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The excellent mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTS) are driving research into the creation of new strong, tough
nanocomposite systems. Here, the first evidence of toughening mechanisms operating in carbon-nanotube-reinforced ceramic
composites is presented. A highly ordered array of parallel multiwall CNTs in an alumina matrix was fabricated. Nanoindentation
introduced controlled cracks and the damage was examined by scanning electron microscopy. These nanocomposites exhibit the
three hallmarks of toughening found in micron-scale fiber composites: crack deflection at the CNT/matrix interface; crack bridging
by CNTs; and CNT pullout on the fracture surfaces. Interface debonding and sliding can thus occur in materials with micro-
structures approaching the atomic scale. Furthermore, for certain geometries a new mechanism of nanotube collapse in ‘‘shear
bands’’ occurs, rather than crack formation, suggesting that these materials can have multiaxial damage tolerance. The quantitative
indentation data and computational models are used to determine the multiwall CNT axial Young!s modulus as 200–570 GPa,
depending on the nanotube geometry and quality. Three-dimensional FEM analysis indicates that matrix residual stresses on the
order of 300 MPa are sustained in these materials without spontaneous cracking, suggesting that residual stress can be used to
engineer enhanced performance. These nanoscale ceramic composites thus have potential for toughening and damage tolerance at
submicron scales, and so are excellent candidates for wear-resistant coatings.
Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.
ceramic composites. Furthermore, whether composite can play an important role in composite behavior as
fracture and damage mechanics at the nanoscale differs well. Based on energetic arguments, nanocomposites are
from that at the micron-scale due to the near-atomic- expected to be capable of withstanding large residual
scale geometry of the material is simply unknown. Here, stresses without spontaneous cracking. Finite element
we show direct evidence that the critical deformation calculations on the CNT/alumina system, reported be-
and damage modes associated with toughening in low, show matrix residual stresses on the order of 300
‘‘standard’’ micron-scale ceramic matrix composites do MPa, and yet the materials studied here contain no
occur in a CNT-reinforced ceramic matrix material. initial cracks upon processing. These residual stresses
Furthermore, the nanocomposite systems can exhibit influence the growth path for transverse cracks, drive
entirely new deformation mechanisms. longitudinal matrix cracking, and affect the interfacial
There are three hallmarks of tough behavior in sliding resistance of the fibers against the matrix. Also of
‘‘standard’’ ceramic matrix composites, i.e. materials interest are the overall composite toughness and the
containing micron-scale reinforcing fibers [7]. The first toughness imparted by the bridging fibers, but these
key characteristic is crack deflection at the fiber/matrix quantities are more difficult to determine due to the
interface. This is typically observed by studying cracks combination of indentation loading, residual stresses,
that grow transverse to the axial direction of the fibers, and crack bridging. Analysis is underway but will be
where the fibers actually weaken the material such that reported in a separate publication.
cracks propagate easily. The second key characteristic is Overall, the new observations and analysis methods
fiber bridging of cracks that propagate perpendicular to reported here demonstrate the prospects for tough
the axial direction of the fibers. The bridging of the fi- nanotube composites, show new nanomechanical phe-
bers restrains the crack from opening and reduces the nomena, yield specific nanotube and composite prop-
driving force for crack propagation in the matrix. The erties, and provide a firm foundation for the future
third key characteristic is fiber pullout on the fracture engineering of nanotube and nanofiber composites to
surface. Fiber pullout demonstrates that the bridging optimize mechanical performance under various condi-
fibers eventually fail away from the crack plane. The tions such as contact and wear.
work required to pull the embedded broken fibers out The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
against any residual frictional stresses at the fiber/matrix In Section 2, we discuss the material fabrication and
interface can be the major contribution to the macro- testing methods used. In Section 3, we present evidence
scopic toughness of the composite. In this work, we of the three key phenomena (deflection, bridging, fiber
fabricated and studied a CNT-alumina nanocomposite pullout) acting in these nanocomposites and show sev-
matrix in which highly ordered and densely packed ar- eral new deformation modes that occur in these systems.
