KUKA OfficeLite 85 en
KUKA OfficeLite 85 en
KUKA OfficeLite 85 en
KUKA.OfficeLite 8.5
eLite 8.5
Issued: 14.09.2017
© Copyright 2017
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg
This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Terms used ................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Trademarks ................................................................................................................ 6
7 Messages ..................................................................................................... 29
7.1 Error messages during licensing ................................................................................ 29
Index ............................................................................................................. 39
1 Introduction
This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
Basic knowledge of KRL programming
Knowledge of the robot controller system
Basic knowledge of the Windows operating system
Notices These notices serve to make your work easier or contain references to further
Term Description
EMD Electronic Mastering Device
KRL KUKA robot programming language (KUKA Robot
KLI The KLI is the Ethernet interface of the robot control-
ler for external communication. It is a physical inter-
face and can contain multiple virtual interfaces.
(KUKA Line Interface)
KPP KUKA Power Pack (drive power supply with drive
KSP KUKA Servo Pack (drive controller)
KUKA smartHMI User interface of the KUKA System Software (KUKA
smart Human-Machine Interface)
KUKA smartPAD Teach pendant for the industrial robot
NTFS File system for the Windows operating system (New
Technology File System)
VMware software Software with which virtual machines can be created
and run
VRC Interface for KUKA.Sim Pro
1.5 Trademarks
2 Product description
Overview of KUKA.OfficeLite
dling the KUKA System Software on a PC. For this, an image of the System
Software is run on a virtual machine.
The list refers to the technology packages available at the time of doc-
umentation. Further technology packages may be added in the future
which may also be incompatible with installation on the system soft-
ware image. It is therefore advisable to install technology packages only after
consultation with KUKA Roboter GmbH.
Performance By default, KUKA.OfficeLite does not execute processes in real time, but
slightly more slowly than a real robot controller. The process time depends on
the host system on which OfficeLite is installed and the utilization of the host
The cycle time analysis is not affected by this. For example, a robot program
simulated with OfficeLite runs more slowly than on a robot controller. The pro-
gram run time measured with $TIMER is identical to the program run time on
a robot controller, however.
Example: The simulation of a robot program in OfficeLite takes 3.5 minutes
and a duration of 3 minutes is displayed in OfficeLite. On a robot controller, the
execution of the program would take 3 minutes.
Software compo- The following components are included in the scope of supply of KUKA.Offic-
nents eLite:
KUKA System Software 8.5
Windows Embedded Standard 7 operating system on NTFS
KUKA VRC Interface
The virtual system for running the software image is not included in the scope
of supply of KUKA.OfficeLite. Only virtual systems from VMware may be used,
e.g. VMware Player or VMware Workstation. It is the user’s responsibility to
check which VMware software is suitable for use in the user’s company.
KUKA.Sim Pro In combination with KUKA.Sim Pro 3.0, KUKA.OfficeLite can be used as a vir-
tual robot controller, e.g. for carrying out robot simulations and cycle time mea-
surements. For the connection with KUKA.Sim Pro, KUKA VRC Interface must
be installed on the virtual image on which KUKA.OfficeLite is installed.
KUKA.Sim Pro can be installed on the same host computer as KUKA.Offic-
eLite but not on the same virtual image as KUKA.OfficeLite. The connection is
always established from KUKA.Sim Pro.
WorkVisual Projects created with WorkVisual 5.0 can be transferred to the System Soft-
ware image, e.g. in order to simulate programs created in WorkVisual or con-
figure the desired robot type.
WorkVisual can be installed on the same host computer as KUKA.OfficeLite
but not on the same virtual image as KUKA.OfficeLite.
Misuse Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be misuse
and is not allowed. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any resulting
damage. The risk lies entirely with the user.
Examples of such misuse include:
Installation of the software on a real robot controller
Using a virtual system other than VMware
Compatibility The PLC software Step 7 must not be installed on the virtual image on
which KUKA.OfficeLite is installed.
Recommendation Power save mode may interfere with the correct running of KUKA.OfficeLite.
It is therefore advisable to deactivate the power save mode.
The following license types are available for KUKA.OfficeLite and KUKA VRC
Single PC license
The license is valid for a specific PC. The license cannot be transferred to
a different PC.
