Iso 6634 1982
Iso 6634 1982
Iso 6634 1982
Descriptors : agricultural products, fruits, vegetables, Chemical analysis, determination of content, arsenic.
The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on
tech nical grounds
1 Scope and field of application of blotting-Paper folded into several layers, and allow to dry.
Store in a dry bottle.
This International Standard specifies a method for the determi-
nation of the arsenic content of fruits, vegetables and derived The platinized zinc thus prepared shall be submitted to the
products. preliminary test (see 6.1.1).
Decomposition of a test Portion, reduction of arsenic(V) to Store in the presence of metallic tin, protected from air, in a
arsenic(lll) with tinUl) chloride and transformation of the bottle provided with a security device (to avoid overpressures
arsenic into arsine by the action of nascent hydrogen. Forma- caused by the Iiberation of hydrogen).
tion of a red coloured complex by the action of the arsine on
silver diethyldithiocarbamate and spectrophotometric measure-
ment at a wavelength of 520 nm. 4.7 Potassium iodide, 100 g/l Solution.
All reagents shall be of recognized analytical purity and shall, in 4.9 Arsenic, Standard Solution corresponding to 10 mg of
particular, be free from arsenic [with the exception of the stan- arsenic(V) per litre, prepared as follows.
dard arsenic Solution (4.911. The water used shall be distilled
water or water of at least equivalent quality. 4.9.1 Dissolve, in a 500 ml flask, 264 mg of pure, dry arsenic
trioxide in IO ml of the sodium hydroxide Solution (4.81, make
4.1 Sulphuric acid, e20 = 1,84 g/ml. up the volume to about 100 ml with water, add 15 ml of 1 mol/1
hydrochloric acid Solution and two drops of bromine; heat to
boiling in Order to expel the excess bromine, cool, transfer
4.2 Nitrit acid, e20 = 1,38 g/mI. quantitatively to a 200 ml volumetric flask and make up to the
mark with water.
4.3 Perchlorit acid, e20 = 1,67 g/ml.
1 ml of this Solution contains 1 mg of arsenic.
4.4 Platinized zinc, prepared as follows.
4.9.2 By means of a pipette, transfer 10 ml of the Solution
Place a Portion of granulated zinc in a capsule, and pour in a (4.9.1) to a 1 000 ml volumetric flask. Make up to the mark with
volume of 0,05 g/l platinum chloride solution sufficient to water.
cover the zinc. Leave in contact for 30 min, pour off the liquid,
wash with water, leave the platinized zinc to drain on a Square 1 ml of this Standard Solution contains IO pg of arsenic(VL
ISO 66344982 (E)
4. IO Silver diethyldithiocarbamate, Standard solution, 5.6 Apparatus fo r the determination Of arsenic, for
prepared as follows.1) example as shown in the fig ure, comprising
4.10.1 Dissolve 3,4 g of silver nitrate in 200 ml of water; cool 56.1 Conical flask, sf capacity 100 ml, fitted with a screw
the Solution to a temperature close to 10 OC. thread joint System for connection to the column 5.6.2.
4.10.2 Dissolve 4,5 g of sodium diethyldithiocarbamate in 5.6.2 Column, of height 200 mm and diameter 15 mm, to fit
200 ml of water; cool this Solution to the same temperature as the flask (5.6.1) at its base and fitted with a screw thread joint
the silver nitrate Solution (4.10.12. at the top.
4.10.3 Add slowly, and with constant shaking, the sodium 56.3 Delivery tube, of internal diameter 4 mm, bent twice,
diethyldithiocarbamate solution to the silver nitrate Solution; at right angles 80 mm apart, to fit the column (5.6.2) at one end
collect the precipitate on a fritted glass crucible of porosity and tapered at the opposite end.
grade P 40, wash with water previously cooled to a tem-
perature close to 10 OC, then dry under reduced pressure at 5.6.4 Bubbler, which may consist of a measuring cylinder sf
ambient temperature, in the dark.
capacity IO ml graduated in 0,l ml divisions.
Dissolve the dried silver diethyldithiocarbamate in cold
pyridine. Add cold water to precipitate the product. Filter the 5.7 Spectrophotometer, suitable for use in the visible
precipitate and wash with cold water until all traces of pyridine region of the spectrum, for measurements of absorbance at
have been eliminated (this tan be verified using a pH indicator 520 nm, fitted with suitable cells of optical.path length 10 mm.
Paper : the pH of the washings shall not be greater than 6,5).
Dry the light yellow crystals of silver diethyldithiocarbamate in a 5.8 Analytical balance.
desiccator under reduced pressure.
The crystals shall be kept in a cold, dark place in a glass bottle
fitted with a ground glass stopper.
