Sailing To Byzantium Critical Anylasis
Sailing To Byzantium Critical Anylasis
Sailing To Byzantium Critical Anylasis
spend the warm and easy Fish, flesh, orfowl, commend all summer long
Whatever is begotten, born, and dies.
reasons are that the country we're encountering is no good
for old men, the young have something to do with it.
These bold lines cover the whole world. All the living creatures
LINES 1-4 months of summer congratulating themselves: life loves life.
No wonder this is "no country for old men": old men are only
The young ... going to remind you that summer doesn't last forever, and
... the mackerel-crowded seas, that what is begotten and born will inevitably die.
In these lines, the speaker begins to build a picture of the Readers get an even stronger sense of this world's
rich, fertile, and thoughtless country of the young. hostility towards the old in the last lines of the stanza:
He describes the residents of this country in ways that move
from the general to the highly specific. "The young / In one Caught in that sensual music all neglect
another's arms" and the "birds in the trees" are presented en Monuments of unageing intellect.
masse, yet readers know exactly what kind of fish this
country is rich with: "The salmon-falls, the What the country of the young lacks, the speaker suggests, is
mackerel-crowded seas." The detail of these later lines helps the capacity to appreciate that which doesn't speak
to create a sense of a whole rich and fertile world—and immediately to the body and the senses—those "Monuments
perhaps a specifically Irish world. Both salmon and mackerel of unageing," or timeless, "intellect."
are characteristically Irish, and the rivers and seas also
Here, a complex pattern of sound helps to support these
suggest the landscape of the poet Yeats's native country.
ideas. Assonance of the /aw/ sound draws a link between
But the generality of the earlier lines and the idea of the seas "begotten" and "caught"—if you've been begotten, you're
as "crowded" helps to make this country seem mythic, too. going to be caught in the illusions of the body, at least for a
There's a sense here of a country that's almost like the while. The sibilance of "sensual music" is itself sensually
Garden of Eden, where all any living creature does is sing, musical, seductively pretty. But there's a harsher reality to
make babies, or lie follow: the sharp /t/ and /k/ sounds of "neglect" and
around kissing. Everything here is abundant and peaceful. "intellect" stand in opposition to that sensual music.
But the speaker breaks in on this rich picture with The speaker's reference to "monuments of unageing
an uncompromising aside: intellect" bears a closer examination. "Monuments" will
reappear in line 14 of the second stanza, again as things
... The young there to be studied or learned from. But what are these
In one another's arms, birds in the trees, monuments? In the first
—Those dying generations—at their song stanza, one could read the monuments as the neglected and
unwanted "old men" themselves (a reading that gives the
This sobering intrusion, set off by emphatic dashes, lets speaker, clearly an old man himself, an edge of bitterness).
readers know that this place is only like Paradise on the But if the monument is of "unageing intellect," it's not the old
surface. Even in the middle of all this thoughtless youth, man, for he has certainly aged. It's something immortal—and,
death waits. The speaker, whom the first line has already as will become clearer later in the poem, is perhaps is a
presented as at a bit of a remove from this country, here reference to art.
shows that he has a perspective that all the happy living
creatures here aren't willing to consider: an old man can see
LINES 9-12
death in the land of the young. An aged man ...
... its mortal dress,
The speaker goes on to muse on the nature of old age, and
how it might be transcended or overcome. In lines 9-10, the The sharp repeated sounds, pointy as a flesh-less elbow,
speaker describes the fate of the old man who doesn't take helps to create the image of an old man as bony and
his soul in hand. Notice how consonance on the /t/ and /k/ weathered as a scarecrow.
sounds helps to evoke frail, brittle old age: But as in line 1, a striking enjambment produces a feeling
of contrast at the end of these lines:
An aged man is but a paltry thing,
A tattered coat upon a stick Or set upon a golden bough to sing All that gold reminds the reader of the gold mosaic that is
like "God's holy fire" in line 17. Here, the speaker imagines
mosaic might make the very poem he's writing an instance of not just traveling to a world of eternal, untarnished gold (see
this "artifice of eternity." Poetry is musical, like a song; it's the "Symbols" section for more on why gold might be an
made of many little pieces (words, that is) put together to especially good image for eternity), but being made of that
form a big picture, like a mosaic. The very act of writing a gold. Being a part of eternity means being made of the
poem might be one way to reach out toward a bigger reality materials of eternity.
than the one your body is stuck in. (Indeed, the reader might This spiritual gold is presented as distinct from "any natural
want to consider that we're reading this poem long after its thing"—but the next lines will complicate this separation of
author's death!) the eternal from the natural.
