European Journal of Pain - 2023 - Bouhassira
European Journal of Pain - 2023 - Bouhassira
European Journal of Pain - 2023 - Bouhassira
DOI: 10.1002/ejp.2120
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© 2023 The Authors. European Journal of Pain published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Pain Federation - EFIC ®.
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efficacy in these patients (Attal & Bouhassira, 2015, 2019; other clinical characteristics, will be briefly addressed in
Bouhassira & Attal, 2018, 2019). Another plausible expla- the last part of this review.
nation for treatment failure in this population may be an
insufficient consideration of the clinical heterogeneity of
neuropathic pain syndromes in both clinical trials and 2 | POTENTIAL BIOLOGIC AL
daily practice. Patients with neuropathic pain present with BIOMARKERS
various combinations of symptoms (e.g. different pain
qualities such as ‘burning’, ‘electric shocks-like’, etc.) and A biomarker is an objective and measurable indicator
signs (e.g. sensory deficits and/or allodynia/hyperalgesia). of normal or pathological biological processes or of re-
These different sensory profiles may reflect multiple un- sponses to treatment (pharmacological or otherwise)
derlying pathophysiological mechanisms, and may, there- ( At least four categories of bio-
fore determine the response to treatment. Consequently, a markers can be defined on the basis of their clinical use:
pharmacological agent with a specific mechanism of ac- diagnosis, prognosis, prediction of treatment response
tion may be effective only in a subgroup of patients with and assessment of treatment target engagement (Davis
signs and symptoms related to this specific mechanism. et al., 2020). A full description of pain biomarkers lies be-
In support of this hypothesis, a number of studies on yond the scope of this review (see Baron et al., 2022; Davis
various drugs have shown that the effects of these drugs et al., 2020; Tracey et al., 2019), and we provide here only
are not uniform in all patients or against all neuropathic a brief summary of the data for potential predictive bio-
pain symptoms, and they instead have preferential action markers. In principle, various approaches based on mo-
against certain symptoms (e.g. evoked pain or paroxysmal lecular (e.g. genetic, genomic), structural (e.g. histology,
pain) or combinations of symptoms (e.g. spontaneous anatomical imaging) or functional (e.g. electrophysiology,
and evoked pain), even in studies reporting no effect functional neuroimaging) biomarkers could be used to
on average pain intensity (e.g. Attal et al., 2002, 2004; identify specific subgroups of patients with neuropathic
Bouhassira et al., 2021b; Hincker et al., 2019; Kalliomäki pain for the purpose of personalized pain management.
et al., 2013). Thus, as advocated by many experts in the
field (Baron et al., 2012, 2022; Bouhassira & Attal, 2019;
Colloca et al., 2017; Edwards et al., 2016, 2022), major im- 2.1 | Genetic and genomic biomarkers
provements in the management of neuropathic pain will
probably depend on the development of new approaches The most promising studies on potentially predictive ge-
facilitating personalized treatment. netic markers in neuropathic pain syndromes to date are
In this narrative review, we discuss possible ap- those relating to the identification of variants of genes
proaches for the personalization of neuropathic pain encoding ion channels, such as SCN9A, which encodes
management. In principle, objective and quantifiable Nav1.7 subtype sodium channels, in particular. Specific
biomarkers should be the most robust way to identify mutations inducing a gain-of-function for Nav1.7 are as-
patients likely to respond to particular treatments (Davis sociated with rare hereditary painful syndromes, such as
et al., 2020). However, as discussed in the first part of erythromelalgia or paroxysmal extreme pain disorders.
this review, despite promising data obtained, it remains Conversely, mutations inducing a loss-of-function are as-
premature to envisage the use of such biomarkers in rou- sociated with congenital analgesia (Dib-Hajj et al., 2013).
tine practice or in the clinical research settings in the These findings elegantly demonstrated the major role of
near future. Another well-documented approach, which Nav 1.7 in nociception and pain, but their clinical signifi-
could be used together with the first, involves the use of cance beyond extremely rare genetic conditions remained
simple clinical markers for the identification of specific unclear. However, more recent studies have shown that
patient profiles or phenotypes. The phenotypic approach gain-of-function variants, not only of SCN9A, but also
to neuropathic pain management is based on the notion of SCN10A and SCN11A, which encode other sodium
that various combinations of symptoms and signs com- channel subtypes (Nav 1.8, Nav 1.9), occur in subgroups
mon to multiple aetiologies of neuropathic pain may of patients with more common neuropathic pain condi-
reflect different pathophysiological mechanisms and, tions, such as small-fibre neuropathy or painful diabetic
therefore, different responses to treatment. A number of neuropathy (Bennett et al., 2019; Bennett & Woods, 2014;
studies based on quantitative sensory testing (QST) and/ Blesneac et al., 2018; Sopacua et al., 2019). The presence of
or patient-reported outcomes (PROs) have tended to con- these variants has been associated with stronger responses
firm the relevance of this approach and will be discussed to sodium channel blockers, such as lacosamide or Nav1.7
in the second part of this review. Finally, other potential antagonists (de Greef et al., 2019; Price et al., 2017). These
clinical markers, including psychological features and studies have tended to confirm the potential relevance
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of genetic testing for the personalized management of has been used only in very specific research settings, and
neuropathic pain, but they were performed in only small there are no data demonstrating its utility for predict-
numbers of patients and reported minimal differences in ing treatment response. The measurement of axonal ex-
the magnitude of analgesic effects between responders citability using threshold tracking techniques (Bostock
and non-responders. In addition, the predictive value of et al., 1998), allowing the assessment of ion channel
such monogenic variants is limited to small, highly spe- function and axonal resting membrane potential directly
cific groups of patients. The development of clinically rel- in patients, is another potentially interesting approach.
