Bitcoin Over Tor Isn't A Good Idea

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2015 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Bitcoin over Tor isn’t a good idea

Alex Biryukov Ivan Pustogarov

University of Luxembourg University of Luxembourg
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Abstract—Bitcoin is a decentralized P2P digital currency already foreseen in the original Bitcoin whitepaper, see Sec-
in which coins are generated by a distributed set of miners tion 8 of [18]. Since such popular clients [5], [11] (around
and transactions are broadcasted via a peer-to-peer network. 1 Million expected userbase [13]) are vulnerable to spoofing
While Bitcoin provides some level of anonymity (or rather attacks which may result in double-spending (see appendix
pseudonymity) by encouraging the users to have any number B), the current trend is to bundle them with Tor by default to
of random-looking Bitcoin addresses, recent research shows that
avoid spoofing2 and man-in-the-middle attacks. Tor can also
this level of anonymity is rather low. This encourages users to
connect to the Bitcoin network through anonymizers like Tor and be a solution for services and online shops that want to prevent
motivates development of default Tor functionality for popular DoS attacks against their public IP. Finally Tor is seen as a
mobile SPV clients. In this paper we show that combining Tor countermeasure if Internet neutrality towards Bitcoin will start
and Bitcoin creates a new attack vector. A low-resource attacker to erode [7].
can gain full control of information flows between all users who
chose to use Bitcoin over Tor. In particular the attacker can Tor is not a panacea however and not all applications
link together user’s transactions regardless of pseudonyms used, are anonymized equally well when combined with Tor. The
control which Bitcoin blocks and transactions are relayed to biggest effort has been made so far on improving protection
user and can delay or discard user’s transactions and blocks. of the HTTP(S) protocol on top of Tor. Other protocols
Moreover, we show how an attacker can fingerprint users and are not researched that well. There were several documented
then recognize them and learn their IP addresses when they cases when application level leaked crucial user-identifying
decide to connect to the Bitcoin network directly. information [16], [23]. Moreover, there is only limited number
of applications which are studied well enough to be considered
I. I NTRODUCTION safe to use with Tor [25].
Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency and a P2P This paper contains two main contributions: first we show
payment system in which coins are generated by miners and that using Bitcoin through Tor not only provides limited level
double spending is prevented by that each peer keeps a local of anonymity but also exposes the user to man-in-the-middle
copy of the constantly growing public ledger of all the previous attacks in which an attacker controls which Bitcoin blocks
transactions. Though the original Bitcoin paper states that and transactions the user is aware of. The estimated cost of
privacy in such a system may still be maintained, the recent the attack is below 2500 USD per month.
findings disprove this. Anonymity and privacy of the plain
The second main contribution is a fingerprinting technique
Bitcoin protocol is also not claimed by the Bitcoin developers.
for Bitcoin users by setting an “address cookie” on user’s
There are two independent problems: a) ability of the computer. This can be used to correlate the same user across
attacker to link transactions to the IP address of the different sessions, even if he uses Tor, hidden-services or
user [2], [15], [14] by studying connectivity and traffic of multiple proxies. If the user later decides to connect to the
the peers and b) linkability of the user’s pseudonyms and Bitcoin network directly the cookie would be still present and
transactions in the public ledger achieved via transaction flow would reveal his IP address. A small set of Sybil nodes (about
analysis [20], [17]. At the same time as Bitcoin increases its a 100 attacker’s nodes) is sufficient to keep the cookies fresh
user base and moves from mining and hoarding to the actual on all the Bitcoin peers (including clients behind NATs).
use as a currency and payment protocol in various on-line
The man-in-the-middle attack exploits a Bitcoin built-in
applications there is a growing demand in more privacy among
reputation based DoS protection and the attacker is able to
the Bitcoin users. While one could use a Bitcoin mixing ser-
force specific Bitcoin peers to ban Tor Exit nodes of her choice.
vice1 to break connections in the transaction graph, IP address
Combining it with some peculiarities of how Tor handles
leakage is still possible. Bitcoin developers recommend to use
data streams a stealthy and low-resource attacker with just
third party anonymization tools like Tor or VPNs to solve this
1-3% of overall Tor Exit bandwidth capacity and 1000-1500
cheap lightweight Bitcoin peers (for example, a small Botnet)
Some alternative currencies like Anoncoin, BitTor, Torcoin, can force all Bitcoin over Tor traffic to go either through
Stealthcoin, and others offer native support for Tor. There are her Exit nodes or through her peers. This opens numerous
also several other use cases for Tor in the Bitcoin ecosystem. attack vectors. First, it simplifies traffic correlation attack since
For mobile payments it is of interest to use so called SPV the attacker controls one end of the communication. Second,
(simple payment verification) clients which cannot afford to the attacker can glue together different Bitcoin addresses
hold the full 20 Gbyte blockchain ledger. Such feature was (pseudonyms) of the same user. Third, it opens possibilities of
1 This 2 E.g. when connecting through a public Wi-Fi.
is always a matter of trust of the service operator.

© 2015, Alex Biryukov. Under license to IEEE. 122

DOI 10.1109/SP.2015.15
double spending attacks for mobile SPV clients, those which creating a signed transaction and broadcasting it to the P2P
it was supposed to protect from such attacks. Moreover in network. Transactions are included into blocks by miners; once
collusion with a powerful miner double-spending becomes a transaction is buried under a sufficient number of blocks, it
possible and a totally virtual Bitcoin reality may be created becomes computationally impractical to double spend coins in
for such users (at least for a brief period of time). this transaction.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer system where each peer is sup-
we provide information on Bitcoin and Tor internals required posed to keep its copy of the blockchain, which plays a role of
for understanding the attacks. In Section III we describe how a public ledger. Whenever a block or a transaction is generated
an attacker can get in the middle between Bitcoin clients and by a peer, it is broadcasted to other peers in the network.
Bitcoin network, effectively isolating the clients from the rest Upon receipt and verification of the block’s proof of work
of the Bitcoin P2P network. We also show that Bitcoin peers the peer updates his copy of the blockchain. Bitcoin software
available as Tor hidden services may not solve the problem. does not explicitly divide its functionality between clients and
In Section IV, we show how a user can be fingerprinted servers, however Bitcoin peers can be grouped into those which
and his activity linked across different sessions. Section V accept incoming connections (servers) and those which don’t
describes how the attacker can increase the probability that (clients), i.e. peers behind network address translation (NAT)
a user connecting to the Bitcoin network directly (i.e. without or firewalls. Bitcoin users connecting to the Bitcoin network
using Tor) will choose her peers. In Section VI, we analyze through Tor or VPN obviously also do not accept incoming
the man-in-the-middle attack and estimate connection delays connections.
experienced by the user and check for which malicious Exit
bandwidth and number of malicious peers the attack becomes At the time of writing there are about 7,000 reachable
unnoticeable to the user. Section VII calculates the costs Bitcoin servers [6] and the number of clients is estimated
of the attack. In Section VIII, we describe several possible to be an order of magnitude larger [8]. By default Bitcoin
countermeasures. peers (both clients and servers) try to maintain 8 outgoing
connections to other peers in the network. If any of the 8
Ethical considerations. We reported the attacks described outgoing connections drop, a Bitcoin peer tries to replace them
in this paper to the Bitcoin developers. In addition we submit- with new connections. Using our terminology, a Bitcoin client
ted a patch which fixes the “address cookie” attack. Though can only establish a connection to a Bitcoin server. We call
we carried out some experiments using our own relays in the servers to which a client established connections entry nodes of
real Bitcoin and Tor networks we believe that no users were this client. By default a server can accept up to 117 incoming
harmed since the relays were limited in bandwidth and were connections. If this limit is reached all new connections are
running only for a short time. Address cookie fingerprinting dropped.
was tested only on our own clients/transactions.
1) Bitcoin anti-DoS protection: As an anti-DoS protection,
II. BACKGROUND Bitcoin peers implement a reputation-based protocol with each
node keeping a penalty score for every other Bitcoin peer
In this section we provide details of the inner working of (identified by its IP address). Whenever a malformed message
Tor and Bitcoin protocols. Many of these details were obtained is sent to the node, the latter increases the penalty score
by an analysis of the corresponding source code3 . This is (different messages incur different penalties) of the sender
especially true for Bitcoin for which there exists no official and bans the “misbehaving” IP address for 24 hours when
documentation except for the original white paper [18] and the penalty reaches the value of 100.
Bitcoin Wiki [4].
2) Bitcoin peers as Tor hidden services: Tor hidden ser-
A. Bitcoin vices (see section II-B3) are service-agnostic in the sense that
any TCP-based service can be made available as a Tor hidden
Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency and a payment service. This is used by Bitcoin which recognizes three types
system based on cryptography and a peer-to-peer network. of addresses: IPv4, IPv6, and OnionCat [19]. Onioncat address
Its main components are transactions and blocks. Blocks are format is a way to represent an onion address as an IPv6
created by Bitcoin miners by solving cryptographic puzzles address: the first 6 bytes of an OnionCat address are fixed
of controlled hardness (called proofs of work). The proof of and set to FD87:D87E:EB43 and the other 10 bytes are the
work consists of finding a cryptographic hash value for a hex version of the onion address (i.e. base32 decoded onion
block of transactions which starts with a certain number of address after removing the “.onion” part).
leading zero bits (32 when Bitcoin was first proposed, 67
zero bits at present). With each solved block a miner creates 3) Bitcoin peer discovery and bootstrapping: Bitcoin im-
and earns 25 new Bitcoins. Hash of the previous block is plements several mechanisms for peer discovery and bootstrap-
included into the new block, which results in a chain of blocks ping. First, each Bitcoin peer keeps a database of IP addresses
or blockchain. The difficulty of the cryptographic puzzles is of peers previously seen in the network. This database survives
adjusted automatically by the network so that the network between Bitcoin client restarts. This is done by dumping the
generates one block every 10 minutes on the average. Payers database to the hard drive every 15 minutes and on exit (as
and payees of the system are identified by Bitcoin addresses we will see later this facilitates setting a cookie on the user’s
which are base58-encoded hashes of their public keys. Money computer). Bitcoin peers periodically broadcast their addresses
transfers from one Bitcoin address to another are done by in the network. In addition peers can request addresses from
each other using GETADDR messages and advertise addresses
3 Bitcoin version 0.9.2 and Tor version using ADDR messages.