This option is only supported in the case of PCs with a Windows operating
Server license
The license is accessed from a server with a certain number of (floating)
licenses. A corresponding license server must be available to manage the
licenses provided by the manufacturer.
A user can call licenses on any client PC that has access via the network
to the license server. It is also possible to borrow licenses for a limited
time, so that the software can be used without a connection to the license
This option is only supported in the case of PCs with a Windows operating
Description A license key is required for licensing KUKA.OfficeLite and KUKA VRC Inter-
face. In order to be able to create the license request, the VMware image must
be started by OfficeLite.
Preparation Unzip the ZIP archive with the VMware image from the double-layer DVD
into the desired target directory on the host computer, e.g. with WinZip or
Procedure 1. Start the VMware software and click on Open a Virtual Machine.
2. Navigate to the directory into which the VMware image was unzipped. Se-
lect the OfficeLite file KR C, VOL_RELEASE.vmx and click on Open to load
it on the virtual machine.
3. Click on Play virtual machine. Windows is started.
The Windows start-up may take several minutes. Wait for the proce-
dure to be completed without performing any other actions, e.g. click-
ing, in the meantime.
Procedure 1. Start the FingerprintCreator via the desktop shortcut. KUKA Fingerprint
Creator opens.
2. Enter the path for saving the fingerprint in the Select Output File box, or
use the ... button to select the file location.
If the data are being saved to a USB stick, the virtual machine must
be active when the stick is connected. If no USB drive is displayed in
the virtual machine, it must be connected manually to the virtual ma-
(>>> 5.2 "Manually connecting a USB drive with the virtual machine"
Page 21)
3. Click on the Create button. The KUKA Fingerprint *.KFP is created in the
specified location.
4. Send the fingerprint file *.KFP with the following information by e-mail to
[email protected]:
KUKA reference number for the purchased software (found under
Supplier Ref. No. on the Order Confirmation from KUKA)
The license key is requested. The license file *.LIC will be sent to you by KUKA
Procedure 1. Start the VMware software and select the image KR C, VOL_RELEASE in
the navigator of the virtual machine.
2. Click on Play virtual machine. KUKA.OfficeLite is started and the activa-
tion wizard FLEXnet License Finder is opened.
3. Save the license file *.LIC on the virtual machine.
4. Select the license type Specify the License File. Click Next> to proceed.
5. Enter the location and name of the license file *.LIC or use Browse to
search for the license file *.LIC and load it. Click Next> to proceed.
6. Confirm the licensing with Finish.
KUKA.OfficeLite is now licensed and activated.
Procedure 1. Open the FLEXLM folder on the license server via the shortcut on the
desktop and start the program lmtools.exe.
The LMTOOLS window is opened.
2. On the System Settings tab, click on the button Save HOSTID Info to a
3. Select the file location and enter a name for the license request file. Click
on Save. The license request file is created.
4. Send the license request file with the following information by e-mail to
[email protected]:
KUKA reference number for the purchased software (found under
Supplier Ref. No. on the Order Confirmation from KUKA)
The license key is requested. The license file *.LIC will be sent to you by KUKA
8. Activate the Use Services check box (set the check mark).
9. If necessary, activate the Start Server at Power Up check box (set the
check mark).
The option Start Server at Power Up has the effect that the FLEXlm li-
cense manager is automatically started when the computer is rebooted.
10. Click on Save Service. “OL Service” is saved.
Precondition Network connection to the license server on which the license file *.LIC is
Procedure 1. Start the VMware software and select the image KR C, VOL_RELEASE in
the navigator of the virtual machine.
2. Click on Play virtual machine. KUKA.OfficeLite is started and the activa-
tion wizard FLEXnet License Finder is opened.
3. Select the license type Specify the License Server System. Click Next>
to proceed.
4. Enter the name of the license server. Click Next> to proceed. The license
server automatically assigns a license from its license pool.
5. Confirm the licensing with Finish.
KUKA.OfficeLite is now licensed and activated.
For the connection with KUKA.Sim Pro, KUKA VRC Interface must be installed
on the virtual image on which KUKA.OfficeLite is installed. KUKA VRC Inter-
face is only licensed in conjunction with KUKA.Sim Pro.
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software. All additional
programs installed are displayed.
