DPT 5111
DPT 5111
DPT 5111
Transection of 2 brains
- animals taking too much salt? – more of a situation with water deprivation –
excessive accumulation of sodium chloride in the brain tissue but is the result of
long-term dehydration and sudden rehydration, than taking in a lot of salt.
- Salt is added to the feed to restrict intake – so its unlikely that the animals will
poisoning themselves with salt by taking in a lot of salt
- Taking in too much brackish water – water with high salinity and animals forced
to drink the water – then you can get salt poisoning with excessive salts
- Moving to anew camp with no water – then realized later, but is dangerous
when you suddenly rehydrate the animals -> the salt content in the brain
- increase and a lot of water in circulation will allow brain to absorb and
overhydrate -> brain oedema with Neurological signs and death
- cerebral babesia bovis in this case - > on a microscopic level the red blood cells
that are parasitised, sludge into the capillaries of the cortex and causing
congestions -> macroscopically evident
- intensity of congestion can be variable – make a brain smear if unsure