Aashto T 270-94

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Standard Method of Test for Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent and Approximate Bitumen Ratio SCOPE 11 This procedure is used to deter: mine an approximate bitumen ratio (ABR) for a bituminous mix. The centri fuge Kerosene equivalent (CKE) is used to make this determination. The CKE furnishes an index designated as the “K’ factor, that indicates the aggregate parti- cle roughness and surface capacity based 109 porosity. 1.2 The values stated in SI waits are to be regarded as the standard, 13 This standard may involve haz ardous materials, operations, and equip- ‘ment. This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It isthe responsi bility of whoever uses this standard to ‘consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard state- ment, see Section 4.1. NOTE 1—Unless otherwise state, alld mensions and measurements given’ herein axe nominal 2, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 AASHTO Standards: M 231 Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggre- gate Ta T 84 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregate T 85 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 270-94! (ASTM DESIGNATION: D 5148-90) 3. APPARATUS 3.1 Centrifuge, power driven; capa- ble of exerting a force of 400 times gravity (400 G) on a 100 g sample. Required e/min of centifuge head 25.4 (14.000,000) where: 7 = radius in millimeters to center of gravity of the sample, 3.2. Centrifuge cups, 71.4 mm (2%. in.) in height and $2.4 mm (2'%/y in.) inside diameter (see Figure 6), complete with perforated brass plate 0.8 mm (0.03 in) thick with a minimum of 100 holes, 1.6 mm (0.06 in. in diameter, 645 square millimeters (square inch), Balance, conforming t@ AASHTO M 231, Class G2. 34 Metal funnels, op diameter 98.4 som (37 in.), height 109.5 mm (4's in.), onifice 12.7 mm (sin), with a piece of 2mm (No.10) sieve soldered inside the funnel slightly above the orifice (see Fig- ure 7), 35 36 Glass beakers (1500 mL). ‘Timer accurate to * 2 seconds. 37 60 + 3°C (140 * S°F) oven, 38 Hot plate or 110 = S°C (230 = 9°F) oven, 3.9 Round in pans, 114 mm (4 in.) diameter, 25 mm (1 in) deep. 4. MATERIALS 4.1 Kerosene. (Kerosene is flamma- Dle, and therefore caution should be used in its storage and use.) 42° Ol, AW Hydraulic Oil No 10. NOTE 2—Shell Spindle Ot No, 10 meets this requirement 43° Filter paper, 55 mm diameter, ‘medium porosity, medium flow rate, and 5 ym particle retention, NOTE 3_Van Waters and Rogers No. 413 meets this requirement, 5. NOMENCLATURE 5. “C” = coarse aggregate portion ‘of the sample which passes the 9.5-mm Chin) sieve and is retained on the 4.75- mm (No. 4) sieve 5.2 “F” = fine aggregate portion of the sample which passes the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve 53 “K” factors are values deter mined as described below and are identi- fied as Ke, Kf, and Km, 53.1 Ke is determined from the per- cent of Hydraulic Oil retained. This rep- resents the total effect of the coarse ag- aregate’s absorptive properties and su face roughness. 5.3.2 Kf is determined from the fol- lowing factors: 53.2.1 CKE, Percent of kerosene re- tained. This represents the total effect of. the fine aggregate’s absorptive properties and surface roughness. 5322 Computed surface area, based on particle size as obtained in Section 5.4 below. 53.23 Percent (No. 4) sieve. 5.3.3 Km represents the “mean” or ‘composite value of K for a given combi- nation of coarse and fine materials on which Ke and Kf have alzeady been de- termined. passing 4.75-mm NOTE 4—When there is 20 percent or Jess coarse material in a sample, Ke is not used: therefore, Kf and Km are the same. SA S.A. ~ Surface Area. The sum, in square meters per kilogram obtained by adding the produets of the percent 689 690 Corrected CKE for Aggregate Specitie Gravity, it Requires NOTE: Do not confuse this correction 1 C.-E with ha ming 20 a fem 1020 % Retaines) - Metric & et 8. 30 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING Surfoce Constant Ky bade rine Agsresate cxe 1 sala |Sscenene 25 ed in Figure 4 quivatents 2 102 205 907 410 614 1050100 150 200 200 FIGURE 1. Chart for Determining K, from C.K.E. passing each sieve and its cor factor, and dividing by 100. Sieve Course aggregate conan Pass 425mm (No. 4). Pass 2:36:mm (No.8) Pass 118-mm (No. 16) Pass 0.600-mim (No. 30) ass 0.300-mm (No. 30) Pass 0.150.mm (No. 100), Pass 0075-mm (No. 200) responding SA, Factors All surface area factors must be used thus, if 100 percent passes the 4.75-mm (No, 4) sieve, include 100 x 2 for coarse aggregate constant as well as 100 X 2 for passing 4,75-mm (No. 4) sieve. 