Andhra Pragathi: Eosedegl&soer5os Uiu

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eosedegl&soer5oS uiu ,.

rh urfrur tl6
Andhra Pragathi Grameena Banh
(Sponsored by Canara Bank)


REF.No.3l 1/STF/CRP RRu.XlI/OAS/2024 Date: 06.03.2024

DOOR NO 2 1014,
AN DH ItA PI1ADESI] 533297,
Mobile No:9346 792997 , Roll No:1193OO2654
Email I d :d cviscttiqcctha 1998@)

Dcar Sir/Madam,

sub: Your appointment as Probationary Office Assistant (Multipurpose)

in Group'B'category in the Bank- Submission of your acceptance
Furthcr to your complction of Prc Rccruitmcnt Verification process, wc are plcased to
offcr you an appointmcnt in our Bank as Probationary Offacc Assistant (14ultipurposc) in
Your appointmcnt in thc Bank is strictly sublcct to your acccptance and compliancc with
thc tcrms and conditions sct out hcrcundcr. You shall inform your acccptancc of your
loining in thc Bank on or bcforc 12.O3.2024, failing which your offcr of appointmcnt
shall bc trcated as forfeitcd, without any furthcr rcfcrcnce to you.

(A) Your appornlment is governcd by Andhra Pragathi Grarneena Bank (Officcrs'and

Ernployccs') Scrv,cc Rcqulations 201 0, as amcnded from time to time. Thc terms
and conditions of your Scrvicc arc subjcct to Rcgulations, Rulcs and Guidelincs
framed by thc Bank from timc to timc.

(B) Your appointment is madc in thc post meant for UNRESERVED c.rte(Jor.r.
2. You will bc undcr probation for a period of onc ycar from the datc ofjoining, which
may bc cxtcndcd by a further period, not excccdinq six months, depcnding upon
yo ur pcrforrn a ncc.
3. Your appointrncnt rs sublcct to thc condition that you arc liablc to bc postcd to any
ol thc Branchos/Officcs of thc Bank, as thc Bank may requirc, from timc to timc.
4. As an Officc Assistant ([4ultipurposc) on Probation, you will bc cliqiblc for the followinq
pay and allowanccs:

(a) Basic Pay : Rs. L79OO/ pcr rnonth in lhc pay scaic of
Rs.l /900 1000/3 20900- I 23O /3-24590 7490/4 3O55o
t/3o/7 42660,32/0/t 4s93O 7990/t 47920
b) l)c.rrncss Allowance ns applicablc according to GOI guidclincs amcndcd from
timc Lo timc.
c) Othcr Allowanccs and As pcr Andhra Pragathr Gramccna Bank (Officcrs and
bcncfits timployees) Scrvicc llegulatrons, 2010 as amcndcd by
GOI/ NABARD/Sponsor []ank from timc to timc.

'.. ) (I\gN i

15+5 s-o1oo5:o {o0o1"[06o,6di) - 516 003. (ego.(6. ) Website r*--*+i

qqn 6FITc'rq qRqrgiq 6-sqr - 516 ooe. (3fl. q.) E-mail [email protected]
Head Offlce Mariyapuram, KADAPA - 516 003. (A.P) Phone No 08562-259214
Page 2
Based on present D.A. Rate and H.R.A., your total monthly emoluments will be
+ D.A + H.R.A). Further, the Pay and Allowances
approximately Rs.32777,7O ps. (Basic
are subject to the directions, guidelines that will be issued by Govt. of
lndia/NABARD/Sponsor Bank from time to time.
5. The Service Co nd ition s/Reg u lations applicable to you have been defined/set-out in the
Andhra Pragathi GTameena Bank (officers and Employees) Service Regulations 2010 and
any amendments and alterations thereof and additions thereto, from time to time. A copy
of the Service regulation will be provided to you in due course for your personal reference,
records and strict adherence.
6. If you are already employed, please note that the Bank does not grant additional
increments to protect the salary being presently drawn by you.
7. You have to execute/executed an agreement along with a guarantor, on Non Judicial stamp
paper of Rs.lOO/- duly notarized i.e., signed by a Notary, binding yourselvcs to pay a lump
sum amount of Rs.2,o0,ooo/- (Rupees Two lakhs only), along with applicable taxes, in
case you wish to leave the Organization/ Resign/discontinue from the services during the
probation period/ within a period of one year from the date of joining in the bank on your

8. The Bank witl provide exposuTe to working in various branches during the pcriod of probatron
and as such, you will be liable to be posted to at least three or four different branches in the
entire service area of the Bank at the frequency as decided by the Bank as part of skill
development, to provide you better exposure and to acquaint yourself in various aspects of
9. Your appointment is provisional and subject to the verification of the genuineness of the
certificates/information furnished by you. If it is found later that any certificate/information
furnished/produced by you is false/fake, your services are liable to be terminated forthwith
without notice/assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to the further action as
may be taken under the provisions of IPC for production of false certificates/information.
10. If you are already cmployed, you should resign from the present employment. If you are
self-employed, you should wind up your business, before joining our scrvace. You should
submit to us the discharge certificate from your previous Employer/ Dcclaration for having
wound up your previous business, atthe time ofjoining in the bank.

