GH1, (C, G) GH1.5, and (D, H) GH2. Black circle represents location of peak (in
magnitude) maximum and minimum principal stress.
cause significant stress concentration at the TiBase-Cus by minimizing MBL and maintaining biological
tomZir interface, particularly with a short gingival height. width.14,25–28 However, further optimization research is
Therefore, increasing the gingival height should reduce the required to identify the optimal TiBase gingival height
risk of clinical CustomZir fracture. and shape.
Many FEA studies have assumed all model compo Limitations of this study include the in silico analysis,
nents to be perfectly bonded at all interfaces (linear and that validation is required with clinical investigation. In
FEA), and high-stress concentration had been observed silico analysis differs from the clinical setting and the actual
at the first thread of implant or loading area.33–36 properties of materials, as well as the precise shape of the
However, in the present study, the majority of the high implant and its components, particularly the TiBase abut
von Mises stress concentrations were found at the an ment. The findings obtained could be applied to compare
tirotational part and Morse taper connection of the implant designs that incorporate an internal hexagon and a
abutment, the abutment screw shank, and the first Morse taper abutment connection, as different abutment
thread of the implant on the buccal side (Fig. 3). This connections affect mechanical behavior. Current research
result differed from linear FEA, and the results could be may enhance the understanding of biomechanical factors
important, as these high-stress concentration regions in choosing the optimal TiBase abutment and in fore
can predict the chances of mechanical complications, casting complications.
which coincide with common implant complications,
including screw loosening, abutment fracture, and
MBL.54 In addition, a region containing high (in mag CONCLUSIONS
nitude) maximum principal stress was observed in
Based on the findings of this 3D nonlinear FE study, the
CustomZir at the lingual contact area between the Ti
following conclusions were drawn:
Base and CustomZir (Fig. 6), an area reported to have
the highest stress concentration as a result of bending 1. The gingival height of the TiBase has a direct effect
effects, in which the customize zirconia abutment frac on the shape and stress concentration area of a
tured, as is typically observed in laboratory tests.55–57 CustomZir abutment.
Hence, nonlinear FEA could provide more information 2. A wider zirconia custom abutment led to a lower
with greater clinical relevance than linear FEA. stress concentration pattern at the TiBase-
According to the findings, TiBase with an increased CustomZir connection.
gingival height could reduce the risk of CustomZir 3. When selecting the TiBase, it is advisable to choose
abutment fracture without increasing any mechanical one of increased gingival height, as it demonstrates
risk. Furthermore, increased gingival height has been better mechanical behavior compared with a
reported to be more advantageous to biological integrity shorter gingival height.
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157–163. Mai University. The authors wish to thank Ajaan Richard L. Wilson for editing
56. Gehrke P, Dhom G, Brunner J, Wolf D, Degidi M, Piattelli A. Zirconium and certifying the grammatical integrity of the manuscript.
implant abutments: Fracture strength and influence of cyclic loading on
CRediT authorship contribution statement
retaining-screw loosening. Quintessence Int. 2006;37:19–26.
Pimduen Rungsiyakull: Conceptualization, Methodology, Data Curation,
57. Tribst JPM, Dal Piva AMO, Borges ALS, Anami LC, Kleverlaan CJ, Bottino
Validation, Writing – review and editing, Supervision, Project administration.
MA. Survival probability, weibull characteristics, stress distribution, and
Pongsakorn Poovarodom: Software, Validation, Formal analysis, Investigation,
fractographic analysis of polymer-infiltrated ceramic network restorations
Data Curation, Writing – original draft. Chaiy Rungsiyakull: Conceptualization,
cemented on a chairside titanium base: An in vitro and in silico study.
Software, Methodology, Resources, Data Curation, Supervision, Validation, Writing
Materials. 2020;13:1879.
– review and editing. Jarupol Suriyawanakul: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Resources. Qing Li: Supervision, Conceptualization, Methodology, Data Curation.
Corresponding author: Keiichi Sasaki: Supervision, Writing – review and editing. Nobuhiro Yoda: Data
Dr Pimduen Rungsiyakull Curation, Writing – review and editing.
Faculty of Dentistry
Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 50000 Crown Copyright © 2023 by the Editorial Council of The Journal of Prosthetic
THAILAND Dentistry. All rights reserved.
Email: [email protected]. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prosdent.2023.06.031