6. PREPARATION OF SAMPLE, 6.1 Determine the oven dry bulk spe cific gravity of the coarse aggregate (re- tained on 4.75-mm (No. 4)) and the ap. T270 Parent specific gravity ofthe fine aggre gate (passing 4.75-mam (No, 4)) using T 85 and T 84, respectively 62 Design aggregate grading 10 meet desired tolerances, 63 Calculate the average Sp Gr for the average aggregate based upon the design grading Average Sp Gr 100 “Seam, Sime 5p Gr coarse * 5p Gr fines 64 Use surface area factors desig- nated in Section 5.4 of this procedure and calculate surface area based upon design grading. 6.5 Separate the aggregate into “C” ‘material (passing the 9.5-mm (/-in.) and retained on the 4.75-nim (No, 4) sieve) and “F” material (all passing the 4.75- mm (No. 4) sieve). 7. ‘TEST PROCEDURES 7.1 Procedures for fines “E: TAA Quarter of split out 105 * 2 &, Fepresentative of the material passing 475-mm (No, 4) sieve 7.2 Place on hot plate or in 110 = SC (230 = O'F) oven and dry to ‘constant mass. 71.3 Allow to cool 7A Place 1000 + 0.1 g in tared ‘centrifuge cup fitted with the perforated metal disk underlying @ disk of filter paper 7.18 Place centrifuge cup and sam- ple in pan containing sufficient kerosene, approximately 12 mm (J in,) deep, to saturate the sample. When specimen is thoroughly saturated (by capillary ac. tion), place cup with sample in centi- fuge, NOTE S—A counterweight is required ‘when testing a single sample to balance the centrifuge, or an additional sample may be prepared and both placed in the centrifuge 1f an additional sample is used, the average ‘of the two percent Kerosene retsined valves (expressed in percent) shall be the CKE. 7.1.6 Spin the centrifuge for 2 min- Utes at a force of 400 G. 7.7 Reweigh cup with sample to nearest 0.1 g and sublract original mass. ‘The difference is the percent Kerosene 7270 retained (based on 100 g of dry aggre- g2ie). This value is recorded as the CKE. 72 Procedure for coarse “C.” 721 Quarter oF split out 105 2 &, representative of the passing 9.5 mm (hy in) and retained 4,75-mm (No. 4) sieve material 72.2 Dry sample on hot plate or ia 110 = 5°C (230 + 9°F) oven to constant ‘mass and allow to cool 723 Weigh out 100 + 0.1 g and place in funnel (described under “Appa- ratus,” Section 3.4). 7.28 Completely immerse specimen in hydraulic oil for $ minutes. NOTE 6—The hydraulic oil may be reused for several samples, but should be replaced every 3 months 72.8 Drain for 2 minvtes with the funnel axis vertical 7.2.6 Place funnel containing sample in 60 * 3°C (40°F) oven for 15 minutes of additional draining. with the funnel axis vertical 7.2.7 Pour sample from funn into tared pan, allow 10 cool and reweigh Sample to nearest 01 g. Subtract original mass and record difference a5 percent cilretained (based on 100g of dry aggre at). 73. Determination of approximate bitumen rato, 731. Use chart shown in Figure 1 for determination of “KE.” TBA If specific gravity for “Fis greater than 2.70 of less than 2.60, the value for CKE is corrected using the equation given in Figure 1 731.2 Stat in the lower left side of Figure 1 with the value for CKE (omrected for aggregate specific gravity, if required; follow straightedge horizon: tally to right to the imersection with METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING calculated surface area, hold point, move vertically upward to the intersection with the percent passing the 4.75-mm (No, 4) sieve, hold point, and follow straightedge horizontally to right. The value obtained will be the surface constant for the pass- ing 4.75-mm (No. 4) fraction "R” and is known as “KE.” 732. Use chart shown in Figure 2 for determination of “Ke.” 732A If specific gravity for “C" is greater than 2,70 or less than 2.60, the percent oil retained is corrected using the equation given in Figure 2. 