KUKA HMI Easy 10 en
KUKA HMI Easy 10 en
KUKA HMI Easy 10 en
Easy 1.0
Issued: 16.04.2018
© Copyright 2018
KUKA Deutschland GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg
This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Deutschland GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 5
1.4 Trademarks ................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Terms used ................................................................................................................ 6
1.6 Licenses ..................................................................................................................... 6
3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 9
4 Installation .................................................................................................... 11
4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 11
4.2 Installation via WorkVisual ......................................................................................... 11
4.2.1 Installing or updating KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 ........................................................... 11
4.2.2 Uninstalling KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 .......................................................................... 12
4.3 Installation via smartHMI ............................................................................................ 12
4.3.1 Installing or updating KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 ........................................................... 12
4.3.2 Uninstalling KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 .......................................................................... 13
5 Configuration ............................................................................................... 15
5.1 Creating an HMI Easy module ................................................................................... 15
5.2 Opening a file in the HMI Easy editor ....................................................................... 16
5.3 Creating/removing tabs .............................................................................................. 16
5.4 Inserting and editing interface elements .................................................................... 17
5.5 Position on the HMI ................................................................................................. 18
5.6 General properties ................................................................................................... 18
5.7 Element-specific properties .................................................................................... 19
5.7.1 Drop-down box element ...................................................................................... 20
5.7.2 Image element ...................................................................................................... 20
5.7.3 Text block element .............................................................................................. 21
5.7.4 Text box element ................................................................................................. 21
5.7.5 Numeric + / - element .......................................................................................... 22
5.7.6 Slider control element ......................................................................................... 22
5.7.7 LED element ......................................................................................................... 22
5.7.8 LED on / off element ............................................................................................ 23
5.7.9 Pushbutton element ............................................................................................ 23
5.7.10 Reference element ............................................................................................... 23
5.7.11 Array element ....................................................................................................... 24
5.8 Copying interface elements ....................................................................................... 25
5.9 Moving interface elements to the background ........................................................... 25
5.10 Removing interface elements .................................................................................... 25
5.11 Integrating the user interface in KUKA smartHMI ...................................................... 25
6 Programming ............................................................................................... 27
7 Messages ...................................................................................................... 33
7.1 Information about the messages ............................................................................... 33
7.2 System messages from module: HMIEasy ................................................................ 33
7.2.1 HMIEasy 00003 .................................................................................................... 33
7.2.2 HMIEasy 00004 .................................................................................................... 33
7.2.3 HMIEasy 00005 .................................................................................................... 34
7.2.4 HMIEasy 00006 .................................................................................................... 34
7.2.5 HMIEasy 00007 .................................................................................................... 35
7.2.6 HMIEasy 00009 .................................................................................................... 35
7.2.7 HMIEasy 00010 .................................................................................................... 36
7.2.8 HMIEasy 00012 .................................................................................................... 36
7.2.9 HMIEasy 00015 .................................................................................................... 37
Index ............................................................................................................. 47
1 Introduction
This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
Advanced KRL programming skills
Advanced knowledge of WorkVisual
Notices These notices serve to make your work easier or contain references to further
1.4 Trademarks
Term Description
KRL KUKA robot programming language (KUKA Robot Lan-
KUKA smartHMI User interface of the KUKA System Software (KUKA
smart Human-Machine Interface)
KXR Language-specific text, dependent on the language
selected on the KUKA smartHMI
WorkVisual Engineering environment for KR C4-controlled robot
1.6 Licenses
The KUKA license conditions and the license conditions of the open-source
software used can be found in the following folders:
Under .\LICENSE on the data storage medium with the installation files of
the KUKA software
Under D:\KUKA_OPT\Option package name\LICENSE after installation on
the robot controller
In the license folder under the name of the option package in the Options
catalog after installation in WorkVisual
2 Product description
user interfaces.
The user interfaces can be used to display and modify process parameters
and variables, for example.
WorkVisual The following software is required for configuring the user interfaces:
For KUKA System Software 8.3.18 or higher:
WorkVisual 4.0 or higher
For VW System Software 8.3 or higher:
WorkVisual 4.0 or higher
For KUKA System Software 8.5:
WorkVisual 5.0
Use KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 is intended exclusively for creating user-defined user in-
The software must only be operated in compliance with the system require-
ments specified for it.
Misuse Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be misuse
and is not allowed. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage re-
sulting from such use. The risk lies entirely with the user.
3 Safety
4 Installation
The option package can either be installed on the robot controller via the sm-
artHMI or via WorkVisual.