If Tor is not used, when a Bitcoin clients starts, it first circuit and negotiates symmetric keys with each one of them
tries to populate its address database by resolving 6 hard-coded using the telescoping technique. Before sending a message to
hostnames4 . If Tor is used, Bitcoin does not explicitly ask Tor the server, the user encrypts it using the negotiated keys. While
to resolve5 them but rather asks it to establish connections to the message travels along the circuit, each relay strips off its
these hostnames. layer of encryption. In this way the message arrives at the final
destination in its original form and each party knows only the
If Tor is not used, the addresses for outgoing connections
previous and the next hop.
are taken from the addresses database only. In case Tor is used,
every second connection is established to a DNS hostname. Tor tries hard to achieve low traffic latency to provide a
These DNS hostnames are called “oneshots” and once the good user experience, thus sacrificing some anonymity for
client establishes a connection to such a hostname it requests performance. To keep latency low and network throughput
a bunch of addresses from it and then disconnects and never high, Tor relays do not delay incoming messages and do not
tries to connect to it again. As a fallback if no addresses can use padding. This makes Tor susceptible to traffic confirmation
be found at all, after 60 seconds of running the Bitcoin client attacks: if an attacker is able to sniff both ends of a communi-
uses a list of 600 hard-coded IP addresses. cation, she is able to confirm that the user communicated with
Bitcoin nodes recognize three types of addresses: IPv4, the server. If the first hop of a circuit is chosen at random then
IPv6, and OnionCat [19]. For each type of addresses the the probability that a malicious node will be chosen as the first
peer maintains a state variable indicating if the Bitcoin node hop (and thus will know the IP address of the user) converges
is capable of using such address type. These state variables to one with the number of circuits. Due to this, each user has
become important when using Tor: the only address type which a set of three6 Guard nodes. When a user builds a circuit the
is accepted from other peers is OnionCat type. Curiously, first hop is chosen from the set of Guard nodes.
this results in that all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses obtained The list of all Tor relays is assembled and distributed in the
from oneshots are dropped and the client uses its original so called consensus document by nine trusted Tor authorities.
database. The opposite case also holds: if Tor is not used, For the purpose of traffic balancing the bandwidth of each relay
onion addresses are not stored in the address database. is measured and reported. A user chooses relays for his circuits
Finally each address is accompanied by a timestamp which with probability proportional to the relays’ weights listed in
determines its freshness. the consensus7 . Each relay in the consensus is identified by
his fingerprint (or ID) which is the SHA-1 hash of its public
4) Choosing outgoing connections: For each address in key.
the address database, a Bitcoin peer maintains statistics which
among other things includes when the address was last seen 1) Tor stream timeout policy: Tor provides SOCKS in-
in the network, if a connection to this address was ever terface for applications willing to connect to the Internet
established before, and the timestamp of such connection. All anonymously. Each connection to the SOCKS port by an
addresses in the database are distributed between so called application is called a stream. For each new stream Tor tries to
buckets. There are 256 buckets for “new” addresses (addresses attach it either to an existing circuit or to a newly built one. It
to which the Bitcoin client has never established a connection) then sends a BEGIN cell down the circuit to the corresponding
and 64 for “tried” addresses (addresses to which there was Exit node asking it to establish a connection to the server
at least one successful connection). Each bucket can have at requested by the application. In order to improve user’s quality
most 64 entries (which means that there can be at most 20480 of service, if Tor does not receive a reply from the Exit node
addresses in the database). When a peer establishes outgoing within 10 or 15 seconds8 , it drops the circuit and tries another
connections, it chooses an address from “tried” buckets with one. If none of the circuits worked for the stream during 2
probability p = 0.9 − 0.1n, where n is the number of already minutes, Tor gives up on it and sends a SOCKS general failure
established outgoing connections. If an address is advertised error message.
frequently enough it can be put into up to 4 different “new”
buckets. This obviously increases its chances to be selected by 2) Tor Exit policy: In order to access a Web resource
a user and to be transferred to a “tried” bucket. anonymously through a Tor circuit, the Exit relay (the final
relay in the circuit) should allow establishing connections
outside the Tor network. This makes Exit relay operators open
B. Tor to numerous abuses. In order to make their life easier, Tor
Tor is the most popular low-latency anonymity network allows them to specify an Exit Policy: a list of IP addresses
which at the time of this writing comprised 6000-7000 routers and ports to which the Exit node is willing to establish
with an estimated number of daily users exceeding 500,000 connections and which destination are prohibited. When a
(not counting the botnet-infected nodes). Tor is based on ideas client establishes a circuit, he chooses only those Exit nodes
of onion routing and telescoping path-building design. When a which allow connections to the corresponding IP addresses9
user wants to connect to an Internet server while keeping his IP and port ranges.
address in secret from the server he chooses a path consisting
6 Will
of three Tor relays (called Guard, Middle and Exit), builds a be reduced down to one Guard per user in the next Tor update [24].
7 This is a simplification of the real selection procedure in which additional
4 At the time of this writing one of these hostnames constantly failed to weights are assigned to a relay based on its position in the circuit and its flags.
resolve into any IP address. 8 Tor waits for 10 seconds for the first two attempt and 15 seconds for the
5 When applications communicate with Tor they can either ask Tor to subsequent attempts.
establish a connection to a hostname by sending a CONNECT command or 9 Note that usually at the time the path is selected, only the domain name
to resolve a hostname by sending a RESOLVE command. is known.

