of printed pages:07
1. This question paper comprises of two parts-Part- A and Part- B. There are 47 questions and
all questions are compulsory.
2. Part- A;Q.No.1 to 30 are multiple choice type questions (MCQs) carrying 1mark each
which includes Assertion and Reason type and Case study type questions.
3. Part- B;Q.No.31 to 37 are Short Answer Type-I (SA-I) questions, carrying 2 marks each.
4. Part- B;Q.No.38 to 44 are Short Answer Type-II (SA-II) questions, carrying 3 marks each.
5. Part- B;Q.No.45 to 47 are Long Answer Type (LA) questions, carrying 5 marks each.
6. Draw neat and labelled diagrams whenever necessary.
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4. Observe the figure given below
The time period of simple pendulum is the time taken by it to travel from
A. A to B and back to A
B. O to A, A to B and B to A
C. B to A, A to B and B to O
D. A to B
5. The distance moved by the vehicle is measured by:
A. odometer B. galvanometer C. speedometer D. thermometer
6. The magnetic effect of electric current was first observed by
A. Faraday B.H C Oersted C.Ohm D. Joule
7. Image formed by a plane mirror is always:
A. virtual, erect B. real, erect C. virtual, inverted D. real, inverted
8. At places the ground water is stored between layers of hard rock below the water
table. This is known as
A. water table B. rain water C. aquifer D. infiltration
9. Branches of the tall trees which look like a roof are known as
A. crown B. canopy C. understorey D. forest
10. Fusion of male gamete and female gamete results in the formation of
A. seed B. embryo C. zygote D. ovary
11. Pollination refers to the :
A. transfer of pollen from anther to ovary
B. transfer of male gametes from anther to stamen
C. transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
D. transfer of pollen from anther to ovule
12. Motion of pedal of a bicycle is
A. circular B. translatory C. straight line D. oscillatory
13. To check the excessive flow of electric current all electrical appliances should have
A. high melting point wire B. electric fuse C. switch D. electromagnet
14. Which optical device is used by dentist to see the teeth?
A. convex mirror B. concave mirror C. convex lens D. concave lens
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15. Decomposers convert the dead plant and animal tissue into
A. clay B. humus C. soil D. inorganic debris
16. Which of the following is a part of inorganic impurities of the sewage?
A. pesticides B. urea C. phosphates D. vegetable waste
17. The distance between two stations is 240km. A train takes 4 hours to cover this
distance. The speed of the train will be
A. 40km/h B. 50km/h C. 60km/h D. 70km/h
18. Ritu took a wire of length 10 cm. Reema took a wire of 5cm of the same material and
thickness. Both of them connected the wires as shown in the circuit given in Figure.
The current flowing in both the circuits is the same. The heat produced in both the
cases will
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Read the following paragraph and answer the question numbers 23 to 26
All organisms need food, water and oxygen for survival. They need to transport all these to
various parts of their body. Further, animals need to transport wastes to parts from where they
can be removed. Have you wondered how all this is achieved in both plants and animals?
Above figure gives the mechanism of breathing in human beings. During breathing there are
changes in the size of the chest cavity. Dur
ing this process there is exchange of gases take
place. Also it provides oxygen gas to blood for cellular respiration.
27. Observe the figure given as figure A and B. Which one is inhalation and which one is
A. Fig Ainhalation;
inhalation; fig B
B. Fig A exhalation; fig B
B inhalation
C. Both inhalation
D. Both exhalation
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28. Sometimes when we do heavy exercise, anaerobic respiration takes place in our
muscle cells. What is produced during this process?
A. alcohol and lactic acid B. alcohol and CO2
29. Identify the organism having small openings on the lateral side of their body called as
spiracles through which air enters the body.
A. humans B. earthworms
C. fish D. Cockroaches
30. a large muscular sheet form the floor of chest cavity is called as
A. lungs B. abdomen C. diaphragm D. tracheae
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1. Label the parts 1,2,3 and 4
2. Write the function of 2 and 3
42. Given below is the distance-time graph of the motion an object.
45. Draw diagram of the section of human heart and mark the following
A. Tube which carries deoxygenated blood to lungs.
B. Part of the heart which receives the blood from the body.
C. Part of the heart which distributes the blood to the body.
D. Blood vessel which distributes oxygenated blood from the heart to the body.
46. Name the various agents of pollination and give differences between self pollination
and cross pollination. Support your answer with diagram of pollination in flower.
47. Describevarious steps of cleaning wastewater in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP).
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