11. During the period of your probation, you shall show proper attitude towards work, acquire
thorough knowledgc of Bank's N4anual of Instructions, Staff Service Regulations of the Bank,
Circulars, Rules of Business, Policies, besides the Procedures/System of Working etc,, of the
Bank and be able to discharge the duties and responsibilities of an Office Assistant
(Multipurpose) with due diligence.

12. You are advised to acquire the required level of computer literacy within a period of 6 months
from the date ofjoining the Bank, if not already having the same.
13. Bcfore the completion of the probationary period, you may be required to pass a test which
may include a Viva-voce Test in a local language, if deemed necessary by the Bank.

14. You will be confirmcd in the services of the Bank, if in the opinion of the Competent Autho.ity,
you have completed your probationary period upto the satisfaction of the Bank and should
have passed the test if any, conducted by the Bank. If your work and conduct during the
probation is not found satisfactory, your services in the Bank will automatically cease at thc
cnd of your Probationary period,

15. If, in the opinion of the competent authority, you have not satisfactorily completed the
probation or if you have not performed well or if you have not acquired the lcvcl of computer
literacy or not passcd the test, your probation may be extended by furthcr period, not
exceeding six months.

16. Where, during the period of probation, including the period of extension, if any, if the
Competent Authority is of the opinion that you are not fit for confirmation, your services
may be terminated by giving one month's notice or payment of one month's emoluments
in lieu thereof.

17. Notwithstandinq anything contained herein, your services are liablc to bc dispensed
with, at the sole discretion of the Bank without assigning any reason thcrcfore but with
one month notice or on payment of one month's pay and allowances in I


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Page 3

18. You shall note that your confirmation in the Bank's service will also be sublect to
satisfactory rcport regarding your character and antecedents from Police Authoritics. In
case, thc police enquiries are not completed before you become due for confirmation,
you would be confirmed in the Bank's service, if otherwise eligible, subject to satisfactory
report from the Police Authorities. If the police report later on turns out to be adversc,
your services will be terminated.
19. You shall kcep confidential all the affairs of the Bank, its employees and customers and
submit immcdiately declarations of Marital status, Fidelity and Secrecy & Place of Domicile
as given in Schedules I, II, III & IV of Andhra Pragathi Grameena Bank (Officers' and
Employees') Service Reg ulations 2010.
20. You shall not leave or discontinue your service in the Bank without first giving
notice in writinq, of vour intention to leave or discontinue the services or
resign. The period of hotice required shall be active service of l month for a
probationary Office Assistant (Multipurpose) and 3 months for a Confirmed Office
Assistant (Multipurpose). In case of failure to give such notice of 1 month / 3
months, as applicable, you shall be liable to pay as compensation, a sum equal to
your emoluments for the period ot notice required of you in lieu of notice,
If vou intend to leave or discontinue the services or resiqn from the services of
h Bank durin h r n rt ri f r
in addition to the notice as above. vou shall Dav a lumDsum of Rs,2,OO,OOO,/-
Ru ees Tw lakhs n lv\ al n ble tax nd an o t h r enses
a,e, for traininq, Grouo Insurance Prem ium, etc. alonq with aDolicable taxes,
that the Bank has incurred on vour behalf.
21. You shall do any work that is ordinarily expected from an Office Assistant
(l\4ultipurpose) including typang, operation of machine/s including Computer on CBS
modules, receiving and paying cash, Godown work, Clcaring House work and othcr
works entrustcd by superiors from time to time, other outdoor work like delivery of
notices, intimations to parties and other institutions and any other work expected form
Office Assistant (Multipurpose) from time to time including outdoor works. You shall
follow all the guidelines issued by the Bank from time to time in discharge of your
duties/functions without fail and failing which appropriate action as deemed fit will bc
initiated by the Bank against you.
22. In the event of your not accepting the offer or failing to inform your
acceptance of your joining in the bank_on or before 12.03.2024 this offer of
appointment would be cancelled and no correspondence whatsoever would be
entertained in the matter thereafter. No representation for extension of timc for
acceptance shall be entertained
Nljr :
Yours f ithFu lly, : ;s
dl o(
c) \+
q$ 'o )..

lr- /

I am agreeable to the terms and conditions mentioned in your offer of appointment and I
hereby accept the said offer of appointment. I hereby confirm that the certificates/records
submitted by me are true and correct and if any irregularities detected at a later date, my
appointment will be forfeited besides appropriate action to be contemplated against me, by thc

Emall IDI
Mobile No
Datc: Signature of the Ca nd id atc

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