LINES 25-29 LINES 30-32
Once out of ... Or set upon ...
... drowsy Emperor awake; ... or to come.
The speaker can't quite reach the immortality of the While the speaker began his final stanza by asserting that
sages—at least, not yet, trapped as he is in his mortal body. In "Once out of nature I shall never take / My bodily form from
the poem's final stanza, he falls back from his direct any natural thing," he seems at first to contradict himself in
invocation to the burning, spinning wise men and considers the poem's last few lines.
what he will do when he can at last join them fully. He says
he'll never inhabit a mortal body again, and instead will A golden form set upon a golden bough to sing sounds an
become a work of art created from gold. awful lot like a golden version of the mortal birds ("those
Notice how the woven patterns of alliteration (marked in dying generations") from the poem's first and second lines.
bold), assonance (marked in italics), and word repetition And in a poem where the act of schooling one's soul in
here make this future life as an artwork sound harmoniously transcendence is presented as singing, the reader might be
delicious—and take a look at the diacope of the word "gold": thinking of birds here for more reasons than one.
How might the form of a golden bird be different from "any
Once out of nature I shall never take natural thing"? What is the difference between an eternal
My bodily form from any natural thing bird and a mortal bird? It's the same as the difference
But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make between the "sages" and the mosaic / holy fire where they
Of hammered gold and gold enamelling stand. The sages' bodies are long gone, but they're still there
To keep a drowsy Emperor awake in art and in eternity. Similarly, the golden bird the speaker
imagines becoming is like a body without being a body.
It also has a specific job. Having finished his time in to the future. Eternity, in this poem, mystically mirrors
earthly experience and utterly transcends it at the same
"singing school," the speaker imagines that his eternal
form will time.
... sing
To lords and ladies of Byzantium
Of what is past, or passing, or to come.
The shape of the sentence "past, or passing, or to come" also Gold is an ancient symbol not just for value and
draws the reader back to the first stanza, where "begotten, status, but for spiritual treasure. Because of its
born, and dies" mirrors it. When he is a soul that has become brilliance and the fact that it doesn't tarnish, it's often used
a piece of eternity and an immortal singer, the speaker to represent things of true deep worth—especially the
imagines, he will teach the "lords and ladies of Byzantium" of riches of the soul.
the mystery of time—in the same way that the "sages" taught
him to transcend time. "What is past, or passing, or to come": It serves all these roles here, and more. Gold, in "Sailing to
what else does eternity contain but that? Byzantium," is always associated with transcendent, eternal
art. "God's holy fire" itself is likened to gold mosaic. In the
Notice, too, that "Byzantium" again rhymes with "come"
final stanza, when the speaker is imagining what it will be like
here: that word that can sit comfortably in the past, present, when his soul has truly moved beyond the confines of his
and future. When this rhyme appears in line 15, it refers to body, he'll
the present ("I have sailed the seas and come"); here it refers
Get hundreds more LitCharts at The point here is that art doesn't just outlive humans,
but somehow resembles eternity itself. This is "the artifice of eternity": art represents what is immortal
through what is mortal, and in doing so helps humans to
they're unaware of their own mortality. Their song here imagine something past their bodily lives.
thus represents fleeting, ephemeral beauty.
By the end of the poem, however, the speaker himself Where this symbol appears in the poem:
imagines taking on the form of a golden bird once he's out of
his mortal body. In this role, he'll be able to communicate the • Line 11: “sing, and louder sing”
wisdom of eternity to the living—to "sing," metaphorically, • Lines 13-14: “Nor is there singing school but studying
for all those "lords and ladies of Byzantium" who pass him by. / Monuments of its own magnificence;”
• Lines 17-18: “O sages standing in God's holy fire / As
Birdsong thus becomes something different here—instead of
in the gold mosaic of a wall,”
something beautiful yet fleeting, it becomes everlasting. A
• Line 20: “And be the singing-masters of my
golden bird, of course, can't literally sing. Instead, as an
soul.” • Line 24: “the artifice of eternity.”
undying work of art, this bird would bear witness to
• Lines 27-28: “But such a form as Grecian
history—it could watch the world go by, and remind those goldsmiths make / Of hammered gold and gold
who look upon it of the past, perhaps pushing them to reflect enamelling”
on all that this bird must have
existed). It was renamed Constantinople after the Emperor
Constantine, who made it the capitol of the Roman Empire,
BIRDS AND BIRDSONG and it later became modern-day Istanbul; its time as
Birds appear at two points in the poem: in Byzantium was already in the distant past when Yeats wrote
the this poem.