rays of uniform, parallel nanotubes are grown in an In Section 4, we describe the computational models and
alumina matrix. We show that all three of the above analyses used to obtain constituent moduli and com-
phenomena occur in this carefully controlled carbon- posite residual stresses. Section 5 contains further dis-
nanotube-reinforced ceramic matrix composite. cussion of this work and its implications for
We also observe a new deformation mechanism in the nanocomposite design.
aligned nanotube composites and the associated porous
alumina matrices studied here. Specifically, for larger
diameter nanotubes in the composite material and in the 2. Material fabrication and testing methods
porous system, nanotube or pore collapse/buckling in
shear bands can accommodate the indentation defor- Fabrication of the composites studied here follows
mation without the formation of cracks under trans- the route first demonstrated in [20], and extends it to
verse loading. Coupled with crack bridging under axial unprecedented coating thicknesses of 20–90 lm. Inter-
crack growth, these results suggest that materials engi- ested readers should consult [20] for processing details.
neering of the detailed nanocomposite structure, e.g., Briefly, high-purity aluminum is anodized in a multistep
nanotube diameter, wall thickness, and spacing, process to generate an amorphous nanoporous alumina
can generate materials that exhibit multiaxial damage matrix having a hexagonal array of straight pores ex-
resistance. tending from the substrate to the matrix surface. After
Detailed analysis of the indentation results permits anodization, the alumina pore diameters are in the range
for the determination of nanotube, matrix, and com- of 30–40 nm; there is some modest control of this di-
posite material properties. Of particular interest is the ameter over a narrow range. During subsequent pro-
axial nanotube modulus, which is measured here to be in cessing, however, there is some further widening of the
the range of 200–570 GPa. This range is somewhat lower pore diameter. Co or Ni catalyst particles are deposited
than the typically quoted moduli of about 1 TPa for into the bottom of the deep, nanometer-diameter pores
ideal CNTs, but is comparable to experimental values and a low-temperature (645 !C) CVD process is used to
obtained by other methods [16–19]. Residual stresses grow multiwall CNTs up the pore walls, creating an
Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944 933
ideal unidirectional CNT ceramic matrix composite in common in the 20 lm-thick specimen but rare in the 90
the form of a coating on the aluminum substrate. The lm-thick specimen, in which the CNTs are also more
samples studied here are 20 and 90 lm-thick coatings. uniform and straight. Close examination of high reso-
The composite sample underwent a post-growth treat- lution TEM images (e.g., Fig. 1(b)) indicate that the
ment, including RIE followed by wet etching, to remove carbon structure is only partially ordered. This is at-
chemical residuals and carbon particles and to expose tributed to the relatively low processing temperature.
the top end of the nanotubes. A scanning electron mi- Annealing of the CVD grown nanotubes is effective in
crograph of the top surface of the resulting 90 lm-thick improving the crystallinity, and results in high quality
composite is shown in Fig. 1(a). We also prepared 20 graphitic lines in high resolution TEM images, as have
and 90 lm-thick coatings of porous alumina with no been confirmed in separate studies of ours and others
nanotubes, and subjected one of the 90 lm-thick sam- [21]. However, the nanotubes examined in this study are
ples to the subsequent composite processing but without in the as-grown form, partly because annealing is found
the reactant gases in the CVD step (645 !C for 12 h in to substantially alter the alumina matrix properties
flowing Ar). The behavior of the porous matrix material which (i) makes it difficult to dissolve the alumina matrix
thus serves as a reference for the behavior of the nano- by the same wet etchants and (ii) causes a highly non-
composites, although it has not been possible to obtain uniform distribution of residual stress in the matrix. To
porous matrix materials with exactly the same pore size estimate the CNT outer diameter and thickness, about
as the composites. 30 fibers were measured by TEM for each specimen. The
After dissolving the alumina matrix from pieces of average CNT outer diameter is 51 nm for the 20 lm-
the nanocomposite samples, the nanotubes were exam- thick specimen and 56 nm for the 90 lm-thick specimen.
ined with a JEOL2010 transmission electron microscope The average multiwall CNT thicknesses are about 12.3
(TEM). Fig. 1(b)–(d) show the typical microstructures and 4.5 nm for the 20 and 90 lm-thick specimens,
of the CNTs in the 20 and 90 lm-thick specimens, re- respectively.
spectively. Special bamboo-like, bottleneck-like and Scanning electron microscopic observations on ma-
other unclassified structures (Fig. 1(c)) are found to be trix-dissolved cross-sections of the 90 lm-thick specimen
Fig. 1. (a) SEM photograph of as-fabricated CNT/ceramic composite viewed from the top, showing high degree of hexagonal order (mottled surface
due to deposited conductive gold coating); (b and c) TEM photographs of CNTs showing normal and other microstructures in the 20 lm-thick
samples after dissolving the alumina matrix; (d) TEM photograph of CNTs in the 90 lm-thick sample.