Robot Hardware:
controller KR C4
KUKA System Software 8.3.18 or higher
VW System Software 8.3
KUKA System Software 8.5
Laptop/PC Software:
For KUKA System Software 8.3.18 or higher:
WorkVisual 4.0 or higher
For VW System Software 8.3 or higher:
WorkVisual 4.0 or higher
For KUKA System Software 8.5:
WorkVisual 5.0
The requirements for installation of WorkVisual are contained in the WorkVi-
sual documentation.
Description The option package is installed in WorkVisual and added to the project. During
project deployment, the option package is automatically installed on the robot
In the case of an update, the previous version of the option package in WorkVi-
sual must first be uninstalled.
Procedure 1. Only for an update: Uninstall the previous version of the KUKA.HMI Easy
1.0 option package in WorkVisual.
2. Install the KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 option package in WorkVisual.
3. Answer the request for confirmation Do you want to activate the project […]?
with Yes.
4. An overview with the changes and a request for confirmation are dis-
played. Answer this with Yes. The option package is uninstalled and the
robot controller carries out a reboot.
5 Configuration
Description User-defined user interfaces are created and managed as HMI Easy modules
in WorkVisual.
1. Click on the button or select the menu sequence Editors > Option
packages > HMI Easy management.
The HMI Easy management opens.
2. There, click on the Add HMI Easy module button and assign a name for
the module.
Button Name/description
Add HMI Easy module
Description The HMI Easy editor can be used to edit HMI Easy modules and configure
your own user interfaces. A preview of the KUKA smartHMI is found on the
left-hand side of the editor. The tabs for the configuration are located on the
right-hand side.
Procedure Select the desired module in the HMI Easy management and click on the
Configure HMI Easy module button or double-click on the module.
Tab Description
Catalog Catalog with the available interface elements
Properties Editing of the properties of the interface elements used
Tab General settings for the tab (name; number of col-
Settings General settings for display of the user interface on the
smartHMI and configuration of the menu item on the
Description A newly created HMI Easy module contains one tab as standard. Up to 5 tabs
can be created for the user interface. Up to 4 columns per tab are possible.
Item Description
1 Position on the HMI
(>>> 5.5 "Position on the HMI" Page 18)
2 General properties
(>>> 5.6 "General properties" Page 18)
3 Element-specific properties
(>>> 5.7 "Element-specific properties" Page 19)
Name Description
Column Determines which column the element is located in.
Row Determines which line the element is located in.
1 … 10
Column Determines the number of columns the element is dis-
width played across. The element is displayed correspondingly
larger or smaller.
Row height Determines the number of lines the element is displayed
across. The element is displayed correspondingly larger
or smaller.
1 … 10
Before start-up, the passwords for the user groups must be changed
in the system software. The passwords must only be communicated
to authorized personnel.
Name Description
Header Heading for the element
Variable Variable linked to the element
With global variables, only the name of the variable must be
entered. With local variables, the directory must also be speci-
Example: The local variable “myVar” is located in the DAT file
of the “test” module in the directory R1\Program. This must be
entered as follows: \R1\Program\test\myVar
Note: If the variable is an output ($OUT[]), the following settings
are used automatically:
The enabling switch must be pressed to modify the element.
The system submit interpreter must be started to modify the
Name Description
Required user level If using KUKA System Software 8.5
Function group whose user rights are required to modify the
Default: Basic operation of the technology packages
If using KUKA or VW System Software 8.3
The minimum user group required to modify an element
Default: Expert
Highest operating mode Operating mode up to which the element can be modified
Robot drives must be active Check box active: The drives must be activated to modify
the element.
Check box not active: The drives do not have to be activat-
ed to modify the element.
Default: Check box not active
Submit interpreter must be Check box active: The system submit interpreter must be
active started to modify the element.
Check box not active: The system submit interpreter does
not have to be started to modify the element.
Default: Check box not active
Description Information about the element
If a description is entered here, an info symbol is displayed
above the element on the right. Clicking on the symbol displays
a tool tip with the description.
Element Description
(>>> 5.7.1 "Drop-down box element"
Page 20)
(>>> 5.7.2 "Image element" Page 20)
Description This element can be used to select entries in a list and display them.
The individual drop-down elements can be inserted in the element-specific
properties using the plus button and removed again using the correspond-
ing minus button .
Name Description
Value Value of the entry in the list
For values of the data type ENUM, a hash symbol must
be placed before the value.
Example: #T1
Key Name of the entry displayed
A KXR key can also be specified for the name.
Example The variable myIntVar can be set to the value 1, 2 or 3 using the drop-down
elements defined in this example. The elements Value1, Value2 and Value3
are subsequently available for selection as list entries on the smartHMI.