evant applications of these approaches may depend on the However, there are no data regarding its potential predic-
identification of more sophisticated polygenic variants in tive value and a recent study (Themistocleous et al., 2022)
large populations of patients, but this remains highly chal- showed that distal axonal excitability does not differ be-
lenging. The validation of such genetic biomarkers for the tween patients with painful or painless polyneuropathies,
personalization of neuropathic pain management there- which is probably due to the fact that only large fibre
fore remains in its infancy. function is assessed with these technique. More recently,
Other potential omics-based biomarkers include mi- innovative techniques based on heterologous expression
croRNAs (miRNAs). These non-coding RNAs involved in systems and bioassays, and involving the induced dif-
the regulation of genes expression are easily quantified ferentiation of pluripotent stem cells from patients into
by RT-PCR in various body fluids and tissues. Changes in neurons or non-neuronal cells have been used to investi-
miRNA levels have been reported in several chronic pain gate the pathophysiological changes in nociceptors and to
conditions (Polli et al., 2020), but do not appear to be sta- predict the effects of treatment in highly selected patients
ble enough for the reliable stratification of patients. Many (Geha et al., 2016; Han et al., 2018; Middleton et al., 2021).
other omics-based measurements including analyses of However, it is likely to prove difficult to implement these
the transcriptome, proteome, metabolome and lipidome, sophisticated techniques in large-scale clinical trials.
may also provide new clinically relevant biomarkers, as
already reported in other medical fields, such as oncol-
ogy. However, too few studies have been performed in the 2.2.2 | Central functional biomarkers
pain field, particularly for neuropathic pain syndromes,
for an assessment of the relevance of these approaches. The measurement of brain activity by electroencepha-
Nevertheless, it is possible that this situation will change lography (EEG) or magnetoencephalography (MEG) has
in the near future, due to the rapidity of technological de- the advantage of being non-invasive and, at least for EEG,
velopments in this field. readily available in clinical practice. Both evoked (event-
related potentials) and spontaneous (i.e. resting- state
oscillations) changes in brain activity can be assessed
2.2 | Functional biomarkers (Ploner & May, 2018). Changes in resting-state EEG spec-
tral power, which are probably more relevant as biomark-
Both electrophysiology and functional neuroimaging have ers, have been reported in patients with neuropathic pain
been used to identify potential functional biomarkers in (Mussigmann et al., 2022). The principal change detected
patients with neuropathic pain. Some of these techniques is a significant increase in the power spectral density of
have the theoretical advantage of being directly related to the theta band (4–7 Hz), potentially reflecting thalamo-
pathophysiological mechanisms (e.g. peripheral sensitiza- cortical dysrhythmia, and, to lesser extent, the alpha (8–
tion). In addition, analyses of changes in whole-brain ac- 12 Hz) and beta (13–30 Hz) bands; however, the correlation
tivity or in functional connectivity between specific brain of these changes with ongoing pain intensity is inconsist-
areas, not necessarily directly related to pain mechanisms, ent (Mussigmann et al., 2022; Zebhauser et al., 2022). The
could also potentially provide useful biomarkers for pa- specificity and potential predictive value of these changes
tients stratification. for treatment response remains unknown. It would cer-
tainly be of interest to assess the predictive value of these
changes for the efficacy of non-invasive brain stimulation
2.2.1 | Peripheral functional biomarkers techniques (e.g. repetitive transcranial magnetic stimula-
tion, rTMS), which are known to modify brain oscillations.
