Enhancing The Flow and Heat
Enhancing The Flow and Heat
Enhancing The Flow and Heat
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The enhancement of natural convection flow and the associated heat transfer in a differentially heated
Received 3 April 2019 cavity with two horizontal adiabatic fins attached to each sidewall are numerically investigated at differ-
Received in revised form 14 July 2019 ent Rayleigh numbers and with various fin positions in this study. The numerical approach is validated by
Accepted 17 July 2019
both representative scales and experimental shadowgraph results. A typical double-plume flow regime is
Available online 25 July 2019
identified at both the early and fully-developed stages. The interaction of the two plumes is investigated
in detail in this paper. With the increasing of the Rayleigh number, the separation frequency of the plume
above both fins increases. It is also revealed that the separation frequency of the upstream plume at the
Natural convection
Heat transfer
quasi-steady stage does not only depend on the characteristics of the upstream flow, but also greatly
Differentially heated cavity depends on the position of the downstream fin. The frequency varies non-monotonically as the down-
Plume interaction stream fin moving toward the cavity ceiling, suggesting complex nonlinear characteristics. Compared
Two fins to the scenario without any fin, the flow rate across the cavity is significantly boosted, which is increased
by up to 136.2% at the early stage and 124.8% at the fully-developed stage. The heat transfer rate across
the cavity having symmetrical fins on sidewalls is enhanced by up to 12.7% at a Rayleigh number of
3.68 109.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0017-9310/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447
presence of the fins. In addition, the percentage of enhancement aration frequency increases with Rayleigh number and decreases
augments with fin length in general whilst the effect of fin thick- with fin height. Moreover, it was found that heat transfer across
ness on heat transfer is minor. Fin position was also found to dra- the cavity is enhanced by the thin fin [45]. The flow and heat trans-
matically affect the flow features, which subsequently alters heat fer in the cavity with two horizontal fins of different lengths were
transfer in the cavity [32]. Moreover, it was demonstrated that experimentally and numerically investigated in [46]. The authors
by attaching two fins to the sidewall, the heat exchange across suggested that the heat transfer is improved by up to 17.1% over
the cavity is significantly strengthened and the optimal fin position the Rayleigh numbers examined compared to the case without
in terms of heat transfer enhancement was discussed and identi- any fin. Transient natural convection flow in the finned cavity
fied in [34]. The impacts of multiple pin fins and sinusoidal ele- was also studied using a scaling analysis and the corresponding
ment on the natural convective flow and heat transfer were scaling relations quantifying different flow regimes were obtained
investigated in [35,36]. in [47,48]. These studies revealed that Rayleigh number and
Convection becomes more important than conduction with the Prandtl number play a vital role in the development of transient
increase of Rayleigh number. The flow and heat transfer in the cav- flow, which was confirmed and discussed in recent years, e.g.
ity then enter convection dominance gradually. The steady natural [49,50].
convection flow transits to unsteady natural convection flow as the The early-stage transient flows in a differentially heated cavity
Rayleigh number increases beyond a critical value, which depends with an adiabatic horizontal fin attached to the sidewalls were
on the Prandtl number of the fluid as well as the aspect ratio of the reported by Xu [41,42] and Ma [49,50]. The corresponding scaling
cavity [27]. This transition corresponds to the onset of the so-called analyses outlining the force and energy balances at different flow
convective instability [28,37]. Moreover, it was demonstrated that stages were also performed [47]. The development of the thermal
if the Rayleigh number is further increased, the flow may transit to boundary layer, the intrusion underneath the fin and the plume
a turbulent state [38–40]. Apart from the flow in a cavity without bypassing the fin have been elucidated for the early stage. How-
any fin, the transition to an unsteady flow in a differentially heated ever, the flow features in a differentially heated cavity with two
finned cavity was also investigated in recent years [41,42]. It was adiabatic horizontal fins attached to the sidewalls have not been
found that, besides the Rayleigh number, Prandtl number and the well understood.