3) Tor Hidden Services: Tor is mostly known for its ability Third they find the place in the sorted list of the fingerprints
to provide anonymity for clients accessing Internet services. for the computed ID and take the next three relays’ fingerprints
Tor Hidden Services are another feature of Tor which enables (thus having 6 fingerprints it total since there are two replicas).
responder anonymity: a service can be contacted by clients
without revealing its physical location. In order to achieve this III. G ETTING IN THE MIDDLE
a client and the hidden service choose at random and connect to
a Tor relay (rendezvous point) and forward all the data through By exploiting Bitcoin’s anti-DoS protection a low-resource
it. In more detail: attacker can force users which decide to connect to the Bitcoin
network through Tor to connect exclusively through her Tor
1) The hidden service generates a public key and Exit nodes or to her Bitcoin peers, totally isolating the client
chooses at random a small number of Tor relays (typ- from the rest of the Bitcoin P2P network. This means that
ically three) which become its introduction points. combining Tor with Bitcoin may have serious security impli-
The service maintains permanent connection to these cations for the users: 1) they are exposed to attacks in which
relays. an attacker controls which Bitcoin blocks and transactions the
2) It then generates an HS descriptor which contains the users are aware of; 2) they do not get the expected level of
public key and the list of introduction points, and anonymity.
3) Publishes it at 6 different Tor relays having HSDir The main building blocks of the attack are: Bitcoin’s
flag10 . These are called responsible HS directories. reputation-based anti-Dos protection, Tor’s stream manage-
The choice of responsible HS directories is determin- ment policy, the fact that connections between Bitcoin peers
istic and depends on the hash of the hidden service’s are not authenticated. Authors in [2] exploited the Bitcoin’s
public key and current day. reputation-based DoS protection to force all Bitcoin servers to
4) Introduction points are instructed by the hidden ser- ban all Tor Exit nodes. In this section we exploit the DoS
vice to forward connection requests from clients. The protection, however we noticed that instead of just baning
base32 encoding of the hash of the hidden service’s Bitcoin clients from using Tor the attacker might achieve much
public key (onion address) is then communicated smarter results. The attack consists of four steps:
to clients by conventional means (blog post, e-mail,
etc.). • Inject a number of Bitcoin peers to the network.
Note that though Bitcoin allows only one peer per
When a client decides to connect to the hidden service, he: IP address, it does not require high bandwidth. IP
addresses can be obtained relatively cheaply and on
1) Determines the list of the responsible HS directories
per-hour basis.
using the onion address and downloads the HS de-
scriptor. • Periodically advertise the newly injected peers in the
2) Chooses a rendezvous point at random. network so that they are included into the maximum
3) Communicates the ID of the rendezvous point to possible number of buckets at the client side.
the hidden service’s introduction points which then
forward it to the hidden service. • Inject some number of medium-bandwidth Tor Exit
relays. Even a small fraction of the Exit bandwidth
When the hidden service receives the ID of the rendezvous would be enough for the attacker as will be shown
point, it establishes a connection to it and the data transfer later.
between the service and the client can start. All communica- • Make non-attacker’s Bitcoin peers ban non-attacker’s
tions between the client and the rendezvous point, between the Tor Exit nodes.
service and the rendezvous point and between the service and
the introduction points are established over three-hop circuits. We now explain each step of the attack in more detail. See
This hides the location of the hidden service and its clients section VI for attack parameter estimation.
both from each other and from external observer.
The hidden service or a client can determine the finger- A. Injecting Bitcoin peers
prints of the responsible directories as follows. They first take This step is rather straightforward. In order to comply with
all Tor relays which have HSDir flag in the consensus and Bitcoin’s limitation “one peer per IP address”, the attacker
sort their fingerprints in lexicographical order. Second, they should obtain a large number of IP addresses. The easiest way
compute the descriptor ID’s of the hidden service which is the would be to rent IP addresses on per hour basis. The market
SHA-1 hash of a value composed of the following items11 : value is 1 cents per hour per IP address [21]. The important
public key of the hidden service, current day, and replica note is that the obtained IP addresses will not be involved in
(which can be 0 or 1). The exact expression for the ID is any abusive activity (like sending spam or DoS attacks) which
of little importance here, the only important things are a) the makes this part of the attack undetectable.
ID changes every 24 hours, b) there are two replicas of the ID.
10 HSDir flag is assigned by Tor authorities to relays which wish to be a
B. Advertising malicious peers
part of a distributed database to store descriptors of Tor hidden services. A The attacker is interested in that her Bitcoin peers are
relay should be running for at least 25 hours to get this flag.
11 A hidden service may also decide to use a secret key (somewhat chosen by Bitcoin clients as frequently as possible. In order to
misleadingly called descriptor-cookie), but for hidden services which are increase by factor four the chances for her peers to be included
meant to be accessed by everybody it is not relevant. into “tried” buckets, the attacker should advertise the addresses

of her peers as frequently as possible. This mechanism would The attacker needs to inject six malicious relays that would
allow the attacker to inject less malicious peers. Note also become responsible directories. In other words she needs to
that address advertisement is not logged by default and thus find the right public keys with fingerprints which would be
requires special monitoring to be noticed. in-between the descriptor IDs of the hidden service and the
fingerprint of the currently first responsible hidden service
C. Injecting Tor Exit nodes directory. Authors in [3] show that computationally it is easy
to do. It can become a problem though for a large number of
During this step the attacker runs a number of Exit Tor hidden services: for each hidden service the attacker needs to
nodes. In order to get Exit flag from the Tor authorities, an run at least 6 Tor relays for at least 25 hours, 2 relays per IP
attacker’s Exit node should allow outgoing connections to any address.
two ports out of ports 80, 443, or 6667. Such an open Exit
policy might not be what a stealthy attacker wants. Fortunately Fortunately for the attacker the fraction of Bitcoin peers
for the attacker she can provide incorrect information about her available as Tor hidden services is quite small. During Au-
exit policy in her descriptor and thus have Exit flag while in gust 2014 we queried address databases of reachable Bitcoin
reality providing access to port 8333 only. The attacker can peers [6] and among 1,153,586 unique addresses (port numbers
do even better, and dynamically change the exit policy of her were ignored), only 228 were OnionCat addresses and only 39
relays so that only connections to specific Bitcoin peers are of them were actually online; in November 2014 we repeated
allowed. We implemented this part of the attack: while the Tor the experiment and among 737,314 unique addresses 252 were
consensus indicated that our relays allowed exiting on ports 80, OnionCat addresses and 46 were online (see Appendix A for
443, and 8333 for any IP address, the real exit policy of our the two lists of these Bitcoin onion addresses). This results
relays was accepting port 8333 for a couple of IP addresses12 . in (1) a very small probability for a client to choose a peer
available as a hidden service; (2) this makes black-holing of
existing Bitcoin hidden services practical.
D. Banning Tor Exit nodes
Second, the attacker can at almost no cost inject a large
In this phase, the attacker exploits the built-in Bitcoin anti- number of Bitcoin peers available as Tor hidden services. It
DoS protection. The attacker chooses a non-attacker’s Bitcoin requires running only one bitcoind instance and binding it
peer and a non-attacker’s Tor Exit, builds a circuit through with as many onion addresses as needed. Thus users will more
this Exit node and sends a malformed message to the chosen likely connect to attacker controlled “onion” peers.
Bitcoin peer (e.g. a malformed coinbase transaction which is
60 bytes in size and which causes the immediate ban for 24 Third, as was described in section II-A3, when running
hours). As soon as the Bitcoin peer receives such message it Bitcoin without Tor, onion addresses received from peers are
analyses the sender’s IP address which obviously belongs to silently dropped. Thus one can only obtain OnionCat addresses
the Tor Exit node chosen by the attacker. The Bitcoin peer by either connecting to an IPv4- or IPv6-reachable peers
then marks this IP address as misbehaving for 24 hours. If a through a proxy13 or by specifying an onion address in the
legitimate client then tries to connect to the same Bitcoin peer command line.
over the banned Exit node, his connection will be rejected.
The attacker repeats this step for all non-attacker’s Bitcoin F. Attack vectors
peers and each non-attacker’s Tor Exit node. This results The technique described in this section allows an attacker
in that a legitimate Bitcoin user is only able to connect to to direct all Bitcoin-over-Tor traffic through servers under her
Bitcoin over Tor if he chooses either one of the attacker’s control. This creates several attack vectors which we will
peers or establishes a circuit through an attacker’s Exit node. briefly describe in this subsection.
We validated this part of the attack by forcing about 7500
running Bitcoin peers to ban our Exit node. To do this we Traffic confirmation attack. First, it becomes much cheaper
implemented a rudimentary Bitcoin client which is capable of to mount a successful traffic confirmation attack. In traffic
sending different custom-built Bitcoin messages. confirmation attacks, the attacker controls a fraction of Guard
and Exit nodes. The attacker sees that one of her exit nodes
is requested to access a particular (e.g. censored) web-site and
E. Defeating onion peers the attacker is interested in finding out the user who made
Bitcoin peers can be made reachable as Tor hidden services. this request. The attacker sends a traffic signature down the
Banning Tor Exit nodes will obviously not prevent Bitcoin corresponding circuit. If the attacker was lucky and the user
clients from connecting to such peers. Nonetheless our obser- chose one of her Guard nodes, the attacker will see the traffic
vations show that this case can also be defeated by the attacker. signature going through this Guard to the target user. This
reveals the user’s IP address.
First the current design of Tor Hidden Services allows a
low-resource attacker to DoS a hidden service of her choice [3] The success probability of the attack is computed as the
(this technique is called black-holing of hidden services). product of two factors: the probability for the user to choose
Before a client can contact a hidden service he needs to an attacker’s Guard and the probability for the user to choose
download the corresponding descriptor from one of the six an attacker’s Exit. Since now all exit Bitcoin-over-Tor traffic
responsible hidden service directories. These directories are goes through the attacker, the second factor becomes 1.
chosen from the whole set of Tor relays in a deterministic way Revealing Guard nodes. In case the attacker does not control
based on the onion address and current day (see section II-B3). the user’s Guard node, he may try to find this Guard. We
12 We also allowed exiting to IP addresses used by Tor bandwidth scanners. 13 Not necessarily Tor.