2. Click on the New software button.
3. Select the entry VRC Interface and click on the Install button. Reply to the
request for confirmation with Yes. Installation is prepared.
4. Confirm the reboot prompt with OK.
5. Restart Windows on the virtual machine. To do so, select Shut Down >
Restart in the Windows Start menu. Installation is resumed and complet-
6. Once Windows has booted, the smartHMI is no longer automatically start-
To start smartHMI, select All Programs > KUKA > StartKRC in the Win-
dows Start menu of the virtual machine.
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Start-up > Additional software. All additional
programs installed are displayed.
2. Select the entry VRC Interface and click on the Uninstall button. Reply to
the request for confirmation with Yes. KUKA VRC Interface is uninstalled.
Procedure 1. Open the FLEXLM folder on the virtual machine via the shortcut on the
desktop and start the program lmtools.exe.
The LMTOOLS window is opened.
2. Make the following settings on the Utilities tab:
Under Vendor Name, enter LM_LICENSE_FILE.
Under Path, enter the path @Server name to the license server, e.g.
3. Click on Add Vendor Path to save the settings on the Utilities tab.
4. Make the following settings on the Borrowing tab:
Enter KUKAROB under Vendor Name.
Under Return Date, enter the date the license is required until, e.g. 31-
aug-2017 (31st August 2017; always enter the first 3 letters of the
name of the month in English). The date must be within the maximum
borrowing period.
Under Return Time, enter the time the license is required until, e.g.
Procedure 1. Open the FLEXLM folder on the virtual machine via the shortcut on the
desktop and start the program lmtools.exe.
The LMTOOLS window is opened.
2. On the Borrowing tab under Feature Name, enter the name of the appli-
cation for which the license is to be returned to the license server earlier
than originally planned:
KUKAROB_HMI_8 for KUKA.OfficeLite
KUKAROB_VRC_2 for KUKA VRC Interface
3. Click on Return Borrowed Licenses Early to return the license for the
application specified unter Feature Name.
4. Start the application (KUKA.OfficeLite or KUKA VRC Manager). The li-
cense is returned to the license server only after the application has been
5. Click on List Currently Borrowed Features to check that the borrowed
license has been successfully returned. The application is no longer
shown in the list of licensed applications.
VMware settings and operating instructions
Operating instructions for VMware
License transfer
to a different folder, the host ID will also change. The old license will no longer
be valid. A new license must then be requested.
(>>> 4.3 "Transferring licenses" Page 19)
Keyboard The Windows language in VMware is English as standard. The input scheme
assignment for the keyboard assignment is German as standard.
The keyboard assignment can be set to English in the Windows Control Panel
of the virtual machine:
1. Select Clock, Language, and Region > Region and Language in the
Windows Control Panel. The Region and Language window is opened.
2. Select the Keyboards and Languages tab and click on Change key-
boards…. The window Text Services and Input Languages is opened.
3. On the General tab, select English … under Default input language.
4. Close the window by clicking on OK.
5. Restart Windows on the virtual machine. To do so, select Shut Down >
Restart in the Windows Start menu.
Description The virtual machine must be active in order for a USB stick to be automatically
assigned a drive on the virtual machine on connecting the stick. As standard,
this is the E:\ drive
If the host computer is active instead of the virtual machine, no USB drive is
displayed on the virtual machine. In this case, the drive must be connected
manually to the virtual machine.
Description The following network settings are available in VMware for the operation of
Bridged: This is the default setting. Required if the host computer is inte-
grated into a network. The user can then access the virtual machine from
the network, and the network can be accessed from the virtual machine.
If Bridged is used, the check box Replicate physical network connec-
tion state must be activated (check mark set).
NAT: This setting is required if the host computer is not integrated into a
Host-only: Not required.
3. If the host computer is integrated into a network, use the default setting in
the Network connection box:
Bridged option
Check box Replicate physical network connection state (check
mark set)
4. If the host computer is not integrated into a network, select the option NAT
in the Network connection box.
5. Restart VMware to initialize the modified network settings.
Description If it is not possible to access an external system, e.g. the license server, from
the virtual machine, it is recommended to check whether the corresponding
computer can be pinged.
Procedure 1. Open the Windows command prompt on the virtual machine. To do so, en-
ter the command cmd in the Windows Start menu and confirm it with the
Enter key.