934 Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944
show a steady increase in the nanotube diameter used primarily to measure hardness and elastic modulus.
through the thickness of the composite, as shown in The effective Young!s modulus Eeff calculated from the
Fig. 2(a), with concomitant changes in the pore diameter measured unloading tangent stiffness S is
since the nanotubes are conformal to the porous tem- pffiffiffi
1 2bð1 # v2 Þ A 1 # v2i
plate. The average diameter at the top surface, a mi- ¼ pffiffiffi þ ; ð1Þ
crograph of which is shown in Fig. 1(a), is 70 nm, Eeff pS Ei
somewhat larger than the overall average of 56 nm; the where b is a constant which depends on the geometry of
CNT wall thickness is independent of the tube diameter, the indenter (b ¼ 1:034 for Berkovitch), ðEeff ; v ¼ 0:2Þ
however. The variation in nanotube geometry correlates and (Ei ¼ 1100 GPa, vi ¼ 0:07) are the Young!s modulus
with mechanical performance, as shown in Fig. 2 and and Poisson!s ratio for the specimen and diamond in-
discussed below. The heat-treated 90-lm-thick porous denter, respectively [22]. Implicit in the use of Eq. (1) is
alumina samples also show some variation in diameter the assumption of material isotropy. The effective
through the thickness, and associated mechanical Young!s modulus and hardness of the composite and
property variations, but without the increase in diameter heat-treated porous alumina are also shown in Fig. 2(a)
found in the composite materials just near the top sur- and (b), respectively. Eeff and H for the porous alumina
face (Fig. 2(b)). The pore diameter in the composites is and the composite both decrease with the distance away
5–10 nm larger than that of the as-anodized porous from the Al/Al2 O3 interface, reflecting the effect of the
material. This indicates that chemical agents react with pore size variation.
the template matrix to widen the channels during post- The sharper cube-corner indenter was employed so
anodization processing and CVD growth. that cracks were most likely to be generated, and at the
The specimens were subjected to nanoindentation, lowest possible loads. Loads between 20 and 650 mN
using a Nanoindenter" Model II with a Berkovitch in- were used. The cube-corner indenter induced cracks in
denter and a cube-cornered indenter, on the top and side the specimens at the higher loads. Indentation onto the
of the nanocomposite. The Berkovitch indenter was top surface of the composite coating generates planar
cracks parallel to the fiber axis. The samples were also
embedded in epoxy, polished on the side surfaces, and
subjected to indentation on the side surfaces away from
both the composite/aluminum and composite/epoxy in-
terfaces. Side indentation generated planar cracks ori-
ented roughly perpendicular to the fiber axis. Thus, both
dominant cracking modes are explored by these two test
orientations. Additional results using a Wilson Vickers
micro-indenter (model Tukon 2100) will also be pre-
sented. Indentation crack patterns and deformation
were observed with a Hitachi S-4700 scanning electron
microscope (SEM).
3. Results
diameter. Top indentation onto the porous material large scales, as shown in Fig. 7(a), a dark circular ring is
does not cause cracking at loads up to 650 mN. Rather, observed around the indentation mark. Upon closer
in addition to the indentation mark, the deformation is observation, this dark ring is caused by the scattering
accommodated by shear collapse of rows of pores. from short bands of collapsed pores, as seen in Fig. 7(b).
Fig. 7(a)–(c) show the deformation at various scales. At Further inspection shows the occurrence of shear cracks
between opposite sides of neighboring collapsed pores,
as seen in Fig. 7(c). Similar behaviour is found for the 90
lm-thick porous alumina specimens in both as-anodized
and heat-treated conditions.