Peripheral mechanisms can be investigated by microneu- Changes in brain activity have also been assessed with
rography, which can record pathophysiological changes functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and posi-
in nerve fibres activity (e.g. ectopic discharges or periph- tron emission tomography (PET), the two main functional
eral sensitization) (Ackerley & Watkins, 2018). However, neuroimaging techniques developed to date. Magnetic
this powerful, but invasive, electrophysiological approach resonance spectroscopy, which quantifies changes in a
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large number of brain neurotransmitters, is another inter- et al., 2022) in patients with fibromyalgia. However, no
esting functional approach to assessing changes in brain data have yet been reported for such changes in neuro-
metabolic activity (Teckchandani et al., 2021). These pow- pathic pain patients. Only one small open-label study has
erful techniques, which have been widely used over the suggested that the response to ketamine infusion is related
last 30 years, have yielded highly valuable information to changes in functional connectivity between the DMN
regarding central pain mechanisms in humans (Garcia- and structures involved in descending pain modulation
Larrea & Peyron, 2013; Peyron & Fauchon, 2019), but their such as the PAG (Bosma et al., 2018).
clinical applications remain very limited. However, new
paradigms, shifting from classical brain mapping stud-
ies to multivariate brain models of sensory perception, 2.3 | Structural biomarkers
have recently been developed (Kragel et al., 2018; Woo
et al., 2017). These models use machine learning and big 2.3.1 | Central structural biomarkers
data approaches to develop specific algorithms based on
the assessment of distributed neural activities in large net- Structural changes in the brain can be assessed with
works extending over many regions of the brain. The neu- several techniques, including anatomical MRI, volume
rological pain signature (NPS), an algorithm based on the and grey matter density determinations and diffusion-
analysis of individual brain fMRI images, was identified weighted imaging to assess white matter integrity and
through the application of such approaches. It can be used pathways. Since the pioneering work by Apkarian and
to discriminate between painful and non- painful sen- his group showing alterations to prefrontal grey matter
sations with very high sensitivity and specificity (Wager density in patients with chronic low back pain (Apkarian
et al., 2013). However, despite the success of the NPS for et al., 2004), many studies using voxel-based morphom-
predicting pain induced by acute experimental stimuli etry (VBM) have confirmed structural changes in various
in healthy volunteers, its efficacy for predicting chronic brain areas in several chronic pain conditions, although
pain remains unclear. Other approaches based on anal- neuropathic pain was considered in only a few of these
yses of resting-state activity, including the default mode studies (Cauda et al., 2014; Tatu et al., 2017). However,
network (DMN) and/or functional connectivity between these studies did not yield consistent results (some
different brain regions, have given promising results showed increases, whereas others found decreases in grey
in patients with chronic pain. A series of studies by the matter volume) and the pathophysiological and clinical
Apkarian group have highlighted the utility of changes in significance of these anatomical changes remains uncer-
functional connectivity in the mesolimbic system, particu- tain (Kang et al., 2019). They may be of prognostic value
larly between the nucleus accumbens and medial prefron- for predicting the development of chronic low back pain
tal cortex, for predicting the transition from subacute to (Baliki et al., 2012), but their predictive value for treat-
chronic low back pain (Baliki et al., 2010, 2012; Baliki & ment response is unknown.
Apkarian, 2015). Interestingly, recent data have suggested
that changes in functional connectivity in the mesolim-
bic system can also predict the effects of treatment (with 2.3.2 | Peripheral structural biomarkers
levodopa and naproxen) in female patients with chronic
low back pain, this effect apparently being sex-dependent Intra-epidermal nerve fibre density (IEFND), which can
(Reckziegel et al., 2021). Additional studies in chronic low be measured by skin punch biopsy, is a potential periph-
back pain and fibromyalgia have shown that changes in eral structural biomarker. Skin biopsy has mostly been
functional connectivity between other brain areas known used for the diagnosis of small-fibre neuropathy and is
to be involved in pain perception and modulation, in- considered to be one of the most relevant diagnostic tests
cluding the anterior or posterior cingulate cortex, poste- for this condition (Devigili et al., 2008, 2020; Sommer
rior insula, periaqueductal grey (PAG) and dorsolateral & Lauria, 2007). It was suggested years ago that IEFND
prefrontal cortex, can predict response to the antidepres- might be predictive of the response to topical treatment
sant milnacipran (Ichesco et al., 2021; Schmidt-Wilcke with lidocaine plasters in patients with postherpetic
et al., 2014), the antiepileptic drug pregabalin (Ichesco neuralgia, with an enhanced response anticipated in pa-
et al., 2021) and placebo (Hashmi et al., 2012; Vachon- tients with preserved sensory innervation (Rowbotham &
Presseau et al., 2018, 2022). Large-scale changes in connec- Fields, 1996). We recently showed that the preservation of
tivity between the DMN and specific brain areas (e.g. the peripheral sensory innervation, as assessed by skin punch
insula and the mid frontal cortex) have also been reported biopsy, was predictive of the response to subcutaneous
to be predictive of the response to pregabalin (Harris injections of botulinum toxin A (BTXA) in patients with
et al., 2013) or to rTMS of the motor cortex (Argaman peripheral neuropathic pain (Attal et al., 2016). Thus,
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although IENFD is not necessarily directly related to Truini et al., 2023). It is based on the measurements of
pain, as not all small-fibre neuropathies are painful and pain and detection thresholds in response to calibrated,
no clear relationship has been established between pain graded mechanical and thermal stimuli and the assess-
intensity and IEFND in patients with pain (Sommer & ment of responses to suprathreshold stimuli. It can be
Lauria, 2007), it may be a relevant biomarker for a few used to assess the presence and severity of both positive
specific treatments. phenomena (i.e. allodynia and hyperalgesia) and nega-
tive phenomena (i.e. sensory deficits). The intensity of the
stimulus is controlled, but the response is entirely depend-
3 | C L I NI CAL M AR K E R S ent on the patients' reports. QST is, therefore, regarded as
a ‘semi-objective’ approach, and, contrary to statements
Most studies on potentially predictive clinical markers in made in recent recommendations (Edwards et al., 2022;
patients with neuropathic pain have focused on identify- Smith et al., 2017), it should not be considered a bio-
ing sensory profiles or phenotypes consisting of specific marker (like those reported above), but should instead be
combinations of symptoms and signs. However, other seen as a clinical marker.
