Instrumentation Lecture 7 +8

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MTS 336 – Instrumentation and Measurements

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

▪ Dr. Muhammad Mubasher Saleem

Week No. 7 & 8

Operational Amplifiers for Sensor Signal Conditioning
Operational Amplifiers for Sensor Signal Conditioning
Digital Signal Conditioning
Digital Signal Conditioning
Digital Signal Conditioning
Digital Implementation

The alarm conditions are

• Low level with high pressure
• High level with high temperature
• High level with low temperature and
high pressure
Digital Signal Conditioning
Digital Implementation
A Typical Measurement System

A Typical Data Acquisition System
A data-acquisition system is the portion of a measurement system that quantifies
and stores data.

Transducer DAQ Hardware

Analog Input

Real World Process. Eg., Force, Digital

Analog Voltage/
Velocity, Light etc. Voltage/Current Current

Analog Output
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)

▪ A digital to analog converter (DAC) is a device that converts digital

numbers (binary) into an analog voltage or current output.
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
▪ A digital to analog converter (DAC) is a device that converts digital
numbers (binary) into an analog voltage or current output.
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
▪ Example
What is the output voltage of a 10-bit DAC with a 10.0-V reference if the input is (a) 00101101012=0B5H,
(b) 20FH? What input is needed to get a 6.5-V output?
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
▪ Conversion Resolution
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
▪ Conversion Resolution (Example)
Determine how many bits a D/A converter must have to provide output increments of 0.04 V or less. The reference is
10 V.
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
▪ Conversion Resolution (Example)
A control valve has a linear variation of opening as the input voltage varies from 0 to 10 V. A microcomputer
outputs an 8-bit word to control the valve opening using an 8-bit DAC to generate the valve voltage.
a. Find the reference voltage required to obtain a full open valve (10 V).
b. Find the percentage of valve opening for a 1-bit change in the input word.
Types of DACs
▪ Many types of DACs available.
▪ Usually switches, resistors, and op-amps used to implement
▪ Two main types:
▪ Binary Weighted Resistor
▪ R-2R Ladder
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
R-2R Ladder DAC
R-2R Ladder DAC
R-2R Ladder DAC
DAC Practical Circuit
Diosanto, J., M. L. Batac, K. J. Pereda, and R. Caldo. "4-bit digital to analog converter using R-2R ladder
and binary weighted resistors." E&ES 69, no. 1 (2017): 012194.
DAC Practical Circuit
Diosanto, J., M. L. Batac, K. J. Pereda, and R. Caldo. "4-bit digital to analog converter using R-2R ladder
and binary weighted resistors." E&ES 69, no. 1 (2017): 012194.
DAC Practical Circuit
Diosanto, J., M. L. Batac, K. J. Pereda, and R. Caldo. "4-bit digital to analog converter using R-2R ladder
and binary weighted resistors." E&ES 69, no. 1 (2017): 012194.
DAC Practical Circuit
A Typical Measurement System

A Typical Data Acquisition System
A data-acquisition system is the portion of a measurement system that quantifies
and stores data.

Transducer DAQ Hardware

Analog Input

Real World Process. Eg., Force, Digital

Analog Voltage/
Velocity, Light etc. Voltage/Current Current

Analog Output
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Computer Intefacing
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Tri-State Buffers
 Isolation of a bus line is
accomplished by making all
connections via a special digital device
called a tri-state buffer.
 This device acts like a simple switch.
When the switch is closed, the logic
level on its input is impressed upon the
 When open, the output is placed in a
high-impedance state—that is, an open
Digital Signal Conditioning
Digital Signal Conditioning
 Tri-State Buffers
➢ Digital information is sent over
these data buses either serially,
one bit at a time
➢ It may be up to eight (or more)
wires together in a parallel form
such as in a microprocessor data
bus allowing multiple tri-state
buffers to be connected to the
same data highway without
damage or loss of data as shown.
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Tri-State Buffers
➢ If the outputs of several Tri-state Buffers are electrically connected
together Decoders are used to allow only one set of Tri-state Buffers to be
active at any one time while the other devices are in their high impedance
Digital Signal Conditioning
 Comparators
➢ Compares two analog voltages on its input terminals. Depending on which
voltage is larger, the output will be a 1 (high) or a 0 (low) digital signal.
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Comparators
 Example
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Hysteresis Comparator
 When using comparators, there is often a problem if the signal voltage has
noise or approaches the reference value too slowly.
Digital Signal Conditioning
 Hysteresis Comparator
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Hysteresis Comparator
Digital Signal Conditioning

 Hysteresis Comparator
 Once the comparator has been triggered high, the reference level is
automatically reduced so that the signal must fall to some value below the
old reference before the comparator goes to the low state.

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