The pore collapse deformation mode is similar to
shear band formation and to deformation modes ob-
served in large-scale porous metals and polymers [24]. In
this case, however, the matrix material is an amorphous
alumina with hardness of about 5 GPa and modulus 140
GPa (see below). The deformed shapes of the sheared
pores indicate that the shear cracks have formed only
after substantial pore deformation. To accommodate
the shear deformation must require some flow of the
alumina matrix. Although the anodized alumina is not
well-characterized, such flow is not normally expected in
similar materials at macroscopic scales, room tempera-
ture, and under the expected loads around the indent
mark. Similar unexpectedly high apparent flow rates
have been deduced in studies of relaxation of thin films
with nanoscale native silica subsurface layers [25], and
silica has gross mechanical properties similar to those
deduced for the present amorphous alumina matrix.
Turning to the nanocomposites, Fig. 3 has already
shown that, when the nanotubes are introduced into the
top of the 20 lm-thick sample containing thicker-wall
CNTs, the indentation drives crack formation rather
than the pore collapse and the shear band formation
found in the porous matrix. Such behavior can be ra-
tionalized if the comparatively stiff nanotubes provide
additional resistance to shear deformation. Alterna-
tively, the nanotubes may eliminate a free alumina ma-
trix surface at which the possible flow behavior
nucleates and is subsequently accommodated. However,
top indentation onto the 90 lm-thick sample, which has
a larger CNT diameter of 70 nm at the top surface and
thinner CNT multiwall thickness, shows entirely differ-
ent behavior from the 20 lm-thick sample. As seen in
Fig. 8(a) and (b), the deformation is accommodated by
lateral buckling or collapse of the nanotubes in shear
bands. These shear bands form in a pattern all around
the indent mark, separated by regions of undeformed
nanotubes. This CNT-reinforced material behaves sim-
ilarly to the porous matrix material and does not crack
under indentation. The geometry and dimensions of the
nanotubes thus have a marked impact on the damage
Finally, top and side indentation have also been
Fig. 7. SEM photographs showing deformation in the porous alumina
performed on the 90 lm-thick sample using a standard
sample: (a) nanoindentation mark surrounded by dark circular re-
gions; (b) array of ‘‘shear bands’’ of collapsed pores causing dark re- Vickers microindenter on a Wilson microhardness tes-
gions; (c) close-up showing small shear cracks between collapsed pores ter. The Vickers indenter has a shallower angle than that
in a shear band. of the cube-corner indenter, and this should promote
938 Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944
The results of Figs. 8 and 9 demonstrate that the mina are close to the results reported by Alcala et al. [26]
deformation behavior for loading in transverse direc- but much lower than the values of a high-quality poly-
tions normally very weak and brittle in a larger-scale crystalline alumina. Combining Fig. 2 with Table 1, one
composite can be controlled by the composite micro- can conclude that the pore and nanotube diameter
structure, i.e. the diameter and wall thickness of the variations must contribute to the variations of the
CNTs, and possibly their organization. In particular, Young!s moduli and hardness of the porous alumina
non-cracking deformation modes can be activated to and nanocomposites. Although it is tempting to use the
accommodate aggressive contact loading. Coupled with effective modulus along with a simple rule-of-mixtures
the existence of CNT-crack-bridging toughening mech- approach to extract the matrix and CNT elastic moduli,
anisms for cracking perpendicular to the axial direction, such a strategy is not accurate since Eq. (1) assumes
these results indicate that nanotube ceramic composites material isotropy while both porous alumina and
can be uniquely engineered to exhibit multiaxial nanocomposites are anisotropic. Proper extraction of
toughness or damage tolerance by tuning of the com- the composite moduli and the moduli of the constituent
posite geometry and constituent properties. alumina and CNTs requires careful attention to the
details of the material system.