aspect ratio, the transition from a steady flow to an unsteady flow, To better understand the flow and heat transfer improvement
or the so called quasi-steady flow, also depends on fin length and by using twin fins, especially how the two plumes interact with
fin height. The corresponding stability map was obtained in [43]. each other, the cavity with two horizontal adiabatic thin fins
The development of the unsteady flow in the finned cavity con- attached at each sidewall is investigated in the present study. It
sists of three distinct stages: an early stage, a transitional stage and is expected that the convective flow in the cavity with two hori-
a fully-developed stage [41,44]. The early stage is featured by the zontal adiabatic fins attached to each sidewall may be significantly
development of a thermal boundary layer flow along the sidewall, different from the traditional scenario with only one fin, which is
horizontal intrusions underneath the fin and the ceiling, the forma- the motivation of the present study. Two plumes will develop,
tion of a vertical plume caused by the intrusion bypassing the fin, evolve and interact owing to the presence of the two fins, which
and the reattachment of the plume to the downstream thermal may lead to a significant unsteady flow, ultimately enhancing the
boundary layer. A double-layer structure of the thermal boundary cavity-wide heat transfer significantly. This study provides useful
layer forms gradually in the lengthy transitional stage [44]. The reference for the design of high-performance heat exchanger.
temperature ultimately stratifies in the cavity at the fully- Besides, the present work is also significant for the design of com-
developed stage and it is found that plumes periodically separate pact heat exchangers utilized in limited space in various industrial
from the upper surface of the fin, which in turn causes significant applications, such as electrical heat sinks, cooling system of under-
oscillations of parameters of the downstream flow. The plume sep- water ROVs and AUVs. In this paper, a finite volume method (FVM)
Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447 3
based numerical method is employed to account for the flow and tional non-dimensional parameters govern the transient flows in
heat transfer properties in the finned cavity (with two fins at each the cavity, i.e. the Rayleigh number (Ra), Prandtl number (Pr) and
sidewall), in which three Rayleigh numbers and five spatial set- the aspect ratio of the cavity (A), which are defined as,
tings of the fins are studied. The numerical method is validated
against representative analytical scales and experimental shadow- gbDTH3 m H
Ra ¼ ; Pr ¼ ; A¼ ð5Þ
graph results of the flow. As a reminder of this paper, numerical mj j L
approach is given in Section 2. The flow features in the early stage
The Prandtl number and aspect ratio considered are 7.02 and
and the fully-developed stage as well as the associate heat transfer
0.24 respectively, while three different Rayleigh numbers, i.e.
properties are analyzed and discussed in Section 3 followed by
Ra = 9.2 108, 1.84 109 and 3.68 109, are examined in the pre-
conclusions of this study given in Section 4.
sent study. It is noted that the specific aspect ratio, Prandtl number
and Rayleigh number are the same as those adopted in [45,46].
2. Numerical approach The governing Eqs. (1)–(4) are solved iteratively by the finite
volume method (FVM) approach where the SIMPLE algorithm is
A two-dimensional model can properly quantify the flow in a used to handle the pressure-velocity coupling [51] and the QUICK
differentially heated cavity with fins attached to the sidewalls scheme is applied for the discretization of advection terms [52].
and at Ra < 7.7 109, which has been extensively demonstrated The pressure term is discretized by the PRESTO scheme [53]. The
in e.g. [41,46,47]. Therefore, a two-dimensional model, as schemat- discretization of all second-derivative terms and linear first-
ically depicted in Fig. 1, is adopted in the present study. Water is derivative terms adopts the second-order center-differenced
chosen as the working fluid and it is initially at rest with a uniform scheme and the discretization of transient integration uses the
temperature of h0 . The top and bottom walls of the cavity are adi- second-order implicit differenced scheme. The solution is con-
abatic. The flow initiates when the right and left sidewall is simul- verged when the scaled residual of the computational cell falls
taneously heated and cooled to h0 þ Dh=2 and h0 Dh=2. It is noted below 106 for the temperature equation and 103 for the continu-
that the adiabatic thin fins are symmetrically attached at each ity and momentum equations.
