Bored Cast in Situ Piles
Bored Cast in Situ Piles
Bored Cast in Situ Piles
The construction of bored cast in situ concrete pile consists of 4 primary phases
1. Pile boring,
2. Reinforcement cage lowering,
3. Flushing
4. Pile concreting.
installation process
Each phase is discussed one by one below.
A. Pile Boring
C. Flushing
1. After cage lowering, 200 mm diameter tremie pipes in suitable lengths are to be
lowered in the hole. The operation is done by lowering one tremie pipe after another
and connecting them threading to maintain water tightness throughout its length
till the gap between the pile base and Tremie is between75 – 100 mm. the tremie
pipe is locked/supported from top to maintain the level and funnel is attached on
2. The tremie head to be provided to the tremie pipe for the flushing activity. The
bore is flushed by fresh bentonite slurry through the tremie head. The pumping for
flushing is done by use of mud circulation pump. Flushing will be done to remove
all the loose sediments which might have accumulated on the founding strata.
Further, the flushing operation shall be continued till the consistency of inflowing
and out flowing slurry is similar.
D. Pile Concreting
1. The concrete placing shall not proceed if density of fluid near about the bottom of
borehole exceeds 1250 kg/m3.
2. Determination of the density of the drilling mud from the base of the borehole shall
be carried out by taking samples of fluid by suitable slurry bottom sampler approved
by the engineer in charge, in first few piles and at suitable interval of piles thereafter
and the results recorded.
3. After flushing is completed, tremie head should be removed and funnel should be
attached to the tremie pipe.
4. The slump of the concrete will be maintained at 150 mm to 200 mm.
5. Concreting operation will be carried out using the 200 mm diameter tremie pipes.
6. Initial charge of concrete should be given in the funnel using a plug. Total concrete
quantity in the funnel should be more than the volume of the entire pipe plus free
space below the tremie. This will ensure a water tight concrete pouring through
7. Lifting and lowering is repeated keeping sufficient concrete in funnel all the time. As
the concreting proceeds the tremie pipe are to be removed one by one, taking care
that the tremie pipe has sufficient embedment in the concrete until the whole pipe
is concreted. Sufficient head of green concrete shall be maintained to prevent inflow
of soil or water in to concrete. Placing of concrete shall be a continuous process from
the toe level to top of pile.
8. The concrete is poured in the funnel. As the concrete reaches the top of the funnel,
the plug is lifted up to allow the concrete to flow corresponding to the placing of
each batch of concrete.
9. The concreting of pile is to be done up to minimum of 600 mm above the cut off
level to get good and sound concrete at cut off level.
10. After completion of concreting tremie, funnel and other accessories are to be washed
properly and kept greased in proper stacking condition near next pile location.
At the start, end and in the middle of each phase of the execution of a pile, the
process should be video‐graphed and kept in record with other testing and
approval requirements as per contract for future reference. Similarly, each
loading and unloading and corresponding settlements during Initial Pile Load
Test, Routine Load Test should be video‐graphed.
Checklist for Bored cast in-situ piles
Project Name: Event:
Boring Yes No
1 Pile point marking as per drawing with total station
2 Designate the pile points with numbers
3 Check the respective pile points with adjacent points
4 Plan the rig movement
5 Ensure center line of pulley is in line with pile point
6 Check the dia of the pile as per drawings
7 Install min three reference pegs for casting pile point
8 Check casing pile dia and length
9 Casing pipe errection to be checked with reference pegs
10 Check chisel dia (max - 75 mm from pile dia)
11 Check one hour penetration for three consecutive hours (<250mm)
12 100 blows check (<20mm)
13 Ensure depth within hard strata (1.5 D) at termination level
14 Determination of depth of boring from casing top (chisel length + total length og DMC
15 Check the sample at terminated level
16 Density of bentonite solution during boring (1.45 to 1.5)
17 Monitor flushing through the houring process
Checklist for Bored cast in-situ piles
Reinforcement Yes No
1 Length of pile cage according to bore depth of site
2 Diameter and number of longitudinal bars as per drawings
3 As per drawing
4 Length beyond 12m, use welded lapping
5 Min length of weld and number (150mm @ 450c/c) for lapping
6 Dia of helical bars and spacing
7 Dia of cage o/o
8 Dia of stiffener bar and spacing
9 Overlapping of stiffener (350mm)
10 Providing circular cover blocks
11 Main bar to stiffener - welded connections
12 Rigid tie of main bar to helical bar at intersections
1 Selection of tremmie pipes(individual length and dia)
2 Length of tremmie pipes
3 Check funnel depth inside the casing pipe
4 Gap between the tremmie and bore bottom (200 to 400mm)
5 Density of bentonite solution bore bottom (1.1to 1.2) before concreting
6 Check concrete stopper (lid) properly fixed. Ensure funnel surface is
completely wet
7 Remove slush from funnel after lid fixing
Checklist for Bored cast in-situ piles
Project Name: Event:
Concreting Yes No
1 Type of cement-OPC/PPC-Grade-43/53
2 Mix ration -As per structural drawing
3 Ensure Min cement content-As pre structural drawing
4 Slump valve (150-180mm)
5 Drop the first concrete for the min of 0.5 to 0.6 m3 (using lid)
6 Ensure tremmie always inside concrete (min 1.5m)
7 Take specimen for testing for testing min six (150mm cubes)
8 Continue poring till the fresh concrete coming out
9 Remove the casing pipe with two side rope
10 Compare actual and theoretical consumption