Description This element can be used to display a graphic. For this, a static path to the
graphic can be specified, or a KRL string variable with the path to the desired
The string variable is specified in the general properties of the image element
(parameter Variable). If the status of the variable changes, the graphic is au-
tomatically refreshed.
Name Description
Path Static path to the graphic at Windows level
If the parameter Variable is used to specify the path,
the parameter Path is automatically deactivated.
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the graphic
Default: Middle
Vertical align- Vertical alignment of the graphic
Default: Middle
Example In this example, a global KRL string variable is used to specify the path to the
This element can be used to display texts. The element can, for example, be
used for headings.
Name Description
Text Text displayed
A KXR key can also be specified for the text.
Font size Size of the text
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the text
Default: Left
Vertical align- Vertical alignment of the text
Default: Middle
Name Description
Data type Type of keyboard displayed
No restriction: Numbers and letters
Numeric: Only numbers
Numeric integer: Only integers
Numeric integer, >=0: Only positive integers
Name Description
Minimum Minimum value
Default: 0
Maximum Maximum value
Default: 100
Increment Increment by which the value is changed
Default: 1
Name Description
Minimum Minimum value
Default: 0
Maximum Maximum value
Default: 100
Increment Increment by which the value is changed
Default: 1
Name Description
Color Color of the active LED
Default: Green
Inverted Check box active: State of the LED is displayed in-
Check box not active: State of the LED is not dis-
played inverted.
Default: Check box not active
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the element
Default: Left
This element can be used to display and modify the state of a Boolean vari-
able. The active LED is green and is not displayed inverted.
Name Description
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the element
Default: Left
This element can be used to modify the state of a Boolean variable. When the
pushbutton is pressed, the defined value is set. When the pushbutton is re-
leased, the opposite value is set.
Name Description
Pressed value The value set by pressing
Default: true
Contents but- Label on the element
A KXR key can also be specified for the label.
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the element
Default: Left
Description Other elements can reference this element and can change an index in accor-
dance with the value displayed by this element.
Name Description
Start value Start value of the variable
Default: 1
End value End value of the variable
Default: 10
Identifier Identifier for this element
In order for other elements to be able to reference this
element, they need an identifier. A hash symbol must
be set before and after the identifier.
Example: $OUT[#testref#]
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the element
Default: Left
Example In this example, testref is the identifier and $OUT[] is the variable referencing
Description You can use this element to switch back and forth between the individual ele-
ments of an array.
Name Description
Start value Start value of the variable
Default: 1
End value End value of the variable
Default: 10
Horizontal Horizontal alignment of the element
Default: Left
Example In this example, it is possible to switch back and forth between the values of
the variables myVar[1] … myVar[10].
Description Elements can be moved to the background, e.g. a graphic behind other ele-
Description The general settings for the display of the user interface on the smartHMI and
the menu item for calling it can be configured in the HMI Easy editor.
Name Description
Window title Name of the window
A KXR key can also be specified for the name.
Display size Half or full-page display
Default: Full-page
smartHMI menu A smartHMI menu item for calling the user interface is not strictly necessary.
item The views created with HMI Easy can also be called via special KRL functions
and KRL variables.
Name Description
Folder Menu in which the menu item is inserted in the main menu.
Default: Display
smartHMI menu item name Name of the menu item
A KXR key can also be specified for the name.
Position of menu item Position of the menu item in the menu
The lower the value, the higher the position in the menu.
Default: 1000
Generate menu item Check box active: A menu item is generated on the smartH-
Check box not active: No menu item is generated on the
Default: Check box not active
6 Programming
Using special KRL functions, the user-defined HMI Easy views can be opened
and closed again on the smartHMI. Furthermore, statuses of the views can be
monitored and KRL string variables set.
6.1.1 HmiEasyOpenView
Description The function can be used to open a specific HMI Easy view.
Syntax HmiEasyOpenView(ViewName)
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
ViewName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the view (= name of the HMI Easy module)
Example HmiEasyOpenView("MyView")
6.1.2 HmiEasyOpenViewWithTab
Description The function can be used to open a specific HMI Easy view with a specific tab.
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
ViewName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the view (= name of the HMI Easy module)
Number Type: INT
Tab number
1 ... 5
Example HmiEasyOpenViewWithTab("MyView", 3)
If only 2 tabs have been configured for the called view, for example, an error
message is generated: Tab "{Tab number}" could not be opened.
6.1.3 HmiEasyOpenTab
Description The function can be used to display a specific tab of the currently open HMI
Easy view.