clinical markers are also of potential value, as discussed The clinical use of QST was initially limited by the
briefly below. lack of reference normative data. Several normative data-
sets have now been published, the more widely used
being that developed by the German Research Network
3.1 | Sensory phenotyping on Neuropathic Pain (DFNS) (Magerl et al., 2010; Rolke,
Baron, et al., 2006; Rolke, Magerl, et al., 2006). However,
The presence of a neurological lesion confers particular contrasting with detection thresholds, the range of nor-
qualities on pain symptoms, justifying the consideration mative data for thermal pain thresholds is very broad
of neuropathic pain as a relevant clinical entity. However, both within and between individuals, and reproducibil-
this clinical entity is now known to be heterogeneous and ity is also lower than that for detection thresholds. It can,
multidimensional, not only in terms of its causes, but therefore, be difficult to interpret pain thresholds results
also in terms of the variety of its clinical expression. The in individual patients, and QST is probably more appropri-
personalization of neuropathic pain management could ate for comparisons of group data (Backonja et al., 2013;
therefore be based on the identification of relevant clinical Haanpää et al., 2011; Hansson et al., 2007).
markers better reflecting such heterogeneity. In particu- QST has mostly been used in research studies, for the
lar, many experts have suggested that the identification of diagnosis, assessment or pathophysiological exploration
specific sensory profiles, corresponding to various combi- of sensory neuropathies and various pain syndromes, but
nations of symptoms (e.g. spontaneous continuous pain, a few pharmacological studies based on QST in patients
spontaneous paroxysmal pain) and signs (e.g. sensory with neuropathic pain have been reported (Backonja
deficits, mechanical and/or thermal allodynia/hyperal- et al., 2013). These studies conducted in patients with
gesia), potentially reflecting pathophysiological mecha- various neuropathic pain conditions, reported selective
nisms, may be a relevant strategy (Attal et al., 2011; Baron or preferential effects of multiple drug treatments (infu-
et al., 2012, 2022; Bouhassira & Attal, 2016, 2019; Colloca sions of NMDA antagonists, lidocaine or opioids, subcuta-
et al., 2017; Edwards et al., 2016, 2022; Forstenpointner neous injections of BTXA, oromucosal cannabinoids and
et al., 2018). Several approaches have been used to iden- oral gabapentin) on evoked pain (i.e. allodynia, hyperal-
tify these sensory profiles or phenotypes in clinical tri- gesia) (Attal et al., 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2016; Gottrup
als, including standardized sensory bedside examination, et al., 2006; Leung et al., 2001; Nurmikko et al., 2007;
QST and questionnaire-based patients reported outcomes Ranoux et al., 2008; Wallace et al., 1996, 2002). However,
(PROs), but there is no clear consensus about the optimal these data, which suggested that these treatments may
approach as yet. have preferential anti- hyperalgesic effects, are hetero-
geneous, and all but a few emanated from small single-
centre pilot studies with few exceptions (Attal et al., 2016;
3.1.1 | Quantitative sensory testing and Nurmikko et al., 2007). This may account for their lack
sensory bedside examination of impact on therapeutic recommendations to date
(Finnerup et al., 2015; Moisset et al., 2020).
QST is a psychophysical method complementary to rou- QST has also been used to predict treatment response.