thoughtless world of the young, and in the Byzantium is associated with ancient religion (including
transcendent world of Byzantium. They thus play a being an important seat of early Christianity), and it's
complicated role, serving at once as symbols of mortality and famous for its beautiful icons and mosaic art.
immortality. In "Sailing to Byzantium," both the fact that the city is
In the first stanza, the birds are called "those dying long-lost and that its gorgeous art remains to this day make
generations." These birds sing beautifully, yet (as it a powerful symbol for spiritual immortality after death.
animals) While the civilizations that first built it have past, their art
figuratively seen through the years. remains, and still connects with the speaker as an image of
that which survives past the mortal body.
Where this symbol appears in the poem:
Where this symbol appears in the poem:
• Line 2: “birds”
• Line 5: “fowl” • Lines 15-16: “And therefore I have sailed the seas
• Line 30: “set upon a golden bough to sing” and come / To the holy city of Byzantium.”
• Lines 17-18: “O sages standing in God's holy fire / As
in the gold mosaic of a wall,”
BYZANTIUM • Lines 30-32: “Or set upon a golden bough to sing / To
Byzantium was an ancient Greek city that has an lords and ladies of Byzantium / Of what is past, or
aura of legend around it (in spite of the fact it really passing, or to come.”
But at the very beginning of the poem, in lines 1-3, Where Caesura appears in the poem:
caesura abruptly breaks into this festive reckoning of • Line 1: “for old men. The young”
happy living creatures: • Line 2: “arms, birds”
• Line 3: “Those dying generations—at their
... The young song” • Line 4: “salmon-falls, the
In one another's arms, birds in the trees, mackerel-crowded ” • Line 5: “Fish, flesh, or fowl,
—Those dying generations—at their song, commend”
• Line 6: “begotten, born, and dies.”
That pungent "Those dying generations," with its use of • Line 10: “upon a stick, unless”
emphatic dashes rather than subtler commas, makes it • Line 11: “sing, and louder sing”
clear that the raptures of the young are (unbeknownst to • Line 19: “holy fire, perne in a gyre,”
them) illusory. • Line 21: “heart away; sick with desire”
Later in the poem, caesurae help to throw emphasis on • Line 23: “what it is; and gather me”
turning points. For instance, consider the break in line 10:
... unless
Get hundreds more LitCharts at Soul clap its hands and sing, and louder sing
Here, the repetition of "sing" is even further driven home
rhythmic sea. with the word "louder": diacope makes the speaker's sense
But enjambment also serves to complicate the lines' meaning. of urgency and necessity around this kind of soul-singing
For instance, consider the enjambment of the first two lines: clear. The word then appears again in line 13 as "singing,"
making this technically an example of polyptoton. The
Diacope is a flavorful and punchy poetic effect, and the overall effect of this repetition is the same, however; it
speaker of "Sailing to Byzantium" uses it repeatedly for this underscores the importance of the soul learning to "sing," to
reason. Diacope is often used to strengthen or emphasize an break free of the body.
A similar effect comes up in lines 27-28: As in the gold mosaic of a wall
But such a form as Grecian goldsmiths make By keeping the image of the "holy fire" a little apart from the
Of hammered gold and gold enamelling "gold mosaic," the poem gives the reader a chance to take in
these images first one and then the other: but here, the
These repeated "golds" create a sense impression of juxtaposition of the two visions of the sages helps to unite
overwhelming richness: that's an awful lot of gold, you them. Generally speaking, then, enjambment in this poem
helps to build complex imagery and to produce surprising
know? (The world "golden" also returns later in the stanza,
layers of meaning.