assume that the attacker controls a fraction of middle nodes. stealthy adversary may use existing Bitcoin peer addresses
As before the attacker would send a traffic signature down as well (exploiting the combinatorics of the coupon collector
the circuit and if none of the attacker’s middle nodes detects problem). The client stores these addresses and the next time
this signature, the attacker drops the circuit. This will force he connects to (another) malicious peer, the peer queries his
the user to build another circuit. After some number of circuit address database. If the fingerprint addresses are present in the
tries, one of the attacker’s middle nodes will finally be chosen. set of retrieved addresses, the attacker identifies the user.
This middle node will know the user’s Guard node. The re-
Consider a user C and a set of Bitcoin servers E1 , ..., Ek
identification of the user between different circuits is possible
controlled by an attacker. Assume that one of the attacker’s
e.g. using the fingerprinting technique from section IV.
servers El is among the user’s entry nodes. The attacker
Revealing the guards does not immediately allow an attacker executes the following steps:
to reveal the location of the user but gives her the next point of
1) Send a number of GETADDR messages to the user. The
attack. Given that guard nodes are valid for more than a month,
user should reply with ADDR messages.
this may be sufficient to mount a legal attack to recover traffic
2) Check the received from the client addresses if they
meta data for the guard node, depending on the jurisdiction
already contain a fingerprint. If the user already has
the guard node is located in.
a fingerprint, stop. Otherwise go to the next step.
Linking different bitcoin addresses. Even without knowing 3) Generate a unique combination of N fake addresses
the user’s IP, the attacker can link together user’s transactions F P and send them in an ADDR message to the
regardless of pseudonyms used. client. The ADDR message should contain at least 11
addresses so that it is not forwarded by the client.
Possibility of double spending. Finally, after successfully If N is less than 11, pad the message with 11 − N
mounting the attack described in this section the attacker legitimate14 addresses.
controls the connectivity to the Bitcoin network for users 4) If the user connects to the Bitcoin network directly
which chose to use Tor. This increases the success rate of (i.e. without Tor), store the correspondence between
double-spend attacks described in Appendix B. the client’s IP address and his fingerprint as a tuple
In addition the attacker can defer transactions and blocks and (F P, IPC ). If the user connects through Tor save him
send dead forks. In collusion with a powerful mining pool (for as (F P, NIL).
example 10-20% of total Bitcoin mining capacity) the attacker There is a detail of the Bitcoin protocol which an attacker
can create fake blocks. This enables additional possibilities for should take into account. As was described in subsection II-
double spending, however to make this relevant the amount A1, when a client connects to the Bitcoin network over Tor,
should exceed what such miner would be able to mine in he will accept and store in his database OnionCat addresses
the real Bitcoin network. Also complete alternative Bitcoin only (thus ignoring IPv4 addresses). It means that in case of
reality for all the users who access Bitcoin solely through Tor Tor, the fingerprint generated by the attacker should consist
is possible. This however would come at a cost of 5-10 times of OnionCat addresses only. On the other hand when a client
slower confirmations, which after some time can be detected connects to the network directly, he will ignore non-IPv4/IPv6
by the wallet software. addresses. Hence an attacker should generate a fingerprint
consisting of IPv4 addresses only. This results in that an
IV. U SER FINGERPRINTING attacker needs to store 2 different types of cookies: OnionCat
and IPv4. At the same time, a client does not limit the types
In this section we describe a technique which can be used of addresses he sends as a reply to a GETADDR message. This
to fingerprint Bitcoin users by setting an “address cookie” means that once a cookie was set it can be queried both over
on their computers. A cookie can be set and checked even Tor and directly.
when the user connects to the Bitcoin network through Tor or
through a chain of proxies. It can be used to correlate different A. Stability of a Cookie
transactions of the same user even across different sessions (i.e.
after his computer was rebooted). If the user decides later to According to the Bitcoin core [10] source code, at the
send a non-sensitive transaction without Tor, his fingerprint startup when a client establishes outgoing connections he sends
can be correlated to his IP address, thus deanonymizing all GETADDR messages, and gets back a set of addresses (typically
his transactions sent previously through Tor. The fingerprinting 2,500, the maximum possible number per GETADDR request).
technique is based on the Bitcoin’s peer discovery mechanism. Given 8 outgoing connection, the client will receive up to
More specifically on that a Bitcoin peer stores addresses 20,000 non-unique addresses. These addresses can potentially
received from other peers and on that his database can be overwrite the address cookie previously set by an attacker.
queried. Below we will try to estimate how this affects the stability of
the cookie. Assume that an attacker managed to set an address
As was described in section II-A3 whenever a peer receives cookie on a user’s computer and disconnected (e.g. the client
an unsolicited ADDR message, it stores the addresses from ended the session). The client then establishes a new session
this message in his local database. The attacker can use this sometime later.
fact as follows. When a client connects to an attacker’s peer,
the peer sends him a unique combination of possibly fake First note that if the user reconnects to Bitcoin over Tor
addresses (address cookie) or fingerprint (we will use these and if the attacker has mounted the attack from section III, he
two terms interchangeably below). Unique non-existent peer 14 By legitimate we mean that there are some Bitcoin servers running at
addresses work best, however a more sophisticated and more these addresses.