tine bedside sensory examination used for the quantita- Several randomized placebo- controlled studies have
tive assessment of various sensory modalities (Backonja suggested that sensory (pain or detection) thresholds at
et al., 2013; Haanpää et al., 2011; Hansson et al., 2007; baseline may be associated with an enhanced response
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to various drug therapies. For example, higher heat pain DFNS-QST protocol (Rolke, Baron, et al., 2006). One of
thresholds in the painful area have been found to pre- these phenotypes, the ‘irritable nociceptor’ (IN) pheno-
dict the response to opioids in postherpetic neuralgia type was characterized principally by a limited thermal
(Edwards et al., 2006). Cold and pinprick hyperalgesia deficit in the painful area and the presence of evoked pain,
have been found to be associated with a better outcome whereas the other phenotype, the ‘deafferentation pain’ or
in patients treated with high- concentration capsaicin non-‘irritable nociceptor’ (NIN) phenotype, was charac-
patches (Mainka et al., 2016), and mechanical allodynia terized principally by a severe thermal deficit. The study
has been shown to predict the efficacy of the sodium chan- found that the effects of oxcarbazepine were significantly
nel blocker lamotrigine and iv lidocaine in some studies stronger than placebo in patients with the IN phenotype
(Attal et al., 2004; Finnerup et al., 2002), but not in others than those with the NIN phenotype. However, the differ-
(Finnerup et al., 2005; Todorovic et al., 2021). One multi- ence in the magnitude of the effects of oxcarbazepine be-
centre study reported that patients with painful HIV poly- tween the two subgroups was very small and this study
neuropathy presenting with severe punctate mechanical had several limitations related, in particular, to a very
hyperalgesia had better responses to pregabalin (Simpson high attrition rate (60%). Furthermore, other studies with
et al., 2010). Detection thresholds, which are used to eval- a similar stratification of patients were unable to confirm
uate the presence or severity of sensory deficits, have also the predictive value of these sensory profiles. In a study
been shown to be relevant as potential predictors, as il- by the same group (Demant et al., 2015), which was prob-
lustrated by studies suggesting that the preservation of ably also statistically underpowered, the effects of topical
thermal sensitivity is associated with a higher efficacy of lidocaine were similar in patients with the IN and NIN
BTXA in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain (Attal profile. A more recent study also found no predictive value
et al., 2016; Ranoux et al., 2008) or of a new oral TRPA1 of IN or NIN sensory profiles for the effects of lacosamide,
receptor antagonist in painful diabetic neuropathies (Jain an antiepileptic with sodium channel blocking properties
et al., 2022). Conversely, preserved thermal or mechanical (Carmland et al., 2019). This new study was also subject to
sensation has been reported to have no predictive value for the limitation of a high attrition rate, but its overall neg-
the response to topical lidocaine (Herrmann et al., 2006; ative results for a molecule from the same class and with
Wasner et al., 2005), duloxetine (Yarnitsky et al., 2012) or similar mechanisms to oxcarbazepine tend to refute the
pregabalin (Hincker et al., 2019). hypothesis that IN and NIN profiles reflect neuropathic
This brief summary highlights the considerable hetero- pain mechanisms and are relevant for the prediction of
geneity of data for the clinical relevance of detection or treatment response. One reason for the lack of patho-
pain threshold measurements for the stratification of pa- physiological or clinical relevance of these profiles may be
tients with neuropathic pain. In addition, most of the re- their definition essentially on the presence/absence and
sults described above were obtained in post hoc exploratory severity of sensory deficits rather than on the basis of spe-
analyses. The variability of the results may also reflect the cific neuropathic pain components.
non-optimal nature of single-threshold measurements for It may be better to use QST to stratify patients based
the identification of clinically relevant sensory profiles. on the identification of clusters of patients with various
The use of sensory profiles based on combinations of sev- combinations of hyper-and hypophenomena. In one re-
eral QST parameters would probably be more appropriate, cent study using the DFNS-QST protocol in a large cohort
as it would better reflect pathophysiological mechanisms of 902 patients with peripheral neuropathic pain (with a
and might therefore be more predictive of treatment re- replication in 233 patients for validation), four clusters,
sponse. Extensive QST profiling is currently best based on characterized by sensory loss, thermal hyperalgesia, me-
the DFNS protocol consisting of a comprehensive battery chanical hyperalgesia and a normal sensory profile, re-
of 13 tests, including thermal and mechanical detection spectively, were identified (Baron et al., 2017). A specific
and pain thresholds, mechanical suprathreshold stimula- algorithm was developed for allocating individual patients
tion, temporal summation and paradoxical heat sensation to these clusters, which could be used to stratify patients
(Rolke, Baron, et al., 2006; Rolke, Magerl, et al., 2006). in clinical trials (Vollert et al., 2017). However, the value
The results of a randomized controlled study per- of these clusters and of this algorithm for predicting treat-
formed by Demant et al. (2014) have been widely cited to ment response remain to be confirmed.