2. Enter the command ping computer_name and confirm with the Enter key.
3. If the pinged computer does not respond, contact the network administra-
tor to check the network or domain settings.
6 Operation, KUKA.OfficeLite
Item Description
1 Button for the enabling switch
2 List box for selecting the operating mode
3 Buttons for manual motion (jog keys)
4 Button for setting the program override
5 Button for setting the jog override
6 This button is used to display the menu items on the user interface
(Main menu key).
7 Buttons for the status keys.
Status keys are used primarily for setting parameters in technology
packages. Their exact function depends on the technology pack-
ages installed.
8 This button is used to start a program (Start key).
Item Description
9 This button is used to start a program backwards (Start backwards
10 This button is used to stop a program that is running (STOP key).
11 Button for displaying the keyboard (Keyboard key)
It is generally not necessary to press this key to display the key-
board, as the user interface detects when keyboard input is re-
quired and displays the keyboard automatically.
Item Description
1 Input number
2 Value of the input. The icon is green if an input is TRUE.
3 SIM entry: The input is simulated.
SYS entry: The value of the input is saved in a system variable.
This input is write-protected and cannot be simulated.
4 Name of the input
Button Description
-100 Toggles back 100 inputs in the display.
+100 Toggles forward 100 inputs in the display.
Button Description
Go to The number of the input being searched for can be en-
Value Toggles the selected input between TRUE and FALSE.
This button is not available when simulation is switched
off and in AUT and AUT EXT modes.
Name The name of the selected input can be modified.
Sim on/off Switches simulation on or off.
Description KUKA.OfficeLite can be used together with KUKA.Sim Pro in order to simulate
e.g. the signal exchange between a sensor and a robot. A signal is only trans-
mitted when an edge change is detected.
To ensure that an edge change occurs from FALSE to TRUE when an output
is set, the I/Os used must be set to FALSE at the beginning of the program.
7 Messages
Error messages during licensing
The following FLEXlm error messages occur most frequently during licensing:
Other error messages which may occur during licensing are de-
scribed in the chapter Error Codes in the License Administration
Guide for FLEXlm. This guide is included in the scope of supply for
8 KUKA Service
Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.
A Licensing 11
Activating OfficeLite 15
B Main menu key 25
Borrowed licenses, returning 18 Messages 29
Borrowing 11, 17
C Network connection, checking 22
Compatibility 11 Network settings, configuring 21
Components, software 8 NTFS 6, 8
Documentation, industrial robot 5 OfficeLite, activating 13
OfficeLite, operation 25
E OfficeLite, starting 11
EMD 6 Operating system, VMware 11
Error messages, licensing 29 Operation, OfficeLite 25
Overview, graphical user interface 25
F Overview, OfficeLite 7
Functions 7
Functions, constraints 7 P
Performance 8
G Power save mode, deactivation 11
Graphical user interface, overview 25 Processor 11
Product description 7
Hard disk space 11 R
RAM 11
Inputs, simulating 26 S
Installation 11 Safety instructions 5
Installation, VRC Interface 15 Server license 11
Intended use 9 Server license, requesting 13
Introduction 5 Server licenses, management 17
Service, KUKA Roboter GmbH 31
J Signal exchange 27
Jog keys 25 Simulation 26
Single PC license 11
K Single PC license, requesting 13
Keyboard 26 smartHMI 6
Keyboard assignment 21 smartPAD 6
Keyboard key 26 Software, components 8
KLI 6, 7 Start backwards key 26
Knowledge, required 5 Start key 25
KPP 6 STOP key 26
KRL 6 Support request 31
KSP 6 System requirements 11
KUKA Customer Support 31 System requirements, hardware 11
KUKA.Sim Pro 8 System requirements, software 11
License management 17 Target group 5
License server, start-up 14 Terms used 6
License transfer 21 Terms, used 6
License types 11 Trademarks 6
License, expired 19 Training 5
Licenses, borrowing 17
Licenses, transferring 19
Uninstallation, KUKA VRC Interface 16
USB drive, connecting 21
Use, intended 9
VMware software 6
VMware, operating instructions 21
VMware, settings 21
VRC 6, 8
Warnings 5
WorkVisual 8