controls all user’s traffic and the cookie is preserved. Let us Address age, hours 1-CDF
now describe what happens if the client decides to connect to 3 89%
the Bitcoin network directly. 5 77%
10 45%
When a client receives an address IPin he first checks 15 28%
if it is already contained in his database. If yes, he does 24 19%
nothing (thus the cookie is not damaged). In case it is a 36 15%
new IP address the client executes the following procedure. 48 13%
He computes the bucket number (see section II-A4) based on 72 (3 days) 12%
the peer which sent the address and the address itself. If this 168 (1 week) 9%
bucket contains a “terrible”15 address IPterrible , it is replaced TABLE I. C OMPLEMENTARY C UMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION
by IPin . Otherwise 4 random addresses are chosen from the FOR ADDRESSES TIMESTAMPS

bucket and the one with the oldest timestamp is replaced by

IPin .
In other words, in order for the incoming address IPin to
replace a cookie address IPcookie 16 the following conditions the decay rate of the number of cookie addresses over time and
should hold: sessions. Note that by session we mean that the client switches
off Bitcoin software and switches it on again, which forces him
1) IPin should not be in the user’s database; to make 8 new outgoing connections and retrieve up to 20,000
2) IPin should belong to the same bucket B as IPcookie addresses.
and there should be no “terrible” addresses in B;
3) IPcookie should be among the four randomly chosen Session number Time since start, hours Remaining addresses
addresses, and its timestamp should be the oldest.
1 0 100
These conditions as we will see below make the attacker’s 2 0.5 100
cookie quite stable for many hours (this also depends on the 3 1 100
number of user sessions since at each startup the address 4 1.5 100
5 2 100
database is refreshed).
6 2.5 100
In order to estimate the probability that a cookie address set 7 3 98
by the attacker is preserved we conducted the following exper- 8 3.5 92
iment. In November 2014 we queried running Bitcoin servers 9 5.5 50
by sending them GETADDR messages. We received 4,941,815 10 8 36
address-timestamp pairs. Only 303,049 of the addresses were TABLE II. A DDRESS COOKIE DECAY RATE ( EXAMPLE )
unique. This can be interpreted as that only about 6% of the
addresses received by a client will not be already contained in
his database (if the client re-connects immediately).
The experiment shows that even after 10 sessions (i.e. after
As the second step, we looked at the timestamp distribution reception of about 200,000 non-unique IP addresses) and 8
of the non-unique address set. This distribution can serve hours, one third of the fingerprint remained in the user’s
as approximation of the distribution of address timestamps database (thus it will be possible to identify the client). Note
of a client’s database. The results are shown in Table I: that sessions 9 and 10 took 2 and 2.5 hours. On the average
89% of addresses had a timestamp more than 3 hours in the an attacker will need about 90 peers (given that at the time of
past. Taking into account conditions stated above, it almost writing there are about 7,000 Bitcoin servers) to become one
guarantees that the attacker’s cookie will not be damaged of the client’s entry nodes during any of these 10 sessions and
within the first 3 hours. For 45% of addresses the timestamp update the fingerprint. Running this number of peers will cost
was older than 10 hours (which is the duration of a working the attacker less than 650 USD per month (see section VII).
day); 9% of addresses were older than 1 week.
The results above could be summarized as follows: (1) In another experiment we checked that in the case of two
there is a high chance that an address received by a client will sessions with 10 hours between sessions, our client kept 76%
already be contained in his database, which keeps the cookie of the initial fingerprint addresses, and in the case of 24
intact; (2) if a cookie IP address is among the 4 nominees for hours between two sessions 55% of the initial fingerprint were
erasing, it is likely that its timestamp will be fresher than that kept (which again allows the user identification). In order to
of at least one of other nominees (and thus will not be erased). carry out the experiments from this section we built our own
rudimentary Bitcoin server which is able to connect/accept
Finally we conducted the following experiment. We set a connections to/from Bitcoin peers and is capable of send-
cookie consisting of 100 IPv4 addresses and monitored how ing/receiving different Bitcoin messages on demand. We used
stable this cookie was across different sessions. Table II shows this server as a malicious Bitcoin server which sets new address
15 An address is called terrible if any of the following holds: 1) its timestamp cookies and checks previously set cookies. In order to simulate
is 1 month old or more than 10 minutes in the future; 2) 3 consecutive a user we used the official Bitcoin core software (developed
connections to this address failed. by the Bitcoin project) [10]. The attack from this section was
16 A cookies consists of several IP address, but in order to make the
experimentally verified by tracking our own clients in the real
explanation simpler, we use just one address here. Bitcoin and Tor networks.

The remaining question is how many GETADDR messages In the previous section, we mentioned that a client needs
an attacker needs to send to the client to learn that the to connect directly to one of the attacker’s nodes in order to
database of this client contains a cookie. According to [2], reveal his IP address so that an attacker can deanonymize his
section 9.2 it can be up to 80 messages to retrieve the full previous transactions done over Tor. Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer
collection of client’s addresses. However in practice we will network is vulnerable to Sybil attacks and just operating many
not need to collect all the addresses in a fingerprint, which Bitcoin servers means that a client will sooner or later choose
significantly reduces the number of requests. About eight an entry node controlled by the attacker (i.e. in some number
GETADDR messages would be sufficient to retrieve about 90% of sessions). However running too many servers can be costly
of the cookie addresses. This shows that the cookie can be (see section VII for attack cost estimation). Fortunately for
checked without raising suspicion. the attacker there are a couple of ways to prevent Bitcoin
clients from using non-attacker’s Bitcoin servers (and choose
an attacker’s one instead).
C. Attack vectors
A. Exhausting connections limit
Deanonymization of Bitcoin over Tor users. Consider the
following case. A client uses the same computer for sending As described in section II, by default a Bitcoin server ac-
both benign Bitcoin transactions and sensitive transactions. For cepts up to 117 connections. Once this limit is reached all new
benign transactions the user connects to Bitcoin directly, but incoming connections are dropped. At the same time a Bitcoin
for sensitive transactions he forwards his traffic through a chain server neither checks if some of these connections come from
of Tor relays or VPNs. If an attacker implements the attack the same IP address18 , nor forces clients to provide proof-of-
described in section III, all client’s sensitive transactions with work. As a result a low-resource attacker can establish many
high probability will go through attacker’s controlled nodes connections to all but his Bitcoin servers19 and occupy all
which will allow her to fingerprint the user and record his free connection slots. If a client connects directly to a Bitcoin
transactions. server connection slots of which are occupied, the connection
will be dropped immediately, thus the client will soon end up
When the client later connects to the Bitcoin network directly connecting to a malicious peer. This straightforward attack has
to send benign transactions, he will with some probability been known in the Bitcoin community.
choose an entry node controlled by the attacker (in section V
we show how to increase this probability). Once it happens,
the attacker can query the client for the fingerprint and thus B. Port poisoning attack
correlate his sensitive transactions with his IP address. Note A less effective but much stealthier new attack exploits
that even if the attacker is not implementing the complete man- the following fact. Peer addresses are of the following form
in-the-middle attack on Tor, but just injects Sybil peers and (IP,PORT). However when a client decides if to add a received
Sybil hidden services she will be able to link many sensitive address to the database, he does not take the port number
transactions to the real IP addresses of users. into account. For example assume a client receives an address
(IP0 , P ORT1 ) and there is already an entry in the client’s
Linking different Tor sessions. In the case, when a client uses
database (IP0 , P ORT0 ). In such case the client will keep
a separate computer (or Bitcoin data folder17 ) to connect to
(IP0 , P ORT0 ) and will not store (IP0 , P ORT1 ).
Bitcoin through Tor, the attacker will not be able to learn his IP
address. However, the attacker will still be able to link different The attacker can use this fact to flood with clients with ad-
transactions of the same user (remember that if a client sends dresses of legitimate Bitcoin servers but wrong port numbers.
a transaction through Tor the attacker can be certain that it If the attacker is the first to send such addresses, the client
was generated by this client). This can be done even across will not be able to connect to legitimate nodes.
different sessions (computer restarts). This will in turn allow
the attacker to correlate different Bitcoin addresses completely
unrelated via transaction graph analysis. VI. E STIMATING CLIENT ’ S DELAYS
The steps described in section III imply that once a client
Domino Effect. Tor multiplexes different streams of the same decides to use Bitcoin network over Tor, he will only be
user over the same circuits. This means that if the source of one able to do this by choosing either one of the attacker’s Exit
stream in the circuit is revealed by the fingerprinting attack, nodes or one of the attacker’s Bitcoin peers. However for the
all other streams will also be deanonymized. Specifically, it attack to be practical a user should not experience significant
is likely that a user who sends a sensitive Bitcoin transaction increases in connection delays. Otherwise the user will just
through Tor, will also browse a Darkweb site. Similar result give up connecting and decide that Tor-Bitcoin bundle is
was also noted in [16] but in relation to Bittorrent over Tor malfunctioning. In this section, we estimate the number of
privacy issues. To prevent this it is recommended to enable Bitcoin peers and the amount of bandwidth of Tor Exit relays
option IsolateSOCKSAuth when running Tor (this will pre- which the attacker needs to inject, so that the attack does not
vent sharing circuits with streams for which different SOCKS degrade the user’s experience.
authentication was provided).
18 One explanation is that if clients are behind the same NAT they will share
17 ABitcoin data folder is a directory where Bitcoin clients store their wallets the same IP address.
and dump IP address databases between restarts. 19 The list of all running Bitcoin servers can be obtained from e.g. [6].