illustrate the success of patients’ stratification based on QST has also been used to assess alterations to en-
full QST profiling (Baron et al., 2022; Edwards et al., 2022; dogenous pain modulation, particularly for descending
Forstenpointner et al., 2018). These authors assessed the pain modulatory systems, with conditioned pain modu-
effects of the sodium channel blocker oxcarbazepine lation (CPM) paradigms (Nir & Yarnitsky, 2015). These
in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain stratified paradigms, derived from the classical DNIC experiments
into two different clinical phenotypes on the basis of the (Yarnitsky et al., 2015), involve assessing the interactions
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between two painful stimuli (a test stimulus and a con- QST was developed as a means of overcoming the limita-
ditioning stimulus) applied to different areas of the body. tions of bedside sensory examination! Several such stan-
In one open study in patients with painful diabetic neu- dardized ‘bedside- QST’ protocols have been developed
ropathy, impaired CPM, which may reflect impaired de- (Koulouris et al., 2020; Reimer et al., 2020; Sachau et al.,
scending inhibition, was associated with a better response 2023a; Wasan et al., 2020), albeit at single centres (usually
to duloxetine, possibly due to its reinforcing action on de- with a single investigator), and their sensitivity to change
scending inhibitory systems (Yarnitsky et al., 2012). These (i.e. to treatments) has not been assessed. In addition,
interesting results suggesting a potential predictive role although these new protocols are simpler, they are still
of CPM, require confirmation in large, controlled studies. time-consuming (20–30 min) and the correlation between
Further assessments of the potential relevance of test- ‘bedside-QST’ and ‘laboratory-QST’ seems to be weak-to-
ing the temporal summation of noxious stimuli, also in- moderate for several parameters (Reimer et al., 2020). The
cluded in the DFNS protocol, are also required to improve validation of these protocols is at a preliminary stage, and
the assessment of facilitatory processes, such as central further studies are required to determine whether these
sensitization. simplified protocols would be feasible in large clinical tri-
In summary, with the exception of a few heterogeneous als and provide relevant clinical information in terms of
results concerning the potential relevance of thresholds the prediction of therapeutic effects.
measurements, particularly concerning the ability of the
preservation of sensory fibres to predict therapeutic re-
sponse, the data concerning the utility of QST for strat- 3.1.2 | Patients-reported outcomes
ifying patients in clinical trials and predicting treatment
response have generally been disappointing. Further Only patients can describe their symptoms and associ-
prospective trials would be merited. Furthermore, QST ated disability in an appropriate manner. Thus, in the
has several inherent limitations. One major limitation is absence of validated objective biomarkers of pain, PROs,
related to the absence of an assessment of spontaneous defined as measurements based on reports originating di-
pain, which is, by far, the most frequent complaint in pa- rectly from the patient without interpretation of the re-
tients with neuropathic pain. QST is also time-consuming sponses by a caregiver, remain the gold standard for pain
(at least 45 min for the DFNS protocol) and requires ex- assessment. In clinical trials, the assessment of treatment
pensive devices and special training. The interpretation of efficacy is based principally on the patient's rating of spon-
QST results may also be hampered by a lack of concor- taneous pain intensity as the primary outcome parameter.
dance between the outcomes of QST and bedside neuro- Various approaches are used, including categorical scales
logical testing (Devigili et al., 2008; Hansson et al., 2007). (e.g. mild, moderate and severe), numerical rating scales
This situation may arise due to QST measurements being (NRS) and visual analogue scales (VAS). However, several
made in a restricted part of the painful area, whereas more groups of international experts have recommended the in-
qualitative bedside examinations facilitate the testing of a clusion of other core set outcome domains (refs in Sachau
large part of the innervation territory of the injured ner- et al., 2023b). In general, these recommendations are
vous system structure (Hansson et al., 2007). Finally, and consistent as the domains to be assessed in clinical trials.
even more problematically, pain thresholds assessed with These domains include pain (intensity, quality and tem-
QST are poorly correlated, if at all, with patient-reported porality), physical functioning (daily activities/well-being,
neuropathic pain symptoms (Gierthmühlen et al., 2018, sleep quality), emotional functioning, patient global im-
2019, see however Attal et al., 2008). This suggests that provement and satisfaction with treatment. A recent sys-
QST is more suitable for the monitoring of sensory deficits tematic literature review conducted by the European IMI
and, therefore, more appropriate for the detection of neu- PainCare Consortium showed that only a minority of ran-
rological lesion and assessments of their severity, which domized controlled trials (about 2%) have assessed all the
was, in fact, the initial purpose for which QST was devel- recommended domains (Sachau et al., 2023b). However,
oped. It was not designed for the assessment of neuro- the number of domains and PROs used in randomized
pathic pain per se. These limitations probably explain why controlled trials on neuropathic pain has significantly
the use of QST has not substantially increased in clinical increased over the last two decades. In particular, PROS
practice over the last three decades, with this approach re- specific for neuropathic pain, including some assessing
maining restricted to highly specialized research centres. neuropathic pain qualities, have increasingly been used in
It has been suggested that some of these limitations recent studies.