6 Procedure
5 Apparatus Place the end of the delivery tube (5.6.3) in the bubbjer (5.6.4)
into which 4 ml of the silver diethyldithiocarbamate solution
Ordinary laboratory equipment, and in particular (4.10) have been placed. Cool the reagent by placing the bub-
bler in an ice-water bath.
ISO 66344982 0
6.“1.1.3 Allow the reaction to proceed for at least 1 h. Remove 6.4 Blank test
the delivery tube (5.6.3). If necessary, adjust the volume in the
bubbler to 4 ml with the silver diethyldithiocarbamate Solution Carry out a blank test follow ng the Same procedur ‘es as for the
(4.10). Mix. determination, but replacing the test portion by 50 ml of water.
By means of the spectrophotometer (5.7), measure the NOTE - The blank test is not necessary if the absence of
absorbance at 520 nm of the solution in the bubbler, using as reagents used for decomposition has been verified.
the reference Solution the silver diethyldithiocarbamate Solution
(4.10). The absorbance shall be at least 0,12.
6.5 Decomposition
6.12 Verification of the absence of arsenic in the
reagents Add to the contents of the flask 10 ml of the sulphuric acid
(4.1) and 20 to 30 ml of the nitric acid (4.2) and, if necessary, a
few drops of the perchloric acid (4.3). Proceed as described in Prepare the column (5.6.2), the delivery tube (5.6.3) ISO 5515.
and the bubbler (5.6.4) of the apparatus (5.6) in the same way
as for the test specified in 6.1 .l. 1. When decomposition is complete, transfer the Solution to a
50 ml volumetric flask (5.2), rinse the original flask with water, Place in the conical flask (5.6.1) 35 ml of water and and use the rinsings to make up the volume in the volumetric
5 ml of the sulphuric acid (4.1) and cool; then add 2 drops of flask to the mark. Mix by shaking.
the tin(ll) chloride Solution (4.6), and 5 ml of the potassium
iodide Solution (4.7). Leave in contact for 15 min, add 5 g of
the platinized zinc (4.4), plug rapidly by fitting the column 6.6 Titration of the acidity of the solution
(5.6.2) and the delivery tube (5.6.3) and place the apparatus in a
dark place. Transfer, by means of a pipette, 2 ml of the Solution obtained in
6.5 to a beaker (5.3), dilute with a few millilitres of water, and
Proceed as described in 6.1 J.3. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW titrate against the sodium hydroxide Solution (4.8) in the
presence of two drops of phenolphthalein (4.11).
The absorbance,
compared with
that of the silver
Solution as reference Solution (4. IO), The concentration, C, of sulphuric acid the Solution obtained
shall be less than 0,015. in 6.5, expressed in grams per 100 ml, IS equal to
ISO 6634:1982
NOTE - The a bsen ce of arsenic in the nitric and perch loric acids is
verified by the blank test (6.4).
0,049 x n x 50
where n is the volume, in millilitres, of sodium hydroxide solu-
6.2 Preparation of the test Sample tion (4.8) used,
Mix the laboratory Sample thoroughly. If necessary, first or, expressed in millilitres of sulphuric acid
remove seeds and hard seed-cavity Walls and pass the re- k?20= 184 g/ml) per 100 ml of solution
mainder through a mechanical grinder.
Allow frozen or deep-frozen products to thaw beforehand in a C’ =-
closed vessel and add the liquid formed during this process to 1184
the product before homogenization.
ISO 66344982 (El
conical flask (5.6.1). Rapidly stopper the flask by fitting the 7.1.2 Pasty, solid or dehydrated products
column (5.6.2) and the delivery tube (5.6.3) and place the
apparatus in the dark, with the conical flask placed in a cold The arsenic content, expressed In milligrams Per kilogram of
water bath. product as received, is equal to
Proceed as described in 6.1.1 using 0,5 - 1 - 1,5 and 2 ml V is the volume, in millilitres, of Solution taken for the
of the Standard arsenic Solution (4.9.2) corresponding to determination in 6.7.2.
5 - 10 - 15 and 20 pg of arsenic, and plot a graph having,
for example, the mass in micrograms of arsenic as abscissae
and the corresponding values of absorbance as If it is desired to express the arsenic content in relation to the
ordinates. dry product, take this fact into account in the calculation.
where The test report shall show the method used and the result ob-
tained. It shall also mention the method of expression used and
any operating conditions not specified in this International
ml is the mass of arsenic, expressed in micrograms, Standard, or regarded as optional, as well as any circum-
obtained from the calibration graph and corresponding to
stances that may have influenced the result.
the absorbance measured in 6.7.3;
V is the volume, in millilitres, of Solution taken for the The test report shall include all the information necessary for
determination in 6.7.2. the complete identification of the Sample.
Dimensions in millimetres
@int15, [email protected]
,@ext. 6
ISO 6634:1982