RQF - SDLC - B014
RQF - SDLC - B014
RQF - SDLC - B014
Submission Format:
Students have to submit the WHOLE Assignment work as an Academic report with proper citation.
Both soft copy and hard copy is required in the day of submission.
You need to attach this “Assignment brief” as the first section of the assignment report.
Referencing is mandatory.
No word Limits.
Answering to ALL TASKS is mandatory. If a task or a subtask is missing in answers, result will be “FAIL”.
Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – October 2018
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)
“ABC Online Ltd.” is a newly started organisation who provides an online market platform where
people can buy/sell products online. The e-commerce site is the most important area in this business
and company decided it get it developed through a software development company with all the
required features in it.
You as the project manager for this project from the software development company, software
development company requested you to provide the full project report explaining,
Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – October 2018
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)
Assignment Brief (RQF)
P1 Describe two iterative and two M1 Discuss using an D1 Assess the merits of applying
sequential software lifecycle models. example, why a particular the Waterfall lifecycle model to a
lifecycle model is selected large
P2 Explain how risk is managed in for a development software development project.
software lifecycle models. environment.
Prepared by: Higher Education Qualifications (HEQ) Approved by: HEQ, QDAM (HE)
Version 1.0 – October 2018
DCL 1 – Public (Unclassified)