could be overcome by developing simplified standardized Several simple questionnaires based on the self-
‘bedside-QST’ protocols using less expensive tools. This is assessment and quantification of neuropathic symptoms
an interesting proposal, but somewhat ironic, given that (i.e. pain descriptors) on numerical scales running from 0
15322149, 0, Downloaded from by Readcube (Labtiva Inc.), Wiley Online Library on [04/08/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
to 10 have been validated. The most frequently used have effects of pregabalin in painful chemotherapy- induced
been the Neuropathic Pain Scale and the Neuropathic neuropathy found no difference in average pain inten-
Pain Symptom Inventory (Attal et al., 2018; Bouhassira & sity between pregabalin and placebo, whereas the active
Attal, 2011; Bouhassira et al., 2004). drug had significant effects on deep pain and evoked pain
Other non- specific questionnaires, including the (Hincker et al., 2019). A trial of a new Nav1.7 sodium
McGill Short- Form Questionnaire 2 (derived from the channel blocker in patients with painful diabetic neurop-
widely used McGill Short-Form Questionnaire), the Pain athy yielded negative findings for the primary outcome
Quality Assessment Scale (derived from the Neuropathic (average pain intensity), but the drug specifically de-
Pain Scale) and, more recently, the PainPredict question- creased burning pain, suggesting a role for Nav1.7 in this
naire, have been validated for the assessment of both symptom (McDonnell et al., 2018). Interestingly, patients
neuropathic and non-neuropathic pain (Attal et al., 2018; with diabetic neuropathy carrying (rare) Nav1.7 variants
Bouhassira & Attal, 2011; Tölle et al., 2019). In addition, report more severe burning pain (Blesneac et al., 2018).
the PainDETECT questionnaire was originally validated In a recent study of the effects of inhaled nitrous oxide
as a screening questionnaire, but there is some evidence in patients with peripheral neuropathic pain, the change
to suggest that it is also reliable as an assessment question- in average pain intensity did not differ between the active
naire (Attal et al., 2018). treatment and placebo, but there was a significant dif-
These questionnaires are useful for characterizing the ference in the change in evoked pain score (Bouhassira
nature of the symptoms (i.e. quality and intensity) re- et al., 2021b). Interestingly, this change was directly cor-
ported by patients with neuropathic pain. They may fa- related with the overall improvement assessed with the
cilitate the monitoring of treatment outcome and can be PGIC, confirming its clinical relevance. In other studies,
used to determine which symptoms (e.g. burning pain, the effects on average pain intensity were significant, but
electric shock-like pain, pain evoked by brushing) or di- stronger effects were reported for specific NPSI items and/
mensions (corresponding to combinations of symptoms) or dimensions (Attal et al., 2016; Bouhassira et al., 2014;
are alleviated by the treatment. For example, the NPSI in- Ranoux et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2014).
cludes 10 items pertaining to five different clinically rele- These questionnaires have been used not only as
vant dimensions: spontaneous burning pain, spontaneous outcome parameters, but also at baseline to identify pa-
deep pain, paroxysmal pain, evoked pain and paraesthe- tients' subgroups to predict treatment outcome (Attal
sia/dysesthesia. These dimensions are present in similar et al., 2018). For example, exploratory analyses in a
proportions in neuropathic pain of many different aetiol- placebo-controlled study using the NGF antagonist ful-
ogies, with a few exceptions such as trigeminal neuralgia ranumab showed that the presence of severe burning
and plexus avulsion (Attal et al., 2008). Multiple random- pain or deep pain at baseline was associated with a better
ized controlled studies have demonstrated the sensitivity overall treatment efficacy (Wang et al., 2014). Similarly,
to change (i.e. to treatment) of the NPSI, and the use of patients with peripheral neuropathic pain reporting burn-
this instrument has helped to show that analgesic drugs do ing and paroxysmal pain seem to respond better to oxcar-
not act uniformly on all the neuropathic pain symptoms, bazepine (Demant et al., 2014). Interestingly, recent data
but preferentially on specific symptoms or dimensions have suggested that refined sensory profiles consisting
(Attal et al., 2018). Interestingly, sensitivity to treatment of combinations of several NPSI items (not necessarily
has sometimes been shown to be better for assessment of related to the dimensions described above) could also be
neuropathic pain symptoms than the overall assessment clinically relevant. The value of this stratification lies in its
of average daily pain intensity. Thus, in several RCTs, being based on the identification of clusters correspond-
average pain intensity (generally, the primary outcome) ing to a more detailed sensory phenotype than the sim-
was not significantly improved after treatment, whereas ple presence or absence of a single symptom (e.g. evoked
improvements were noted for one or several dimensions pain). It may, therefore, lead to the more accurate identi-
assessed with the NPSI as secondary outcomes. These re- fication of patients likely to respond to different drugs. In
sults appear relevant from a clinical or pathophysiologi- particular, the use of an approach similar to that used for
cal perspective, as illustrated by the following examples, QST (see above), in a large cohort of patients revealed that
which are all based on placebo-controlled trials. Thus, a three clusters corresponding to different combinations
‘negative’ phase II study of the effects of a new chemokine of NPSI items could be identified and that the response
receptor 2 antagonist (AZD2423) reported no difference to pregabalin differed between these three subgroups of
between the effects of the active drug and placebo on aver- patients (Freeman et al., 2014). These subgroups were
age pain intensity, but a dose-dependent decrease in par- recently confirmed in another large cohort of patients
oxysmal pain and dysesthesia/paraesthesia (Kalliomäki from our internal database with various aetiologies of
et al., 2013). A trial of the somatosensory predictors of the neuropathic pain (Bouhassira et al., 2021a) (Figure 1).