Once the attacker completes the steps described in sec- Consider a client which chose an unreachable Bitcoin server
tion III, for each user connecting to the Bitcoin network and a non-attacker’s Exit node.
through Tor there are several possibilities (see Fig. 1).
The Exit relay can send either:21
1) The user chooses one of the attacker’s Bitcoin peers. 1) An END cell with a “timeout” error code. In case of a
The attacker does nothing in this case: the attacker “timeout” message, Tor sends a “TTL expired” SOCKS error
automatically gains control over the information for- message to the Bitcoin application which then tries another
warded to the user. Bitcoin peer.
2) The user chooses one of the attacker’s Exit nodes.
The attacker can use the fact that Bitcoin connections 2) An END cell with “resolve failed” error code22 . In case of
are not encrypted and not authenticated and redirect “resolve failed” message, Tor drops the current circuit and tries
the client’s request to Bitcoin peers under her control. to connect to the unreachable Bitcoin peer through a different
3) The user chooses a non-attacker’s Exit relay and a Exit node. After 3 failed resolves, Tor gives up and sends a
running non-attacker’s Bitcoin peer. In this case, due “Host unreachable” SOCKS error code, which also results in
to the ban the user’s connections will be rejected. And Bitcoin trying a different peer.
the user will try to connect to a different Bitcoin peer. 3) The third and the most common option is that the exit relay
4) The user chooses a non-attacker’s Exit relay and will not send any cell at all during 10-15 seconds. As was
a non-attacker’s Bitcoin peer which went offline20 . described in the Background section that in case the Exit node
In this case the Bitcoin client will wait until the does not send any reply within 10 or 15 seconds (depending
connection times-out which can be up to two minutes on the number of failed tries) along the circuit attached to the
(see section II-B1). This delay on the surface looks stream, Tor drops the current circuit and attaches the stream to
like taking prohibitively long time. However since another circuit (or to a newly built one if no suitable circuits
during these two minutes Tor rebuilds new circuits exist). In case Tor cannot establish connections during 125
every 10-15 seconds, trying new Exits at random, it seconds, it gives up and notifies Bitcoin client by sending a
actually makes the attacker’s life easier. It increases “General failure” SOCKS error message. Bitcoin client then
the chances that malicious Exit relay will be chosen. tries another peer.

B. Estimating delays
The facts that a) Tor tries several different circuits while
... ... connecting to unreachable peers and b) the fraction of unreach-
able peers in the client’s database is very large, significantly
increases the chances that a malicious Exit node is chosen.
3 1
The attacker only needs this to happen once, since afterwards
all connections to the other Bitcoin peers will be established
2 through this Tor circuit; Bitcoin client will work even with one
connection. On the other hand, unreachable nodes increase the
delay before the user establishes its first connection. This delay
depends on the number of attacker’s Bitcoin peers and on how
often the user chooses new circuits.
In order to estimate the latter, we carried out the following
experiment. We were running a Bitcoin client over Tor and
for each connection to an unreachable Bitcoin client we were
measuring the duration of the attempt and the number of
new circuits (and hence different Exit nodes). The cumulative
Client 1 Client 2 distribution function of the amount of time a Bitcoin client
spends trying to connect to an unreachable node is shown in
Fig. 1. Client’s state after the main steps of the attack Fig. 2. On the average a Bitcoin peer spends 39.6 seconds
trying to connect to an unreachable peer and tries to establish a
new circuit (and hence a different Exit node) every 8.6 seconds.
This results in 4.6 circuits per unreachable peer on the average.
A. Handling unreachable Bitcoin peers
We now estimate how long it will take a user on the
Before estimating the delays we consider case 4 in more average to establish his first connection to the Bitcoin network.
detail. Our experiments show that for a Bitcoin client which This delay obviously depends on the number of the attacker’s
was already used several times prior to the connection over Bitcoin peers and the amount of bandwidth of her Tor Exit
Tor, the address database contains 10,000 – 15,000 addresses relays. We adopt a simple discrete time absorbing Markov
and the fraction of unreachable Bitcoin peers among them chain model with only three states (see Fig. 3):
is between 2/3 and 3/4. Abundance of unreachable addresses
means that case 4 is the most frequent scenario for the client. 21 This is based on the Tor source code analysis and monitoring a running
Tor instance.
20 Or never really existed: Bitcoin allows storing fake addresses in client 22 We observed this behaviour not only for hostnames but also for IP
addresses database. addresses.

100 1000
100 peers
1000 peers
1500 peers
80 800 2000 peers
4000 peers

Average delay, seconds

60 600
CDF, %

40 400

20 200

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 20K 50K 100K 200K 400K
Time, seconds Attacker’s aggreated consensus Exit bandwidth

Fig. 2. Time spent connecting to an unreachable node Fig. 4. Average time before the first connection

• State 1: the Bitcoin client tries to connect to an The line corresponding to 4000 attacker’s Bitcoin peers
unreachable peer; in Fig. 4 is not as unrealistic as it may seem. Recall (see
• State 2: the Bitcoin client tries to connect to a reach- Section II-A4) that each Bitcoin peer address can go to up
able Bitcoin peer banned by the attacker; to 4 “new” buckets at client’s side. This can be used by a
persistent attacker to increase the choice probability for her
• State 3: the Bitcoin client tries to connect to an at- peers by a factor 4 (in the best case) which means an attacker
tacker’s Bitcoin peer or chooses an attacker’s Tor Exit can have significantly less than 4000 peers.
node. State 3 is absorbing state, once it is reached, the
user thinks that he connected to the Bitcoin network C. Clients with empty addresses cache
(while he is now controlled by the attacker).
As was pointed in Section II-A3, all IPv4 and IPv6 ad-
0.482 0.336 dresses received from DNS-oneshots are dropped by a Bitcoin
0.248 client if Tor is used. If the addresses database of a client is
1 2 empty and all the seed nodes are banned, the client can connect
0.651 to hidden services only. This is a limitation of our approach.
0.270 0.013