sidewall to keep the thermal equilibrium across the cavity. Fur- A non-uniform mesh with finer grids towards the cavity side-
thermore, all wall surfaces and fins are considered to be no-slip walls is constructed to capture the details of the flow features.
and rigid. The schematic of the computational mesh in the vicinity of the fins
The flow and heat transfer in the cavity are mathematically is depicted in Fig. 2(a). For the purpose of ensuring the accuracy of
described by the following dimensionless continuity, Navier- numerical computations, mesh dependency test is performed with
Stokes and energy equations incorporated with the Boussinesq two mesh systems, i.e. 360 520 and 450 600, for the case with
approximation [51], Ra = 3.68 109 and h2 = 7/24. Meanwhile, the Nusselt number at
@u @ v the heated sidewall is monitored and recorded to evaluate the
þ ¼0 ð1Þ impact of different meshes and time steps on numerical results.
@x @y
In the present study, the Nusselt number is defined as,
@u @u @u @p Pr @2u @2u Z
þv @h
þu ¼ þ 1=2 þ ð2Þ
@t @x @y @x Ra @x2 @y2 Nu ¼ dy ð6Þ
0 @x
! Time series of the Nusselt number at the heated sidewall are
@v @v @v @p Pr @2v @2v
þu þv ¼ þ 1=2 þ þ Prh ð3Þ presented in Fig. 2(b), and the time-averaged Nu and velocity com-
@t @x @y @y Ra @x2 @y2 ponents in x and y direction, i.e. u and v, at the monitoring point P3
! at the fully-developed flow stage, are summarized in Table 1. It is
@h @h @h 1 @2h @2h found that the relative difference of Nu originated from grid system
þu þv ¼ 1=2 þ ð4Þ is found to be less than 1%, and the relative difference with regard
@t @x @y Ra @x2 @y2
to u and v is approximately 4%. Therefore, either mesh system can
where the length, time, velocity and pressure are nondimensional- be utilized. A time step dependency test is also carried out with
ized by H, H2j1Ra1/2, H1jRa1/2 and qH2j2Ra respectively. The two dimensionless time steps of 0.01 and 0.03 using the
temperature is normalized according to h = (T – T0)/DT. 360 520 mesh. The corresponding time series of Nusselt number
It is worth noting that the height of the upstream fin h1 is fixed are also given in Fig. 2(b). It is clearly seen that the time series of
at 1/4 for all the scenarios under consideration whilst the height of Nusselt number obtained with different time steps converge which
the downstream fin varies and appears at five locations, respec- indicates that both time steps are appropriate. Considering the
tively, i.e. h2 = 7/24, 1/3, 5/12, 1/2 and 7/12. In the meantime, the computational cost, the mesh system with 360 520 computa-
fin length is fixed at 1/6, which is equivalent to that adopted in tional cells together with the time step of 0.03 are employed for
[45]. Apart from the height of the downstream fin h2, three addi- the following simulations.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the computational domain and boundary conditions. Data are monitored at the points P1 (4.083, 0.271), P2 (4.083, h2 + 0.0625) and P3 (4.158, 0.917)
during the calculations.
4 Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447
Fig. 2. (a) Local grid near the two horizontal adiabatic fins. (b) Time series of
Nusselt number at the heated sidewall with Ra = 3.68 109 and h2 = 7/24.
Table 1
Grid and time step dependence test.
that the intrusion velocity decreases rapidly with time for the case
with small h2, i:e: h2 1=3, whilst it decreases mildly when
h2 5=12.
A starting plume forms gradually as the intrusion bypasses the
fin, which subsequently triggers unsteadiness of the flow adjacent
to the sidewall. Fig. 7 presents the isotherms near the heated side-
wall for different fin positions at Ra = 1.84 109 to demonstrate
the effect of the fin position on the development of the plume. It
is clearly seen in Fig. 7(a) and (b) that the downstream intrusion
is so weak that only one plume presents when the two fins are
close to each other, i.e. h2 1/3. However, a double-plume flow
regime can be identified for the cases with h2 5/12, as shown
in Fig. 7(c) to (e).