To accurately account for the anisotropy and the
4. Quantitative results and analysis complexity of the indentation loading, we have devel-
oped a self-consistent numerical method based on a se-
Section 3 has presented new observations of tough- quence of finite element calculations at different scales,
ening mechanisms and deformation behavior for this as follows and as indicated schematically in Fig. 10. We
class of novel CNT-based ceramic composites. We now start with the porous matrix material. We assume the
examine the quantitative data emerging from indenta- matrix material itself is isotropic, and thus characterized
tion testing to extract elastic constitutive properties and by a Young!s modulus Em and Poisson!s ratio vm . We
use the finite element method to estimate the residual then construct a fully-3d finite element model of an
stress state in the composite. Information on the con- isotropic material containing aligned longitudinal pores
stitutive properties of the matrix and CNTs and residual in a hexagonal array. This model is subjected to both
stresses is needed as input into future work on the axial and transverse loadings to extract the elastic con-
modeling of the damage and toughening processes. stants of the porous material in terms of the matrix
material values. These values could also be obtained
4.1. Hardness and elasticity from homogenization methods, but the finite element
model (FEM) model is ultimately needed for similar
Fig. 2 has shown the Young!s modulus and hardness calculations on the three-phase (matrix/CNT/pore) ma-
over the thickness of the porous alumina and compos- terial. A second larger-scale fully-3d FEM model is then
ites, measured using a standard Berkovitch indenter. used to represent the indentation geometry. A coating of
Table 1 presents the Young!s modulus and hardness the appropriate anisotropic homogenized porous mate-
values for the heat-treated porous alumina template rial is placed on a thick pure aluminum substrate
materials and for the CNT composites, for indentation ðE ¼ 70 GPa and v ¼ 0:3). An indentation mark is
parallel and perpendicular to the nanotube orientations, carved out, and symmetry permits the use of a reduced
near the middle of the specimen. The Young!s modulus geometry, as shown in Fig. 10. Note that the plastic
and hardness for 90-lm thick porous Al2 O3 are nearly deformation associated with the indentation is ignored;
the same as those of the CNT/Al2 O3 composites. The elasticity upon initial unloading should be independent
effective Young!s moduli and hardness of porous alu- of the prior plastic or permanent deformation. Very fine
Table 1
Elastic moduli of porous Al2 O3 and CNT/Al2 O3 composite as calculated from the measured unloading stiffness using the standard formula of Eq. (1)
(effective E, assumes isotropy) and using the FEM for an orthotropic material
Material Orientation Pore or tube Vm Vf Hardness H Effective E FEM Err or
diameter (nm) (GPa) (GPa) Ezz (GPa)
Heat-treated porous Al2 O3 (90) Sidea 45.5 0.805 – 6.8 107 82 ðErr Þ
Top 60.5 0.654 – 4.1 86 93 ðEzz Þ
CNT/Al2 O3 (20) Sidea 51.1 0.754 0.178 5.6 96b 91 ðErr Þ
Top 53.2 0.754 0.178 6.9 134 141 ðEzz Þ
CNT/Al2 O3 (90) Sidea 53.3 0.735 0.082 7.0 107 86 ðErr Þ
Top 70.3 0.534 0.112 4.0 87 106 ðEzz Þ
Average value in the middle of the sample.
Cube-corner data adjusted to give Berkovitch value.
940 Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944
Fig. 10. Schematic of the multiscale finite element-based model for deriving constituent fiber and matrix elastic moduli from indentation
measurements of unloading stiffness S in a unidirectional fiber composite.
meshes are used around the indent area to limit inac- material properties and comparing the FEM modulus
curacy. The indent holes are constructed to correspond values to those of Eq. (1).
