PER DEV Q2 Q. Reviewer

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Personal Development

(STEM) (11-Aristotle) | TEACHER (K. Fontiveros) | 1st Sem - Quarter 2 2024

★ Culture - Racial and ethnic background, as well as

Career Concepts
the culture of an individual's regional area, local
community, and extended family.
What is Career? ★ Gender - Both men and women have experienced
★ A career is defined as the combination and career-related stereotypes. Gender is a factor
sequence of roles played by a person during the included in multiple career development theories
course of a lifetime (Super,1980). and approaches including, Social Learning and
★ Your career basically dictates a lot of things in multicultural career counseling
your life – it can determine the kind of lifestyle that ★ Social and Economic Conditions - All of our career
you will be leading, the quality of relationships that choices take place within the context of society
you have with people around you like your family and the economy.
and friends, the kind of balance you will be able to ★ Childhood Fantasies - What do you want to be
keep with your life and your responsibilities. when you grow-up? You may remember this
Two Concepts associated with Career question from your childhood, and it may have
★ One is a job. helped shape how you thought about careers
○ A job is a position an individual holds then, as well as later in life.
doing specific duties. For example, if you Super’s Career Development Theory
would look closely at the job of a lawyer, ★ Donald Super influenced the idea that developing
you can say that a lawyer’s job is working a sense of self and realizing that you change over
as an associate in X Law Firm. time is important when planning your career. One
★ Another is occupation. of Donald Super's greatest contributions to career
○ An occupation is defined as the similar development has been his emphasis on the
work for which people have similar importance of the development of self-concept.
responsibilities and for which they develop
a common set of skills and knowledge. For
example, people who are in the mental
health occupation would include
psychologists, clinical psychologists,
counselors, and psychiatrists

Concept of Career Development

★ Career development is the process of
self-knowledge, exploration, and decision-making
that shapes your career.
What Influences Your Career Choice?
★ Skills and Abilities - Considering your skills and
abilities and how they may fit a particular
occupation comes out of one of the earliest career
development fields, Trait-Factor theories.
★ Interest and Personality Type - Holland's Career
Typology is widely used to connect personality
types and career fields. This theory establishes a
classification system that matches personality
characteristics and personal preferences to job
★ Life Roles
★ Previous Experiences - Krumboltz's Social
Learning and Planned Happenstance theories
address factors related to our experiences with
others and in previous work situations.

hi, there! this reviewer is mainly from the reviewer ma’am karla provided. i didn’t get any piece of information
from other sources, so you may opt to check it on your own. best of luck!
- by elforleya
Personal Development
(STEM) (11-Aristotle) | TEACHER (K. Fontiveros) | 1st Sem - Quarter 2 2024

Personal Development Factors Affecting Personal Development

★ Communication Skills
What is Personal Development? ○ Effective Communication skills play a
★ Personal development is a lifelong process. It is a crucial role in honing one’s personality.
way for people to assess their skills and qualities, ○ Communication helps individuals to
consider their aims in life and set goals in order to express themselves in the most convincing
realize and maximize their potential. way.
★ Personal Care and Personal Appearance
The three global factors that constitute Personal
○ Your appearance plays a critical role in
Development are:
applying for a job as well as in giving a
★ Self-esteem: A measure of how much one values
positive impression in the workplace.
oneself, how clear an individual is about his/her
○ Good grooming and corporate attire are
strengths and weaknesses, and how much
winning elements in job interviews.
pleasure does a person derive from what he/ she
○ A professional appearance is an image
depicting confidence and reliability.
★ Optimism: This is a facet and also a result of
○ Good grooming also shows your
Emotional Intelligence.
professional credibility.
○ feeling good about oneself and one’s
★ Personal Finances
○ Knowing how to manage your personal
○ being confident about his/ her future
finances determines your priorities, values,
○ believing that one’s best efforts and results
and motivation to realize your goals.
are yet to come
○ The effect of saving small amounts may
★ Resilience: The ability to get back on one’s feet
not be felt immediately, but it pays off in
after disappointment or failure and to learn from it.
the long term.
What is Adolescence?
○ Budgeting is important to manage your
★ Adolescence is the period of transition between personal finances.
childhood and adulthood. It includes some big
changes— to the body, and to the way a young
Personal Relationships
person relates to the world. The many physical,
sexual, cognitive, social, and emotional changes
What is Personal Relationships?
that happen during this time can bring
anticipation and anxiety for both children and their ★ Personal relationships refer to close connections
families. Understanding what to expect at different between people, formed by emotional bonds and
stages can promote healthy development interactions. These bonds often grow from and are
throughout adolescence and into early adulthood. strengthened by mutual experiences.
Relationships are not static; they are continually
Stages of Adolescence
evolving, and to fully enjoy and benefit from them
we need skills, information, inspiration, practice,
and social support.
Why Are Personal Relationships Important?
★ Relationships bring great joy.
○ Relationships are a cornerstone of
happiness and living a full life. This is
because they come with a wide array of
★ Relationships provide support to get you through
rough times.
○ Relationships provide support to get you
through rough times. Having someone to
help us through these struggles can make

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Personal Development
(STEM) (11-Aristotle) | TEACHER (K. Fontiveros) | 1st Sem - Quarter 2 2024

all the difference. Family and friends can ★ Intellectual Attraction

be there for you and support you when ○ the desire to interact with people on a
other people cannot. more cerebral level
★ Relationships elongate lives. Basic Rights in a Relationship
○ A study revealed that people who enjoy a ★ The right to emotional support.
healthy relationship with their partner live ★ The right to be heard by the other and to respond.
longer. These relationships can be platonic ★ The right to have your own point of view, even if
as well as romantic. this differs from your partner’s.
Three Kinds of Personal Relationship ★ The right to have your feelings and experiences
★ A family relationship acknowledged as real.
○ where this is the essential component of ★ The right to live free from accusation and blame.
any discussion of relationships but greatly ★ The right to live free from criticism and judgement.
varies from person to person. ★ The right to live free from emotional and physical
★ Friendship threat.
○ is also a kind of personal relationship that ★ The right to live free from angry outburst and rage.
can be thought of as a close tie between ★ The right to be respectfully asked, rather than
two people that is often built upon mutual ordered.
experiences, shared interests, proximity,
and emotional bonding.
★ As a human person, (Adolescence) your age is a
★ Romantic partnerships
great opportunity to experience important roles
○ are close relationships formed between
that would lead you to become a responsible
two people that are built upon affection,
member of your community as what is stated from
trust, intimacy, and romantic love. We
the movie Spider Man, “With great power comes
usually experience this kind of relationship
with great responsibility.
with only one person at a time.
★ Roles and Responsibilities goes together hence,
Attraction and Its Types no matter what you do, there will always be
Attraction - the action or power of evoking interest, responsibilities that you must learn to face in order
pleasure, or liking for someone or something In teenage to succeed in life.
relationships there are kinds of attraction:
★ Sexual attraction
○ It is a desire toward sexual touching and
activity with another person.
★ Romantic Attraction
○ you want to be romantically involved with
the individual, but sex is not required.
★ Physical or sensual Attraction
○ this is a desire to be around others, to be
physically cared for and treated with love
and affection
★ Emotional Attraction
○ the want to be emotionally present with
another person
★ Aesthetic Attraction
○ This type of attraction is not the same as
physical attraction or sexual attraction
because you may feel no desire to touch
or be touched by the person that you find
aesthetically pleasing

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