Self-Esteem Workbook
Self-Esteem Workbook
Self-Esteem Workbook
Part of being human is experiencing moments of self-doubt and feelings of
failure. Even the most confident and successful individuals experience this.
However, if you experience these negative thoughts frequently and they
interfere with living a healthy and happy life, it may be time to take action.
Building self-esteem is a life-long journey that can be challenging but also very
rewarding. In this workbook, you will complete various activities focused on
building self-esteem. These activities will help develop your self-esteem,
equipping you for the obstacles and challenges that arise in life’s journey.
About Me
Let’s take a moment to identify your own positive traits and characteristics and
celebrate your accomplishments.
1. I was really happy when….
Self-Esteem Journal
Finish the following statements:
4. Today I accomplished….
5. I had a positive experience with….
6. Something I did for someone….
Self-Confidence / Self-talk
Part 1 Think about a situation in which you felt confident and experienced a
sense of self-worth and answer the following questions:
1. What is the situation?
3. How do you feel physically? What sensations and feelings do you have
in your body?
4. What do you do as a result of this?
Part 3 Look at Part 2 and using the information that you have learned about
yourself in Part 1, ask yourself – When I am in this situation:
1. What positive statement could I say to myself to be reminded of my
My Goals
Striving towards and achieving one’s goals is an important and valuable way to
build self-esteem. You build the most solid foundation of self-esteem and self-
confidence on the building blocks of positive experience and success. Think
about and list the goals you would like to accomplish in the future.
Setting Goals:
Something I want to accomplish in the next week:
Remember: The purpose of “Flipping It” is to empower yourself and make you
see that there is a way out, so rather than just accepting a bad situation as
your “fate” empower yourself and FLIP IT!