to the experimental projected area A and vertical indent The Young!s moduli of the porous alumina calcu-
distance h, and a diamond indenter having the same size lated using the above finite element models are shown in
as the indent hole is also constructed. The indenter and Table 1, and are close to the effective porous alumina
the material are connected with gap elements that allow moduli calculated by Eq. (1). The difference is due to
the indenter to slide along the interface. The coefficient anisotropy. The alumina matrix modulus as calculated
of friction is arbitrarily chosen as 0.2 since it has little using the finite element method and both side and top
effect on the results. A small load P is applied on the top indentation data yield 140 GPa, shown in Table 2. This
of the indenter and the displacement u of the indenter is value is consistent with that of low-density irradiated
then calculated using the finite element model. The un- alumina [27] and is much lower than the typical values
loading stiffness S 0 ¼ P =u is then calculated and com- of 350–390 GPa for dense polycrystalline alumina. We
pared to the measured stiffness S, for both top and side have also calculated the Young!s modulus of the alu-
indentation. Based on the differences between S and S 0 , mina from the side indentation data at various positions
the elastic properties of the alumina matrix are modified along the 90-lm thick sample, accounting for the pore
and the procedure is iterated to self-consistency. The diameter variations. We find that the underlying
numerical models have been verified by using isotropic alumina modulus is nearly the same with position,
Table 2
Elastic moduli of Al2 O3 matrix and CNT reinforcements as calculated using the finite element model
Materials Tube diameter (nm) Tube thickness (nm) Average E (Gpa) Range of E (GPa)
Al2 O3 (heat-treated) – – 140 131–147
Nanotube (20) (top) 51.1 12.1 200 ðEzz Þ 135–281 ðEzz Þ
Nanotube (90) (top) 70.3 4.5 570 ðEzz Þ 511–620 ðEzz Þ
Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944 941
indicating that the variations of the E and H shown in ropy ratio Ezz ¼ 2Err and Ezz ¼ Err , the side unloading
Fig. 2(b) are mainly due to the pore size variation, and is modulus at different positions was then calculated,
the same (140 GPa) as in the unheat-treated 20-lm thick taking into account the pore/nanotube diameter varia-
sample. tion, and converted into an effective composite modulus
For the nanotube composite, we proceed similarly. Eeff using Eq. (1) to yield the results shown in Fig. 11.
Having derived the alumina matrix modulus, only the The predicted effective moduli do not match the exper-
nanotube moduli remain to be determined. The micro- imental data as a function of position, suggesting that
structural scale FEM model is constructed using a the matrix modulus Em also varies with position, per-
transversely isotropic continuum tube having the five haps due to physical aging or chemical reaction during
independent elastic constants Ezz ; Err ¼ Ett ; Gzr ; vrz , and the CNT growth process with reactant gases. The results
vrh , as shown in Fig. 10. Based on a molecular dynamics do show the insensitivity of the side indentation be-
model of CNTs and literature data, the transverse havior to the anisotropy ratio, however. To match the
Young!s modulus Err is usually taken to be 1/2 the axial experimental modulus data and rectify the differences
Young!s modulus Ezz . It is also assumed that between experiments and calculations shown in Fig. 11,
vrz ¼ vrh ¼ 0:2 and Gzr ¼ Ezz =½2ð1 þ vrz Þ'. The final re- the matrix modulus was adjusted as a function of posi-
sults for unloading stiffness are not highly sensitive to tion, for both Ezz ¼ 2Err and Ezz ¼ Err , yielding two
these latter approximations. The elastic moduli of the slightly different predictions for the matrix modulus
nanocomposite under various axes of applied uniform versus position. The results indicate that, very near the
loadings are then determined using the FEM model. The top surface of the thick sample, the matrix modulus is
resulting anisotropic composite moduli are used in the only on the order of 80–90 GPa for Err ¼ 265 GPa. Use
larger-scale FEM model of the indentation test to cal- of these reduced values for the matrix modulus in the
culate the unloading stiffness S 0 , which is then compared FEM analysis of the top indentation data on the 90 lm-
to the experimental stiffness S, for both top and side thick specimen then yields an axial CNT modulus of
loadings. The nanotube moduli are updated iteratively, Ezz ¼ 570 GPa for Err ¼ Ezz =2, as shown in Table 2. The
holding the alumina matrix properties fixed at the values assumption of Err ¼ Ezz does not give reasonable results
determined previously, until the calculated unloading for axial CNT modulus, consistent with indications that
stiffness S 0 matches the experimental values. an anisotropy ratio around 1/2 is appropriate for the
The Young!s moduli CNT/alumina composites cal- CNTs. Thus, we deduce that the CNT modulus for the
culated with the finite element model are shown in Table
1, and are close to the effective composite modulus
calculated with Eq. (1). The CNT moduli as calculated
using the finite element method are also shown in Table
2. The axial multiwall CNT modulus is calculated to be
in the range of 135–281 GPa, with a mean value of 200
GPa, for the 20 lm-thick sample, using the top inden-
tation data only because side indentation with the Ber-
kovitch indenter was not performed on these samples.
The range of values corresponds to results from analyses
using the maximum and minimum measured unloading
stiffness S. Since the nanotube volume fraction is fairly
low, small variations in S cause rather larger variations
in the estimated nanotube modulus.