In addition, the position of the downstream fin dramatically
affects the process of plume interaction. The upstream plume
ascends vertically until it hits the downstream fin and it is subse-
quently divided into two halves, one being the plume flow
between the two fins and the other continuing to ascend. If the
Fig. 5. Intrusion flows in the early stage (t = 1.71) for different fin positions with gap between the two fins is not very large, e.g. h2 ¼ 5=12, part of
Ra = 1.84 109 (isotherms from 0 to 0.5 with an interval of 0.021). (a) h2 = 7/24, (b) the upstream plume directly merges into the downstream plume,
h2 = 1/3, (c) h2 = 5/12, (d) h2 = 1/2, (e) h2 = 7/12. as given in Fig. 7(c). Nevertheless, with the downstream fin moved
to 1/2, the downstream plume reattaches to the downstream ther-
lutionary length of the thermal boundary layer between the two mal boundary layer on the arrival of the upstream plume, as shown
fins. That is, the development of each intrusion depends on its in Fig. 7(d). With further lifting the downstream fin, e.g. h2 ¼ 7=12,
respective upstream thermal boundary layer. the downstream plume hits the intrusion underneath the ceiling of
It is also worth noting that the local Rayleigh number RaDh of the cavity, as the upstream plume reaches the downstream fin. In
the boundary layer flow between the two fins is less than the meanwhile, it is worth noting that with the lifting of the down-
Pr10(1 + Pr1/2)10 for all the cases studied, implying that the down- stream fin, the entrainment of the thermal boundary layer between
stream intrusion is dominated by a buoyancy-viscous balance [47]. the two fins also becomes stronger which results in a more tilted
Meanwhile, the flow rate to the intrusion is unsteady because the plume as shown in Fig. 7.
present fin length is less than the critical value for the unsteady- As discussed above, the velocity of the downstream intrusion
steady transition. Therefore, the dimensionless velocity scale of increases with time according to O(t7/10), which corresponds to
the intrusion under the downstream fin can be expressed as:
t 7=10
ui 1=5 ð7Þ
1 þ Pr1=2
Fig. 10. Flow adjacent to the heated sidewall at t = 1282.05 for different fin
Fig. 9. Temperature profiles at the center plane of the cavity in the fully-developed position at Ra = 1.84 109 (isotherms from 0.5 to 0.5 with an interval of 0.021).
stage at Ra = 1.84 109. (a) h2 = 7/24, (b) h2 = 1/3, (c) h2 = 5/12, (d) h2 = 1/2, (e) h2 = 7/12.
Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447 7
Fig. 11. Temperature time series and the corresponding power spectra at the monitoring point P1 at the fully-developed stage at Ra = 1.84 109. (a) and (f) h2 = 7/24, (b) and
(g) h2 = 1/3, (c) and (h) h2 = 5/12, (d) and (i) h2 = 1/2, (e) and (j) h2 = 7/12, (k) f1 versus h2.
fin moving towards the ceiling, the temperature varies differently ing horizontally towards the fin tip. It eventually becomes a part of
with time at the monitoring point P1 which is mainly caused by the subsequent downstream plume after bypassing the down-
the presence of the downstream fin. Temperature oscillates irregu- stream fin. Further, it is seen that the downstream plume is dis-
larly for the case with h2 = 5/12. Meanwhile, for the case with torted in comparison to the upstream one, which indicates that
h2 = 7/12, bifurcation of temperature can be seen in Fig. 11(e). the flow above the downstream fin is generally more unstable than
These findings suggest that the downstream fin has a dramatic the one above the upstream fin due to the strong interaction
effect on the upstream unstable thermal layer flow which is less between the two plumes.
recognized in the literature.