3 A. Tor Exit nodes

During July 2014 we were running a non-Exit Tor relay
Fig. 3. Markov chain with probabilities for 400K of Exit capacity and 100 for 30 USD per month. We set the bandwidth limit of the
malicious Bitcoin peers. The client spends about 0.5 seconds in State 2 and relay to 5 MB/s which resulted in traffic of less than 15GB
about 40 seconds in State 1
per hour. The consensus bandwidth of this relay fluctuated
between 5,000 and 10,000 units23 . While the total weighted
After composing the fundamental matrix for our Markov chain, consensus bandwidth of all exit nodes was about 7 million
we find the average number of steps in two non-absorbing units, the weighted consensus bandwidth of relays allowing
states. Taking into account the average amount of time spent exiting at port 8333 was about 5.7 million units. Assuming
by the user in each of the states (we use our experimental data that we could achieve 5,000 – 10,000 units in the consensus
here), we find the average time before the absorbing state. for an Exit node this gives the probability of 0.08%-0.17%
We compute this time for different number of Bitcoin peers for our relay to be chosen for Exit position by a user. Given
and Tor Exit relay bandwidth. The results are presented in that 10 TB of traffic is included into the server’s price and
Fig 4. We have taken a conservative estimate that the fraction one has to pay 2 EUR per additional 1 TB, it would cost an
of unreachable Bitcoin peers in the client’s database is 2/3 = attacker 360 USD to have 180 TB of traffic per month. The
66%, also the client spends only about 0.5 seconds in State 2 corresponding speed is 69 MB/s (69,000 consensus bandwidth
and about 40 seconds in State 1. units). By running 6 such relays the attacker can achieve 400K
Fig. 4 shows that an attacker having 100,000 of consensus of bandwidth weight in total for the price below 2500 USD
Exit bandwidth and 1000 Bitcoin peers is able to carry out (2160 USD for the traffic and 240 for renting fast servers).
the attack while keeping the average delay below 5 minutes. Thus having a consensus weight close to 400,000 is possi-
For example an attacker controlling a small botnet can afford ble for an economy-level attacker. The attacker can also decide
that many peers (she will need 1000 peers with public IPs to play unfair and mount a bandwidth cheating attack which
or supporting UPnP protocol). An attacker having consensus would allow her to have a high consensus weight while keeping
weight of 400,000 and very few peers can decrease the average the budget of the attack even lower [22]. This is especially
delay to about two minutes. Such a bandwidth is achievable
by an economy level attacker as will be shown in section VII. 23 A unit roughly corresponds to 1 KB/s of traffic.

possible since Bitcoin traffic by itself is rather lightweight and change the usual operation of Bitcoin networking protocol
high bandwidth would be needed only in order to drive Tor and will prevent the attacker from requesting the fingerprint24 .
path selection algorithm towards attacker’s nodes. Finally an immediate countermeasure would be to remove the
cached address database file before each session and to use
B. Bitcoin peers only trusted hidden-services.
The attack described in sections III and IV suggests the R EFERENCES
attacker injects a number Bitcoin peers; at the same time
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Bitcoin network allows only one peer per IP address. Thus Bitcoin,”, 2014.
the attacker is interested in getting as many IP addresses as
[2] A. Biryukov, D. Khovratovich, and I. Pustogarov, “Deanonymisation of
possible. Currently there are several options. The cheapest clients in Bitcoin P2P network,” CoRR, vol. abs/1405.7418, 2014.
option would be to rent IP addresses on per hour basis. The [3] A. Biryukov, I. Pustogarov, and R.-P. Weinmann, “Trawling for tor
market price for an IP address is 1 cent per hour [21]. This hidden services: Detection, measurement, deanonymization,” in Pro-
results in 7200 USD per 1000 IP’s per month. From these ceedings of IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP’13). IEEE
computations it is clear that an attacker would do better by Computer Society, 2013.
investing in Exit bandwidth rather than running Bitcoin peers [4] Bitcoin Wiki,, 2014.
(unless she controls a small botnet), and the only limitation [5] BitcoinJ – a Java implementation of the Bitcoin protocol,
for her would be not to become too noticeable. An attacker, 2014.
that has 400K (7% for port 8333) of Tor Exit capacity would [6] Bitnodes,, 2014.
cost about 2500 USD. [7] D. Bradbury, “Could eroding net neutrality hurt bitcoin?” CoinDesk,
[8] A. Cuthbertson, “Bitcoin now accepted by 100,000 merchants
VIII. C OUNTERMEASURES worldwide,” International Business Times (IBTimes), 2014,
These attacks are very effective due to a feature of Bitcoin worldwide-1486613.
which allows an easy ban of Tor Exit nodes from arbitrary
[9] Double-spending,, 2014.
Bitcoin peers and due to easy user fingerprinting with the
[10] Download Bitcoin Core,, 2014.
“address cookies”. One possible countermeasure against Tor-
[11] Electrum Bitcoin client,, 2011.
ban could be to relax the reputation-based DoS protection.
[12] Fallback Nodes, Nodes, 2014.
For example each Bitcoin peer could have a random variable,
which would decide whether to turn ON or OFF the DoS [13] M. Hearn, “Exiting only port 8333: Motivation for Bitcoinj+Tor
protection mechanism with probability 1/2. As a result the March/004145.html, 2014.
attacker might be able to DoS at most half of the network, [14] D. Kaminsky, “Black ops of TCP/IP,” Black Hat USA, 2011,
but on the other hand he will not be able to ban any relays or
VPNs from all the Bitcoin peers. usa-2011.
[15] P. Koshy, D. Koshy, and P. McDaniel, “An analysis of anonymity
An obvious countermeasure would be to encrypt and in bitcoin using P2P network traffic,” in Proceedings of Financial
authenticate Bitcoin traffic. This would prevent even oppor- Cryptography and Data Security (FC’14). Springer, 2014.
tunistic man-in-the-middle attacks (i.e. even if the user is [16] P. Manils, C. Abdelberi, S. L. Blond, M. A. Kâafar, C. Castelluccia,
unlucky to choose a malicious Exit relay). Another possible A. Legout, and W. Dabbous, “Compromising Tor anonymity exploiting
countermeasure is to run a set of “Tor-aware” Bitcoin peers P2P information leakage,” CoRR, vol. abs/1004.1461, 2010.
which would regularly download Tor consensus and make sure [17] S. Meiklejohn, M. Pomarole, G. Jordan, K. Levchenko, D. McCoy,
that Bitcoin DoS countermeasures are not applied to servers G. M. Voelker, and S. Savage, “A fistful of Bitcoins: Characterizing
payments among men with no names,” in Proceedings of the 2013
from the Tor consensus. K. Atlas [1] implemented a similar Conference on Internet Measurement Conference (IMC’13). ACM,
countermeasure (which maintains historical record of Tor exit 2013.
nodes used to connect to the Bitcoin network.) [18] S. Nakamoto, “Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system,” 2009,
Finally, Bitcoin developers can maintain and distribute a
[19] OnionCat: An Anonymous VPN-Adapter,
safe and stable list of onion addresses. Users which would, 2014.
like to stay anonymous should choose at least one address [20] D. Ron and A. Shamir, “Quantitative analysis of the full Bitcoin
from this list. There currently exists a short and not up-to-date transaction graph,” in Proceedings of Financial Cryptography and Data
list of Bitcoin fallback onion addresses [12]. Another advice Security (FC’13). Springer, 2013.
for a user would be to run two Bitcoin nodes, one over Tor and [21] Terremark vCloud Express,,
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transactions. This would prevent from creation of virtual reality [22] F. Thill, “Hidden Service Tracking Detection and Bandwidth
for Tor-only users. Cheating in Tor Anonymity Network. Master Thesis,” 2014,
With regards to the fingerprinting attack several coun- [23] Tor FAQ,, 2014.
termeasures are possible. First, Bitcoin peers can request [24] Tor security advisory: “relay early” traffic confirmation attack,
performing proof-of-work computation for each sent GETADDR
message, so that it becomes computationally expensive for an confirmation-attack, 2014.
attacker to query each client. Second, according to the Bitcoin [25] Torsocks: use socks-friendly applications with Tor,, 2014.
core source, the only time when a client sends a GETADDR
message is when he establishes an outbound connection. Thus 24 We implemented this countermeasure and submitted the corresponding
ignoring GETTADDR requests on outbound connections will not patch.