7322 Start at the bottom of chart in Figure 2 with the percent oil retained (comected for aggregate specific gravity, if required); follow straightedge veri- cally upward to intersection with the di- agonal line, hold point, and follow the straightedge horizontally to the left. The value obtained will be the surface con. stant for the retained fraction “C," and is known as “Ke. 7323 Figure 2 is the only chan needed to complete the determination of the approximate bitumen ratio for open graded mixes. Use the following equa- Approximate Bitumen Rati fr open graded mixes = ike x 15) + No correction need be applied to the approximate bitumen ratio for heavier liquid or paving asphalts (Figure 5) 7.33. Use chart shown in Figure 3 to combine Kf and Ke for determination of “Km.” 733.1 rae ‘The “correction to Kf” value obtained from Figure 3 is positive if (Ke — K) is positive, and is negative if (Ke — KA) is negative, Km = Kf + “correction to 691 7332. The determination of Km is, shown in the following example 10 8 SA 1 meg (25 m6) passing 475-mm (No.4 sew 60 percent, Using Figure 3; startin the lower left hhand comer with S.A. = 5.1 mitkg (25 feb), follow straightedge horizontally to percentage of coarse aggregate (40 percent), hold point, follow straightedge ‘vertically upward to intersection withthe difference between Ke and Kf (08), hold point, and follow straightedge horizon- {ally to right to a “correction to KE” In this example the correction is 0.20 Because Ke ~ Kf is negative the comec- tion is negative; therefore, Km = 1.8 — 0.2 = 16. If Ke had been 1.8, and Kf 1.0, Ke ~ Kf would have been positive (408), and the correction (0.2) would have been positive, In this case, Km would be 1.0 + 0.2 = 12. 734 Use Figure 4 to determine the Approximate Bitumen Ratio. The value obtained will be the approximate bite ‘men ratio for liquid asphalts SC-250, MC-250, and RC-250, 73S Figure 5 is used for determin. ing the corrected approximate bitumen ratio for heavier liquid asphalts and pav- ing grade asphalts 8. REPORT 81 KE, 82 Ke 83 Approximate bitumen ratio (ABR), in terms of percentage of dry weight of aggregate, corrected if neces- sary. 84 Grade of liquid asphalt or paving grade asphalt for which ABR has been determined, 692 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 7270 Material Usea {Ag9regate passing 9.5-mm, ret. 4.75-mm sieve Hydraulic Oi! Corrected % Oil Retained [Coarse Aggrogate =| mol ‘Specific Grav eens Retained | X | Spee y pectic Gravity it Required 265 | | | - His | Surfoce Constan | | | | Retained (Corrected for Agg. Sp. Gr. if required) FIGURE 2 Chart for Determining K, from Coarse Aggregate Absorption T270 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING If (Ke-Ky) is neg, core is neg It (Ke Kelis pos. core ts pos Km =Kf + corr. to Ky Correction 10 Ky ou aa] 184] 164] ve) 5 a 4 Surface oreo of aggregate (sq. meter per kg) 20 Mere Equine wae m4 Gm Bs WO Ma ee mS ae a my wom 2 © © © » » © wm m Sew mie © 9 @ ~» © © 1 m FIGURE 3 Chart for Determining K, and K, to Determine K, 693 694 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING Approximate Bitumen Ratio (Based on SC, MIC, of, RC 250) 7270 Procedure Given surtace area, average sp. gr., and Km of aggregate. Find surface area on scale A. Proceed horizontally to line corresponding to average sp. gf. of aggregate. Then down to line corresponding to Km. Then horizontally to scale B for approximate bitumen ratio. ‘Approximate bitumen ratio = kg of bitumen per 45.36 kg of aggregate and applies directly to asphalt of SC-250, MC-250, and RC-250 grades. A correction ‘must be made for heavier liquid asphalts ‘or paving grade asphalts. See figure 5. 7270 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 695 Paving Grade Asphalts esse 5 € oso 8 lid JQ 2Q@ke Asphaits [SS > SC.MC.RCG 9 9 9 g ° sss 228 8 £ 2 298 Nee 14 888 Pe RBSE £RE & : atte; fit 3 § 88k 8 8 ‘ 8 7 Penetration at 25 °C (77 *F) 2 3 28 5 938 &g or see a es? 5 6 a. ot Se eee ip wees fe oo pai ee Se iE: a UFUrUrlL 9 ate 3 8 8 FSS B39 7 Bs 6 n 5 R r088 4 Metric Equivalents wig 20 44 61 82 102 123 143 tem 1020 3040506070 FIGURES Chart for Determining Corrected Approximate Bitumen Ratio for Heavier Liquid Asphalls and Paving Grade Asphalts 696 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING ocTan. onan oF ceNTRiFuce CUP ‘secrion Top cOuLAR BRONZE BOTTOM RING Table of Dimensional Equivalents a ee ea 16 tye 82h wa o ms 2 os % Or rr ee os ey sy ‘Not: All dimensions shown arin milimeters FIGURE 6 Detail Drawing of Centrifuge Cup 1270 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 697 i 98.4 mm dia, —-————+ 25.4 mmidia, #10 filler solder in place al ' All dimensions = 1.6 mm | | Ler FIGURE7 Detail of Funnel

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