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Is Schrodinger Relativistic

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Physical Science & Biophysics Journal


Committed to Create Value for Researchers

Is Schrodinger Equation a Relativistic Effect?

Koutandos S* Research Article

Ekfe Chiou, Agia Paraskevi, Greece Volume 5 Issue 1
Received Date: March 03, 2021
*Corresponding author: Spiros Koutandos, EKFE CHIOU, Maniakiou 17, Agia Paraskevi, Published Date: March 18, 2021
Attica 15343, Greece, Tel: 6980129686; Email: [email protected] DOI: 10.23880/psbj-16000165

We prove that associated with mass is spacetime curvature which leads to creation of volume and mass shells in every instance
due to the energy equivalence principle. We put forth the relations between a point surface tension and a spacetime curvature.
The conclusion is that the spacetime is of fluid nature. Finally we find the chi psi omega law.

Keywords: General relativity; Special relativity; Quantum thermodynamics; Quantum mechanics

g µν pµ pν = mc 2 (5)
In a series of published papers of Koutandos S [1-3]
we have proved London equations and Ginzburg-Landau In formula (5) p stands for momentum. The time
expansion of free energy in superconductors based on the equivalent of momentum in relativity is energy. In the formula
assumption that the presence of mass induces a constant we shall put forth it is the energy minus the potential energy
curvature K in spacetime and this together with the times the probability:
charge alters the speed of light by introducing a dielectric ψ
2  
2 2 p* ⋅ p mc 2 mc 2
susceptibility chi. In the case of one electron K is associated ∆ψ = (E − U ) − = = (6)
2mN N mN Nχ N
with the Compton wavelength and the fine structure constant
by considerations of the relativistic radius of the electron: Equation (6) is in accordance with the Takabayashi
tensor [5] of internal stress. Equation (6) implies a variable
mc 2 e2
= = Kmc 2 (1) speed of light as was Einstein’s first idea [6] in the beginning
R 4πε 0 R 2 of his writings regarding general relativity. He suggested
e2 back then that a distribution of mass would alter the speed
4πε 0 c (2) of light.

 (3) We have given a literal definition of the mass shell since

λc =
mc we hypothesize that mass resides on surfaces and creates a
surface tension with the energy taken from the equivalence
From equations (1), (2) and (3) we may evaluate K principle creating new surface and volume:
1 2 mc 2 dP
K= (4) ∆P = B = γ K = = V (7)
αλc 2m Nχ dV
Main Part
In formula (7) gamma stands for a point surface tension
We may borrow a term called mass shell constraint from and B is the bulk modulus. This formula is a reformulation
general relativity [4] which comes from the following rule: of the classical one connecting the speed of sound which
is longitudinal wave with the bulk modulus. In the case of

Is Schrodinger Equation a Relativistic Effect? Phys Sci & Biophys J

Physical Science & Biophysics Journal

superfluids it is successful. From the mass energy equivalence are the result of a mass field which changes the volume.
principle we presume that the surface density of energy or
else surface tension is associated with a mass surface density In previous work [1] the Bohm potential or quantum
as has been mentioned by other authors as well [7]: potential as is known was calculated:
dm  2
γ = c2 (8) 2 ∆ ψ m  dr  (16)
dS = E −U −   = Q
2m ψ 2  dt 
From the aforementioned we conclude that:
 dS Now we assume that:
K χ (r ) =
dV (9)
2 (17)
− ψ ∆ ψ =− χΩ
That is to say the total curvature defines the surface to 2m
volume ratio.
Ω = − PV (18)
The spacetime metric should change having thus a
space dependent light velocity. This idea has already been Gathering formulas (7),(15),(16),(17) we arrive at the
implemented in previous work [4]. We produce the formula: following equation:
c2 2
=ds 2 2
 dt − dr (10)
χ (r )  2
PdV Q N  1  dr   N
We believe that the total time derivative of the radius = =  E −U − m   2
VdP mc 2 V  2  dt   mc V
[1,4] vector is different from the velocity because the particle
exists in a fluid spacetime therefore the different quantities
transform according to the following relationships: (19)
 We also know [3] that:
dr  e 
= ∇ϕ + A (11) ψ 2
dt m mc P= ( E − U ) (20)

df dr In equation (19) volume can be omitted from both sides
=∇f ⋅ (12) and we do not have undesirable effects in integration.
dt dt
 
dA   dr    Conclusion
=    ⋅ ∇  A (13)
dt   dt   Formula (17) should be called the chi psi omega law
after the last three letters of the Greek alphabet. In the case
The London equations for superconductors are a natural where the wave function does not have a phase or there is
consequence of equations (11), (12), (13) together with the no magnetic field Q=E-U and we can deduce from equations
fact that the potential energy is purely of magnetic nature in (19), (20)
that case. As an intermediate we find that there is a point flux δ (m )c 2
phi equal to the phase of the wave function. These results δP = (21)
describe turbulent surfaces with a pressure jump and a N
Coriolis force is added which is as follows: Therefore mass fluctuates the volume and induces an
 overall pressure on the system.
Ω = ∇ × J (14)
  dr References
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Koutandos S. Is Schrodinger Equation a Relativistic Effect?. Phys Sci & Biophys J 2021, 5(1): Copyright© Koutandos S.
Physical Science & Biophysics Journal

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Koutandos S. Is Schrodinger Equation a Relativistic Effect?. Phys Sci & Biophys J 2021, 5(1): Copyright© Koutandos S.

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