Syntax HmiEasyOpenTab(Number)
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
Number Type: INT
Tab number
1 ... 5
Example HmiEasyOpenTab(3)
If no HMI Easy view is currently open, the command has no effect. If only 2
tabs have been configured for the currently open view, for example, an error
message is generated: Tab "{Tab number}" could not be opened.
6.1.4 HmiEasyAnyViewIsOpen
Description The function can be used to check whether one of the configured HMI Easy
views is open.
6.1.5 HmiEasyViewIsOpen
Description The function can be used to check whether one of the configured HMI Easy
views is open.
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
ViewName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the view (= name of the HMI Easy module)
6.1.6 HmiEasyViewWithTabIsOpen
Description The function can be used to check whether a specific HMI Easy view is dis-
played with a specific tab.
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
ViewName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the view (= name of the HMI Easy module)
Number Type: INT
Tab number
1 ... 5
With this command, the system waits during program execution until the view
“MyView” and its second tab are displayed on the smartHMI.
6.1.7 HmiEasyTabIsOpen
Description The function can be used to check whether a specific tab of the currently open
HMI Easy view is displayed.
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
Number Type: INT
Tab number
1 ... 5
With this command, the system waits during program execution until the sec-
ond tab of the currently open view is displayed on the smartHMI.
6.1.8 HmiEasyCloseActView
Description The function can be used to close the HMI Easy view that is currently open.
Syntax HmiEasyCloseActView()
6.1.9 HmiEasyCloseView
Description The function can be used to close a specific HMI Easy view.
Syntax HmiEasyCloseView(ViewName)
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
ViewName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the view (= name of the HMI Easy module)
Example HmiEasyCloseView("MyView")
6.1.10 HmiEasySetString
Description The function can be used to write a new string value to a KRL string variable.
This string variable can be the contents of a text box, for example, or the path
to an image element.
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
VarName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the string variable
Note: If the variable is defined globally, it is sufficient to
specify the variable name. If it is defined locally in a pro-
gram, the path to the program must additionally be speci-
value Type: CHAR[]
New value of the string variable
HmiEasySetString(/R1/Program/vartest/myString[], "myStringContent")
Using special KRL variables, the user-defined HMI Easy views can be opened
and closed again on the smartHMI. Furthermore, statuses of the views can be
6.2.1 HmiEasy.OpenView
Description The variable can be used to open a specific HMI Easy view.
Syntax HmiEasy.OpenView[]=ViewName
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
ViewName Type: CHAR[]
Name of the view (= name of the HMI Easy module)
Example HmiEasy.OpenView[]="myView"
6.2.2 HmiEasy.ActView
Description The variable can be used to check whether an HMI Easy view is currently open
and, if so, which one.
Example If the variable HmiEasy.ActView[] returns the value “myView”, a view with the
name “myView” is currently displayed on the smartHMI.
If the value “ ” is returned, no HMI Easy view is open.
6.2.3 HmiEasy.OpenTab
Description The variable can be used to display a specific tab of the currently open HMI
Easy view.
Syntax HmiEasy.OpenTab=Number
Explanation of
Element Element
the syntax
Number Type: INT
Tab number
1 ... 5
Example HmiEasy.OpenTab=3
If no view is currently open, the command has no effect. If only 2 tabs have
been configured for the currently open view, for example, an error message is
generated: Tab "{Tab number}" could not be opened.
6.2.4 HmiEasy.ActTab
Description The variable can be used to check which tab of the currently open HMI Easy
view is displayed.
Example If the variable HmiEasy.ActTab returns the value 2, the second tab of the cur-
rently open HMI Easy view is displayed on the smartHMI.
6.2.5 HmiEasy.CloseActView
Description The variable can be used to close the HMI Easy view that is currently open.
Example HmiEasy.CloseActView=true
If an HMI Easy view is open, it is closed by the command. The variable is then
reset to the value “false”.
7 Messages
Information about the messages
The “Messages” chapter contains selected messages. It does not cover all the
messages displayed in the message window.
Possible cause(s) Cause: xml file not found (>>> Page 33)
Solution: Contact KUKA Support (>>> Page 33)
Checking instruc- Check the file name and path of the xml file.
Possible cause(s) Cause: Path to xml file not found (>>> Page 33)
Solution: Contact KUKA Support (>>> Page 34)
Description An error occurred on executing the software. The error details are specified in
the message.
Description If the error cannot be eliminated, contact KUKA Support for troubleshooting.
Possible cause(s) Cause: An error occurred with a variable (>>> Page 34)
Solution: Observe associated system message (>>> Page 35)
Description The system message specified in this message indicates the cause of the er-
ror. The system message is displayed separately in addition to this message.