Temperature time series of the cases at the other two Rayleigh
numbers are analyzed simultaneously by the spectral analysis and
the corresponding dominant frequencies are summarized in Fig. 11
(k). It can be found that f1 is zero for all the Rayleigh numbers
investigated in this study for h2 = 7/24. It is also clear that f1
increases with Rayleigh number for all the other fin positions. In
addition, f1 first grows at the increasing of h2, which then decreases
beyond a critical value at h2 = 5/12. It is also worth noting that the
maximum of f1 is less than the numerical results reported in [45],
in which the case was with only one thin fin attached to the side-
wall of the cavity. This indicates that the presence of the down-
stream fin tends to suppress the thermal flow above the
upstream fin.
To understand the interaction process of the two plumes, Fig. 12
presents series of isotherms in the vicinity of the heated sidewall of
a typical case with h2 = 5/12 and Ra = 1.84 109. The front posi-
tions of the upstream plume are marked by the black arrows. It
Fig. 12. Thermal flow adjacent to the heated sidewall with h2 = 5/12 and
is seen in Fig. 12 that the upstream plume first reattaches to the Ra = 1.84 109. (isotherms ranging from 0.5 to 0.5 with an interval of 0.02). (a)
sidewall and it ascends vertically in the thermal boundary layer. t = 1283.12, (b) t = 1283.55, (c) t = 1284.40, (d) t = 1285.15, (e) t = 1285.68, (f)
Then it gradually merges into the downstream intrusion and mov- t = 1286.22.
8 Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447
Fig. 13. Power spectra of the temperature time histories obtained at P1, P2 and P3 with Ra = 1.84 109. (a) h2 = 7/24, (b) h2 = 1/3, (c) h2 = 5/12, (d) h2 = 1/2, (e) h2 = 7/12.
Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447 9
Fig. 15 plots the Rel and Ral of the fluid layers at the upstream
and downstream fins respectively with Ra = 1.84 109. It can be
found in Fig. 15(a) that both Rel and Ral at the upstream fin tip
minimize at h2 = 7/24 and maximize at h2 = 7/12. It suggests that
the presence of the downstream fin generally suppresses the flow
above the upstream fin. On the other hand, it is seen in Fig. 15(b)
that, for the thermal flow above the downstream fin, the Rel peaks
at h2 = 5/12, while Ral reaches maximum at h2 = 7/24 as a result of
greater DT layer in the unstable layer.
Fig. 15. Rel and Ral against fin position with Ra = 1.84 109. (a) At the upstream fin Fig. 17. Horizontal flow rate Q at the centerline of the cavity at Ra = 1.84 109. (a)
tip. (b) At the downstream fin tip. Time series of Q, (b) time-averaged Q in the fully-developed stage.
10 Y. Liu et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142 (2019) 118447
The heat transfer enhancement across the cavity is not only can be further augmented if both fins are properly configured. This
associated with the flow near the heated and cooled sidewalls, is also worth a separate study.
but also the horizontal flow across the whole cavity. The horizontal
flow rate at the centerline of the cavity is defined as: Declaration of Competing Interest
Z 1
1 The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.
Q¼ jujdy ð12Þ
2 0
Fig. 17 presents the time series of Q and its time-averaged val-
ues for Ra = 1.84 109 with different fin positions. For the case The financial support from the Fundamental Research Funds for
with Ra = 1.84 109 and h2 = 7/12, the flow rate is increased by the Central Universities of China (DUT19LK23) is acknowledged.
up to 136.2% in the early stage, whilst it is improved by up to The financial support by the National Science Foundation of China
124.8% in the fully-developed stage compared to the case without (Project 11602215) and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu
any fin. In addition, it is found that the flow rate Q keeps oscillating Province (BK20160453) is also acknowledged.
in the cases with h2 = 5/12 and h2 = 1/2, whilst it remains constant
for the other cases as demonstrated in Fig. 17(a). In the meanwhile,
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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Volume 170, Issue , May 2021, Page
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