For the 90 lm-thick composite specimen, the side
indentation modulus varies along the CNT direction.
This is attributed to variations in the CNT diameter
and/or the matrix modulus. To examine if the variation
of CNT diameter is the main factor causing the decrease Fig. 11. Effective Young!s moduli of alumina matrix and CNT/alumina
in the composite modulus, we performed finite element composite for the 90 lm-thick specimen, calculated using Eq. (1) by
fitting the experimental unloading stiffness S and the unloading stiff-
calculations using the CNT diameters as shown in ness from finite element model S 0 as a function of the distance from the
Fig. 2(a) with a fixed matrix (Em ¼ 140 GPa), fixed CNT aluminum/alumina interface ðh ¼ 216 lm). Solid squares: experimen-
modulus Err , and fixed CNT wall thickness. The CNT tal Eeff from side indentation; Open Diamonds: FEM predictions using
modulus was determined by fitting the FEM calcula- fixed matrix modulus of Em ¼ 140 GPa and transverse nanotube
modulus Err ¼ 265 GPa and accounting only for the CNT diameter
tions to the side indentation data at the position of 20
change with distance (Fig. 2); Open squares: matrix modulus required
lm, yielding Err ¼ 265 GPa with minimal sensitivity of to fit the difference between the experimental modulus and the open
the results to the CNT modulus Ezz . With the CNT diamonds. Dashed and solid curves: different assumptions for the CNT
modulus Err ¼ 265 GPa, and two values for the anisot- anisotropy.
942 Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944
70 nm diameter, 4.5 nm wall thickness nanotubes (near matrix is taken as 10#5 /K. Since the thermal residual
the top surface of the 90 lm-thick specimen) is signifi- stresses are calculated by linear elasticity, the results
cantly higher than for the 51 nm diameter, 12 nm wall reported here are directly proportional to the difference
thickness nanotubes of the 20 lm-thick specimen. The in thermal expansion coefficient. Thus, correcting the
substantial increase in modulus is consistent with the present results using more-accurate values for the CNT
notably better CNT molecular structure in the 90 lm- or matrix c.t.e. values is trivial.
thick specimens, as shown in Fig. 1(d).
The Young!s moduli of the nanotubes reported in
Table 2 are consistent with results from other re-
searchers using different measurement technique, al-
though there is a large variation in the reported values.
The Young!s modulus of multiwall nanotubes prepared
by arc discharge is measured as 690–1870 GPa by
bending single nanotubes in an AFM [16]. Arc-grown
MWCNTs yield 270–950 GPa as measured by pulling
the outermost layer of a single nanotube in SEM [17].
MWCNTs prepared by pyrolysis of acetylene over film-
like iron/silica substrates give values of 220–680 GPa
[18] and CVD SWNT bundles give values of (100–150
GPa, both as measured by tensile tests of very long and
aligned CNTs [19]. Overall, the Young!s modulus of
CVD MWCNTs measured by us and other researchers
is much lower than the predictions obtained by atomistic
simulation such as molecular dynamics and ab initio
that yield values around 1 TPa. The low moduli found
here may be due to the range of imperfections in the
multiwall nanotubes, as evidenced in Fig. 1(b)–(d). The
prevalence of defects in 20 lm-thick sample as compared
to the more-uniform 90 lm-thick samples is consistent
with the lower elastic modulus obtained for the CNTs in
the 20 lm-thick sample. In spite of the existence of de-
fects that may influence the elastic behavior, our results
show that composites fabricated from these MWCNTs
do exhibit the desirable toughening behavior and hence
ideal CNTs (single or multiwall) are not necessary for
activating toughening mechanisms in nanocomposites.