A PPENDIX A These techniques are known to the bitcoin community and
L IST OF R EACHABLE B ITCOIN O NIONS described in e.g. [9].
In this Appendix we list 39 Bitcoin onion addresses which
we found to be reachable in August 2014 and 46 onion
addresses reachable in November 2014. In order to get this A. Race attack (0-confirmation attack)
list we queried reachable for the time of the experiments The first method assumes that a merchant accepts a pay-
Bitcoin peers by sending four GETADDR messages to each ment immediately upon receipt of the corresponding transac-
peer. A Bitcoin peer can reply to such message by sending tion (i.e. he does not wait until this transactions is included
back 23% of its addresses database but not more than 2500 into a block) and gives away the product to the client. In such
addresses. A peer can store 20,480 addresses at most which case a malicious client can communicate one transaction (with
means that sending 4 GETADDR messages is not enough to the payment) to the merchant and a different transaction which
extract the complete peer’s database. However we expect that spends the same inputs to the rest of the network. This will
there is a big overlap between the databases of different peers. result in that only the second transaction will be included by
Some of the discovered reachable onion addresses begin or end miners into the new block, and thus accepted by the network
with meaningful text like: BTCNET, BITCOIN and belong to while the first transaction (i.e. the one which the merchant
Bitcoin developers, pools or services. received) will finally be rejected by the network.
2fvnnvj2hiljjwck.onion:8333 it2pj4f7657g3rhi.onion:8333 The attack is successful only if the attacker manages
2zdgmicx7obtivug.onion:8333 jq57qrkvvyi4a3o2.onion:8333
3crtkleibhn6qak4.onion:14135 kjy2eqzk4zwi5zd3.onion:8333
to deliver the second transaction to miners before the first
3lxko7l4245bxhex.onion:8333 mtzcz5knzjmuclnx.onion:8333 transaction is broadcasted to the network by the merchant.
4crhf372poejlc44.onion:8333 nns4r54x3lfbrkq5.onion:8333 In case the attacker controls merchant’s connections to the
5ghqw4wj6hpgfvdg.onion:8333 nzsicg2ksmsrxwyz.onion:8333
5k4vwyy5stro33fb.onion:8333 pqosrh6wfaucet32.onion:8333 network (as in Bitcoin over Tor attack described in this paper),
6fp3i7f2pbie7w7t.onion:8333 pt2awtcs2ulm75ig.onion:8333 it is much easier for the attacker to succeed. The common
7iyfdkr72hgtdjoh.onion:8333 pxl7ytsd2aiydadi.onion:8333 use-case for this attack would be when it is unlikely that a
b6fr7dlbu2kpiysf.onion:8333 qsxhkpvbmt6akrov.onion:8333
bitcoin625tzsusi.onion:8333 syix2554lvyjluzw.onion:8333 client would wait for 10-minutes confirmation before taking
bitcoinostk4e4re.onion:8333 t2vapymuu6z55s4d.onion:8333 his purchase and go.
btcdatxubbzaw4tj.onion:8333 td7tgof3imei3fm6.onion:8333
btcnet3utgzyz2bf.onion:8333 tfu4kqfhsw5slqp2.onion:8333
czsbwh4pq4mh3izl.onion:8333 thfsmmn2jbitcoin.onion:8333
B. 1-block confirmation attack25
evolynhit7shzeet.onion:8333 zqq6yxxxb7or36br.onion:8333
gb5ypqt63du3wfhn.onion:8333 zy3kdqowmrb7xm7h.onion:8333 The target of the second attack is a service which allows
hkxy4jpeniuwouiv.onion:8333 one to make a deposit (in Bitcoins) by sending it in the
TABLE III. B ITCOIN ONIONS , ONLINE IN AUGUST 2014 corresponding transaction and withdraw the deposited Bitcoins
back as soon as the transaction is included into a block. The
service should use different coins for the withdrawal than the
2xylerfjgat6kf3s.onion:8333 h2vlpudzphzqxutd.onion:8333 ones that were just received for the deposit.
2zdgmicx7obtivug.onion:8333 hkxy4jpeniuwouiv.onion:8333
3ffk7iumtx3cegbi.onion:8333 iksneq25weneygcj.onion:8333 An attacker creates a transaction which makes a large
3lxko7l4245bxhex.onion:8333 k22qrck6cetfj655.onion:8333
4crhf372poejlc44.onion:8333 kjy2eqzk4zwi5zd3.onion:8333
deposit (e.g. 50 BTC) to the service and adds it to a block
5k4vwyy5stro33fb.onion:8333 lazsruhzupsgpvwm.onion:8333 that she is currently mining. The transaction is kept private.
6fizop6wctokuxyk.onion:8333 lfmwsd65ltykrp74.onion:8333 When the attacker finds a valid block she does not broadcast
6fp3i7f2pbie7w7t.onion:8333 luruc27g24y7ewwi.onion:8333 it immediately, but instead waits until someone else mines an-
7g7j54btiaxhtsiy.onion:8333 pqosrh6wfaucet32.onion:8333
7pkm6urc5hlgwlyc.onion:8333 pt2awtcs2ulm75ig.onion:8333 other block. Once it happens, the attacker sends his block to the
b2ykuvob44fn36wo.onion:8333 pxl7ytsd2aiydadi.onion:8333 service. If the attacker’s block arrives first, the service accepts
b6fr7dlbu2kpiysf.onion:8333 qsntokcdbwzmb2i5.onion:8333 the deposit transaction which will have one confirmation. At
bitcoinostk4e4re.onion:8333 sbow7bnje2f4gcvt.onion:8333
bk5ejfe56xakvtkk.onion:8333 td7tgof3imei3fm6.onion:8333 the same time the rest of the network accepts the other block 26 .
btc4xysqsf3mmab4.onion:8333 tfu4kqfhsw5slqp2.onion:8333 The attacker immediately request a withdrawal, and the service
btcnet3utgzyz2bf.onion:8333 thfsmmn2jbitcoin.onion:8333 generates a transaction sending the large amount of coins to
by4ec3pkia7s7wy2.onion:8333 ukronionufi6qhtl.onion:8333
dioq2yg3l5ptgpge.onion:8333 vqpye2k5rcqvj5mq.onion:8333
the attacker. Since the rest of the network is working on a
dqretelgl3kjtzei.onion:8333 wc5nztpe26jrjmoo.onion:8333 different blockchain fork, the attacker’s deposit will soon be
drp4pvejybx2ejdr.onion:8333 xudkoztdfrsuyyou.onion:8333 invalidated while the withdrawal will be considered valid.
e3tn727fywnioxrc.onion:8333 z3isvv4llrmv57lh.onion:8333
evolynhit7shzeet.onion:8333 zc6fabqhrjwdle3b.onion:8333
gb5ypqt63du3wfhn.onion:8333 zy3kdqowmrb7xm7h.onion:8333
The attack only succeeds if the attacker manages to deliver
his block to the service first while the rest of the network (or
more specifically the majority of miners) accepts a different
block. The success is much more likely if the attacker controls
the service’s network connections.
D OUBLE - SPENDING 25 Thisattack was described by user Vector76 in a Bitcoin forum post.
26 The attacker also double-spends the inputs from the deposit transaction.
In this section we describe three techniques which an The network (since it did not receive the attacker’s block) will accept it as
attacker can use to try to carry out a double spend attack. valid and work to include it in the next block.

C. Finney attack (block withholding) When the block is found, the miner spends the same coins
somewhere else and immediately after that releases the block.
The third attack similarly to the Race attack assumes that As the result, the network accepts the block and considers the
a merchant accept a payment upon receipt of the unconfirmed transaction to the merchant as invalid.
transaction. A malicious miner generates a transaction in which
he sends bitcoins to himself and includes it to the block he is
working on. The transaction is kept private.


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