Checking instruc- Check the system message that is displayed with this message.
Description The troubleshooting information must be taken from the corresponding system
Possible cause(s) Cause: xsd file not found (>>> Page 35)
Solution: Contact KUKA Support (>>> Page 35)
Checking instruc- Check the file name and path of the xsd file.
Possible cause(s) Cause: More than 30 variables configured (>>> Page 35)
Solution: Reduce the number of variables and transfer the WorkVisual
project again (>>> Page 35)
Solution: Reduce the number of variables and transfer the WorkVisual project again
Description The number of variables can be reduced by deleting the superfluous elements
on the tab of the HMI Easy module in question.
Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Editors > Option packages > HMI Easy man-
2. In order to open the affected module in the HMI Easy editor, double-click
on the module in the HMI Easy management.
3. To delete an element from a tab, right-click on the element in the preview
of the smartHMI and select Remove element from the context menu.
4. Save the project and transfer it to the robot controller.
5. Reboot the robot controller.
Possible cause(s) Cause: Array index for variable configured incorrectly (>>> Page 36)
Solution: Configure the variable correctly and transfer the WorkVisual
project again (>>> Page 36)
Description The variable specified in the message cannot be displayed in the HMI Easy
view, as the array index for this variable has been configured incorrectly.
Solution: Configure the variable correctly and transfer the WorkVisual project again
Description Correctly configure the variable in the affected HMI Easy module.
Procedure 1. Select the menu sequence Editors > Option packages > HMI Easy man-
2. In order to open the affected module in the HMI Easy editor, double-click
on the module in the HMI Easy management.
3. Configure the variable as required.
4. Save the project and transfer it to the robot controller.
5. Reboot the robot controller.
Description The tab of an HMI Easy view has been called using a KRL function or KRL
variable. The tab is not available in this view and cannot be displayed.
Example Tab number 3 has been called with HmiEasyOpenTab(3), but there are only
2 tabs available in the currently open view.
Description Using a KRL function or KRL variable, call a tab that is available in the HMI
Easy view.
Description If the error cannot be eliminated, contact KUKA Support for troubleshooting.
8 KUKA Service
Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.
Array, element properties 24 KRL 6
KRL functions 27
C KRL variables 30
Configuration 15 KUKA Customer Support 39
KUKA Service 39
D KUKA smartHMI 6
Documentation, industrial robot 5 KXR 6
Drop-down box, element properties 20
E LED On/Off, element properties 23
Element properties, editing 17 LED, element properties 22
Element-specific properties 19 Licenses 6
Element, array 24
Element, drop-down box 20 M
Element, image 20 Messages 33
Element, LED 22
Element, LED On/Off 23 N
Element, numeric +/- 22 Numeric +/-, element properties 22
Element, pushbutton 23
Element, reference 23 O
Element, slider controlSlider control, element Open source 6
properties 22 Overview, KUKA.HMI Easy 1.0 7
Element, text block 21
Element, text box 21 P
Position on the HMI 18
H Product description 7
HMI Easy editor, opening 16 Programming 27
HMI Easy module, creating 15 Properties, general 18
HmiEasy.ActTab 30 Pushbutton, element properties 23
HmiEasy.ActView 30
HmiEasy.CloseActView 31 R
HmiEasy.OpenTab 30 Reference, element properties 23
HmiEasy.OpenView 30 Required knowledge and skills 5
HmiEasyAnyViewIsOpen 28
HmiEasyCloseActView 29 S
HmiEasyCloseView 29 Safety 9
HmiEasyOpenTab 27 Safety instructions 5
HmiEasyOpenView 27 smartHMI 6
HmiEasyOpenViewWithTab 27 Support request 39
HmiEasySetString 29 System requirements 11
HmiEasyTabIsOpen 28
HmiEasyViewIsOpen 28 T
HmiEasyViewWithTabIsOpen 28 Tabs, creating 16
Tabs, removing 16
I Target group 5
Image, element properties 20 Terms used 6
Installation 11 Text block, element properties 21
Installation via smartHMI 12 Text box, element properties 21
Installation via WorkVisual 11 Trademarks 6
Intended use 7 Training 5
Interface elements, background 25
Interface elements, copying 25 U
Interface elements, inserting 17 Uninstalling via smartHMI 13
Interface elements, removal 25 Uninstalling via WorkVisual 12
Introduction 5 Updating via smartHMI 12
Updating via WorkVisual 11
Use, intended 7
Warnings 5
WorkVisual 6, 7