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but tend to confirm the utility and feasibility of a trans- are correlated with a greater response to placebo in vari-
aetiological, phenotype-based approach for improving the ous chronic pain conditions, including neuropathic pain
personalized management of neuropathic pain. (Farrar et al., 2014). This finding has potential implica-
The above data, based on these PROs for predicting tions for future clinical trials, although more recent data
outcome in clinical trials, are not exempt from limitations. have tended to contradict these results (Tiwari et al., 2022).
The major limitation is that they are all based on explor-
atory analyses. Contrary to the three studies by the Danish
group detailed above which used a QST-based phenotypic 4 | CONC LUSIONS
stratification of patients (Carmland et al., 2019; Demant
et al., 2014, 2015), no evidence of the relevance of a pre- Despite the large number of studies performed with mul-
planned stratification based on these PROs has yet been tiple techniques and approaches, the quest for reliable
obtained in clinical trials of neuropathic pain. Another and validated objective biomarkers in neuropathic pain
potential limitation of the above studies is that they did syndromes (and in chronic pain in general) has remained
not assess the possible variability of these PROs at base- fruitless. However, the growing number and availabil-
line. As the baseline variability of average pain scores ity of new and increasingly sophisticated and powerful
may be associated with an enhanced placebo effect (see techniques could radically change things in the coming
below), we cannot rule out the possibility of a similar years. In particular, promising results have already been
effect with these PROs. This approach, based on a self- reported for electrophysiological and neuroimaging tech-
administered questionnaire, is simpler than that based niques providing information about large-scale changes in
on QST. However, these two stratification methods are brain functional activity and connectivity. Unfortunately,
not mutually exclusive and could be combined in future most of the studies performed to date concerned relatively
research studies to determine whether their use is com- small cohorts of patients (generally not with neuropathic
plementary and improves patient stratification. Both neu- pain) managed at a single centre, and the results obtained
ropathic pain-specific PROs and QST are recommended have been variable. It, therefore, remains unclear whether
by the EMA for use in clinical trials of neuropathic pain, some functional changes are common to all chronic pain
to characterize the neuropathic phenotype in more details conditions, or whether each condition is associated with
( specific changes, and whether the prediction of treatment
response is specific for each treatment. In any case, even
new biomarkers considered ‘objective’ will have to be vali-
3.1.3 | Other potential clinical markers dated against subjective pain measurements (i.e. PROs),
which remain the ‘gold standard’ for clinical pain assess-
Other clinical characteristics of the patients may be pre- ment, to assess their clinical relevance. Thus, biomarkers
dictive of treatment response. In particular, some stud- should not be regarded as surrogates for subjective pain
ies have suggested that the severity of sleep disturbances, assessment, but could be combined with clinical markers,
depression, anxiety or catastrophizing at baseline may which are best documented to date. Most of the available
predict treatment responses in patients with neuropathic data suggest that the definition of such clinical markers
pain (Edwards et al., 2022). For example, post hoc analyses will depend on the identification of relevant clinical sen-
of pooled data from several studies of pregabalin showed sory profiles on the basis of specific PROs and/or QST.
that sleep disturbances were among the best predictors of There is currently no consensus about which sensory
its analgesic effects (Vinik et al., 2013, 2014). Conversely, profiles are predictive, but many studies have confirmed
other post hoc analyses found that the response to dulox- that neuropathic pain treatments do not act uniformly,
etine was enhanced in patients with an absence of signifi- instead acting preferentially on certain symptoms or com-
cant mood symptoms according to the Hospital Anxiety binations of symptoms expressed in specific subgroups of
and Depression Scale in patients with painful diabetic patients. More prospective studies are needed to confirm
neuropathies (Marchettini et al., 2016). Most of these these results and to provide formal validation of this ap-
data were based on post hoc analyses, but they neverthe- proach. In particular, it would be interesting to combine
less suggest that, in addition to neuropathic pain intensity PROs, which assess symptoms, and QST, which assess
and qualities, other parameters such as sleep disturbances signs to improve the definition of new sensory profiles.
and mood, should be assessed more systematically in fu- It would also be possible to develop even more ‘compos-
ture clinical trials. Another way of indirectly improving ite markers’ combining one or several clinical markers
treatment outcome would be to improve the prediction of (PROs, QST) with biological markers (genetic, anatomical
the response to placebo. Several studies have suggested and functional) to provide a more accurate reflection of
that high variability of reported pain levels at baseline the clinical heterogeneity of neuropathic pain syndromes.
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