Fig. 12(a)–(c) show the calculated residual stress from the exceptional order of these unidirectional
fields in the 20-lm-thick sample composite, not includ- composites, and the ability to introduce controlled
ing the additional in-plane biaxial compressive stresses cracks in various orientations using indentation.
expected due to thermal mismatch with the aluminum An important issue for toughening in fiber-reinforced
substrate. As noted earlier, the matrix is in hoop tension, composites is the nature of the interface between the
radial compression, and axial tension. The magnitudes fiber and the matrix. The interface must be of sufficiently
of hoop, radial, and axial stresses are approximately low toughness to debond upon impingement of the
540, )300 and 275 MPa, respectively. The nanotubes are matrix crack and must subsequently not slide too easily
in overall compression, with an axial compression of or with too much difficulty. The present results show
about )1100 MPa, and about )590 and )300 MPa at that debonding occurs at the atomic scale in these
the nanotube/matrix interface in the hoop and radial nanoscale composites, and that the residual sliding be-
direction, respectively. As an aside, these values agree haviour is not too low. The lack of molecular-scale
fairly well with standard concentric-cylinders models for perfection in the present nanotubes may provide some
isotropic constituents. benefit in this regard. Ideal multiwall CNTs may exhibit
The high axial tension in the matrix drives cracking extremely easy inter-wall sliding that prevents toughen-
perpendicular to the nanotubes, so that the indentation ing behaviour, as inner walls easily telescope out from
cracks observed in Fig. 5 are longer than in the absence outer walls that might otherwise be held in place by
of the residual stress. However, it is important to rec- higher sliding resistances. Imperfect nanotubes may
ognize that matrix cracks do not form spontaneously in provide more-effective load transfer from outer to inner
the as-fabricated material in spite of the large tensile walls, permitting enhanced strength and toughening.
residual stress. Thus, engineering of the internal nanotube structure
The high relative hoop tension in the matrix drives appears feasible to optimize or control composite
radial transverse cracking as observed in Fig. 3(b). The toughness and damage behaviour.
matrix cracks in Fig. 3(b) tend to grow in toward the The nanotube-reinforced composites also show a new
CNTs along radial lines and then out away from the crack-resisting mechanism of CNT collapse in ‘‘shear
CNTs along radial lines. Thus, the residual stresses draw bands’’ not seen in large-scale composites. A major
the transverse cracks into the compressed CNT/matrix problem in traditional ceramic composites is the highly
interface, at which point the crack must either deflect or anisotropic nature of the strengthening and toughening,
penetrate the CNT. In the absence of this residual stress which is enhanced only for axial loading, and thus re-
state, it would be possible for the transverse cracks to quires the fabrication of woven and cross-ply structures
avoid the CNTs altogether and follow a low-toughness to impart improved multiaxial damage tolerance. The
path through the brittle matrix alone. The high radial new mechanism found here for damage tolerance under
compression puts the interface in compression and transverse loading suggests that energy can be absorbed
makes any interfacial sliding more difficult, which could by the shear banding in a manner qualitatively similar to
lead to property enhancement or degradation depending mechanisms in ductile metals, leading to multiaxial
on the details of the interface sliding and stress con- damage tolerance. This deformation mechanism is pre-
centrations. sumably driven by the underlying pore-collapse mech-
There may be other residual stresses associated with anism found in the porous matrix material, and does not
the matrix growth process. In future work, we will occur in all composite systems; only the system with
measure these stresses using the wafer curvature tech- thinner CNT wall thickness and larger (top surface)
nique. However, these stresses are superimposed upon diameter exhibits this mechanism. Hence, the composite
the internal residual stresses of the composite, and so do structure (nanotube diameter, wall thickness, spacing,
not qualitatively influence the points discussed above. etc.) must be engineered to optimize both longitudinal
toughness and transverse damage tolerance. Further-
more, this new deformation mechanism found in both
5. Discussion and summary CNT composites and ordered porous ceramics may
provide new insight into nanoscale toughening of
Our results demonstrate, for the first time, that CNT- structural ceramics.
reinforced ceramic matrix composites exhibit all of the Residual stresses can be used to advantage more
features associated with toughening behavior in fiber- readily in nanoscale materials than in typical micron-
reinforced composites: crack deflection, crack bridging, scale materials, because nanoscale materials can tolerate
and fiber pullout. No prior work on ceramic matrix larger residual stresses without spontaneous disintegra-
nanocomposites has demonstrated such features, in part tion. The residual stresses estimated here are well be-
because prior materials have typically contained low yond the range tolerated in standard micron-scale
volume fractions of highly disordered CNTs. Here, the composites and yet no spontaneous cracking is evident.
ability to clearly observe damage mechanisms stems We believe that the anisotropic fracture and toughening
944 Z. Xia et al. / Acta Materialia 52 (2004) 931–944