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Abbott Catalogue

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For Abbott

Clinical Chemistry Analyzers

For Abbott Aeroset, Architect Series
Aeroset, Architect C8000, C16000, C4000

® Registered Trademark of Abbott™

ImproGen - a global diagnostic solutions provider

Improgen Diagnostic Chem Ltd.

Improgen Clinical Diagnostic Systems is a Since its foundation, the independent

well-established IVD manufacturer company has introduced more than
supplying products for many countries ninety liquid-stable reagents for routine
worldwide. and special diagnostics completed by
calibrators and controls. Today, we
Improgen Diagnostic Systems emerged as develop not only reagents, but complete
pioneer in the field of liquid-stable reagents diagnostic solutions.
and has developed to an established
provider of diagnostic solutions for clinical Permanent update of quality products and
laboratory. processes supported by extensive R&D
activities and tailor-made solutions along
Improgen develops, manufactures and with strong customer support, maintain
markets diagnostic systems of superior and extend Improgen’ position as top
quality. Laboratories, hospitals, and quality supplier. In order to be close to the
physicians in more than Many countries rely customer, Improgen is continuously to
on Improgen products and services for the laboratories all over the world.
well being of their patients.
Improgen maintains a quality
Our proven product performance, matched management system certified according
with our selection of reputable distribution to ISO 13485.
partners, has been instrumental to our All our products are CE marked according
continued success and growth. to Directive 98/79/EC.

Built on a culture of quality and performance

w e a re c o m m i t t e d t o p rov i d i n g o u r
customers with a reliable service and results
they can trust.


Compatible Models & Bottles;

Bottle For;
Reagent R1 & Mono Reagents

Bottle For;
Reagent R2 & Small Size

Bottle For;
Reagent R3 & Spesi c Reagents

The Dedicated With Barcoded of Abbott bottles
contains the following parameters.

The analyzer recognizes
the kit directly with
compatible barcode

The barcode contains lot The barcode
information contains volume

The barcode contains The barcode contains
Reagent 1 or Reagent 2 expiration date
information information
When each bottle is
loaded on the device, it
does not require
calibration until new lot
For Abbott Clinical Chemistry
Dedicated With Barcoded Reagents
Aeroset®, Architect® Series
Aeroset, Architect C8000, C16000, C4000

Cat No: Description S/ml Package Included Cat No: Description S/ml Package Included
ACP3011 ACP - Acid Phosphatase 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL) LIP3011 Lipase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL)
ALT3011 ALT - Alanine Aminotransferase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) LIP3021 Lipase 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL)
ALB3011 Albumin 270 (3x90mL) MAG3011 Magnesium 270 (3x90mL)
ALP3011 ALP - Alkaline Phosphatase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) MAL3011 Microalbumin Uria 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL)
AMM3011 Ammonia 48 Standard Pack PHP3011 Phosphorus 270 (3x90mL)
ASO3011 ASO - Antistreptolysin "O" 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) RHF3011 RF - Rheumatoid Factor 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL)
ASO3021 ASO - Antistreptolysin "O" 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) RHF3021 RF - Rheumatoid Factor 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL)
AST3011 AST - Aspartarte Aminotransferase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) TBI3011 Total Bile Acids 40 Standard Pack
CAL3011 Calcium 270 (3x90mL) TBR3011 Bilirubin (Total) 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL)
CHE3011 CHE - Cholinesterase 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) TCH3011 Total Cholesterol 270 (3x90mL)
CRP3011 CRP - C-reactive Protein 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) TPR3011 Total Protein 270 (3x90mL)
CRP3021 CRP - C-reactive Protein 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) TFE3011 Transferrin 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL)
CRE3011 Creatinine 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) TRG3011 Triglycerides 270 (3x90mL)
CR13011 Creatinine 1+1 300 (3x50mL + 3x50mL) UIB3011 UIBC - U.Iron Binding Capacity 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL)
CKN3011 CK - Creatinine Kinase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) UIB3021 UIBC - U.Iron Binding Capacity 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL)
CKN3021 CK - Creatinine Kinase 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) URE3011 Urea 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL)
CKM3011 CK-MB - Creatinine Kinase - MB 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) URA3011 Uric Acid 270 (3x90mL)
CKM3021 CK-MB - Creatinine Kinase - MB 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) URP3011 Urinary Protein 90 (1x90mL)
CYC3011 Cystatin-C 48 Standard Pack ZIN3011 Zinc 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL)
DBR3011 Bilirubin (Direct) 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) AMY3011 α-Amylase 270 (3x90mL)
ETH3011 Ethanol 150 (3x40mL + 3x10mL) AMY3021 α-Amylase 135 (3x45mL)
ETH3021 Ethanol 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL) GGT3011 γGT - γ-Glutamyl Transferase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL)
FER3011 Ferritin 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) CLR3011 Chloride 48 Standard Pack
FER3021 Ferritin 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) CC33011 Complement C3 48 Standard Pack
LDH3011 LDH - Lactate Dehydrogenase 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) CC43011 Complement C4 48 Standard Pack
GLU3011 Glucose 270 (3x90mL) CU03011 Copper 48 Standard Pack
HDL3011 HDL-Cholesterol 300 (3x75mL + 3x25mL) CEN3011 Creatinine Enzymatic 48 Standard Pack
HDL3021 HDL-Cholesterol 100 (1x75mL + 1x25mL) FRU3011 Fructosamine 48 Standard Pack
HBA3011 Hemoglobin A1C Direct 120 (3x30mL + 3x10mL) HPG3011 Haptoglobin 48 Standard Pack
HBA3021 Hemoglobin A1C Direct 40 (1x30mL + 1x10mL) LIT3011 Lithium 48 Standard Pack
HCY3011 Homocysteine 48 Standard Pack PAM3011 α-Amylase Pancreatic 48 Standard Pack
IGA3011 IgA - Immunoglobulin A 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL) PTS3011 Potassium 48 Standard Pack
IGE3011 IgE - Immunoglobulin E 30 (1x20mL + 1x10mL) PRA3011 Prealbumin 48 Standard Pack
IGG3011 IgG - Immunoglobulin G 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL) PCC3011 Procalcitoinin 48 Standard Pack
IGM3011 IgM - Immunoglobulin M 50 (1x40mL + 1x10mL) SOD3011 Sodium 48 Standard Pack
IRN3011 Iron 300 (3x80mL + 3x20mL) TP13011 Troponin I 48 Standard Pack
IRN3021 Iron 100 (1x80mL + 1x20mL) B123011 Vitamin B12 48 Standard Pack
LDL3011 LDL-Cholesterol 300 (3x75mL + 3x25mL) VID3011 Vitamin D 48 Standard Pack
LDL3021 LDL-Cholesterol 100 (1x75mL + 1x25mL) B2M3011 β₂-Microglobulin 48 Standard Pack
DDI3011 D-Dimer 60 (1x45mL + 1x15mL) AHD3011 αHBDH - α-Hydroxybutyrate Dhd. 48 Standard Pack

Freedom of choice
from an independent
We are dedicated to providing
reagents that fit perfectly with your
laboratory needs.

In addition to providing an extensive

test menu of the highest quality
reagents, we also ensure flexibility,
convenience and ease of use with
our dedicated read reagent bottles.
Improgen Diagnostik Kimya San. & Tic.Ltd.Sti.
Ikitelli OSB. Isdö k San. Sitesi 2 Blok No:1
Basaksehir / ISTANBUL - TURKEY

[email protected]

Tel: +90 ( 212 ) 809 00 09 Pbx

Fax: +90 ( 212 ) 809 00 01

/ improgen


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