creating another instance of polyptoton.) The repeated
punch of the monosyllabic, hard sound of the word
"gold"—with its ringing /g/ and thumping /d/—also does Where Enjambment appears in the poem:
some sensory work alongside the adjective "hammered," • Lines 1-2: “young / In”
helping readers to hear the creation of the hammered, • Lines 5-6: “long / Whatever”
golden ornament the speaker describes. • Lines 7-8: “neglect / Monuments”
• Lines 10-11: “unless / Soul”
Where Diacope appears in the poem: • Lines 11-12: “sing / For”
• Lines 13-14: “studying / Monuments”
• Line 11: “sing, and louder sing”
• Lines 15-16: “come / To”
• Lines 27-28: “as Grecian goldsmiths make /
• Lines 17-18: “fire / As”
Of hammered gold and gold enamelling”
• Lines 21-22: “desire / And”
• Lines 22-23: “animal / It”
ENJAMBMENT • Lines 23-24: “me / Into”
Each stanza of "Sailing to Byzantium" contains only a few • Lines 25-26: “take / My”
sentences across its eight lines—and in fact, the second • Lines 27-28: “make / Of”
stanza is just one long sentence. The poem thus winds up • Lines 28-29: “enamelling / To”
using a whole lot of enjambment. • Lines 30-31: “sing / To”
Enjambment can sometimes create a choppy effect, but this • Lines 31-32: “Byzantium / Of”
poem's strong and persistent meter combines with the line
breaks to produce a feeling of continuity. The enjambed PARADOX
lines help to maintain an ongoing flow of thought, which
The paradox of this poem lies in the way the speaker thinks
might echo the speaker's imaginary voyage: a continuous
path across a about his fading body and the immortal soul. While the
That is no country for old men. The young speaker longs to escape his failing old flesh and become
In one another's arms ... immortal (like a work of art), all of his language for his soul is
bodily. The soul has "hands" in line 11 and is represented as a
Here, enjambment leaves "the young" stranded on the same "heart" in line 21. And when the speaker imagines his
line as "old men"—strengthening the juxtaposition and eventual immortality, in which he will "never take / my bodily
contrast between these two kinds of people. form from any natural thing," the bodily form he imagines
taking is nevertheless a copy of a natural thing: while his
The enjambment of lines 17-18 helps to drive a vivid
imagined future body will be made
image home:
Ottava rima has a long history. It was first used, as far as While the growing world may have more of a solid reality
we know, by the medieval Italian poet Boccacio. Because than the imagined Byzantium, both are products of the
of its flexibility, it was often used for longer narrative speaker's mind: his perspective on the world around him
turns it into the land of the young, and Byzantium can be
poems. The speaker's use of it here thus lends the poem
visited only in his visions.
an epic quality.
The rhyme scheme of "Sailing to Byzantium" is, however, not
totally regular. The speaker often uses slant rhyme, as when CONTEXT
he rhymes "unless" and "dress" with "magnificence," or "wall,"
soul," and "animal." These slant rhymes are partly pragmatic LITERARY CONTEXT
(there just aren't as many rhyme-words in English as there William Butler Yeats was an influential Irish poet, most
are in Italian, the language where ottava rima originated), but active around the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Unlike
they're also meaningful. In these slightly mismatched many of his contemporaries, who were experimenting with
rhymes, readers often see the speaker confronting the free verse, Yeats loved old verse forms; his use of ottava rima
mismatch between the transcendent beauty of the soul and in "Sailing to Byzantium" is just one example of his command
the limitations of the physical world: consider that of traditional poetic styles. He was awarded a Nobel Prize
wall/soul/animal rhyme, for instance. for his works.
The C couplets that end each stanza, however, all rhyme Yeats was most deeply influenced by the poets of a
perfectly. Note that those end rhymes are the only places generation or two before him—for instance, the visionary
where the word "Byzantium" appears within the poem—and poetry of the Romantic poet William Blake and the works of
that in both instances, "Byzantium" is rhymed with "come." the Pre Raphaelite circle. His taste for magic and the occult
The speaker's longing for the transcendence he represents (both enjoying a renaissance during his lifetime) shows up in
with the ancient city is spelled out in rhyme. the mysticism of his verse. He can also be classed as a
Symbolist: an artist reacting against a predominating
Victorian naturalism in favor of work influenced by dreams,
SPEAKER imagination, and visions.
The speaker, readers can safely say, is an old man. His whole Yeats wrote "Sailing to Byzantium" in 1926, when he was in
perspective on the world and the action of the poem are his 60s, and said of it: "I am trying to write about the state of
founded on his reaction to his own age. In the first and my soul, for it is right for an old man to make his soul, and
second stanzas, he reveals his sadness at the indignities of some of my thoughts about that subject I have put into a
poem called 'Sailing to Byzantium.'"
of Irish history. In the aftermath of the 1916 Easter Rising,
HISTORICAL CONTEXT when Irish Republican forces rebelled against British
"Sailing to Byzantium" was written during a chaotic period occupation, a